November 21st
November 21st
November 21st
From the Desk of our former Pastor
November 21, 2010
To the Community of Our Lady Queen of Peace,
For sixty years you have not only been present in town,
but have been a guiding influence in the lives of countless
numbers of its residents. I certainly feel privileged to
have been your pastor. You will always hold a special
place in my heart for many reasons.
You were my first experience of how a pastor serves and
Our Lady Queen of Peace
challenges the people entrusted to his care. In return you
presented me with many learning opportunities, and my 60th
ministry was richer for it. Anniversary Exhibit
I felt truly welcomed and supported in my new position by
the parish organizations and the Knights of Columbus.
The Pastoral and Finance Councils were especially
helpful over the years and enabled us to mount a Bill Cromwell speaks to
successful Capital Campaign, marking the parish’s 50th 2nd graders about OLQP
Anniversary. Together we turned our wishes for the
church renovation into a reality.
I have many fond memories of the weekly Liturgical
celebrations and the excellent level of participation. The
joy of Baptisms, Communions, Confirmations, and
Marriages over the years contributed to the building of a
parish family, of which I felt very much a part. You knew
how to celebrate and you knew how to be a
compassionate people, especially in times of tragedy,
locally, and globally. Indeed, you are a small town church
with a big time heart!
I will pray for all of you, and for your pastor, Fr. Larry, and
ask the Lord for His continued blessing on you and your
May your Catholic presence in the midst of Maywood,
serve as a beacon drawing others closer to the Lord,
whom we serve with joyful hearts. "Winners List from the Gala"
You are 60 years young! Congratulations to the following prize winners from our
60th Anniversary celebration:
May you grow to a ripe old age!
Fr. Joe Pietropinto Margie Parks, Emma Smith, Mary Cordes,
Nancy Paparrazzo, Sue Watson, Mark Sileo,
Pastor (June 1996 – January 2004) Vincent Focarino, Eleanor Sherman,
Fr. Don McLaughlin's article will appear on Sunday, Joanne Lyons, Betty Fetzer, Anne Holmes,
December 5th. Maryann Ianucci, Bob Gaydos, Fr. Larry,
Angela Connelly, Justine Garcia,
Paul Hom, and Fr. Kevin.
Why should I register in the parish?- All members of
the parish should be formally registered as members of The following Christians have been joined to Christ
the parish. However, you MUST be formally registered if through the Sacrament of Baptism:
you wish to arrange a Baptism, a Confirmation, or a Abigail Elizabeth Czop & Aiden Joseph Luongo
Wedding in the parish Church. You MUST also be
formally registered if you wish to register in the Parish We welcome these newest members of our parish.
School or the Religious Education (CCD) Program. You We congratulate their families!
MUST be a registered member of the parish for at
least three months before you can obtain a Sponsor Please remember to place Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish in your
Certificate or schedule a Baptism or a Wedding. Will. Those who generously did this in the past
have helped us to stay out of a heavy debt.
St. Andrew Dung Lac / Feast day: November 24
Through the missionary efforts of various religious families
beginning in the sixteenth century and continuing until
Dates Nov. 21st through Nov. 28th, 2010 1866, the Vietnamese people heard the message of the
gospel, and many accepted it despite persecution and
Sunday - OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST THE KING even death. On June 19, 1988, Pope John Paul II
Nov. 21st 8:00 am All Souls canonized 117 persons martyred in the eighteenth century.
Among these were ninety-six Vietnamese, eleven
10:00 am Angelo & Teresa Cristofaro missionaries born in Spain and belonging to the Order of
Preachers, and ten French missionaries belonging to the
12:00 pm Robert C. Aughinbaugh Paris Foreign Mission Society. Among these saints are
(5th Anniversary) eight Spanish and French bishops, fifty priests (thirteen
European and thirty-seven Vietnamese), and fifty-nine lay
Monday - St. Cecilia, Virgin & Martyr
people. These martyrs gave their lives not only for the
Nov. 22nd 8:30 am Marie McCollough Church but for their country as well. They showed that they
wanted the gospel of Christ to take root in their people and
Tuesday - St. Clement I, Pope & Martyr; St. Columban, contribute to the good of their homeland. On June 1, 1989,
Abbot; Bl. Miguel Agustin Pro, Priest & Martyr these holy martyrs were inscribed in the liturgical calendar
of the Universal Church on November 24th.
Nov. 23rd 8:30 am Ralph C. Rossi
Wednesday - St. Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest & Martyr, Non-gluten hosts
and his Companions, Martyrs
A few members of the parish have inquired in regard to
Nov. 24th 8:30 am Mary & Walter Disbrow having non-gluten hosts made available to them. Happily we
Thursday - Thanksgiving Day now have them. For those who wish to receive Holy
Communion with this Altar bread, we ask the following:
Nov. 25th 8:30 am Wayne Peterson
1. that you contact the rectory and advise us which Mass you will
Elizabeth Ciangio be attending.
Concelebrated Mass 2. that you see the priest that is having the Mass at least 10
Catherine Tavis minutes before hand.
Friday 3. that you sit near the front of the church so you can be the first
person to receive from the celebrant.
Nov. 26th 8:30 am Deceased Members of the 4. if you have called the rectory to let us know that you have this
Villani & Marini Families special need but are unable to attend the Mass you have stated,
let us know that you will not be present.
Saturday - BVM
Nov. 27th 8:30 am Memorial Mass NEW MASS TRANSLATION - Please go to our website to view the upcoming changes in the wording
5:00 pm Charlotte & Wally Rooney of several parts of the Mass. These translations will help the
Sunday - FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT English speaking Church to be closer to the original text and
will begin on November 27, 2011.
Nov. 28th 8:00 am Souls in Purgatory
10:00 am George Malandruccolo PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS:
12:00 pm Ann Turchyn exáà |Ç cxtvx
Elizabeth Ciangio, Jack Coloney, and Catherine Tavis.
Sanctuary Lamp in Memory of Yolanda Urcioli f|v~ exÄtà|äxá tÇw YÜ|xÇwá
by Jean & George Rocco Lloyd Bartels, William Bergmann, Jackie Byrne,
Judy D’Andrea, Helen Dunleavy, Gudrun Hagele, Carmine Inga,
Blessed Mother Candle in Memory of George Tracey
Ed LaTourette, Marcia Laughery, Tom Loizzi, Misty Mantineo,
by Maher Family
Jonathan Mechan, Betsy Merz, Jim Minihan, Virginia Mary Minihan,
Note: Please remember the Altar Bread, Wine and Candles Steven Monahan, Marilyn Montemarano, Elizabeth Morrell,
can be memorialized by calling the Rectory. 201-845-9566 Christine Napoli, Julius Nemes, Doris Neumann,
Thomas Niemczyk, Thomas O'Neill, Florence Paolella,
MONTHLY MEMORIAL MASS - Our next monthly Memorial
Kathy Puzziferri, Christopher Quigley, Fran Ruffino, Diane Salsman,
Mass will be offered on Saturday, November 27th at 8:30
Paul Sanchez, Keaton Sarro, Lois Schutz, Brenda Schwarz,
am. As you may remember, we will have a Memorial Mass
Bernice Stavola, Mariano Terdoslavich, Catherine Tighe,
each month. This will be offered in an effort to accommodate
Ralph Troisi, Barbara Tropia, Domenica Trovini,
anyone who desired a specific date in the month but was
Dr. Robert Valgento, and Giovanni Alberto Villegas.
unable to obtain the same. The offering for this remembrance
will be $5.00. All names will be listed in the Bulletin. Anyone requesting a Prayer Shawl for a sick person is asked to call the rectory.
Memorial Mass - November 27 , 2010 – 8:30 am
Anita & Charles N. Arnold / Bill & Peg Maher If you have a family member who is in a nursing home or rehabilitation
Mary A. McPike / Gary Menditto / William & Mary Reidy center, please notify the Rectory so we can arrange to visit them.
Abortion is not healthcare because killing is not healing.
For more info: or
Any woman who is pregnant and in need can get help. She
Religious Education News never has to feel that abortion is the only option and can find
assistance at the following numbers:
During the month of November the Religious Education New Jersey law allows a mother who cannot keep a
classes have been learning about the Saints. The All recently born baby to leave the baby at a hospital or a
Saints Contest has been a wonderful experience for many police station, no questions asked.
of our parish children. The following saints were depicted
For information call 877-839-2339.
in various pieces of art work: St. Francis of Assisi, St. Post Abortion Healing / 1-877-HOPE 4 ME /
Sophia, The Blessed Virgin Mary, St, Jude, St. Virginia Crisis Pregnancy Helpline/1-888-4-OPTIONS
Centurione Bracelli, St. Peter, and St. Michael. Short Birthright/1-800-550-4900 or 201-845-4646
essays were written about St. Lucy, St. Anthony Claret, St.
Hope and St. Peter. The children who participated in the A LIFE AT CONCEPTION ACT is currently being
contest have been given prizes. They are Amanda discussed in Washington, DC. If passed, it would remove
Sanchez, Maggie Carpentier, Christian Quiatchon, Hailey the judicial roadblock to protecting life by legislatively
Liz, Julyanna Deauna, Peter Carpentier, Alivia Capone, defining when life begins. It is S.346 in the Senate and
Sophia Montany, and Ava Febre. They each received a H.881 in the House of Representatives. Please call or
small gift for participation. write your representatives and urge their support. If not
now, when? The babies need your help now. Thank you.
I am seeking a volunteer to teach a small grade 7 class
beginning in January, 2011. Please call Angela at ADORATION FOR LIFE - On December 8th
201-845-9545 to set up training and an interview. -The Feast of the Immaculate Conception, there
will be Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
beginning at 9:00 A.M. and lasting until
PRAYER FOR PEACE - Mary, Queen of Peace, save us all, who Benediction at 7:00 P.M. Please join members of
have so much trust in you from wars, hatred, and oppression. the Respect Life Committee as we worship and give
Make us all learn to live in peace, and educate ourselves for peace, thanks to our Lord and honor our Blessed Mother
do what is demanded by justice and respect the rights of every Mary. Sign-up sheets will be in the back of the
person, so that peace may be firmly established. Amen church. Please consider keeping our dear Lord company
Pope John Paul on this important church feast. What a perfect way to
begin our Christmas season with Jesus and Mary!
We invite all our Parish Community to write a note / letter to
our soldiers overseas. We pray that they may be safe.
Keep Paul Bezak, Joseph Colangelo, Carolyn Rocco, and all RESPECT LIFE MEETING
the soldiers in your prayers. Our Lady Queen of Peace's Respect Life committee
members will be participating in The Bergen County Joint
LCPO Paul Bezak Joseph Colangelo Carolyn Rocco Respect Life meeting at 7P.M. on Thursday, Dec. 2nd,
2/6 WPNS CO, 81st PLT PRG 6-1-3 24 EFIS 2010. The meeting will be held in the Parish Hall
UNIT 73170 FPO-AE 09510-3170 APO AE 09354-3005 APO AF 09309 (basement of church) of Holy Trinity Church, 34 Maple
Avenue, Hackensack. Fr. Joseph Meagher from the
Archdiocese will be in attendance. All of our parishioners
OLQP GIFT GIVING TREE are cordially invited to attend.
On the weekends of November 27th / 28th
and December 4th / 5th, gift tags for our MINISTRIES
annual Gift Giving Tree will be available on
Our Parish Ministry Book is available on our website.
a Christmas tree located in the rear of the Please go to & see all the ministries that are offered.
church. Every parishioner is invited to
participate. Kindly purchase the gift Bereavement Counseling - It is said that death ends
specified on the tag you have chosen. a life, but it does not end a relationship. There is great
Bring your wrapped gift with tag truth in this statement. However, the loss of a loved one
attached and place beneath tree prior to can bring great pain. Our Lady Queen of Peace’s
Masses the weekend of December 11th / 12th. The gifts Bereavement Ministry will begin its Fall session in a few
will be donated to Mother Teresa’s Kitchen, Newark, weeks. If you wish to join our small group or would like
Eva’s Village, Paterson, Birthright, Maywood, Bergen information, please contact Deacon Joe at:
Regional Medical Center, Paramus, and DYFS. At the 201-845-9566 or email him at:
request of the charities, gifts must be received NO
LATER THAN December 12th. As we enter the Advent/ Deacon Joe’s Bible Study (Normally on Monday)
Christmas season, let us open our hearts and share our Meets mornings & evenings. New members are welcome
blessings with those less fortunate. at any time. For information on days, times, and locations,
call Deacon Joe at (201) 845-9566.
YOUTH NEWS / November 2010 973-986-8520
11/24 Wed. Bread Bagging Activity (LR) 7PM DOORS OPEN AT 5:30 PM!
*Service Opportunity* Now Offering Electronic Bingo!
11/27 Sat. Advent Wreath Family 1-3
Activity (A) PM
Make money for the parish
11/30 Tue. Youth Group Meeting (S) 7PM by searching the internet!
*Please Meet Tom at Gym Door*
Just go to and be sure to enter
*The Youth Group would like to remind all families to return Our Lady Queen of Peace, Maywood, NJ as the charity
Advent Wreath Family Activity forms to Tom Viola as soon you want to support. And, be sure to spread the word!
as possible. $185 has been raised thus far!
Families will meet in the auditorium on November 27th and
work as a group to create an Advent Wreath that will be
blessed by the priests. Refreshments will be served.* PAVING THE WAY - Thank you to all who have
contributed to our parking lot fund! After the super 50/50
*Please remember to return Christmas Greens order forms
proceeds, our fund is up to $40,600. We are still short of
as soon as possible to Tom Viola. Forms can be obtained in
the back of the Church or online via our website. Sales will the goal of $104,500 & welcome donations. Your
take place the weekends of 11/27 & 11/28 and 12/04 &12/05.* generosity will be greatly appreciated.
“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There
is no law against such things.” (Galatians 5:22-23)
Catholic Schools provide an important educational option in NJ
**Please Look for OLQP Youth Ministry Facebook Page by educating students of all economic incomes. Catholic
(see website) ** Schools also are a needed resource for the mission of the
church. The Opportunity Scholarship Act (S-1872/A-2810) offers
Upcoming Service Opportunity Dates: All Confirmation opportunities for parents who might be unable to send their
Candidates are required to complete 20 service hours during the children to a Catholic school or another nonpublic school in NJ.
2010-2011 school term. Contact Tom Viola, Youth Minister at In a series of questions and answers, the NJ Catholic to sign up as soon as possible. Conference, (which has consistently supported this bill) offers a
response to misinformation that has been promulgated in many
11/24 Bread Bagging Activity (LR) 7PM public forums. Please call, write, or email your legislator and ask
that they support the Opportunity Scholarship Act. The most
12/10 Adult Ministries Appreciation Dinner
convenient way to do this is to go to
12/12 New! Christmas Craft Boutique and click on Take
12/12 Sorting Christmas Giving Tree Gifts.
Q. Won’t this legislation help only the best students?
Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Statue Program A. No, students who are succeeding at the highest levels in their
current schools are not expected to be applicants for school
The Legion of Mary of OLQP has begun the choice programs. Happy, high-achieving students normally stay
Pilgrim Virgin Home Visitation Program. Countless in their current schools.
blessings can be poured down upon your family &
friends by praying the Rosary and asking our The students in the districts with chronically failing schools who
are currently attempting to attend nonpublic schools are those
Blessed Mother’s intercession. For information or to who are not succeeding, and thus their parents are seeking an
schedule a visit, call Grace at 201-843-4497. alternative education choice, for reasons such as academic
GOD'S HANDS ARE WORKING THROUGH OUR improvement and / or safety. The school choice and charter
school movements have shown that it is mainly the low-
PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY. If you are adding someone
achieving students that access these programs.
to our Parish sick list, please consider the healing power
of these beautiful shawls. They are prayed over by the
Prayer Shawl Ministry and blessed by our Pastor. If you
know of someone you think is in need of a Prayer
Shawl, you may write to: The Prayer Shawl Ministry, SOUTHERN ITALY, SICILY & ROME
c/o Janice Marich, 834 Spring Valley Road, Maywood, (Palermo, Monreale, Agrigento, Taormina, Pompeii,
NJ 07607. Tell us about the person and make sure you Montecassino, Rome and Vatican City)
include their name, address, and phone number. I would October 17-28, 2011
also like to invite anyone who is interested to join our
group in this prayerful ministry, which is very rewarding. Spiritual Director: Fr. Larry Fama
God Bless! Janice Brochures are available
Knights of Columbus Marketing Expert Needed!
Our Lady Queen of Peace - Council No. 3426 St. Peter Academy is looking for
some fresh ideas to increase
marketing efforts and recruitment
for the school. If you are in the field
Grand Knight: Joe Vendola Deputy Grand Knight: Tom Buzzerio of marketing, please call St. Peter
Academy at 201-261-3468. We
Monthly Meeting Schedule: need your expertise! Please join us
in this effort.
2nd Wednesday of each month General 8:00pm followed by
Columbian Club
4th Wednesday of each month General Meeting 8:00pm
Radio Maria
The next meeting is Wednesday, November 24th at 8:oopm at the Now Broadcasts in English
council hall located at 105 Grove St. in Maywood. in Newark!
Radio Maria, one of the
DON’T MISS THESE UPCOMING EVENTS OPEN TO: world’s largest networks of
Catholic radio
Annual Gift Drive: programming , is
We are teaming up with Our Lady Queen of Peace Church for our annual now available in
Christmas Gift Drive. English in the New York
The wrapped presents must be at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church by the metropolitan area. The programs
end of the 12 noon Mass on December 12th so they can be gathered and are available from Monday
delivered to their location. through Thursday from 10PM
Children’s Christmas Party: until 12 midnight, and from
The Children’s Christmas Party will be held on Sunday 12/19 at the Knights of Monday through Friday from
Columbus Hall. 12 AM until 6AM on WSNR Radio
Santa will be there to give out presents to the boys and girls — 620 AM. Radio Maria features
prayers, readings and Catholic
Christmas Tree Set Up and Sale: teachings relevant to our faith and
Yes – before you know it we will be setting up for our annual Christmas Tree lives today.
sale at Our Lady Queen of Peace. Radio Maria is also available on the
We will be setting up on November 27th. internet at
Football Days at the Knights:
The hall will be open on Sunday afternoons and Monday nights during football SOCIAL SERVICES HOTLINE
season. Catholic Community Services offers
Come and watch all the action on three 42” Flat Screen HD TV’s. Social Service Assistance in the
Comedy Night 2011 will be held on 1/22/11 areas of: Alcohol and Drug
More information to follow Rehabilitation, Child Development,
Emergency Food/Housing,
***Please note that our hall is available for Rent*** Programs for the Elderly, Mental
Contact Brothers Bill Colacurcio & Steve Dougherty for details, 201-845-9888 Health, Special Education,
Immigration, Family Counseling
If you wish to transfer our Council or become a member contact: and Services for people living with
Gerald Angiolelli: 201-489-6808 or Gus Aversa: 201-845-6409 HIV/AIDS. Call 1-800-CCS-7413.
New Parishioners are requested to register in the Parish as soon as possible. Please notify the Parish office
of any changes in address and phone number.
Name ___________________________________ Check
Address _________________________________ ______ I wish to receive a registration form
Town ___________________________________ ______ I have a change of address
Phone # _________________________________ ______ I am moving out of the parish
Please cut out and return to the Parish Rectory or place in the basket.
CHURCH NAME: Our Lady Queen of Peace
NUMBER OF PAGES TRANSMITTED: Cover plus 6 test pages and this page