1500 VDCPVpowerplantarchitecture
1500 VDCPVpowerplantarchitecture
1500 VDCPVpowerplantarchitecture
Utility scale 1,500 VDC PV power plant architecture evolution: advantages and
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The accelerated adoption of solar PV technology worldwide in recent years has been
driven by the drastic cost reduction of PV modules and the economies of utility-scale power
plants. Nevertheless, additional cost reductions are needed to make solar electricity fully
competitive against conventional power sources. The drop in PV module prices modified the
cost structure of utility scale PV power plants, increasing the relative weight of the balance of
system (BOS). Near-term cost minimization efforts are focused on decreasing BOS costs, where
the largest opportunity for improvement lies.
The suggested array voltage increase from 1,000 VDC to an advanced 1,500 VDC
architecture, in combination with the development of larger capacity central inverters, directly
taps into the BOS cost reduction opportunity.
In this article, the main components of a utility scale PV power plant are compared in
1,000 VDC and 1,500 VDC scenarios, followed by the discussion of the new standard adoption
challenges, with a focus on system safety and reliability, and international certifications and
grid regulations. The results indicate that minimal component adjustments are necessary,
mainly related to higher-voltage rated DC side protection devices and switches. Reliability risks
are not found to be an obstacle to the new voltage level adoption, though narrow regulatory
definitions of low voltage systems may temporarily hinder its spread. But the most relevant
finding is the large economic saving potential derived from the lower cabling needs and the
reduced number of system components, which may trigger a 3.0% to 4.5% overall plant cost
Keywords: Utility scale, Solar photovoltaic power plants, PV system architecture, Standards,
Electricity regulation, Renewable energy systems.
I. Introduction
Solar photovoltaic (PV) energy is a sustainable source of electricity which has experience
the largest annual growth rates among world renewables supply from 1990 to 2013 [1]. PV
technology is now considered mature and has achieved grid parity in a growing number of
countries [2]. The drastic reduction on PV module costs, nearly 75% decrease between 2009 and
the end of 2014, has been the main driver of PV system price decline [2]. Simultaneously, the
growing role of utility scale PV power plants has significantly contributed to the achievement of
lower prices [3]. However, PV power plants need further cost savings to make the technology fully
cost-competitive against traditional electricity sources [4], [5].
Business Development Analyst, First Solar Int’l Middle East FZ-LLC. Energy Management and
Sustainability M.Sc., Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne.
VP Business Development – Saudi Arabia and ME, First Solar Int’l Middle East FZ-LLC,
Integration of Renewable Energy into High and Medium Voltage Systems Conference & Exhibition
September 15-16, 2015, Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
The greatest source of future cost reduction potential is now found in the balance of system
(BOS) costs as a result of: (1) a notorious slowdown in module price reduction between 2013 and
2014, which, added to current very low prices, suggest humble absolute cost reductions from
further PV module improvements [2], and (2) the shift in the cost structure of utility scale PV
plants due to lower PV module costs, which has increased the relative importance of BOS costs
up to 60-70% of the total project costs [4]. Hence, industry efforts focus on attaining greater BOS
efficiencies, where increasing the power aggregation of the PV power plant through higher
voltages appears as a relatively simple and effective solution.
The opportunity of improving PV system costs via voltage increases on the DC side has
already been successfully applied worldwide with the move from 600 VDC to 1,000 VDC large
scale PV systems [4], [6]. Considerable cost savings have been realized since thanks to reducing
the number of LV components and cabling needs [5]. Therefore, the shift to the 1,500 VDC
architecture is widely seen as a natural step in the evolution of utility scale PV power plants.
This article discusses the implications of the utility scale 1,500 VDC PV power plant
architecture evolution, highlighting its main advantages and challenges. The first chapter aims at
reviewing the power system design and components, studying the most prominent differences in
the PV power plant components when they operate at 1,000 VDC and at 1,500 VDC. The second
chapter deals with the main 1,500 VDC architecture introduction challenges, namely the concerns
about the system safety, component availability and plant reliability as well as certification and
regulatory obstacles. Finally, the key findings are summarized in the conclusions.
Integration of Renewable Energy into High and Medium Voltage Systems Conference & Exhibition
September 15-16, 2015, Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Integration of Renewable Energy into High and Medium Voltage Systems Conference & Exhibition
September 15-16, 2015, Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
The utilization of higher DC voltage in the modules calls for an additional effort to ensure
the reliability and long-term performance of the components, what is mainly realized in the
industry throughout third party testing and certification. Besides, in demanding environmental
conditions, such as the given in the MENA region, the shift towards a higher voltage level has to
be accompanied by superior reliability assurance guaranteeing the full achievement of the
1,500 VDC architecture advantages. First Solar positions itself at the forefront of the solar industry
by undergoing “third-party testing that exceeds industry standards in order to demonstrate
durability and long-term performance” of its FS Series 4 modules as well as particularly
demanding Long-Term Sequential Sandstorm, Thresher and PID tests (with passing scores for
both positive- and negative-ground configurations) that “very few module manufacturers have
successfully completed” [7].
B. Inverter
Besides PV modules, the other most critical component of the DC power plant side, which
acts as the interface with the AC side, is the inverter. The extensive deployment of the wind energy
industry in the recent years provides the technical knowledge and material components required
to depart from current 1,000 VDC to 1,500 VDC solar inverters, already covered by existing IEC
standards [8], [11]. Inverters ranging from <1 MVA to 4 MVA are commercially available for
1,500 VDC PV power plants, enhancing an optimal plant capacity match and cost optimization by
providing unprecedented flexibility [4]. However, the most relevant advantage of uprated DC
voltage inverters is the delivery of up to 50% most power per ampere of current from the array, in
virtue of the greater voltage [4]; which, when added to the possibility of deploying 4 MVA
inverters, leads to substantial scale economies in the order of 27% cost reduction of inverter
costs [5], [8], [12].
One good example of current availability of utility scale 1,500 VDC PV power plant
inverters is given by the GE 4MVA ProSolar [13]. This unit is coupled with a transformer
specifically designed for it, integrated within the same pad, directly providing medium voltage AC
output. The model is the upgrade of the General Electric’s 1MVA ProSolar 1,500 VDC inverter
first released in the European market by 2009, whose over 70 units have reported greater than 99%
availability in its six years of operation [7]. First Solar partnered with GE to develop a reliability
program in parallel with an intensive site qualification test and ongoing monitoring campaign in
the Macho Springs beta site and in Barilla site, to increase the product reliability (already certified
to European standards) and enlarge the field operation database [7], [13]. These firms, as well as
other industry leaders such as SMA and ABB, are reinforcing their role as industry progress
catalyzers towards the 1,500 VDC architecture developing 1,500 VDC rated inverters.
As it is shown in the next section, the use of larger 1,500 VDC inverters strongly impacts
the system layout and configuration triggering substantial savings from two sources: (1) reduced
number of inverters and transformers for the delivery of the same power output, (2) reduced
cabling needs thanks to a more compact layout [5], [8], [12], [14]. Supplementary economic
savings are realized thanks to the reduction of labor hours needed to install the fewer inverter units,
less transport needed, and fewer maintenance hours dedicated to the plant [8]. On top of the
economic concerns, significant environmental impact minimization could be achieved thanks to
the reduction in materials needed to manufacture fewer units, and its downstream effects:
decreased energy intensity of the whole PV power plant, reduced GHG emissions thanks to
transportation services avoidance, and fewer decommissioning and recycling requirements at the
end of its lifetime.
Integration of Renewable Energy into High and Medium Voltage Systems Conference & Exhibition
September 15-16, 2015, Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Figure 2: 4 MW 1,000 VDC and 1,500 VDC AC power block layout comparison.
Adapted from [8]. The table sizes are only illustrative, final design depends on each manufacturer.
The plant layout modification has a more complex effect on the cabling of the PV arrays.
On one hand, 1,500 VDC architecture allows for a substantial decrease in the number of strings.
In the AC power blocks in Figure 2, from 4,632 strings in the 1,000 VDC alternative to the
3,090 strings of the 1,500 VDC option, a 33% reduction is realized. The immediate consequence
is a decrease in the amount of string wires, harnesses, jumpers and whips, as well as the subsequent
works to connect and underground them. On the other hand, the reduction in the number of
inverters increases the distance of some strings to their corresponding power station, adding costs
and power losses. Additionally, it could be argued that thicker cables would be needed due to the
transmission of higher power through fewer cables, further increasing the costs of the wiring.
However, this last assertion does not apply since the gain in power conduction is achieved thanks
to a voltage increase, whereas current is the determining factor for cable section dimensioning.
Furthermore, widely used cables are certified to operate at higher DC voltages than 1,500 V (often
2,000 V or above), making an upgrade to the insulation unnecessary [7]. The final balance results
Integration of Renewable Energy into High and Medium Voltage Systems Conference & Exhibition
September 15-16, 2015, Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
in a positive impact of the 1,500 VDC system due to the reduction of overall cabling requirements,
driving down installation costs [5], [12], [14].
D. Balance of System and Operation and Maintenance
Beyond the module support structure, whose mechanical nature excludes it from being
affected by the shift to the 1,500 VDC architecture, the electrical balance of system is considerably
influenced by the voltage increase. Electrical protection and switches need to be updated when
moving from a 1,000 VDC environment to the new 1,500 VDC standard, as is detailed in
Table 1. From the detailed review of the changes needed, it can be concluded that “meaningful
differences are limited to the voltage rating of overcurrent protection and switching
components” [7].
Most relevantly, according to recent research [5], [8], [14], [15], it is in the BOS
components (and the cabling) where the highest economic saving potential lies on. In particular,
the reduction of switchgear and infrastructure works (roads, pads, trenches) is cited as the main
source of savings, followed by cabling savings, aided by larger inverters [8], [12], [15]. It is not to
be overlooked to this account the diminished number of HCBs needed for the power plant thanks
to the voltage increase [5].
A simple calculation can provide an order of magnitude estimation of the savings, again
by employing the First Solar plant design examples. HCB design can remain unchanged, which
means each may take up to 12 harnesses. Under a typical 1,000 VDC architecture, each harness
may combine 8 strings with ten 80.0 Wp power rated FS Series 3 modules [16], accounting to
6.4 kWp per harness and 76.8 kWp per HCB. In recent projects, fifteen FS Series 3 modules are
used per string, stepping up the power per HCB to 115.2 kWp. Considering an advanced 1,500 VDC
PV power plant, the 8 strings will be now composed of fifteen FS Series 4 modules rated at
112.5 Wp [10], which lifts the power transmitted by each harness up to 13.5 kWp, making up to
162 kWp per HCB. The direct consequence is a 52.5% (28.7%, with 15 module strings) decrease
in the HCBs needed, positively impacting the capital requirements to build the plant. Employing
the 4 MW AC power blocks for a 20 MW PV power plant, 261 (or 174, with 15 module strings)
combiner boxes would be needed at 1,000 VDC, versus only 124 at the 1,500 VDC level. Similar
impacts should be expected with designs based on crystalline silicon modules.
Regarding the use of 1,000 VDC components in 1,500 VDC plants, some HCBs are
certified to 1,500 VDC (i.e. First Solar), and the fuses and holders, a key point of concern in the
previous transition from 600 VDC to 1,000 VDC PV systems in the United States, are certified to
IEC standards which leads to the conclusion that there is “no inherent reason” to expect a “higher
failure rate that those operating at 1,000 VDC” [7].
Finally, on the operation and maintenance perspective, the shift to a higher voltage level in
the DC side does not significantly modify the methods used for running the power plant, while
minor safety updates should be done. The main point of interest is the personal protection
equipment (PPE) upgrade against arc flash risks. Safety concerns associated with the handling of
higher voltages are partially counterbalanced by the benefits of “fewer repetitive maintenance
operations due to the fewer number of strings, fuses, and associated BOS equipment”, lowering
the exposure to those risks [7]. Reducing the number of maintenance operations leads to a lifetime
cost saving potential from moving into 1,500 VDC systems. Recent estimates indicate around 30%
operation costs savings (enhanced by the adoption of bigger inverters, further reducing the plant
components) [8].
Integration of Renewable Energy into High and Medium Voltage Systems Conference & Exhibition
September 15-16, 2015, Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Table 1: Balance of system required modifications, based on First Solar Macho Springs test site experience.
Adapted from [7].
Change from
System component Comment
1,000 VDC
String wire rating and size No 2 kV rated wire is used
2.5 A meets NEC 1.56 multiplier requirement with typical de-
String fuse current rating No
String fuse voltage rating Yes 1,500 VDC rated fuse
20 A meets NEC 1.56 multiplier requirement with typical de-
Harness fuse current rating No
Harness fuse voltage rating Yes 1,500 VDC rated fuse
Positive circuit fusing (only) No Negative grounded system, bond occurs at the inverter.
Harness cable current rating No Meets NEC 1.56 multiplier requirement
DC feeder cable rating and size No 2 kV rated cables used
DC feeder fuse Yes Voltage rating difference only
Similar routing and installation methods, adequate damage
Conductor routing No
Array equipment grounding No Identical
Array trench ground circuits and
No Identical
Inverter pad trench grounding No Identical
Direct burial coverage and additional
No Similar approach and methods
protection for traffic areas
Inverter pad ground ring details No Similar approach and sufficient detail
Inverter pad equipment grounding and
No Similar approach and sufficient detail
bonding details
RGS and PVC conduit stub up No Similar approach and sufficient detail
Inverter pad clearances No Appropriate clearances when needed
Inverter pad working space No Equivalent working space
MV transformer switching working
No Equivalent working space
Integration of Renewable Energy into High and Medium Voltage Systems Conference & Exhibition
September 15-16, 2015, Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Among the mentioned aspects, the highest priority relies on the safety of operators and
maintenance workers on the field. A higher DC voltage raises the hazard of direct handling of the
PV power plant components, particularly of live cables and switchgear. Actions must be put in
place so as to ensure personal security during construction, operation, maintenance, and
dismantling of the plant, adapted to the higher voltage standard.
Personnel training and qualification is an indispensable component of the set of actions to
guarantee technical staff integrity. No significant differences are found in it between a 1,000 VDC
and a 1,500 VDC architecture [7]. Proper documentation of operational procedures is elementary
to complement formation and training, where no relevant difference is found comparing the two
DC voltage levels. The most prominent divergence is found in the higher PPE needed against arc
flash risks in the 1,500 VDC architecture. Elsewhere, the PPE “are unchanged relative to
1,000 VDC systems” [7]. First Solar sets an industry best practice by assuring personal safety
through the use of a distinctive design of its HCBs which include a string testing enclosure that
provides access to the incoming harness conductors for current clamp measurements with no
exposure to the area with live parts. This feature greatly diminishes the arc flash risks on routine
system maintenance, hence reducing the PPE requirements, the sole discrepancy in personnel
safety between 1,000 VDC and 1,500 VDC systems [7].
In second order of importance, the risks related to the components of the system ought to
be considered. PV power plant design details such as wire management, grounding and bonding,
or serviceability require special attention when moving from 1,000 VDC to 1,500 VDC schemes
because they might impact long-term plant safety [7]. An appropriate treatment of these plant
features will require, among other actions: (1) suitably rated components to the higher voltage,
(2) effective wire management and use of wiring accessories, such as redundant non-metallic wire
ties for cable securement, or integrating ample conductor spacing minimizing collateral damage
from localized resistive connections, (3) utilization of wire looms to enclose cabling from one
array to the following, which adds UV protection, extending insulator lifetime, (4) high quality
grounding design, components and installation (i.e. using redundant bonds between racks),
(5) harness combining box string measurement enclosures, reducing exposure to live parts,
(6) appropriate signage for equipment and enclosures, and (7) effective ground fault protection in
the inverters. All these points are realized in the Macho Springs solar facility for 1,500 VDC
architecture testing by First Solar [7], serving as a reference for future developments.
An additional concern, often accompanying the lack of maturity of a technology, is the
commercial availability of the power system components and of the maintenance tools and safety
equipment. Fortunately, the rapid spread of wind energy systems, which share some basic features with
1,500 VDC schemes, lowers the 1,500 VDC equipment supply scarcity risk. Notwithstanding it, the
firms already active in the utility scale PV industry will face an upfront cost for developing an inventory
of suitably rated equipment, a consequence of any new technological platform adoption [7].
Finally, system reliability remains a critical consideration for many stakeholders, from
investors to grid regulatory authorities and transmission system operators. The introduction of new
DC voltage standards requiring the implementation of novel products without extensive operating
history intrinsically carries with it some likelihood of impacting plant reliability. The critical
elements affecting the system reliability in the transition to the 1,500 VDC architecture, as
identified by DNV GL [7], are: (1) module performance and life, (2) inverter and MV transformer
availability and uptime, (3) failure of field components involving significant labor to detect or
replace, (4) or resulting in thermal damage, and (5) failure of components requiring less labor to
be replaced. The 1,500 VDC components reliability has been assessed by the Norwegian company
Integration of Renewable Energy into High and Medium Voltage Systems Conference & Exhibition
September 15-16, 2015, Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
in the Macho Springs solar site operated by First Solar finding low risks in all of them [7], which
serves as an indicator that with appropriate development, the shift towards 1,500 VDC architecture
does not carry additional reliability risks.
The Macho Springs solar plant performance since its commissioning in the spring of 2014
acts as a proof of this last assertion. The importance of the site arises from its role in the acquisition
of operation experience, commonly viewed as the largest handicap for early adoption of
technological advances [4]. It consists of a 3.6 MWp array with First Solar’s 1,500 VDC CdTe
modules and a GE ProSolar inverter and transformer. It was subject to enhanced commissioning
procedures and field tests to verify its performance and operational characteristics (including PQ
curve validation, harmonic compliance verification, check of audible sounds limits, DC ripple
current check, and high irradiance startup). The study of the plant is still ongoing by the analysis
of the plant data collected by its SCADA, complemented by supplementary tests such as ground
leakage testing and base-lined against 1,000 VDC arrays. 1,500 VDC arrays have so far obtained
comparable results to 1,000 VDC arrays in the same site [4].
B. International standards and grid regulation
Utility scale PV power plants have traditionally been developed under low voltage
regulations allowing a maximum of 1,000 V on the DC side of the power system. However, most
common PV power plant voltage architectures have been evolving alongside from 600 VDC to
1,000 VDC systems, as a natural evolution toward greater economies of scale. The following step
in the gradual evolution of large scale PV power systems is the move into the 1,500 VDC
architecture which is backed by the definition of low voltage systems as those that operate up to
1,500 VDC by the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) [17].
The IEC classification has pervasive consequences internationally by simplifying the
design, manufacturing, certification testing and installation requirements for components and
systems designed to operate at 1,500 VDC. IEC 61215 (for crystalline Silicon) and IEC 61646 (for
thin-film) set the standards for 1,500 VDC module approvals, while IEC 61730 governs module
safety standards up to 1,500 VDC. These IEC standards enable a safe and reliable development of
1,500 VDC PV power plants by establishing materials, construction and testing requirements [18].
However, the IEC work also guides the electricity regulation formulation in many
countries, allowing 1,500 VDC schemes growth (i.e. European Union countries [19]). In a few
others, national electrical codes provide narrower definitions of low voltage systems, greatly
hindering the development of advanced 1,500 VDC plants by making them subject to the often
harsher requirements for medium or high voltage energy systems. The most relevant example is
the United States National Electricity Code (NEC) which limits the low voltage range to systems
at or below 1,000 VDC [20]. This classification adds supplementary demands for project
developers which can be seen as largely unjustified based on a technical assessment of the risk
increase from 1,000 VDC to 1,500 VDC architectures. Most likely, this kind of regulatory
obstacles, stemming from narrow low voltage systems definitions, will gradually dissipate as
occurred in the past with the change from 600 VDC to 1,000 VDC in the 2014 NEC [4]. Little
resistance to the shift has been identified among most relevant players and countries in the utility
scale PV industry, reinforcing the odds for a quick and smooth transition [7]. Countries with nascent
solar programs have a chance to profit from the higher consolidation and cost saving potential
offered by a higher voltage architecture and larger inverters, if they align their national electrical
codes with the IEC standards.
Concerning certification of the PV power system components, an analogous analysis can
be made. The existence of international standards for 1,500 VDC system components established
Integration of Renewable Energy into High and Medium Voltage Systems Conference & Exhibition
September 15-16, 2015, Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
by the IEC, which address their design and safety aspects, greatly simplifies the spread of the new
architecture. As reviewed in chapter II, some manufacturers have already certified their products
to the higher voltage rating, such as the First Solar’s FS Series 4 and 4V2 modules [10], solving
one of the critical aspects signaled to safety and reliability assurance [7]. Steps are also being taken
in the countries where the national codes depart from the international standards set by the IEC.
The announce of Underwriters Laboratories (UL) to adopt ANSI/UL-612109-1 as the American
National Standard for Safety of Power Converters for Use in Photovoltaic Power Systems allows
the certification for the US market of 1,500 VDC inverters [4], raising expectations for further
inclusion of other components of the 1,500 VDC utility scale PV power plants.
IV. Conclusions
Transition to 1,500 VDC architecture is a natural step in the evolution of utility scale PV
power plants. This shift will substantially contribute to overcoming the main challenge to high
solar PV penetration in some markets: price competitiveness.
Minor adjustments should be made on the power system components to comply with the
requirements of the new 1,500 VDC architecture, while the economic savings from the shift,
particularly if accompanied by the move into larger inverters, are significant. The cost reducing
potential mostly arises from the reduction of cabling and related BOS (i.e. switchgear, HCBs). It
is complemented by the cost-saving potential of inverters with up to 4 MVA capacity which drive
down building (i.e. fewer pads) and maintenance costs.
Reliability concerns have proven to be low given the current performance of 1,500 VDC
test and commercial facilities (i.e. Belectric [21], [22]), while safety issues are basically limited to
the uprate of personal protection equipment, as well as the use of suitably voltage-rated protection
components in the DC side. International standards set by the IEC provide a solid framework for
the spread of the 1,500 VDC architecture. Although some national electrical codes are more
restrictive with the classification of low voltage installations, regulatory authorities are expected
to modify stringent codes to include 1,500 VDC schemes given no major obstacle for its adoption
is found.
Overall, 1,500 VDC PV power systems provide a platform for enhanced cost performance,
thanks to component, installation and operation savings which may reduce between 3.0% and 4.5%
of the whole utility scale PV power plant costs [8], [12], [15]. The shift into the 1,500 VDC voltage
architecture marks the path forward to the next generation utility scale PV power plants.
V. References
[1] International Energy Agency, “Renewables Information 2015 - Key renewable trends excerpt,”
Paris, 2015.
[2] IRENA - International Renewable Energy Agency, “Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2014,”
[3] GTM Research and Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA), “Photovoltaic Solar Power,” SEIA
Policy, 2014. [Online]. Available: http://www.seia.org/policy/solar-technology/photovoltaic-solar-
electric. [Accessed: 20-Aug-2015].
[4] M. Morjaria, K. Collins, M. Stavish, and G. Ball, “The next-generation utility-scale PV plant,” PV
Tech, no. October, pp. 50–54, 2014.
Integration of Renewable Energy into High and Medium Voltage Systems Conference & Exhibition
September 15-16, 2015, Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan