The Contribution of Subsidies On The Welfare of Fishing Communities in Malaysia
The Contribution of Subsidies On The Welfare of Fishing Communities in Malaysia
The Contribution of Subsidies On The Welfare of Fishing Communities in Malaysia
ISSN: 2146-4138
Jamal Ali1, Hussin Abdullah2*, Mohd Saifoul Zamzuri Noor3, K. Kuperan Viswanathan4,
Gazi Nurul Islam5
School of Economics, Finance and Banking, Collage of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia, 2School of Economics,
Finance and Banking, Collage of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia, 3School of Economics, Finance and Banking,
Collage of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia, 4Othman Yeop Abdullah, Graduate School of Business, Universiti Utara
Malaysia, Malaysia, 5Othman Yeop Abdullah, Graduate School of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia.
Subsidies can reduce the cost of fishing operations and enhance revenues that make fishing enterprises more profitable. However, in Malaysia,
overcapitalization and excessive fishing capacity leading to the overexploitation of fishery resources. The study obtained information about the type
of fishing subsidies that has been given to fishing communities, benefits earned from these subsidies and views on the best possible policy directions
for fisheries subsidy that will redirect funds towards promoting sustainable livelihoods and food security. Data collected for the study from three
fishing districts of Peninsular Malaysia (Kedah, Perak, and Terengganu) through face to face interview. A total 246 fisher respondents were selected
through a random selection process from the list of fishers with the Department of Fisheries. This study used institutional analysis and development
model, which is explaining the importance of community factor characteristics (attributes of community) such as fishing communities. The results also
showed that subsistence allowance is less effective for the livelihoods of fisher because it makes fisherman more dependent on subsidy. The termination
of this allowance will not affect fishermen’s livelihoods. However, both A and B boat participants put importance on this monthly allowance as they
found it very useful during the crisis time. The results demonstrated that fuel subsidy was the most important item for the fisher as it reduced fishing
operation costs. The fuel subsidy has important implication for fisheries resource sustainability. Most fisherman families depend solely on fishing for
their livelihood. The government should undertake effective fisheries management to reduce fishing pressure in the sea.
Keywords: Subsidies, Fisheries Resources, Marine Resources, Malaysia
JEL Classifications: Q22, O123, P35
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Ali, et al.: The Contribution of Subsidies on the Welfare of Fishing Communities in Malaysia
licenses and fishing right to limit fishing capacity, and enforce during the monsoon season, as well as in a less conducive
the rules. environment in fishing villages. For the year 2015, the Malaysian
government has increased the living allowance for fisher in Zone A
Government should encourage subsidies that will add value to the to RM300 from RM200 a month. For the fisher in Zone B and C,
fishing products such as processing plants and fishery marketing the living allowance will be increased to RM250. This policy
channels. It was important for the government to ensure that certainly will increase the government expenditure on the fishery
fishery manages effectively before they are giving financial sectors.
assistance to the fishing community. Fishery industry, government
and consumers must realize that fishing industries are now at the Fisherman in Zone A, B and C are entitled to receive fish catch
unsustainable level, and needs for controlling of subsidies should incentives at RM0.10/kg, while fisherman from Zone C2 receive
be given a main priority. Discipline in fishery subsidy is extremely a RM0.20/kg catch incentive. The maximum catch incentive for
important because a large part of our future life depended on the fisherman in Zone A is RM150 per month, 750 per month for Zone
oceans. The subsidy should redirect towards enhancing fish-stock, B, RM1,500 per month for Zone C and RM5,000 per month for
or towards restoring fish-stock. The government should recognize Zone C2. However, trash fish is excluded from landing incentives
the problems and identifies solutions for the problems of fishery (for boat Zone B, C and C2), although this is quite important as a
subsidies (Ofori-Danson et al., 2013; Steenblik, 1998). significant proportion (close to 40%) of fish landings by trawlers
are now considered trash fish consist of juvenile fish of valuable
One of the important factors that researchers’ concern with commercial species, inedible fish of low market value and
subsidies is that the impact of this policy on the behavior of the consumer preference. In 2012, government spends about RM63.7
individual, firm or industry. Since subsidies will reduce the cost of million on catches incentives.
operation or make the operation more efficient. In the context of
fisheries, increased profits will generally lead to an expansion in Models based on economic rationality predict that entry to and
the fishing activities. In the context of fisheries, increased profits exit from fisheries are influenced by the profitability of fishing
will generally lead to an expansion in the activity of the industry (McManus, 1997; Steenblik, 1998). However, empirical studies
and, if the effect is strong enough, ultimately to the decimation have shown that fisherman may reluctant to exit even when it is
of the fish stocks. not profit anymore to get involved in the industry because cultural
and socioeconomic factors.
Subsidies play two additional roles: To the degree that they
stimulate fishing, they may also increase the national income of 2.1. Motivation for Study on Fishermen Subsidies
the nation. As long as the fishery is underdeveloped, i.e. as long Studies on impact of fisheries subsidies, especially on fuel
as fishing is at a level less than that which can be safely sustained, subsidies in Malaysian fisheries was important for three reasons.
then subsidies which encourage fishing may be useful. First, the fisheries sector plays an important role in providing fish
as the largest single source of protein. It contributes about RM11,
440 million to the gross domestic product (GDP) and provides
2. MALAYSIAN GOVERNMENT direct employment to 166,008 fishers. To ensure the fishery sector
EXPENDITURE ON SUBSIDIES can be maintained as the main source of protein, contribute to
GDP and employment opportunity, it is important to ensure that
Overall, reliable data on impact of fisheries subsidy schemes on fishery resources can be maintained at a sustainable rate. If giving
a small scale and artisanal fishing communities are scarce. In a range of subsidies to the fisheries sector motivate fisher to exert
Malaysia, LKIM estimate that the government spent about 715 more fishing pressure, than the attainment of sustainability goals
million on fisheries subsidies in 2012 (Table 1). Among the subsidy will be almost impossible to be achieved.
components, fuel subsidy accounts for more than 66% (RM473.9
million) of the total value of subsidies in the year 2012. Second, studied by (Park, 2012) and (Sumaila et al., 2012),
subsidies can be categories into three main categories:
Living allowances are the next highest subsidy which accounts for i. Beneficial subsidies, which enhance natural capital assets,
24% (RM172.8 million). The purpose of living allowances was such as enhancing the growth of fish stocks through
to address the issue of unstable income among fishers, especially conservation, monitoring the catch rates through controlling
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and surveillance, stock assessment and resource surveys, impossible to achieve (Sumaila et al., 2012; World Summit on
fisheries habitat enhancement programs (such as MPA and Sustainable Development [WWSD], 2002).
artificial reef) and fisheries management;
ii. Capacity-enhancing subsidies, which lead to disinvestment Milazzo (1998) has drawn a distinction between “good” subsidies
in natural capital assets. These programs will make fishing which lead to reductions in fishing capacity, “bad” subsidies are
capacity expands to a point where resource overexploitation. those that add directly to capacity and “ugly” subsidies are defined
When fishing capacity develops, then it is impossible as subsidy programs that lead to either investment or disinvestment
to achieve maximum sustainable yield target (Milazzo, in the fishery resource. He highlighted that ineffective management
1998). Capacity-enhancing subsidies include all forms is the fundamental cause of over-fishing. However, there is
of capital inputs and assistance from the government that considerable debate on what can be considered a “good” subsidy
enhance revenue and reduce cost. Example of these types (Arnason, 1998; Munro and Sumaila, 2002). A number of empirical
of subsidies are price and marketing support, fuel subsidies, studies investigated different categories of subsidies. Khan et al.
boat and fishing port construction programs, processing and (2006) identified and categorized the various types of fishery
infrastructure programs, or provisional of institutional support subsidies with a focus on the worldwide fisheries policy. They
and services; and estimated that out of a total of US$26 billion worth of subsidies,
iii. Ambiguous subsidies, whose impact on fish stocks are about US$15 billion were bad subsidies that increased fishing
undetermined because they may lead to either enhance or capacity, approximately US$7 billion were good subsidies and
reducing the natural capital assets (resource overexploitation). the remaining US$4 billion were ugly subsidies.
Example of these types of subsidies are payments to fisherman
to stop fishing temporarily or to maintain their income during Generally subsidies are provided directly to fisherman in various
bad times (recession or catches decline), unemployment forms, including grants, loans and loan guarantees, equity
insurance, fishers retraining programs, and boat buyback infusions, tax preferences or exemptions, and price or income
programs (Holland et al., 1999; Clark et al., 2005). support programs (Schrank, 2000; Clark et al., 2005; Khan et al.,
2006). The effect of different categories of fisheries subsidies is
The overall objective of the study is to evaluate the socioeconomic difficult to measure. The effect of fuel and non-fuel subsidies on
and environmental impacts of fisheries subsidies in Malaysia. fisheries has been widely discussed in the literature. Most of the
Subsidies refer to government transfer payments either direct or study relates the role of subsidies to the problem of overcapacity
indirect from the public sector to the fishing sector, which aims to and overfishing, such as has been discussed at the WWSD in
help the sector to make more profit or reduce the level of poverty in Johannesburg (WWSD, 2002). Several countries, including
the sector. The study will explore the real contribution of subsidies Malaysia increased fuel subsidies due to a rise in fuel prices.
on the welfare of fishing communities. The results of the study However the decision to provide fuel subsidies is mostly influenced
would contribute valuable policy inputs that help in rationalizing by political and social conditions.
the fuel subsidies for fisheries in Malaysia.
Fishery stock is a complex and precious resource. Knowledge
3. LITERATURE REVIEW about a fishery stock and factors that can influence fish stock
is required in order for fisheries to be managed in a sustainable
Fisheries subsidies have gained worldwide attention because of manner. However, management of the fishery is made difficult
their relationship with ecological sustainability and socioeconomic by the fact that the resources are largely invisible until harvested,
development (Munro and Sumaila, 2002). The evidence from impacts are frequently long-term, and the causes of the problem
studies suggests that fisheries subsidies contribute to the can be hard to identify (Gjertsen, 2005; Oro et al., 2013; Sumaila
overexploitation of resources through excessive fishing effort. The et al., 2012). Additionally, marine species may be migrating and
evidence also suggests that subsidies if effectively utilized can stocks may be shared between countries.
improve resource conditions and livelihood of those depend on this
resource (OECD, 2003). The positive contribution from subsidy To explain this concept of sustainable fisheries, we have to
towards resource conservation and livelihoods of fisherman understand the factors that influencing changing of the fish stocks.
are important policy tools for rural development of coastal Actually fishery stocks in next period are influenced by the stock at
communities in many countries, including Malaysia. However, this period, net growth (plus recruitment and less natural mortality)
studies on the impacts of subsidy on resources and fisherman and catch by fisherman.
wellbeing in Malaysia are yet to be demonstrated.
Stock next period (Xt+1) = Stock this period (Xt) + net growth
The main motivation for reform of subsidy in fisheries is that (F(x)) – catch (ht)
the present scheme contributes to resource overexploitation.
Economic literature on subsidy shows that fisheries subsidies Xt+1 = Xt + F(xt) − ht
lead to increasing fishing effort and overexploitation of fisheries
resources (Milazzo, 1998; FAO, 2000; Munro and Sumaila, 2002; From the above equation, we know that apart from the catch,
Sumaila et al., 2012). The crucial issue is that subsidies generally the fisheries sector could also face the challenge of “recruitment
motivate fisher to exert more fishing pressure and therefore fishing” and “growth overfishing.” The challenge of “recruitment
the attainment of sustainability and conservation goals almost fishing” happens when fisherman deplete fishery stocks before they
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues | Vol 7 • Issue 2 • 2017 643
Ali, et al.: The Contribution of Subsidies on the Welfare of Fishing Communities in Malaysia
have a chance to spawn, effectively removing all future offspring Figure 1: Rent elimination in an open access fishery (a.k.a. the tragedy
from the fishery. While, the challenge of “growth overfishing” of the commons)
occurs when fisherman harvest species before they have grown
to their full, adult size, disrupt the growth of fish. The use of gear
such as trawls will not discriminate the type of fish species that
will be caught.
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The research also collected the information on issues such This model shows how a successful program, and the factors
as involvement of stakeholders, communications, the flow that influences the success of this program (Figure 3). Overall,
of information and trust on perceptions towards subsidy and we want to determine influences of the involvement of all
rationalization of subsidies. It was expected that all these factors stakeholders (such as NGOs, university, fishers, wholesalers,
are among the human organization factors to predict the success retailers, government), in the formulation of the new policy will
of common-pool resource management (Ostrom and Hess, 2011; make the program more successful.
Epstein et al., 2014). Changes of policies by using authoritarian
policing often not acceptable by stakeholders and can suffer 5. RESULTS
from the perceptions of illegitimacy (Ali et al., 2013). It is within
this situation that the perceptions of fisher (resource users) and 5.1. Impacts of Subsidies
fisheries administrators (DOF and LKIM officers) are considered The fisheries ecosystems in Malaysia are facing problems of
an important step in understanding fisherman desires and potential overexploitation, degradation and pollution. The issue is whether
their suitability with the fisheries administrator desires (Ainsworth programs that provide subsidies to the fisheries sector further
and Sumaila, 2005). worsen these problems or reduce the impacts of these problems.
The data to undertake a detailed analysis of the environmental
There are more reports stated that new policies will be more impact of subsidies on fish stocks is not available and this study
successful if all stakeholders know about the status of the resource, just provides an overview of the impact using references to other
easy to get the data and the implementation of good governance studies and basic data on landings and resource composition.
(Cinner et al., 2009; Fischer et al., 2015; Lindebjerg et al., 2015).
Some researchers suggest information from various interest groups 5.2. The Overcapitalization Effect
(stakeholders) are necessary because the stakeholder’s profession There is an excessive fishing effort and overcapacity especially on
and position in the economy and their perception of the current the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The few research studies
situations are a critical consideration on any implementation of undertaken by the Department of Fisheries indicate that resources
the new policy. are heavily stressed and are being currently fished beyond their
maximum sustainable yield. Biomass estimates are said to be down
The hypotheses of this study were as follows: to 6% of original stock levels. Analysis of standardized fishing
i. The type of fisherman or resource users (boat size, fishing effort and yield indicate that the 1996 effort is 135-200% of the
gears, location, economic status) would be strongly related level needed to harvest the MSY.
to respondents’ perceptions of the benefits of subsidizing;
ii. The type of fisherman or resource users (boat size, fishing These findings are further demonstrated in the increasing fishing
gears, location, economic status) would be strongly related to effort arising from the increase in the number of trawlers and
respondents’ perceptions of policy for rationalizing the fuel purse seiners and the number of power boats. Table 2 shows that
subsidies; the number of outboard-powered boats increased by 38% between
iii. Stakeholders in the management profession (DOF and LKIM 2008 and 2009. The total number of licensed boats increased by
officers) will have more positive views of all rationalizing about 6% between 2012 and 2013. This represents a significant
subsidy policies comparable to resource users (fisherman’). increase in fishing capacity (more fishing boats) in an already
stressed fishing environment.
4.2. Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD)
Model 5.3. Catches of Fish Effects
This study used IAD model. This model can explain the importance The overcapitalization effect can also be determined by looking
of community factor characteristics (attributes of community) such at information on landing of marine fish by different types of
as fishing communities, and the state of stocks of biological or fishing boats. Table 3 shows landings of marine fish by trawlers in
fishery (biophysical conditions) on the success of a new program Malaysia, namely in Perlis, Kedah and Perlis according to the size
implemented by the policy makers. IAD model does not depend
on the applicable rules (rules-in-use) in ensuring a successful of Figure 3: A framework for institutional analysis
a program, but more towards understanding of the purpose of
the program and whether they are suitable to be implemented in
particular situations.
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Table 3: Landings of marine fish by trawlers, 2011‑2013 in the catch and the rate is set at 10 cents per kg for A, B and C
State Year Boat size (gross Landings (tones) % ∆ from boats and 20 cents for C2 boats. The maximum payment allowed
tonnage, GRT) 2011‑2013 for boat A is between RM150 to RM300 per month. The maximum
Perlis 2011 25‑39.9 13,642 −18.0% for the B, C and C2 boats are RM750, RM1500 and RM5000
2012 11,193 respectively. The boat C has the highest monthly catch per trip,
2013 10,333 about 8528 kg. This is followed by boat Zone B at 2463 kg, and
2011 40‑69.9 38,530 −46.4%
2012 31,216
the traditional boat (boat A) has a catch of around 122 kg per trip.
2013 20,668
Kedah 2011 25‑39.9 18,187 +3.8% The number of catches, and coupled with the subsidy, the monthly
2012 15,571 income is estimated at RM2, 118 fishing boats for a fisher from
2013 18,876 Zone A, RM8018 for Zone B, and RM20,881 for Zone C. Fishers
2011 40‑69.9 17,845 +4.4%
2012 18,664
from boat B is found most likely to benefit from fuel subsidies since
2013 18,629 fuel cost as percentage of operating cost was 67%, followed by
Perak 2011 25‑39.9 18,394 −9.3% boat C 64%, and boat B33%. If all subsidies such as fuel subsidy,
2012 22,356 catch incentives and livelihood subsidy is not provided to fishers,
2013 16,681 fishing boat A most affected because without the subsidies, their
2011 40‑69.9 70,916 +18.1%
monthly income just to RM212 a month compared to boat B
2012 77,811
2013 83,739 RM1945 and boat C as much as RM10,676 a month.
Finding from the survey has been supported by finding from focus
of the boat. In Perlis, catches of trawlers that operate using trawls group discussion with participants from various types of fishers
size 25-39.9 GRT and 40-69.9 decreasing in the last 3 years (2011 to elicit their perceptions of the impacts of subsidies on their
to 2013). Trawl fishing boats of 25-39.9 GRT catches 13,642 tons livelihoods and fisheries. The results show that fuel subsidy is the
of fish in 2011, but dropped to 10,333 tons in 2013, a decrease most preferred subsidy for all types of fishing. For the artisanal
of 18.0%. Similarly, the trawlers with fishing boat 40-69.9 GRT fisherman (boat A), fishing inputs such as boat, nets, engine, GPS,
catches 38.53 tones of fish in 2011, but fell to 20.67 tonnes in life jackets are the second preferred subsidy (grants) followed by
2013, a decrease of 46.4%. monthly allowance subsidy.
In Kedah, the catch is stable, there is an increase around 4% by both The participants of boat B had similar preferences with boat
size of fishing boats, 25-39.9 GRT and 40-69.9 GRT. However, A, while boat C participants preferred catch incentive subsidy
in Perak, the landing of fish by trawler fishers that use 25-39.9 next to the fuel subsidy. The large boats (C) participants said
GRT fishing boats experiencing declines in catches of 9.3%, but that subsistence allowance is less effective for the livelihoods of
trawlers that use 40-69.9 GRT fishing boats experiencing increases
fisher because it makes fisherman more dependent on subsidy.
in catches by 18.1% in the past 3 years.
They thought that termination of this allowance will not affect
fisherman’ livelihoods. However, both A and B boat participants
5.4. Fishing Costs Effects
put importance on this monthly allowance as they found it very
Subsidies affect the cost of fishing. In this section the impact of
useful during the crisis time (Table 5).
the different types of subsidies on the fishers operating in Zones
A (traditional gear), B, C and C2 (trawlers and purse seiners) is
explored. Some simulations are carried out to examine the impact 6. CONCLUSION
of the withdrawal of the subsidies on the income of fishers.
There are a number of issues presented by fisher which should be
The first item in Table 4 shows the calculations of the total value reviewed for better management of subsidies. The results of the
of catch. The total quantity of catch, was reporting on a per trip survey showed that fisherman has a good understanding of fisheries
basis. To compute the monthly value of catch these trip quantities trend and impact of fisheries subsidies on fisheries resources and
are first multiplied by the reported number of trips made per month their socioeconomic conditions over the past 5 years. The results
and further multiplied by the current price of fish for the respective demonstrated that fuel subsidy was the most important item for
quantities. This incentive is given only for the quantity of food fish the fisher as it reduced fishing operation costs. Fisher received
646 International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues | Vol 7 • Issue 2 • 2017
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Table 4: Characteristics of fishing operations, selected livelihoods such as sustainable tourism, aquaculture and seafood
boats by fishing zone processing and the production value added seafood products.
Zone A B C
Gear Traditional 7. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
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Income/month 1319 2737 15,116
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Value of fish (RM) 18,892 424,660 1,528,733 Scheme, Ministry of Higher Education (FRGS14; S/O No. 13035).
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