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International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)

Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org

Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2016 ISSN 2319 - 4847

N.Sridhar1 , Dr. A .Surendrakumar 2
Research scholar, Dept. of Farm Machinery and Power, AEC &RI, Kumulur, Trichy- 621 712, Tamil Nadu Agricultural
University, India.
Professor , Agricultural Machinery Research Centre, TNAU, Coimbatore- 641 003, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,

In India, annually 500 million tons of crop residues are produced, out which 81-141 million tons of residues are burned in the field.
Burning of crop residues, which causes environmental pollution as well as loss of plant nutrients like N, P, K and S. Therefore,
appropriate management of crop residues assumes a great significance. Shredders are used widely and their performance study is
an important factor for wide scale adoption. Hence, the present investigation was taken up to assess the shredding efficiency of
agricultural crop shredders as influenced by operational parameters. A total number of 81 field experiments were conducted in
cotton field. The influence of the selected level of variability of three levels of operational speed (viz. 2, 3 and 5 km hr-1), three
levels of peripheral velocity (viz. 18.75, 24.27 and 27.80 ms-1) and three levels of number of blades (viz. 2, 4 and 6) on the
shredding efficiency of an experimental shredder, in terms of length of cut of the stalk were investigated. Increase in peripheral
velocity from 18.75 to 27.80 ms-1, number of blades from 2 to 6 and reducing the forward speed of operation from 5 to 2 km hr-1
resulted in decreased length of cut. Six numbers of blades with 2 km hr -1 forward speed of operation and 27.80 ms-1 peripheral
velocity recorded the lowest value of length of cut at the highest per cent in selected different scale level L1= 18.30, L2=23. 66,
L3=30. 98, L4= 22.09 and L5= 4.97 per cent respectively.

Key words: Number of blades, Forward speed, Peripheral velocity, Shredding efficiency.
The annual production of crop residues approximately is 500 Mt in India (MNRE, 2009). There is a large variability in
crop residues generation and their use, depending on the cropping intensity, productivity and crops grown in different
states of India. The amount of crop residue, which does not have any identifiable end use is either left in the fields to rot
or is burnt away, is termed as Surplus Biomass. The estimated total crop residue surplus in India is 84-141 Mt yr-1,
where cereals and fiber crops contribute 58 per cent and 23 per cent, respectively. Remaining 19 per cent is from
sugarcane, pulses, oilseeds and other crops (Management of Crop Residue NAAS, India). Burning of crop residues
causes environmental pollution which is hazardous to human health and also produces greenhouse gases causing global
warming and results in loss of plant nutrients like N, P, K and S adverse impacts on soil properties and wastage of
valuable crop residues. The root sections decompose slower than other plant parts and the equipment for disposal of
cotton residue should include provision for reducing it to a length of 8 to 15 cm and burying it in depth of 10 cm
(Cowlick et al., 1971). The crop residues improve the soil fertility by improving nutrient availability and enriching the
organic matter content of soil. Sorghum stubble incorporation in the soil added 6.06 kg ha -1 of N, 2.6 kg ha-1 of P and
9.5 kg ha-1 of K (Shanmugasundaram et al., 1975). In India, crop residues are removed by manual uprooting or cutting
the stalks which is highly labor intensive. Shredders are mostly suggested for shredding the crop residues and their
performance study is an important factor for wide scale adoption. Hence, the type of shredding mechanism should be
selected based on the efficiency in terms of finished dimensions of the stalk required for incorporation in the soil to
facilitate quick decomposition. A rotary cutter is an implement in the mechanization chain of crop production. After
harvesting the crop, these machines cut the stalk and distribute them on the field surface. The rotary cutter consists of
blades pivoted horizontally on a vertical shaft and moves forward on the field. They are simple and sturdy in
construction, with less wearing parts and, therefore, the frictional power loss is minimized (Guzel and Zeren, 1990).

Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2016 Page 129

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org
Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2016 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Hence, a study to assess the performance of shredders was contemplated. Keeping the above facts in view, the present
investigation entitled “To assess the shredding efficiency of shredders as influenced by operational parameters” was
taken up with following specific objectives.
 To identify the influence of selected variable on shredding efficiency.
 To optimize the selected variable for suggesting the future development of the new unit.


The efficiency of a shredder is the ability to cut the crops/straw/stalk into very small pieces. The shredder performance
depends mainly on the number of rotating blades, peripheral velocity, and forward speed of operation.

2.1. Selected level of variables on length of cut

In the field test, the effect of peripheral velocity of rotary impact cutter blade, forward speed operation and the number
of blades on length of cut of crop stem at different scale levels was investigated. For achieving maximum shredding
efficiencies of crop stalk the following variables were selected for the investigation.
i. Peripheral velocity (V)
ii. Forward speed of operation (S)
iii. Number of blades (N)

2.1.1. Peripheral velocity (V)

The quality of the cut crop stem is highly influenced by the peripheral velocity of the blade. Peripheral velocity of the
blade is an important parameter in cutting and shredding operation. The rotary cutter is an implement in the
mechanization chain of cotton production. After harvesting the cotton, these machines cut the cotton stalk and
distribute them on the field surface. The evaluation of rotary cutters with the peripheral velocity of the blade ranged
between 800 to 1000 rpm was done by Guzel and Zeren, 1990. Hence, peripheral velocity of cutter blade of shredder
viz., 18.75, 24.27 and 27.80 ms-1 was selected for the investigation.

2.1.2. Forward speed of operation (S)

The efficiency of the machines depends upon the removed plant, plant condition (density and moisture content),
machine type and forward speed. The field efficiency decreases by increasing forward speed, so the field efficiency is
the ratio of the productivity of machine under field conditions to the theoretical maximum productivity. The shredder
machine is recommended to be used in removing residues of both cotton and sunflower stalks, while a self-propelled
harvester is recommended in removing rice straw. The shredder machine was recommended for removing residues of
corn stalks at forward speeds between 2 to 4 km h-1 and similarly 3 to 5 km h-1 forward speed was recommended for
self-propelled harvester for removing barley straw (Eltarhunyl .M.M. and Fouda, 2007). Hence, three levels of forward
speed of operation viz., 2, 3 and 5 km h-1 were selected for the investigation.

2.1.3. Number of blades

The length of cut of crop stem is highly influenced by a number of blades in the shredder unit. Number of blades is also
one of the important parameters in cutting and shredding operation. Hence, number of cutter blade of shredder viz., 2,
4, 6 were selected for the investigation.

2.2. Field experiments

A total number of 81 experiments were conducted in a cotton field in the department of cotton, TNAU, Coimbatore
with selected level variables as shown in Plate 2.1.

Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2016 Page 130

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org
Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2016 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Plate 2.1a View of the trial field before shredding

Plate 2.1b View of the trial field during the operation

Plate 2.1c View of the trial field after shredding Plate 2.1d View of the trial field after shredding

Plate 2.1.Field experiments of shredder with selected levels of variables

After the completion of shredding, the sample was collected randomly in from the field. The collected samples were
analyzed several times to separate shredding crop residues into five categories by scale (referred to Luis et al. 1993)
according to their length of cut off the stem ( L1 = 0 -5 cm, L2= 5-10 cm, L3= 10-15 cm, L4= 15- 20 cm, L5= >20 cm)
as shown in Plate 2.2.

Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2016 Page 131

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org
Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2016 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Plate 2.2a Length of cut of crop stem Plate 2.2b Length of cut of crop stem
at 0 to 5 cm at 5 to 10 cm

Plate 2.2c Length of cut of crop stem Plate 2.2d Length of cut of crop stem
at 10 to 15 cm at 15 to 20 cm

Plate.2.2. Length of cut of shredded cotton stem by prototype at different sieve levels

The values of finished dimensions of cotton stalks in terms of length of cut were recorded for all treatments. The effect
of selected levels of variables on finishing dimensions of the cotton stalk in terms of length of cut was analyzed.

Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2016 Page 132

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org
Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2016 ISSN 2319 - 4847


In this chapter, the effect of peripheral velocity of the rotary cutter blade, forward speed of operation and number of
blades on length of cut of crop stem by using different scale level is presented. The optimization of the selected
variables for achieving the best performance of crop stem shredding in terms of minimum length of cut of crop stem
with impact type rotary cutter shredder is presented.
3.1. Effects of selected variables on length of cut

The influence of selected level of variables on length of cut of agricultural crop stems with impact type rotary cutter
shredders is discussed below.
3.1.1. Effect of peripheral velocity (V) on length of cut at 2 (N1) number of blade with different forward speed of
operation (S)

The relationship between the length of cut and the peripheral velocity for the 2 number of blades with different levels
of forward speed of operation is depicted in Fig. 3.1.
Forward speed of operation 2 km h-1

Forward speed of operation 3 km h-1

Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2016 Page 133

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org
Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2016 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Forward speed of operation 5 km h-1

Fig.3.1 Effect of peripheral velocity (V) on length of cut at 2 (N1) number of blade with different forward speed of
operation (S)

An increase in peripheral velocity from 18.75 to 27.80 ms-1 resulted in decreased length of cut. It is evident that at
lower peripheral velocity, the length of cut of cotton stems decreases. This might be due to fact that at lower peripheral
velocity of rotary cutter blade, the impact of blade was too less to fail the stem cutting and hence energy requirement is
increased. At higher velocities, the increase in the cutting energy may be owing to the kinetic energy imparted by the
cutter blade to the separate parts of the stem after cutting (Yiliep et al., 2005; Prasad and Gupta, 1975 Manjeet Singh et
al., 1998; T.Senthilkumar et.al., 2004.).The lowest value of length of cut was observed at the shredder with 2 (N1)
numbers of blades, 2 km h-1 forward speed of operation and 27.800 ms-1 (V3) peripheral velocity.

3.1.2. Effect of peripheral velocity (V) on length of cut at 4 (N2) number of blade with different forward speed of
operation (S)

The effect of peripheral velocity (V) of cutter blade on length of cut at 2 (S1), 3 (S2) and 5 (S3) kmh-1 forward speed of
operation with 4 number of blades in cotton crop field is shown in Fig 3.2

The trend of increase in peripheral velocity from V1 to V3 resulted in decreased length of cut at varies scale level (L1to
L5) with different operational speed at 2 (S1), 3 (S2) and 5 kmh-1 respectively.
Forward speed of operation 2 km h-1

Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2016 Page 134

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org
Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2016 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Forward speed of operation 3 km h-1

Forward speed of operation 5 km h-1

Figure.3.2 Effect of peripheral velocity (V) on length of cut at 4 (N2) number of blade with different forward speed
of operation (S)

3.1.3. Effect of peripheral velocity (V) on length of cut at 6 (N2) number of blade with different forward speed of
operation (S)

An increase in peripheral velocity from 18.75 to 27.80 ms-1 resulted in decreased length of cut. The above result was in
conformity with the findings of Manjeet Singh et al., (1998). The lowest value of length of cut at the highest per cent in
selected different scale level L1= 18.30, L2=23. 66, L3=30. 98, L4= 22.09 and L5= 4.97 per cent, respectively occurs
with 6 numbers of blades, 2 km h-1 forward speed of operation and 27.80 ms-1 peripheral velocity as shown in Fig.
A 6 number of blade with 2 km hr -1 forward speed of operation and V3 level of peripheral velocity combination
recorded lowest value of length of cut when compared with other combinations. In the case of number of blades, 6
blades with S1 operating speed and 27.80 ms-1 peripheral velocity recorded lowest value of length of cut. Increase in
number of blade with reduction of operating speed resulted in increased length of cut for all the levels of peripheral
3.2 Optimization of levels of variables with experimental agricultural crop shredder

The selected levels of variables were optimized for achieving the best performance of cutter blade in terms of minimum
length of cut at all selected levels of scale.
The treatment combination of S1N3V3 yielded the minimum length of cut shredded crop stem at maximum per cent in
all levels of scale was L1= 18.30, L2=23.66, L3=30.98, L4= 22.09 and L5= 4.97 per cent respectively.

Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2016 Page 135

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org
Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2016 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Forward speed of operation 2 km h-1

Forward speed of operation 3 km h-1

Forward speed of operation 5 km h-1

Figure.3.3 Effect of peripheral velocity (V) on length of cut at 6 (N3) number of blade with different forward speed of
operation (S)

Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2016 Page 136

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org
Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2016 ISSN 2319 - 4847


Increase in peripheral velocity and number of blades from 18.75 to 27.80 ms-1, 2 to 6 and reducing forward speed of
operation from 5 to 2 km h-1 resulted in decreased length of cut. The lowest value of length of cut of stem at high
percentage in different scale level was L1= 18.30, L2=23.66, L3=30.98, L4= 22.09 and L5= 4.97 per cent was observed
in the shredder with 6 number of blades, 2 km h -1 operational speed and 28.60 ms-1 peripheral velocity.

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Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2016 Page 137

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