The Emportant of Critical Thinking
The Emportant of Critical Thinking
The Emportant of Critical Thinking
The Importance
of Critical Thinking
Learning Objectives
After completing this chapter, the student should be able to:
Creativity comes from “Action out of the critical thinking activities. You may pick the
center of one’s own experience” coupled most boring class on campus, give an unsatis-
factory oral presentation, or say something awk-
with the responsibility to receive both
ward in a nursing class, but you will learn from
consequence and happiness. each experience and use this knowledge to make
—KNODAL better decisions in the future. Learning critical
The term “critical thinking” may be new to you. thinking skills so that you can apply them to
Perhaps you are wondering how critical thinking clinical nursing should be a powerful motivation
differs from just plain thinking. Being a critical for you to learn them well. You need critical
thinker is the hallmark of being an educated per- thinking ability to be able to think through
son. People who do not think critically generally a patient emergency or other patient-related
are obedient to what is asked of them; they con- problems. If you don’t have critical thinking
sider neither the consequences of their actions abilities, there is a high probability that you will
nor alternatives. Living in a modern society, we harm a patient.
are presented with unlimited choices about who
to be, what to buy, and what to do. We have to What Is Critical Thinking?
make decisions, and so we must learn the skills
of critical thinking. You are taking care of an older patient ready to
In school, you are given many opportunities be discharged from your hospital who will
to develop and use critical thinking skills. When require daily dressing changes as well as the
you register for your classes, write a paper, make coordination of multiple medications. When his
an oral presentation, or simply think through a spouse comes to take him home, you notice that
problem, you are participating in school-related she has severe arthritis in her hands. When
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As a student nurse, you are not spending generally is at odds with thorough thinking.
hours each week learning to “bleed” patients be- In all probability, you need to talk to people,
cause someone looked at the procedure and had check your facts from a book, and spend time
an idea about doing it differently. Critical think- pondering if you are going to make the right
ing is a path to freedom from half-truths and de- decision on a complex issue. Thorough thinking
ception. It is the path to defining and redesigning does not allow for immediate “yes” or “no”
concepts of truth. responses. In answer to requests for an imme-
diate decision, you need to develop the courage
Thorough Thinking to say, “I don’t know.” Then find out what the
answer is by applying thorough thinking. Just
Many people respond negatively to the term crit- as skilled students are thorough thinkers, so are
ical thinking. Perhaps you could consider replac- skilled nurses.
ing it with the term thorough thinking. I am not
sure the term should be replaced, but thorough Thorough or Critical Thinking
thinking is a concept well worth exploring. Both as Applied to Science
terms are valuable. When you consider a moral
dilemma, you need to do thorough thinking. You Consider the following: Most famous scientists
are asked to examine values for yourself and the and mathematicians probably made lucky guesses
patient, look at all possible options, consider the at one time or another about the truths they’re
alternatives, and make a decision that could be credited with discovering. The reason for their
evaluated after it had been implemented. This is fame is that they were able to prove their discov-
an example of thorough thinking. It is neither eries to others. You may experience an important
“gut” reaction response nor unquestioningly fol- insight, but unless you can prove to others that it’s
lowing the rules. It is complex, takes time, and new as well as valid, not many people are going
considers the needs of all persons in the situation. to accept it. Insights, no matter how profound
The modern world is fast-paced. It asks us they may be to those who experience them, must
to make decisions almost immediately, which be backed up by evidence.
Basic college geometry is modeled on prin- I saw Halley’s comet in 1986, which was the
ciples developed 23 centuries ago by the Greek last time it appeared. It was beautiful, and my
mathematician, Euclid, often referred to as the appreciation for it increased when I realized a
“Father of Geometry.” He defined his terms man who didn’t have a computer or modern
carefully and proposed statements that were telescopes defined the comet’s motions in the
readily acceptable to the scientific community 1600s. What Halley did with the resources avail-
of his day. Every carpenter and mechanic today able to him is amazing. His finest resource was
recognizes that the sum of the angles of a his mind.
triangle must equal two right angles and must
total 180 degrees. The applied science of Thorough or Critical Thinking
surveying is based in great measure on the as Applied to Nursing
truths of Euclid.
The astronomer Edmund Halley, for whom Thorough thinking has strong roots in the growth
a comet was named, observed his comet in and refinement of nursing as a profession. Flo-
1682 and recorded data concerning its motion rence Nightingale was a statistician, innovator,
through the solar system. Based on these data, and teacher. She took women who were poor and
Halley concluded, in a work published in 1705, abused and envisioned what an education could
that the comet would return at approximately do for them. Then she gave them the education
75-year intervals. Using both his own observa- they needed to be nurses. Nightingale’s vision
tions and the work on gravitation published developed into schools of nursing throughout
by the physicist-philosopher Isaac Newton, Great Britain and the United States. When
Halley was able to infer that the comet would Nightingale went to Kaiserworth School of
return sometime in December 1758. Halley died Nursing in Germany, she spent her first few
in 1743, but 15 years later, on Christmas Day weeks learning how to scrub floors. Such were
1758, the comet appeared. What a success, and the duties and limitations of nurses during that
what a triumph for reason! Halley’s observa- era. Nightingale foresaw a different era and edu-
tions, coupled with Newton’s theory, taken as cated women to come in contact with patients
axioms and postulates, allowed him to calculate and administer care. She developed an entirely
a prediction accurate to 1 month in 75 years. new type of nursing.
The motion of comets, which previously had When Jean Watson critically reviewed nurs-
been considered erratic and even mysterious, ing in the medical model and believed it was
was resolved to a system of laws that could lacking the principles inherent to every nurse, she
predict their behavior. was referring to holistic care. Watson’s work de-
veloped the concept of nursing as a profession
that could define its own practice rather than a
profession that modeled itself after medicine.
The point of this chapter is not simply to teach
you how to gain and use knowledge but rather to
use original thinking to create new knowledge.
Critical thinking is thorough thinking, which
cannot be done well without the skill of creative
Have you ever had the “aha” experience in
your education? The “aha” is that moment when,
as a nurse, you pick up symptoms that no one
else did. It could also be a teacher finding the
perfect topic to engage a student in research, or
a parent finally understanding a child’s behavior.
Halley’s comet makes its appearance every The “aha” experience comes from thinking cre-
75 years. (Source: Courtesy of Mt. Wilson atively and critically so that a new idea—one you
Observatory.) have never had before—emerges.
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BOX 7-2
Ways to Be Creative
1. Conduct brainstorming sessions
2. Focus and let go
3. Cultivate creative serendipity
4. Keep idea files
These students are brainstorming.
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These can be tossed. Edit the remaining ideas What works for you when your mind is tired?
until they are usable. By looking at a large What letting-go activities are effective for you?
variety of possible solutions, you are enhancing For some, it is pacing while listening to music.
your ability to be a creative thinker. Others exercise; some take a short nap. You need
to determine what your letting-go activities
FOCUS AND LET GO are and consciously use them to rest your mind.
Being creative requires energy. When you are in Letting go enhances your creativity, lessens your
the creative mode, you are focused. Your mind is mental fatigue, and moves you along the road to
working on nothing but the creative idea that has being a critical thinker.
come to you. You may recognize it as a great idea
but need to spend time struggling with how to CULTIVATE CREATIVE SERENDIPITY
implement it. Perhaps the idea needs to be devel- Serendipity is the ability to see something
oped into a larger project or made clearer of value when you weren’t looking for it at all.
and more focused. These and other aspects of History is full of serendipitous events. Here are
creative activities take time and energy. two to consider.
When you are intensely focused, you are l Edward Jenner discovered the smallpox vac-
using your conscious mind. If your idea is to cine, but he was not looking for it! Jenner
travel to Washington, DC, for your paper, you noticed that milkmaids seldom got the
need to work consciously on identifying the dreaded disease, and by investigating such a
funding, planning the itinerary, and reserving a serendipitous idea, he determined that cows
hotel room. When you “let go,” or leave the cre- with mild cases of cowpox immunized the
ative idea, you are allowing your subconscious women. Now, smallpox is all but eradicated.
mind to work. You can’t determine what your
l Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin
subconscious mind will be doing while you
are out buying groceries, attending your child’s because of a serendipitous event. Fleming
PTA meeting, or sleeping. If you have been was testing bacteria in Petri dishes in a room
consciously working on something important to with an open window (the era before air con-
you, however, your subconscious mind generally ditioning). A spore of Penicillium notatum, a
continues the work while you are letting go, and type of mold, blew in the window and landed
later a good idea comes to your conscious mind. in Fleming’s Petri dish, killing the bacteria.
When you work so there is time to focus and Fleming did not lament the destruction of his
to let go, your work will be much more creative original experiment. Instead, he creatively
than if you worked at it endlessly. This is one looked at what happened by isolating the
reason why students generally do not do better mold. Because of his serendipity, penicillin
when they pull “all-nighters” for a test. They was discovered. Over time, penicillin has
have been in focus mode for so long with no let- saved millions of lives, and the drug is
ting-go time that their mind is tired. When currently in its fourth and fifth generation of
I work on time-consuming projects, such as this development from Fleming’s original mold.
textbook, I may be sitting at my computer for What if Jenner and Fleming had not been cre-
8 to 10 hours a day. That would not be an effec- ative thinkers? The thought of not having peni-
tive strategy if I were not good at focusing and cillin to combat infection or of not having the
letting go. When I write for hours, I do get men- smallpox vaccine changes the entire scope of
tally tired. One of the ways I maintain my focus healthcare as we know it.
is to type with my eyes closed. I write while You too can experience serendipity. To learn
I listen to the soft tapping of the keys. When I this skill, be attentive to the world in which you
feel really tired, I stop. I may put in a load of live. Read more than your textbooks (think of it
laundry (it just feels good to do something else), as subconscious brain work or letting go). Reach
prepare a meal, or go for a short ride. When out to diverse people. Talk to people you meet on
I return, I have rested my mind with a letting-go the street and waiting with you in lines. Read a
activity, and I can write again. magazine that’s new to you. Then give yourself
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give him something for the pain. By doing speaking to do the same. Then ask an appropriate
this first, the medication will have time to question, such as, “What do you consider effec-
be effective (approximately 20 minutes) tive pain control?” assuming that is your topic of
when you return with a solution for turning discussion. Many nurses disagree about this
and positioning Mr. Carrigan. issue. As a nurse who practices caring theory,
3. Find your clinical preceptor. This is the your definition of pain management may be dif-
person who is responsible for you and the ferent from that of a nurse who does not practice
patients to whom you are assigned. He caring. Is this the time to determine which
or she also is a registered nurse (RN) with approach is correct? No. Simply define the terms
education and experience. Don’t neglect to for both of you, and move on from there with
use such a valuable resource. renewed understanding.
4. The faculty person teaches you about PRACTICE TOLERANCE
turning sheets, back supports, and the
power of a well-positioned pillow. You You have opinions about many things. Some of
also are cautioned about the fragility of your opinions are strong, and others could easily
Mr. Carrigan’s leg and how important it is be swayed. Would you cheat on a test to pass a
to have enough people to turn him so class, work in an AIDS clinic, or participate in
that someone holds and supports his leg euthanasia? Other highly charged opinions tend
at all times. to be formed around freedom and democracy,
parenthood, and religious beliefs. Although you
5. You now need to gather your supplies: may have strong opinions about these and other
four people (because this is the first time issues, a critical thinker practices tolerance of
Mr. Carrigan is being turned, you want other people’s opinions.
enough people to keep him safe and to Throughout U.S. history, society has been
prevent additional pain), four to six pillows intolerant of various ethnic and racial groups—
for support, a back support obtained from African Americans, Chinese, Irish, Germans,
central supply, and a turning sheet and other Italians, Jews, Hispanics, and so on. Yet, it is ob-
clean linens because this is the opportune vious that slavery and all racism and prejudice
time to change the bedding. are appalling errors in human behavior. The
Saying “I don’t know” means you don’t have world is a place of exciting diversity, and as a
the knowledge, information, or experience critical thinker, you would do well to learn to
needed to respond to the question or request, but embrace diversity and practice tolerance. How
it also means you will find the answer. else are you going to learn about other cultures?
Remember our discussion about the courage of
DEFINE YOUR TERMS Christopher Columbus to sail on a world that
Any interaction has the potential for miscommu- everyone else thought was flat? His crew had
nication. When you are interacting with someone tolerance for a new idea and look what hap-
and things seem to get uncomfortable or tense, pened! It is a challenge to value diverse people
one practical thing to do is to make sure you are and ideas, and it is a crucial aspect of critical
talking about the same thing or that you are defin- thinking.
ing your terms in the same way. As an educated
person, you do not want tense conversations to UNDERSTAND BEFORE CRITICIZING
turn into arguments. You want to examine criti- The phrase “there is a reason for every behav-
cally what is going on and do something produc- ior” fits well under this topic. Someone may be
tive with the interaction. Defining your terms is holding you at gunpoint. Even in such a terrify-
helpful in this type of situation. ing event, you must understand there is a reason
When things are tense, take a deep breath for what the person is doing. As a critical
to allow yourself to get enough oxygen in your thinker you need to understand that the behavior
system so you can relax, and sit down, if stand- of the person holding you hostage makes sense
ing, and invite the person with whom you are for that person.
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that I would never have thought about myself. It because someone in power (e.g., teacher, police
is exciting to see what comes from their minds. officer) told you to change it. I am talking about
“Don’t waste a question” is my motto. If you the entire process discussed in this chapter that
practice thinking about and asking questions, you allows you freedom of thought and the truest
will get better at asking meaningful questions form of empowerment. It all ties together. If you
that pertain to a specific situation. When that can think critically and act on those thoughts,
happens, you will know you are a critical thinker. you are empowered. You are able to contribute
To become a critical thinker, you need to con- significantly to a study group, your family, and
sider what has been said: Is it true, and if so, what the nursing team.
does it mean to you? The challenge is to be open- I suggest you take a break now (subcon-
minded enough to change your opinion or thinking scious time) and go to a movie, play basketball,
based on what you have heard or read, once you’ve or take a nap. Then come back to this chapter
established its validity. Critical thinkers always and read it again. You have just read a formula
reserve the right to reject what they hear as well. for critical thinking that calls for a new way of
thinking. It is important to your life’s success.
LOOK FOR AT LEAST THREE So rest or play, reread the chapter, and then go
ANSWERS try it out. It takes practice and time to change
Now that you have thoroughly explored a ques- your paradigm of thinking, but people do it
tion and have an answer with which you are com- every day. Your goal is to be an effective critical
fortable, you may think you are done. Whoops! thinker when you graduate.
Sorry! You need three answers. By looking at Critical thinking is the way educated, profes-
more than one solution to the question, you are sional people think. It is a challenging way to
able to fuel your own creativity and stimulate consider life and generally needs to be learned.
your mental energy. Never give up on the quest It is not intuitive. To be a critical thinker, a
for the truth to any question. In other words, don’t person must be a creative thinker as well. This
settle early, and don’t close your mind to other is a challenging prestep to critical thinking and
possibilities. is not a stage in the development that can
be skipped.
BE WILLING TO CHANGE YOUR MIND In light of today’s downsizing and lower
Being willing to change your mind is the highest LPN-to-patient ratios in many healthcare orga-
level of critical thinking. Have you thought nizations, the need to be a critical thinker is
through a situation or problem to the point that much more significant than ever before for
you can change your mind? Have you listened to nursing. As a LPN, you need to develop this skill
the other person without being judgmental or over the academic year. Being a critical thinker
defensive and, after personal consideration, is where you want to be when you graduate
determined the other person’s idea was a great because of the power and ability it will give
one? I am not talking about changing your mind you as a practicing nurse.
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You enter a patient’s room to answer a call light and are surprised to walk in on a physician who
put on the call light because he needed help. The physician is doing a procedure unknown to
you that involves IV solutions and medications. You are a new LPN graduate and have not yet
been certified in IV therapy. There is a LPN student in the room looking frustrated and possibly
frightened. The patient appears to be in pain and looks at you as though she hopes to be rescued.
The physician seems frustrated and is tense and raising his voice. He appears to be unable to
complete the procedure he has undertaken because both of his hands are full, and he needs
one more thing done. You wonder if he asked the student to assist with the IV medications and
became frustrated when she said she couldn’t. All of these observations and considerations race
through your mind in seconds. In addition, your blood pressure and heart rate increase because
of the adrenaline release caused by the situation. Then the physician says to you, “Finally, a nurse!
Grab that medication (a syringe filled with ‘something’ sitting on the over bed table) and give it in
the second IV port.”
What do you do, and, more importantly, how do you think it through? Write the solution to the
case study in your class notebook and be prepared to share it in class.
Foundation for Critical Thinking
Finkelman, A., & Kenner, C. (2010). Professional nursing concepts: Competencies for quality leadership. Sudbury,
Mass: Jones & Bartlett.
Tait, F. E. (1985). How rational thinking affects student success. In J. Gardner and J. Jewler (Eds.), College is only the
beginning (pp. 75–86). Belmont, Calif: Wadsworth.
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