PLE Eng 2015
PLE Eng 2015
PLE Eng 2015
Nurture your dreams
Dr. Bbosa Science ENGLISH
Index No:
5. Any hand writing that cannot easily be read may lead to loss of marks 41-50
Sponsored by The Science Foundation College, O and A-Level, Mukono, 0776802709, 0753802309
Question 1 to 50 carry one mark each
Sub- section 1
In each of the question 1to 5, fill in the blank space with a suitable word
1. it is not good to shout………………………your friends.
2. ………………………. a hardworking girl Priscilla is!
3. The baby has malaria because she was ………………………… mosquitoes
4. Either a rope…………………….. a string is used to measure the length of chalkboard.
5. Our head teacher does not want children who……………………………against the wall
In each of the question 6 to 15, use the correct form of the word given in the brackets complete the
For question 16 to 17, rewrite the sentence giving the plural form of the underlined words.
For question 18 t 20, re-write the sentence, giving one word for the underlined group of words.
Sponsored by The Science Foundation College, O and A-Level, Mukono, 0776802709, 0753802309
21. Some, seed, sad, sun
22. Unhappy, disobey, unkind, dishonest
In question 23 and 24, write the full form of the given contractions
In question 25 and 26, use of the given words in a sentence to show that you know the difference in
their meanings.
25. Fare………………………………………………………………………………………………
26. Fair…………………………………………………………………………………………………
For question 27 and 28, re-write the sentence, giving the opposite of the underlined words.
In each of the question 29 to 30, re-arrange the given words to form a correct sentence
In each the question 31 to 50, re-write the sentence as instructed in the brackets.
Sponsored by The Science Foundation College, O and A-Level, Mukono, 0776802709, 0753802309
31. Jacob and James like biscuits more than buns. (Re-write sentence using …….prefer….)
32. My brother was a fast runner. He won medals. (Re- write sentence using ………..such as…)
33. “Where is the puppy, Tom?” Topista asked.
( Re- write sentence using ………………………. asked…..)
34. Nsubuga read many books. He became very bright.
(Re-write the sentence beginning: The more …………………)
35. Despite the fact that Alice was sick during the examination, she got a first grade.
(Rewrite sentence using…………..but………………………)
36. The shopkeeper said that he had some sugar. (Re-write sentence ……….but…….)
37. No sooner had the customer entered the restaurant than the waiter collapsed.
(Re -write sentence using:…………………immediately………..)
38. Mrs. Oda made a cake. It was circular. It was tasty.
(Re- write as one sentence without using: which, and, that)
Turn over
Sponsored by The Science Foundation College, O and A-Level, Mukono, 0776802709, 0753802309
39. Jeremiah is a disciplined boy so is Jesse. (Re- write the sentence beginning Both…..)
40. He reached the railway station before noon. (Re- write the sentence using…arrived….)
43. She drew some water from the well, didn’t she?
(Re- write the sentence ending……did she?)
45. You needn’t have recorded many songs on the CD.
(Re- write the sentence using………………necessary…………….)
46. All the candidates who were in that school passed the examinations.
(Re-write the sentence beginning: None……………………)
47. Opaya is two metres tall, Oringo is three metres tall.
(re-write as one using ……………….not as…………………)
Sponsored by The Science Foundation College, O and A-Level, Mukono, 0776802709, 0753802309
50. The police didn’t have handcuffs. The police didn’t arrest the thief.
(Rewrite as one sentence beginning: If………………………….)
Sponsored by The Science Foundation College, O and A-Level, Mukono, 0776802709, 0753802309
51. Read the sentence below and then answer, in full sentence, the question that follow.
The ministry of health has built health centres in our communities. They are basically put in
place to provide health service to the people. They provide medical care and counseling service.
They have doctors and nurses to handle patients.
In the health centres, people are advised and encouraged to eat food that do not have harmful
substances. They provide drugs to patients and pregnant mothers. AIDS victims are given free
treatment by the government through the health worker.
To be free from some diseases, people should avoid disease vectors like rats, mosquitoes,
fleas and other. These disease vectors spread malaria, cholera, typhoid and dysentery. In order
control the diseases, many measures should be taken into consideration. Such measures include;
slashing the bushes around homesteads, using clean water, washing our bodies, spraying with
insecticide and removing stagnant water around homesteads.
Sponsored by The Science Foundation College, O and A-Level, Mukono, 0776802709, 0753802309
(e) How can we control malaria in our community?
(h) Give another word or group of words with the same meaning as each of the underlined in
the passage.
(i) Patient………………………………………………
(ii) provide……………………………………………..
52. Read the poem below carefully and then answer, in full sentence, the question that follow.
We pray for peace
Peace in homes, schools
Peace for the whole world
Without peace there is fear
We need protection
From all forms crimes
For, with love and care,
Our community will shine.
Sponsored by The Science Foundation College, O and A-Level, Mukono, 0776802709, 0753802309
We thank the army and the police
Najjemba Ruth
Sponsored by The Science Foundation College, O and A-Level, Mukono, 0776802709, 0753802309
53. A. study the application letter below carefully and fill in the blank space correctly with words in the box.
Fuber p/s,
P. O. Box 20,
The ……………………………….
Dear sir,
……………. 14
I was the sports prefect at school and a member of the mathematics club. I will be grateful to receive your
kind reply.
Bargye Benard
Sponsored by The Science Foundation College, O and A-Level, Mukono, 0776802709, 0753802309
53(b). The map below shows part of Rombo village. Study it carefully and then answer in full
sentence, the question that follow.
(e) Apart from Rombo High way Maliri Road which other road is shown on the map?
54. Read the dialogue below carefully and then answer, in full sentence the question that follow.
Teller: Good morning young girls
Keto: Good morning, sir.
Teller: You look new in pesa Bank, can help you?
Keto: yes, sir, I have come to pay school fees but I do not know the procedure
Teller: What is the name of the school so that I can help you?
Keto: The school is called Biranga Boarding primary school.
Teller: Oh, I see, in which class are you?
Keto: I am in p.7, but the fees is for my young sister in p.3 called Joyce Nambi
Teller: Here is the bank- in slip, How much is the fees?
Keto: My father had paid part of the fees. The balance is Shs 100,00
(one hundred thousand shillings only)
Teller: look! We fill in the money valves according to the denominations. You also include 2,000
shillings for the bank charges. Take these copies of the slip. Bye.
(c) What was the name of the school to which the fees was paid?
(e) Which name is given to document used for payment for paying school fee s.
Sponsored by The Science Foundation College, O and A-Level, Mukono, 0776802709, 0753802309
(f) How much money was charged for banking the school fees?
(h) Given another word or group of words with the name meaning as:
(i) Procedure…………………………………………………………..
(ii) grateful………………………………………………………………
55. Study the picture of Mr. Njabire Joshua’s family and then answer in full sentence the questions
that follow. You may use that follow. You may use these words to help you.
Sponsored by The Science Foundation College, O and A-Level, Mukono, 0776802709, 0753802309
Question s:
(a) Whose family is shown in the picture?
Sponsored by The Science Foundation College, O and A-Level, Mukono, 0776802709, 0753802309