Rotor and Stator
Rotor and Stator
Rotor and Stator
July 2004
This thesis is submittedin partial fulfilment of the requirementsfor the degreeof Doctor of
© Cranfield University 2004. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproducedwithout the written permissionof the copyright owner.
Experimentswere performed on an industrial scaleSilverson in-line rotor-stator mixer to
investigateits liquid-liquid dispersioncapabilities. A non-coalescingkerosene-water
The rotor-speed and the dispersed phase concentration were found to have the most
influence on droplet size. Drop sizes were also seen to increase with an increase in open
area. No differences were observed in the droplet sizes or power draw of the stators
with the smallest and similar open areas (Emulsor Screens and Square Hole High Shear
screen). The power supplied to the fluid was proportional to N3 indicating the mixer was
operating under turbulent conditions. d32was correlated against the rotor speed and
dispersed phase and the relationship was found to be close to that described by Chen and
Middleman (1967). This analysis suggested that inertial stresses in the viscous sub-range
An estimation of the average energy dissipation rate was made in order to determine the
Kolomogov length scale. The droplet sizes ranged from below the Kolmogorov length
scale to significantly higher, suggesting that droplet break-up is due to inertial and
viscous sub-rangeeddies.
The Re could be defined in different regions within the mixer thesevalues were used
residence times and the magnitude of the stresses indicated that droplet break-up in a
single pass through the in-line rotor-stator mixer is predominately determined by the
viscous and inertial stressesin the rotor region.
I would like to thank the members of my support panel, in particular Professor Don
Brown for his support, guidance and patience.
I would also like to thank my friends and colleagues at BHR Group Ltd, especially Barry
Johnson and the rest of the HILINE staff and members, for their assistance and guidance.
Special thanks are due to John Brown and John Knopp for their aid with the
instrumentationon the rig and to the guys in the workshops,who were ever willing to
I also owe a debt of gratitude to BHR Group Ltd and also the EPSRCfor their financial
support. In addition, I would like to thank the EPSRC Loan pool for making their
Malvern Mastersizeravailable to me.
I would like to thank my friends, Tabs, Atul and Jin for continually pesteringme to finish
this thesis.
Finally, I would like to thank my Family; my mum and dad and my two brothers,this is
for you.
NOMENCLATURE »..»..»..».»..»..»..».»..».....»..»..»..».»......»..»..».»..»..»..».»..»..».»..»..»..».»..»..»......».».XI
Z4.6. Leafage (recirculation) losses 67
-P........... »......_._.._.........»........._.........._.._...................
2.4.7. Hydraulic losses PHrzvuuuc»..... 67
- _.._.._.._...................._......................................._................
2.5.1. On-line drop size measurement techniques 69
2.5.2. Off-line drop size measurement techniques 70
2.5.3. Technique selection 71
2.6. COWLUStoNs 71
4.1. ExpuuMi wTAL Rio A.tii INSTRUMENTATION 74
4.1.1. Experimental Rig 75
4.1.2. tlaterials of Construction 78
. ...............................................................
4.1.3. Flowrate and ocontrol 78
4.1.4. Rotor-stator miser desIgn. 79
.............................................. ...............................................................
4.2.1. Immiscibleliquids 82
4.2.2. Kerosene-I f tier Stabiltry 83
.......................................... ..............................................................
4..x.1. Malvern dlasterslzer 85
43.2. 1idea Probe 89
433. Droplet sizedistributions 92
44. SARWLtNO TEC1tti1QUE 94
....................................................... ..............................................................
4.41. Continuous Sampling 94
4 S. MrAstwMr_NT OF PoW'u ses'ititn TO TI M 1W!! ) 97
......... ..............................................................
4J. 1. Thermometric method of power measurement 98
4J. 2. Recycle loop and instrumentation 98
4333. Experimentalprocedurr 100
4.5.4. /,&" Fr 101
4JJ. P,. r 102
4.5.6. "MiCil 102
4.5.7. I' L,0c 102
........................... ....................................
4J. 8. Pax and Partur4m 103
".5.9. Lossesthroughte control vahveandpipe wo,* 103
8.2. POWER
.....»..»..»..».»..................... .»..»..».»..»..».._.»..»......».»..»..».....»..»......».»..»..»..»..»..
Figure 2.1 A comparisonof different mixers and droplet sizesthey can produce
(Cohen, 1998) 4
Figure 2.2 In-line mixer used in conjunction with an in-tank device (Courtesy of
Figure 2.7 A Silverson type rotor and stator configuration 37
Figure 2.8 Flow pattern through a stator (Sparks 1996) 39
Figure 2.9 Flow pattern in the volute (Sparks, 1996) 41
Figure 2.10 Basic types of globule deformation (Hinze 1955) 42
Figure 2.11 Flow patternsthat can causeone of the basic types of globule deformation.
Figure 2.12 Break-up of droplets in Couette flow field (Karam & Bellinger, 1968)...... 45
Figure 2.13 Effect of viscosity ratio on EB in simple shear flow field (Grace, 1982) 48
Figure 2.14 Effect of viscosity ratio on drop draw ratio necessaryfor break-up at EB
(Grace, 1982) 50
Figure 2.15 Effect of viscosity ratio on reduced burst time at EB (Grace, 1982)............ 50
Figure 2.16 Effect of viscosity ratio on EB in hyperbolic flow field (Grace, 1982)........52
Figure 2.17 Maximum stabledrop deformation in extensionalshearfield versus
1982) 54
Figure 2.19 Effect of viscosity ratio on critical burst time for extensionalshear(Grace,
1982) 55
Figure 2.20 Shaft power versusflow rate for a rangeof shaft speedsfor a Silverson.....64
Figure 2.21 Shaft power versus flow rate for a range of sheargap thicknessfor a
Silverson mixer (Sparks, 1996) 66
Figure 2.22 Overall power balance for a Silverson Unit (Sparks, 1996) 68
Figure 4.1 A flow diagram of the test rig 75
Figure 4.2 StandardSilverson rotor and stators.Clockwise from top left; Rotor;
Emulsor screen;Generalpurposedisintegrating head;Slotted Head;
Square hole high shear screen 80
Figure 4.3 Stirred vessel used to create dispersions 84
Figure 4.4 A Schematicdiagram of a Malvern Mastersizer 86
Figure 4.5 A schematic diagram of the flow cell and Hydro 2000G arrangement 87
Figure 4.6 Video Probe housing 90
Figure 4.7 Sampling arrangement. Clockwise from top left; (a) The inline
cell and pump and stirrer unit usedfor flushing the cell; (d) Samplepoint
with sampling arrangement ............................................................................ 95
Figure 4.8 A schematicof the continuoussampling system 96
Figure 4.9 Flow loop set-up for thermometric power measurement 99
Figure 6.1 Droplets collecting at the top of the sampleunder a microscope(5%
dispersed phase concentration, undiluted) 106
Figure 6.2 Image at 3000 rpm and t= 5% 110
Figure 6.3 A comparison of DSD measured using the Mastersizer and the Video
Probe for a rotor speed of 3000 rpm and c= 5% at 0.81/s 111
Figure 6.4 Correlation between d32and dm. 114
Figure 6.5 d32versus N (RPM) for the ES and SHHSS (69.85 mm rotor) for
varying c .......................................................................................................
Figure 6.6 d32versus N (RPM) for four different screens (50.8 mm rotor), 0.4 Us
Figure 6.24 Comparison between E/Screen and SHHSS: 8000rpm & 0.41/s (69.85mm
rotor) ...............................................................................................................161
Figure 6.25 Schematic showing the "Lip" at the top of the Silverson rotor 162
Screenat Q=0.41/s and c= 20%, for varying N (rpm) 201
Figure A. 14 Volume DSD generated by the 69.85mm rotor with the SQHHS
Us and 0= 30%, for varying N (rpm)
Screen at Q=0.4 202
Figure A. 15 Volume DSD generated by the 69.85mm rotor with the SQHHS
Figure A. 19 Volume DSD generated by the 50.80mm rotor with the Emulsor
I/s and N= 7000 rpm for varying 1(%)
Screen at Q=0.4 204
Figure A. 20 Volume DSD generated by the 50.80mm rotor with the Emulsor
Screen at Q=1.4 Us and c=
10%, for varying N (rpm) 205
Figure A. 21 Volume DSD generated by the 50.80mm rotor with the Slotted
Head at Q=0.4 10%, for varying N (rpm)
I/s and c= 205
Figure A. 22 Volume DSD generated by the 50.80mm rotor with the SHHS
Screen at Q=0.4 Us and c=
10%, for varying N (rpm) 206
Figure A. 23 Volume DSD generated by the 50.80mm rotor with the SHHS
Table 2.1 Typical Liquid-Liquid Applications that have benefited by using Rotor-
Stator Mixers (Silverson Machines, 1999) 12
Table 2.2 A summary of theoretical correlations to predict droplet size 33
Table 2.3 Flow patternsthat causeeachdeformation mode 44
Table 4.1 Dimensions of the rotors and stators investigated 81
Table 4.2 Physical properties of Alcosol D70 and water 82
Table 6.1 Latex beadstestedusing the Mastersizerand the video probe 107
Table 6.2 The best fit exponents on N for varying 123
Table 6.3 Gradients of the lines in Figures 6.11 125
Table 6.4 The best fit exponentson c for varying 4) 147
Table 6.5 dmaxwith corresponding Re and y' and GB values in the Rotor Region
Plate 0.1 Photograph of test rig (Front View) 76
Plate 0.2 Photograph of test rig (side view) 77
Symbol Meaning Units
a Constant
ß Kolmogorov constant -
S Sheargap m
Mass specific local energydissipation rate W/kg
(D Dispersedphasevolume concentration -
Y Shearrate s'1
A Shaft torque (Nm)
x Wavelength light in
Xk Kolmogorov length scale µm
Dynamic viscosity of the continuous phase Ns/m2
A] Constant
a Distance from scattererto detector in
a8 Interfacial area m2
B, Energy concentrationfactor -
B2 Constant -
C Constant -
Cp Specific heat capacity J/kgK
d Droplet diameter gm
dmax Maximum stable drop diameter µm
d32 Sautermean diameter gm
d43 Volume mean diameter µm
D Rotor diameter m
Dc Radial length of a region in the mixer m
D Drop deformation =
EB The reducedshearrequired for break-up
E Energy J
E(k) Energy spectrum function m/s3
E(k) Energy spectrum function m/s3
I(®) Intensity of the scatteredlight (as a function of angle, O)
Io Intensity of the incident light
JI Bessel function
Wavenumber m'1
kp Imaginary (absorption) part of the of the refractive index
N Rotational speed RPM
PHYDRAULIC Hydraulic losses W
dp Differential pressure N/m2
Q Flowrate Us
t Time s
tb Reducedburst time s
Uk Kolmogorov velocity scale m/s
O (d) Mean squarevelocity difference across m2/s2
the surfaceof the drop with diameterd.
U Mean velocity m/s
V Volume m3
vt , Rotor tip speed m/s
VPDIAL Nominal radial velocity m/s
The generation of dispersionshas traditionally been performed in stirred tanks. However,
other devices are rapidly becoming more popular and are proving to be more efficient.
One such alternative is the Rotor-Stator mixer, which consistsof a high-speedrotor
spinning close a motionless stator. Any liquid (or solid-liquid) mixture passing
through it is subjectedto high shearforces, chopping and turbulence. The Rotor-Stator
Mixer, due to its versatility, high-energy dissipation rates and cost efficiency is increasing
in popularity and as a result there is a wide range of different designsavailable on the
The main aim of this work was to quantify the behaviour of an industrial sized in-line
rotor-stator mixer with regards to its liquid-liquid performance. Radial flow devices,
such as those manufactured by Silverson Machines Ltd, were the main emphasisof this
operating conditions. This then led to the application of various mechanistic correlations
to determine the dominant break-up mechanismsin the mixer.
In order to achieve the main goals a liquid-liquid contactor rig was constructed
incorporating hygienic fittings to maintain cleanliness. The droplet size distribution is an
important parameterin characterisingliquid-liquid dispersions.The small droplet sizes
expected from the rotor-stator mixer led to the use of a laser diffraction unit (Malvern
presentedin Chapter 3.
Chapter 4 then details the experimental approachadoptedto achieve the main aims. A
detailed description of the liquid-liquid contactor rig is given and the materials used in
the experiments.A description of the experimental methodology is provided including
the validation of the drop size measurementtechnique and the sampling strategy used.
The technique used for power measurementis also described.
Chapter 5 then reviews the experimentsperformed and details the location of the
The mixing of two immiscible liquids is an important unit operation in the chemical and
process industry. The most common immiscible liquid dispersions contain an organic
and an aqueousphaseand are traditionally manufacturedusing stirred vessels.
However, increased competitiveness in the process industry has made mixer selection
more rigorous and analytical and consequently alternative devices, such as Rotor-Stator
mixers are rapidly growing in popularity. The rotor-stator's versatile nature, high shear
and energy dissipation rates makes it ideal for processes requiring fast disintegration,
homogenisation, dissolving, emulsification and dispersions.
Despite their popularity, there is very little literature openly available on their design.
Operators are very much dependent on their own experience and that of the
plant trials.
size and the size distribution. Droplet size distribution is an important parameter in
Selecting the correct type and size of mixer has traditionally been based on the
Generally, mixer manufacturers tend to consider rotor-stators to be best suited for
blending dissimilar viscosity liquids, dissolving low viscosity liquids and also high-
Cohen (1998) showed a comparison of different in-line mixers based on their droplet
generating properties (Figure 2.1). Unfortunately the author does not define tank turnover
and it is not known whether the comparisons are based on the similar size mixer, similar
volumes and for what liquid systems. However, it is reasonable to assume that the
mixture was re-circulated through each mixing device until an equilibrium droplet size
had been achieved and that the mixers used were ones that the different manufacturers
123456789 10
Tank turnovers
Figure 2.1 A comparison of different mixers and droplet sizes they can
It can be seen from Figure 2.1 that there are various mixers available for the production
of liquid-liquid dispersions. However, for applications that require fine droplet size
distributions the High-PressureHomogenisertends to be the preferred option. This mixer
consists of a high-pressurepump that forces a fluid (two immiscible liquids) at very high
velocities through a narrow orifice.
The Colloid mill, a rotor-stator device which consists of a conical rotor and stator, is also
an effective device for producing small droplets. The surfacesof the rotor and the stator
can be either smooth or toothed and can consist of one or more pairs of concentrically
arranged discs of various designs. The fluid is retained in the mixing head for longer
periods than a traditional rotor-stator mixer, hencemore energy is dissipated to the fluid.
It is worth noting that Cohen (1998) claims that the low-profile rotor-stator also generates
droplet sizes close to those from the High Pressure Homogeniser. This mixer is
The trends exhibited in Figure 2.1 agree with the findings of Schubert (1997) who
investigated the relationship between power per unit volume of various mixers and their
resultant droplet sizes and also the observations of Dietsche (1998). They both
This makes High-Pressure Homogenisers and Colloid Mills suited to applications that
involve fine emulsions (the pressurehomogenisercan generatesub-micron emulsions and
is often used in the homogenisation of milk), fine particle break up and in the case of the
Colloid Mills, viscous emulsions.
However, the High-Pressure Homogeniser is limited to use with low viscosity liquids,
typically below 0.5 Pa.s (Dietsche, 1998). Also the energy consumption and equipment
size limit these units to low flow capacities. The Colloid Mill almost always requires
pump assistanceand also has a low capacity range. Both these units are difficult to clean
in place.
In-line rotor-stator mixers incorporate relatively high power per unit volume and do not
suffer the same disadvantagesof the High-Pressure Homogeniser and the colloid mills.
Furthermore, Figure 2.1 and the investigations of Schubert (1997) reveal that the droplet
size distributions generated by these mixers can be close to those of the High-Pressure
Homogeniser and the Colloid Mill depending on the physical properties of the fluids
being mixed. An added advantageof rotor-stator devices is that their performance can be
improved greatly by changing the design of the rotor and the stator.
Further advantages of the in-line rotor-stator mixer are discussed in Section 2.13.
Rotor-stator mixers consist of a high-speed rotor that spins very close to a motionless
stator and any fluid mixture passing through it is subjectedto high shear forces, chopping
and turbulence. The clearancebetween the rotor tip and the stator wall is typically below
1 mm and is commonly referred to as the sheargap. Rotor-stator mixers can be used in a
The batch single stageunits refer to in-tank devices. The single stage in-line systemscan
be incorporated into a pipeline, as a once through mixer or, as is often the case, in
Agitator for
The objective of a multi-stage unit is to generate greater total energy input by increasing
the number of shearing events that each particle or droplet experiences, with each pass
through the mixer. Some designs involve several single-stage units lined up in series,
other designs have the same effect but as a single stage (Figure 2.3).
These single stage units are made up of multiple rotor-stator pairs arranged
concentrically. The theory behind these units is that, as the mixture moves outwards
from the centre, it undergoes a quick successionof shearing events, which generates a
shorter processing time and a smaller droplet size. However, due to the lack of
correlations relating droplet size to mixer type and size there is no definitive way of
knowing whether an equilibrium droplet size has been attained. Thus, regular testing of
the product is required.
It is clear that the in-line rotor-stator mixer is the more versatile of the two main
within a recirculating loop ensuring a greater percentage of the fluid (in some cases
100%) is exposedto areasof high-energy dissipation. The fact that numerous passesare
required in many applications (Figure 2.1.) leads to the assumption that during a single-
passall of the fluid may not be subjectedto areasof high energy dissipation.
. nM1
The focus of this research, therefore, was specific to single stage in-line rotor-stator
devices. Sparks (1996) defined an in-line rotor-stator mixer as one that can be
incorporated into a process pipeline, similar to a centrifugal pump, often contributing a
pumping effect.
"A small low-powered unit can handle a batch of any size by recirculating material
until the is
process completed.
" They are ideal for processlines that require frequent changeover.
" Solids and liquids can be injected directly into the mixing head, which is the area of
highest shear.
" They also offer more accurate control, easy and reliable sampling of mixed product
The in-line rotor-stator can pump liquids with viscosities up to 5 Pa.s, but with pump
assistance, can handle greater than 100 Pa.s (Dietsche, 1998). Cohen (1998) reported
viscosities from 10 Pa.s up to 1000 Pa.s with a supplemental pump, emphasising the
variance performance of different designs.
They can also cope with a wide range of flow capacities from as low as 4 litres/min to
more than 4000 litres/min. The amount of shear, milling, and particle disintegration is
determined by the high speed of the rotor, which also supplies flow. The stator design
varies with manufacturer and has an influence on the effectivenessof the mixer.
In-line rotor-stator mixers are supplied with various designs of rotor and stator. In
(a) Mixers that are supplied with swept blade rotors combined with stators (basically
cylinders with perforations). These mixers are the most common design available
and will be referred to in this report as a Silverson design (Figure 2.4.).
Figure 2.4 A Silverson type mixer (Right) and a toothed mixer (Left) the stators
(b) A toothed design is one in which the rotor and stator are discs with a number of
approximately trapezoidal teeth around their circumference (Figure 2.4.). These units
are typical of ones produced by German and Swiss manufacturers.
(c) The third design is an axial flow device, an example of which is the Greerco pipeline
Figure 2.5 A standard single-stage Greerco mixer
The operation of a Silverson mixer is described below. The fundamentals are true for all
in-line rotor-stator mixers. The basic operation of a rotor-stator mixer can be divided into
i. Suction
ii. Milling
The high-speed rotation of the rotor blades createssuction, which draws the material to
be mixed into the mixing head. The material is then forced, by the centrifugal force,
towards the edge of the mixing head and into the gap betweenthe tips of the rotor blade
and the stator wall, (the sheargap). The flow of material approaching the stator is
velocity, through the perforations in the stator. The flow of material out of the stator is
2.1.6. Industrial applications
Table 2.1 Typical Liquid-Liquid Applications that have benefited by using Rotor-
Stator Mixers (Silverson Machines, 1999)
" Reducedaeration
" Increasedshear
Food Industry:
" Dispersion of Pectin (a polysaccharideobtained from fruit) for jams and preserves.
Cosmeticsand toiletries industry:
" The dilution of high activity surfactants.
aqueous surfactant solution to form an oil/water emulsion. This enabled the easy
transportation of the otherwise heavy crude, resulting in reducedpumping costs.
method to a conventional stirred tank for producing a PAA solution. It was found that
the stirred vessel had problems attaining the ideal specific energy rate, E, (= 10 W/kg) and
also had difficulties producing a uniform PAA solution due to the formation of stagnant
areas. The modified pump not only generated a value of e= 1015 W/kg but after two
passes,formed in
a uniform solution less time than the stirred vessel.
2.1.7. Summary
There are a large number of different rotor-stator designsavailable on the market, each
with its own unique geometric variation. They can be classified into three main
produce fine emulsions, there are disadvantages associatedwith these large energy
consuming units with high capital and operating costs. The work of Schubert (1997) and
manufacturers experience(Dietsche, 1998 & Cohen 1998) has shown that the rotor-stator
be to
mixer can made produce fine emulsions for some applications.
on the physical properties of the fluid, the mixer geometry and rotational speed. The
main advantagesof the in-line rotor-stator mixer over these other mixers are:
2.2. Liquid-Liquid Theory
suspended in the other in the form of droplets. The liquid that is present in the form of
droplets is called the dispersedphaseand the liquid in which these droplets are suspended
is the continuous phase. Dispersions can exist in two forms, an oil suspendedin water
(O/W) or the reverse,water suspendedin oil (W/O). The term emulsion generally covers
dispersionswith small and relatively stable droplets, usually with the addition of a
The process of making droplets is a simple one. In a large number of cases, simple
The suspension of the dispersed phase in the continuous phase is caused by the direct
action of shear stressesexerted by the continuous phase on the dispersed phase. There
conditions) and those due to inertial forces, (i. e. turbulent flow conditions).
In addition to the break-up stresses imparted to a drop there are forces that oppose
deformation. Various models have been developed to attempt to describe the scaling of
the stressesthat deform a drop againstthose that resist drop break-up. These models form
a foundation for correlating experimental data and provide a method for confidently
Whilst the process of drop break-up is taking place, at the same time drops are colliding
with each other. In turbulent conditions droplets that are smaller than the micro-scale of
turbulence are completely contained within the eddies whereas larger drops are acted
upon by the turbulent eddies. The collision of drops below the micro-scale of turbulence
is caused by two different mechanisms depending on whether the drop has a density
similar or different from that of the surrounding fluid. Droplets with similar densities
follow the motion of the fluid completely and the droplet velocity fluctuations can be
described by the fluid velocity function. Droplets with significantly different densities
are not completely entrained by the turbulent eddies and drops with differing diameters
move at different in
velocities resulting collisions.
If the drops remain together long enough, so that the separating continuous phase film
thickness reachesa minimum, then the film ruptures and the drops coalesce. There are
many factors that determine whether a collision will result in coalescence including,
surfactants, mass transfer, surface tension gradients, physical properties and Van Der
Waals forces. For coalescenceto occur, contact time must be greater than coalescence
time. A review of various models developed to describe the drop coalescencerates is
given by Tavlarides and Stamatoudis(1981).
Tackling drop break-up and coalescencetogether is far too complicated and as a result
the role of coalescencecan be limited by considering dilute dispersions, or by adding a
stabilising agent. Also, in dilute systems the continuous phase can be described using
concepts developed for a single-phase fluid (Calabrese1992).
Although this research uses dispersions with high concentrations, Calabrese (1992)
stipulated that theories developed for dilute systems can be applied to more concentrated
systems that have been stabilised. This is because the presence of a stabiliser would
inhibit coalescence. This statement, can therefore, be extended to incorporate systems
that do not readily coalesce. It has been shown both in this work (Chapter 3) and work
performed by Brown and Pitt (1971) that the kerosene-water system (used in this work)
Both keroseneand water are liquids of relatively low viscosity (Chapter 3), therefore, the
flow in a rotor-stator mixer is expected to be predominantly turbulent. Sparks (1996),
assumedthat the power supplied by the rotor to the fluid was dissipated in a small region
of the rotor-stator surrounding the rotor teeth, stator teeth and the gap between the two.
Calculating the Reynolds number (Re) using the gap width as the characteristic length
scale and the tip speed as the characteristic velocity (see Section 2.3.1) for rotational
speedsfrom 3000rpm to 12000rpm (with water) gives values of Re ranging from 3.5 x
106to 7x 106(respectively) which would indicate turbulent conditions.
However, it has also been reported that the energy dissipation within the mixer is highly
inhomogeneousand there may be regions within the mixer that may not exhibit turbulent
characteristics, (Sparks, 1996; Pedrocchi and Widmer, 1988; Kroezen & Wassink, 1987).
Furthermore, Pedrocchi and Widmer (1988) found that the gap width had little or no
affect on the droplet size distribution. This would suggest that Spark's (1996)
assumption may not hold true and other factors may be more important for drop break in
a rotor-stator mixer. This is discussedin more detail in Section 2.3.
Most of the work on modelling dispersed phase dynamics such as droplet breakage is
basedon models developed from isotropic turbulence. The main conceptsare outlined in
the following sections.
Models that have been developed from theories of droplet break-up are based on
balancing the disruptive force that acts on the drop with the forces that resist disruption.
It is, therefore, important to have an understandingof the forces that affect the stability of
a drop.
If the force acting on the surface of a single drop is due to turbulent pressurefluctuations
then the disruptive force per unit area, -r,, is given by Equation (2.1).
r, = pýU2(d ) (2.1)
with diameter d.
If the disruptive force is due to mean velocity gradients rather than turbulent pressure
fluctuations, then Newton's law of viscosity will apply (Calabrese,1992):
ie a 14Cul (2.2)
It should be noted that Equation (2.2) is only applicable when the turbulence intensity is
low and the instantaneous velocity gradient averaged over the time-scale of a single
breakageevent is well approximatedby that for mean flow.
The effect of shear is counteracted by the interfacial and viscous forces, which act to
maintain the most compact droplet shape.Equation (2.3) is an expressionfor the resistive
force per unit area,;, due to interfacial tension.
Cs a-
or (2.3)
The dispersedphaseviscosity, µd, provides a resistive force per unit area, r,, within the
drop and is given by:
µd Tc
CC (2.4)
V d Pd
Where the term (ic/pd)112is the characteristicvelocity inside the drop as determined by
balancing the kinetic energy on the drop's surface.
Equation (2.1) shows that the disruptive force is dependenton the diameter of the droplet
and it can be seenfrom Equations (2.3) and (2.4) that the cohesive forces decreasewith
increasing diameter. This leadsto the realisation that there exists a maximum stable
droplet diameter, dmax"The cohesive forces on drops with diameter larger than dmaxare
insufficient to prevent droplet break-up. If the drop diameter is below dmaxthen the
hydrodynamic forces acting on the drop are insufficient to causebreak-up. The
maximum stable drop size can then be defined as the drop diameter for which disruptive
and cohesive forces are in balance(Equation (2.5)).
and Equation (2.5) only apply when correlating mean drop size at equilibrium conditions.
In addition to equilibrium conditions, it is further assumedthat:
1) Both phasesexhibit Newtonian fluid behaviour
2) No masstransfer occurs betweenthe two and there is no surfactant present.
3) Dispersion is fully turbulent.
4) Density difference between the two phasesis small to avoid buoyancy effects.
2.2.2. Drop break-up in turbulent flow
Theoretical prediction of droplet size distributions has traditionally been based on the
superimposedon the overall average flow. In fully developed turbulence the velocity at
any point within the fluid varies continually about some mean value and the amplitude of
the variations about the mean may not be small compared with the magnitude of the
mean itself. A similar random variation exists between two points within the fluid. The
instantaneouspoint velocity in space,U, is given by Equation (2.6):
U=iUx+jUy+kU. (2.6)
Where, U, Uy and UZare the scalar co-ordinatesalong the unit vectors Q, k respectively.
It is convenient to break down the instantaneousvelocity U, into the sum of the mean
U=U+u' (2.7)
The magnitude of u' provides a qualitative indication of the degreeof turbulence of the
flow. The time averagevalue of this component is zero, as no net motion arises from the
eddies. However, the averageof the squaresof the fluctuations (ur2 ) will not be zero
practice except over short distances). The flow is termed isotropic if the magnitudeof the
fluctuating velocity componentis the samein eachof the three principle directions (i. e.
uxz== uyz. uZ
Turbulent flow can be described as a spectrum of eddy sizes and each eddy has its own
energy associated with it, Figure 2.6. The energy spectral density function E(k) describes
the total turbulent kinetic energy contained within a range of eddies. (Where k is the
wave number and is the reciprocal of eddy size (1/d), such that E(k) represents the energy
ik kýý
ýi k, 13
k4 I
NUMBER -----º-
The larger eddies(which are effectedby external forces such as the impeller blade in a
stirred vessel) transfer their energyto the smaller onesuntil the smallesteddiesdissipate
kinetic energy into heat through viscous shear. The smaller eddiesbecomestatistically
independentfrom the larger ones. For steadystateto be maintained there must be an
input of energy, provided for example by an impeller.
There is thus a range of frequenciesthat are not excited by external forces and are instead
the kinematic viscosity, v. The universal equilibrium range is made up of two sub-
ranges: the inertial sub-rangewhere the energy spectrumis independentof v, and only
dependenton e, and the viscous dissipation range where the energy spectrum is
dependenton both (Figure 2.6).
If the assumptions are made that break-up is due to turbulent pressure fluctuations and
that the droplet size is small compared to the macro-scale of turbulence, L, Kolmogorov
(1949) and then later Hinze (1955) arguedthat the flow could be characterisedin terms of
the energy dissipation.
The largest scale of turbulence is the integral length scale of the velocity correlation
function (Hinze, 1955) and is generally assumedto be proportional to impeller diameter,
D, which for rotor-stators can be assumedto be analogousto the rotor diameter. The size
(V3 )Y4
= (2.8)
The characteristic velocity and time scalesin this range can be defined respectively by:
and ik
(v y (2.9)
`s )
The region between eddy sizes of D and Xkis the inertial sub-rangewhere the assumption
mixer and the majority of researchershave estimated values for the highest local energy
dissipation rates, (Sparks, 1996; Pedrocchi and Widmer, 1988; Kroezen & Wassink,
Kolmogorov (1949) and later Hinze (1955) developed a model of drop-break in the
inertial sub-range. The model assumes that the disruptive stress on a drop is due to
turbulent eddies in the inertial sub-range and viscous forces of the dispersed phase are
consideredto be negligible.
If the Reynolds number is high, the motion of the fluid in a very small volume are
determinedsolely by the energydissipationrate, e (i.e. local isotropy). This assumption
holds true if the macro-scale of turbulence (the length scale of the energy containing
difference acrossthe surface of the drop, U2(d) can be related to the total kinetic energy
using the energy spectrum (Equation (2.10)).
The scaling of the E(k) in the inertial sub-rangeis then given by:
E(k) =PE 3k 3 (2.11)
Substituting Equation (2.11) into Equation (2.10) and then the result into Equation (2.1)
ic =1.5ßpc£2/3d2/3 (2.12)
Equation (2.12) describes the magnitude of the inertial stresses acting on a drop of
diameter, d and is valid for D»d» Ak. This equation can be combined with the
expressions for the resistive force Equations (2.3) and (2.4) to give a value for dmax"As
Pc s£
d -2/5
max (2.13)
energy dissipation rate (power draw) per unit mass, r g. In an agitated vessel it can be
assumed that the local energy dissipation rate is proportional to the averageenergy
dissipation rate, sQ,,,over the whole vessel for all sizes of mixing vessel (geometric
The constant of proportionality was defined as the energy concentration factor, B1. The
In a stirred vessel, for sufficiently long residencetimes all the drops in the dispersion will
power draw of the mixer. For fully turbulent conditions the power draw, P, can be
determined from drag coefficient analysis which gives:
P= PopýN3D5 (2.15)
Where B2, the constant of proportionality, incorporates the geometric factors including
the power number, Po.
Hinze (1955) suggestedthat the drop size could be related to the droplet Weber number,
We,the ratio of inertia force (or kinetic energy) acting on the surface of the drop to
becomesunstable. As Eggis a function of the impeller diameter and the impeller tip
Equation (2.16) can be inserted into (2.13) and simplified using the definition of We,to
= A1We-315 (2.18)
It should be noted that this correlation is only applicable when the droplets are of a
the inertial sub-rangeare responsiblefor drop break-up. Also, it is assumed that the
in is to
residencetime the vessel sufficient ensure that all the droplets in the dispersion
are exposedto the full range of energy dissipation (i. e. d.,, is determined by the largest
values of E).
These expressions can be substituted into Equation (2.7), which then allows a similar
Shinnar (1961) used the following functional form for E(k), (d < Ak):
dm «Q'" p-2311'3 £ (2.20)
d« (WeRe)X (2.21)
The Reynolds number is the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces and is defined as:
Re = (2.22)
Chen and Middleman (1967) used the following functional form for E(k), (d «Ak):
Which gives:
34v 44
dmax°CQ'7 p E (2.24)
Equation (2.24) can then be simplified to:
dmax (,
pc ye Re4 (2.25)
Equation (2.21) and (2.25) both apply to the viscous sub-rangeof turbulence and assume
that break-up is causedby inertial stresses. The differences in the two can be attributed
to the definition of the functional form of E(k).
However, Shinnar (1961) suggestedthat for drops smaller than Ak, shear forces would be
more significant than inertial stresses acting on the drop. The viscous shear force
responsible for break-up was given by (d < Ak):
TD « µy' (2.26)
This then gives the following expressionfor dmaxto representthe magnitude of the forces
Yvyr x
dmax«a'p (2.27)
« We-'Rey (2.28)
vessel and the droplet diameter. Many workers have reported that the rotor-stator mixer
exhibits inhomogeneousenergy dissipation and it is probable that the stressmechanisms
that cause break-up will vary throughout the mixer region. However, a comparison of
these models will establish which stressmechanisms are dominant in the generation of
dispersionsin a rotor-stator mixer.
rotational speedsto be studied) and to ensure that this assumption is valid, the energy
dissipation will be measured(Section 2.4).
The definition of Reynolds number above (Equation (2.22)) is the impeller Reynolds
number often used for stirred vessels. This definition takes the impeller diameter as the
characteristic length scale and the impeller tip speed as the characteristic velocity (to
determine the inertial forces createdby the rotor). However, Sparks (1996) observedthat
various regions in the mixer had different flow patterns (Section 2.3.1). In each of these
regions the characteristic length scale and the associatedvelocities causing turbulence
may change, these are discussed in further detail in Section 2.3.1.
The correlations presentedpreviously are all based on the maximum stable droplet size,
dmax.However, most of the correlations available in literature substitute the Sauter mean
diameter for dmax" Many previous authors have used image-capturing techniques to
determine droplet size distributions, which require tedious drop size counting. The
The Sauter mean diameter, d32,is defined as the quotient of the secondand third moment
" d3
d32 =n (2.29)
;_, ;
The Sauter mean diameter is important in mass transfer and reaction systems as it is
as =6 (2.30)
In addition to its design value, d32gives a better representation of the small as well as
large droplets, since it takes volume and surfacearea into account.
shown to be true for inviscid dispersedphasesby Chen and Middleman (1967) and also
for non-coalescing systems by Brown and Pitt (1971). They made the assumption that
break-up was due to a single mechanism. Calabrese(1992) generalisedtheir derivations
to state that dmaxis proportional to any convenient mean diameter, provided break-up is
due to a single mechanism.
Calabrese (1992) suggested the use of the volume mean diameter, d43,which better
represents the larger drops in the distribution. It was reasoned that the larger drops
suitability in models.
It is important to note that it is possible for two dispersions to have the same mean
diameterbut have very different droplet size distributions. Therefore,althoughmean
drop diameters are useful in design correlations the droplet size distribution should
A large number of papers confirm the inference that 1 has little or no effect on the mean
drop size (Middleman, 1974; Chen & Libby, 1978; and Streiff, 1977). However,
Tavlarides & Stamatoudis (1981) and El-Hamouz et al (1988) reported models that had
been developed for droplet size distributions (in stirred tanks) fitted experimental data
better by taking into account a damping effect on turbulence by the dispersedphase.
This agreed with findings by Brown and Pitt (1971) who observed that an increase in
dispersed phase concentration resulted in an increase in d32. As the system they were
using was a non-coalescing one, they attributed the increase to turbulence damping.
Brown and Pitt (1971) and later Streiff et al (1997) showed that d32could be related to 1
in the following form:
Doulah (1975) derived an expressionthat accountedfor the increasein drop size with the
P` 5(1+2.5i 65d32
d32 (2.32)
Where pe is the density of the dispersion and d'32representsthe Suater mean diameter of
drops in a dilute dispersion (as opposed to that in the concentrated dispersion, d32).
Equation (2.32) can be expressedin terms of the energy dissipation:
Pc (1 2.50x3
Ee=E + (2.33)
2.2.5. Summary
Traditionally the theoretical prediction of droplet size has been based on the assumption
cause drop disruption and those that oppose it. The correlations have been simplified to
exclude the effects of coalescenceand drop viscosity and therefore only apply to inviscid,
dilute dispersions (only interfacial effects resist drop deformation). The most important
The Sauter mean diameter, d32,has been shown to be proportional to dmaxand has a
greater design value than dmax.d32can, therefore, be substituted into the correlations for
dmaxlisted in Table 2.2.
The majority of authors report that the dispersed phase, (D, has little or no effect on
droplet size. There are a few exceptions,however,who all report a linear relationship
between mean drop size and « (Equation (2.31)).
Table 2.2 A summary of theoretical correlations to predict droplet size
2.3. Rotor-stator mixers
An understanding of the flow patterns within the rotor-stator mixer will give an
appreciation of the areas of high energy dissipation and the types of break-up
mechanisms that would be induced as a result. At this point it is worth clarifying the
basic geometry of an in-line rotor-stator mixer. In doing so, attention is drawn back to
Figure 2.4 which shows an example of a toothed and Silverson design of rotor and stator.
The basic principle (as outlined in Section 2.1.5.) is that the rotor spins at high speeds
within a motionless stator (with very small clearances). This creates a suction force
which draws material directly into the rotor region and is in turn forced by the pumping
The rotor-stator mixer exhibits complex flow patterns that make direct visualisation very
difficult. The flow within a rotor-stator mixer has been reported to be unsteady and
periodic (Kroezen & Wassink, 1987; Pedrocchi and Widmer, 1988; Korshakov et al
1990; Sparks 1996). The fixed stator will experiencea pulsating force as the rotor spins.
A small element of fluid experiences a large acceleration as it enters the rotor region
followed by a suddendeceleration as it proceedsto hit the stator wall.
Sparks (1996) performed some flow visualisation tests on a Perspex toothed rotor-stator
the inlet pipe; (b) the rotor region; (c) the sheargap; (d) the stator region; (e) the volute.
The Reynolds number, Re, (Equation (2.22)) is the ratio of inertial forces to viscous
forces present in a system. The relevant forces are consideredover an area of flow and
this area can be simplified to a characteristic linear dimension of the system. In stirred
vesselsthe characteristic length scaleis usually chosenas the impeller diameter, D and
the representativevelocity of flow is taken to be the impeller tip speed,3tND. This gives
the impeller Reynolds number defined in Equation (2.22). This dimensionlessparameter
provides an indication of the level of turbulence in a system,the higher the value the
greaterthe likelihood of turbulent flow. In mixing applications the Re provides a
criterion for dynamic similarity for scale-up.
The flow visualisation work performed by Sparks(1996) showed the flow patterns to be
very different in the various regions of the rotor-stator mixer. Also, it has been widely
reported that the energy dissipation in a rotor-stator mixer is highly inhomogeneous. This
would indicate that the turbulent energy would differ greatly throughout the mixer.
This would imply that the impeller Reynolds number may not be a true reflection of the
flow characteristicsthroughout the whole of the mixer. Each section in the mixer will
have its own characteristic length scaleand characteristicvelocity. The various
characteristic length scales and velocities within the mixer will shed some light on where
in the mixer the turbulent energy dissipation is focussed. Taking this in to consideration
would allow the identification of regions that are operating in the turbulent and laminar
The following is a review of the findings of Sparks (1996) and the various regions in the
mixer and the corresponding length scalesand velocities will be defined for each section
of the in-line rotor-stator mixer.
rotor drawing the fluid up the inlet pipe. There was no change in flow pattern observed
with operating condition (rotor speed,flowrate).
This swirling flow would result in a small degree of pre-mixing which might be
beneficialin the generationof dispersions.However,thereis alsothe possibility of phase
separation. The degree of pre-mixing will be determined by the turbulence characteristics
in the in-let pipe which can be assessedsimply by taking into account the pipe Reynolds
number, Reppe:
Re = pdu (2.34)
p,pe it
Where, the characteristic length scale is the inlet pipe diameter and the velocity is given
by the flowrate divided by the cross sectional areaof the pipe.
(b) Rotor
Fluid entering the rotor region was acceleratedtangentially and the flow pattern upstream
The tracer was seento follow the rotor teeth for a considerabledistance (along the rotor
The flow in this region was consideredto be predominantly tangential, with a much
lower radial component. As the fluid was seento follow the rotor teeth the velocity of the
fluid at the rotor tip, vtp, was consideredto be the sameas the tip speedof the rotor:
vp = ar, (2.35)
Sparks (1996) went on to describethe trajectory of the fluid through the rotor region as
vRADIAL= (2.36)
Where, A is the open areaof the rotor (m2) and Q is the flowrate (m3/s).
If VRADIAL can be calculated and the radial length, DRADIAL,that the fluid must travel in a
particular region can be determined. In the caseof the toothed rotor DRADIALin the rotor
region is the length of a rotor tooth, for a Silverson type rotor (a swept blade) this length
will be the length of one of the blades. The nominal residence time of the fluid in that
_ (2.37)
It is worth pointing out that the open area of a toothed rotor is considerably smaller than
that of a Silverson rotor (i. e. a swept blade type), Figure 2.7. This would lead to smaller
radial velocities and greater nominal residence times in the rotor region. A similar
be to
calculation can applied other regions within the mixer (e.g. the stator).
pO ýo
Figure 2.7 A Silverson type rotor and stator configuration
Hence, two characteristic length scales can be determined for fluid movement in the rotor
region. That for tangential flow, where the rotor diameter, D, will be the characteristic
length and the rotor tip speed, vtp, the characteristic velocity; and that for radial flow,
The former results in the impeller Reynolds number (Equation (2.22)) and the latter is
given by:
Re (2.38)
(c) ShearGap
The scale over which effects in the sheargap occur (less than 1 mm) coupled with the
high rotor-speedsmade observationsof the flow pattern in the sheargap region difficult.
The characteristic length scalein this region will be the gap between the rotor and the
stator, although the in
characteristicvelocity this region will remain the rotor tip speed,
Re8 = (2.39)
The shear rate in this region is determined by 8 and vtp and the Reswill provide an
indication of the dissipation in the gap due to viscous shear.
The values for 8 and v,1 can be inserted into Equation 2.37 to estimate the nominal
(d) Stator
(d) Stator
Fluid dischargingfrom the rotor was abruptly turned by the upstreamface of the stator
teeth and emerges radially. A fast stream followed the leading edge of the stator and a
The tangential kinetic energy given to the fluid by the rotor was transformed into
pumping power, skin friction losses and turbulent losses. It was suggested that the point
where the abrupt turn in the flow takesplace is where the lossesare greatest.
A certain degreeof back-mixing may also be evident as the rotor createsan area of low
pressureon the blade following edge,which may draw liquid back into the slot/hole.
The various shapes of the holes/slots in the stator screens make it appropriate, for
turbulent flow, to specify a hydraulic mean diameter, Dhyd,as the characteristic length
scale in this region. The hydraulic mean diameter is defined as four times the cross-
sectional area divided by the wetted perimeter. The velocity of the fluid moving radially
through the stator holes/slots can be defined as the bulk flowrate divided by the open area
of the stator screensand will be the velocity of the fluid jets emanating from the screens,
vjegs. definition of Reynolds number in the stator region is given by:
PDhyd yjels
Res, = (2.40)
p,o, µ .
The nominal residence time in the stator holes/slots can be estimated by using the
thickness of the screen(the depth of the hole/slot) and vje,s in Equation 2.37.
(e) Volute
Sparks (1996) divided the flow in the volute into three main sections (Figure 2.9).
Recirculating flows were observed behind the rotor (A). The flow directly out from the
stator was radial (B) and the outlet pipe contained swirling flow (C). Again no change
It is very difficult to characterisethe length scale in this region as the shaft and rotor and
the shapeof the volute will influence the flow characteristic. It is safe to assumethat the
bulk of the flow in this region and the resultant turbulent energy in the volute will be as a
direct result of the jets emanating from the stator holes/slots. It is also safe to assumethat
all of the fluid eventually finds its way to the outlet. Therefore, the characteristic linear
length scale for the flow in the volute can be taken as the distancebetween the volute
Figure 2.9 Flow pattern in the volute (Sparks, 1996)
PDvoluteyfets `
Revo, = (2.41)
ute P
mixer were determinedby the flows in the volute. This seemeda reasonablestatementas
he found that the residencetime distribution curveswere similar for a Silverson type
mixer and a toothed type. This is also reasonableas the volume of the volute is much
greaterthan the volume of the inlet and outlet pipes and the rotor-statorregion.
A nominal residencetime of the fluid in this region can be estimatedby dividing the
2.3.2. Drop Break-up in shear and elongated flow fields
Up to this point drop break-up in turbulent flow has been reviewed, however it is
reasonable to assume that there are regions within the mixer where these theories will not
apply. It has been reported that the assumption of local isotropy is only fulfilled locally
within the mixer. For this reasonthe following sectionwill review the main theories
behind droplet break-upin highly shearedflows.
When one immiscible liquid is added to another the dispersion process can be considered
to occur in stages. Initially the two liquids are at present in bulk as the mixing process
develops the bulk fluid gets broken up into chunks which in turn get broken into smaller
parts or globules. Hinze (1955) provided a summary of the various modes a single drop
(or globules) could break-up. He explained that a globule could split (due to
hydrodynamic forces) in a number of different ways depending on the flow pattern
around them and generalised them into three types (Figure 2.10).
/ý1- ýý--ýý
,.,,..y. ý ýr
tý ''
i iý +ý J I
Type 1 is where the globule is flattened to form an oblate ellipsoid. How the globule is
broken dependson the magnitude of the forces causing deformation. Type 2 occurs as
the globule becomesmore and more elongatedand forms a cylindrical thread which then
breaks into drops. Type 3 occurs as a result of local deformations on the surface of the
globule resulting in small drops breaking off the main body. Hinze (1955) went onto
classify six different flow patternsthat may causedrop break-up, five of which are shown
diagrammatically in Figure 2.11.
Parallel flow Plane hyperbolic Axi-symmetric
Flow hyperbolic flow
Couette Flow Rotating flow
Figure 2.11 Flow patternsthat can causeone of the basic types of globule deformation.
The sixth flow pattern that was describedwas an Irregular flow field (f) occurring in
turbulent flow.
It was assumedthat for the rotating flow pattern (e) the fluid rotates bodily. The flow
patterns were also assumedto be large compared to the globule size but still local within
the whole flow field.
Inertial forces a, c, e b, d f
Viscous Forces a, c, e b, d -
The globule will break-up if the flow pattern is large enough to sustainthe globule and if
the globule is exposedto this flow pattern for a sufficient amount of time. The type of
deformation and break-up was found to dependon the local flow patterns around the drop
compared with the size of the drop. In viscous flows the likely deformation modes were
plane hyperbolic and Couette flow, whereas,in turbulent flow it was deemedlikely that
Couette,axi-symmetrical and plane hyperbolic flow and perhapsirregular flow were
the casesbreak-up resulted in a number of smaller drops. They concluded that under
simple shear flow a uniform droplet size is unlikely and that a range of sizes is more
likely. Figure 2.12 shows a summary of their observations.
00 03-. 3 60-. 83
. .
C=0 000 3-4 70-. 93
. .
O==O O0°0 005-3 90-97
. .
0 NO BREAK-UP <4 10-. 36
NO BREAK-UP >. 005 78
Figure 2.12 Break-up of droplets in Couette flow field (Karam & Bellinger, 1968)
Taylor (1934) investigateddroplet deformation in the laminar flow regime (simple shear
field) over a rangeof viscosity ratios, }.b/µ,, (where, µdis the dispersedphaseviscosity,
and p, is the continuous phaseviscosity) 0.0003 to 20. Single drops approximately 1mm
in diameter were observedto deform and break-up in both Couette and hyperbolic flow.
Taylor formulated a theory of droplet deformation and break-up. In doing so he made the
following assumptions;that the drops are small so that they remain spherical when
deformed, small deformations, no slip at the drop interface and a continuous shearstress
acrossthe interface.
He found that drop break-up occurred at lower shearrates in a hyperbolic flow field
comparedwith the Couette flow. At the highest viscosity ratios no break-up was
observed in the Couette flow. For both types of flow patterns,higher shearrates were
required to deform and break-up drops at the viscosity ratios both considerably higher
and lower than one.
Karam & Bellinger (1968) discussedthe concept of internal circulation within a liquid
drop, which stabilised a droplet when deformed in a simple shearflow. Interfacial
tension acting on a drop under deformation will causethe drop to pinch off and divide.
Internal circulation preventsthis from happeningby building up pressurewithin the drop
against the dimple and pushing outward. Internal circulation was used as an explanation
for why the observeddrop size was approximately three times the calculated size (using
There have been numerous studiesthat have furthered the work of Taylor (1934). Karam
& Bellinger (1968) studied single drop break-up in Couette shearflow fields. However,
the most comprehensivework done in this areawas by Grace (1982) who studied the
deformation and break-up of droplets in various simulated shearflow fields, including
Couette and plane hyperbolic flow fields. A wide range of liquids were studied which
enabled µc from 5 to 300 kg/ms, arup to 0.025 N/m and µd/µcfrom 10"6to 950. The
The following is a summary of the findings of Grace (1982). A number of plots and
correlations were formulated using experimental data from simulated Couette (Rotational
Shearfield) and Extensional flow (plane hyperbolic shearfields).
For small deformations Taylor (1934) showedtheoretically that the deformation at burst,
DB, is equal to EB (referred to by Grace as the reduced shearrequired for break-up). The
drop deformation D equalsthe length of an elongateddrop minus breadth over length
plus breadth, (_ EB is defined by Equation 2.42.
EB _ (2.42)
viscosity ratio suggestedby Taylor (1934), Equation (2.43). Values forf(p) vary from 1
to 1.2 for viscosity ratios from 0 to infinity.
µd 19p + 16
Viscosity ratio, p= -, f (p) = (2.43)
µ1 16p + 16
00!. Lc a 45.5 poise
pb µc= 502 poise
Eg= 0A jac = 2.815 poise
GgrauCf(p)/y= 400
Viscous Forces Drop breaking by
Forces 10 main op
at Brust /.
Drop breaking by Tip Streaming l
p, 1 tI111
{ö 7 «5 lös i6 2
iö3 1ö icy i 10
Viscosity Ratio, p=µ.
Figure 2.13 Effect of viscosity ratio on EB in simple shear flow field (Grace, 1982)
It can be seenthat the viscosity ratio has a significant effect on EB, in Couette shearand a
minimum occurs in the range of viscosity ratios from 0.1 to 1.0. The critical shear
gradient increasessignificantly either side of this range. It was claimed that the
horizontal section below a viscosity ratio 0.1, representstip streaming (small drops that
are broken off from the tips of a drop that assumesa sigmoid shape)and does not
representactual drop break-up. It can be seenthat it is not possible to break drops in a
simple shear field if the viscosity ratio exceeds3.5.
Figure 2.13 is similar to that reported by Karam & Bellinger (1968), who also saw a
minimum a similar viscosity range. However, Grace showedthat drops could be
broken at viscosity ratios as low as 10"6,whereasKaram & Bellinger (1968) indicated
that this was not possible below 5x 10-3. They also showed a minimum value of reduced
shearof approximately 2 comparedto 0.6 of Grace (1982). Grace (1982) attributed these
differences to limitations in equipment and lower values of µ,, used by Karam and
Bellinger (1968) and also the values of interfacial tension used (Grace used the dynamic
interfacial tension between to pure components).
The data was also plotted in terms of drop draw ratio required for break-up at the critical
sheargradient. The drop draw ratio was defined as the length required for break-up over
the original drop diameter. Figure 2.14 shows a plot of drop draw ratio versus viscosity
ratio. The general correlation is similar to that shown in Figure 2.13, in that a minimum
occurs a viscosity ratio range of 0.2 to 1.0 with a rapid increaseeither side of this
minimum. For break-up to occur at the critical value of reduced shear,both a critical
drop draw ratio and a critical time under shearmust be attained.
Figure 2.14 shows the data in terms of reducedburst time, tb, versus viscosity ratio. The
reduced burst time is a dimensionless term and is represented as
Figures 2.13 to 2.15 can be used to predict the required critical shear,drop draw ratio and
the required sheartime for break-up over a 106range of µd/µc. However, in most
dispersion applications there will be a range of droplet size distributions and Grace
(1982) discussedthe effects of exceedingthe critical shearfor larger size drops to break
the smaller drops.
Drop Draw-Ratio a 45.5 poisecont.- phaseviscosity
Necessaryfor 502 "" it It of
Breakat Ee A 2,815' is to is
Figure 2.14 Effect of viscosity ratio on drop draw ratio necessaryfor break-up at EB
(Grace, 1982)
A«2,815 «««
ý ö
E a, 10 A 8°
ý= E A!
ý AAo
m 0.1
10_s toy 164 los 102 10 1 io
Viscosity dimensionless
Grace discussedhis results in terms of the ratio of actual shearover critical shear(E/EB),
his main findings were as follows:
The last point (5) above led to the inference that to achieve a large drop size reduction,
shearshould applied stage-wise,with sufficient low shear hold-up between stagesto
permit break-up of already deformed drops, in order to minimise energy consumption and
heat generation. It was suggestedthat the product of shearrate and sheartime should be
kept constant with low shearrate and long sheartime at the feed end and high shearrate
reason Grace (1982) also looked at single drop break-up in a simulated extensional shear
Figure 2.16 shows a plot of shearrequired for drop deformation and break-up, EB, in
extensional flow field versus viscosity ratio. Grace (1982) also included data points from
d fC7 µß: lip yd =6 dyne/cm
co ETL4 -Roil Data(O
N /C= 45.5 p yd 2-6 dyne /cm
N tO FLC- 5026 p
_p yd = 2-5-5 dyne/cm
MASON4- Ro11 Data A uC= 45-50p
QG y 04.8-7.5dyne/cm
U TAYLOR 4-Roil Data V ps 90-lOOp
U) y = 8-23 dyne/cm
.C 10
ÖO v
Opw 1.0
v o
ým o.!
10 4 2
id 10 10 101 100 10' 102
U 103
Viscosity Ratio,
µD/I C
Figure 2.16 Effect of viscosity ratio on EB in hyperbolic flow field (Grace, 1982)
It can be seenin Figure 2.16 that the curve exhibits a minimum at viscosity ratios
between 1 and S. Either side of this minimum the shearrequired to break up drops
increasesslowly with a maximum and minimum viscosity ratio in the order of 900 and
The value of shear required for drop break-up at the minimum of the curve is 0.2. This
value is a third of that seen for a simple shear field (Figure 2.13) which showed a value of
0.6 at the minimum. Thus, it can be said that for equal shear rates, extensional shear is
more effective for drop break-up than simple shear field (Couette), even at low viscosity
maximum stable drop deformation for drop-break to occur in extensional flow (Figure
2.17). It is important to note that exceedingthis maximum deformation does not ensure
drop break-up but makes it possible with the right combination of shearstressand shear
0.0L- 2
103 10 1Ö-1 100 101 102 10,
Dispersedto Continuous PhaseViscosityRatio,µp I uc, dimensionless
Grace (1982) showed that a critical drop deformation existed below which the removal of
shearwould not result in break-up but would return the drop to its original shape. The
critical drop deformation is defined in Figure 2.18. The critical deformation values are
large comparedwith the maximum stable drop deformation (Figure 2.17).
Drop 0 98
D 0.96
L-BI 1+B
0.92 9/ O
O0 Deformeddrops resumeoriginal
shapeupon removalof shear
8e Deformeddropsbreak up upon
0. gg removalof shear
0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100 1000
Figure 2.18 Drop deformation for burst at critical shearin extensional shear(Grace,
Figure 2.19 shows the critical burst time required to ensurebreak-up upon application
and removal of the critical extensional shear. The critical burst time for extensional shear
was shown to be similar to that for simple shear(Figure 2.15).
BY 102
O Reduced
101 E114-ro11data:
O uc"45.5poise;1"4-6dynes ! cm
O pc"45.5poise; T"3-4dyneslcm
Pc"45.5poise, y-LOdynesIcm
id-3 1072 1
1Ö 100 101 102
ViscosityRatio.It. 1i4. dimensionless
Figure 2.19 Effect of viscosity ratio on critical burst time for extensional shear(Grace,
The critical shearrequired for drop break-up was shown to be lower for extensional shear
comparedto simple shear,with equal critical burst times required. This indicated that
under extensional shearfield a lower total energy was required for break-up compared to
simple shearconditions.
The models discussed previously (Section 2.2) have been tested extensively for liquid-
liquid dispersions in stirred vessels (Tavlarides & Stamatoudis, 1981). However, their
application to rotor-stator mixers has been few and far between. This section provides a
review of the limited work performed on rotor-stator mixers and discussesthe application
of the models for the design of rotor-stators for liquid-liquid systems.
In the past, many manufacturers and operators have assumedthat, due to the complex
flow patterns and the high rotational speeds of the rotor-stator mixer, the device is
operating within the turbulent regime. However, Levine (1994) states that this
assumption is often misguided and that the machine is often operating in the laminar
regime (when mixing highly viscous fluids). This may explain the discrepancies in
performance of these types of mixers when scaling up from laboratory trials to full-scale
This reasoning highlights the importance of being able to predict whether the machine is
Levine (1994) went further to suggest that in turbulent flow the strong dependency of
power e. energy dissipation) on rotational speed leads to the deduction that volume
throughputs and geometric variables would not have a significant influence on the mixing
performance of the machine. Therefore, the most influential parameter when scaling-up
in the turbulent regime is the rotational speed (N). This opinion is echoed by those of
Kroezen and Wassink (1987), who investigated the use of rotor-stators as foam mixers.
They found N to be the parameterthat had the greatesteffect on bubble size distribution.
In laminar flow, viscous shear would be the more prominent break-up mechanism. The
longer a drop is exposedto the region of high shearthe greater the likelihood of the drop
elongating and splitting. Schubert (1997) found that for equal magnitudes of energy
dissipation per unit volume, viscous shear caused the greatest droplet disruption. In
viscous shear, break-up is controlled by the shearrate (Equation (2.23)) and the residence
time in a high shear zone is dependenton the geometry of the mixer. Therefore, for the
purposes of scaling up mixers that operate in the laminar regime, geometric similarity as
A method of determining the flow regime is to determine the dependency of the power
draw of the unit on rotational speed. If the power is found to be proportional to rotational
speed raised to the power of 3, then turbulent conditions will apply. If the power is
related rotational speedraised to the power of 2, then the flow will be laminar.
0.15 0
yc .7
0135 l
da, = CD ' (2.44)
Pc S o.25N0.8 08
Where, «, is the dispersed phase volume fraction, or is the interfacial tension, v,, is the
kinematic viscosity of the continuous phase, Q is the volume throughput, 8 is the shear
The results calculated using Equation (2.31) compared favourably with experimental
results. They described the unit as a centrifugal pump with a perforated ring mounted on
the impeller and which rotated in a secondfixed perforated ring. Experimental test were
performed using three types of oil in water emulsions and also three different rotor
diameters (with variable shear gaps and number of slits, and constant slot dimensions).
This enabled them to quantify the effects of various physical and geometrical parameters
indicated in Equation (2.42). However, it was highlighted that this correlation was
applicable only within the limits of their experimental conditions. No further details of
It is worth noting that the parameters show similar dependencies to the correlation
derived by Chen and Middleman (1967) for drop break-up in the viscous sub-range.
Equation (2.31) also includes the effects of Q, c and 8 on the mean diameter.
2.3.4. Turbulent energy dissipation rates, c
Schubert (1997) compared different mixers based on their energy dissipation rates, he
defined the energy dissipation as the power per unit volume:
Unfortunately, a definition of the volume was not provided and it is assumed that V
The correlations discussed in Section 2.2 all show different dependencies of s on the
They estimated energy dissipation rates of between 5 and 700 W/kg and correlated their
data with:
8=4x10-10N3 (2.46)
Sparks (1996) assumedthat the power was supplied to the fluid in a small region of the
rotor-stator (that included the rotor and stator teeth and the shear gap). He further
assumed that a proportion, a third of this power was dissipated through turbulence. This
estimation for the turbulence energy dissipation was considered a conservative guess
compared to the values quoted for static mixers (80%). However, it was deemed
reasonabledue to the extra frictional lossesthat may arise from the larger surface area in
a rotor-stator mixer.
Values in the order 1 kW/kg were quoted for the mixer as a whole. If the above
assumptions were made and the volume of the rotor-stator region was considered this
value increasedby 5 times.
However, values for turbulent energy dissipation rates were also estimated from Diazo-
coupling experiments and only a small proportion of the power supplied to the fluid by
the rotor in the rotor-stator region was found to be dissipated as turbulent energy. It was
This agrees with findings by Kroezen & Wassink (1987) who used a rotor-stator mixer
for producing foams (gas-liquid dispersions, with dispersedphaseconcentrations greater
than 50%). They reported that the shear rate was highest during rotor-stator interaction,
Sparks (1996) proposed two methods of ensuring that a higher proportion of fluid
experienced the higher dissipation rates. Firstly, the rotor-stator can be designed to
reduce the inhomogeneity. The Silverson design that was used had a lower nominal
radial velocity than the toothed designs, which may have reduced short-circuiting.
Secondly, the process fluid can be recycled through the device, in semi-batch mode
(Figure 2.2). A multi-stage rotor-stator mixer (discussed in Section 2.1.2) is an
Pedrocchi & Widmer (1989) found that up to 50 passesthrough the rotor-stator unit was
required to reach an equilibrium drop size distribution. The number of passes will be
dependenton the design of the mixer and also the physical properties of the liquid-liquid
system being used. A degree of caution is advised when operating in this mode, as
continual recirculation would result in a temperaturerise, which would effect the physical
properties of the fluids involved.
2.3.5. Energy dissipation and droplet size
stable emulsion with desired characteristics.Power is the principle operating cost for any
agitation system.
It can be observed from the models discussed previously that in the generation of
dispersions the principle parameter that can be varied to influence the final dispersion
properties is total energy input. The mean drop diameter can be related to the energy
dissipation by Equation (2.47):
a£ (2.47)
The constant b is dependenton the mixer geometry (stator design). Values of b for rotor-
stator mixers were evaluated to be between to -0.76 (Pedrocchi & Widmer, 1988)
and -0.2 to -0.4 in turbulent flow (Schubert, 1997).
provides any further details of the stator dimensions and design or reasons as to why the
Calabreseet al (2000) found the value for exponent b to be -0.48, which is close to -0.5
from the Shinnar model for break-up due to viscous sub-range eddies (Equation (2.25)).
They also found that their mean drop size data correlation, Equation (2.35), closely
matched Equation (2.22), (Chen and Middleman, 1967). Consequently, they suggested
that the break-up mechanisms for drop diameters near kk were due to eddies in the
inertial sub-rangeor viscous sub-range.
= 0.040We-'*" (2.48)
It must be noted, however, that the work performed by Pedrocchi and Widmer (1988) and
Calabreseet al (2000) were done using a laboratory scale batch rotor-stator mixers.
Saadevandi& Zakin (1996) studied the affect of mixing intensity and time on the mean
droplet size. It was observed that for a given time, an increase in mixing intensity
produces a smaller mean droplet size. However, it was also observed that beyond a
critical energy input the mean droplet size started to increase. An explanation for this
phenomenon was not given. However, it is possible that an increase in turbulent energy
dissipation would increase the probability of drops colliding and coalescing. Another
factor to consider is that as drops become smaller, the total concentration of drops within
a dispersion increases(i. e. greater surface area), this would also increasethe likelihood of
It is commonly believed that the power dissipated in the sheargap is responsible for drop
break-up. Pedrocchi and Widmer (1988) and later Calabrese et al (2000), found that
varying the dimension of the shear gap (width and height) had little affect on the volume
specific energy dissipation and droplet size. Both workers argued that the geometry of
the inlet and the outlet of the sheargap had a greater affect on s and drop size. Calabrese
et al (2000) postulated that the stator holes (slots) and the resulting turbulent jets were
mainly responsible for drop break-up.
It was suggestedthat only a small percentageof the total energy input was dissipated in
the sheargap and the assumptionof isotropic turbulent flow is only fulfilled locally in the
this observation. Firstly, it is possible that the turbulent energy dissipation rate in the
shear gap and the stator region were not significantly higher than in the rotor region.
Alternatively, the reaction may have been complete before the shear gap and stator was
reached. The findings of Calabreseet al (2000) and Pedrocchi and Widmer (1988) would
favour the former explanation.
In-line rotor-stator mixers are analogousto centrifugal pumps and an in-line rotor-stator
Sparks (1996) identified the main differences between a rotor-stator mixer and
(a) In a rotor-stator mixer the gap between the rotor and the stator, the sheargap, is very
narrow. The impeller in a centrifugal pump rotates with a large clearancefrom the
stationary volute wall.
(b) The pump impellers have swept blades to transmit momentum to the pumped fluid,
optimised. Pumps usually have a spiral volute to minimise head loss through gradual
Sparks (1996) presenteda power balance for pumps (Stepanoff, 1957 and Anderson,
+ PHYDPAUMC (2.49)
The individual componentsare discussedin the following sections.
2.4.2. Shaft power -
This parameter is important to the designer so that the correct motor can be specified.
Sparks (1996) statedthat this is analogousto the shaft power in a stirred tank, which for a
fully baffled stirred tank is given as (Rushton et al, 1950):
= ý'oPN3D5 (2.50)
Sparks (1996) investigated the effect of rotor-stator design on the shaft power for toothed
The exponentson N and D were explained by the fact that the flow visualisation showed
the fluid in the rotor region followed the rotor teeth, at a speedvt;p (=AND). Therefore,
the kinetic energy of a fluid element at the rotor tip, of massm (=pQ), could be expressed
as Equation (2.51).
Pflura=2nN D2Q (2.51)
The effect of the number of teeth on the rotor was found to have little or no effect on
shaft power. The effect of stator design was also found to have little effect on shaft
E s 3000 rpm
i 2500 rpm
. 2000 rpm
>1500 rpm
144 e 1000 rpm
con 500
0 500 rpm
Figure 2.20 Shaft power versus flow rate for a range of shaft speedsfor a Silverson
Shaft power was determined by measuring the shaft torque and the rotational speedand
calculated using:
= (2.52)
2.4.3. Pumping power - PpUMP
supplementalpump is required.
PUMP = (2.53)
Sparks (1996) found that the Silverson mixer had a greaterpumping efficiency than the
toothed designs,as the Silverson blades resembledthe impeller blades in a centrifugal
Expectedly, the pumping efficiencies obtained from the rotor-stator mixers were low
compared to that for centrifugal pumps. The rotor-stators inefficient pumping was
attributed to the fact it had not been optimised for pressurerecovery process.
In the rotor-stator, the flow straightening effect of the stator produces some pressure
recovery. significant pumping was required, this process does not occur without large
losses,principally to turbulence and friction losses. This is becausethe fluid being
dischargedtangentially by the rotor, impacts onto and then exits the stator in a radial
recovery step were sensitive to rotor-stator interaction then the turbulence generating
processwould be as well.
1500 -ý- r/18/50/119.6
ö0 r/18/50/121.45
-A r/18/50/123.34
Figure 2.21 Shaft power versus flow rate for a range of sheargap thickness for
The effect of stator design on pumping performance was also discussedand the results
from the toothed design suggestedthat the pumping efficiency was more dependentupon
stator open areathan rotor-stator interaction. The superior pumping efficiency of the
Silverson mixer, which had an open area of approximately 35%, further, supportedthis
significantly which also implied that turbulence and skin friction lossesmust be affected
as well. This suggeststhat stators might be designedto optimise for turbulence
2.4.4. Mechanical losses- PMECH
The mechanical lossesare the lossesdue to friction in the sealsand bearings (Stepanoff,
1957). Sparks (1996) found that the mechanical lossesaccountedfor approximately 2.5%
Disc friction lossesare causedby the frictional drag on the solid surfacesof the rotor and
are analogousto the skin friction lossesin motionless mixers. These lossestend to be
significant in pumps. Sparks (1996) used the following equation to predict disc friction
loss (Karassik et al, 1986):
P = N3D5 (2.54)
The leakage loss can have two meanings,firstly (and most obviously) it can refer to
leakagethrough seals. Secondly it can mean loss due to the fluid not passing through in
the right direction. For example when fluid passesback from the high-pressure
(downstream) side of the impeller to the low-pressure(upstream) side.
Centrifugal pumps are very poor mixers (Hearn, 1992) and hydraulic losses(including
turbulent losses) in
are very small relation to the energy balance at or near the best
efficiency point.
When considering the design of a rotor-stator mixer the rotor should be designedto
increasehydraulic lossesas this will increaseturbulent energy dissipation. An opposite
Sparks (1996) did not measurehydraulic and leakagelosses,but instead assumedthat the
remainder of the power balancethat was not accountedfor was the hydraulic and leakage
loss combined.
(PPUMP + PMECH + PD/SC) (2.55)
It was found that approximately 70% of the shaft power input was dissipated through
hydraulic and leakagelosses.
a 80
Cl. 60
0 40
H 20
d '
a pumpingpoweroutput
0 45
Flow rate (litres! second)
The energy balance (Figure 2.22) showed that the combination of hydraulic and leakage
power was relatively insensitive to small changes in flowrate and appeared to be more
dependanton shaft speed.
2.5. Droplet size measurement techniques
The main on-line drop size measuringtechnique that has been reported throughout
literature is image capturing (Middleman, 1974; Brown & Pitt, 1974; Chen & Libby,
1978; Pacek et al, 1994; Pacek & Nienow, 1995, Calabreseet al, 2000). Despite the
popularity of this technique for use in liquid-liquid work it has a number of limitations:
" Cannot accurately measuredroplets below 20 µm, this makes it inapplicable for
" The results are operator dependent(as the manual measurementof drop sizes is
Another technique reported to have been used on-line, is the measurementof electrical
conductivity, Coulter counter, (Wachtel and La Mer, 1961; Becher, 1964, Saadevandi and
Zakin, 1996). The dispersion is forced through a small aperturebetween two electrodes
and drop sizes are measuredby changesin the conductivity of the continuous phase.
Drops can be measuredin the range of 10 to 250 microns. However, this technique is
only suitable for dilute systemsto prevent blockage of the apertureand also to lower the
probability of two drops passingthrough at the sametime. This technique also requires
the addition of an electrolyte to enhanceconductivity, which may effect the physical
properties of the system and will affect the likelihood of coalescenceoccurring.
There are numerous off-line techniquesavailable. The most common are as follows:
" Light scattering (Averbukh et al, 1988): This techniques utilises the relationship
between droplet size and the degree of light that each size scatters (the smaller the
drop the greater the scatter). This method is simple to operate and there are
instruments available on the market that can make rapid measurementsover a wide
size range. However, they are not suitable for opaqueor concentratedsystems.
" Laser diffraction (E1-Hamouzet al, 1988, Pedrocchi and Widmer 1988; Streiff et al,
1997): This technique is similar to light scattering, however, the degree of diffraction
is related to droplet size. The smaller the droplet the greater the diffraction. Its
advantages are it is a rapid measurement device and can measure droplets from
1000µm down to sub-micron sizes. However, instruments that are currently available
on the market require the need for considerable dilution. There are several
9 Ultrasound: This is a relatively new technique that utilises the relationship between
the attenuation of sound as a function of frequency and droplet size. It works on the
principle that different sizes attenuate sound at different frequencies. This method is
suitable for high dispersedphase concentrations and handles a wide size range (0.01-
1000 µm) (Clements, 1996). However, due to it being a relative new technology,
instruments on the market (Malvern Mastersizer) tend to be very expensive and its in-
line application is still very much in the development stages.
2.5.3. Technique selection
It is apparent that research into liquid-liquid systems has been limited to dilute systems
by the constraints imposed by the drop size measurementtechnique. The measurement
technique for use in this researchmust incorporate the following important factors:
1. Measurementof drop sizes in the order of the Kolmogorov micro-scale and below.
2. The measurementof droplets in high dispersedphaseconcentrations.
3. The technique must show good repeatability.
4. Availability
The droplet sizes generatedby an in-line rotor-stator mixer are expected to be too small
for measurementusing video techniques. Semi-in-line methods such as laser diffraction
(Malvern Mastersizer) and electrical conductivity (Coulter Counter) are limited to low (D.
However, despite it's limitations the Malvern Mastersizer (laser diffraction) is the only
available technique that can successfully measure the small droplet sizes that are
expected from the rotor-stator mixer (<10µm). This is the most important criterion for
work with high-energy dissipation rates and the validation of mechanistic models for d<
Ak. As this technique requires considerabledilution at high 1 and is predominantly off-
line, a sample has to be extracted and diluted for measurementto be possible.
The sampling procedure can be validated against an in-line video capturing technique that
has been developed in-house at BHR group. A detailed description of the two techniques
used in this is
work given in chapter 3.
2.6. Conclusions
Rotor-stator mixers are used in a wide range of applications and are suitable for processes
in literature openly available specifically regarding correlations of drop size with
operating parameters.
The work that has been done discussesthe relationship between droplet size and energy
dissipation. It has been reported that the mean drop diameter was found to be a power
function of 8.
stator mixers. A limited amount of work has been done on investigating the main break-
up mechanisms in a rotor-stator mixer. It has been suggested that more than one
It is widely reported that energy dissipation in the sheargap is small compared to that due
to rotor-stator interactions. However, little is known about the distribution of energy
dissipation within the mixer. It is clear that the rotational speedof the mixer is the main
The general consensusis that scale-up should be basedon energy dissipation rather than
tip speed. The literature is mainly concerned with the small-scale laboratory devices.
There has been little work done on industrial sized unit.
Although theories describing the forces causing and resisting break-up is simplified to
inviscid dilute systems,they can be extendedto high values of 1 if the system studied is
CHAPTER 3. Goals, Aims and Objectives
The literature review revealed that the level of understanding of liquid-liquid dispersion
formation from rotor-stator mixers is not as great as for stirred tanks or static mixers.
Therefore, the main aim of this project was to quantify the behaviour of an industrial
sized in-line rotor-stator mixer with regards to its liquid-liquid performance. This
research focused on one liquid-liquid system to isolate the influence of the geometrical
and mechanical features of the mixer on droplet size. To achieve the main goal, the
following objectives were specified:
(b) Identify and validate a suitable droplet size measurementand sampling technique.
(c) Determine the effects of rotor speed (N), flowrate (Q), rotor diameter (D), stator
(d) Ascertain the effect of stator design on the droplet size distribution
(e) Develop a technique for measuring power consumption in the rotor-stator mixer.
(f) Explore the relationship between droplet size and turbulent energy dissipation rate.
(g) Analyse the results of the experimental work and correlate the data in terms of dmean.
(h) Attempt to determine the main stress mechanism responsible for drop break-up
CHAPTER 4. Experimental Equipment, Materials and Methods
In order to achieve the goals of this research,it was necessaryto construct a liquid-liquid
contactor rig. This rig was used to perform the dispersion tests and enabledthe operating
conditions to be varied easily and rapidly. This meant for a single run, a number of
different conditions could be investigated.
A Malvern Mastersizer was used to measurethe droplet sizes. This technique required
A separaterig was set-up to perform the power measurementson the in-line rotor-stator
Details of the equipment used including the methodologies are presentedin the following
An experimental rig was constructedto perform the tests on the in-line rotor-stator mixer
(Plate 4.1). Details of the operating proceduresand the namesand addressesof suppliers
can be found in Appendix 1 and 2 respectively. The rig design enabledthe flowrates,
dispersedphaseconcentration and rotational speedof the mixer to be varied quickly and
The rig was designedby N Thapar (HILINE Consortium, BHR Group Ltd) and
constructed with the help of Silverson Machines Ltd. The rig was designedwith the
intention that it could be used to test the performance of static mixers as well as in-line
rotor-stator mixers. For this reason it had to be easily interchangeablebetween the two
types of mixers and easy to clean.
4.1.1. Experimental Rig
A schematicdiagram of the experimental rig is shown in Figure 4.1 and a general view
shown in Plate 4.1. An in-line rotor-stator mixer (basedon a Silverson 425 LSM unit,
Appendix 2) was fitted in a flow loop betweentwo feed tanks (aqueousand organic) and
two settling/wastetanks, eachwith a capacity of 1m3.
Plate 4.1 Photograph of test rig (Front View)
The organic feed was introduced to the aqueousline one pipe diameter up-stream of the
rotor-stator mixer via a manifold (a T-piece). Sampleswere extracted one pipe diameter
downstreamof the mixer (Section 4.4). The two liquids were supplied to the mixers using
centrifugal pumps, one for the continuous phaseand two (high flow and low flow) for the
dispersedphase,this enableda wide range of dispersedphaseconcentrationsto be
investigated. The pumps were controlled using a flow controller so that a number of
different c and Q to be investigated in a single run. This enabledrapid measurements
An inherent problem with working on industrial sized units is the waste product that is
generated. The dispersedphasewas allowed to settle in the settling tanks and then
recycled. Any waste water was pumped into a separatestoragevessel (along with waste
organic phase)which was periodically emptied and taken away for incineration. This
increasedthe cost of the operation of the rig.
The feed and settling tanks were constructed from stainless steel and all the pipe work
was hygienic stainless steel (Outer Diameter of 25.4 mm). The fittings were hygienic tri-
clover clamps. This enabled the rig to be easily dismantled for cleaning purposes. The
tri-clover gaskets were made out of Medium Density Ethylene Propylene Rubber
(EPDM) on the aqueous side and Viton on the organic side.
The organic and the aqueousfeeds were pumped to the in-line mixer using centrifugal
pumps. The aqueousfeed was pumped using a Grundfos CRN2-40 (1.5 kW) which was
capable of delivering flowrates between 0.4-2.7 m3/h. A similar pump was used on the
organic feed in to
addition a smaller one, Grundfos CRN8- 40 (0.55 kW) that enabled
lower flowrates between 0.14-0.4 m3/h. This resulted in a wide range of flowrates (0.14-
2.7 m3/h) on the organic line and thus a wider range of (D.
The desired 4 was achieved by maintaining the flowrates of the organic and aqueous
phasesin the correct proportions. The flowrates were measuredusing Quadrina Q-flo
turbine meters (types QBL/1OB/EP1 & QEL/1OB/EP1)all of which gave an error of +/-
0.5%. The flow was controlled using a feedback loop from the flow meters to the pump
motor inverters via a Nixon Instrumentation digital flow controller 98RC that controlled
the speedof the pumps. The flow controller was usedto set the desired flowrates and to
A gate valve was placed downstreamof the rotor-stator mixer to throttle its pumping
effect, thus preventing cavitation and maintaining a constant flowrate. The recycle loops
were present on the feed lines for use when commissioning the flow transducersand
testing the pumps. The pressureddifference acrossthe mixer was measuredusing a
Druck PTX 120/WL pressuretransducerconnectedto fittings located 1 pipe diameter
The material in the settling tanks was left to separatefor at least 24 hours before
recycling the organic phase. The water phase (plus any remaining organic) was pumped
out to waste.
Tests were performed on a Silverson 425 LS unit that incorporated a motor specially
adapted produce rotational speedsfrom 3000 to 12000 rpm. A Vacon inverter (CXS
Figure 4.2 StandardSilverson rotor and stators.Clockwise from top left;
Rotor; Emulsor screen;General purpose disintegrating head;
Slotted Head; Squarehole high shearscreen.
The SquareHole High Shear Screen(SQHHSS) and the Emulsor Screen(ES) are the two
favoured stator designs for liquid-liquid mixing. However, tests were also performed on
the Slotted Head (SH) and the General PurposeDisintegrating Head (GPDH) to observe
the effects of geometry on droplet size.
The dimensions of the various rotors and statorsstudied are summarisedin Table 4.1.
The dimensions listed all representstandardindustrial scale Silverson designs. The
clearanceis generally made as small as possible, within the limitations of the machinery
and material used.
The volume of the volute was not changedwith eachrotor scale. It could be argued that
this does not representa true reflection on scale, as the liquid volume in the volute
decreasesas the rotor-stator size increases. However, discussionspresentedin Section 2
region. The differences in the volume were small and consequentlythe affect of these
differences on the flow in the volute would also be small.
4.2. Experimental materials
removed, (the name and addressof the supplier, Alcohols Limited, can be found in
Appendix 2). The main reasonsbehind this selection are that it is relatively cheap and
continuous phaseto be as pure as possible. For this reasonthe liquid-liquid rig utilised
de-ionised water. Table 4.2 lists the physical properties of Alcosol D70 and water.
Kerosene Water
Viscosity (kg/ms) 0.002 0.001
Density (kg/m) 800 1000
Interfacial Tension (Portingell, 1989) 0.046 N/m
The viscosity of the kerosenewas measuredusing a bob and cup type rheometer
(Contraves Rheomoat 115). The in Table 4.2 5s 1
value correspondsto a shearrate of at
20°C. The temperaturerise from a single passthrough an in-line rotor-stator mixer was
decreasesfrom 0.001 kg/ms at 20°C to 0.009 kg/ms at 25°C. Therefore it was assumed
that the instantaneouseffect on heating on the viscosity of the two liquids was negligible.
The interfacial tension betweenkeroseneand water was evaluatedusing the pendant drop
method, (Portingell, 1989). This was measuredeachtime fresh fluids were addedto the
test rig. Also, spot checks were performed on material that was recycled. The interfacial
tension did not vary more than 5% over the courseof the experiments.
4.2.2. Kerosene-WaterStability
Some initial bench top experimentswere performed to investigate the stability of the
kerosene/waterdispersion. These experimentswere performed in a glass vessel fitted
with a six blade Rushton turbine (the impeller speedbeing the equivalent of rotor speed)
The dispersion was generatedusing a vessel (5.43 litre) fitted with a six bladed Rushton
turbine (Figure 4.3) with a rotational speedof 1000 rpm.
experiments were performed in a water bath and were run for 60 minutes to ensure
droplet size equilibrium had been attained.
Sampleswere extracted from the vessel and placed onto glass slides and viewed under a
A plastic 10 ml pipette with the end choppedoff to increasethe diameter of the tube was
to to
used extract samples observeany differences in droplet size distribution. A syringe
was also used with some 2mm Marprene tubing attached. The length of time the sample
remained in the pipette was also varied. This would give an idea of the effects of
sampling time on the droplet size distributions.
The results of these experiments were then used to develop a continuous sampling
technique on the main liquid-liquid rig. The results and observation of these tests are
discussed in Chapter 6.
Sampling Point
Volume =
5.43 litres
6 Blade Rushton
0.19 m
4.3. Droplet Size Measurement
section the various elementsthat make up a practical unit are discussedand the general
operation is explained.
The Malvern Mastersizer was selectedto measurethe droplet size distributions from the
in-line rotor-stator mixer. A Mastersizer 2000 was used in this researchwhich was
supplied courtesy of Silverson Machines and also the EPSRC Loan Pool, (Appendix 2).
The unit from the loan pool was used extensively in the sampling validation work. The
results from this unit were then compared (for a similar run) to the Silverson unit to
ensurethat there was no significant differences in the different units. Comparisonswere
also made on standardlatex particles and betweenthe results obtained from the two units
were almost identical. The Silverson unit was then used for all of the performance tests
The main constituents of a laser diffraction device for measuring particle size are shown
in Figure 4.4:
The Mastersizer can be broken down into three constituents,the optical unit; sampling
processedby the software in the computer to give drop sizes. The sample accessoriesare
used prepare the sampleand transfer it to the optical unit
Single Unit
He - Ne Laser
Analyser Beam Lens
The optical unit incorporatesthree modules that correspondto points (a) - (c) mentioned
The Transmitter
The transmitter contains the laser and electronics that generatethe laser beam. The
Mastersizer usesa Helium-Neon laser to provide a monochromatic light source. The
laser beam is passedthrough a processingunit that comprisesof a spatial filter and a
beam expanderthat producesan extendedand collimated beam. The expandedbeam is
then transmitted through the sample cell.
The sample area is located betweenthe transmitter and the receiver and is where the laser
is passedthrough the sample.The Mastersizer is supplied with various sampling
The accessory that came with the Mastersizer 2000 was the Hydro 2000G. The Hydro
2000G has a1 litre vessel that contains a stirrer (to keep the sample in suspension) and a
pump that supplies the flow cell with sample. However, a continuous dilution technique,
Section 4.4, was developed that avoided the need for this accessory and the Hydro 2000G
was only used for cleaning purposes (flushing the cell) and not for introducing the sample
to the cell.
A schematic diagram of the flow cell and the Hydro 2000G arrangement is shown in
Figure 4.5. During the measurement process V2 was closed and VI was opened to allow
the diluted sample through the flow cell. After the sample had passed through the flow
cell was directed straight to waste by keeping V3 open.
To waste
)le line
Figure 4.5 A schematic diagram of the flow cell and Hydro 2000G arrangement
Once the measurementwas complete, V1 and V3 were closed and V2 was openedand
the Hydro 2000G was filled with de-ionised water. The water was then recirculated
through the flow cell using the Hydro 2000G pump.
The cleanlinessof the cell was monitored using the background reading on the
Mastersizer. The cell was flushed through twice after every measurement. If the
background readings were too high even after flushing, the cell was taken apart and left
to soak in 5% detergentsolution (Decon 75) for 2 hours. After 2 hours the cell was
flushed thoroughly firstly with warm water and then with de-ionised water, to ensureall
The Receiver
The receiver collects and storesthe information received from the diffracted laser light
and main componentsare a Fourier lens, detector and an obscuration monitor.
The diffracted light is interceptedby the Fourier lens, which maps the scatteredlight
from particles of the samesize into a common spatial position in the focal plane. The
detector is located in the focal plane and consistsof a number of photo-diode elements
The obscuration monitor is used to measurethe amount of laser light lost due to the
introduction of the sample into the analyserbeam. If there are no particles in the laser
beam,all the light falls onto the obscurationdetector. As particles are introducedinto the
laserbeam,they block this light and scatterlight onto the detectorelements.The
obscurationis the ratio of the intensity of the incident light with no sampleto that with
sampleand is usedto monitor the concentrationof the particle. It is an important
parameteras it allows the operatorto control the concentrationof the sample,as too
many particleswould result in multiple scatteringand thereforeerroneoussize data.
The collected data is then sentto the computerfor analysis. The Mastersizeruses
Lorenz-Mie theory to predict the droplet size distribution from scatteringintensities. The
Mastersizercollects a scatterpattern from a sampleand then constructsa rough droplet
size distribution. Lorenz-Mie theory is then applied to convert this distribution back to a
scatteringpattern. The predictedpatternis then comparedto the original pattern and if it
is a close fit the correspondingparticle sizesare accepted. If the comparisonis not a
Probe for c
The Video probe consistedof a lens attachedto a CCD camera(Hitachi KP160) that was
housed in a purpose built stainlesssteel casing. The casing was fitted with tri-clover
fittings, which enabledthe probe to be inserted in-line (Figures 4.6 & 4.7a). The probe
housing was designed so that the cross sectional areabetweenthe probe and the strobe
was equal to that of the inlet and the outlet of the video probe housing.
The probe consisted of a lens that was attachedto a CCD camera(HITACHI KP160)
opposite side of the probe to provide backlighting. The strobe was operatedat 50 Hz to
correspond with the electronic shutter speedof the camera and had a flash half intensity
The dimensions of the casing and the spacerestrictions imposed by the positioning of the
probe and the fibre optic meant that images were taken 5 pipe diameters downstream of
the mixer.
Images were transferred from the CCD to a computer using a Neotech frame grabber,
The system was calibrated by taking a picture of a graticule using the Video Probe, one
division on the graticule was the equivalent of 50 µm. A computer was then used to draw
a straight line on the image. This length of the line (in pm) was known from the divisions
on the graticule and the computer was then usedto calculate a calibration factor by
dividing this distance by the number of pixels that representedthe line. The calibration
factor was calculated to be 1.2 pm/pixel.
program counted the number of whole pixels acrossthe diameter of the circle and then
used the calibration factor to determine a diameter in µm. Only drops in focus were
When all of the drops in a frame had been measuredthe software programme counted the
number of drops that had been measured and calculated the d32,
before moving onto the
next frame. The number of droplets measuredwas dependent on the value of d32,
The images captured by the CCD camerawere made up of two interlaced pictures (i. e.
two frames taken a split secondapart). As the imageswere taken of a dynamic situation
the picture quality was not always the best and the drops would often have blurred edges.
During analysis, the software program allowed one of these imagesto be discarded. It
then interpolated between the gapsto obtain a full image. This procedure resulted in
improved image quality.
A potential problem with this technique is the degreeof accuracy displayed when
measuring smaller droplet sizes. The calibration factor for this measurementwas 1.2
microns/pixel so a true droplet diameter of 5 µm would cover 6 pixels. The size of one
pixel was approximately 250 µm, thus the diameter of the circle that would have to be
drawn around a5 µm drop would be 1500 µm (or 1.5 mm). The resolution of this
technique was 2.4 µm (as the thickness of the circle drawn around a drop was the
equivalent of 2 pixels).
In order to eliminate errors due to individual subjectivity, the same operator was used to
Another inherent problem with this technique is that the larger droplets have a tendency
to obscure the smaller ones and thus make it difficult to spot smaller ones. This gives rise
to inaccuraciesin the droplet size distribution. However, this technique is useful in
identifying the larger droplet sizes,which are more likely to be affected by the sampling
is that all the particles are spherical and the results are expressedin terms of equivalent
spheres.The Mastersizer, therefore, determinesthe volume of the particle and relates this
back to a diameter of a spherewith an equivalent volume. It is important to note that the
are optimised to match the detector geometry and optical configuration giving the best
resolution. The standardMastersizer has 72 analysis size bandsand are createdby equal
logarithmic spacing between the limits of the instrument. All parametersare derived from
this fundamental distribution using the summation of the contributions from each size
band. The representativediameter for each band is taken to be the geometric mean and is
The droplet size distributions generatedby the Malvern Mastersizer are presentedas
Volume frequency curves. The frequency curve is useful when identifying where the
main peaks in the distribution lie and also when comparing results from different
The Mastersizer software allows the customisation of the size bands and can switch from
The droplets that were measuredusing the video probe were analysedin an Excel
spreadsheetthat arranged the data in ascending order and then placed the diameters into
predetermined bin sizes (which matched those used by the Mastersizer software). The
distributions generatedby the spreadsheetwere both number and volume based. This
enabledthe droplet size distributions from the Mastersizer and the Video probe to be
probe measuresthe diameter. It was mentioned previously that the video probe was
subject an error of ±2 µm on a particle/droplet diameter. Therefore, for droplets
were made using both number basedand volume baseddistributions to minimise errors
that may exist when converting from one to the other.
A continuous sampling and dilution systemwas developed (Figure 4.7) that eliminated
the need for the sampling accessorieson the Malvern Mastersizer. This allowed a larger
volume of sample to be measuredat higher concentrationsand also aided the processof
making rapid measurements.
Figure 4.7a shows the video probe in the outlet of the mixer and the sampling point. The
technique involved the extraction of a continuous streamof sample from the outlet of the
rotor-stator mixer. This sample was introduced into a water line, the flowrate of which
was controlled using a peristaltic pump (Figure 4.7b). The diluted stream was fed
The sample was extracted using two sectionsof 2mm stainlesssteal tubing both with one
end curved (Figure 4.7c & Figure 4.8). The angle of curvature was kept as large as
to minimise flow irregularities. The sampling inlet was positioned in the centre
of the rotor-stator outlet pipe. The two tubes were connectedusing 2mm Marprene
tubing, a distance was kept between the two tubes to accommodatethe lab clamp valve.
Figure 4.7 Sampling arrangement. Clockwise from top left; (a) The inline
There was a danger that as the sample flows through the valve arrangement,further drop
break-up may occur giving rise to erroneousresults. The lab clamp valve arrangement
was selectedbecauseit eliminated any sharp surfacesor edgesthat would exist if a ball or
needle valve were used and minimised the effect of sampling on the droplet size
aarrp Valve
2mmstainless st
8mm FE To Nbly rn
From WS mixer Tubing
The sensitivity of the Mastersizer to air bubbles led to de-ionised water (that had been left
to de-aerate over night) being used as the diluent. The correct dilution rate was achieved
by adjusting the laboratory clamp valve and also by varying the flowrate of the water.
The concentration (or obscuration, see Appendix 3) was monitored by the Mastersizer
software program and a measurement was made only when the correct level was
achieved. The sampling technique was validated against the Video Probe described
4.5. Measurement of Power supplied to the fluid
of the droplet sizes with the Kolmogorov length scale. The Kolmogorov length scale,
therefore, is important in the interpretation of the droplet size data.
Although it was not possible to monitor the power during the dispersion tests,
The measurementof power was discussedin Chapter 2.4 and it was mentioned that in-
line rotor-stator mixers are analogousto centrifugal pumps. A power balance for pumps,
used by Sparks (1996), to evaluatethe power dissipatedto the fluid in an in-line rotor-
shaft torque. The shaft power is calculated from the torque using Equation 2.38. This
Sparks (1996) used this technique to calculate the shaft power on an in-line rotor-stator
mixer. The motor shaft was extended to allow a torque transducer to be fitted between the
motor and the mixing head. He reported values of torque from 1 to 4 Nm at 3000 rpm,
(the highest rotational speedsinvestigated). However, it was found that these values
were at the lower limits of the torque transducerused and thus at the limits of accurate
measurement. An inherent problem with strain gaugesand torque transducersis that their
Adopting a similar approachwasdifficult for this work dueto the high rotationalspeeds
of the rotor-statormixer. designed
Instrumentation for high rotationalspeeds did not
have adequateresolution to measurethe low values of torque expectedfrom the in-line
rotor-stator mixer. In addition, the cost and safety implications of extending the motor
shaft rotate at 12000 it
rpm meant was impractical to pursue this technique. As a result
alternative techniqueswere investigated and it was found that the best option available
was to use a thermometric technique.
The thermometric technique for measuringpumping efficiencies is one that has been used
extensively in the water industry (Brown, 1991). It is basedon the fact that the majority
of lossesin a pump are dissipatedinto the fluid as heat.
of a degree.
This method was adaptedto measurepower in the in-line rotor-stator mixer. The
period of time. The numerous passesthrough the mixer heatedthe fluid sufficiently to
enable accuratetemperaturemeasurement.The time was measuredallowing the
calculation of the theoretical number of passesand therefore the temperature rise for one
The rotor-stator mixer was fitted into a recycle loop using a 100 litre stainlesssteel vessel
with a1 inch outlet (Figure 4.9). The low volume vessel was chosen, it
as was easier to
lag and limit heat lossesthrough the vesselwall. In addition, for a lower volume, large
temperaturerises were possible in a shorter time.
The pipework from the vessel to the inlet of the mixer and immediately after the outlet
was 1 inch. A3 inch Endressand Hauser Promag 33 flowmeter was fitted downstream
(10 pipe diameters) of the mixer and as result the pipework was gradually enlarged from
1 inch to 3 inches. A3 inch butterfly valve was located downstream of the flow meter
and was used control the flowrate. The pipework was gradually reduced from 3 inch
back to 1 inch at the inlet of the vessel. The inlet to the vessel was submergedbelow the
liquid level in the vessel.
0.635 C
gauge was also fitted one pipe diameter up-stream of the mixer.
The flow from the inlet to the vessel was used to mix the fluid and to ensurehomogeneity
the temperaturewas measuredat different locations in the vessel. Three type K fine wire
thermocoupleswere located near the top, at the mixer outlet and near the bottom of the
vessel. The temperaturewas monitored using a Fluke 50S handheld digital thermometer
connectedto a Type K 6-way bench selector switch (although only three of the
connectionswere used). The mixer was run until the temperatureof the water had risen
by 10 °C. This gave an error in measurementof ± 0.1°C.
The vessel, the inline rotor-stator mixer and all the pipework was fully lagged using 150
mm fibreglass insulation. After everyone run the temperatureof the water was monitored
with the mixer turned off. After 24 hours the temperature of the water was found to have
only decreased by approximately 1-2 °C, therefore, the heat lossesto the surroundings
The vessel was calibrated to hold 100 litres of de-ionised water and fresh water was used
for every run. To ensurethat the volume of water was kept constant the outlet valve was
kept shut while the vessel was being filled. Once the correct volume had been reached
the valve was openedto fill the pipe work and the mixer.
The temperaturewas noted at time zero for all three thermocouples. It took a few
minutes for all three thermocouplesto read the sametemperature(± 0.1 °C), once this
had been achieved the mixer was startedat the appropriate rotational speed. The
butterfly valve was adjusted to control the flowrate. After the first run the speedand the
valve were set for the next run before the mixer was switched off.
The temperaturewas monitored until a total rise of 10 °C had been achieved. This
temperature difference was consideredhigh enough to obtain a reading within the desired
accuracy ((± I%). Typically, this temperaturerise was observe over a period of 3-6
hours. The initial temperatureof the water ranged from 12 °C to 14 °C and the final
temperaturewas between 22 °C to 24 °C. The density of water varies by less than 0.5%
over this temperaturerange.
The vessel and the pipework were drained using a drain valve that had been fitted into the
bottom of the mixing head.
4.5.4. PsFLFT
The power supplied to the fluid from heat dissipation can be defined as:
E=mCptT (4.1)
No of Passes= mt (4.2)
AT, a (4.3)
It can be assumedthat all of the power supplied by the shaft is converted to heat energy.
Therefore, the energy supplied to the fluid in a single pass,can be consideredto be the
AT, Po pN 3D5 (4.4)
= me p =
4.5.5. PPUMP
The flowrate and the differential pressureacrossthe mixer were measuredusing the
Endressand Hauser flowmeter and the Wika pressuregauges. Equation 2.39 was then
4.5.6. PMECH
The mechanical losseswere measuredby removing the rotor, filling the head with water
and blanking off the inlet and the outlet. The shaft was then rotated in the water until a
temperaturerise of 10°C had been achieved.The temperatureinside the head was
measuredusing the Fluke 50S handheld digital thermometer in conjunction with a
BSS1843 thermocouple probe (type K) inserted into a 3/4" compressionfitting at an
additional sampling point located on the side of the mixing head (tangential outlet).
4.5.7. PDISC
those specified for the torque transducerused. It was suggestedthat the flow patterns
would differ to those for a rotor (due to the absenceof teeth) and therefore a theoretical
calculation would be just as reliable. The theoretical power loss due to disk friction was,
therefore, calculated using eqn 2.40.
The heat input causedby the lossesassociatedwith the valve and the pipework were also
calculated. The pressurewas monitored acrossthe valve and along the pipework using
the Wikon gauges. This enabledthe head loss acrossthe valve to be calculated.
The lossesin the pipe were expectedto be small in relation to the heat input from the
rotor-stator mixer. However, the heat contribution of the control valve would be
The rotor-stator liquid-liquid contactor rig was used to perform a range of tests that
investigated the affects of N, Q and 4) on the droplet size. These tests were done on two
different rotor-stator sizes as well as four different stator designs.
The high rotational speedsof the rotor-stator mixer made it difficult to measurepower
during the tests. Therefore, a separaterig was set-up that utilised a thermometric
technique described in Section 4.5. Thesemeasurementswere done on the 69.85 mm
rotor with the SquareHole High ShearScreenand the Emulsor Screen,for which the
most comprehensiverange of droplet size data was collected.
The details of the experiments and the location of the results are presentedbelow and
discussedin Chapter 6.
The sampling technique employed on the liquid-liquid contactor rig was validated using a
Video probe. This involved performing initial tests in a laboratory scale stirred vessel to
investigate the stability of the kerosene-watersystem. This was done to determine
Tests were also performed comparing the Malvern Mastersizer with the Video Probe by
measuring standardlatex. The results from these tests were then used to interpret the
5.2. In-line rotor-stator performance tests
The performance tests involved the investigating the effects of rotational speedon droplet
size at two different Q (0.4 Us and 0.81/s) and four different 1 (5%, 10%, 20%, 30%). A
The main focus of these tests were on the 69.85 mm rotor with the Emulsor screen,(ES),
and the Square Hole High Shear Screen,(SHHSS). This rotor size was the standardfor
the unit supplied and these two stator designsare recommendby the manufacturer for use
with liquid-liquid systems.
A limited number of experiments were also performed using the 50.8 mm rotor. These
tests looked at the effect of rotor speedon droplet size at a constant flowrate (0.4 Us) and
dispersedphaseconcentration (10%). The effect of dispersedphaseconcentration was
also investigated for this rotor size (at 7000 rpm at 0.41/s). These tests were done to gain
some insight into the effects of stator design on the droplet size distribution.
The volume size distributions from theseresults can be found in Appendix 4. The
distributions are discussedin Section 6.2. The influence of the important parameterson
droplet size are discussedin Section
The power input to the fluid was measuredseparatelyto give an idea of the Kolmogorov
length scale. The power was measuredfor the 69.85 mm rotor with the ES and SHHSS.
This was becausethe most comprehensivedroplet size data was collected for this rotor
The power was measuredfor a range of flowrates, 0.4 to 1.21/s in 0.21/s increments for
rotor speedsform 5000 rpm to 11000 rpm. A discussion of these results are given in
Section 6.4..
CHAPTER 6. Discussion
4.2.2. A dispersion was created and samples were taken and placed on a glass slide and
It was observed that the droplets in a globule of sample from a 5% dispersion placed on a
glass slide moved around considerably (drop sizes ranged from 10 to 100 hum). '['his
motion could be attributed to the droplets, due to their density, ascending to the highest
point of the globule. At the highest point, the greatest rate of coalescence would be
Figure 6.1 Droplets collecting at the top of the sample under a microscope (5%
dispersedphaseconcentration, undiluted)
However, it can clearly be seen,in Figure 6.1, that there appearsto be no evidencethat
the dropsare coalescing,(no bursting of interface and no further drainageof the
continuousphase).This appearedto be the caseafter observing periodically for up to an
These findings support those of Brown and Pitt (1971) that the kerosene-water system is
The Malvern Mastersizer and the Video Probe were both used to measure standard latex
98 90 -106
113 75 -150
The Latex beadswere introducedto 1 litre of water in the Hydro 2000S/G,and the stirrer
The volume and number based particle size distributions for the 98µm and the 113µm
beads are shown in Figures A. 2 & A. 3 (Appendix 4) respectively.
The 98µm particles have the narrowest distributions (Figure A. 2), which is expected as
these beads exhibited the lowest standard deviation (Table 4.4). This observation is
consistent with both the volume and number distributions generated by the two
techniques. The main observation for the two sets of particles is that the distributions do
not match, with the Mastersizer favouring the smaller particle sizes. This is true for both
Figure A. 2 shows that the distributions from the Mastersizer appear to have shifted
approximately 5µm to the left of those generated by the data from the Video probe, with
peaks at 96µm with the Mastersizer and 100µm with the video probe. Comparing this to
the average diameter (mode) specified by the manufacturer of the beads, 98µm, suggests
The volume curve generated by the Mastersizer in Figure A. 2 exhibits a small secondary
peak between 75-90µm. This smaller peak is not apparent when viewing the number
distribution and the number curves from the two techniques appear to follow the same
In Figure A. 3 the distributions from the video probe consistentlygive larger sizes. The
averagevalue (mode) for this set of beadsshould be 113µm. However, the Mastersizer
shows a peak at 95 µm and the Video Probe shows a peak at 103 µm.
Another interesting observation is that both techniques appear to be measuring particles
outside of the range of the standard deviation for the sets of beads. This highlights the
potential for variability. The manufacturer of the latex beads used a sieving technique to
measure the latex beads, which would also contain a certain degree of error. So it is
possible that the Mastersizer and the Video probe are measuring the beads more
clearly evident. One would not expect a perfect match between the two techniques, as
there are systematic errors involved in them both. The Mastersizer measures volume and
the video probe measures the diameter. However, the Mastersizer appears to have more
of a bias towards smaller sizes and the video probe appears to show more of a bias
The differences are more apparent for the larger and wider distributions (75-150µm). It
can be seen that the video probe is seeing a greater number of particles larger than
100µm. This could be due to the fact that the larger particles are easier to see during
measurement and that they also tend to obscure the smaller ones. This phenomenon
The sampling techniquewas validated againstthe in-line video probe. The probe was
insertedinto the outlet of the in-line rotor-stator mixer (5 pipe diametersdown stream)
The video probe could only be used at the lowest rotor-speed (3000 rpm) and the lowest
(h (5 %) at a total throughput of 0.81/s, (Figure 6.2). Images at values higher than these
were not possible, due to the increase in smaller droplets and consequently increased light
scattering and resultant focussing problems.
4-;.. ,.
} ýt
lt can be seen from Figure 6.2 that the quality of image obtained at the lower rotational
speed is at the limit of acceptability. This is due to the large number of droplets that are
below the minimum size range for this technique (20 µm), images become increasingly
out of focus below this size range (due to increased light scattering).
Figure 6.3 shows a comparison of the volume distributions generated by the Mastersizer
and by the Video Probe at the outlet of the rotor-stator mixer. As expected, the
distributions are broader than those obtained from the latex beads and the main peaks
from both techniques lie in approximately the same region (40-60µm).
Video Probe (in oulet of Rotor-Stator mixer) Vs Masterslzer. 3000 rpm, 0.811s& 5%
IN Its 05% VP
III 0.8
00.8 Us05% Mastersizer
Em 0000OOo
>4" 00
3 O" 08
20 Op
00 00
20 40 60 80
Figure 6.3 A comparison of DSD measured using the Mastersizer and the Video Probe
for a rotor speed of 3000 rpm and c= 5% at 0.81/s
number of larger droplets. Only a small percentageof the droplets measuredby the
Video Probe appearto be at the larger scale. However, the maximum size measuredwas
130µm. This led to the conclusionthat droplets of sizes up to 140µm could be
6.2. Drop Size Distributions
Tests were performed on a Silverson in-line rotor-stator mixer investigating the effects of
rotor-speed, dispersed phase concentration, flowrate and the stator design on droplet size.
The following section reviews the trends in the droplet size distributions and the mean
diameters calculated from them. The effects of the individual parameters are then
discussed paying particular attention to the scaling of the various parameters against d32.
The droplets size distributions generated by the 69.85 mm rotor with the Emulsor Screen
(ES) can be found in Figures A. 4 to A. 12. Figures A. 13 to A. 18 show the distributions
generated by the 69.85 mm rotor with the Square Hole High Shear Screen (SHHSS). The
distributions are shown as volume frequency curves for a constant Q and c for varying
N. The volume distributions from the 50.8 mm can be found in Figures A. 18 to A. 25.
The distributions are fairly broad, with drop sizes ranging from below 10 µm up to 100
µm. This is indicative of the inhomogeneous energy dissipation and by-passing within the
rotor-stator mixer. The majority of the distributions exhibit a long tail at the smaller size
end and a truncation of the drop size at the larger end of the size spectrum. The
truncation at the larger end is due to the distributions being plotted on a logarithmic axis.
The shapeof the distributions appearssimilar for eachof the rotor speedsbut the peak
The main bulk of the droplet sizesare below 100µm for the runs performed at the lowest
values of c, 5% and 10%. The main peaks lie at approximately 50 µm. This peak shifts
towardsthe larger droplet sizeswith an increasein dispersedphaseconcentrations.
An additional peak, at the larger size ranges, is observed for some of the higher dispersed
phase concentrations (Figures A. 6, A. 7 and A. 13). This peak represents droplet sizes up
to 1000 µm at the maximum measurable size limit of the Malvern Mastersizer. The
peaks appear to cut off at these points suggesting that droplets exist that are too large for
measurement. However, these additional peaks disappear as the rotational speed
increases. Due to the curtailing of the size distributions the corresponding mean
diameters were not used in any of the subsequent analysis.
There are many correlations available in literature that have substituted d32for dmax
(Tavlarides and Stamatoudis, 1981). The relationship between dm. and a mean diameter
was discussed in Section 2.2.3. It was stated that in addition to its greater design value,
for a small sample size d32could be determined more accurately than dme,,.
Although there is considerablescatterin the data,a linear trend can be seen. The best fit
through all the data points gives a constantof proportionality of 0.13. This is lower than
those reported in literature; Brown and Pitt (1972) reported a value of 0.72 for a 6-bladed
disc turbine, whereas Chen and Middleman (1967) reported a value of 0.6 for a Rushton
turbine; Francis (1999) using a laboratory batch rotor-stator reported a value of 0.44.
-- -,
30- """
10 """
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
d. (µm)
The low constantof proportionality maybe due to the long tailing of the droplets at the
At this point it is important to note that the theories of droplet break-up rely on the
that equilibrium drop size has beenattainedafter a single pass. Therefore,the
significance of dmaxcan be rebutted.
However, the fact that the kerosene-water system has been shown to be a non-cpalescing
system leads to the assumption that coalescence is not affecting the droplet size
distributions. Also, the sampling technique should show no affect on the droplet size
It can, therefore,be assumedthat transient effects are negligible (as there is no further
break-upand coalescence)and that the correlation of mean drop size basedon
Also, the spacing between the size bands created by the Mastersizer is logarithmic. This
bin spacing is designed to match the detector geometry and provide the best resolution.
This implies that the resolution of dm. decreases as the droplet sizes increase, due to the
bin sizes increasing. For droplet sizes above 140µm the bin sizes ranged from 20µm to
The Mastersizergeneratescurvesby mathematicallyfinding the size data that best fits the
light scatterdata,this almost always results in smooth curves. A test for the accuracyof
Therefore,the dmaX
data, although useful in determining whetherthe assumptionthat
break-up is due to a single mechanismis valid, should only be used qualitatively.
Figure A.4 shows the volume frequencycurve for a flowrate of 0.41/sand 4) of 10%.
The distribution can be seento shift towards the smaller size rangeas N increases.It is
interestingto seethat there is a significant changein the distributions between3000rpm
and 6000rpm, with the main peak shifting from approximately 100µm to 50µm.
However, rotational speedsabove6000rpm exhibit only a small changein droplet size.
This trend is consistentwith the majority of the testsperformed for both the ES and the
It is clear that the rotor-speedis only influential down to a certain droplet size below
A similar trend was observedfor the data collected for the 50.8 mm rotor, Figure 6.6.
The droplet sizes,although still appearingto level off (especially for the GPDH and SH)
it is not as prominent as that exhibited by the drop sizes from the 69.85 mm.
When considering the power supplied to the fluid, for a fully turbulent system, the power
should scale with N3 and should therefore increase. If the energy supplied to the fluid by
the rotor was predominantly responsible for drop break-up the droplet sizes would
continue to decrease with rotor speed. This would indicate that there are other factors
that influence drop break-up.
It is interesting to note that in Figures 6.5 and 6.6 there are no significant differences in
droplet size from the ES and the SHHSS for both rotor sizes.
Figure 6.6 shows that with the 50.8 mm rotor the ES and the SHHSS give the smallest
droplet sizesand the largestcome from the GDH. The GDH has the largest open areaout
of all the screens(35%) in addition to the largest hole size. However, the hole sizesof the
-' 35
2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000
N (rpm)
0 SHHSS.0 41/s& 10% U ES 0 41/s& 10% A SHHSS:0.41/s& 20% 0 ES. 0.411s
& 20% X SHHSS:0.41/s& 30% 0 ES: 0 4115
& 30%
Figure 6.5 d32versus N (RPM) for the ES and SHHSS (69.85 mm rotor) for varying 4)
4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000
N (rpm)
f E/Screen x GDH f Slotted Head E3SHHSS
Figure 6.6 d32versus N (RPM) for four different screens (50.8 mm rotor), 0.4 Us and c_
ES (1.4 mm) and the SHHSS (1.2 mm) are different and both thesescreensgive similar
droplet sizes. As the only variant is the open areaof the screensit can be reasonedthat
It is also worth noting that, in Figure 6.5, the droplet sizes increasewith dispersedphase
In Figure 6.5 the droplet size was seento increasewith (D,this effect is further evident in
the droplet size distributions (Appendix 4). The distributions can be seento shift towards
the larger droplet size spectrumas « is increased.
Figure A. 7 and Figure A. 11 show the distributions from the ES at 0.41/s ((D = 40%) and
Both Brown and Pitt (1971) and Streiff et al (1997) reported the effects of c on the
droplet size distribution. Brown and Pitt (1971) also looked at a non-coalescing
kerosene-water system, they attributed this effect to a form of turbulent damping. Both
In Figure A. 7 an additional peak exists at the larger droplet sizes. This peak is curtailed
due to the limits of the size measurementtechnique,however it is clear that droplets of
It is unlikely that this peak is due to coalescence.It is possiblethat at the lower rotational
continuousphase. The low flowrates in the inlet pipe and also the effect of the swirling
flow at the inlet (seeSection 2.3.1) is not enoughto ensurethat the two phasesare
entering the mixer in the correct proportions.
It is worth noting that the dispersed phase is being injected one pipe diameter (0.0254m)
up-stream of the mixer. The pipe Re number at the lowest flowrate, 0.41/s, is
approximately 15000 (at 30% dispersed phase concentration) which can be considered to
be turbulent flow. However, the nominal residence time in the inlet pipe is 0.03s (at 0.4
Us) which would suggest that the two phases are not exposed to the turbulent region for a
This would point to the importance of feed strategy for high dispersed phase
This theory was not testedin greaterdetail for this work. However, varying the length
betweenthe mixer and the dispersedphaseinjection point and measuringthe resulting
droplet size distribution would provide further insight into the effect of feed strategy. A
further discussioninto the effects of flow regimeson the droplet size in the inlet is
6.2.5. The effect of flowrate, Q, on droplet size
appreciation of the effect of Q on the droplet size testswere performed at two different
flowrates (0.4 Usand 0.81/s).
Figure 6.7 shows d32versus N for 0.41/s and 0.81/s at two different (D. The drop sizes
for 0.81/s are smaller than for 0.41/s at the lower rotational speeds. However, the droplet
" '
25 . o
" p'
s !
2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000
N (rpm)
ES: 0.41/s& 10% 0 ES: 0.41/s& 20% f ES: 0.81/s& 10% L ES: 0.81/s& 20%
Figure 6.7 d32versus N for 0.41/s and 0.8 Vs (at (D= 10% & 20%)
commentsmade previously on feed strategy,the higher flowrate may createa better pre-
mix in the inlet pipe. This would ensurethat the two fluids are entering the mixer in the
correct proportions at the lower rotational speeds(when the swirling effect of the flow
was less).
Secondly, if the power draw of the mixer is proportional to N3 then the energy input to
the fluid by the rotor should increase significantly as the rotor speed is increased. It is
possible that at the lower speeds an increase in flowrate would increase the velocity of the
jets emanating from the holes in the stator. It can be assumed that the velocity of the
fluid out of the jets is the ratio of flowrate and the open area (of the stator). The energy
input of these jets in the volute coupled with the impinging fluid on the stator, maybe
This secondexplanation would lead to the possibility that the mixer is operating with
drowned suction (when the pumping effect of the rotor is overrun by the pump upstream
of the mixer) at the lower speeds.
Sparks (1996) reasoned that when the mixer is operating drowned the energy dissipation
would result from the lossesassociatedwith the rotor and from static lossessimilar to a
Averbukh et al (1988) incorporated Q into their correlation for calculating mean droplet
size in an in-line rotor-stator mixer (Equation 2.31). However, the mean drop size only
showed a small dependence on Q (an exponent of -0.08). For the limited range of Q
studied, there only appears to be an effect on droplet size at the lower rotor speeds. For
this reason Q was assumed to have little or no effect on the droplet size.
Four different correlations for d32were discussedin Section2.2.3 and are summarisedin
Table 2.3. Thesecorrelations are basedon mechanisticmodels that balancethe forces
The following section attemptsto determinethe dominant break-up mechanismby
determiningthe correlation of d32with the rotor-speed,We and Re.
size from the ES and the SHHSS. For this reasondata from both thesescreensis
Figure 6.8 shows d32versusrotor speedon a log-log plot for the different (D. A linear
-A 10
Figure 6.8 d32versus rotor speedfor the SHHSS and the ES at different c and Q
Table 6.2 showsthat the exponenton N for the data collected bestmatch the Chen and
Middleman correlation, -0.86 (Equation 2.22). This would suggestthat inertial stresses
are responsible for droplet break-up and that the drop sizes are below the Kolmogorov
length scale.
Q (I/s) (%) Nz R2
10 -0.88 0.92
20 -0.82 0.85
30 -0.58 0.95
05 -0.82 0.88
0.8 10 0.86
20 -0.66 0.88
Average -0.77
Standard Deviation 0.11
From Table 2.3 it can be seenthat for this correlation to hold true the droplet sizesmust
be significantly smaller than Kolmogorov length scale. An estimation of the Kolmogorov
length scale is given in Section 6.3.6 and the comparisonwith d32is discussedin Section
The correlation of d32with N enablesa relationship to be determinedthat incorporatesthe
effect of (D.
Equation 6.1 gives the scaling of d32with the rotor speed.The generalform of the Chen
However, for the data set shown in Figure 6.8 the rotor diameter is constant and the
geometry of the stator did not have a significant effect on the droplet sizes produced.
Therefore, it can safely be assumed that the dispersed phase concentration is the only
parameter, in addition to the rotor speed, that affects the droplet size. This allows the
following analysis to be performed.
Although, the majority of the data in table 6.2 correlate well with Equation 6.1 it is
apparent that there are some deviations at the higher values of (D, with the largest
occurring for (D = 30%. For this reason the data for c= 30% was not considered in the
subsequent analysis.
Brown and Pitt (1971) and Streiff et al (1997) showedthat c could be relatedto d32
linearly in the form shown in Equation 2.31. An attempt is now madeto show a similar
relationship for the data in Figure 6.8.
As a result of the general relationship in Equation 6.1 the d32can be plotted against
(WeRe4)-1/7for each of the dispersed phase concentrations, Figure 6.9. A straight line can
be drawn through the origin and the size data for each of the dispersedphase
concentrations, a linear least squaresfit).
Table 6.3 lists the gradientsof the lines for the different values of (D. If the slopesare
plotted against (D then a linear relationship can be determined that takes the form of
Equation 6.2.
7. E-04
6. E-04
4. E-04
3. E-04
2. E-04
0. E+00
0 1E-14 2E-14 3E-14 4E-14 5E-14 6E-14
CD 5 10 20
m= c+
4x1010 2x109 (6.2)
The generalcorrelation for d32for an in-line rotor-stator mixer (with a constantgeometry)
in a turbulent systemfor (Dup to 20% is given by:
It must be noted that this correlation does not take into account the rotor diameter or
stator geometry g open area, hole dimensions). The for
reason this is the diameter was
not varied for this data set and the screensshowedno difference in d32values.
Figure 6.10 shows the d32values determined experimentally against those calculated
using Equation 6.3. Although there appearsto be certain degreeof scatter in the data the
correlation shows a reasonablefit.
-20 %
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Calculated d32(µm)
The scatter appears to be more evident at the larger droplet sizes resulting from the higher
dispersed phase concentrations. This is not surprising as these values showed the greatest
deviation from Equation 6.1. However, Figure 6.10 shows that the scatter is within 20%
of the predicted value and it can therefore be said that Equation 6.3 provides a reasonable
estimate of d32values.
In order to determinean estimateof the Kolmogorov length scaleand also the scaling of
d32with energy dissipation power measurementwere undertaken. The findings of these
6.2.8. Summary
Droplets size data was collected using the Emulsor Screen, ES and the Square Hole High
Shear Screen, SHHSS, with a 69.85 mm rotor. The resultant droplet size distributions
were relatively broad which is indicative of inhomogeneous energy dissipation and also
the occurrence of by-passing.
The droplet sizesdecreasedwith N, however,the droplet size distribution did not change
significantly at speedsof 7000 rpm and above. There were no significant differences in
the droplet sizes from the ES and the SHHSS. Furthermore,the flowrate, Q, only had an
effect on droplet sizes at the lower rotational speeds. Droplet sizeswere seento increase
with dispersedphaseconcentration.
A small number of tests were performedon a 50.8 mm rotor, with four different screens
(Slotted head,SH, GeneralPurposeDisintegrating Head, GPDH in addition to the ES and
the SHHSS). The droplet size distributions from the SHHSS and the ES were found to be
similar. The GPDH (with the largest open area)gave the largestdroplet sizes.
d32 = 0.13dm
The linear relationship validated the assumptionthat drop break-upwas due to a single
As the distributions were similar d32values from the ES and SHHSS were considered
together. The d32was found to correlate with N with an exponent of approximately -0.8,
which was closest to the Chen and Middleman correlation. This implied that the
dominant break-up mechanism was due to inertial stresses in the viscous sub-range.
6.3. Power Measurement
The most comprehensive droplet size data was collected using the 69.85 mm rotor with
the SHHSS and the ES. For this reason power data was collected over the same
experimental conditions for both these screens. To investigate the effects of flowrate on
power draw the experimental matrix was expanded for the ES to include a wider range of
The following sections discuss the results from the individual components that make up
the power balance (Equation 2.49). This data is then used to calculate the total power
supplied to the fluid, which in turn is used to determine energy dissipation and the
Kolmogorov length scale.
the pipe reducers and enlargers. This enabled the calculation of the losses in the
The head loss in the pipework was low, a typical value at the highest flowrate
investigated was approximately 15W. This value was less than 1% of the corresponding
value for total power input. These losses considered to be insignificant relative to the
total power input and were incorporated into the losses across the valve.
Figure 6.11 shows the power input associatedwith lossesacrossthe control valve for
varying flowrate and a range of rotor speeds. The power input to the fluid by the valve is
high and increaseswith rotor speedand also flowrate. Thesevalues were deductedfrom
the total power to give the power contributed to the fluid from the shaft.
200 + 11000
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0811.2 14
Flowate (Us)
Figure 6.11 Power input across the control valve versus flowrate.
6.3.2. PSHAFT
The results of the shaft power measurements are shown in Figures 6.12 and 6.13 for the
Emulsor Screen and the Square Hole High Shear Screen respectively. Figure 6.14 shows
greaterpower draw at the higher flowrates. The influence of flowrate on power draw
There doesnot appearto be a significant difference betweenthe power drawn by the two
different screens(Figure 6.14). There is somescatterat the highest rotational speed,
however no valid inferencescan be madeon this single data set.
2000 x "
1500 "
1000 x "
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
N (rpm)
Figure 6.12 Shaft power (W) versus rotational speed(RPM) for the Emulsor Screen
3500 .
1000 "
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
. 0.4 us 0 0.8 us
Figure 6.13 Shaft power (W) versus rotational speed(RPM) for the SquareHole High
0i -ý iii
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Figure 6.14 A comparison of values for PBhsafrom the ES and the SHHSS at 0.41/s and
Figures 6.12 to 6.14 shows that shaft power increases with rotational speed and flowrate,
the rotor diameter was not varied in these tests. The similarities in the power draw for the
two screens suggest that the main parameters effecting power draw in a rotor-stator mixer
are the rotational speed and perhaps the diameter of the rotor.
al (2000).
It is interesting to note that the open area is similar for both screens (Table 4.1). It was
mentioned that the stator performed a flow straightening effect as fluid discharged
tangentially by the rotor impacted into the stator wall. This results in a transformation of
high kinetic energy into pumping power, skin friction losses and turbulent losses. It was
suggested that these losses were greatest where the fluid turned abruptly in the stator
It can be assumedthat the power would dependon the rotational speedand the flowrate
by the following relationship:
Where, P is analogous to the power number although this equation is not dimensionless.
The effect of rotational speed and flowrate was analysed by performing a multiple
regression on all the data collected. Values for Pn, a and b were found to be 0.008,3.0
Sparksreportedvalues between2 and 2.5 for the exponenton N and 0.8 to 1 for the
The lower value of the exponenton Q could be due to the fact that the flowrates
investigatedin this work are significantly lower than those usedby Sparks(1996). Values
for P. would be dependenton a number of variables including the geometryof the mixer.
Figure 6.15 shows the values calculated using Equation (6.4) plotted against measured
values. It can be seen that the calculated values match the measured values well and that
Equation (6.4) provides a good prediction for the values of Psx.&yT.
p! 1501
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
MeasuredPhg (W)
6.3.3. PpuMP
mixers may help in reducing pumping requirements of a process they are not designed for
Figure 6.16 shows the pumping power plotted against flowrate for the ES. Predictably,
the pumping power increaseswith flowrate and rotational speed.The curves for the lower
rotor speedsare flatter than that for the higher rotor Also,
speeds. the effect of rotor speed
is greaterat the higher flowrates.
xý ý=
0 0.5 1 1.5
Flowrate (1/s)
-.-- 5000 rpm t 6000 rpm -*- 7000rpm -x- 8000 rpm -+-9000 rpm t 10000 rpm + 11000 rpm
Figure 6.16 Pumping Power versus Flowrate for a range of shaft speed, 69.85 mm
The shapeof the curves for rotational speedsof 8000 rpm and above appearsto be
increasing. This suggeststhat higher flowrates are possibleand that the mixer is
operatingat the lower end of the pumping curve (i. e. the best pumping efficiency point
hasnot been reached).
The pumping efficiencies were calculated to be between 15% and 20%, these figures are
very low compared to centrifugal pumps, for which efficiencies close to 100% are
possible. This is an encouraging sign when considering the mixing performance, as in
this region of operation the losses useful to mixing (hydraulic and leakage) are greater.
Figure 6.17 shows a comparison of values of pumping power from both the SHHSS and
the ES. It can be seen that there is no significant difference in pumping power values for
both these screens. The corresponding values for Ppumpfrom both screens at constant
flowrate and varying N are very close to each other.
11000rpm x
10000 M. X
X 11000rpm
8000 rpm X
200 x
7000 rpm
8000 rpm
x 5000 rpm
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Flowrate (I/s)
Figure 6.17 A comparisonof pumping power values from both the ES and the SHHSS
Again, this similarity points to the rotor diameter and possibly the open area, in addition
to rotational speed, as being the main influences on power draw. Although power data
was not collected for different open areas, it is reasonable to believe that the open area
may have a significant effect on pumping power. Centrifugal pumps are designed for
optimum pressure recovery (the process of converting kinetic energy from the rotor to
The pressure recovery process in a rotor-stator mixer comes from the flow straightening
effect of the stator, which does not occur without significant turbulent and frictional
losses (Sparks, 1996). This is because fluid is transmitted tangentially with high kinetic
energy by the rotor blade. It then impacts on the stator and exits in a predominantly
radial direction.
Therefore, the main losses in a rotor-stator mixer are due to the acceleration of the fluid
in the rotor and the abrupt deceleration of the fluid in the stator. A smaller open area
would increase the amount of fluid that impacts on the stator and thus reduce the power
contributed to pumping. The amount of these losses should then depend on the stator
design and open area. It would seem reasonable to believe that these losses are
The benefits are reflected to a certain degreeby Figure 6.6 which showedd32values from
the dispersiontests performed on the 50.8mm rotor with the four different screens.
Smaller droplet sizeswere seenfrom the SquareHole High ShearScreenand the
Emulsor Screen(with the smallestopen area),whereas,the GPDH (with the largestopen
area)producedthe largestdroplets.
6.3.4. PMECH
and PDISc
The mechanicallosseswere measuredby spinning the shaft without the rotor attached.
The mixing head was filled with water and the inlet and the outlet was blanked off. The
temperatureof the water and the time was measured.The resultanttemperaturerise of the
water was due to friction within the seal and the bearing and also the drag on the shaft
and spring.
Figure 6.18 shows the measured values for PMEcHand PDISC.It can be seen that both
these losses increase with rotational speed. The highest value of PMECHis close to 40 W
(for 12000 rpm) which, compared to the equivalent shaft power, approximately 3 kW.
Therefore, it can be said that at the highest shaft speeds, where the mechanical losses are
greatest, they account for approximately 1% of the total shaft power. The corresponding
value for disc friction (_ 300 W) was approximately 10% of the total shaft power input.
a 150
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
6.3.5. Power supplied to the fluid by the rotor, PFLUID
The contribution of the mechanical and disc friction losses to mixing and pumping in a
rotor-stator mixer is negligible. The total power supplied to the fluid associated with
pumping and mixing, is
PFLUnD, the remainder of the power balance (i. e. energy supplied
to the fluid by Hydraulic and Leakage losses):
As values for shaft and pumping power were not significantly different between the ES
and the SHHSS,all the power data collected was consideredin the following analysis.
As there is very little information on power draw for rotor-stator mixers the following
Flow visualisation work done by Sparks(1996) showedthat the fluid at the tip of the
rotor blade follows the rotor at the samevelocity as the tip speed,v1; Therefore, the
kinetic energy imparted to the fluid, of mass m, at the rotor tip is given by:
KE =2 myp (6.6)
P=2OQvp (6.7)
PaWD=I ;r2,OQN2D2 (6.8)
When the rotor-stator mixer is operating without a supplementary pump, the flowrate can
be expressed as (Sparks, 1996):
QacND3 (6.9)
Therefore, the following expression can be obtained for power supplied to a fluid in an
in-line rotor-stator mixer:
Figure 6.21 shows a plot of PErro versus rotational speed and the corresponding results
from the regression performed on all of the data. The exponent on N is 3 (with an R2
value of 0.94 showing a good correlation) which is what would be expected for fully
turbulent conditions. Equation (6.10) can therefore be used to determine the power
number and hence calculate the power supplied to the fluid by the rotor.
Po= (6.11)
As the values for Pn, UIDscale with N3, the power number can be determined from Figure
0I ri
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
1.4E+06 R2 = 0.9476
1.2E+06 "
2.0E+05 ""
0.0E+00 1.0E+06 2.0E+06 3.0E+06 4.0E+06 5.0E+06 6.0E+06 7.0E+06 8.0E+06
Figure 6.20 shows the power number to be 0.2 which is low compared to values quoted
by Sparks (1996) who evaluated power numbers in the region of 10 for both the Toothed
design and the Silverson design. Francis (1999) reported values between 2.5 and 4.5 in a
laboratory scale batch rotor-stator with various stators (none of which were similar to the
ones studied this power work).
In fully turbulent conditions the power number is constant and is dependent only on the
geometry of the rotor. A possible reason for this low power number is that a valve is
used to control the flow, reducing the pumping required of the mixer. The shaft power
was seen to increase with flowrate suggesting that power draw would increase if the
Equation (6.10) defines the energydissipatedto the fluid by the rotor in the rotor
chamber.It is in this region of the mixer where it is thought that the maximum turbulent
energy will be dissipated
Figure 6.19 show that it is reasonableto assumethat the mixer is exhibiting turbulent
characteristics,at least within the rotor chamber. The energydissipation rateswill vary
throughout the rotor-stator mixer with a maximum value around the stator region (where
the fluid impinges on the stator).
The broad droplet size distributions generatedby a single-passthrough the mixer adds
further weight to this observation. This also leadsto the conclusion that the majority of
the droplets are not exposed,either at all or for long enough,to the regions of high energy
The energy dissipation rate, e, was discussedin Section2.3.4 and it was defined as the
power supplied to the fluid by the rotor divided by the massof the fluid. It can be
that the hydraulic losses would be responsible for the majority of the turbulent mixing
that occurs in a rotor-stator mixer. Therefore, referring back to the power balance
(Equation (2.49)) the power contributed to useful mixing is represented by PHYDRAULIC
Various researchers have used different definitions of the mass (or volume) of fluid
depending on the area in the mixer considered to have the maximum energy dissipation.
The rotor supplies energy to a small region of the rotor-stator mixer encompassing the
rotor, the stator holes and the shear gap. Consequently, the total volume of this region of
the mixer (0.064 litres) was used when calculating the energy dissipation rates.
supplied to the fluid was dissipatedas turbulent energy,c. This would appearto be a
very small percentage,however he reasonedthat there was considerableby-passingand
inhomogeneityin the turbulencefield meaningthat a proportion of the fluid passing
through the mixer may not experiencethe highest energydissipation rates.
Subsequently, the values calculated for energy dissipation rates ranged from 70 W/kg at
5000 rpm to 800 W/kg at 11000 rpm. These values were then used in Equation 2.6 to
determine the Kolmogorov length scale, Xk. Figure 6.21 shows Ilk versus rotational speed
for all the power data collected.
worth noting that the energy dissipation rateswill vary throughout the rotor-stator mixer,
with a maximum value around the stator region (where the fluid from the rotor impinges
on the stator). The values for Xk would be smaller in this areathan those calculatedfor
the mixer volume as a whole.
3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000
6.3.7. Summary
A thermometric technique was employed to determine the power the in-line rotor-stator
mixer supplied to the fluid. This then enabled values for c to be estimated which in turn
were used estimate Xk.
was found to increasewith N and Q. The SHHSS and the ES showedvery similar
power characteristics, led to the inferencethat the effect of sheargap was
insignificant. Also, it was reasonedthat the open areaof the screenwas an important
factor in the power of the mixer.
This was supportedby the droplet size data collected from the 50.8 mm rotor. The
GPDH (largest open area)generatedthe largest sizesand the SHHSS and the ES
(smallestand similar open areas)createdthe smallestdroplets.
The pumping power of the rotor increasedwith Q and N and as for Pshaftthe open area
was also thought to be influential.
The power supplied to the fluid in terms of pumping and hydraulic losses,PFLUID was
found to scalewith N. This led to the deduction that the mixer was operating in the
turbulent regime and the power number was 0.2.
1996) of PF,uu was converted to turbulent energy. Consequently, values ranged from 40
W/kg at 5000 rpm and 800 W/kg at 11000 rpm. The corresponding values for Xk were
then estimated to range from 12µm (at 5000 rpm) to 6µm (at 12000 rpm).
Figure 6.21 showsthat values of kk rangefrom approximately 12µm down to 6µm as the
rotational speed varies from 5000 rpm to 11500 rpm. Figure 6.22 shows a comparison of
Figure 6.22 showsthat values of d32are approximately twice the size of Xkat 4= 10%
and up to 5 times at 4= 30%. This suggeststhat D >d32> Xkwhich are more appropriate
conditions for drop break-up due to the inertial sub-rangeeddiesrather than the viscous
sub-range as implied by Equation (6.3). It would appear that d32at the lowest dispersed
3 30
4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
N (rpm)
Droplets ranging from approximately 100 µm with the main peak at around 50 µm and
Kolmogorov length scale). This would further suggestthat break-up is more than likely
(%) E= R
05 -0.21 0.82
10 -0.22 0.75
20 -0.19 0.74
30 -0.13 0.80
Although, there is a certain degreeof scatter in the results (the R2values show a
significant deviation from 1) the exponentson c closely match -0.2 similar to that in the
Shinnar correlation for droplet break-up in the viscous sub-range. This also corresponds
When correlating the size data with energydissipation ratesthe dominant drop-break
It is worthwhile to draw further attention to the values of ?1kfor a possible explanation in
the discrepancies between the correlations and the drops sizes relative to Xk. The
Kolmogorov length scale was calculated using the average energy dissipation rate. The
smallest eddy sizes would be generated in the region of the mixer that exhibits the highest
exhibits inhomogeneous
tendencies. The number of droplets that would come into
contactwith this region, in a single passwould be small. This high localised e would
accountfor the droplet sizesbelow 10 µm. This would that
suggest d32is not a result of
the highest energy dissipation rate and may be the reasonfor the possible discrepanciesin
the models relative to the applicable size ranges.
Figure 6.22 showsthat the droplet sizes closestto Xkare generatedat the lowest dispersed
would mean that the number of droplets will grow, increasingthe likelihood of them
coming into contact with the high e zones.
It must be emphasised that the approach used to identify the dominant break-up
mechanism a simplistic method of determining an understanding of the complexities of
the drop break-up process. At any given point and time in the mixer one mechanism may
be responsible for droplet break-up, however it is more than likely that more then one
mechanism is responsible for the final distribution. By comparing Xk with the droplet
size distributions it can reasoned that macro-scale eddies, inertial stressesand turbulent
6.5. Flow regimes in the rotor-stator mixer: Re analysis
The following section discussesthe flow in the various regions of the mixer (as defined
in Section2.3.1). An attempt is madeto determinewhether the time scaleswould allow
turbulent or viscous stressesto causedrop break-up in region of the mixer.
The in-line rotor-stator mixer is divided into the following sections,as defined in detail in
Section 2.3.1; the inlet pipe, rotor region, shear gap, stator and volute. A summaryof the
The effect of inlet flows on the droplet size distribution was first discussed in Section
6.2.4. It was found that the droplet size distributions showed bi-modal tendencies with
drop diameters observed above 1000 µm, which is beyond the measurement range of the
Malvern Mastersizer. A possible explanation for this occurring was that the inlet flows to
the mixer were not well mixed and therefore large globules of dispersed phase were
passing through the mixer without coming into contact with the continuous phase and the
The pipe Re number was estimated using Equation (2.34) and values in the order of
20,000 and 40,000 were calculated (at 0.41/s and 0.81/s respectively). This would
In turbulent flow, if drop break-up is due to viscous shearingaction the un-deformed drop
the spatial dimensionsof such local regions would be very small comparedwith the
largestdrops in the system. Therefore it would be a reasonableassumptionthat inertial
The following is a crude analysis to determine whether it is feasible for turbulent eddies
to be the main cause of drop break-up. The assumption of homogenous local isotropy is
valid over the volume of pipe containing a turbulent liquid (Davies, 1985, Hinze, 1955).
Equation (2.18) can therefore be used in order to estimate the maximum stable drop size
that would exist in the in-let pipe before entering the mixer. (The velocity of the bulk
fluid in the pipe and the pipe diameter were used as the characteristic scales in the
Values for dmaxwere calculated to be 800µm and 400µm (at 0.41/s and 0.81/s
calculate the energy dissipation rate required to create droplets of this size. The values
fore were calculated as 20 W/kg at 0.41/s and 150 W/kg at 0.8 Us.
The time scaleof the duration of an eddy causing drop break up can be estimatedby
assumingthat the eddy length is the samesize as dm,,,and the instantaneousvelocity
acting on the drop is the maximum in
velocity the pipe. Therefore,the time scaleof an
eddy responsiblefor drop break-up(dm/u) is in the order of 10'6s. This is significantly
smaller than the nominal residencetimes in the pipe which are in the order of 10-2s.
Hinze (1955) reasonedthat in turbulent flow the areaaround the drop, plane hyperbolic
(extensional),axi-symmetric and Couetteflow are most likely to be responsiblefor
breaking up the largest drops. The length of time a drop must be exposedin the Couette
from Pa
can be determined the plots developedby Grace (1982). The high of 2 would
indicate that drops are less likely to break in simple shearflows (Couette flows).
Values of reducedburst time can be evaluatedfrom Figures 2.15 and 2.19, and the
calculatedvalues of dmax
can be used to back calculate the sheartimes required for break-
up (Table A. 2). Thus, the corresponding shear times in Couette flow and Extensional
flow are in the order of 10'3s.
Again, thesevaluesare smaller than the nominal residencetime in the pipe but
significantly larger than eddy length times. Thus, it would seemreasonableto believe
that there is not any significant stretching of the drops before break up by turbulent
eddies. Also, it can be concludedthat inertial stressesare predominantly responsiblefor
drop break up.
The value of dmaXfor a flowrate of 0.41/s was calculated to be 800µm. This is close to the
maximum measurable size limits of the Malvern Mastersizer. Droplet sizes were
observed in this size range and above at the lower rotor speeds and higher dispersed
phase concentrations (Figures A. 6; A. 7; A. 11; A. 13 & A. 14). This figure would initially
However, the effect of the swirling flows should increasewith an increasein rotational
Also, Equation (2.18) does not take into account the dispersed phase concentration.
However, it was seen that the droplet sizes increased with an increase in c, as observed
by Brown and Pitt (1971); Streiff et al (1997) and Doulah (1975). An in increase in 4 is
thought to dampen turbulence and it would seem reasonable to believe that the inlet
6.5.2. Rotor region
Sparks (1996) described the flow of fluid entering the rotor region as being accelerated
tangentially and the flow pattern upstream of the rotor teeth could be characterised by
swirl generated as the fluid followed the rotor face. The flow in this region was
The Silverson rotor used in this work has a greateropen areathan the toothed designs
used in the flow visualisation work of Sparks (1996). This will result in a lower radial
componentof the velocity (Q/A) in this region. Also, the rotor blades on the Silverson
mixer (close in design to a pump impeller) are significantly longer than the teeth on the
unit investigatedby Sparks (1996). This will increasethe residencetime of the fluid in
this region.
The Reynolds numbers in this region, as defined by Equation (2.38) were calculated to be
4000 and 8000 (at 0.41/s and 0.81/s respectively). These, relatively low Reynolds
numbers would suggest that turbulence levels are low and the assumption of local
isotropy may not be applicable. In addition, at low Reynolds numbers the spatial
dimensions of the viscous flow will be larger and therefore drop break-up due to viscous
However, the droplet size was seen to decrease with rotational speed up to approximately
7000rpm after which no significant change was observed. The definition of Re as given
in Equation (2.38), is only dependant on the bulk flowrate and open area of the rotor (as
Vradial Q/A), as well as the physical properties of the liquid system.
Therefore, if drop break-up was due to inertial stressesor viscous forces in the rotor
comparedto the rotor speed. Thus, it can be concludedthat the rotor speedis more likely
to affect drop break-up and that the definition of Re in terms of v,,,d;d is not a true
reflection of the flow in
velocities this region.
This is not totally unexpectedas Equation (2.38) is an over simplification of the flow in
the rotor, as in addition to the radial componentthere is also a tangential componentof
the velocity. In Section 2.3.1 a seconddefinition of Re in the rotor region was discussed
remainsthe characteristiclength but the rotor tip
for tangential flow, where DRADIAL
speed, ip,is used as the characteristicvelocity. This then results in the impeller
Reynoldsnumber (Equation (2.22)) divided by a factor of 2, as DIALD/2.
If the two velocity components are considered to be vectors, the sum of the two vectors
gives a resultant velocity close to vtp. This is because vPADI, (0.12 msl at 0.41/s) is
significantly smaller than vtp, (10.97 ms" at 3000rpm). It would thus seem reasonable to
assume vtp is a more appropriate characteristic velocity in the rotor region. This then
results in significantly larger values for Re (4x105 at 3000rpm) which would then infer
greater turbulence and the likelihood of drop break-up by inertial stresses. It must also be
noted that these larger values of velocities would also lead to greater nominal shear rates
(from 300s' at 3000rpm up to 1300s'' at 12000rpm).
The general trend in the droplet size data (Figure 6.5) showed that droplet size decreases
with N up to 7000rpm with only small changes in droplet size distributions at rotor
speeds above this. Hence, as Re becomes greater the sizes are seen to decrease, however
once turbulence is fully generated at speeds of 7000rpm and above no significant change
in droplet size is observed. This would imply that break-up due to inertial stresses is only
Further explanation into the effects of this possibleflow affect on the droplet size
distribution can be obtainedby consideringthe droplet size data more closely. The
droplet size data from the Emulsor screenat 0.41/sand 4= 10% is shown in Figure 6.24.
.- "'"
5 _-r
ý+ "" "
LY-.rFt-x-. Q, Y 6i00ýýýýýýiý fýýA t 1i"
0 ýe aýaý a iAtlI o..
ol1 10 100 1000
Droplet Diameter (microns)
Figure 6.23 Volume DSD generated by the 67.85mm rotor with the Ernulsor Screen at
Q=0.4 1/s and cD = 10%, for varying N (rpm).
As rotor speed increases (and thus Re) values of d,,,,,, appear to decrease from
there is no significant change in the droplet sizes at the larger end of the droplet size
distribution (i. e. d,,,,, appears to level off at approximately 150µm). However, rotational
speeds above 7000rpm have more of an effect on the smaller droplet sizes in the size
If viscous stresses are responsible for drop break-up the values of critical shear rates
required to produce droplet sizes equivalent to dma can be determined using the plots of
Grace (1982), (Figures 2.13 and 2.16 & Equation (2.42)).
The nominal residencetime at 0.41/s in this region is 0.3s and nominal shearratesfor
varying and the correspondingRe, critical shearrates, Gg and burst times, tB (Grace,
1982) for dmax(0.41/s and 4=10%) are summarised in Table 6.5. It is worth reiterating
that 'ud =2 would indicate that drops are less likely to break in simple shearflows
Table 6.5 dmaxwith corresponding Re and y' and Gg values in the Rotor
Values for the critical extensionalshearrate are significantly higher (up to 300 times)
than the nominal shearratesin this region. It is worth noting that Grace (1982) found
that calculatedcritical shearratesunder extensionalflows were proportional to the square
root of the wall shear rate in a static mixer.
energy dissipation rates. Furthermore, there is an increasein the number of smaller drops
in the order of, if not smaller, than the Kolmogorov scale of turbulence.
Thesesmaller drops could be attributed to the fact that if the drops were breaking due to
Couetteor Extensional flows they would break into more than two separatedrops (Figure
2.12). If the drops underwent large enoughdeformation they would split into more than
two drops and the resultant drops will be smaller than if they underwent smaller
deformations (Grace, 1982).
This analysisassumesthat the velocity of a drop is well defined by the tip speed.
However, the rotor can be consideredsimilar to an agitator in a stirred vessel.
Consequently,it can be reasonedthat turbulent vortices would exist at the trailing edges
of the rotor blade. The local energy dissipation rates in this region would be high. The
distancethe droplet will travel tangentially in an equivalent time, at a speedv';F, (10.97
ms-1at 3000 rpm) will therefore be approximately 3m. This would suggestthat the path
by which a droplet travels through the rotor region would be close to a spiral.
Also, the larger open area of the Silverson rotor may result in a certain amount of back
mixing as material is being drawn back into the rotor region to replacethe fluid displaced
by the rotor. This would indicate that the flow through this region is highly
stressesis fully formed and inertial stressesthen becomemore dominant. The largest
The values of Re in this region would suggestthat it is more likely that inertial stresses
for the smaller drops. However, the turbulent length scaleswill be
are responsible
smallerand the shearrates will be greater in the sheargap. It seemsmore likely that the
smaller droplets be in
would generated this region of the mixer. This is discussedin
further detail in the following section.
The Emulsor Screen shear gap, (0.475 mm) is almost 4 times the size of the Square Hole
High Shear Screen shear gap (0.125). The Reynolds numbers (Equation 2.39) in this
region are low compared to those calculated in the rotor region (as S is «DRADU, ).
Consequently, the shear rates are significantly higher in this region of the mixer.
Values for Res for the ES range from 5000 (at 3000rpm) to 20,000 (at 12000 rpm).
Whereasfor the sameN values for the SHHSSrange from 1400to 5000. This would
indicate that the viscous forces are more prominent in this region of the mixer. The
from 23,000s 1 to 90,000x1 90,000s 1
corresponding nominal shear rates range and to
300,000s' respectively.
Despite the large difference in 5 betweenthe two screens,the droplet size distributions
generated by the two screens are quite similar. This implies that the size of the shear gap
has little effect on the overall droplet size distribution.
smaller drops to occur, either the turbulence length scaleshave to be small enough(in the
order of or smaller than the drop) or the shearrates have to be high. Also the relevant
times scaleshave to be sufficient to causebreak-up. This would suggestthat it is more
likely that break-up of the smaller dropletswould occur in the sheargap region of the
Table 6.6 Res for the ES and SHHSS (69.85 mm)
N Res
(rpm) ES SHHSS
3000 5212 1372
can be determined from Figures 2.13 and 2.16 & Equation (2.42) and are summarised in
Table 6.7.
are approximately 10 times and 4 times the nominal shearrates (y') in this region for
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The critical shearvalues for the SHHSS are close to the nominal shearrates. This would
suggestthat the shearrates in this region of the mixer are sufficiently large to determine
dma, This statementwould only hold if the exposuretimes of the drops to the critical
shearratesare long enough to cause break-up.
The nominal residence times (Sr)at 0.41/s in the shear gap region are approximately 4 ms
for the ES and 1ms for the SHHSS. Comparing these values to the estimated critical
shear times (tb) shows that for ES the values for tb are twice ti in Couette flows and 6
times ti in Extensional. The equivalent values in the SHHSS were found to be 7 times
Thus, it would appearthat the nominal residencetimes are not large enough for d., to be
determinedby shearforces in the sheargap.
approximately 100 times and 40 times y' in Couette and Extensional flows
(respectively). Interestingly, the corresponding values for tb are 5 times and 2 times less
than t. In the SHHSS GB is 25 times greater than y' for Couette and 10 times in
Extensional flows. The corresponding values for tb in the Couette flow are equivalent to
Hence, with the exceptionof Extensional flows in the SHHSS,the nominal residence
times are sufficient for drops in the order of and lessthan d32to break due to viscous
forces. The effects of the viscous forces in the sheargap would increaseas the droplet
sizes below
decreased d32. tb will decreaseincreasingthe chancesfor a drop to break in
Couetteand Extensional flows. However, the fact that the droplet size distributions did
The areasof highest energydissipation would be expectedin this region where fluid
wall (or edges of the holes). The turbulent length scales will be very small in this region.
This would explain why larger quantities of smaller droplets are observed at the higher
rotor speeds. This effect will be dependant on tip speed and also the open area of'the
The large differences in shear rates and Res of the two screens did not result in significant
difference in the droplet size distribution. Therefore, in fully turbulent conditions the
effects of the gap size can be assumed to be negligible. However, its influence will
increase as the continuous phase viscosity increases (µßj/µc becomes smaller).
This is evident when the droplet size distributions from the two screens are compared at
E/S 10%
0 K SHHSS 10%!,
f E/S 20%
0 SHHSS 20%
E/S 30%
o SHHSS 30%
ö Qa
lo j
C ""
SEE ýýý
ýýý 3() 40 ;n 6) 70
Figure 6.24 Comparison between E/Screen and SHHSS: 8000rpm & 0.41/s (69.85mm
The droplet size is seen to increase with an increase in 4 and this was attributed to
turbulence damping. As ý increases the system can no longer be defined by the physical
parameters of the continuous phase and it is logical to believe that the viscosity of'the
Figure 6.24 shows that the droplet size distributions from the two screens are similar up
to ý =20%. However, there is significant change at 30% with the SH1HSS generating
It is worth noting that the leakage flows that were observed by Sparks (1996) were also
negligible. This can be explained by the fact that toothed mixer had an open top gap (i e
no "Lip" covering the gap). However, the Silverson rotor does have a "Lip" (Figure
performance of the screen despite the gap in the ES being 4 times that in the Sill ISS.
Lip 10
Figure 6.25 Schematic showing the "Lip" at the top of the Silverson rotor
6.5.4. Stator
The Reynolds number in the holes in the stator is defined by Equation (2.40) and the
values,along with the nominal ti and y' are summarisedin Table 6.8
Table 6.8 Reethorin the stator holes and corresponding ti and y'
The flow through the stator holes will be laminar as the values for Re in the stator holes
are very low. This also indicatesthat viscous stresses
will play a more significant role in
breaking up drops.
no effect on the droplet size distribution. Also, the performanceof the two screenswas
similar (with regards to the droplets sizes generated by them both). This would suggest
that there very little or no drop break up in this region of the mixer (at least due to
viscous stresses).
Comparingthe values of ti and y' to the values of critical shearratesand burst times for
drop diametersequivalent to dm. and d32(Table A. 2). It can be determinedthat y' is
The equivalentvalues of tb for dm were again comparedto r and were found to be
larger. Implying that drops of size dmax
and above did not have enoughtime to break in
holesof both the ES and the SHHSS.
However, values for tb calculatedfor d32were found to be significantly smaller than 'r (up
to 6x in the SHHSS) for Couette flows and up to 2x smaller in Extensional flows. Again,
this would imply that drops in the order of and below d32could break due to viscous
forces in the flow through the stator holes.
It is possible that there is further break-up as the drops passthrough the stator holes. In
low viscosity systemsthis effect would be small and not influence the droplet size
distribution significantly (as the performanceof the two screenswas similar).
The number of holes would also affect the turbulent energy dissipation as Sparks (1996)
observed the fluid discharging from the rotor and turning abruptly by the upstream face
of the stator teeth and emerging radially. A fast stream followed the leading edge of the
stator and a region of recirculation accompanied this (Figure 2.8).
It was postulated that the tangential kinetic energy given to the fluid by the rotor was
transformed into pumping power, skin friction losses and turbulent losses. It was
suggested that the point where the abrupt turn in the flow takes place is where the losses
are greatest.
Therefore, it is reasonableto believe that the on the leading edge of the rotor (where the
6.5.5. Volute
The flow in the volute will be determinedby the velocity of the radial jets from the stator
holes. Sparks (1996) described the flow in this region as being disordered. This region
makesup the largest volume of the mixer and consequentlywill have the largest nominal
As Dvorteand the open areaare not significantly different betweenthe two screensthe
for Revai,, (Table 6.9)
values teare similar
Table 6.9 showsthat the Reoit,, are high and the nominal shearrates in this region are
very low. Therefore, it can be assumedthat the drop break-up due to viscous stressesis
unlikely this region.
smaller in the volute than in the rotor region of the mixer. However, due to the longer
residencetimes in this part of the mixer it is possiblethat the any larger drops that may
have by-passedthe regions of high shearratesand high energydissipation in the
distribution may undergo further break-up due to inertial stresses.
6.5.6. Summary
The in-line rotor-stator mixer was divided into 5 sectionsbasedon flow patternsobserved
in the visualisation work of Sparks(1996). These sectionswere the inlet, rotor chamber,
sheargap, stator and the volute. By defining the Re in eachof theseregions which made
it possibleto investigatewhich stressmechanismwould be responsiblefor drop break-up.
The Re in the pipe were calculated to be 20,000 (at 0.41/s) and 40,000 (at 0.81/s),
indicating that the flow was turbulent. It was established that the nominal residence time
in the pipe was long enough to sustain drop break-up due to both viscous and inertial
stresses. However, the high Re implied that inertial stresses would be more dominant.
In the rotor chamberit was consideredmore appropriateto define Re using the rotor tip
speedand the blade length as the characteristicvelocities and length. This was because
the droplet size was seen to decrease with rotor speed. The resultant values for Re were
The effective shearrates (Grace, 1982) in this region were found to be considerably
higher than the nominal shearrates. However, the critical burst times, tB, were
The values for dmaxlevelled off at 150µm after approximately 7000 rpm and as Re
increasedwith N. It was assumedthat the maximum eddy length scaleswould be in the
The values for Re in the shear gap ranged from 5000 to 20,000 with the ES and 1400 to
5000 with the SHHSS. These relatively low values of Re implied that the viscous
However, despitethesedifferencesin Re and y' there was no discernabledifference in the
droplet size distribution from the two screens. The nominal residencetimes in this region
were not large enoughto sustainthe break-up of drops with sizes similar and above dmax.
However, drops similar and below d32would be broken in the short time in the sheargap.
It could then be deductedthat drops with diametersclose to and below d32most likely to
be disruptedby viscous sub-rangeeddies.
In the stator the flow was consideredto be laminar and break-upby viscous stresses
would be more likely. However, the fact that the two screensshowedno significant
differencesin performancewould lead to inferencethat there is very little break-up in this
region. It is also possible that some drops that have undergonedeformation in the shear
The flows in the volute would be responsiblefor break-up of larger drops that may have
by-passedthe regions of high energyand shearrates.
c) inertial in
sub-rangeeddies the sheargap.
d) viscous stressesin the stator holes.
Theseregions can be put into the following order of residencetimes; ShearGap < Stator
< Inlet < Rotor < Volute. The very short residencetimes in the sheargap and the fact the
high localised energy dissipation are very small, would indicate that a large
regions of
of the drops are by-passingthis region. The relatively long residencetimes
the stresseswould point to the fact that droplet size distribution is
and the magnitudeof
determined by the viscous and inertial stresses in the rotor region.
CHAPTER 7. Conclusions
without coalescence occurring, thus giving a true reflection of the droplet size
distribution from the in-line rotor-stator mixer.
was found to be the better of the two techniquesfor measuringdroplets below 20µm.
4. The liquid-liquid contactor rig was designedand built specifically for this work. It
allowed the measurementof droplet sizesgeneratedfrom a single-passthrough the in-
line rotor-stator mixer. It was then possibleto investigatethe effects of varying; rotor
- increasedlinearly with dispersedphaseconcentration.
were not influenced significantly by flowrate had little or no effect on the droplet
size distribution.
were similar from the Emulsor screenand the SquareHole High ShearScreen.
- increasedwith an increasein open area. The tests performed with the 50.8 mm
were not affected by the sheargap. The sheargap in the Emulsor Screenwas
twice that in the SquareHole High ShearScreen.
S. The Chen and Middleman correlation was found to be the most appropriatemodel for
describing correlating d32.This suggeststhat viscous sub-rangeeddiesare the
dominant break-up mechanism. The drop size data could be correlatedfor « up to
20%, by:
32 = 2x109(1+ 20(D)(WeRe4)-'"
10. The power supplied to the fluid by the in-line rotor-stator mixer was measuredusing a
thermometric technique. The data collected from this rig enabledthe estimation of
the energydissipation rate and the Kolmogorov length scale.
11. The Shaft power increaseswith rotational speedand flowrate. The shaft power can
be related to N and Q by the following:
PSS = 25
12. P,haftwas similar for both the Emulsor screenand the SquareHole High ShearScreen.
15. Energy dissipation within the rotor-stator mixer is highly inhomogeneousand values
of e were estimated to range from 40 W/kg to 800 W/kg.
16. d32was proportional to e-0.2,which best matchedthe Shinnarmodel for drop break-
17. The Kolmogorov length scales, Xk, ranged from 12µm down to 6µm.
a) inertial in
stresses the inlet to the mixer.
b) inertial and viscous stressesin the rotor region.
e) inertial in
stresses the volute.
19. The droplet size distribution from a single passthrough an in-line rotor-stator mixer is
CHAPTER S. Future Work
It would be useful in the design of such units to be able to assessthe influence of each
these regions on the final droplet size distributions at varying flow conditions. The
definition of Re in the different regions of the mixer is a good indication of
inertial or viscous stressesare responsible for drop break-up. The effects of
varying the
viscosity ratio (and µa) in addition to studying a wider range of throughputs (thus varying
residence times in each region) will help to identify when viscous stresses are more
dominant than inertial stresses and vice versa. This will help identify which
are useful in scale-up (rotor diameter, shear gap, open area, stator thickness etc) and
under what conditions. In this work the shear gap was found to have no effect on the
droplet size distribution, however, at higher viscosities it is possible that the
stresses in the gap are mainly responsible for drop break up.
overcomeby inserting the mixer into a recycle loop and increasingthe number of passes
through the mixer. However, one draw back to this type of set-up is that temperature
effects begin to come into play and will alter the physical propertiesof the system.One
possiblemethod of overcoming thesetemperatureeffects are to study a single passmulti-
stageunit (one with a number of concentrically arrangedrotor-stator teeth). Alternatively,
the mixture could be passedcompletely through the mixer from one vesselto anotherand
then back through the mixer into feed tank. This secondmethod would be dependanton
the stability of the resultant dispersionsand the both the vesselsshould be equipped with
agitatorsto promote homogeneity.
The literature review highlighted that there is very little power draw data available for
rotor-stator mixers. It has been discussed that very often rotor-stator mixers are operating
in the laminar regime where viscous shear is more prominent. This would suggest that
the identification of the operating regime in a rotor-stator mixer will help in the
A method of determining the flow regime is to determine the dependencyof the power
draw of the unit on rotational speed. If the power is found to be proportional to rotational
speed raised to the power of 3, then turbulent conditions will apply. If the power is
related rotational speedraised to the power of 2, then the flow will be laminar.
torque. A possible method of increasingthe accuracyof measurementat high shaft
speedswould be to use a gearing device. This requires an additional shaft with a torque
transducer,connectedto the mixer shaft using a toothed belt and pulley. A larger pulley
on the secondaryshaft would reducethe speedallowing accuratemeasurementof torque.
Toothed belts typically have efficiencies of 95% and above.
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Rawle, A., "Basic principles of particle size analysis" Technical Paper, Malvern
Instruments Ltd.
Wachtel,R. E. and La Mer, V. K., (1962), "The preperationand size distribution of some
Appendix 1 Experimental rig operating procedures
A schematic of the experimental rig is shown in Figure A. 1. The liquids are pumped
from the two feed tanks (1 m3) and the organic liquid was introduced to the aqueous line
via a manifold located one pipe diameter up-stream of the rotor-stator mixer. The fluid
was passed through the mixer to the settling tanks. The recycle loops were present on the
feed lines for use when commissioning the flow transducers or testing the pumps.
ensurethat it is clean.
5. The water is supplied from the mains line via a de-ionisedcylinder. Ensure the flow
through the cylinder not too high (to cause damage to the ion exchangeresin). The
flow can be controlled by using a valve (V17), located on the mains water supply.
(b) Start-up
Aqueous line:
6. Close V3 and V4.
7. Position V2 (three-wayvalve) to allow flow to the mixer (as opposedto the recycle
8. Open Vl.
Organic line:
High flowrates
9. Close V8, V9, V10 and V12
10. Open V6 and VI4
11. Position V7 (three-wayvalve) to allow flow to the mixer (as opposedto the recycle
Low flowrates
12. Close V6, V10 and V12.
13. Open V9, V11 and V14
14. Position V7 to prevent flow back towards the pump (P2) and the recycle line.
21. Turn the power on from the isolator switch. Check that the red button on the
frequencycontroller is switched to Run and not Stop. Push the black button on the
required, (P2: 0.14-1.41/sand P3: 0.03-0.161/s). The switch is on the top of the
control panel and marked with the numbers 1&2. The number 1 refers to the
large organic pump (P2) and 2 to the smaller one (P3). In addition, the switch on the
power board has to be turned to the correct setting, this can be found to the right of
the main electrical box and hasthree settings, 1,2 and off.,
23. Before starting the pumps, checkthat the correct scalefactors have been inputted.
Flick the program switch to on. Press the function button on the display panel, and
change by using the number buttons along the bottom of the display panel. Repeat
this process for the aqueous flow controller (P1).
The scale factors should be as following:
Organic: (I)P2: 1.27380
(2) P3: 0.16918
Aqueous: P1: 1.29391
started.The flowrate be
can adjustedwhilst the pumps are running by following the
sameprocedure. Note: If the flow controller is showing 0 flowrate, switch off the
Mixer Start-up
30. Read the Silverson installation, operating and maintenance manual for the rotor-
stator mixer.
31. Open Valves VI 5 and V16.
32. Turn the isolator switch to on (at the bottom of the rotor-stator control panel).
33. Turn the power on (the greenbutton at the top of the control panel).
34. Check the rotor speed,on the VACON display panel (the speeddisplay can be found
by pressingeither the left or the right arrow).
Note: Power, Torque and other information can be obtained from the display panel
by pressingthe arrow buttons until the required display is found.
35. Set the speedusing the SpeedAdjust knob.
36. Turn on the feed pumps (see 19-29)
37. Wait a2 minutes before switching on the rotor-stator mixer using the green start
button on the rotor-stator control panel.
control box.
45. When changing the mixer head,refer to the Silverson installation, operating and
Pump Shut-down
46. Stop the organic pump (using the start switcheson the flow controller)
47. Wait a few minutes before stopping the aqueous pump. This allows the water to
flush most of the organic liquid out of the mixing sections.
There are three emergency stop buttons (large red buttons) on the rig. The most
important one is located on the back of the blue power board (facing towards the bund).
When pressed, it will cut off all the power to the rig, switching off both the pumps and
the rotor-stator mixer. The one that is located on the electrical box on the blue power
board will only switch off the pumps. The one on the Rotor-stator control box will only
(d) Waste
To allow the dispersionin the settling tanks to fully separateit should be left for 24
hours. The organic (less dense)phaserisesto the top of the tank creating an interface
betweenthe two phases.Pumping the aqueousphaseto waste requirestwo people, one
to monitor when the organic phaseis reachedand one to turn the pump off.
53. Close valve V18.
54. Close valve V21 (recycle line).
55. Open V19
56, Start P4 (which is a diaphragmpump and requirescompressedair to operate)
57. Stop P4 when the interface is reachedand there is only organic phaseleft in the tank.
58. Close V20.
59. Open V21.
60. Start P4.
61. Stop P4 when ST2 is empty.
62. Repeatfor STI.
(e) Cleaning procedures and checks
Before introducing new inventory, the whole rig should be flushed twice with de-ionised
water and the tanks should be scrubbed if necessary. If the tanks require scrubbing an
extra rinse using de-ionised is
water required before filling.
The seals(o-rings) on the tank pipefittings and the gasketson the pumps are made from
nitrile rubber. The tri-clamp seals(green) on the organic line and the mixing lines are
madefrom Viton and the sealson the aqueousline (blue) are EPDM. The sealsshould be
checkedfor wear and tear wheneverthe tanks are empty and the mixer section seals
should be checkedwhen the mixing elementsare changed.
Appendix 2 Names and Addresses of Equipment Suppliers
In-line Rotor-Stator Mixer
Silverson Machines Ltd.
Waterside, Chesham
Bucks, 11P51PQ,
Cougar Industries,
19 Empire Centre,
Imperial Way,
Herts, WD2 4YH
Latex Beads
Bangs Laboratories Inc.
9025 Technology Drive,
Fishers, IN 4603 8-2886,
Pressure Transducer
Druck Limited
Fir Tree Lane
Leicester, LE6 OFH
Pressure Gauge
WIKA Instruments Limited
Station Approach
Endress+Hauser Ltd
Floats Road,
Manchester, M23 9NF
Temperature Measurement
RS Components
Lammas Road,
Weldon Industrial Estate,
Northamptonshire,NN17 9RS,
Appendix 3 Theoretical background to diffraction measurement
It is apparent that researchinto liquid-liquid systems from rotor-stator mixers has been
limited to dilute systems by the constraints imposed by the drop size measurement
The measurement technique for use in this research must incorporate the following
important factors:
1. Measurement of drop sizes in the order of the Kolmogorov micro-scale and below.
2. The measurement of droplets in high dispersed phase concentrations.
3. The technique must show good repeatability.
4. Availability
The droplet sizes generatedby an in-line rotor-stator mixer are expectedto be too small
for measurementusing video techniques. Semi-in-line methods such as laser diffraction
(Malvern Mastersizer)and electrical conductivity (Coulter Counter) are limited to low t
However, despite it being an off-line technique and requires considerable dilution, the
Malvern Mastersizer (laser diffraction) was the only available technique that can
successfully measure the small droplet sizes that are expected from the rotor-stator mixer
(<10µm). This was the most important criterion for work with high-energy dissipation
rates and the validation of mechanistic models for d< 2k. As this technique required
The sampling procedure was validated against an in-line video capturing technique that
had beendevelopedin-houseat BHR group.
be able to correctly describethe drop size distribution (DSD) it is important to have an
The main principle behind laser diffraction is that particles passing through a laser beam
scatter light at angles that are inversely proportional to their size. Instruments that use
this principle measure the intensity of light scattered. The subsequent intensity pattern is
then transformed by way of an appropriate optical model and mathematical procedure to
a volume distribution.
Early laser diffraction devices only considered small scattering angles and were
scattering pattern consists of light resulting from diffraction and scattering between the
particle and the light (reflection, refraction and absorption). If the particle is large
compared to the wavelength of light then diffracted light will be mainly responsible for
Jas sin
I (E)) a4 (A. 0.1)
2k a2 n0
Where, I(®) is the intensity of the scatteredlight (as a function of angle, O);
lo is the intensity of the incident light;
The main advantageof Equation A. 1 is that it is relatively simple and quick to calculate.
The Fraunhofer approximation does not incorporate the optical properties of the system
and its use is limited to particles of diameters at least 40 times the wavelength of light.
The Helium-Neon gas laser that the Mastersizer uses had a wavelength of 0.63µm.
Therefore, this approximation is a good one for particle sizes larger than 25µm (ISO
13320-1: 1999 (E)). However, the Mastersizer 2000 uses a blue laser (wavelength of
When the particle size approachesthat of the wavelengthof light, the scatteringbecomes
a complex function with maxima and minima present.The Lorenz-Mie theory provides
equations account for the complete light scatteringpattern in a particulate systemby
consideringthe electromagneticfield, both inside and outside a single particle. Finite
points within this field are usedas sourcesand further the equationsusedfor predicting
how thesesourcesradiateto elementsin the far field (e.g. a detector).
Therefore, for any position in the far field, a summationfor a given polarisation can be
madefor all the radiation's contributions from all points within the sphere. Many
positions in the far field can be examinedand thus a more concisedescription of the
radiation pattern can be obtained.
The complex scattering pattern of a particle is a function of the scattering angle, the
difference in the refractive indices of the particle and the continuous phase, the
wavelength of the incident radiation and the diameter of the particle. Therefore, the
equations derived using the Lorenz-Mie theory are a more complex version of Equation
(A. 1) and thus are more difficult to solve (Bom & Wolf, 1980, Bohren & Huffman,
1983). The recent advent of powerful desktop computer technology enables the
The main difference between Lorenz-Mie Theory and Fraunhofer is the former assumes
the volume of the particle as opposed to the latter, which predicts a projected area. It is
claimed that the use of Lorenz-Mie theory allows accurate results over a wide size range,
0.02-2000 µm, (Rawle, 2002).
In addition to its ability to predict smaller particle sizesthe other advantagesof Lorenz-
Me theory is the assumptions, with the exception of spherical particles, which applied to
=np -ikp (A. o.2)
ii. The complex refractive index of the particle relative to that of the medium, m,
Where, nmis the real part of the refractive index of the medium.
The real refractive indices of various compounds can be found readily in the literature or
can measured. However, the choice of the imaginary refractive index is a little more
difficult, as there is very little information available in literature. Malvern Instruments
recommenda rule of thumb for evaluating the correct imaginary refractive index a
summary of which is given in Table 4.3.
Appendix 4 Droplet Size Distributions 9
äe f
f A
"" ff""A""
0 20 40 00 80 100 120 140 100
" MaNem
20 ""
Z "
YYYY' 'YYýýý. ý .. """" "ý". ý ..... .
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Diameter(t ucrons)
Malvern Vs Video Probe
Latex Beads (75-150 microns)
""" Video Probe
a "f Malvern
A "
ae 5 "
E """"
0* i
0 20 40 60 60 100 120 140 160 180
Diameter (microns)
4 "
3 f"
f"" .. A
f f"
" f ff
0 . uf. uuf"f"ý. uf. f. f"uuuf. bbý. """ ._
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Performance Tests: Droplet Size Distributions (Volume `%º)
69.85 mm Rotor: Emulsor Screen:
3000 rpm
- 11000 rpm
11 11610 rpm
10 .-+
Y- f
iI II II i"" f+
Oa 014a ! "- 4VYV "t d! i/ YiYY
p a" w-r-r fr-fý. ý r ro a3bO, -
01 1 10 100 1000
Figure A. 4 Volume DSD generated by the 67.85mm rotor with the Emulsor
Screen at Q=0.4 I/s and (= 10%, for varying N (rpm).
f 3000 rpm
0 5000 rpm
e 6000 rpm
x 7000 rpm
x 8000 rpm
15 f
"9000 rpm
E ö
+ 10000 rpm
n -11000 rpm
0 x"
> 10 Xe
00 f±
f +
01 1 10 100 1000
Figure A. 5 Volume DSD generated by the 69.85mm rotor with the Emulsor
Screen at Q=0.4 I/s and cD= 20%, for varying N (rpm).
. 3000 rpm
j 5000 rpm
f 6000 rpm
x 7000 rpm
x 8000 rpm
15 "" 9000 rpm "
i" 10000 rpm
ý_ 11000rpm
> 10 1
" "x
1Y f
iii, :
list a
01 . " . . s. ..
0 11 10 100 1000
Figure A. 6 Volume DSD generated by the 69.85mm rotor with the Emulsor screen
at Q=0.41/s and (D = 30%, for varying N (rpm).
f 3000 rpm
5000 rpm
f 6000 rpm
x 7000 rpm
V0 z 8000 rpm
lu " 9000 rpm 1. x
+ 10000 rpm x*
m +
e -11000ipm'
X x"
A. "X "
+x 2
* -03
o I.
01 1 10
10100 -exzw--
Figure A. 7 Volume DSD generated by the 69.85mm rotor with the Emulsor
Screen at Q=0.41/s and c= 40%, for varying N (rpm).
"3000 rpm
20 5000 rpm
x8000 rpm
X9000 rpm
#' 'x'
01 10 loo WOO
Droplet Diameter (microns)
Figure A. 8 Volume DSD generated by the 69.85mm rotor with the Emulsor
f 3000 rpm
f 6000 rpm
x 7000 rpm
8000 rprn
15 ri*
t 9000 rpm
Ir It $$$$$Jiifffi41 *i
o SM-aura-*-1i-acAM,>«-llt CIM aý .1*
01 1 10 100 1000
Figure A. 9 Volume DSD generated by the 69.85mm rotor with the Emulsor
Screen at Q=0.8 I/s and 0= 10%, for varying N (rpm).
20 U5000rpmý---.
- -- ----. _
f 6000rpm'
x 8000rpm'
a x 9000rpm'
t ý
10 -r0
0 r rrrrcrrý* YCYLiýýý
at "frýýýýrtrrr afErtiE
0 11 10 100 10 00
Figure A. 10 Volume DSD generated by the 69.85mm rotor with the Emulsor
Screen at Q=0.8 I/s and = 20%, for varying N (rpm).
f 3000rpm
20 "
f 6000rpm xI
15 ýx 8000rpm ",
Ex 9000rpm
0ýx i
> 10
46 Xx
Xx "
w 0x
"" 0x
Figure A. l 1 Volume DSD generated by the 69.85mm rotor with the Emulsor
Screen at Q=0.8 I/s and D= 30%, for varying N (rpm).
Square Hole High Shear Screen (69.85 mm Rotor):
e. . 9000rpm
- 11000rpm a
41r" ý
"x .
Figure A. 12 Volume DSD generated by the 69.85mm rotor with the SQHHS Screen
at Q=0.4 I/s and D= 10%, for varying N (rpm).
25 -
" 3000rpm
" 6000rpm
x 7000rpm
x 8000rpm
E " 9000rpm
> + 10000rpm
10 ! " A
11000rpm x
+ia It
+g 0++
Figure A. 13 Volume DSD generated by the 69.85mm rotor with the SQHHS Screen
at Q=0.4 1/s and 1= 20%, for varying N (rpm).
" 3000rpm
:'0 r- ----
" 6000rpm
x 7000rpm
. 9000rpm
10 10000rpm
r. i
11000rpm -
Figure A. 14 Volume DSD generated by the 69.85mm rotor with the SQHHS Screer
at Q -= 0.4 1/s and D= 30%, for varying N (rpm).
20 f- _
5000 rpm
8000 rpm
Q) 9000 rpm
E "
> " 10000 rpm ..
-. -. _-. __.__- -------------. -----'---- ------ ---- ---
pie r
" %`
7 "
". ab-w
0 !". s was
rs"itiiiiýi-A_i-! _ - - ------- ------ --"---t-"--ýt-"-: a-... "....
-a-. _
01 1 10 100 1000
Droplet Diameter (microns)
Figure A. 15 Volume DSD generated by the 69.85mm rotor with the SQHHS Screen
at Q=0.8 1/s and cb = 05%, for varying N (rpm).
25 . .......... - _....... ....
x 7000 rpm
. 9000 rpm -- ---
5 x
"xf" x
01 1 10 100 1000
Droplet Diameter (microns)
Figure A. 16 Volume DSD generated by the 69.85mm rotor with the SQHHS Screen
at Q=0.8 I/s and = 10%, for varying N (rpm).
" 5000rpm
x 7000 rpm
r 9000rpm
10 -x x-
X x
ýý x.
o F"
1 10 100 1000
Droplet Diameter (microns)
Figure A. 17 Volume DSD generated by the 69.85mm rotor with the SQHHS Screen
at Q=0.8 1/s and c= 20%, for varying N (rpm).
50.8mm Rotor: Emulsor Screen
5000 rpm
" 7000 rpm
x 9000 rpm
10 4ßx
5 .x
Figure A. 18 Volume DSD generated by the 50.80mm rotor with the Emulsor
Screen at Q=0.4 1/s and c= 10%, for varying N (rpm).
. 10%
15 "30%I --X
X40°. 6 j"
yXX "
E 10
ö" "
""" X i<
"" "X"""iii X
011 10 100 1000
Droplet Diameter (rricrons)
Figure A. 19 Volume DSD generated by the 50.80mm rotor with the Emulsor
Screen at Q=0.4 1/s and N= 7000 rpm for varying (D (%).
25 7
5000 rpm
A 7000 rprn
9000 rpm
7'. ..
X ` i..
' *..
0 tr .. r. *-*-r-* ýýý[-rýI{äfSa
rr - -A-A-sx. -r-a. arrarr... ar
01 1 10 100 1000
Droplet Diameter (microns)
5000 rpm
x 9000 rpm
15 - -x 10000 rpm
2 "
10 ..
tý r
Figure A. 21 Volume DSD generated by the 50.80mm rotor with the Slotted Head at
Q=0.4 1/s and 0= 10%, for varying N (rpm).
50.8mm Rotor: Square Hole High Shear Screen
" 3000 rpm
5000 rpm
20 f 6000 rpm -
x 7000 rpm
x 8000 rpm
15 . 9000 rpm
10000 rpm
10 Ia -: $
>r= ýx
I "' "1
I 0 DY i YY Y ý Y
0 SYH A T !ý C
9Ou anamesOaY - . . . .- i . . - _ _ . IL YAAONA 4" ..
01 1 10 100 1000
Droplet Diameter (micron)
Figure A. 22 Volume DSD generated by the 50.80mm rotor with the SHHS Screen
at Q=0.4 I/s and c= 10%, for varying N (rpm)
15 x
oI xX
"X f
10 ffX
51 fX_
"£ "
"" fX
_. ttEýt .x"X
Figure A. 23 Volume DSD generated by the 50.80mm rotor with the SHHS Screen
at Q=0.41/s and N= 7000 rpm for varying (D (%).
50.8mm Rotor: General Disintegrating Head
5000 rpm
A 7000 rpm
8000 rpm
x 9000 rpm
15 x 10000 rpm a
10 xf
i x
X x "
5 xx
xx ý
Xx! A
yt! A
0 s*rrrýr**rrr ra t+rý , a ' ilk ja * 0r
0. 1 1 10 100 1000
Droplet Diameter (microns)
Figure A. 24 Volume DSD generated by the 50.80mm rotor with the GDH at Q=
0.4 1/s and 1= 10%, for varying N (rpm)
Appendix 5
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