Mohon & Kadam, 2016

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A Comparative Study on Rigid and Flexible Pavement: A Review

Article · May 2016

DOI: 10.9790/1684-1303078488


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2 authors:

Milind V Mohod Kshitija N Kadam

Prof. Ram Meghe Institute of Technology & Research Government College of Engineering, Amravati


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IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 13, Issue 3 Ver. VII (May- Jun. 2016), PP 84-88

A Comparative Study on Rigid and Flexible Pavement: A Review

Milind V. Mohod 1*, Dr. K.N.Kadam2
*Assistatnt Professor, Department Of Civil Engineering, PRMIT&R,Badnera.
Assistatnt Professor, Applied Mechanics Department, GCOE,Amravati.

Abstract: The last century has seen an intensive process of urbanization in rural as well as metro cities. This
has led for a need of rapid construction of roads and transportation infrastructure. The demand for better roads
and services required researchers, designers and builders to explore innovative and cost effective engineered
products to satisfy increasing demand that would economize the construction as well as increase durability.
Pavements are essential features of the urban communication system and provide an efficient means of
transportation. Flexible pavements are preferred over cement concrete roads because of their certain
advantages like they can be strengthened and improved in stages with the growth of traffic. The flexible
pavements are less expensive in regards to initial cost and maintenance. The concrete pavements are now a
day’s becoming more popular in India because of steep rise in the cost of bituminous pavement. The largest
advantage of using rigid pavement is its durability and ability to hold a shape against traffic and difficult
environmental conditions. Although concrete pavement is less expensive but has less maintenance and good
design life. The main objective of this study is to present a comparative review on suitability of pavement
depending on various parameters such as material, loading, longer life, cost effectiveness etc.
Keywords: Flexible pavement, rigid pavement, life cost analysis, durability

I. Introduction
Transportation has been one of the essential components of the civil engineering profession since its
early days. From time immemorial, the building of roads, bridges, pipelines, tunnels, canals, railroads, ports, and
harbors has shaped the profession and defined much of its public image. As cities grew, civil engineers became
involved in developing, building, and operating transit facilities, including street railways and elevated and
underground systems [1]. The role of civil engineers is to providing transportation infrastructure to
accommodate a growing population. The transportation by road is the only road which could give maximum
service to one all. This mode has also the maximum flexibility for travel with reference to route, direction, time
and sped of travel. It is possible to provide door to door service only by road transport [2].
Pavement is the actual travel surface especially made durable and serviceable to withstand the traffic
load commuting upon it. Pavement grants friction for the vehicles thus providing comfort to the driver and
transfers the traffic load from the upper surface to the natural soil. In earlier times before the vehicular traffic
became most regular, cobblestone paths were much familiar for animal carts and on foot traffic load. Pavements
are primarily to be used by vehicles and pedestrians. Storm water drainage and environmental conditions are a
major concern in the designing of a pavement. The first of the constructed roads date back to 4000 BC and
consisted of stone paved streets or timber roads. A highway pavement is a structure consisting of superimposed
layers of processed materials above the natural soil sub-grade, whose primary function is to distribute the
applied vehicle loads to the sub-grade [3]. The pavement structure should be able to provide a surface of
acceptable riding quality, adequate skid resistance, favorable light reflecting characteristics, and low noise
pollution. The ultimate aim is to ensure that the transmitted stresses due to wheel load are sufficiently reduced,
so that they will not exceed bearing capacity of the sub grade. The roads of the earlier times depended solely on
stone, gravel and sand for construction and water was used as a binding agent to level and give a finished look
to the surface. All hard road pavements usually fall into two broad categories namely
1. Flexible Pavement
2. Rigid Pavement

Flexible Pavement
Flexible pavements are most commonly used for low to medium volume roads with significant usage
also found in high volume interstate highways and airfield runways, taxiways and aprons subjected to heavy
aircraft gear/wheel loads. As the demand for applied wheel loads and number of load applications increases, it
becomes very important to properly characterize the behavior of subgrade soils and unbound aggregate layers as
the foundations of the layered pavement structure [4]. Flexible pavements will transmit wheel load stresses to
the lower layers by grain-to-grain transfer through the points of contact in the granular structure. The wheel load
acting on the pavement will be distributed to a wider area, and the stress decreases with the depth. Taking

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A Comparative Study On Rigid And Flexible Pavement: A Review

advantage of this stress distribution characteristic of flexible pavements normally has many layers. Hence, the
design of flexible pavement uses the concept of layered system [3]. Flexible pavements suffer generally from
rutting which results from heavy traffic and severe environmental condition [5]. Flexible pavements are those
having negligible flexural strength and are flexible in structural actions under the loads. [14]

Figure 1: Load Distribution of Flexible Pavement

Categories of Flexible Pavement

There are mainly three categories of flexible pavement are as follows:
1. Conventional layered flexible pavement
2. Full - depth asphalt pavement
3. Contained rock asphalt mat (CRAM)

1. Conventional layered flexible pavement

Conventional flexible pavements are layered systems with high quality expensive materials are placed in the top
where stresses are high, and low quality cheap materials are placed in lower layers.
2. Full - depth asphalt pavement
Full - depth asphalt pavements are constructed by placing bituminous layers directly on the soil sub grade. This
is more suitable when there is high traffic and local materials are not available.
3. Contained rock asphalt mat (CRAM)
Contained rock asphalt mats are constructed by placing dense/open graded aggregate layers in between two
asphalt layers. Modified dense graded asphalt concrete is placed above the sub-grade will significantly reduce
the vertical compressive strain on soil sub-grade and protect from surface water

Failures of Flexible Pavement

The major flexible pavement failures are fatigue cracking, rutting, and thermal cracking. The fatigue
cracking of flexible pavement is due to horizontal tensile strain at the bottom of the asphaltic concrete. The
failure criterion relates allowable number of load repetitions to tensile strain and this relation can be determined
in the laboratory fatigue test on asphaltic concrete specimens. Rutting occurs only on flexible pavements as
indicated by permanent deformation or rut depth along wheel load path.Rutting in flexible pavements is a major
distress mode, relatively difficult to simulate in computational analyses, mainly for the following reasons.
1. The constitutive relations of the materials are nonlinear and complex. Most pavement materials are very
difficult to characterize under repeated and moving loads.
2. The asphalt concrete material is viscoelastic and viscoplastic, i.e., strongly loading time and temperature
dependent. The other unbound materials base, subbase, and subgrade are only slightly time dependent.
3. The temperature and moisture of the materials vary with every load repetition. Yet we need to be able to
predict the expected rut depth, for various materials, structures, traffic, and environmental conditions. [9]

Rigid Pavement
Rigid pavements have sufficient flexural strength to transmit the wheel load stresses to a wider area
below. Compared to flexible pavement, rigid pavements are placed either directly on the prepared sub-grade or
on a single layer of granular or stabilized material. Since there is only one layer of material between the concrete
and the sub-grade, this layer can be called as base or sub-base course [3]. In rigid pavement, load is distributed
by the slab action, and the pavement behaves like an elastic plate resting on a viscous medium Rigid pavements
are constructed by Portland cement concrete (PCC) and should be analyzed by plate theory instead of layer
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A Comparative Study On Rigid And Flexible Pavement: A Review

theory, assuming an elastic plate resting on viscous foundation. Plate theory is a simplified version of layer
theory that assumes the concrete slab as a medium thick plate which is plane before loading and to remain plane
after loading. Bending of slab due to wheel load and temperature variation resulting tensile and flexural stress.
Stress condition of rigid pavement analysed by using finite element analysis [12]. The cement concrete
pavement slab can very well serve as a wearing surface as well an effective base course. Therefore usually the
rigid pavement structure consists of a cement concrete slab, below which a granular base or subbase course may
be provided [14].
Concrete pavements, often called rigid pavements, are made up of Portland cement concrete and may
or may not have a base course between the pavement and subgrade. As a general rule, the concrete, exclusive of
the base, is referred to as the pavement. The concrete pavement, because of its rigidity and high modulus of
elasticity, tends to distribute the applied load over a relatively wide area of soil; thus, the major portion of the
structural capacity is supplied by the slab itself [18].

Figure 2: Cross section of Rigid Pavement

Categories of Rigid Pavement

There are mainly four categories of rigid pavement are as follows:
1. Jointed plain concrete pavement (JPCP)
2. Jointed reinforced concrete pavement (JRCP)
3. Continuous reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP)
4. Pre-stressed concrete pavement (PCP)

1. Jointed plain concrete pavement

Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement is plain cement concrete pavements constructed with closely spaced
contraction joints. Dowel bars or aggregate interlocks are normally used for load transfer across joints. They
normally have a joint spacing of 5 to 10m.
2. Jointed reinforced concrete pavement (JRCP)
Although reinforcements do not improve the structural capacity significantly, they can drastically increase the
joint spacing to 10 to 30m. Dowel bars are required for loadtransfer. Reinforcement’s help to keep the slab
together even after cracks.
3. Continuous reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP)
Complete elimination of joints are achieved by reinforcement in continuous reinforced concrete pavement.
4. Pre-stressed concrete pavement (PCP)
Pre-stressed concrete pavements are made up of pre-stressed concrete.

Failures of Rigid Pavement

Traditionally fatigue cracking has been considered as the major or only criterion for rigid pavement
design. The allowable number of load repetitions to cause fatigue cracking depends on the stress ratio between
flexural tensile stress and concrete modulus of rupture. Of late, pumping is identified as an important failure
criterion. Pumping is the ejection of soil slurry through the joints and cracks of cement concrete pavement,
caused during the downward movement of slab under the heavy wheel loads. Other major types of distress in
rigid pavements include faulting, spalling, and deterioration.

Comparison between Rigid and Flexible pavement

There are many points with the help of those points we compared rigid and flexible pavement are as follows:

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A Comparative Study On Rigid And Flexible Pavement: A Review

Flexible Pavement
1. Deformation in the sub grade is transferred to the upper layers
2. Design is based on load distributing characteristics of the component layers
3. Flexible pavement carries low flexural strength
4. Load is transferred by grain to grain contact
5. Have low completion cost but repairing cost is high
6. Have low life span (High Maintenance Cost)
7. Surfacing cannot be laid directly on the sub grade but a sub base is needed
8. No thermal stresses are induced as the pavement have the ability to contract and expand freely
9. An expansion joints are not needed
10. Strength of the road is highly dependent on the strength of the sub grade
11. Rolling of the surfacing is needed
12. Road can be used for traffic within 24 hours
13. Force of friction is less Deformation in the sub grade is not transferred to the upper layers.
14. Damaged by Oils and Certain Chemicals

Rigid Pavement
1. Deformation in the sub grade is not transferred to subsequent layers
2. Design is based on flexural strength or slab action
3. Rigid pavement carries high flexural strength
4. No such phenomenon of grain to grain load transfer exists
5. Have low repairing cost but completion cost is high
6. Life span is more as compare to flexible (Low Maintenance Cost)
7. Surfacing can be directly laid on the sub grade
8. Thermal stresses are more vulnerable to be induced as the ability to contract and expand is very less in
9. An expansion joints are needed
10. Strength of the road is less dependent on the strength of the sub grade
11. Rolling of the surfacing in not needed
12. Road cannot be used until 14 days of curing
13. Force of friction is high.
14. No Damage by Oils and Greases

Cost Analysis of Rigid and Flexible Pavement

Initial cost is generally the major factor in deciding the type of the pavement in design. The planners
often think that the flexible pavement is cheaper than the rigid pavements. In fact this is not always the case.
Many researchers perform cost analysis of pavements. Initial cost of rigid pavement is high but by considering
serviceability, life of rigid pavement it is found that it is economical than the flexible pavement. Construction
cost for rigid pavements are cheaper than flexible pavements, in contrast to what is generally thought. However
with the strength increase in sub grade the asphalt pavement costs and rigid pavement costs get closer. With
increasing petrol prices the cost of asphalt pavements will be even higher. So concrete pavement should be
highly considered in choosing the pavement types [16]. Cost analysis of pavement performed by Grameen
Samapark it is found that rigid pavement is economical and cheaper [17].

II. Conclusions/ Summary

As per the above discussion of pavements (rigid and flexible pavement) by many researchers some
conclusions or summary is drafted which are as follows:
1. Rigid pavement carries higher flexural strength than flexible pavement i.e. it carries bending and
deformation without rupture under wheel axial load.
2. In flexible pavement load is transferred from grain to grain and because of that many failures occurs such
as fatigue cracking, rutting and thermal cracking. But in rigid pavement no such phenomenon of grain to
grain load transfer exists, hence there is fewer amounts of failure.
3. Life span of rigid pavement is more than the flexible pavement with low maintenance cost. Life cycle cost
of flexible pavement will be about 19 % higher than the rigid pavement after 20 years.
4. Initial cost of rigid pavement is higher but when comparing total cost of pavement through life span rigid
pavement is more economical than flexible pavement.
5. Initial cost of rigid pavement (concrete pavement) is reduces by replacing cement by fly ash at some percent
or by using other alternatives.

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A Comparative Study On Rigid And Flexible Pavement: A Review

From above conclusion we can say that rigid pavement is economical than flexible pavement and there
is a need to developed it and used in transportation infrastructure in future.

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