IKI23 Klein PDF
IKI23 Klein PDF
IKI23 Klein PDF
7 Foreword
WITT, Karl Josef
9 Course Description
WERNER, Frank; SCHWARZ, Jochen
13 Guest Lecturer
28 Participants
281 Micro and macro modeling of internal erosion and scouring with
fine particle dynamics
KONDO, Akihiko, MAEDA, Kenichi, WOOD, David Muir
289 Reports
The 2012 civil engineering course was held in August over two weeks
at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. The overall aim was the exchange
of research and modern scientific approaches in the field of model
validation and simulation between well-known experts acting as lec-
turers and active students. Besides these educational intentions the
social and cultural component of the meeting has been in the focus.
48 graduate and doctoral students from 20 different countries and
22 lecturers from 12 countries attended this summer school. Among
other aspects, this activity can be considered successful as it raised the
sensitivity towards both the significance of research in civil engineer-
ing and the role of intercultural exchange.
Course Description
The Bauhaus Summer School examines the central role that civil engi-
neering plays in lessening the impact of extreme loadings e.g. natural dis-
asters and focuses on the engineering methods that can be used to assess
and reduce the vulnerability of buildings and their structural systems.
12 Course Description
The topics of the 2012 course highlight the broad spectrum of engi-
neering tasks in the following fields of modeling and simulation:
The Summer School is divided into two parts. The first part concen-
trates on the theoretical fundamentals and the current state of research
related to projects and special lectures from members of partner insti-
tutions. An introduction to specific research themes of all partners will
be offered through special lectures.
The second part focuses on interdisciplinary team work within the pro-
ject groups under intensive supervision. Following a pre-selection and
review of the submitted papers, participants are invited to present
the advanced state of their research in Special Theme Sessions. The
outcome — presented by the herein compiled reports — reaches an
impressive level of results and graphical elaboration.
Guest Lecturer
14 Numerical modelling of non linear constitutive laws
Therefore, it seems clear that modern engineers will have to deal with
the modeling and verification of nonlinear materials and structures. In
these cases, the constitutive law in closed form is not always obtaina-
ble. When this is not possible, numerical methods and computational
approaches allow likewise for a detailed description of the non linear
behaviour. In this lecture some of the approaches used for computa-
tional modeling will be presented, such as virtual testing, and asymp-
totic homogenization. In addition, some soft computing techniques,
based on artificial neural networks, will be illustrated as they are a
powerful and promising tool both for modeling of composite materials
and improvement of computational efficiency.
Modeling of composite steel — concrete bridges 15
Modeling of composite
steel — concrete bridges
Unsaturated soils —
Fundamentals and Overview
of Applications
In this course, two finite element and boundary element based SSI
models will be presented.
The first model: A finite element (FE) based SSI model and its paral-
lelized algorithm for applications on distributed systems will be pre-
sented. The SSI model is established by combining two methods: the
Consistent Infinitesimal FE Cell Method (also referred to as ‘the scaled
boundary-finite element method’) proposed by Wolf and Song (Finite-
element modelling of unbounded media, Wiley, England, 1996) for
modelling the soil region extending to infinity (far-field), and the
standard FE for the finite region (near-field) and the structure. By using
this combined model, a computer program for harmonic and transient
analyses of soil-structure systems is coded. In order to decrease the
computation time and achieve the solution of large-scale problems,
the model is parallelized. As a result of this parallel solution, signifi-
cant time is saved for large-scale problems.
Advanced transmitting boundary conditions for large-scale
SSI problems and applications on parallel computing platforms 19
VASILEV, G. Abstract
University of Architecture,
Civil Engineering & Geodesy,
First part of the study deals with implementation of an advanced
Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Bulgaria model of seismic action — ground accelerations, which allow for
taking into account the spatial variability of seismic action. Accord-
BONEV, Zdravko ing to this approach for certain types of structures (tall and slender
University of Architecture, structures, long in plan and irregular structures) inclusion of transla-
Civil Engineering & Geodesy,
Faculty of Civil Engineering,
tional acceleration components only into the analysis is not sufficient
Bulgaria to reach safe design solution. For this kind of structures the use of
advanced modeling of seismic action requires inclusion of rotational
components of the ground motion (rotational accelerations). The well
known model of seismic action containing three translational accelera-
tion components, now should be upgraded by adding three rotational
components of accelerations. All ground acceleration components
are represented by their response spectra. Looking then to response
spectrum method and linear analysis, it should be generalized and
extended to be capable of evaluating the mixed spectral response
derived as a result of translational / rotational components.
The general purpose of the second part of the study is the evaluation
of seismic soil-foundation-structure interaction effects on overall seis-
mic behavior. Seismic input is assumed to be free field motion of the
site, being represented by ground accelerations in Fourier power series
format. The analysis is carried out in time domain, assuming linear
behavior of the structure and soil. Upper structure, on one hand, and
Seismic design of tall and slender structures including
rotational components of the ground motion: EN 1998-6 approach 21
Vibration serviceability
of footbridges
In the next phase of the research the global and interacting stability
phenomena are investigated on full-scale specimens of cold-formed
frames, composite beams and trusses. By extending the tests using
nonlinear finite element analysis the complicated behavior modes are
characterized and applicable design methods are developed.
Despite the long distance from the earthquake source, the simultane-
ous free-field and on-structure recordings reveal interesting patterns
of higher mode excitation and subsequent dynamic behavior. Based
on the above comparative studies, an effort is made to focus on the
dynamic response of the entire, interacting soil-structure system
under asynchronous excitation and to propose means for assessing in
advance the degree of its potential detrimental influence.
26 An analytical perspective for performance limits for structural walls
An analytical perspective
for performance limits for
structural walls
Earthquakes in developed
mountainous regions
This contribution deals with the primary and secondary effects covered
by geotechnical earthquake engineering. Focus is given to moderate
events, which even though of magnitudes till 6 or 6.5 can have sig-
nificant effects in mountainous regions. Valleys consisting of deep soft
deposits and topographic effect can lead to high amplification of the
event and lengthen the earthquake in time. Soft deposits are prone to
liquefaction and slopes have in a static case already factors or safety of
around one. In addition to the physical description of these risks for
infrastructure and inhabitants, political issues like microzonation and
their effects are discussed.
Vibration Based Post-Earthquake Damage Assessment of Structures 29
x Ax Bu
y Cx Du
The state matrix [A] obtained in discrete time is first transformed into
continuous time and then eigenvalues () and eigenvectors () of
this matrix in continuous time are calculated to obtain system’s natu-
ral vibration frequencies (ƒID), energy dissipation ratios ( ID) and ran-
domly scaled mode shapes ().
(2) i i i
2 2
ID i i
(3) f i
(4) i 2 2
i i
(5) C
x Ax w
y Cx v
In here, w and v are noise vectors, A and C are obtained system matri-
ces. System’s natural vibration frequencies, energy dissipation ratios
and randomly scaled mode shapes can be calculated by using equa-
tions (2–6). The point is, for a stochastic system that vibration inputs
are not known and matrix B has not been generated, a different method
is required to make the calculated mode shapes mass normalized [18].
Damage Localization
F n n
FD FU L DF L 0 (8)
The only condition that equation (8) is valid, except the condition
of there is no damage in the system which means flexibility matrix
difference is zero (DF = 0), occurs when DF which is obtained from
the L matrix’s flexibility matrices difference includes all vectors of the
null-space. If “Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)” is applied to the
flexibility matrix difference (DF ), load distribution which is called as
DLV can be obtained. When each DLV is applied to the non-damaged
system’s analytical model as a load distribution, deformations and
stresses corresponded to this statical loading are calculated. Theoreti-
cally, stress on a damaged member must be zero [19]. In practical, due
to both the noise during evaluation and model assumptions, this stress
is not zero and it comprises smaller values than the stated limit [20].
[1] Farrar, C.R., Baker, W.E., Bell, T.M., Cone, K.M.,Darling, T.W., Duf-
fey, T.A., Eklund, A. ve Miglori, A. (1994). Dynamic characterization
and damage detection in the I-40 bridge over the Rio Grande. Los
Alamos National Laboratory Report LA-12767-MS, Los Alamos Na-
tional Laboratory, P.O. Box 1193, Los Alamos, NM, 87544, USA.
[4] Sohn H, Farrar CR, Hemez FM, Shunk DD, Stinemates DW, ve Nadler
BR (2003). A review of structural health monitoring literature:
1996–2001, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA.
[10] Doebling, S.W., Farrar, C.R., Prime, M.B. ve Shevitz, D.W. (1996).
Damage identification and health monitoring of structural and
mechanical systems from changes in their vibration characteristics: a
literature review. Technical Report LA-13070-MS, Los Alamos Nati-
onal Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
[13] Friswell, M.I. and Penny, J.E.T. (1997). Is damage location using
vibration measurements practical, euromech 365 international
workshop: damas 97, Structural Damage Assessment using Advanced
Signal Processing Procedures, Sheffield, UK, June / July.
The other crucial concept is the fragility curves for different structural
categories. These statistically-evaluated or empirically-derived curves
provide a basis for the assessment of the performance of buildings under
different ground motion intensities so that loss estimates can be made.
Literature Survey
For walls two main modeling approaches are used as macro and
micro modeling depending on the chosen finite element technology.
Micro modeling is a continuum mechanics based approach and uses
two or three dimensional solid or shell finite elements. Non–linear
behavior of concrete and steel can be applied in the model on the
basis of material constitutive relationships from experimental results
([5], [6], [10], [7] and [4]). Micro modeling is suitable for represent-
ing the local behavior in the structure. ANSYS, ABAQUS, ADINA
and DIANA are sample software packages that include a variety of
element and material models in their libraries for micro modeling.
Many researchers have used micro modeling approach to simulate
the experimental measurements ([11], [14]).
Shear wall building behavior under earthquake effects and its perfor-
mance are observed from past earthquakes and experimental results. It
has been noted that for shear wall buildings there is no collapse under
earthquake effects. The inadequate number of research on the perfor-
mance limits of shear wall buildings indicates conflicting results ([12], [18]).
40 Fragility of Shear Wall Buildings with Torsional Irregularity
Model Structure
The plan and the mock-up pictures of the SMART 2008 specimen is
displayed in Figure 2. Density of the concrete is used as 2460 kg / m³
and Young Modulus of concrete is 32000 MPa as (a reference case)
according to the SMART 2008 Phase 2 report given by CEA [16].
MKIN and CONCRETE are used for the concrete in the model. MKIN
(Multi linear kinematic hardening), rate-depended plasticity is used.
CONCRETE is a defined material model in ANSYS for Willam–Warnke
material model. For this material type open shear transfer coeffi-
cient, 0.2 and closed shear transfer coefficient, 0.8, are used. Uni-
axial cracking stress is 2.4 MPa.
Synthetic Earthquakes
Table 1 — Real and synthetic
4–13 Derived according to the response spectrum and scaled from 0.1 g to 1.0 g accelerogram sets
Model Verification
The verification of the model was done by comparing the experimental
results with the calculated ones. In Table 2, these results were com-
pared in terms of relative percentage errors.
Ax Ay Bx By Cx Cy Dx Dy
Negative values in Table 2 mean that calculated values are smaller than
the experimental results. Increase in the level of the seismic excitation,
results in decrease in error percentages. Detailed analysis results for
verification of the model can be obtained from [1] and [13].
Figure 4 — Displacement
comparisons of the experi-
mental results and analytical
results at the 3rd floor level
for Run 10 (Accsyn–0.7 g)
Fragility of Shear Wall Buildings with Torsional Irregularity 43
Fragility Analysis
One of the main objectives of this study was to obtain the fragility curves
for this structural type to develop the behavior of shear wall buildings
under different seismic excitations with torsion effects. The thresholds
which were defined by the project team are given in Table 3, [16].
Light Damage H /
400 = 3 Table 3 — SMART 2008 Dam-
Controlled Damage H
200 = 6 age levels defined for maxi-
Extended Damage H /
100 = 12 mum inter-story drifts
Pf P Failure a P A a (1)
ln a Am
Pf (2)
To obtain the least error, the method of least squares is applied to the
data in this study. Following regression analyses the needed median
seismic capacity, Am and log-standard deviation,can be evaluated. For
the evaluation of Am, Ycrit value can be used as shown in Equation (3).
ln Ycrit a
(3) ln Am
In Equation (3), Ycrit values were defined in the SMART 2008 Phase-2
report [16] as damage levels which were given in Table 3.
Table 4 — Correlation coef- PGA x PGA y PGV x PGV y PGD x PGD y CAV x CAV y
ficients for time history data
versus fitted curves Point E 0.89 0.91 0.92 0.87 0.86 0.82 0.94 0.97
LD 0.45 LD 0.46
CD 0.80 CD 0.82
PGA x ED 1.42 PGA y ED 1.48
LD 0.22 LD 0.23
CD 0.39 CD 0.40
PGVx ED 0.66 PGV y ED 0.70
LD 0.08 LD 0.09
CD 0.14 CD 0.15
PGD x ED 0.25 PGD y ED 0.26
[1] Akansel V. H., Kazaz İ., Yakut A. and Gülkan P. (2010). Modeling and
simulation of the shear wall buildings’ behavior under earth quake
forces. Dicle Üniversitesi Mühendislik Dergisi. Vol.1, No.1, pp. 31–40.
[5] Ile N. and Reynouard J.M. (2003). Lightly reinforced walls subjected
to multi – directional seismic excitations: Interpretation of CAMUS
2000-1 dynamic tests. Vol. 40, No. 2–4, pp. 117–135.
[7] Ile N., Nguyen X. H., Kotronis P., Mazars J. M. (2008). Shaking
table tests of lightly RC walls. Journal of Earthquake Engineering.
12:6, pp. 849–878.
[11] Kwak H.–G. and Kim D.–Y. (2004). FE analysis of RC shear walls
subjected to monotonic loading. Magazine of Concrete Research.
56, No. 7, pp. 387-403.
based and model-based techniques [4, 5]. The first methods are based
on the change of eigenfrequencies, mode shapes and its derivatives.
Therefore, it becomes important to analyse the effects of environmental
factors — since could mask the changes due to structural damages — on
the modal parameter [6–7]. On the other side, the second DI meth-
ods need accurate numerical models. For these last methods, model
updating is a fundamental step to enhance the quality of the model
before it is used for damage assessment [8].
The investigated tower (Figure 1a), about 37.0 m high, is built in irreg-
ular stonework masonry on a square base and connected on the East
side and partly on the South side to the San Vittore church (XI century)
in Arcisate (Varese). The first historic document of the bell tower dates
back to XVI century, even though it was probably built on a previous
roman building and modified along the centuries.
The accurate survey of tower geometry and crack pattern clearly reveals
that the masonry texture appears often highly disordered, with local
prevalence of continuous or little staggered vertical joints; in addi-
Vibration monitoring and structural identification of an historic masonry bell tower 51
The masonry has been characterized through sonic tests; the results
generally indicate a relatively compact masonry of fairly good execution.
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 2 — (a) Sensor layout
adopted in AVT of the tower
(dimensions in m); Accelera-
tion induced at the same point
by: (b) micro-tremors and
wind; (c) swinging of bells
Since each test was conducted under different level of ambient exci-
tation (Figure 2b and 2c), additional investigation was performed on
the time invariance of resonant frequencies and mode shapes. This
investigation was carried out by evaluating the corresponding aver-
age normalized auto-spectral (ANPSD) estimates [13] of the accelera-
tions acquired on June 2007. The ANPSDs obtained from each test
are plotted in Figure 4 and reveals that all natural frequencies tend
to decrease at the higher level of ambient excitation; the decreases
approximately range from 1.7% (mode B1) to 2.7% (mode B3). It has
to be further noticed that differences were detected between the
mode shapes as well. Those difference generally tend to increase as
the mode order increases.
Vibration monitoring
From June 2009 until March 2010 a continuous dynamic monitoring
system operated inside the tower in order to better investigate the
time variance of resonant frequencies (Figure 4). The instrumentation
consisted of 3 uni-axial Dytran 3191A1 piezoelectric accelerometers
(10 V/g), a 4-channel data acquisition system (NI 9234) and a local
PC for the management of the continuous acquisition and the data
storage (Figure 5). The sampling frequency was 200 Hz. The choice of
instrumented level was based on the information collected in the pre-
vious ambient vibration tests, so that all previously identified modes
are observable at that level.
The inspection of Figure 7 reveals that the bending modes are much
more frequently identified than the torsion mode, probably as a con-
sequence of the low level of ambient actions that generally excite the
tower. Since only the response to low level excitation (micro-tremors
and wind) has been considered, the cyclic frequency variation is likely
to be related to temperature. In order to clearly point out this aspect
the frequency variation and the correlation with temperature are bet-
ter illustrated in Figure 8.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Monitoring Monitoring
(26 / 06 / 09 - 31 / 07 / 09) (09 / 09 / 09 - 07 / 10 / 09)
Table 1 presents the mean values, the standard deviations and the
range of variation of natural frequencies estimated during the investi-
gated period of monitoring and compares these values with the ones
obtained around July 2009 (studied in a previous work [16]). The
mean values of natural frequencies of the current period are lower
than ones obtained during July. It can be also observed a decrease
of the standard deviations from July to September. These differences
can be explained by the temperature effect, since the weather in July
was warmer (T1-Sint, mean = 33.5 °C). Therefore, higher temperature
induced higher thermal expansion of materials that closed superficial
and deep cracks, increasing the global stiffness of the tower.
(3) J D F,i
M i l
In order to assess the most sensitive parameters of the F.E. model and
to select the minimum number of uncertain parameters for the inverse
problem of structural identification, the base F.E. model (FEM4) was
checked through a sensitivity analysis. The sensitivity coefficients sik
(Fig. 9) are computed — by a perturbation technique — as the rate
of change of a particular response of the model fi,FEM with respect
to a change in a structural parameter Xk (1). If sensitivity coefficients
for different types of parameters are to be compared and normalized
with respect to the base response value, then sik can be calculated as
percentage like (2). The kth parameter X vary into a range defined by
an upper and lower bound (3); the responses fi,FEM are respectively
computed at these limit values (4).
Figure 10 — Sensitivity
sik (1)
Xb, k fi
s ik 100 FEM
fb,i Xk
58 Vibration monitoring and structural identification of an historic masonry bell tower
(3) Xk Xk Xk
(4) fi fi FEM , U fi FEM , L
fi * X 1 , X2 , , XN fi X1 , X 2 , , XN
fi * X1L , X2B , , X BN fi FEM
X1L , X 2B , , X BN
fi * X 1 , X2 , , XN fi X1 ,X 2 , , XN (6)
fi * X 1B , X2B , , X LN fi FEM
X1B , X 2B , , X LN
fi * X 1 , X2 , , XN fi X1 , X 2 , , XN
B1 B2 T1 B3 B4 J Df, MAX
tuned on the experimental data, it will form a helpful tool for damage
identification and numerical analysis for successive safety assessment.
As a final remark, if we add the information carried out from long-term
dynamic monitoring, the dynamic-based damage assessment meth-
odology outlined in the paper seems a powerful tool for diagnosis of
historic structures. It is worth underlining that long term monitoring
is mandatory to distinguish between the cyclic (temperature) and the
irreversible (damage) effects on the global dynamic characteristics [7];
in this sense, it will become important to apply a pattern recognition
technique on the experimental data.
[6] Ramos, L. F., Marques, L., Lourenço, P. B., De Roeck, G., Campos-
Cost,a A., Roque, J. (2010). Monitoring historical masonry struc-
tures with operational modal analysis: two case studies. Mechanical
Systems and Signal Processing 24, S. 1291-1305.
[7] Magalhães, F., Cunha, A., Caetano, E. (2012). Vibration based struc-
tural health monitoring of an arch bridge: From automated OMA to
damage detection. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 28,
S. 212-228.
[9] Douglas, B. M., Reid, W. H. (1982). Dynamic test and system iden-
tification of bridges. Journal of the Structural Division 108(10),
S. 2295-2312.
[15] Gentile, C., Saisi, A., Busatta, F. (2011). Dynamic testing and perma-
nent monitoring of an historic iron arch bridge. Proceedings of 8th
Int. Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN), Leuven / Belgium,
S. 1186-1193.
Mallorca cathedral
It was then decided to modify the design from that of a single nave
building to a three-nave one. Unfortunately, the reason behind this dra-
matic change is not known with certainty. The imposing main large nave
(part C in Fig. 2) and the west facade were completed by the year 1601.
The main nave is composed of a central nave and two lateral naves
surrounded by a series of lateral chapels built between the but-
tresses. The central nave spans 19.9 m and reaches 43.9 m at the
vaults’ keystone. The two lateral naves span 8.72 m each and reach
a height of 29.4 m. The naves are sustained on octagonal piers with
a circumscribed diameter of 1.6 or 1.7 m and a height of 22.7 m to
the springing of arches. The bell tower is 45 m high and has a square
cross section with side length of 12.5 m.
Description of tests
Three tri-axial force balance accelerometers were used to carry out
the ambient vibration dynamic tests. Two of them correspond to the
CMG-5T model with dynamic range of 140 dB for 0.005 to 0.05 Hz
and 127 dB for 3 to 30 Hz, bandwidth ranging from DC to 100 Hz,
full scale from 0.1 to 4 g, and weight of 2.7 kg. The other one is Titan
model with dynamic range of 166 dB for 1 Hz and 155 dB for 3 to
30 Hz, bandwidth ranging from DC to 430 Hz, full scale from 5 V/g to
80 V/g, and weight of 960 gm.
Setup 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Setup 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Table 1 — measured points in
each setup (p16 is measured Points P11, P15, P19, P22, P24, P14, P23,
in all setups) P13 P17 P21 P23 P25 P18 P25
Results of tests
The Frequency Domain Decomposition (FDD) technique [7] was used
for determining the modal parameters (natural frequencies and mode
shapes). In this technique the Power Spectrum Density (PSD) matrix is
firstly evaluated then decomposed with the Singular Value Decompo-
sition (SVD) method.
It was not possible to identify all the modes. The identified modes in
each individual setup and in all setups processed together were inves-
tigated. Based on that, it was concluded that the fourth, fifth, sixth,
seventh and eighth modes were reasonably identified. Those modes
were considered for the modal matching and the updating process of
the FE model. It is noteworthy that the identified frequencies were
confirmed by the long term monitoring of the cathedral, performed for
nine continuous months just after the dynamic identification tests, [8].
Model updating
The FE model previously used by [9] was used. The same properties of
materials were also used as initial values in the updating process. The
model was built in Diana code [10].Vaults were modelled using T15SH
elements, three-node triangular isoparametric curved shells. The rest
of the cathedral was modelled using TE12L elements, four-node three-
side isoparametric solid pyramid. The model includes 149248 nodes
and 491851 elements with 490789 degrees of freedom (Figure 4).
n 2
e e
i i
i l
MAC e ,n (1)
n n
e 2 n 2
i i
i l i l
In which e and n are the experimental and numerical mode shape vec-
tors, respectively. A MAC value less than 0.40 is considered a poor match
while MAC value greater than 0.80 is considered a good match [12].
So far, two updating steps have been carried out. In the first step,
we introduced springs to compensate for un-modelled parts. Those
parts include mainly the vaults of lateral chapels, the adjacent building
to the tower and the trinity chapel. In the second step, the Young’s
moduli (E) of different materials were modified. Figure 5 shows the
comparison between numerical and experimental mode shape with
Figure 4 — FE model of
Mallorca cathedral
68 Knowledge based structural assessment of Mallorca cathedral
Seismic analysis
The seismic analysis was carried out by the static nonlinear pushover
method. In this method, a monotonically increasing horizontal load is
applied under constant gravity load. The horizontal load distribution
adopted was a uniform load proportional to the structural elements’
masses. The cathedral was subjected to seismic loads in the longitudi-
nal (X-direction) and transversal (Y-direction) considering both posi-
tive and negative sings (see Figure 4 for axes directions).
Figure 5 — Comparison
between second num. mode
(left) and fourth exp. mode
The updated values of Young’s moduli (E) were also used. The tensile
strength (f t ) was assumed as 5% of compressive strength (f c ). The cohe-
sion (C) was calculated from angle of internal friction (ø) and angle of
diltancy () assuming associative plasticity. The materials parameters
are specified in Table 3.
Structural E fc u C =ø
elements (GPa) (Density) (MPa) Ultimate (MPa)
kg / m³ strain
and flying 13,6 2400 8 0,1% 3,36 10º
The rest
Table 3 — Properties of differ-
of the 3,4 2100 2 0,4% 0,84 10º ent materials used in nonlinear
cathedral seismic analysis.
–– The pillars are showing cracks at their bases, at both the com-
pressed the tensioned sides and the springing of arches (Fig. 7).
–– Cracking along the full span of flying arches. The cracks are more
intensive at the connections with buttresses and clerestory walls
(Figure 7).
For the case of seismic load in +X-direction, and at the last step of
analysis, the damage is characterized by:
Some effects observed in the dynamic response, even for very low
amplitude motion, are attributed to the non-linear response of the
building. Hence, the appearance of multiple close peaks for the same
mode in the spectral diagrams is believed to be due to a breathing
behaviour caused by existing cracks [18]. This phenomenon can be
seen, for instance, in the 4th mode during the occurrence of the
Menorca earthquake (Figures 10 and 11). Due to the short effective
duration of the captured earthquakes, the uncertainty in the power
spectral densities is greater than the shift experienced by the peaks.
The change of frequencies produced by earthquakes is less than 1%.
Knowledge based structural assessment of Mallorca cathedral 73
Figure 9 — time-frequency
distribution of the NS com-
ponent at Soil Station for the
Gulf of Lion earthquake
Figure 10 — Time-frequency
distribution of the EW com-
ponent at 145 Station for
Menorca earthquake
The tuned model was subjected to seismic loads in both the transversal
and longitudinal directions using nonlinear static pushover analysis.
The curves showed that the cathedral has higher resistance in trans-
versal direction than in longitudinal one. The resisted acceleration in
transversal direction is a little higher than the expected spectral one,
whereas in the longitudinal direction it is slightly lower.
This research has been carried out within the project “New Integrated
Knowledge based approaches to the protection of cultural heritage
from Earthquake-induced Risk-NIKER” funded by the European Com-
mission (Grant Agreement n° 244123), whose assistance is gratefully
Knowledge based structural assessment of Mallorca cathedral 75
[2] González R., Caballé F., Domenge J., Vendrell M., Giráldez P., Roca P.
and González J.L.(2008) Construction process, damage and struc-
tural analysis. Two case studies. In D‘Ayala D. and Fodde E. (ed)
Structural Analysis of Historical Construction. CRC Press Balkema,
[3] Martinez G., Roca P., Caselles O. and Clapés J. (2006) Characteriza-
tion of the dynamic response for the structure of Mallorca cathedral.
In Lourenço P., Roca P., Modena C. and Agrawal S. (ed) Structural
Analysis of Historical Constructions. Macmillan Advanced Research
[4] Ramos, L.F., Alaboz, M., Aguilar, R. and Lourenco, P.B. (2011).
Dyanmic identification and FE updating of S.Torcato Church, Portugal.
Dynamics of Civil Sturctures. Volume 4, 71–80.
[9] Martínez, G. (2007) Seismic vulnerability for middle and long span
masonry historical buildings (in Spanish). PhD thesis, Technical Uni-
versity of Catalonia, Barcelona,Spain.
Seismic Strengthening of
Masonry Infilled Reinforced
Concrete Frames
Figure 1 — Mechanisms of
response and seismic loads
transmission for moment
resisting bare frame and fully
masonry infilled frame.
Seismic Strengthening of Masonry Infilled Reinforced Concrete Frames 79
Test specimens
Within the research project a total of six r /c frame models with
strengthened infill, one bare r /c frame model (without infill) and one
frame with infill who has no connection to the frames — were con-
structed and tested through in-plane cyclic loading. The specimens
are a scaled part of a model 7-story building (middle frame of the
“Tsukuba” building) located in the ground floor and constructed in a
scale 1:2.5 as shown on Figure 5. Two types of infill walls with different
strength properties were used: the high strength solid bricks (Opeka
Osijek), medium strength hollow brick blocks (Sladojevci). Mechanical
properties of the infill blocks were tested on three samples each. The
compressive strength of concrete was obtained by testing the cube
size 15 x 15 x 15 cm, and the compressive strength of the infill ele-
ments can be found in [3]. Comparison of the results obtained by test-
ing the r /c infilled frame models with two different infill types and
those obtained by testing the r /c bare frame model was made. The
test models were 2,2 m wide and 1,5 m high, with columns and beam
cross section of 20 x 20 cm and 12 x 20 cm, respectively. Materials
used were concrete of class C 30 / 37 and reinforcement of type B500B.
The research presented in this full paper is a part of the research project
“Seismic design of infilled frames”, No. 149-1492966-1536, supported
by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of
Croatia and its support is gratefully acknowledged.
Seismic Strengthening of Masonry Infilled Reinforced Concrete Frames 85
[2] Kalman, T., Sigmund, V.: Seismic capacity of infilled frames using
neural networks, 6th ICCSM Proceedings, Croatian Society of
Mechanics, Zagreb, 2009.
[4] Sigmund, V., Zovkić, J., Sigmund, Z.: Experimental Tests of R /C
frames with Masonry infill, 14ECEE, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2010.
The time dependent behaviour causes two problems, which are inter-
related but frequently considered independent during the analysis [3]:
The first basic models describing the creep behaviour were developed
in the 1930s, including the Dischinger-theorem [4]. In this model one
single creep coefficient-curve is determined taking into consideration
the age of concrete at the first loading time ((t)). Then the creep
strains are calculated based on this one curve. (see Fig. 1 and Eq. (1)):
(1) cr t , t0 t , t0 el t0 t t0 el t0
The main equations of the ALV material behaviour are shown in Eq. (2)
(for creep) and Eq. (3) (for relaxation):
t J t, d c (2)
c t R t, d (3)
90 Time dependent analysis of steel-concrete composite beams
This material model fits to the experimental results better than the
previous models. To solve these integral equations a variety of meth-
ods were developed, which will be described in chapter 3.2.
Analysis methods
Traditional methods
As the steel-concrete composite structures came into general use, sev-
eral methods were developed to consider the long term behaviour of
the structural type based on the Dischinger-theorem. The most accu-
rate among these methods is the Fröhlich-method, which is an ana-
lytical approach and uses exponential-type equations [5]. Since this
method was found too complicated to use in the practical calculations,
Sontag applied a simplification. He stated that the bending stiffness
of the concrete slab is negligible, so the bending moment of the con-
crete slab can be eliminated from the equilibrium equations. By this
simplification a more simple equation could be obtained, however, it
was still deemed rather complex.
Fritz described the effective modulus of the concrete with the aid of
a correction factor (), which was defined based on Sontag’s results:
(4) E c,
e v
Ec A c Ec A c
1 a2
Ea Aa Ea Ia
where the subscription ‘a’ stands for steel and ‘c’ for concrete, whilst a
is the distance between the centroid of the steel and concrete.
Time dependent analysis of steel-concrete composite beams 91
Numerical integration
Since the values of the Fritz-method are average values they do not
describe the real behaviour of the cross sections. To identify the actual
behaviour a numerical approach was established for the case of a sim-
ply supported beam. It is based on the Dischinger-theorem to ensure
the comparability with the Fritz method.
' t c t
' t t , t0 (6)
Ec Ec t
where: id the total stress dependent strain at the centroid of the slab;
σc is the stress at the same fibre;
Ec is the elastic modulus of the concrete at the age of 28 days;
(t, t0) is the creep coefficient.
c tn n
c ti 1
tn ti ti 1 (7)
Ec i 1 Ec
Supposing that the history of the strains and stresses is known until
time step tn-1, this equation contains two unknowns. Thus another
equation has to be formed, based on the compatibility and equilib-
rium assumptions (built upon the Bernoulli-Navier hypothesis):
A2 2 2
D t t B t
A 4 C
c t t (8)
2 C C
Ac Ic Ac
A Ac a 2 Ia Ic C
Aa Ea A a
B Ea Ia D Med a
Ec t 0
(9) Ec , adj t , t 0
1 t , t0 t , t0
where Ec(t0) is the elastic modulus of the concrete at the loading time
t0. With the aid of this modulus a quasi-elastic analysis can be performed,
which makes the AAEM method efficient for preliminary calculations:
c t0 c t c t0
(10) t
Ec , t , t0 Ec , adj t , t 0
Ec t 0
Ec , t , t0
1 t , t0
Its formulation is quite similar to the Fritz method but its approach
is different: the AAEM method describes the behaviour of an ageing
material under varying loads, whilst the Fritz method describes the
behaviour of a composite structure with an imposed permanent load.
Apart from AAEM, numerical solutions are also feasible for solving the
equations. One possible method is the time-history integral, where
the basic equations of ALV are solved by means of numerical integra-
tion. This method uses great computational efforts, since the whole
history of stresses and strains have to be stored during the calculation
(see 3.2.2.). A more efficient numerical method is based on rate-type
creep laws. Using this method only the results of the last time step
Time dependent analysis of steel-concrete composite beams 93
Time-history integral
To solve Eq. (2) a similar numerical procedure was established as in the
case of the Dischinger-theorem. From Eq. (2) the incremental stress
dependent strain can be expressed as follows:
' t t0 c
' t
c t t , t0 t, d (11)
Ec Ec t t0 Ec t
c tn c t0 n 1
c ti c ti 1
tn tn , t0 tn , ti (12)
Ec Ec i 1 Ec
Analysis strategy
The purpose of the analysis was to compare the results of the different
models. A simply supported beam was used with a length of 30 metres.
The cross section can be seen in Figure 3. To get information about the
behaviour depending on various stiffness ratios, the analysis was per-
formed using several slab widths namely: 0.5 m, 1.0 m, 2.5 m, 5.0 m
and 10.0 m. To take into account the effect of loading, a loading pro-
cess was considered with three load steps at age 14 days, 60 days and
3,000 days, with loads 22.222 kN / m, 11.111 kN / m and 11.111 kN / m
respectively. This means a total bending moment of 5,000 kN / m at
the centre of the span. The steel is S235 type according to Eurocode,
the concrete is C 20 / 25. The Eurocode was also used to describe the
creep phenomenon. The basic parameters for the calculation of the
creep coefficient were determined as relative humidity: 80%; and
cement type: normal.
94 Time dependent analysis of steel-concrete composite beams
At first, analyses were carried out on single load steps to compare the
factors of the models. Based on the results of the numerical integra-
tion the factor could be easily expressed for every considered beam.
These values are summarized in Figure 4 and 5.
Inner forces
During the design process the inner forces have greater importance
than the factors. The bending moment which acts on the composite
cross section can be divided into three components (see Fig. 6): bend-
ing moment of the slab (Mc), bending moment of the girder (Ma) and
axial force (N) (an equal force in the girder and the slab).
In the case of the reduction factor () it was found that the value of
reduces if the structure is loaded at high age. It was shown that the
factor also depends on the stiffness ratio of the cross section. The
difference between the actual value of and that is to be found in
the Eurocode may become significant. The trend of the inner forces is
influenced by the factor, although, the magnitude of differences are
significantly smaller. The time-history integral and the finite element
model produced almost equal results. The AAEM method showed dif-
ferent behaviour and it also provides a slightly smaller difference com-
pared to the results of the Eurocode. In the case of normal slab width
each model produces around 1% difference at the bending moment
of the girder and 3% at the axial force. This difference is quite small,
particularly according to the differences in the material models pre-
dicting the creep coefficient.
98 Time dependent analysis of steel-concrete composite beams
The previous researches which laid the foundation of this paper were
carried out along with Balázs Somodi and with the aid of Prof. László
Dunai and Dr. Tamás Kovács as consultants. Their part in the work is
gratefully acknowledged.
[1] Burgoyne, C.J. and Scantlebury, R.C.: Why did Palau Bridge Collapse?,
The Structural Engineer, 84 / 11, 30–37, June 2006.
The fibers used for the textile reinforcement have to meet several
criteria: high fibre tenancy, breaking elongation and modulus of elas-
ticity much higher than the modulus of the concrete matrix, so that
the stiffness of a building component is not drastically reduced by
occurring cracks. The most common material of fibers is alkali resistant
glass (AR-glass). Filaments are combined to yarns. One yarn composes
of several hundreds up to thousands of single filaments with diameter
measured in tens of micrometers. The fineness of the yarn is defined
by the unit “tex” (gram per 1,000 meters) and depends on the aver-
age filament diameter, the fibre material density and the number of
filaments. Yarns are subsequently combined into textiles. Historically,
the textile-reinforced concrete developed from fiber-reinforced con-
crete with short filaments of random orientation by aligning the fila-
ments in the direction of the tensile stresses similarly to classical steel
reinforcement, which led to better effectiveness of the reinforcement,
increased load-bearing capacity and cost reduction. The material is a
subject of an intensive research in many institutions [1].
qe e ; dG where i Ai , Ei , i , i , i
102 Multi-filament yarns testing for textile-reinforced concrete
The material selected for the tensile tests was the AR-glass yarn pro-
duced by Saint Gobain Vetrotex with brand name Cem-FIL Direktroving
LTR 5325, 2400 tex. The experiment was focused on the observation
of effect of size (resp. length) on the yarn strength [4]. Consequently, a
wide range of yarn lengths was desired with emphasis on production
of the longest possible specimen length, so that the behavior in this
region can be mapped. Six length groups were suggested with equal
distribution of their logarithms, as the size effect curve is visualized in
the double-logarithmic scale: 1, 2.5, 6, 13, 31 and 74 cm (the longest
possible specimen length with regards to the testing equipment). The
most problematic part of tensile testing was to deal with the anchor-
ing of glass yarns into the machine. Basically, there are two ways how
to create bundle supports: endings can be either directly coiled up
on a cylinder or poured into anchoring blocks and clamped. Anyway,
both techniques show certain deficiencies. As the testing machine is
equipped with self–locking holders, yarn endings were poured into
75 mm long anchoring blocks made of epoxy resin. The total number
of tested samples was 317 pieces.
Figure 4 — Unmodified
force–displacement curves
(all samples).
As described in [4], short columns are those that fail in shear having
height-to-depth ratio s ≤ 3. In addition, columns of a depth equal
to 75 cm with a clear height of 230 cm, which is not uncommon for
industrial buildings, can also be designated as short, [4].
106 Seismic response of short columns affected by brick / tile aggregate concrete wall infills
(1) Fs Fc As fyd
2 sin
(2) As
2 sin f yd
hc d1 d2
(3) tg
(4) fyd
Seismic response of short columns affected by brick / tile aggregate concrete wall infills 107
Numerical models
2D linear elastic analysis was carried out on four- and seven-story three-
bay facade frames using modal response spectrum analysis. In order to
concentrate on the effects induced from both column slenderness and
the type of material used in infill walls, the frames were taken from
buildings regular in plan and elevation. It is assumed that the buildings
are located in seismically active area on ground type B defined accord-
ing to Eurocode 8 ([5]). Also, it is assumed that the buildings are fixed at
the ground level. The basement is not included in the analytical model.
The frame elements and floor and roof slabs were made from normal
conventional C 30 / 37 concrete with characteristic compressive cyl-
inder strength at 28 days fc = 30 N / mm², secant modulus of elastic-
ity Ecm = 330,00 N / mm² and density ρc = 2,400 kg / m³. Only infill
walls were made from different types of concrete described in Table 1.
Mechanical properties of brick and tile aggregate concrete (BTAC)
were determined by laboratory testing conducted by the authors.
Structural elements were reinforced with B500B steel bars with char-
acteristic yield strength fy = 500 N / mm² and modulus of elasticity
Es = 200,000 N / mm². It is assumed that all of the reinforced con-
crete structural elements were reinforced with normal percentage of
reinforcement which adds 100 kg / m³ to concrete density values, as
recommended in [7].
The partial safety factors for materials for ultimate limit state were adopted
according to [8]: c = 1.5 for concrete; and s = 1.15 for reinforcing steel.
Height of the first level infill walls is a function of the captive col-
umn height-to-depth ratio which varies from 1 to 3 with step size of
0.5. Infill walls at higher levels have fixed height equal to one-half of
the story height.
Loading on frames
The vertical load includes both dead and live load and was added to
the frames as described in [10]. The structural analysis program ([6])
calculates the self weight of the structural frames and weight of infill
walls. The weight that includes wall partitions and ceilings was taken
into account by uniformly distributed load equal to 3.35 kN / m² as
suggested in [11]. The weight of perpendicular beams were added to
frames as described in [10].
The live load for floors was taken equal to 3 kN / m², which is the nor-
mative value for school buildings ([7]), while the live load for roof is
taken equal to 2 kN / m² as suggested in [12].
Results provided here concerns the inner columns of the first story of
the frames defined in this paper.
Figure 4 shows reduction in the design shear force VEd to design shear
resistance of the member without shear reinforcement VRd,c ratio which
goes up to 5% for the four-story frames and up to 15% for the seven-
story frames when the conventional concrete is replaced with BTAC.
Figure 5 — As-slenderness of
column relationships for
different types of concrete
[3] Fierro, E., 2001. Short column at another school in Camana, [image
online] Available at: http://www.eeri.org/2001/06/southern-peru/
[Accessed 26 July 2012]
Experimental research on
thermo-creep behavior of
soft sedimentary rock
shielding material like rock mass for deep geological disposal should
be stable in a long time under high temperature conditions. So, it
is necessary to study carefully the interacting factors related to the
mechanical properties of host rock, especially the thermo-mechanical
properties. In this paper, in order to grasp the mechanical properties
of host rock under high temperature conditions, author conducted
the thermal triaxial compression tests and thermal triaxial creep tests
under 4 different constant temperatures.
Test device
Figure 1 shows the temperature-controlled triaxial compression and
creep test device. It consists of a load controlling unit for cell pressure
and axial load, and a temperature controlling unit, as shown in Figure 2.
Performances of test device are listed in Table 1.
Figure 1 — Temperature-con-
trolled triaxial compression
and creep test device.
Control method PC
Heating system
The heating system includes a heater, a mixer and a temperature sen-
sor that is installed within the pressure cell chamber and connected to
the temperature controlling unit. To reduce the difference of tempera-
ture of the water inside the triaxial cell chamber, an inclined propeller
(45°) was installed within the cell to keep the temperature of water
distributed uniformly and quickly, as shown in Figure 3. Besides, the
rotating speed of the inclined propeller is adjustable. During the test,
for safety, the highest temperature within the chamber was set at 90°C.
It is known that the homogeneity of the test samples is a very impor-
tant factor to acquire reliable test results, especially for studying
thermo-mechanical properties of soft sedimentary rocks. Ohya stone,
a typical green tuff, is distributed widely in the northeastern part of
Japan and used as the test specimen in this experiment. The stone is a
typical soft volcanic tuff formed in Miocene age, and is widely used in
laboratory tests for their mechanical properties in Japan. Ohya stone
usually has a uniaxial compressive strength of around 10 MPa, and
some of its basic physical properties are given in Table 2.
In this paper, the thermal triaxial compression tests and thermal triax-
ial creep tests were conducted under different constant temperatures.
From these tests, the following conclusions can be drawn:
(1) The temperature does influence the peak strength of the soft rock.
In the triaxial compression tests, peak strength of soft rock
decreases as the temperature increases and the volumetric strain
in all tests first contracts and then expands.
(2) In the triaxial creep tests, the creep failure time is largely depend-
ent on the temperature. In other words, the creep failure occurs
more quickly as temperature increases.
By the end of the 7th step a tcl data file is created and all the data
obtained in these 7 steps, combined with other preset information,
are organized and printed in that file according to an Opensees input
file template. The Opensees software initializes and runs an analysis
according to the directions of the tcl data file. The tcl data file consists
of a repeated three part process. The first part directs the creation of
the model of the structure while the second part declares the selected
methods of analysis. Finally the third part organizes the location and
format of the post processing output data. The process repeats itself
122 Bridge-Wizard: Expert system for FE modeling and post — processing of Bridges
in the data file for each loading combination respectively. By the end
of the analysis OpenSees terminates automatically and all the data
results of the analysis are stored and organized by Bridge Wizard.
By the end of the seven step procedure the user has the opportunity to
check the results of the analysis either in a graphical manner through
the software Bridge Wizard or by the output files produced from
OpenSees. For the graphical depiction of the results Bridge wizard has
in its possession a small number of tools. These tools are a compo-
nent named Ms Chart specialized in the creation of visual charts and
a 2D graphics algorithm created for Bridge Wizard. The component is
used in the visual display of stress or displacement to time charts of a
specific node of the structure where the graphics algorithm is used in
the depiction of the stress or displacement of the overall structure for
a specific moment of time. The user has the ability to leap from one
method of post processing to the other. Finally, if the user wishes to
analyze a different structure or change details on the current structure,
there is the option of repeating the whole procedure from the first step.
Bridge-Wizard: Expert system for FE modeling and post — processing of Bridges 123
Deck: The finite elements used for the simulation of the deck are stick
elements. The use of shell or solid elements is avoided due to 2 main
reasons. Firstly with a different selection from the stick model, the
number of finite elements are greatly increased resulting to a more
complicated differential equation system for OpenSees to solve, while
the accuracy of the results remain the same. Secondly, due to the com-
plexity and lack of regularity of the section’s geometry, modeling the
deck with shell or solid elements could be considered as a significant
geometrical challenge. Bridge wizard’s main objective is to be able
to solve the majority of the structural cases addressed by the user, an
objective reached only by the use of stick model’s simple geometry.
Regarding the stress — strain curve simulated for the deck material, Bridge
wizard considers the curve linear. The reason of the selection of an elastic
material for the simulation of the deck is the capacity design of the deck
itself in an earthquake load combination. Since the deck is not considered
as a dissipative mechanism of the structure, the design is calculated in way
of not exciting the yielding stress of the deck and thus making unnecessary
the use of a nonlinear simulation of the stress-strain curve. Considering the
meshing technique used, every span of the bridge is divided in 10 finite
elements. The meshing technique used may cause small inaccuracies if
the bridge analyzed consists of highly unequal span lengths.
Piers: For the simulation of the piers, the finite elements used are
also stick elements. The reasons of the stick element selection are the
ones mentioned on the deck section with the addition of the neces-
sary compatibility between deck and piers. Foundations of the piers
are modeled with either a hinged or fixed connection depending on
the user’s preferences. The height of the deck’s section is simulated
through rigid finite elements extending from the piers. Considering
the meshing technique used, every Pier of the bridge is divided in
10 finite elements excluding any rigid finite elements.
Bridge wizard offers the option to add any number of bearings in one
pier with the only request of being identical. However, adding dif-
ferent bearings from pier to pier is a possible action. In contrast to
the common way of modeling a bearing connection, Bridge wizard
encounters the problem with a more simplified method. Instead of
using one object for each bearing connected to the pier, only one
individual object is used with characteristics defined in a way to create
a modeling equal. In order to calculate these characteristics, Bridge
wizard follows the equations below.
ind i ind i
(2.1, 2.2) K Ux , el K Ux , el , K Ux , pl K Ux , pl
n n
ind i ind i
(2.3, 2.4) K Uy , el K Uy , el , K Uy , pl K Uy , pl
n n
ind i
(2.5) K Uz , el K Uz , el
ind i
i 2 K Uz , el l 2
(2.6) K Rx , el K Rx , el
n n
ind i
(2.7) K Ry , el K Ry , el
ind i
i 2 K Ux , el l 2
(2.8) K Rz , el K Rz , el
n n
Like every other simplified method the bearing modeling method has
its disadvantages. As long as the bearings are linear there is no differ-
ence in the results from the analytical method. However, in the case of
multiple non linear bearings at one pier, the overall rotational stiffness
KRzind becomes also non linear due to geometrical affection of the non
linear stiffness KUx (the geometrical affection is obvious in the equa-
tion 2.8). This affection may result in a miscalculation of the overall
rotational stiffness KRzind making the model unrealistic.
Abutments: Bridge Wizard offers the user two possible options for the
modeling of the abutments. On the first method the node correspond-
ing to the location of the abutment can have its degrees of freedom
fixed according to the user’s selections.
material object from OpenSees with the name “Elastic perfectly Plastic
Gap Material”. A clearer picture can be obtained from the stress-strain
curve of the gap element (Figure 2.1). The material is used through a
zero-length element.
Time history analysis: The time history analysis can be either linear or
non linear depending on the user’s preferences. The method used for
the solution of the differential equation system in both linear and non
linear case is the numerical integration method “Newmark-Beta”. For
the solution algorithm object which determines the sequence of steps
taken to solve the non-linear equation, Bridge wizard has a default
selection of the Newton algorithm.
Initiation of the software: The user’s first contact attempt with the soft-
ware is through its main window as shown in figure 4.1. By the startup
of the main window almost every possible action is locked leaving the
user with the only options of creating a new project, loading an existing
project or starting the help guide. By clicking the “New project” button
the user initiates the modeling and analysis process of a bridge structure.
Third step — modeling of the Piers: The software navigates the user
to the Piers configuration window as depicted in figure 4.4.(a) giving
him the option to select a Pier and edit its properties. The user imports
material, geometry and section properties of the selected Pier through
a section window of his choice (an example of a section window is
depicted in figure 4.4.(b)).
The basic scope of the development of bridge wizard was the creation
of an expert system capable of eliminating the error possibility due
to user’s misjudgement and simultaneously greatly decrease the time
needed to complete the modeling process of the structure. In order
to verify a possible success in the first objective a number of com-
parison tests have taken place. The tests compared various analysis
results (stress, deformation, modes) of a bridge analyzed once manu-
ally with SAP2000 and afterwards with Bridge Wizard. The results
[3] Fardis, M., Kolias V., Panagiotakos T., Katsaras C., Psychogios T.,
(2012). ‘Guide for bridge design with emphasis on seismic aspects’,
university of Patras, Patra
[5] SAP 2000 Ver. 14.0, User’s Reference Manual, Berkeley, California, U.S.
132 Experimental and numerical assessment of the dynamic behaviour of a railway viaduct with precast deck
Numerical model
The density adopted for concrete and ballast was respectively 25 and
20 kN / m³. The modulus of elasticity of concrete corresponds to the
average correction to 28 days for the average value at the time of
experimental test. As the bridge was built to 13 years ago, the values
considered for the modulus of elasticity of concrete C 30 / 37 (upper
slab) and C 45 / 55 (prefabricated beam) were respectively 35.4 GPa
and 40.9 GPa. The structural bearings were considered flexible in the
vertical direction and with stiffness equal to 5,200 x 106 N / m.
Phase 1
In this phase of the ambient vibration test 57 measurement points
distributed along the three spans in analysis, with particular emphasis
in the intermediate span of 21 m (Figure 4a), were considered. The
accelerometers were placed on the ballast retaining walls, on the
vertical direction, through metal plates bonded to the concrete sur-
face (Figure 4b). Attending that these walls are monolithically con-
nected to the upper slab and deviate from the symmetry axis of the
deck, the measured responses at these locations allowed the iden-
tification of the modes of vibration associated to the bending and
torsion movements of the deck.
Phase 2
belongs to Figure 6
(b) (c)
1L 25.48 2.16
2L 27.41 2.13
3L 53.18 4.47
Table 2 — Natural frequencies
4L 60.18 3.35 and modal damping coeffi-
5L 74.60 4.81 cients of local modes
As shown in the table above, the values of the damping coefficients are
higher than those obtained by applying the EN1991-2 (2003) standard
for this type of structures and spans. Figure 7 shows the mode shapes
in correspondence with the identified natural frequencies.
(a) (b)
Phase 3: Optimization
The optimization phase allowed obtaining the parameters values that
minimize the differences between the numerical and experimental
modal responses, and involved the definition of an objective func-
tion and the application of an optimization technique based on a
genetic algorithm. The objective function (f ) comprises two terms,
one related to the natural frequencies of global and local modes, and
other related to the MAC values of global and local modes:
exp num
n mod es fi fi n mod es
exp num
f a b MAC i , i 1 (3)
i 1 fi i 1
140 Experimental and numerical assessment of the dynamic behaviour of a railway viaduct with precast deck
where fiexp and finum are the experimental and numerical frequencies
for mode i, iexp and iexp are the vectors containing the experimental
and numerical modal information regarding the mode i, a and b are
weighing factors of the terms of the objective function, assumed in
this case equal to 1.0, and nmodes is the total number of modes.
Figure 12 shows the flowchart [6] with the iterative process of calibra-
tion of the numerical model, using three commercial software packages.
Mode 1G Mode 1L
Mode 2G Mode 2L
Figure 14 shows the MAC values of global and local modes of vibra-
tion, before and after the calibration of the numerical model.
[1] ANSYS. Structural Analysis Guide - Release 11.0. In: ANSYS, editor. 2007.
[5] Brehm, M., Zabel, V., Bucher, C. (2010). An automatic mode pairing
strategy using an enhanced modal assurance criterion based on modal
strain energies. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 329: 5375–92.
[6] Ribeiro, D., Calçada, R., Delgado, R., Brehm, M., Zabel, V. (2012).
Finite element model updating of a bowstring-arch railway bridge
based on experimental modal parameters. Engineering Structures,
40: 413–435.
144 Running Safety Evaluation of Trains Moving Over Bridges shaken by Earthquakes
Hence, in order to take into account the effects of the transverse vibra-
tions in the running safety of railway vehicles, it is necessary to develop
a suitable train‑structure interaction model capable of describing the
wheel‑rail contact behavior. The present paper describes a research
focused on the relative motion between the wheelset and rails. With
such methodology, it is possible to store all the characteristics of the
contact points (relative position between the gravity center of the
wheelset and the rails, position of the contact points, contact angles,
body curvatures in each contact point, among others, necessary for
Running Safety Evaluation of Trains Moving Over Bridges shaken by Earthquakes 145
Algorithm implementation
Considering that the wheelset can displace perpendicularly to the
track, its relative movement with respect to the track can be totally
described by four components: the lateral displacement, yg, the ver-
tical one, zg, the roll rotation, x and the yaw rotation, . However,
these four DOFs can be reduced to two independent DOF, yg and .
Hence, when the yaw angle is take into account, mandatory when
the train is passing in a tight curve, the contact point can shift in the
Xg direction, which implies the wheel and rail meshing and. The rail
surface is obtained by means of an extrusion of the rail profile along the
X axis, while the wheel surface is generated through a revolution of its
main cross-section around the Yg axis.
l r
where y min and y min is the lateral location of both left and right points
with minimum vertical separation between wheel and rail. The search
ends when condition (1) is fulfilled, with a tolerance value of 10¯³ mm
(enough from the engineering point of view). When this point is
reached, it is possible to know the values of the dependent DOFs of
the wheelset, such as the roll angle, x, and the relative vertical dis-
placement, zg (see Figure 1):
k k
0 0 i i
x xx x x x
i 1
i 1 (3)
l r
zg zmean
g meanz l z, r
z, z
min min min min
148 Running Safety Evaluation of Trains Moving Over Bridges shaken by Earthquakes
where x0 is the initial roll angle (considered equal to zero in this
work) and k is the number of iterations needed to fulfill condition (1).
The longitudinal displacement and wheelset rotation are constraints of
the problem. The search algorithm can be resumed by the flow chart
presented in Figure 2.
Figure 3 presents the relation between the lateral displacement of the
wheelset and its dependent DOFs. The shape profile of the sections of
the wheels and rails are S1002 and UIC60, respectively, with an inter-
nal gauge of 1.360 m, a wheel nominal radius, rw 0, of 0.460 m and
a rail inclination of 1:40 (these profiles and geometry were the same
as those used in the WRC Manchester benchmark [6]). In order to
clarify the relative movement between the wheelset and the track, an
example of the wheel‑rail contact for a lateral displacement of 10 mm
and a yaw rotation of –5º is also presented. Note that, for a lateral
displacement larger than 6 mm, the contact in one of the wheels takes
place in the flange, which leads to a sudden rise of the roll angle of the
wheelset and the position of its gravity center.
One of the main variables needed for solving the normal and tangen-
tial problem described in the next section is the contact point posi-
tion. Figure 4 compares the contact point position, referred to the
wheel coordinate system, obtained in the present work and with the
commercial software packages tested in [7]. The wheelset was dis-
placed laterally from 0 mm (central position) to 10 mm at 0.5 mm
increments. The results obtained in the present work are consistent
with the ones shown in [7].
a) Left wheel contact position [7] b) Left wheel contact position (present)
a) According to [7]
The contact forces are divided in two groups: the normal forces and
the tangential forces. Such forces are projected in the contact patch
coordinate systems presented in Figure 1, in which the normal force
lies on Zci axis while the tangential ones are in the Xci (longitudinal)
and Yci (lateral) axis. In this work, Hertz theory is used to solve the nor-
mal problem, while the tangential problem is solved by FASTSIM [9]
and USETAB [12] routines.
Normal problem
3 3 1 v2 1
a m FN (4)
2 E A B
3 3 1 v2 1
b n FN (5)
2 E A B
where E and v are the combined elasticity modulus and Poisson’s ratio
from both materials, Fn the normal contact force, A and B the com-
bined curvatures from both bodies (wheel and rail) in direction Xg and
Yg, respectively, and m an n two non-dimensional coefficients depend-
ent of the curvatures (detailed in [13]).
152 Running Safety Evaluation of Trains Moving Over Bridges shaken by Earthquakes
Tangential problem
FASTSIM algorithm
FASTSIM uses the simplified theory of elasticity for relating the defor-
mations in the contact patch with the tangential stresses. In this algo-
rithm, the contact ellipse is discretized in strips parallel to the rolling
direction, each one divided into the same number of elements. The
stresses are computed in the center of each element through a numer-
ical integration method, where the tangential stress in one element
depends on the tension of the previous element in the strip. The main
inputs in a rolling contact theory are the relative velocities between
the two bodies (wheel and rail in this specific case), which are called
creepages. The creepages are divided in three components: the longitudi-
nal creepage, , the lateral creepage, , and the spin creepage, ϕ. Generi-
cally, these can be computed by the following expressions:
xc,1 xc,2
yc,1 yc,2
zc ,1 zc ,2
where vxc,i, vyc,i and ωzc,i are the longitudinal, lateral and spin veloci-
ties of body i projected in the contact patch coordinate system and V
the imposed translation speed of the train.
x xc , yc x xc xc , yc xc yc xc sxc
y xc , yc y xc xc , yc L xc L syc
where sxc and syc are the relative displacements between the two bod-
ies in direction xc and yc, respectively, and L is a flexibility parameter
described, for example, in [9].
Running Safety Evaluation of Trains Moving Over Bridges shaken by Earthquakes 153
x c , yc . x c , yc (10)
where is the friction coefficient and (xc, yc) is the normal tension.
Therefore, in a first iteration, the current point is considered to be in
adhesion, which implies that the last term in equation 9 is equal to
zero. The computed stresses are called hypothetical tensions, H, and
are compared to the Coulomb’s friction limit. If H overcomes such
limit, the point is in slip condition, otherwise the assumption is cor-
rect and the hypothetical tension coincides with the real tension.
USETAB algorithm
The USETAB routine consists of a table with four entries (creepages and
ellipse semi‑axis ratio) and three outputs (longitudinal and lateral creep
forces and spin moment). This table, proposed by Kalker [12], contains
pre‑calculated values from creep forces for a large number of cases,
computed with the software CONTACT [14] which solves rolling con-
tact problems with Kalker’s Exact Theory. Such routine cannot be used
directly in a railway dynamic code due to its high computational cost;
instead, it is possible to build a table and then linearly interpolate its val-
ues during the dynamic analysis. For solving each rolling contact problem,
USETAB is 8 times faster than FASTSIM and gives more accurate results.
The table uses a smart layout, taking advantage of all creepage sym-
metries in order to reduce the number of cases and to normalize it. So,
the table is made exclusively for railroad dynamics, with a Poisson’s
ratio of 0.28 (typical for steel) and can be used only with elliptical
contact areas. According to Kalker’s work exposed in [12], the USETAB
routine is constructed with the following normalized quantities:
Finally, in order to obtain the correct values of creep forces, Fx and Fy,
and spin moment, Mz, the outcome is multiplied by:
Fx Fx G.a.b. . FN (11)
Mz Mz G. a.b 2 . .FN (13)
Hence, although the USETAB routine is valid for almost all cases, when
the input value is beyond the table boundaries (rarely attendant), FASTIM
is called during the dynamic analyses for solving these exceptions.
(14) c 11
3 FN
(15) c
3 FN 22
ab G
(16) c23
where c11, c22 and c23 are the Kalker’s coefficients that can be found in
[10]. For this validation, a Poisson’s ratio of 0.28, a Young’s modulus
of 210 GPa and a normal force of 100 kN were considered.
The present work has been funded by the Portuguese Foundation for
Science and Technology (FCT), in the context of the doctoral grant
number SFRH / BD / 48320 / 2008. The authors would also like to
thank Prof. Simon Iwnicki and Prof. Philip Shackleton (Manchester
Metropolitan University) for the permission to use figures from their
paper referenced in [7].
[2] Shabana, A., K. Zaazaa, M. Tobaa and H. Sugiyama — “On the com-
puter formulations of the wheel / rail contact problem”, Nonlinear
Dynamics, 40 (2), 169–193, 2005.
[4] Antolín, P., A. Alonso, J.M. Goicolea and M.A. Astiz, A methodology
for analysing lateral coupled behavior of high speed railway vehicles
and structures, in 9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics
and 4th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics 2010:
Sydney, Australia.
[14] CONTACT 11.1 — “User guide for CONTACT, J.J. Kalker’s variational
contact model”, VORtech Computing, 2011.
Numerical and experimental study of the vertical interfaces
158 behaviour of interconnected structural masonry walls
When the walls are connected and subjected to different loads, there
is interaction between them. The interaction is dependent on the shear
capacity of the interface. In practical situations, many walls are stiff-
ened due to flanged sections which increase their shear strength. Tests
on H-shaped walls have revealed that more studies and improvement
are needed in shear strength in interconnected masonry walls area.
The type of connection between the walls influences the way inter-
action occurs. The supporting flanges are usually linked to the web
through the running bond. In that case, interaction might be higher
because the interface plane crosses units which may be consid-
Numerical and experimental study of the vertical interfaces
behaviour of interconnected structural masonry walls 159
Lissel et al. [1] tested shear walls with flanges and observed the influ-
ence of the type of connection on their behaviour and strength. The
tests indicated that bonding pattern of the web-flange connection
affect the shear strength of masonry. Bonding the web-flange connec-
tion with brickwork clearly increases the shear strength of this joint.
Hence, a series of specimens with H-shaped cross sections was tested
in an attempt to determine the effect of bond pattern on the strength
of the web-flange intersection. A nominal compressive force approxi-
mately equivalent to a normal floor load was applied to the flanges
to stabilize the specimen during and after the test. According to Lis-
sel et al. [1], the results of these tests indicate that the mechanical
interlock of a bonded web-flange connection provides a significant
structural advantage over a tied connection. The forces applied on
the specimens with bonded wall are three times the forces applied on
specimens with tied connection.
Capuzzo Neto et al. [6] conducted new studies at the School of Engi-
neering of São Carlos (University of São Paulo), contributing towards
the understanding of the wall interaction phenomena. The author
strived for a better representation of possible stress trajectories along
the building structure, including proposing an H-shaped specimen to
evaluate the shear strength of the vertical interface. These specimens
were used in this work to obtain the shear strength through experi-
mental tests. The computational modelling of masonry structures can
focus on micro-modelling of individual components or macro-model-
ling of masonry as a composite (Lourenço and Rots [8]). According to
Lourenço [9], it is possible to use one of these strategies, depending
on the level of accuracy and the simplicity desired.
In the detailed micro-modelling units and mortar in the joints are rep-
resented by continuum elements whereas the unit-mortar interface is
represented by discontinuous elements. In simplified micro-modelling
expanded units are represented by continuum elements whereas the
behaviour of the mortar joints and unit-mortar interface is lumped
in discontinuous elements. Macro-modelling represents units, mortar
and unit-mortar interface smeared out in the continuum. (Figure 1)
Numerical and experimental study of the vertical interfaces
160 behaviour of interconnected structural masonry walls
Experimental Details
H-shaped specimen was used for the shear tests. All the tests were
carried out in the Structures Engineering Laboratory at the School of
Engineering of São Carlos, University of São Paulo. The specimen was
prepared by a professional mason and were cured in laboratory condi-
tions for 28 days before testing. The type of bonding used was run-
ning bond. Face shell bedding was used on the construction of the
specimens. (Figure 5)
Figure 5 — Construction of
the Specimens.
Figure 6 — Instrumentation of
the specimens.
Numerical and experimental study of the vertical interfaces
behaviour of interconnected structural masonry walls 163
Numerical Modelling
The numerical model applied to study masonry walls was defined using
the DIANA® finite element program. The macro-modelling approach
was chosen due to the reasons previously described. Some mechanical
properties used in the description of the material models were obtained
through experimental tests carried out on materials and masonry assem-
blages. Others were adopted from current research, due to the difficulty
of obtaining them. The mesh was composed of continuum elements
representing the masonry units and the masonry joints as a composite.
In the experimental test, masonry walls failed under shear and the shear
strength of interlocked wall intersection was 0.61 MPa. From previ-
ous research on the same materials (Mauricio [5]), the shear strength
of interlocked wall intersection found was 0.88 MPa. Both results are
larger than the Brazilian code indicates, 0.15 MPa. It indicates that
Brazilian code can be very strict. Results pointed out some aspects and
indicators in the behaviour of flanged walls that should be numerically
and experimentally confirmed in order to clarify the behaviour of these
structures and to allow the development of accurate design models.
Numerical and experimental study of the vertical interfaces
behaviour of interconnected structural masonry walls 165
[1] Lissel, S. L., Shrive, N. G., & Page, A. W. (2000). Shear in plain, bed
joint reinforced, and posttensioned masonry, In : Canadian Journal
of Civil Engineering, Vol. 27 , No. 5, pp. 1021–1030.
[3] Yoshimura, K., Kikuchi, K., Kuroki, M., Nonaka, H., Kim, K.T., Mat-
sumoto, Y. Itai, T., Reeznag, W., Ma, L.. Experimental study on re-
inforcing methods for confined masonry walls subjected to seismic
forces, Proceedings of 9th North American Masonry Conference,
Clemson, South Carolina, USA, 2003.
[4] Modena, C., Porto, F., Valluzzi, M.R., Reinforced and rectified clay
block masonry, Proceedings of 6th National Congress of Seismology
and Seismic engineering, Guimarães, Portugal, 2004, pp. 155–177
[6] Capuzzo Neto, V., Corrêa, M. R. S., & Ramalho, M. A. (2007). Shear
strength of vertical interfaces of intersecting walls, In: 10th North
American Masonry Conference, Saint Louis, Boulder, The Masonry
Society, Vol. 1. pp. 872–883
[7] Bosiljkov, V., Page, A. W., Simundic, M. S. G., & Zarnic, Roko (2010).
Shear capacity of the Flange-Web Intersections of Brick Masonry
Nonrectangular Sections, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 136,
No. 5, May, pp. 574–585.
[8] Lourenço, P.B.; Rots, J.G. (1997). Multisurface interface model for ana-
lysis of masonry structures, Journal of engineering mechanics,
V. 123(7), 660–668
[14] ASTM C1006, Standard Test Method for Splitting Tensile Strength
of Masonry Units (1996).
From this point of view, the Dual Steel (DS) concept can be extended
to connections, based on the same philosophy used in structures:
using High Strength Steel (HSS) in non-ductile components that should
poses over-strength and Mild Carbon Steel in ductile components in
order to achieve both ductility and robustness criteria.
T-stub type Label Web End-plate failure
Nominal steel grade fy, N / mm² fu, N / mm² A, % Actual steel grade
Numerical analysis
[6] ABAQUS Inc. “ABAQUS analysis user manual”, version 6.10, 2010.
During the design stage it is common that several aspects are not
entirely known, leaving the designer to deal with these uncertain-
ties. Unfortunately, these uncertainties may be responsible for unex-
pected dynamic response of railway bridges. In short span bridges
this variability can be due to structural-related parameters as well as
train-related parameters [2]. The current work intended to take these
aspects into account and to analyze how the dynamic response of
bridges is affected by the variability of these parameters. To do so, two
different simulation techniques were applied, Monte Carlo and Latin
Dynamic safety assessment of a small span high-speed railway bridge 175
As a case study, a bridge with six simply supported spans was selected.
The goal of the present work is to perform a safety assessment of the
bridge and compare the differences in the dynamic response when
different methods, namely the moving loads method and meth-
ods which include train-bridge interaction, are applied, allowing the
assessment of the influence that the train-bridge interaction has in the
dynamics response.
The case study used in this paper is Canelas Bridge, located in the
Northern line of the Portuguese railway. The bridge has six simply
supported spans of 12 m each, leading to a total length of 72 m. The
bridge deck is a composite structure consisting of two half concrete
slab decks with nine embedded rolled steel profiles HEB 500. This
kind of structural system is called filler beam and is a very common
structural solution for small span bridges in the European high-speed
railway lines, especially in France and Germany [4, 5]. A general view
of the bridge used as case study, as well as the typical cross section of
the bridge deck is shown in Figure 1.
belongs to Figure 1
(b) Typical cross section
Cement plates were placed underneath the concrete slab, between the
steel profiles, to be used as formwork during the concreting of the slab.
It should also be pointed out that the deck has small ballast retention wall
placed on the top of the slab and right before the beginning of the canti-
lever, corresponding to a beam with 0.6 m of height and 0.3 m of width.
Numerical models
Along with the deck, the model included the ballast, the rail and the
bearings. The deck and the rail were modelled as beams, positioned at
the corresponding centre of gravity, whereas the bearings were mod-
elled as springs. The connection to the bearings is positioned at the
corresponding centre of rotation. The laminated neoprene elastomeric
bearings are placed under each rolled steel profile HEB 500. Due to
the existence of steel plates between each neoprene layer, each layer
acts as an individual spring so the bearing, as a whole, works as a sys-
tem of series-connected layers. Horizontal springs were used to repro-
duce the frictional behaviour of the ballast. According to [2] the ballast
has a linear elastic range until a relative horizontal displacement, u0,
of 0.002 m is reached, followed by a plastic phase. In this paper a
load, k, of 20 kN / m, corresponding to an unloaded track, was con-
sidered. Since the relative displacements are very small (smaller than
the u0 limit), the ballast stiffness was computed in accordance with
the elastic range. The connection between the track elements and the
deck elements, and the connection between the deck elements and
the bearings was accomplished by means of rigid beams. A schematic
view of the bridge model used can be seen in Figure 2. Despite the
Dynamic safety assessment of a small span high-speed railway bridge 177
The other used method took into consideration the train-bridge inter-
action. For this analysis a dynamic model of the train is required. The
axle positioning as well as the load per axle are the same in both mod-
els. The car bodies and bogies are simulated by rigid bodies with mass,
Mc and Mb, and rotational inertia, Ic and Ib, respectively. The primary
and secondary suspensions are simulated by a spring-damper set with
stiffness, Kp and Ks, and damping coefficient, cp and cs, respectively. The
wheelset is simulated by a concentrated mass, Me, whereas the wheel-
rail contact stiffness is simulated by a spring with stiffness Kh. It should
be mentioned that the dynamic properties of the train were defined
according to [2]. A scheme of the model used can be observed in Fig. 3.
Random variables
In an early stage of this work several variables that might have non-
deterministic properties and whose variation might lead to a relevant
variability on the structural response were selected. This required the
definition of variables related to the structure, the train, the track and
also the wheel-rail contact.
178 Dynamic safety assessment of a small span high-speed railway bridge
The random variables used in the current paper can be divided into
two separate groups. One group related with the structural and track
variables and the other related with the train variables. The bridge-
related and track-related variables selected, as well as their corre-
spondent distribution and variability [7, 8], are presented in Table 1.
Distri- (Gaussian) Standard deviation
Variable [simulation] bution or Min. (Gaussian) or
(Uniform) Max. (Uniform)
Concrete density weight (1, 2) Gaussian 2,5 t / m³ 0.1 (CV = 4%)
Ballast denisty weight (3, 4) Uniform 17 kN / m³ 21 kN / m³
Ballast area (5, 6) Uniform 1.48659 m² 2.76081 m²
HEB 500 area (7, 8) Gaussian nominal area 0.04 x nominal area
Elasticity modulus concrete (9, 10) Gaussian 36.1 GPa 2.888 (CV = 8 %)
Concrete weight
Uniform minimum area maximum area
(geometrical variation) (11, 12)
Concrete height (13, 14) Gaussian nominal value 10 mm
Concrete width (18, 19) Gaussian nominal value 5 mm
Shear modulus neoprene (16, 17) Uniform 0.75 MPa 1.18 MPa
Table 1 — Bridge random vari-
ables, distribution functions Elasticity modulus neoprene
Uniform 420 MPa 600 MPa
and variability (15, 20)
Dynamic safety assessment of a small span high-speed railway bridge 179
In Figure 4 the first two bending modes of the bridge are illustrated.
It can be seen that the first natural frequency of the bridge has a
particularly high value, but is within the typical range of values for this
type of structure.
In Fig 5 the dynamic properties of the train are presented with the illus-
tration of the global modes of the train. It can be observed that the val-
ues obtained in the modal analysis are in agreement with the literature.
The first stage of the procedure corresponds to the selection of the
random variables that allow the definition of the problem. Afterwards, a
structural analysis is performed adopting the mean values for all the
variables. At next step, the bridge dynamic response is computed keep-
ing all the variables with their mean values except for the “tested” var-
iable which is changed from its mean value (about two times the standard
deviation). This step is repeated for all variables allowing the evaluation of
the sensitivity coefficients and the importance indicators for each variable.
yk ym yk ym
(1) bk
xik xim h xk xim
(2) b k bk CV
After analysing these coefficients for all variables, the maximum impor-
tance indicator is determined and the relative importance for each
variable is established by comparing to the maximum value obtained.
Variables which relevance is smaller than a pre-established value
(10%) are considered irrelevant for the bridge dynamic response and
in further analysis are considered as deterministic. In these cases the
variables values used on the analyses will be their mean value.
The variables with higher influence on the dynamic response were the
inertia variation due to the variation of the section height, the ballast
area, the elasticity modulus of the concrete and the stiffness of the bridge
bearings. On the other hand, the geometrical variation of the rolled
steel profiles and the shear modulus of the neoprene had a very small
influence on the response and could be taken as deterministic variables.
Train-related variables
In order to assess the influence of the train-related variables on the
dynamic response, the acceleration on the bridge and inside the
coaches was analysed. Consequently, the influence of the train-related
variables can be split into two different analysis: one concerning the
bridge response and the other related with the train response. How-
ever, this work is focused on the variations of the bridge response. In
Figure 7 some of the obtained results are presented.
Initially, the structure and track variables are analysed, keeping the
train properties constant. On this stage the dynamic response is ana-
lysed by the moving loads method.
Two different simulation methods were used: the Monte Carlo method,
which is the basis of most of the simulation methods, and the Latin
Hypercube method, which is a variation of the previous method. The
bridge dynamic behaviour was analysed for the crossing of a train with
the same characteristics of the type B train presented in [1] with a vari-
able speed ranging from 200 km / h to 450 km / h in steps of 5 km / h.
For the Monte Carlo method four different sample size simulation sce-
narios were analyzed: 5,000, 2,500, 2,000 and 1,000 simulations.
For the Latin Hypercube two different scenarios were analyzed with
500 and 250 simulations, respectively.
In this section some of the obtained results will be presented. In
Fig. 8 histograms of the acceleration values for different train speeds
obtained for the 5,000 Monte Carlo simulation are shown.
From the analysis of the histograms it can be seen that the structural
response does not follow a Gaussian distribution. In Figure 8b a skew-
ness in the distribution can be observed and in Figure 8a shows a com-
bination of distributions. This is observed for several speeds, namely
the speed range from 285 km / h to 305 km / h, and can be explained
by the existence of two distinct structural responses (resonant and
non-resonant response).Figure 9 shows the evolution of the mean val-
ues and the maximum values for the simulation scenarios analyzed
when the speed of the train increases.
Train-bridge interaction
a) v = 285 km / h
Safety assessment
At this stage the safety of the bridge was only assessed taking the
bridge and track variables into account. This analysis was based on the
acceleration values registered at mid span of the bridge which turned
out to be the most restrictive aspect of the response. The acceleration
limit was considered to be 7 m / s² which is the value that some experi-
mental tests confirmed to be the limit to the beginning of the ballast
instability [10]. In the European standards, however, this limit is lower
and the maximum acceleration allowed for ballasted track is 3,5 m / s²
which comes from the use of a safety factor equal to 2 [1].
This work intended to assess the influence that the variability of the
train-track-bridge parameters have on the dynamic response. The
Canelas railway bridge was selected as the case study and the iden-
tification of the parameters with higher importance on the bridge
dynamic behaviour was done through a sensitivity analysis. This sen-
sitivity analysis showed that the inertia, the area of the ballast layer,
The present work has been funded by the Portuguese Foundation for
Science and Technology (FCT), in the context of the Research Project
FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-007195 — Advanced methodologies for the
assessment of the dynamic behaviour of high speed railway bridges
(Ref. FCT PTDC/ECM/69697/2006). The authors also wish to acknowl-
edge the information provided by REFER about Canelas Bridge.
186 Dynamic safety assessment of a small span high-speed railway bridge
[3] Museros, P., Romero, M.L., Poy, A. & Alarcón, E. (2002) Advances
in the analysis of short apsn railway bridges for high-speed lines.
Computers and Structures 80: 2121–2132.
[8] Wiśniewski, D.F. (2007) Safety formats for the assessment of con-
crete bridges — with special focus on precast concrete. Ph.D. Thesis.
University of Minho. Guimarães.
[9] Henriques, A.A. (1998) Use of new safety concepts in the design of
concrete structures (in Portuguese). Ph.D. Thesis. University of Porto —
Faculty of Engineering. Porto.
Three models were used with different elements such as shell ele-
ments and 7 DOF beam elements. 7 DOF beam elements were used
in the first model, shell elements were used in the other two. The first
of the shell models gave too much local buckling shapes therefore it
was improved with local constraints and that is the third model where
global buckling shapes can be examined.
There are three different procedures to calculate the resistance: (i) the
general method, (ii) the method of the reduction factors and (iii) the
simulation. The analysis results of the different programs and design
methods were compared to each other and to the manual calculation
based on the Eurocode 3 standards.
The resistance of the whole frame can be calculated with the general
method according to Eurocode 3 [2] standards. It is necessary to cre-
ate a finite element model to obtain the collapse load factor related
and the first buckling shape together with the critical load factor.
The resistance of the frame members can be obtained with the reduc-
tion factors and the help of the buckling shape of each member. The
critical load factor of the first buckling shape related to the given
member used for these calculations. The procedure is the same as
the manual calculation method apart from the calculation of the criti-
cal force. The critical forces were determined by the finite element
programs. The shell model provided only local buckling shapes which
cannot be used to define the reduction factors. So this model was
developed, the cross sections were constrained hence the local buck-
ling cannot appear.
With the help of advanced finite element analysis we can have the
resistance of the whole frame by numerical simulation. It has to be
applied equivalent geometrical imperfections according to the buck-
ling shapes of the members. On the imperfect finite element model
the structural behaviour is simulated by Geometrical and Material
Nonlinear Imperfect Analysis. [1]
The resistance and the utilization of the members were derived from
each design method.
The internal flange bracings of the column and the beam were given as
a lateral support on the internal flange of the members by the help of
eccentric support as illustrated in Fig. 1.
Comparative study of steel frame modelling levels and Eurocode based design methods 189
C1 B1
The mesh was generated by free meshing method of Ansys with the
maximum element length of 50 mm to be able to model local buckling
at the frame corner. The full model and the details are illustrated in Fig. 2.
(a) (b)
The results of the linear instability analysis were local buckling shapes
and this is a big disadvantage, because the global buckling shapes can-
not be founded. To solve this problem the next model is developed.
The nodes of the former mentioned divided sections are linked in the
centre of gravity of each cross section and the section deformations
are constrained. Because of these constraints the local buckling cannot
come up. The constraints are displayed in Fig. 3. by pink colour.
(a) (b)
Only one load step was applied which contains almost all loads accord-
ing to the EC. The self-weight was applied as a steel density material
property and gravity to the structure. Besides it the weight of the roof
as permanent load and snow load as meteorology load was applied.
Each of these was multiplied with the appropriate partial factors.
Analysis levels
Three different analysis levels were investigated. The first is the linear
analysis to check the models. Chapter 3 shows more details. The next
analysis is the linear instability analysis in Chapter 4. In Chapter 5 the
nonlinear analysis is summarized which was necessary to perform a
numerical simulation based design.
Linear analysis
The deflection of the centre point of the beam and the vertical reac-
tions at the bottom of the columns were compared on the three mod-
els. There is a bit difference between the two different programs in the
reaction force and in the deflections as well. The difference is about
5% in each case, which was accepted for further studies.
–– C1: the part of the column, above the internal flange bracing
–– C2: the part of the column, below the internal flange bracing
–– B1: the part of the beam, right from the internal flange bracing
(permanent cross-section)
–– B2: the part of the beam, left from the internal flange bracing
(variable height cross-section)
Comparative study of steel frame modelling levels and Eurocode based design methods 191
The critical internal forces (Mcr, Ncr) were calculated by the help of
critical load factor related to the concerning buckling shape.
Model #1
The buckling shapes of the first model (the 7 DOF beam model) can
be seen in Figure 4–5.
Model #3
Figure 6–8. illustrate the buckling shapes of the model #3 (the locally
constrained shell model).T
Nonlinear analysis
The Eurocode standards [3] allow perform calculation with advanced
finite element analysis. The effect of non-perfect geometry is consid-
ered by the “equivalent geometry imperfection”. The shape and the
magnitude of these can be applied according to EC. In this case the
assumed shapes of imperfections were derived from the elastic buck-
ling mode of the whole frame and the members.
Figure 7 — (a) Out-of-plane B1,
(b) Out-of-plane B2
General General
Model #1 Model #3 Manual method: method:
Model #1 Model #3
General General
Model #1 Model #3 Manual method: method:
Model #1 Model #3
General General
Model #1 Model #3 Manual method: method:
Model #1 Model #3
General General
Model #1 Model #3 Manual method: method:
Model #1 Model #3
Figure 10 — Force-displace-
ment diagram
Comparative study of steel frame modelling levels and Eurocode based design methods 195
Assessment of structure-tuned
mass damper assemblies in an
earthquake environment
Response coefficients are appropriate to quantify the benefits of a TMD
[7]. They are defined as the ratio of a response quantity from a structure
with attached TMD to the corresponding quantity of the same structure
without TMD. To account for the record-to-record variability the assess-
ment is not based on the outcomes induced by single earthquake events,
but on statistical response quantities such as quantiles and median values
considering the ground motions of a complete set. The peak displace-
ment reduction of the main structure is expressed by the coefficient.
max x
(1) P i with TMD
max x
without TMD
Assessment of structure-tuned mass damper assemblies in an earthquake environment 199
1 2 1 4
opt , TMD , opt (3)
1 4 1 1 2
jr mTMD
j T
, j 1, ,n (4)
j M j
Here, M is the diagonal mass matrix (size n x n), and j denotes the
jth mode shape of the structure without TMD. jr is the rth element
(denoting the rth storey, where the TMD is attached) of j.
According to Eq. (4) for a given TMD mass mass ratio μj increases
with increasing jr. In other words, in order to keep the fundamental
mass ratio 1 constant, the TMD mass mTMD must to be increased
when the TMD is not located at its optimal position on top of the
building. This effect is shown in Figure 3, where the seismic response
(ATC-63FF record #1) of a five-storey building with inherent damping
of 0.5% and a structural period of 1.0 s is plotted. It can be seen that
the structural response of the third and the fifth floor is considerably
reduced by the TMD, compare the red and blue dotted lines (stand-
alone frame) with red and blue solid lines (coupled frame-TMD con-
figuration). Note that in this example the TMD parameters are tuned
optimally to the fundamental structural mode. Furthermore, it is read-
ily observed that the structural response of structure-TMD assemblies
with constant fundamental TMD mass ratios of 5%, but different TMD
positions is almost identical, compare the solid lines (TMD at the 5th
floor) and the dashed lines (TMD at the 3rd floor). The actual TMD
mass is about 71% larger for the TMD attached to floor 3, compared
to the mass of the TMD attached to floor 5. However, the response of
the TMD itself is different. A TMD with a larger mass at a lower floor
level results in a smaller TMD stroke.
to a five-story frame as described above. For all TMDs the mass ratio is
5%. The structural response is almost unaffected by the second TMD,
compare e.g. the red solid line and with red dotted line. The optimal
attachment location for the second mode TMD is at the second floor.
These findings presented for a single earthquake were evaluated and
confirmed to hold true also in a statistical sense based on the responses
to complete sets of earthquake records.
Field of application
The proposed simplified assessment method applies to structures, whose
seismic response is dominated by the fundamental mode. Consequently,
the MDOF structure can be transformed into an equivalent SDOF system
[12] without involving large errors by neglecting higher mode effects.
For the equivalent SDOF system the response spectrum method [12] can
be utilized to obtain the estimated seismic peak response.
The proposed methodology is based on several assumptions and simpli-
fications, each of them leading to a deviation from the “exact” outcome:
1. Higher mode effects are not captured by the equivalent SDOF system.
2. The response spectrum method itself is a simplified approach for
estimating maximum displacements of SDOF systems.
3. Analytical (smooth) response coefficients are an approximation of
the actual coefficients.
An offset of the red circles from the diagonal dashed line results from
the equivalent SDOF system approach. A green line pointing directly
to the coordinate origin indicates a perfect approximation of the seis-
mic response coefficient. For the utilized shear frame model in most
of the considered cases the equivalent SDOF system with an assumed
204 Assessment of structure-tuned mass damper assemblies in an earthquake environment
Figure 5 — Comparison of
approximate and time history
analysis results; individual out-
comes of the peak displace-
ment at top floor level for a
10-storey structure. (a) Full
range. (b) Zoomed view.
[3] Hoang, N., Fujino, Y., Warnitchai, P. (2008). Optimal tuned mass
damper for seismic application and practical design formulas. Engi-
neering Structures, 30 (3), 707–715.
[7] Sadek, F., Mohraz, B., Taylor, A. W., Chung, R. M. (1997). A Me-
thod of Estimating the Parameters of Tuned Mass Dampers for Seis-
mic Applications. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,
26 (6), 617–635.
Performance-based evaluation
of seismic demands for moment
resisting steel frames using
N2 method
In that case the target displacement should be used as the basis for
the design.
208 Performance-based evaluation of seismic demands for moment resisting steel frames using N2-method
Structure modelling
The purpose of this paper is to examine the seismic response of a 3D
steel frame structure in transverse direction. In this direction seismic
loading is taken almost entirely by the steel frames. The whole con-
struction fulfills the requirements of Eurocode 8, part 1, point 4.2.3
criteria for structural regularity. Therefore a planar model is used. It
represents one typical steel frame.
Material definition
Joint U1 U2 U3 Height
Figure 11 — Distribution of
horizontal forces
[4] проф. д-р инж. Здравко Бонев, гл.ас. д-р инж. Дилян Благов
(2012) Ръководство за упражнения по Проектиране на конструкции
на сеизмични въздействия
216 Post-Earthquake Damage Screening of Steel Buildings using Model-Based Damage Pattern Classification
Post-Earthquake Damage
Screening of Steel Buildings
using Model-Based Damage
Pattern Classification
Analyze preliminarily
P Modal analysis of intended building on various damage patterns.
Detect damage
Figure 1 – Damage detection
Apply the target data to classifier and estimate the damage pre-
system with pre-analysis and
sumption. classifier
3750 mm
Displacement control
Figure 3 – FEM model
of beam
The analysis model accounts for the contribution of the concrete slab
on the bending stiffness of the beams by adding a concrete section with
an equivalent width calculated following the Design Recommenda-
tions for Composite Constructions [3]. The mass of the members is dis-
tributed uniformly at each joint. The foundation is assumed to be fixed.
The steel members and concrete are assumed to be elastic with Young’s
moduli of 2.0 × 105 N / mm² and 2.6 × 104 N / mm² respectively.
x: Damage location
Beam section
U d,n
(1) C d ,n 1 100 n 1, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
U u,n
In this study, the local additive regression of decision stumps (DS) [5]
is selected as the algorithm after the trial of several famous machine
learning algorithms (i.e, J48, regression of support vector machine).
DS is a one-level decision tree. It searches over all possible features to
split on, and for each one, search over all possible thresholds. DS does
regression based on mean-squared error where each node in DS repre-
sents a feature in an instance to be predicted, and each branch repre-
sents a value that the node can take. This ensemble learning algorithm
consists of the four steps explained in Fig 6.
Figure 6 – Local additive Obtain the answer of the ensemble as the prediction for the
regression of decision stumps testing instance
Post-Earthquake Damage Screening of Steel Buildings using Model-Based Damage Pattern Classification 221
Table 4 – Comparison of
modal analysis result and MAC value of mode shape 1.0000 0.9990 0.9941 – –
FDD estimates Error of natural frequency (%) 0.81 –0.63 –3.73 – –
Indices applied for evaluating the accuracy of damage detection are the
correlation coefficient (CC) and the mean absolute error (MAE) between
the estimated and the actual number of damage locations. When esti-
mation is good, the CC is close to one and MAE is close to zero. When
estimation is poor, CC is close to zero and MAE becomes a larger number.
included only 1st and 2nd mode shapes, the available information was
not enough to classify 96 damage patterns in the learning data, and
thus 1MS and 2MS gave relatively poor results. econdly, the effect of
noise in sensors is evaluated by changing noise levels as 2.5%, 5%, 15%
in terms of S / N ratio. Figure 8(b) shows the damage detection accuracy
for different noise levels. In all cases, 1st to 3rd mode shapes (3MS) are
considered. In spite of variations in each case, the accuracy tended to
decrease when noise increased. For example, the CC dropped by 0.07
and the MAE increased by 0.06 when noise of 15 %was considered.
1 1 1 0
2 1 0 1
3 0 1 1
4 2 0 0
5 0 2 0
6 0 0 2 Table 5 – Damage patterns
7 1 0 0 present in the dataset
Improvement of classifier
In order to identify the intensity and location of local damage such as
a fracture of beam flange, a large number of sensors must be installed
to a building. On-going research is to detect the change in bending-
moment distribution using strain sensors (Figure 9). Such index is
considered to be more sensitive to local damage compared to modal
properties. Although the detection of local damage by the sensors
placed in adjacent to the damage is possible, the amount of cost and
labour to scatter the sensors in a building become are quite large.
Therefore, how to decrease the number of sensors yet increase the
accuracy becomes a challenge.
Figure 8 – Comparison of
errors in damage detection
using classifier: (a) Different
explanation variables; (b) Dif-
ferent noise level
224 Post-Earthquake Damage Screening of Steel Buildings using Model-Based Damage Pattern Classification
A scale steel structure without concrete slabs was built in the labora-
tory at the Uji campus of Kyoto University. A series of shaking table
tests are undergoing with. a measurement system contained with
accelerometers, and strain sensors. Figure 10 shows the scaled steel
structure mounted on the shaking table. At connections, joint panels
and a beam or column are connected using five dog-born shape steel
connectors; two for connecting each flange and one for web. Beam or
column fractures are replicated by removing the connectors. A wire-
less sensing system is used to send acceleration or strain data to a
main server, which reduces labour costs in wiring sensors.
The project serves for a 7 floors building (two underground floors) for
multi-functions like storage areas, plant rooms, car park, maintenance
workshop, and services offices.
The heights and live loads in each floor of the project are summed
as following:
Structural Systems
In this section, three distinct and viable options are presented through
the design requirements and the structural solutions. The section con-
cludes with a comparison behavior between the structural systems.
At construction stage:
For this stage, there is no composite action, but steel section is fully
restrained against lateral torsional buckling by the deck and studs,
hence the strength in which the beam strength is checked for only
weights of slab and construction loads is: [2]
On the other hand, the serviceability requirements for the beam should
be checked. The loads causing deflection at the construction stage are
the weight of steel beam, slab, and construction loads only. Shoring
is not to be used; the steel shape and metal deck have to support the
Structural Solutions for the Construction of National Beverages Company Warehouse (NBC) Project 229
∆b = 5wDl2384EsIs (2)
At composite stage
After concrete curing, there will be a unity action between steel and
concrete. Hence a transformed section is obtained by converting the
concrete slab into an equivalent steel section, since no slipping is
permitted by the shear studs, full composite action is assumed. The
strength is then tested for the dead, live, and partition loads. All loads
must be resisted by the internal couple corresponding to the stress
distribution at failure. The figure below shows the plastic analysis of
the composite section:
∆a = 5wll2384EIeff (3)
(6) ØvVn ≥ Vu
Shear Connectors:
The horizontal shear force to be transferred between the concrete and
steel (V’) is equal to the compressive force in the concrete (C). After
determining the controlling value of the horizontal shear force to be
transferred between the concrete and steel, the number of shear con-
nectors (N1) is determined.
For the second cantilevered zone, the cantilever will span over a 6 m
length over the first typical floor to the roof floor. To solve for this can-
tilever span, a truss positioned over the roof is designed to carry the
distributed load of the roof and the load carried by the cantilever from
floors below it. External forces and reactions of these forces act on the
nodes of the truss resulting in either tensile or compressive forces in the
truss members, so truss must be designed to satisfy the strength and ser-
viceability requirements of compressive and tensile members. The load
of the roof will be treated as uniformly distributed load over the truss
bottom, while the loads of the floors below the truss will be treated as
point loads acting at the end of the cantilevered section of the truss. [3]
Cantilevered zones of the typical floors are lifted through tension col-
umns where each column carries the loads from its floor in addition
to loads from lower floors. The tension columns are then hanged by
the end of the cantilever truss where the columns assign dead and live
point loads at the end of the cantilever.
The truss will extend over two spans in which the first one extends
for a length double that of the cantilever and the second which is the
cantilever span. The figure below shows the modeling of the truss:
Analysis of the forces in the truss members shows that all upper mem-
bers of the truss are in tension. On the other hand, the lower members
are in compression, so the problem of lateral torsional buckling has to
be solved by connecting the truss bottom with the steel deck below it.
Through analysis and design of the truss members, the section that com-
plies with the strength and serviceability requirements is W40 x 199
used for all members of the truss. Deflection at the end of the cantile-
vered zone equals 2.8 mm which is less than the limit of 25 mm (l240).
Shown below the deformation shape of the truss:
The allowable thickness for cantilever beams is (l / 8) [4]. In which for
6 m span, the minimum thickness is 75 cm, and for the 3 m spans
is 38 cm. The elastic deflection was determined for the 3.0 m spans
(G2, G4) and found to be, for the live loading 3.5 mm and for both
Dead and live loads is 8.5 mm. The 6 m span (G1) cantilever is ana-
lyzed as a grillage, in which it carries an extended beam to its end, the
carried beam acts on the cantilever as a point load. In addition to the
point load, a distributed load acts on the beam in which the size and
the deflection are determined. The deflection for the 6 m span (G1) for
live loading is 5 mm, while for both dead and live load is 11 mm. The
size of the beam was determined to be (50 x 70) cm, but for service-
ability requirements (50 x 75) cm beam is used.
Figure 6 — Cantilevers of 3 m
and 6 m in the western side
of the structure
234 Structural Solutions for the Construction of National Beverages Company Warehouse (NBC) Project
Flat Slab:
In this option, the slab directly rests on the column, and the load from
the slab is directly transferred to the columns and then to the foundation.
Figure 7 shows the column layout for the suggested flat slab in accord-
ance to the ACI code [4]. The thickness of the flat slab that is considered
adequate to resist the punching shear varies from region to region.
Typically, it ranges from 200 mm to 300 mm.
For carrying out this project an interior panel of a flat slab with dimen-
sions 7.5 × 7.5 m, and super imposed load 21.93 KN / m² was designed
using the using ACI-318 code. Through the study of the suitability of
using a flat slab for spans greater than 7.5 x 7.5 m, the option of flat
slab is terminated for such case due to punching shear failure. [5]
The flooring system for this warehouse undergoes a study through dif-
ferent alternatives considering reinforced concrete flooring systems
versus composite and steel construction systems.
Flat slab flooring system serves for some advantages such as:
Two-way solid or ribbed slab are useful when considering their fire
resistance and applicability for long spans and cantilevered zones. In
term of fire considerations, concrete is naturally fire-resistant. It can
reach high fire resistances for more than 3 hours depending on the
concrete cover. The rate of temperature rise across the concrete sec-
tion is low. Concrete sections can be repaired after fire if no severe
damages occur in the construction members. Using concrete cover
of 25 mm, 35 mm, and 50 mm protects the structure for 1 hr, 2 hrs,
and 3hrs respectively. The underground car park requires 2–3 hrs to
maintain a safe evacuation time for people inside the building. Steel
is poor in fire resistance, and the rate of temperature rise across the
section is very high with a low reparability potential after occurrence
of fire. Steel fire resistance can be improved by using fire protection
which is expensive. [6]
For the maximum and typical span lengths, the composite and rein-
forced concrete flooring systems can serve for long spans, while
through the study of using the flat slab flooring system; it will not be
applicable for spans of more than 7.5 x 7.5 m. This is due to problems
that may arise for longer spans due to punching shear failure. On the
other hand, the increase in the steel beam cross-section in the com-
posite construction system is more economical than the increase in
the dimensions and steel in the cross-section of the two-way solid or
ribbed slab flooring system.
236 Structural Solutions for the Construction of National Beverages Company Warehouse (NBC) Project
This table indicates that the lightest flooring system in terms of the
dead load is the composite construction framing system since it
requires lighter weights of beams with the reduction of the amount
of concrete in comparison with the rest of the other systems. On the
other hand, the two-way ribbed slab system has considerably a light
weight flooring system, and should be used for fire resistance in com-
parison to composite steel construction framing system for the use
in underground floor.
[3] ACI 318, 2002, Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete,
American Concrete Institute, Detroit, Michigan.
Modelling of soil-structure
interaction in alpine regions
glacier alpine valley with alluvial deposits, in the area of Visp (Switzer-
land). Visp is characterized by a moderate seismicity (PGA = 1.6 m / s²
according to SIA 261, 2003) and experienced an estimated moment-
magnitude (Mw) of 6.4 event on July 25, 1855 (Fritsche, 2008).
Idealised Modelling
Soil Profile
The soil profile (Figure 1) was obtained as the result of compiling already
existing data on the subsoil in the area of interest such as borehole
profiles (COGEAR Platform) and soil investigation reports (Resonance,
2010; Weber et al. 2007). Additionally using shear wave velocity pro-
files from ambient noise array measurements (Burjanek 2011), a final
simplification and verification of the model could be performed.
Material Parameters
For the simplicity of the calculations a Mohr-Coulomb model was
employed. The set of corresponding soil parameters is given in Table 1
based on Weber et al. (2007):
Layer Soil Type Stiffness parameters parameters
vs ν’ G E’ Eoed vp ϕ’ c’ref
[m / s] [-] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [m / s] [°] [kPa]
(1) m 1 fm m R
4 1
n f R
fn n
Modelling of soil-structure interaction in alpine regions 241
The elastic range was identified as the range where the damping values
within the soil profile are under 5%. Above this threshold significant plas-
tic deformations occur and the behaviour of the soil becomes non-linear.
Four different earthquake signals (two earthquakes recorded by differ-
ent seismic stations: Aquila 2009, Mw = 6.3 (Figure 3 and Figure 4) and
Iceland 2008, Mw = 6.3; were employed by down-scaling them so
that all the values in the damping profile derived with EERA remained
under 5%. These specific earthquakes were chosen because they rep-
resent seismic motions with similar magnitudes and seismic frequency
contents with those expected in Switzerland.
Input signal
The most common earthquake mechanisms in the area of Wallis, are
either strike-slip or normal fault (Deichmann & Ballarin-Dolfin 2003)
at a shallow depth and therefore all computations included in this
paper were performed using the 2008 Iceland (013010 Signal) earth-
The spectral values of acceleration for the shallow and the piled foun-
dations are larger than the ones for the deep basement, but the peaks
stay at the same periods. From the point of view of the shallow foun-
dation, these results are in perfect correlation with the reality, consid-
ering that this foundation is basically placed on top of the soil layers,
where the amplification has the largest values. On the stiff side of
the spectrum (periods between 0.01–0.08 s) the shallow foundation
exhibits larger values than the other two.
The interesting fact is that, from 0.08 s towards the end of the spec-
trum, the spectral values for the piled foundation are basically in the
same range or even higher than the ones characterizing the shallow
foundation. This may be explained by the fact that the piled founda-
tions are subjected to a double action: the waves traveling through the
soil itself and the waves travelling through the concrete piles.
The tilting of the foundation can be also analysed and compared for
the three chosen systems. Figure 12 shows the development over time
of the tilting, measured as an average from three points (the right
and left margins and the centre of the foundation). As expected the
largest residual, permanent inclinations are recorded for the shal-
low foundation, with an absolute value 0.052%. The piled founda-
tion follows with a residual tilting of 0.026% which means basically
half of the value from the shallow foundation. The smallest values are
recorded again for the deep basement, where an absolute average
inclination of only 0.016% was recorded. For this case, the vertical
displacements used in the tilt calculation, were measured on the top
plate of the basement, at the same level with the piled raft and
the shallow foundation mat, considering rigid box behaviour for the
deep basement structure.
On the other hand the points at the top of the wall show a different
behaviour: when the motion is in the positive direction (from left to
right), point A (the top of the wall) tends to move more than the
point B (top of the soil mass). In this way the interface opens creat-
ing an empty space behind the wall. Considering the fact that the
modelled soil is a granular material, this space will be quickly filled.
When the motion occurs in the negative direction (from right to left)
the observed tendency of point A (top of the wall) is to move less,
to remain behind, as point B (the top of the soil mass) advances and
leaves again an open space next to the wall.
Thus, there are two sides of the project, which have to be compared
and matched in advance: the required performance, which is given
by the service criteria requested by the client (owner) and the pre-
dicted performance, offered by the designer. Considering the required
boundary conditions the performance of the proposed solution can
only be evaluated by means of boundary criteria using simplified cal-
culations or by numerical simulations. The alternative of reliable cal-
248 Modelling of soil-structure interaction in alpine regions
Antes, H., Jessberger, H. L., Schmid, G., Chow, N., Forchap, E., Grund-
hoff, T., Laue, J., Le, R., Siemer, T. (1996). Dynamic and cyclic soil-
structure interaction. In Krätzig et al. Eds. Dynamics of Civil Engineering
Structures, pp. 451-532. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdamm.
Bardet, J. P., Ichii, K. & Lin, C.H. (2000). EERA. A computer program for
equivalent — linear earthquake site response analyses of layered soil de-
posits. University of Southern California. Department of Civil Engineering.
Randolph, M.F. (1981). Pilot study of lateral loading of piles due to soil
movement caused by embankment loading. Report for Department of
Transport (HECB).
Roten, D., Fäh, D., Bonilla, L. F., Alvarez-Rubio, S., Weber, T. M. &
Laue, J. (2009). Estimation of non-linear site response in a deep alpi-
ne valley. Geophysical Journal International, 178. pp. 1597–1613. doi:
SIA 260. (2003). Basis of structural design. Registered code of the Swiss
Standards Association. Zürich.
scenarios. The principal steps for the fatigue damage assessment are:
the definition of a traffic scenario and the selection of the suitable S–N
curves to describe the fatigue resistance of the materials, the calcula-
tion of the stress history at each critical point of the structure (struc-
tural elements or constructional joint details), the identification of the
extreme values of the stress history, the calculation of the stress range
histograms (carried out through the Rainflow Method) and the calcu-
lation of the accumulated damage through the Palmgren-Miner rule.
The traffic scenario and the S–N curves must be chosen according to
EN 1991, Part 2 [1] and EN 1993, Part 1–9 [2], respectively. Then, the
stresses time histories are determined using the FE model. The local
peaks of stresses are identified and the Rainflow Method is applied
to convert the data into stress range histograms. The S–N curves can-
not be directly applied to the stress history to calculate the fatigue
damage unless all the stress amplitudes are constant. Thus, the
Palmgren-Miner rule is applied to the stress histograms to account for
the different stress ranges. According to this rule the fatigue damage
should be the sum of all the partial damage for each stress range:
n nEi
(1) D i 1 NRi
Case Study
Figure 1 — Constructional
details for classification
(adapted from [2])
Fatigue Analysis of a Steel Bridge Included in a High-Speed Railway Line 253
The metallic bridges usually have complex joint details between the
structural elements. Although the bridge presents both welded and
bolted joints, the present work focuses only in the last ones. As an
example, Figure 3 illustrates two types of bolted joints adopted in the
Prester Bridge.
Fatigue Analysis
The dynamic analyses of the crossing of the real train on the bridge
were performed considering a linear-elastic model. The modal super-
position method was applied in the calculations. According to EN
1990-A2 [4], the scope of the modal analysis must be within the range
of frequencies of [0-30] Hz, resulting in 246 modes of vibration (some
examples at Figure 5).
(a) (b)
Since the bridge is located in the high speed line between Belgium
and Germany, the train used in the fatigue analyses is the Thalys train.
A traffic scenario of 50 train passages / day is considered. This train is
approximately 393 m long, has a load per axle of 170 kN and a cir-
culating speed of approximately 300 km / h. The fatigue analysis was
performed for the range of speeds of [250–500] km / h, considering
a time step of 2 milliseconds. The values considered for the damping
ratios of each vibration mode are described in [5].
Fatigue Analysis of a Steel Bridge Included in a High-Speed Railway Line 255
The fatigue damage was analysed on the rolled steel profiles and their
bolted joints. Three different parts of the bolted joints are analysed in
the present work: the rolled steel profile with holes, the cover plate and
the bolts. The classification of these constructional details was performed
according to [2] and for further details [5] should be consulted. The
fatigue damage results presented in this study are shown in percentage,
i.e., 100% of fatigue damage corresponds to the fatigue limit criterion.
Main Girders
The main girders are one of the most important structural elements of
the bridge. So, it is important to carry out an accurate analysis of the
damage over the years. According to the classification of the structural
elements and joint details specified in [5], the fatigue damage of the
main girders is presented in Figure 6.
The results presented in Figure 6 show that the fatigue damage for
100 years is significantly low for the speed of 350 km / h (only the bolts
at the joint at approximately 17 m have some damage). Similar con-
clusions can be withdrawn for the speed of 450 km / h where damage
only occurs on the bolts. In this case, the damage is close to 25% of
the fatigue damage limit. The conclusions are similar for several other
circulating speeds. However, for a speed of 490 km / h it is possible to
observe higher fatigue damage even for the rolled steel profile.
Cross Girders
For the analyses of the T-shape cross girders the same details of the joints
are considered. The results of the fatigue damage of one of the cross gird-
ers, located approximately at 19 m, can be observed in Fig. 7. Fatigue dam-
age in the cross girders is only registered for speeds higher than 450 km / h.
256 Fatigue Analysis of a Steel Bridge Included in a High-Speed Railway Line
The results presented show that the reduced flange of the girder is the
critical section. However, the cover plate has almost the same value of
damage over 100 years. It can be also noted that the rolled profile has
higher damage in the centre of the cross section of the bridge. Obvi-
ously, fatigue damage values over 100% are not admissible, i.e., the
fatigue life for these details is under 100 years.
Longitudinal Stiffeners
The U-shape longitudinal stiffeners do not have joints or any other
bolted connection details. This way, only the results of the rolled steel
profile are presented. Only the results for the longitudinal stiffener
under the centre of the track are presented because it is the section
which is exposed to higher stress range.
The hangers, like the arches and the main beams, are one of the most
important structural elements of the bridge. These elements transfer
the loads from the main girders to the arches. They have two differ-
ent bolted joints, the first one between the square hollow section of
the hanger and the I‑shape rolled profile and the second between
this profile and the main girder. The results of the fatigue damage for
all hangers are in Figure 9. Through the analysis of the results pre-
sented in Figure 9, it is concluded that for the speed of 350 km / h
the fatigue damage on the bolts (either first or second joint detail) are
relatively high and very close to the limit criterion. For the train speed
of 450 km / h, this limit is exceeded on the bolts of five of the hangers.
However, it was not for the same hangers that registered the higher
fatigue damage for the speed of 350 km / h.
Detail Categories
The constructional details classification of an existing bridge can be
ambiguous. So, the calculation of the fatigue damage may not be
accurate. To understand the influence of this classification, a para-
metric analysis is carried out considering three suitable categories of
resistance for each constructional detail. For the main girders and the
longitudinal stiffeners only the rolled steel profiles can be classified
differently. In the case of the cross girders, it is possible to apply differ-
ent categories to the rolled profile and the cover plates. The hangers
are a specific case because the classification of almost every compo-
nent offers no doubt. The only exception is the cover plates that can
be classified one or two categories higher.
Main Girders
As mentioned before, the classification of the constructional details
can be ambiguous. To understand how important the classification of
resistance of the constructional details is for the fatigue damage two
categories of resistance are analysed for the main girders (one upper
and one lower) in addition to the reference category (112 MPa) [5].
As it can be seen in. Figure 10, for the category of resistance of 125 MPa
the fatigue damage is almost zero (for a train speed of 490 km / h).
However, when the lower category is considered, the fatigue damage
increases almost 60%, in the cases where damage already exists.
Cross Girders
In the case of the cross girders three categories of resistance for the
rolled profiles and the cover plates are analysed. Figure 11 presents
the results of the comparison with the reference category (112 MPa).
Figure 12 shows the comparison between three categories of resist-
ance of the cover plate. The main concern in the cross girder must be
the holed flange of the steel profile. However, since there is no other
category of resistance for this type of detail, the parametric analysis is
considered only for the cover plate.
Figure 11 — Comparison of
the fatigue damage of the
rolled steel profile of a cross
girders for the speed of
490 km / h
Figure 12 — Comparison of
the fatigue damage of the
cover plate of the joint of a
cross girders for the speed of
490 km / h
The analysis of Figure 11 shows that the damage for the upper category
of resistance is practically zero. This is valid as long as this option is
correctly justified. However, the consideration of the lower category
results in an increase of the structural fatigue damage of over 50%. As
it can be seen in Figure 12, the consideration of the upper category
of resistance reduces significantly the final damage of the cover plate.
Longitudinal Stiffeners
As mentioned before, the longitudinal stiffeners are very sensitive
to vibrations caused by rail traffic. Therefore, it is observed that the
fatigue damage is already high for a train speed of 350 km / h. How-
ever, in terms of project management, the category of resistance can
be decided in order to improve the damage over the years. In this case,
applying a profile with an upper category of resistance can improve
the fatigue resistance of this element. Figure 13 presents the compari-
son between the reference category and an upper resistance category.
The results presented in Figure 9 show that the fatigue damage on the
hangers occurs essentially on the bolts. The only way to reduce this
problem is applying preloaded bolts to this type of joints. In that case,
the shear force is not taken into account because the resistance is due
to the friction between the steel plates. This way, the fatigue analysis
is not performed in these elements.
Frequency Range
The dynamic analyses of the bridge considered the range of frequencies
from [0–30] Hz. For an accurate fatigue analysis this may not be suffi-
cient. Therefore, a dynamic analysis is carried out considering frequen-
cies until 42 Hz. The next sections presents the comparison between
the results obtained for the cross girders and the hangers for different
frequency limits.
Cross Girders
The cross girders are one of the elements more subjected to interme-
diate and local modes of vibrations, essentially present in frequencies
higher than 30 Hz. Figure 14 presents the results for the steel profile
and for the cover plate of one of the cross girders.
The hangers are one of the essential structural elements of the bridge.
Hence, an accurate prediction of the fatigue damage is important. Fig-
ure 15 presents the results of the fatigue damage for the hangers, con-
sidering frequencies up to 42 Hz.
Figure 15 — Comparison
of the fatigue damage on
the hangers for the speed
of 350 km / h
This work focuses on the fatigue analysis of the principal structural elements
of a bowstring bridge inserted in a high speed railway line. A procedure
for the fatigue analysis was presented based on the Damage Accumulation
Method. The Thalys train was considered for the fatigue analysis.
The fatigue analysis showed that the main and cross girders do not
have relevant fatigue damage for train speeds below 400 km / h. In the
case of the hangers it was observed that for a train speed of 350 km / h
some hangers already present significant fatigue damage. However,
the main fatigue damage is registered on the longitudinal stiffeners
due to their low rigidity. In these elements, high levels of damage
occur for speed of 350 km / h.
Fatigue Analysis of a Steel Bridge Included in a High-Speed Railway Line 261
[5] Rocha, J. F., (2009). “Fatigue Analysis of high speed railway steel
bridge with orthotropic deck”, MSc. Thesis (in Portuguese). Faculty
of Engineering of University of Porto. Porto.
Classification of timber–steel connections and the behaviour of semi rigid joints 263
Classification of timber–steel
connections and the behaviour
of semi rigid joints
direction while in other direction there will be safe stage of stress. The
main collapse form is timber splitting along the gain which cause in
sudden loss of bearing capacity ([4]).
In Figure 3 there is rigid mounting joint with glued in steel rods. Based
on previous studies which experimentally and theoretically analysing
glued in rods in timber structures, it can be said that such joints cre-
ate tight contact between timber and steel because even at failure the
displacement between timber and steel rod is about 0.5–0.8 mm ([3]).
In Figure 4 these is schematic view of semi rigid timber steel joint. Ana-
lysing timber joints’ rotational stiffness it was noticed that almost all
joints in timber structures which are assumed as rigid, can be treated
as semi rigid, except flocked connections which are shown in Fig. 3.
Joint Condition
Joint Condition
From Table 1 it is seen that joint can be treated as full strength joint
when joint’s strength is more than 0.85 Mfull-stregth so there is no such
requirements as for steel joints. In steel joints’ classification there are
two cases when joints are treated as full strength, it is for frames with
bracing and without bracing. When frames are with bracings, there are
smaller restrictions for rigid joints and the use of them is wider ([1]).
Increasing demand for material savings and searching for rational con-
nections’ solutions, it was started to analyse the actual behaviour of
the joint. Semi rigid timber steel joints analysed by: laboratory experi-
ments ([5, 7]), computer simulation and component method ([5]). Lab-
oratory experiment is one of the most popular types of analysis. Using
laboratory experiments joints are analysed in: beam to beam connec-
tions ([7]), corner frame connections ([8]). Usually finite element mod-
elling of connections is used together with laboratory experiments to
validate results ([5, 8, 9]).
One of requirements for semi rigid as well for rigid timber joints is
elimination of the initial movement of the joint. So it means that joint’s
components need to be provided with initial pretension of pre-com-
pression. This problem is being solved by various methods: using bolts
with initial pretension and steel details ([8, 9]), using timber or steel
wedges ([5]), using filler to fill gaps between timber and steel ([3]).
Classification of timber–steel connections and the behaviour of semi rigid joints 267
Fu , i Ai fc , ,d (1)
In equation 1:
Ai — area of component i,
fc,,d — strength of timber in compression.
Mu Fu , i zi (2)
In equation 2:
When taking into account element’s joint rotational stiffness, the effec-
tive length can be increased or decreased. Some cases of determination
element’s with semi rigid joints, effective length are shown in Fig. 7 ([1]).
Generally, truss elements are treated as beams taking only axial ten-
sion and compression forces, so their effective lengths’ coefficients are
equal to 1.0. This is not correct assumption because usually there are
more than two bolts, so there is no free rotation at the joint. The same
case is with frame’s corner joint between column and beam. When
taking into account joints’ rotational stiffness there is possibility to
reduce element’s effective length.
The most responsible part in semi rigid timber steel joint is reliable
steel detail’s anchoring in timber element. In fact, four design princi-
ples which are used to anchor steel detail into timber element can be
identified. The simplest method is to use steel plates and bolts to fix
steel detail into timber ([14, 15]). Another way is to use glued in steel
rods to anchor mounting steel details. The third method to anchor
steel detail is to use wedges or fillers to fill the gap between timber
and steel. This method’s superiority is that using wedge the initial
rotational stiffness of the joint can be controlled or just to ensure tight
initial contact between timber and steel by using fillers. One more
method is to use large diameter circular section steel details, which
are anchored in timber by studs. Peter Bertsche developed this solu-
tion in mounting timber elements’ joints ([16]).
[4] Guan, Z., Rodd, P. D. (1999). Hollow steel dowels — a new application
in semi–rigid timber connections. Engineeri ng Structures, 23 (2001):
[8] Vašek, M. (2008). Semi rigid timber frame and space structure
connections by glued-in rods. WCTE 2008 Conference Proceedings,
Vol. 1, S. 207, Miyazaki, Japan.
[9] Vašek, M., Vyhnalek, R. (2006). Timber semi rigid frame with
glued–in–rods joints. WCTE 2006 Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1,
S. 275, Portland Oregon State University, Portland.
Numerical simulations of
pseudo-dynamic full-scale test
on a three story — one span —
three bays steel frame
The proposed research aims at reducing the repair costs and downtime
of a structure hit by an earthquake, and consequently more rational
design approach in the context of sustainability. These objectives are
to be attained through removable dissipative members and re-cen-
tring capability of the structure, concepts that are to be implemented
in a dual structure, obtained by combining steel eccentrically braced
frames with removable bolted links with moment resisting frames. The
bolted links are intended to provide the energy dissipation capacity
and to be easily replaceable, while the more flexible moment resist-
ing frames would provide the necessary re-centring capability to the
structure. The columns of the structure are to be realised from high
strength steel, in order to keep these members in the elastic range
even under strong seismic input. The validation of the proposed solu-
tion is to be realised through a pseudo-dynamic test of a full-scale
model of a dual eccentrically braced structure at the European Labora-
tory for Structural Assessment (ELSA) facility at JRC in Ispra.
(a) (b)
main advantage over other dissipative devices is the fact that remov-
able links can be designed using methods readily available to struc-
tural engineers and can be fabricated and erected using procedures
standard to the profession.
displacements pD in the dual system are smaller than the ones that
would be obtained in a rigid system alone pr (see Figure 4b). Perma-
nent deformations can be eliminated if the rigid subsystem is realised
to be removable. Upon unloading of the dual system, there is a per-
manent displacement pD, and corresponding residual forces in the
flexible (Fpf) and rigid (Fpr) subsystems. Once removable dissipative
members are dismantled, stiffness and strength of the system is pro-
vided by the flexible subsystem alone (Fpr = 0). If the flexible subsys-
tem is still in the elastic range, it will return the system to the initial
position, implying zero permanent deformations (see Figure 4c).
The columns are fabricated of high strength steel S460, while all the
other elements are fabricated of mild carbon steel S355, except links
that are of S235 steel.
A 4.9 kN / m² dead load and 3.0 kN / m² live load were considered. The
building is analysed for stiff soil conditions (ground type C according
to EN1998-1), characterised by 0.19 g peak ground acceleration and
TC = 0.6 s. A behaviour factor q = 4 (ductility class M) and inter-storey
drift limitation of 0.0075 of the storey height are used.
For the links, the peak force was set equal to 2 times the yield force
(Barecchia et al. [7]), while for all the other elements is to 1.25 times
the yield force. Flexibility of the link bolted connections was accounted
for by an equivalent reduced link stiffness.
This procedure will repeat for every storey, beginning from the last
storey towards the first.
Because of the damper’s presence, the two bracing systems per storey
are to be unloaded simultaneously (see Figure 6).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
[1] Stratan, A. & Dubina, D. 2004. Bolted links for eccentrically braced
steel frames. Proc. of the Fifth AISC / ECCS International Workshop
“Connections in Steel Structures V. Behaviour, Strength & Design”,
June 3–5, 2004. Ed. F.S.K. Bijlaard, A. M. Gresnigt, G. J. van der
Vegte. Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, pp. 223–232
[2] Dubina, D., Stratan, A., Dinu, F. 2008. Dual high-strength steel
eccentrically braced frames with removable links. Earthquake Engi-
neering & Structural Dynamics, Vol. 37, No. 15, p. 1703–1720
[7] Barecchia, E., D’Aniello, M., Della Corte, G., Mazzolani, F. M.,
Landolfo, R., (2006). “Steel eccentric braces”.
[8] FEMA 356, 2000. Prestandard and commentary for the seismic
rehabilitation of buildings. Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Micro and macro modeling of internal erosion and scouring with fine particle dynamics 281
Figure 3 — Stress-strain-dila-
tancy responses for monot-
onic loading test with different
(a) (b)
Fig. 4(a) shows a change in the specific volume when the most dense
and loose materials are sheared at various values of mean normal
stress (m). As shown in this figure, when m is the same, the critical
state is reached at a certain specific volume regardless of the density.
The straight line connecting m exhibits the critical state of the specific
volume, and the specific volume at the critical state is regulated accord-
ing to the material. Figure 4(b) shows the critical state lines of samples
with different grading. The specific volume is smaller with a larger RD.
This is why under the same compaction energy, a material is com-
pacted more easily (Dr becomes higher) when the grading is superior.
284 Micro and macro modeling of internal erosion and scouring with fine particle dynamics
Figure 6(a) shows the results obtained by the monotonic loading and
removal tests in the relationship between the specific volume v and RD.
In this figure, the curves to complement the relationship between the
critical specific volume vcs (m = 0.1 MPa) and RD at each grading are
interpolated. As shown in this figure, the void ratio of the specimen
increased as RD worsened. The reason for this was that although the void
equal to the volume of the removed particle increased, the compression
deformation due to the structure change following the removal was
smaller than the volume in question. A series of removal tests revealed
that deformation occurred when the current specific volume v of the
specimen approached the critical specific volume vcs, which had been
altered due to the grading change. Figure 6(b) shows a conception dia-
gram of the deformation and deformation behaviors shown in Figure 6(a).
(a) (b)
Formulation of mechanism
We developed a continuum model to express the deformation-failure
behaviors of soil due to internal erosion (Wood and Maeda, 2008;
Wood, Maeda and Nukudani, 2010). Since a model was constructed
based on a change in the grading distribution due to the fine parti-
cle percolation, the change in the grading must be clearly examined
without depending on the initial conditions. The grading index IG is
expressed by the area ratio of the current grading (ABC in Fig. 9) to
the limiting grading (ABD in Fig. 9). In addition, IG is 0 in the grad-
ing distribution consisting of a single particle diameter, and it is 1 in
the limiting grading. Since IG is obtained based on the area ratio, it
is greatly affected by the maximum particle diameter Dmax, the mini-
mum particle diameter Dmin, and RD, which is the ratio between them.
Case study
Numerical models
The boundary conditions at the end of the deck are the main source of
uncertainty: the end of the structure cantilevers out of the bearings and
there is also some uncertainty in the bearing stiffnesses. Therefore, it was
decided to put translational and rotational springs at the end of the bridge
deck which in later stages of the investigation have been calibrated.
Figure 4 — Accelerometer
and measurement equipment
Experimental tests
REF1 4 4 4 4 4
REF2 15 15 15 15 15
MP-1 3 5 1 2 5
Table 1 — node number of MP-2 8 9 7 6 6
sensor location for five con- MP-3 10 11 12 13 13
figurations MP-4 14 16 17 18 14
System identification
The signal of data set from 1 to 4 and 15 was then analysed by the use
of Stochastic Subspace Identification [4] and for every data set the
eigenfrequencies and the corresponding mode shapes were identified
in the stabilization plot.
Model updating
The calibration of the numerical models was performed using the Opti-
mTool from the MatLab calibration toolbox. The function “minsearch”
finds the minimum of an objective function, starting at an initial esti-
mate of the numerical parameters. For the calibration of the numerical
models only the stiffness of the supports were considered as variables
to change. Figure 7 shows the difference between the numerical and
experimental natural frequencies for both models.
Figure 7 — Comparison
between measured and
numerical frequencies
296 Project 1 — System Identification, Model Updating and Simulation
For the others modes of vibration, there are a huge variability in the
frequencies before the calibration, especially for the third and fourth
modes (second bending mode and torsion mode). However, the cali-
bration process allowed a better approximation between the numeri-
cal and experimental results for all the other frequencies, except for the
third and fourth modes in the ANSYS model. This could be explained
by errors in the bearing and geometrical properties of the model that
couldn’t be fixed during the calibration process.
The deck vibration level was assessed by two different methodologies:
the SETRA guideline and the HiVoSS guideline. SETRA is the French
guideline to the assessment of pedestrian induced vibrations on foot-
bridges. HiVoSS is an European guideline for the assessment of human
induced vibration on steel structures.
Mode 1 Mode 1
Mode 4 Mode 4
Mode 3 Mode 3
N eq 1.85 N , d 1 (3)
N eq
q eq eh G eh fj (4)
The two guidelines have also some slight differences regarding the
reduction factor which can lead to some differences in the accelera-
tion levels on the deck, which is shown in Figure 9.
The vibration assessment was performed only for the updated model.
Several damping scenarios were analysed including the theoretical and
experimental results. In the first scenario the structural damping was
considered to be constant and the damping used was 0.4%, which
corresponds to the mean value suggested by the guidelines for steel
structures. In Figure 10 the maximum accelerations obtained for each
mode and for the several pedestrian densities are presented.
The second and third scenarios took into account the damping val-
ues obtained in the experimental tests. The second scenario did not
include the additional damping provided by the TMD, whereas in the
third scenario this was taken into consideration. The maximum accel-
erations for the second scenario are presented in Figure 11.
1° mode
3° mode
4° mode
1° mode
3° mode
4° mode
In general the increase of the pedestrian density leads to higher acceler-
ations of the bridge deck. However, there are some exceptions which
can be explained by the variation of the reduction factor. For the current
case study this occurs for the analysis of the first mode using the HiVoSS
guideline. This is due to the fact that for frequencies ranging from 2.3 Hz
to 2.5 Hz this guideline suggests the use of a reduction factor of 0.
The reduction factor also explains the differences obtained by the two
guidelines. Although the functions are quite similar the acceleration
level can be significantly different. This shows that the acceleration
level on the bridge deck is highly dependent on this parameter.
300 Project 1 — System Identification, Model Updating and Simulation
1° mode
3° mode
4° mode
The main aim of a tuned mass damper design and installation to this
bridge is to reduce the 1st mode vibration response. Figure 13 illus-
trates the general steps of design of a tuned mass damper (TMD) [1].
The amplitude ratio x / xstat of the main mass as a function of the four
essential variables , c / cc, f, g is given by
c 2 2
2 c gf g2 f2
x c
x stat c 2 2 2
2 c gf g2 1 g2 f 2 g2 g2 1 g2 f2
In equation 5:
= m / M — ratio between absorber (TMD) and main system mass,
CC — critical damping,
f — frequency ratio (natural frequencies),
g — forced frequency ratio,
x — dynamic deflection of system,
xstat — static deflection of system.
The optimal attachment position corresponding to the maximum of
the 1st mode shape is located in the middle of the bridge. A non-
optimal position leads to a decrease of the effective TMD mass ratio.
Project 2 — Soil-Structure
Interaction Simulation and
Experimental Validation
BUW, Weimar, Germany
KAFLE, Binod
BUW, Weimar, Germany
The project deals with the study of soil structure interaction (SSI)
through experimental study and the numerical validation by the use ANDREEV, Stoyan
of available finite element code and the Macroelement, incorporating, Risk Engineering LTD.
Sofia, Bulgaria
interaction between the structural forces, Elsto-Plastic soil behaviour
and the interface between the soil and the foundation. The response HOANG, Vu
of Macroelement consisting of few constitutive parameters incorpo- Waseda University Tokyo,
rating SSI, which is able to predict the prognosis of the displacement, Japan
serves as the realistic tool for the study of SSI.
KONDO, Akihiko
Nagoya Institute of
Technology, Japan
University of Osijek, Croatia
Soil Structure Interaction (SSI) is referred as the phenomenon in which
the motion of the soil and the motion of the structure are interde- KURIMOTO, Yuhei
pendent and both of them are influenced by each other. According Nagoya Institute of
to [1] SSI is defined as ‘The process in which the response of the soil Technology, Japan
influences the motion of the structure and the response of the structure
MAEDA, Keita
influence the motion of the soil.’ This interdependency in the response Waseda University Tokyo,
of the soil and structure and the role played by the interface, between Japan
the foundation and the soil, brings intrinsic complexity to solve the
MARIN, Alexandru
problem. This complex behavior of SSI can be conceived by the use
Swiss Federal Institute of
of elasto-plastic strain hardening Macroelement constituting coupled Technology Zurich,
system of super structure, soil half space and the boundary between Switzerland
them. The use of granular model likes Macroelement consisting of
few constitutive parameters and capable of delivering high ended NAKAYA, Hiroki
Waseda University, Tokyo
results, reduces the ambiguity of model response and the complexity
in the analysis of the system under consideration. (Fig. 1), shows the
pictorial representation of Macroelement, consisting of forces from
structure and the arbitrary elasto-plastic region of soil under consid-
eration of Macroelement.
304 Project 2 — Soil-Structure Interaction Simulation and Experimental Validation
Experimental Studies
The stiffness of the soil decreases with the increase in time of loading
at the constant rate of loading. This variation of the stiffness during
the test was recorded by the use of bender elements, embedded in
the soil at different depth (Fig. 4.), from the surface. By observing
the change of shear-wave velocity, the change in stiffness was calcu-
lated at different depths, at different time steps. (Fig. 5), shows the
transmitted and received signal from the bender element. The time of
first arrival of shear wave velocity across the footing was calculated to
obtain the instantaneous stiffness from (Eq. 1 and Eq. 2).
(1) G max p Vs
Figure 4 — Placement of
bender-elements below the
footing at different depths
Numerical Studies
Constitutive Modelling
h2 m2 2
(3) f Q , pc 1 0
(4) dq p
Figure 10 — Deformation of
soil obtained from PLAXIS
Simulation, Mohr-Coulomb
Soil Model
Figure 11 — Deformation of
soil obtained from PLAXIS
Simulation — Hardening-Soil
Small Strains Soil Model
308 Project 2 — Soil-Structure Interaction Simulation and Experimental Validation
Figure 12 — Numerical
response of load deformation
The effect of SSI on the numerical response was studied by the use
of single surface hardening Macroelement. The comparative study of
the model response by the use of PLAXIS for two different consti-
tutive models, Mohr-Coulomb Soil Model and Hardening-Soil Small
Strain Soil Model showed that the numerical response can only be
obtained for small deformation. For the large deformation the model
response is conservative. On the other hand Macroelement is able to
predict the prognosis of deformation in the complete range of loading
including failure. The pronounced decrease in soil stiffness was also
observed by measuring the shear wave velocity obtained by the use of
bender elements.
The participants of the project assessed the performance of the struc- GRUBISIC, Marin
GFOS, Osijek Croatia
ture before and after the applied strengthening measures on the basis
of measured building response data and evaluate the earthquake HAVLIKOVÁ, Ivana
resistant design. They carried out damage prognosis for the given seis- Brno University of Technology,
mic action and compared it with the real occurred damage after the Czech Republic
Bingöl EQ by using modern software tools.
UDREA, André
BUW, Weimar, Germany
Study Object
General Information
The considered school building is one of three school buildings in
Hatay (Turkey), which could be dynamically investigated before and after
strengthening. It is a 3-story RC frame structure building and was con-
structed in 1997 according to the 1972 earthquake design code (see Fig. 1).
a) Before strengthening
Figure 3 — Damage of a
school building caused by the
1st May Bingöl earthquake [2]
Experimental tests
Mode 1 Mode 2
Before Strengthening
After Strengthening
Figure 5 show the first two mode shapes analysed with the programme
ARTeMIS and MACEC, which could be determined for the building
before and after strengthening with. It can be clearly seen,
Figure 6 show the normalized FFT response values from the sensor MR1
and MR3 in x- and y-direction before and after strengthening; the nor-
malization accounts for different amounts of weights which were used
during the measurements to cover the whole frequency band [3]. Espe-
cially in the case without strengthening clear peaks can be determined,
which indicate the highest amplification of the introduce signal due to
the resonance to the natural frequencies of the building in each direction.
Project 3 — Evaluation of seismic performance of a template
314 design RC school building before and after strengthening
Frequency [Hz]
f1 f2 f1 f2
Analytical Studies
a) Before strengthening
Period [sec]
T1 T2 T1 T2
Damage Prognosis
a) x-direction
In the frame of the project a damage prognosis was carried out for
a 3-story RC frame school building under the use of building response
measurement data and modern software tools. Experimental testing at
the building could be done before and after strengthening of the struc-
ture by the project partner MKU, who provided the data for the project.
For the strengthening of the structure shear walls were added to increase
the building capacity and to decrease the maximum displacements.
[1] Genes M.C. (2011). Forced vibration testing of school buildings before
and after strengthening process. Bauhaus Summer School — Model
Validation and Simulation 2011, Presentation
Project 5 — Calibration of
Numerical Models with Applica-
tions in Civil Engineering
Faraonis, Periklis
It is a common practice in engineering to calibrate numerical models
Aristotle University of Thes-
against sets of measurements in order to predict the structures’ behav- saloniki, Greece
iour more precisely.
University of Technology, Brno
In particular in civil engineering, structures may have been built
recently, where the design was supported with the help of numerical Koilanitis, Ioannis
models. As now, after the construction phase, first loads are acting Aristotle University of Thes-
on the structure, its responses can be observed. With this, the model saloniki, Greece
used in the design process can be validated posteriorily. Additionally,
Lahmer, Tom
the model parameters can be tuned in that way that the model’s pre- Bauhaus-Universität Weimar,
diction coincide with the measured data as good as possible. Germany
This tuning, solving an inverse problem, can effectively be solved with Papadopoulos, Savvas
Aristotle University of Thes-
methods of finite dimensional nonlinear optimization tools.
saloniki, Greece
Skiada, Dafni
Gradient and Newton Methods Aristotle University of Thes-
saloniki, Greece
Classical approaches in the field of nonlinear optimization are Gradi- TÓTH, Adrienn
ent-based and Newton-type methods. These methods are motivated BME, Department of Struc-
by studying necessary and sufficient conditions of optimality. These tural Engineering, Hungary
class of optimizers are generally supported by mathematical analysis
320 Project 5 — Calibration of Numerical Models with Applications in Civil Engineering
Bayesian Updating
–– Stiffness (k)
–– Damping (c)
–– Mass (rho)
Students of the calibration course could help the others to get things
quickly run. It has shown, that in particular when little a priori knowl-
edge is given, the method according to Nealder-Mead showed the
most robust optimization results when beeing applied to more com-
plex models in engineering. Being close to solution, gradient-type and
Newton methods showed good performances.
322 Project 5 — Calibration of Numerical Models with Applications in Civil Engineering
The project uses Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations to SÁNCHEZ CORRIOLS, Abra-
ham, UPM, Madrid, Spain
determine the aerodynamic properties of the bridge girder. These will
then be used on the full three-dimensional bridge model to assess the DE BORTOLI, Marta
aeroelastic behaviour of the structure. UNIPD, Padova, Italy
Four work teams have been constituted to carry out four different HEGYI, Peter
BUTE, Budapest, Hungary
topics related to bridge aerodynamics: influence of windshields on
bridges, improvement of aerodynamic behaviour of cross-section ABERLE, Marcus
geometry, vortex-induce vibration on bridges and flutter instability. KUAS, Karlsruhe, Germany
LESGIDIS, Nikolaos
A brief description of them and the main results achieved are
AUTH, Thessaloniki, Greece
presented below.
ROCHA, João Francisco
FEUP, Porto, Portugal
BUTE, Budapest, Hungary
KOLEVA, Tatyana
UACEG, Sofia, Bulgaria
BUW, Weimar, Germany
324 Project 6 — Long-span Bridge Aeroelasticity
Wind protection barriers (or windshields) are widely used in all bridges
that are subject to constant wind actions in order to protect the traf-
fic of vehicles (and pedestrians) against sudden variations of wind
speed (gusts), and other effects that may cause a number of instabili-
ties, especially on trucks, and represent a dangerous problem. Figure 1
shows the influence of wind on vehicles over the bridge, through the
display velocity field. Blue tones correspond to low speeds, and the
red colour to higher wind speeds.
Case Study
Regarding to the values of the drag coefficient (CD, Figure 4) as a func-
tion of different angles of attack (), it is found that the standard sec-
tion is the one with the lowest values. The highest values correspond
to the cross section with porous windshields. The drag coefficient
for standard section with windshields curved on to is slightly lower
because of its better aerodynamic behaviour. Regarding to the time
history of the lift coefficients (CL, Figure 5), it is observed that the section
with windshields curved on top has the major values. Dynamic effects
caused by the wind will be more important in this section. The lowest
mean lift coefficient corresponds to the section with porous windshields.
In view of the above results, it follows that the section with full wind-
shields and curved on top presents a better behaviour against wind
effects on traffic. However, this section also has the major force coeffi-
cients, indicating that static wind actions are greater, and also possible
effect due to dynamic vibration that may suffer as a result of fluid-
structure interaction phenomenon.
[2] SIMIU, E., SCANLAN, R. “Wind Effects on Structures” John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., New York, USA, 1996, Chaps. 6 and 14.
328 Project 6 — Long-span Bridge Aeroelasticity
Improvement of aerodynamic
instability on bridge sections
Static analyses
The wind velocity was set to 15 m / s to simulate a realistic case. The
same cross sectional depth, 2,85 m is used for all the cases, in order to
compare the force coefficient properly. Different wind directions from
–4° to 4° are studied to analyse the influence of the angle of attack.
Also, the boundary layer around the section to assess the comfort lev-
els for truck drivers is analysed.
Cross sections
A sketch of the four cross sections can be seen in Figure 3. The original
section has triangular fairings, while one of the proposed cross sec-
tions has round fairings and the other one is a bare rectangular section.
The fourth one is an original cross section equipped with windshields.
Force coefficients
Figure 4 shows the drag and lift coefficients corresponding to the cross
sections with triangular and round fairings. It can be observed that
the triangular cross section has lower drag and lift force coefficients
than the rounded one. Since the derivative of lift coefficient of the
triangular cross section is smaller than the rounded one, the triangular
section is less sensitive to buffeting phenomenon, because it will be
less excited by the varying wind velocity directions.
Dynamic analysis
In the wind speed-displacement graphic (Figure 8) there are two clear
peaks: the first one occurs for lower velocities and identifies the critical
wind speed for vortex induced vibrations (VIV), while the second and
higher peak represents the instability caused by flutter. We focused our
dynamic analysis on the first peak only. When the critical wind speed is
reached, the displacements increase and maintain a constant pattern,
thus reaching a limited value. This is the difference with the flutter
instability, in which the wind energy is too high and produces increasing
amplitudes of displacements. In the VIV, however, the peak is reached
when the vortex frequency approaches the natural frequency associ-
ated to a considered mode shape, causing a resonance phenomenon.
f D
(1) V
where f is the vortex shedding frequency, D is the total depth of cross
section, St is the Strouhal number.
Figure 9 shows the spectral density of lift coefficient against the Strou-
hal number for the cross section with windshields. Strouhal number
value is located between 0.05 and 0.07, for which the lower velocity
is 6,4 m / s and the upper one is 8,9 m / s.
Figure 9 — Strouhal-number
The analysis was carried out assuming these numerical values. The
steadiest vertical displacements were observed in the case of 8.0 m / s,
they are shown in Figure 10.
The critical wind speed depends on the modal mass, the less mass is
excited, the more evident are the effects. Although, the analysis was
performed only considering the first vertical mode shape, which is
characterized by a frequency of 0,156 Hz, further dynamic analyses
should be carried out considering higher natural vibration frequencies.
[2] SIMIU, E., SCANLAN, R. “Wind Effects on Structures” John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., New York, USA, 1996, Chaps. 6 and 14.
334 Project 6 — Long-span Bridge Aeroelasticity
Long span bridges are usually sensitive to wind loads. Since the col-
lapse of the Tacoma Bridge in Washington many studies concerning
the dynamic response of bridges were initiated in order to acquire more
information on aeroelastic phenomena. These findings play an impor-
tant role in the design process regarding the structural safety of bridges.
Case Study
The Volgograd Bridge crosses the Volga River in the city of Volgograd
(Russia). It is a long continuous steel girder, distributed in 10 spans
with a total length of 1211. There are three main spans in the centre
of 155 m long. The steel bridge deck consists of a box girder section
strengthened with interior stiffeners (Figure 2). The continuous bridge
beam as well as the cross section were modelled using the commer-
cial software SOFiSTiK [1]. To simplify the dynamic calculations, the
stiffeners were replaced using an equivalent thickness for the top and
the bottom plate of the box section as shown in Figure 3. The cross-
sectional properties of the simplified model were callibrated using
experimental measurements of the Volgograd Bridge.
A modal analysis of the first 10 modes was performed on the global beam
model. In the present study only the first vertical bending mode, with a
frequency of 0.44 Hz (Fig. 4), was utilized for the following calculations.
Static Analysis
The vortex particle method in which VXflow is based [3], allows the
user to obtain the force coefficients as well as the Strouhal number for
a specified cross-section. Their knowledge then allows the determina-
tion of further parameters such as critical wind speed that identifies
vortex-induced vibrations problems.
f D f D 0,44 3,8
St Ucrit 13,9 m s (1)
U St 0,12
Dynamic Analysis
The dynamic analysis performed with VXflow can then be used to deter-
mine the vertical displacements of the bridge for a wind speed range
from 10 m / s to 20 m / s with increments of 1 m / s. However, from
13,1 m / s to 15 m / s vertical displacements were calculated in steps of
0.1 m / s. The modal mass of the first bending mode is 2500 kg / m and
the modal stiffness is 19110 N / m². As the Volgograd bridge is a steel
structure, the damping ratio ( ) adopted for the present study is 0,3%.
A plot of maximum vertical displacements is shown in Figure 8. A local
peak can be observed associated to a wind speed of 14.7 m / s.
338 Project 6 — Long-span Bridge Aeroelasticity
Figure 12 — Visualization of
vortex formation through
The Machang Bridge is 1,7 km-long, dual two-lane bridge and it joins
the cities of Masan and Changwon in the southern region of South
Korea. The project features a 740m, cable-stayed bridge with a main
span of 400m, side spans of 175m and two 164m-high, H-shaped
Cases of analysis
Static simulations
The results show that the drag force has been reduced by more than
50% for the modified geometry of the cross-section.
CR 1 CR 2 CR 3
Figure 3 — Visualization of
velocity field of original cross
section (#1) with VXflow
Figure 4 — Visualization of
velocity field of modified cross
section (#3) with VXflow
Project 6 — Long-span Bridge Aeroelasticity 343
1 h B h
FL U 2 B KH 1 KH 2 K 2H 3 K 2H 4 (1)
2 U U B
1 h B h
FM U 2 B KA1 KA2 K 2A 3 K 2A4 (2)
2 U U B
A2 parameter can be used to predict the critical wind speed for each
section. We can assume that section is unstable when the A2 curve
becomes positive, which simplifies the flutter problem avoiding the
influence of other flutter derivatives, which are less important than
the first one (Figure 5).
Dynamic analysis
The dynamic analysis shows that the original section becomes unstable
when the wind speed reaches 75 km / h, while the modified cross sec-
tions are stable even at higher wind speeds. By using the triangular fair-
ings on the borders, the bridge shows a stable behaviour under a wind
speed of 95 m / s, which is the maximum expected wind speed in this
region (typhoons effects). The closed section is the most stable, but only
with the triangular fairings we are able to improve the cross-section
behaviour section against flutter (torsional galloping, in this case).
Excursion Report —
City tunnel Leipzig
11th August 2012
The bus was full of 50 persons out of whom 46 were students from
the different universities of the different countries from Asia to Europe
and South America. The tour was quite successful on both educa-
tional and cultural aspects. We visited an inner city railway construc-
tion site at Markkleeberg, at which a lot of specialities have to be
considered and the City-Tunnel Leipzig which was one of the most
attraction of our educational visit where we had seen the combina-
tion of latest engineering technologies applied to the reality. It was a
great journey in the context of sharpening and shaping the engineer-
ing knowledge and experiences.
Figure 2 — Networking of
Leipzig city map
The Leipzig city tunnel is the final and central component of the rail-
way system restructuring process in Greater Leipzig. The comple-
tion of the tunnel will not only bring improvements to the suburban
train system — transport between the region and the city will also be
improved, and the tunnel will give a major impetus to the develop-
ment of the city’s transport system.
The tunnel provides a direct rail link between the area to the south of
the city and the central station in the northern part of the city centre.
Until now, trains travelling along the north-south axis have had to
circumvent the city centre — a time-consuming process. In future,
they will simply travel underneath it. In this way the Leipzig city
tunnel will make regional rail traffic faster, more efficient and more
convenient for passengers across the board. The fast north-south axis
below Leipzig city centre will reduce total travel time by as much as
40 minutes on some routes. The city tunnel is the fast transport hub
for central Germany. The S-Bahn urban railway network for the Cen-
tral German region is the new backbone of S-Bahn and regional rail
transport in the Leipzig/Halle conurbation. As of late 2013, six new
S-Bahn urban railway lines will link the business region around Halle
and Leipzig with the surrounding area faster and more efficiently,
ensuring much shorter journey times by rail. The benefits will be felt
by the entire region – economically, environmentally and in terms of
a better quality of life. [1]
The Leipzig city tunnel has two 1.438 km long tunnels, one in each
direction, and four underground stations — Bayerischer Bahnhof, Wil-
helm-Leuschner-Platz, Markt and Hauptbahnhof (Central Station). The
Excursion Report — City tunnel Leipzig 11th August 2012 347
shells of the tunnel and the stations have already been completed;
work is currently in progress on fitting out the interiors of the four sta-
tions and preparing the tunnels for the trains. [1]
–– The tunnel boring machine (TBM) has been designed and tailored
to the specific needs of the city tunnel and the local soil condi-
–– The shield diameter is 9.0 m
–– The total weight of the TBM is 1,100 Mton
–– Including the trailing section, the TBM has a length of 65 m
–– The TBM has a total connected load of 2.5 MW
–– The TBM is driven by 14 pairs of presses. Their maximum pressing
power is 65 MN
–– The integrated stone crusher is capable of crushing stones up to
80 cm edge length
–– To pre-explore the ground, the TBM has been provided with a special
seismic system capable of recognising any anomalies or boundaries
of a bed 40 m in advance
Puskar Rijal
(author at the Bauhaus Summer School – Model Validation and Simu-
[1] http://www.citytunnelleipzig.de/de/kontakt-informationen/eng-
lish-information.html (last visit 10/2012)
Figure 3 — General
c) Sightseeing in Leipzig city d) Getting back to Weimar
c) Cabrio train tour at the city tunnel d) Model of the drilling maschine at
the InfoBox
© Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen,
Lena Schindler
Ulrike Mönnig
This project has been funded with support from the European
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the
author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any
use which may be made of the information contained therein.
ISBN 978-3-86068-502-0