A Study of Design and Methods of Rigid and Flexible Highway Pavements

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© 2017 JETIR October 2017, Volume 4, Issue 10 www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)

A Study of Design and Methods of Rigid

and Flexible Highway Pavements
Arun Kumar
Resource Person in UIET
MDU, Rohtak (HR)

ABSTRACT: Highway and pavement design plays an important role in the DPR projects.
The satisfactory performance of the pavement will result in higher savings in terms of vehicle
operating costs and travel time, which has a bearing on the overall economic feasibility of
the project. This paper discusses about the design methods that are traditionally being
followed and examines the Design of rigid and flexible pavements by various methods & their
cost analysis by each method. Flexible pavement are preferred over cement concrete roads as
they have a great advantage that these can be strengthened and improved in stages with the
growth of traffic and also their surfaces can be milled and recycled for rehabilitation. The
flexible pavements are less expensive also with regard to initial investment and maintenance.
Although rigid pavement is expensive but have less maintenance and having good design
period. The economic part is carried out for the design pavement of a section by using the
result obtains by design method and their corresponding component layer thickness. It can be
done by drawing comparisons with the standard way and practical way. This total work
includes collection of data analysis various flexible and rigid pavement designs and their
estimation procedure are very much useful to engineer who deals with highways.
Keywords: Design Flexible Pavement, Design Rigid Pavement, Cost Analysis, Estimation.

The transportation by road is the only road which could give maximum service to one all.
This mode has also the maximum flexibility for travel with reference to route, direction, time
and sped of travel. It is possible to provide door to door service only by road transport
Concrete pavement a large number of advantages such as long life span negligible
maintenance, user and environment friendly and lower cost. Keeping in this view the whole
life cycle cost analysis for the black topping and white topping have been done based on
various conditions such as type of lane as single lane, two lane, four lane different traffic
categories deterioration of road three categories. A highway pavement is a structure
consisting of superimposed layers of processed materials above the natural soil sub grade,
whose primary function is to distribute the applied vehicle loads to the sub grade. The
pavement structure should be able to provide a surface of acceptable riding quality, adequate

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© 2017 JETIR October 2017, Volume 4, Issue 10 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)
skid resistance, favorable light reflecting characteristics, and low noise pollution. The
ultimate aim is to ensure that the transmitted stresses due to wheel load are sufficiently
reduced, so that they will not exceed bearing capacity of the sub grade. Two types of
pavements are generally recognized as serving this purpose, namely flexible pavements and
rigid pavements. This gives an overview of pavement types, layers and their functions, cost
analysis. In India transportation system mainly is governed by Indian road congress (IRC).
Various grades of concrete under similar condition of traffic and design concrete road are
found to more suitable than bituminous road. Since the whole life cycle cost comes out to be
lower in the range of 30% to 50% but for roads having traffic less than 400cv/day and road is
in good condition, the difference between whole life costs of both the road is very less. The
initial cost of concrete overlay is 15% to 60% more than the flexible overlay. To design the
road stretch as a flexible pavement by using different flexible methods like group index
method, CBR method as per IRC: 37-2001, Triaxial method, California resistance value
method, and as a rigid pavement as per IRC: for the collected design upon a given black
cotton soil sub grade and to estimates the construction cost of designed pavement by each
method. The main objective is to develop a strategy to select the most cost efficient pavement
design method to carry out for sections of a highway network and also to identify the cost
analysis of different pavement design methods. Prioritization based on Subjective Judgment,
Prioritization based on Economic Analysis to develop a strategy for to select the most
appropriate method to be carried out for design of a highway network. Analysis of data for a
highway network problem to illustrate the proposed strategy and Interpretation of the results
obtained. Transportation has been one of the essential components of the civil engineering
profession since its early days. From time immemorial, the building of roads, bridges,
pipelines, tunnels, canals, railroads, ports, and harbors has shaped the profession and defined
much of its public image. As cities grew, civil engineers became involved in developing,
building, and operating transit facilities, including street railways and elevated and
underground systems. The role of civil engineers is to providing transportation infrastructure
to accommodate a growing population. The transportation by road is the only road which
could give maximum service to one all. This mode has also the maximum flexibility for
travel with reference to route, direction, time and sped of travel. It is possible to provide door
to door service only by road transport. Pavement is the actual travel surface especially made
durable and serviceable to withstand the traffic load commuting upon it. Pavement grants
friction for the vehicles thus providing comfort to the driver and transfers the traffic load
from the upper surface to the natural soil. In earlier times before the vehicular traffic became
most regular, cobblestone paths were much familiar for animal carts and on foot traffic load.
Pavements are primarily to be used by vehicles and pedestrians. Storm water drainage and

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environmental conditions are a major concern in the designing of a pavement. The first of the
constructed roads date back to 4000 BC and consisted of stone paved streets or timber roads.
A highway pavement is a structure consisting of superimposed layers of processed materials
above the natural soil sub grade, whose primary function is to distribute the applied vehicle
loads to the sub grade. The pavement structure should be able to provide a surface of
acceptable riding quality, adequate skid resistance, favorable light reflecting characteristics,
and low noise pollution. The ultimate aim is to ensure that the transmitted stresses due to
wheel load are sufficiently reduced, so that they will not exceed bearing capacity of the sub
grade. The roads of the earlier times depended solely on stone, gravel and sand for
construction and water was used as a binding agent to level and give a finished look to the
surface. All hard road pavements usually fall into two broad categories namely flexible
Pavement. Flexible pavements are most commonly used for low to medium volume roads
with significant usage also found in high volume interstate highways and airfield runways,
taxiways and aprons subjected to heavy aircraft gear/wheel loads. As the demand for applied
wheel loads and number of load applications increases, it becomes very important to properly
characterize the behavior of sub grade soils and unbound aggregate layers as the foundations
of the layered pavement structure. Flexible pavements will transmit wheel load stresses to the
lower layers by grain to grain transfer through the points of contact in the granular structure.
The wheel load acting on the pavement will be distributed to a wider area, and the stress
decreases with the depth.


An accurate estimate of the traffic that is likely to use the project road is very important as it
forms the basic input in planning, design, operation and financing. A thorough knowledge of
the travel characteristics of the traffic likely to use the project road as well as other major
roads in the influence area of the study corridor is, therefore, essential for future traffic
estimation. Hence, detailed traffic surveys were carried out to assess the present day traffic
and its characteristics.
 Temperature Data: Generally temperature in this given region varies from 200 to
450 C.
 Design Speed Data: Pavement is designed for a speed of 100 km/hr as per IRC.
 Soil Sub Grade Data for flexible pavement:
C.B.R of soil sub grade = 5%
Modulus of sub grade Reaction K value = 2.94 Kg/cm2
Liquid limit = 55%
Plastic limit = 24%

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Plasticity index (PI) = 31%
O.M.C = 25%
Standard proctor density (gr. /cc) = 1.61 gm/cc
 Soil Sub Grade Data for rigid pavement:
CBR of soil sub grade = 5%
Modulus of sub grade Reaction K-DLC of sub-base = 14.4Kg/cm2


The structural capacity of flexible pavements is attained by combined action of the different
layers of the Pavement. The load is directly applied on the wearing course and it gets
dispersed with depth in the base, sub base and sub grade layers and then ultimately to the
ground. Since the stress induced by traffic load is highest at the top, the quality of top and
upper laye materials is better. The sub grade layer is responsible for transferring the load
from above layers to the ground. Flexible pavements are designed in such a way that the load
transmitted to the sub-grade does not exceed its bearing capacity. Consequently, the thickness
of layers would vary with CBR of soil and it would affect the cost of the pavement.

(Typical Cross Section of a Flexible Pavement)

The thickness design of a flexible pavement also varies with the amount of traffic. The range
of variation in Volume of commercial vehicles at different highways has direct effect on the
repetitions of the traffic loads. The damaging effect of different axle loads is also different
method of flexible pavement design uses the concept of ESAL for the purpose of flexible
pavement design and the same has been used in this study also.


 Design of Flexible Pavement By Group Index Method: In order to classify the fine
grained soils within one group and for judging their suitability as sub grade material,
an indexing system has been introduced in HRB classification which is termed as
Group Index. Group Index is function of percentage material passing 200 mesh sieve

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(0.074mm), liquid limit and plasticity index of soil and is given by equation:
(0.074mm). Liquid limit and plasticity index of soil and is given by equation:
Here, a=that portion of material passing 0.074mm sieve, greater than 35 and not
exceeding 75 %
b=that portion of material passing 0.074mm sieve, greater than 15 and not
exceeding 35%
c = that value of liquid limit in excess of 40 and less than 60
d = that value of plasticity index exceeding 10 and not more than 30.
 California Resistance Value Method: This design method based on stabilometer R-
value and cohesiometer Computer value. Based on performance data it was
established many pavements thickness varies directly with R value and logarithm of
load repetitions. It varies inversely with fifth root of Computer value. The expression
for pavement thickness is given by the empirical equation.
T=K (TI) (90-R)/C1/5
Here T=total thickness of pavement, cm
K=numerical constant=0.166
TI=traffic index
R=stabilometer resistance value
C =Cohesiometer value

The estimated costs of flexible pavement in different methods are given below:
1. Group Index Method 15822515.00
2. CBR Method 14909074.00
3. California Resistance Value 16134971.00
4. Tri axial Method 16186485.00

By observing the above result of pavement by using different flexible and rigid methods, the
difference in total thickness and individual component layers are not much. However by close
observation the results of CBR method are slightly more because of poor CBR value of sub
grade .But in the other method the CBR value of sub grade is not considered ,only soil
properties like liquid limit ,plastic limit, shrinkage limit, grain size distribution of sub grade
soil are considered GI method, modulus of sub grade from triaxial test are considered in

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© 2017 JETIR October 2017, Volume 4, Issue 10 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)
triaxial method, the resistance value of sub grade, expansion pressure, exudation pressure at
different moisture content of sub grade soil are considered in California resistance value
method. Similarly modulus of sub grade reaction is considered in rigid pavement design. The
total pavement thickness required is determined using the design charts with the different
value of msa (million std. axles).The IRC has also suggested the minimum thickness of the
pavement component layers of sub base, base course and surfacing and the combination of
various range of cumulative std. axles. So this method is more conviently and widely used in
fields due to its relevant simplicity and the appropriate value of different component layers.
Now days this method is more popular for design of flexible pavements. But the flexible
pavements are design for period of 15 years so the periodical maintenance is much more
when compared with rigid pavements. Another advantage of rigid pavements is it design for a
period of 30 years which is doubled the life of flexible ,comparatively less maintenance and
better quality of riding surface and other advantages. While looking into the economics, the
flexible pavement methods there is not big difference in cost but in the CBR the cost is little
bit low because of its low total thickness comparatively with other methods .Similarly in rigid
pavement the cost is very high than the flexible pavement. But the rigid pavement is having
long life, better riding surface visibility, less maintenance etc advantage. So the rigid
pavements are widely used in the present road works. Also in flexible pavement always
preference is given to CBR Method.

The pavement is designed as a flexible pavement upon a black cotton soil sub grade, the CBR
method as per IRC 37-2001 is most appropriate method than available methods. The
pavement is designed as a flexible method from which each method is designed on the basis
of their design thickness from which each method has different cost analysis of a section,
from which CBR as per IRC is most appropriate in terms of cost analysis. The pavement is
designed as a rigid pavement; the method suggested by IRC is most suitable. It is observed
that flexible pavements are more economical for lesser volume of traffic. The life of flexible
pavement is near about 15 years whose initial cost is low needs a periodic maintenance after a
certain period and maintenance costs very high. The life of rigid pavement is much more than
the flexible pavement of about 40 year’s approx 2.5 times life of flexible pavement whose
initial cost is much more then the flexible pavement but maintenance cost is very less.

1. AASHTO 1993, “AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures”, American
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, D.C.

JETIR1710094 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org 563
© 2017 JETIR October 2017, Volume 4, Issue 10 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)
2. Khanna, S.K., and Justo, C.E.G., (1993), “Highway Engineering”, New Chand and
Bros, 7th edition, New Delhi
3. IRC: 37-2001 “Code of guideline for the design of flexible pavement”, Indian Road
Congress, New Delhi 2001.
4. IRC: 58-2002 “Code of guideline for the design of plain jointed rigid pavement for
highway”, Indian Road Congress, New Delhi 2002.
5. Prasad ,Bageshwar (2007), “Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Cement Concrete Roads Vs.
Bituminous Roads”, Indian Highways, Vol.35, No.9,
6. JAIN, S. Design of Rigid and Flexible Pavements by Various Methods & Their Cost
Analysis of Each Method. Samrat Ashok Technological Institute , VIDISHA, MP,

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