Welded Joints
Welded Joints
Welded Joints
1 kalluri.vinayak@bml.edu.in
• Welding is used for making permanent joints.
(a) The number beside triangle indicates the leg size. The arrow
need to point only to one weld when the weld on all sides is
(b) Here the weld symbol indicates that he weldment is
intermittent and staggered at 60 mm length at an interval of
200 mm (centre to centre distance).
Fillet welds
Square butt welded on both sides. Single V with 60o bevel and root
opening of 2 mm
Corner weld, meant only Edge weld for sheet metal and
for light loads light loads
Stress Analysis and Design of Welded Joints
• Butt joint
• Lap joint or Fillet joint
– Parallel fillet joint (weldment parallel to the load)
– Transverse fillet joint (weldment perpendicular to the load
• Shear welded joint
– Both primary and secondary shear stresses act
– Line weld concept is useful
• Bending welded joint
– Throat shear stress equal to 1/1.414 times the bending stress
– Line weld concept is useful
Typical butt joints with possible loading. Reinforcements, though can
increase the area taking the load, normally for fatigue loading induce
stress concentration at location like “A” and hence normally removed
by grinding or machining.
F / hl F / hl
Typical transverse fillet weld
Fs F sin
Fn F cos
t h h 2
sin 45 sin135 cos sin
o o
The stresses at any angle in the weldment are
Fs F sin
Fn F cos
t h h 2 h
sin 45o sin 135o cos sin cos sin
' 3
2 F2
cos sin cos sin sin cos
2 2 2 2
The stresses at any angle in the weldment are
The maximum von - Mises stress occurs at 62.5 ,
2 . 16 F
max ' 62 . 5 o
1 . 196 F
62 . 5 o
0 . 623 F
62 . 5 o
Parallel Fillet Weld: Welding Code Method
cos sin
For 45 0 , t 0 .707 h
F / 0 .7 0 7 h l 1 .4 1 4 F / h l
Primary shear stress:
V / A
Secondary shear stress:
Twisting moment:
T = Fa a
r1 x x 1
y 2
; r2 x 2 x y 2 y
2 2
J J G 1 A1 r12 J G 2 A 2 r22
The concept of line weldments
J 0.707hJ u
J u Second polar moment of area for unit weld throat size
G d x 0
A 0.707 hd J u d 3 / 12
y d /2
J 0.707hJ u
Primary shear stress, '
Secondary shear stress: A throat shear of is induced. where
is the bending stress calculated by the following formula. In deriving
the formula the weldments have been treated as line welds and also the
distance between them is treated as simply equal to d, which is the
depth of the rectangular pattern.
bd 2
bd 2
I 0.707hI u 0.707 h
Mc Md / 2 1.414 M
I 0.707hbd / 2 bdh
Bending Properties of Fillet Welds
I 0.707hI u
38 kalluri.vinayak@bml.edu.in
case (2) of table 9 2 :
h 10 mm; d 200 mm; b 25 mm
A 2(0.707)(10)(200) 2828 mm 2
d 3 200 3
Iu 1.33 10 6 mm 3
6 6
I 0.707 h I u 0.707 10 1.33 10 6 9.43 10 6 mm 4
F 20 1000
' 7.07 MPa
A 2828
M 20000 150 3 10 6 N mm
c 100 mm
M c 3 10 6 100
31.8 MPa
I 9.43 10 6
' 2 '' 2
7.07 2 31.82 32.58 MPa
39 kalluri.vinayak@bml.edu.in
The Fig shows a welded steel bracket loaded by a static
force. Find the factor of safety if the allowable shear stress
in the weld throat is 120 MPa.
41 kalluri.vinayak@bml.edu.in
42 kalluri.vinayak@bml.edu.in
43 kalluri.vinayak@bml.edu.in
Welded Joint under Fatigue loading
The conventional methods will be used
In fatigue, the Gerber criterion is best; however, you
will find that the Goodman criterion is in common use.
For the surface factor, forged surface should always be
assumed for weldments unless a superior finish is
specified and obtained.
Fatigue Stress-Concentration Factors, Kfs
Table 9–5
The weldment shown in the figure (b=d=50 mm) is subjected to
an alternating force F. The hot-rolled steel bar has a thickness
h=5 mm and is of AISI 1010 steel. The vertical support is
likewise AISI 1010 HR steel. The electrode is E6010. Estimate
the fatigue load F the bar will carry if three fillet welds are used.
The weldment is subjected to a completely reversed force
F. The hot rolled steel bar is 10 mm thick and is of AISI 1010
steel. The vertical support is of AISI 1010 steel. The
electrode is 6010 with fully corrected endurance strength
of 80 MPa. Estimate the completely reversed load F the bar
will carry.