Whats My Rule - 3-7
Whats My Rule - 3-7
Whats My Rule - 3-7
Lesson Objectives/Learning Targets (What do you Aligned Assessments (What will the students do to
expect your students to know upon completion of the demonstrate comprehension of the curriculum? Consider
lesson? formative & summative tools.)
The learner will: I will assess learning by:
1. be able to find missing numbers and rules 1. Students will complete Math Journal p. 56
when given variations of inputs, outputs, or the 2. their responses during the teacher circle time
rule 3. students game recording sheets
Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking
apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the
Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies.2 By the end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers.
Instructional Resources and Materials: (List resources including classroom, community, and supplemental student
resources. Include technology and cite websites.)
- 1 die
- Recording sheet - one per person
- Desk divider
- White boards
Consideration of Learners: (Note how you have responded to your diverse learners. Consider UDL -Multiple means of
Engagement, Representation, Action & Expression- & principles of differentiation.)
- powerpoint timer uses the numbers in a countdown along with a visual of time running out
- students came up with expectations for math centers
- students are grouped in a way that the teaching can be differentiated
Individual Accommodations: (Identify accommodations you will make in response to needs and/or interests of a student
or group of students.)
Building respectful relationships: (Note any specific ways in which you plan to establish rapport, build mutual trust,
monitor & maintain relationships. Consider student-teacher & student-student relationships.)
- using students work as an example
- with their permission
- picking out things students did well
- thanking students for their hard work
Organizational routines: (Identify ways that you have intentionally organized time, space, materials, & students to
minimize disruptions and maximize learning.)
- PowerPoint for transitions
- modeling/practice going through stations
- game center in a different room for noise level
- independent center by the laptops
- teacher circle by the carpet for use of the overhead projector
- students clean up each center
- center items prepped the day before
Specifying & reinforcing productive behavior: (Note how expectations are specified, productive behavior is reinforced
and disruptive behavior is redirected.)
- students discuss and come up with what math centers do and don’t look, sound, and feel like
- these will be posted during math centers
- referring back to the expectation sheets when they do not follow them
- using positive reinforcement while using golden tickets for on task behavior
Station 1 - Teacher
- Using Function Machines p. 288
- Math Message on a white board
- June is 3 years older than Kevin. If Kevin is 7 years old, how old is June?
- 10 years old
- Ask children to share their strategies/pictures
- Display a table with columns labeled “Kevin” and “June” and place a unit box and an empty rule
box near the table. Write 7 and 10 in the first row of the table and write the years in the unit box.
Explain that this is one way to show the information from the problem. The Box shows that we
are talking about years, and the table shows that when Kevin is 7 June will be 10.
- Fill the table in as you pose the following questions. Encourage students to look at the number
line, number grid, or use counters to help them.
- If Kevin is 8 years old, how old is June? - 11 years old; 8 + 3 = 11
- What if Kevin is 9 years old? Juine is 12 years old; 9 + 3 = 12
- What if Kevin is 10 years old? June is 13 years old; 10 + 3 = 13
7 5
8 6
9 7
- Who is younger?
- what is the rule for finding Joe’s age if you know Raissa’s age?
- If Raissa is 10 years old, how old is Joe?
- If Raissa is 15 years old, how old is Joe?
- What is the rule?
Station 2 - Games
- 1 die
- Recording sheet - one per person
- Desk divider
How to play
- Partner A rolls a die and this becomes their addition or subtraction rule for that round. Make sure player
B doesn’t see
- Partner A begins to fill out the Function Machine Recording sheet adding or subtracting the rule to
every number in the input box
- Player B watches as Player one fills out the sheet and tries to guess what the rules are before they fill
the entire table.
- If player B guesses correctly before Player A finishes they get a point. If player A finishes before Player
B guesses Player A gets a point.
- At the end of the round the students switch and then Player B will roll for their rule.
Station 3 - Independent
- MJ p. 56
Students were really able to show me what they knew at the teacher center. They could figure out the rule and were even
able to create their own and try it on a partner. Something that was hard was when they were given the rule and the
output and had to work backwards to figure out the input. The game went well but now looking back I would maybe
change it so it looked like how and input output rule looks like on their test so they are similar with that format.