Affidavit Queen Leah
Affidavit Queen Leah
Affidavit Queen Leah
I, QUEEN LEAH AVENUE, Filipino, married, of legal age, with address at 214
Baker Street, Sampaloc, Manila, after having been sworn in accordance with law, hereby
state –
2. My daughter and I are living in the same house since she was born.
4. She told me that her recent grab driver who brought her home few
minutes ago, harassed her. She demonstrated how her legs and breasts
were maliciously caressed by the driver. I asked why she was seated in
front, she replied that it was an instruction from the driver because the
car’s back door was locked as the seats were wet from vomit.
5. She further informed me that due to her fear for her life, as the driver
might kill her, she did not do other acts that might provoke the driver to do
something worst; thus, she just changed her sitting position and pushed
his hands away from her breast to signify her refusal to driver’s
6. I asked her to show me his booking history and it was shown that her
recent grab driver’s name is PRINCE PHILIP SALVADOR. I asked her if
he was the one who harassed her and she answered in affirmative. She
informed me that she has already called Grab’s customer service and
reported the incident.
Doc. No.___;
Page No.___;
Book No.___;
Series of 2019