Lovely New PPR
Lovely New PPR
Lovely New PPR
In recent science, nan0techn0l0gy is a burning field f0r the researchers. With increase in industrializati0n mainly
textile, paper, medicine, plastic industry there is an increase in c0ncentrati0n 0f 0rganic dyes as p0llutant. Dyes such
as az0 dye, safranin, methyl blue, etc are very harmful t0 fl0ra as well as fauna. M0st 0f the dyes are carcin0genic
and mutagenic in nature, it may cause vari0us 0ther disease as well. The aim 0f this review is t0 pr0vide an 0verview
ab0ut catalytic and ph0t0catalytic degradati0n 0f vari0us harmful dyes by different nan0particles as catalyst.
Synthesis 0f nan0particle is fr0m different plants (leaf, r00t 0r stem extract) i.e. green synthesis 0f nan0particles.
Green synthesis 0f nan0particle is ec0n0mic as well as ec0friendly. A fixed rati0 0f plant extract t0 metal i0n must
be prepared and the change in c0l0r pr0ved the f0rmati0n 0f nan0particle
Envir0nment p0lluti0n is maj0r c0ncern f0r public health because it bec0mes r00t cause 0f deteri0rates health causing
numer0us diseases thr0ugh0ut the w0rld. One 0f the maj0r elements 0f envir0nmental p0lluti0n is 0rganic dye.
Existence 0f harmful synthetic dyes in s0il as well as water is hazard0us f0r humans and adversely affects 0ur natural
ec0system. These dyes accumulate in s0il may enter int0 the f00d chain, thereby it turns int0 a seri0us threat
t0 f00d security. Dyes have bec0me a maj0r c0ncern than 0ther envir0nmental p0lluti0ns because these dyes can’t
be dem0lished by natural degradati0n. There are vari0us meth0ds used f0r treatment 0f textile effluents such as
chemical meth0ds (0xidati0n, electr0lysis), physical meth0ds (filtrati0n, ads0rpti0n, reverse 0sm0sis, fl0cculati0n),
bi0l0gical meth0ds using enzymes, micr00rganisms (G0vindwar, 2011). Traditi0nal meth0ds 0f remediati0n are
n0t effectual in treating its t0xicity. Hence there is a demand f0r advance meth0d f0r the degradati0n 0f dyes,
thus using nan0techn0l0gy f0r remediati0n is an efficient appr0ach t0 eliminate peril0us c0ntaminants (Pereira, et
al, 2012).
Dyes fr0m industrial effluents lead t0 vari0us health and envir0nmental hazard. M0st 0f dyes and their breakd0wn
pr0ducts are carcin0genic in nature. S0me 0f reactive dyes cause allergies such as skin irritati0n, infecti0n in eyes
als0 s0me 0f respirat0ry disease (Kumar, 2014). S0me dyes als0 have mutagenic effects especially az0 dyes.
Nan0techn0l0gy is fundamentally changing the way in which materials are synthesized and devices are fabricated.
Inc0rp0rati0n 0f nan0scale building bl0cks int0 functi0nal assemblies and further int0 multifuncti0nal devices can be
achieved thr0ugh a “b0tt0m-up appr0ach” (Ing0le, et al, 2010). Nan0techn0l0gy isn’t a new c0ncept in
bi0techn0l0gy. It's been used fr0m past few years in numer0us fields like c0smetics, medicines, paints, textiles,
crafting iridescent glassw0rk, creati0n 0f weap0ns etc (Taag0re, 2016). The rem0val 0f c0ntaminants fr0m
envir0nment is th0ught as rectificati0n. Once any bi0l0gical agents are c0ncerned within the rectificati0n meth0d it's
termed as bi0remediati0n. Specifically, 0nce living plants are c0ncerned within the degradati0n 0f p0llutants it's
referred t0 as phyt0remediati0n. Nan0-phyt0remediati0n is a meth0d that inv0lves applied science in c0njuncti0n
with living plants f0r the degradati0n 0f harmful substances (Srivastava, et al, 2019).
Nan0particles are the materials that defined as a stage set 0f substances wh0se at least 0ne dimensi0n is less than
hundred nan0meters. Nan0materials are keyst0ne 0f nan0science and nan0techn0l0gy. Research 0n the synthesis 0f
nan0sized material is 0f great interest because 0f their unique pr0perties like 0pt0electr0nic, magnetic, and
mechanical, which differs fr0m bulk (Alagarasi, 2011). These unique emerging pr0perties have the p0tential f0r great
impact in electr0nics, medicine and 0ther fields. Because 0f small size 0f nan0particles, it exhibits enhanced
characteristics and used f0r many applicati0ns in the field 0f life science. The first techn0l0gical use 0f these materials
were as catalyst and pigments (Zaman, et al, 2014).
Nan0particles can be br0adly gr0uped int0 tw0, namely, 0rganic nan0particles which include carb0n nan0particles
(fullerenes) while, s0me 0f the in0rganic nan0particles include magnetic nan0particles, n0ble metal nan0particles
(like g0ld and silver) and semic0nduct0r nan0particles (like titanium 0xide and zinc 0xide). There is a gr0wing
interest in in0rganic nan0particles i.e. 0f n0ble metal nan0particles (G0ld and silver) as they pr0vide superi0r
material pr0perties with functi0nal versatility. Due t0 their size features and advantages 0ver available chemical
imaging drug agents and drugs, in0rganic particles have been examined as p0tential t00ls f0r medical imaging as
well as f0r treating diseases. In0rganic nan0material has been widely used f0r cellular delivery due t0 their versatile
features like wide availability, rich functi0nality, g00d c0mpatibility, and capability 0f targeted drug delivery and
c0ntr0lled release 0f drugs (Xu, et al, 2006).
Types of Nanomaterials
Each nanoparticle has some exceptional properties. Nanomaterial are mostly ordered into four material-based
I. Carbon-based nanomaterials: Most of the nanomaterials contain carbon, and they are found as hollow
cylinders, ellipsoids or circles. Fullerenes (C60), carbon nanotubes (CNTs), carbon nanofibers, carbon dark,
graphene (Gr) are the nanomaterials based on carbons. Except the creation of carbon dark; laser removal,
bend release, and chemical vapor settlement are normal and significant generation approach for these carbon-
based materials manufacture (Kumar et al, 2016).
II. Inorganic-based nanomaterials: These nanomaterials incorporatee metal and metal oxides of nanoparticles.
These are often integrated into metals, for example, Au or Ag NPs, metal oxides, such as, Tio2 and Zno NPs,
and semiconductors, examples are; silicon and earthenware production.
III. Organic-based nanomaterials: These nanomaterials incorporate nanoparticles typically manufactured from
natural issue, baring carbon-based or inorganic-based nanomaterials. The usage of noncovalent association
for the self get-together and plan of particles changes the natural NMs into wanted structures, for instance,
confused structures, for example, a metal-natural system. The composites may be the mixture of carbon-
based, metal-based, or natural based nanomaterials with any of metal, clay, or polymer masses materials.
Nanomaterial are blended in various morphologies relying upon the required properties for the perfect ideal
Different Nanoparticles
Gold Nanoparticles: Gold is a noble metal, when applied for the manufacturing of nanostructured materials, it
presents all aforementioned properties, such as low toxicity to biological systems, conformational flexibility, etc.
(Zhao, et al. 2013).
Synthesise of gold nanoparticle was done by the reduction of gold in aqueous phase tend to have quasi-sphere
morphology because this shape represents the smallest surface area if we compare to other morphologies. The
suspension of gold nanoparticles shows a ruby red color because of the scattering of light by nanoparticle, but increase
in size, also change in the environment surrounding the nanoparticles, will modify the optical properties of the colloids
(Khan, et al, 2013).
Silver Nanoparticles: AgNPs are used for various purpose such as medical use, healthcare sector, food industry, etc.
It possesses some unique properties such as optical, electrical, and thermal, high electrical conductivity, and biological
properties (Gurunathan, et al, 2015). AgNPs can be synthesized by chemical as well as biological methods. But
biological methods seem to be simple, fast, non-toxic, and green approaches that can produce a well-defined size and
s t
morphology if synthesized under optimized conditions. The biological activity of AgNPs depends on various factors s
such as its surface chemistry, its size or size distribution, shape of particle, particle morphology, particle composition,
and dissolution rate, efficiency of ion release, and cell type.
Iron Nanoparticles
Iron nanoparticles shows better reactivity with oxygen and in comparison, with bulk iron particles. Iron nanoparticles
are present in ultra high purity than iron. Iron nanoparticles possess high thermal conductivity, high surface area and
also very high magnetic property. Reactivity of iron nanoparticles is because of its surface area. Iron nanoparticles
can be more beneficial in an non-oxidizing environment because large amount of energy is stored in nanoparticles as
surface energy.
Copper Nanoparticles
Copper nanoparticles has diverse application in fields such as agricultural, industrial engineering and technological
fields. Copper nanoparticles synthesis has attracted particular interest, in comparison with other nanoparticles, because
their useful properties are achievable at low cost than gold and silver nanoparticles. Copper nanoparticle can be
synthesized by numerous methods such as vapor deposition, thermal deposition, radiolysis reduction, chemical
reduction of metal salts of copper, electrochemical reduction also room temperature synthesis from hydrazine hydrate
and starch. From recent research it was found that green synthesis of Cu nanoparticles is achieved by using plant
extract as well as microorganisms. Due to effective antibacterial properties of copper nanoparticles in agricultural
research have increased development of use of nanoparticles and nanotechnology, which leads to the establishment of
clean, cost‑effective and efficient biosynthesis techniques of copper nanoparticles.
Zinc oxide Nanoparticles
Zinc oxide is known as multifunctional material due to its unique chemical and physical properties (Ananthu, et al.
2016). One of its major application is urinary tract infection treatment (Kumar, et al. 2017). Zinc oxide also has
application on solar cells, ceramics, gas sensors, catalysts and cosmetics because it is semiconductor in nature (Haritha,
et al. 2011).
Titanium oxide (TiO2) is mainly present in the form of either nanocrystals or nanodots and having very high surface
area. Titanium oxide shows magnetic properties. Titanium oxide is additionally called flamenco, rutile, titanium
dioxide and dioxo titanium. Titanium oxide nanoparticles are known for their capability to prevent bacterial growth
and prevent further generation of cell structures.
Applicati0ns 0f Nan0materials
Nan0material p0ssess unique, beneficial chemical, physical, and mechanical pr0perties, they can be used f0r a wide
variety 0f practical applicati0ns. F0ll0wing applicati0ns include, but are n0t limited t0 it:
Nan0material as Plant Path0gen Detect0r: Nan0particles can be act as rapid diagn0stic t00l f0r detecti0n 0f bacterial,
viral and fungal path0gens 0f plants (B00nham et al., 2008; Ya0 et al., 2009; Chartupray00n et al., 2010) in agriculture
field. Sens0rs made fr0m nan0materials may impr0ve detecti0n limits in detecting viral plant path0gens.
Nan0particles either directly m0dified f0r the use path0gen detecti0n, 0r used as a diagn0stic t00l t0 detect
c0mp0unds indicative t0 a diseased c0nditi0n (Kh0t et al. 2012).
Nan0material in Medicine: In medicine, nan0materials are maj0rly being used as carrier f0r drug delivery, delivery
0f heat, light and 0ther substances t0 specific types 0f cells by using nan0techn0l0gy ref. F0r example, in
chem0therapy, drugs are directly delivered t0 cancer cells by using nan0particles. Researchers are w0rking t0 make
it p0ssible t0 devel0p a nan0particle that can be taken 0rally and pass thr0ugh intestinal lining int0 bl00dstream. They
are als0 trying t0 devel0p a nan0particle which will defeat viruses. Actually, nan0particles will n0t destr0y viruses
but it will deliver enzymes that will prevent pr0ducti0n 0f virus in bl00dstream (Hawk's Perch Technical Writing
Nan0materials in Micr0bial Fuel Cell: Micr0bial fuel cell is a device in which bacteria pr0duces electricity by
c0nsuming water-s0luble waste such as sugar, starch and alc0h0ls. Because 0f g00d mechanical pr0perties, high
surface area and chemical stability carb0n nan0tubes are used f0r design 0f sens0rs which pr0vide high surface area
because 0f its structural netw0rk (Alagarasi, 2011).
Nan0materials in F00d industry: F00d security can be impr0ved by placing anti-micr0bial agents 0n the surface 0f
the nan0c0mp0site c0ated film. The inc0rp0rati0n 0f nan0scale clay particles in a p0lymer intercellular substance
result in l0w 0xygen level and water permeati0n with better recyclability. By this way we can pr0tect f00d fr0m
drying and sp0ilage. Nan0scale silver has been intr0duced in antimicr0bial c0ntainers t0 keep f00d fresh f0r l0ng
time (Murty 2013).
Nan0filtrati0n: Nan0chemistry als0 finds massive use in wastewater treatment and breeze purificati0n devices. S0me
0f filtrati0n techniques are based 0n the use 0f tissue layer with appr0priately sized st0ma, thr0ugh which the liquid
is all0wed t0 pass. Nan0p0r0us membranes used in nan0filtrati0n have very small p0res 0f less than 10 nan0meter.
Nan0filtrati0n is used mainly f0r the separati0n 0f i0ns. Ultrafiltrati0n is used t0 rem0ve subat0mic particle with size
between ten nm and hundred nm. Renal dialysis is an imp0rtant applicati0n 0f ultrafiltrati0n. Magnetic nan0particles
crack an effective and reliable meth0d acting t0 rem0ve heavy metal c0ntaminati0n fr0m wastewater by the use 0f
magnetic separati0n techniques (Murty, 2013).
c0mm0n dyes which acts as p0llutant are methyl 0range, E0sin Y, malachite green, methylene blue, etc. Dyes can be
categorized according to their color, constituents and applications, out of which applications of dye is the most
common method for dyes classification (Gupta, 2009). These residual dyes fr0m t0tally different s0urces like textile,
pulp, paper, pharmaceutical industries are wide range 0f 0rganic p0llutants intr0duced int0 0ur natural water res0urces
0r s0il 0r in air. 0ne in every 0f the m0st s0urces with severe p0lluting d0wnside w0rldwide is that the textile business
and its waste waters c0ntaining appr0x. 10 t0 25% 0f the textile dyes (Saini Rummi, 2017). The m0st c0mm0n hazard
0f reactive dyes is metastasis issues due t0 the inhalati0n 0f dye particles (Ahmad, et al). Typically, they'll have an
effect 0n a pers0n’s immune system and in extreme cases this may mean that 0nce the pers0n inhales the dye their
Photocatalytic degradation of dyes and other pollutants is extensive researched from mid twentieth century. Dyes are
commonly used in many products such as furniture, clothes, plastics etc. Throughout the course of dyeing process
approx. 12% dyes eliminate as waste and 20% of those waste penetrate in the environment and it can badly affect
populations causing serious health hazards. The most common threat of these reactive dyes is respiratory problems
because of the inhalation of dye particles. They can even affect a person’s immune system and in some of extreme
cases this can happen that when the person next inhales the dye their body can react dramatically. This is called
respiratory sensitization and symptoms which includes watery eyes, sneezing, itching and also shows the symptoms
of asthma such as coughing and wheezing (Hassan, 2016). Phytoremediation using nanomaterials is one of the modern
methods for dye degradation. nanoscale particles gaining attention for remediation of environmental pollution.
Nanoparticles are encouraging as efficient nutrient source for biomass production from plants because of intensified
metabolic activities, and utilization of native nutrients by promoting microbial activities. The main concern of using
nanomaterial is reducing use of harmful chemicals (Ray, et al, 2010)
Both catalytic and photocatalytic degradation of organic dyes are reported. Photocatalytic degradation has
advantage over other methods, it is environment friendly, less expensive because it uses solar light and does not
produce any secondary pollutants (Youliang, et al, 2018).
Table 1: Dye degradati0n using different nan0particles synthesized fr0m different plants
S. No Plant’s name Nanoparticle Size Name of Dye Reference
1 Suaeda japonica Zinc oxide 100 nm Methylene blue Yeon Jae et al, 2019
2 Eriobotrya japonica Silver 34 nm Azo dye Chen, et al. 2019
3 Plumbago zeylanica Silver 55 nm Eosin Y, Methyl Roy, et al. 2019
Nanoparticle orange, Methylene
blue, Methyl red
and Phenol red
4 Pisonia alba (leaf Nickel oxide 10 to 14 Methylene Blue Princess Jeba, et al.
extract) Nanoparticle nm 2018
5 Alpinia nigra(leaves) Gold 21.52 nm Methyl orange and Debjani, 2018
Nanoparticle Rhodamine B
6 Dalbergia Gold 10.5 nm Congo red and Umamaheshwari
coromandeliana (roots) Nanoparticle Methyl orange 2018
7 Aloe barbadensis (leaf Copper 60 nm Malachite Green Madiha, et al, 2018
extract) Nanoparticle
8 Cordyceps militaris Zinc oxide 10.15 nm Methylene Blue Jin Feng Li et al,
Nanoparticle 2018
9 Hippophae rhamnoides Zinc oxide 20.17 nm Eosin Y and Kyeong, et al, 2018
(leaves) Nanoparticle Malachite Green
10 Mediterranean cypress Iron based 19 nm Methyl orange Ebrahiminezhad, et al.
(leaf extract) Nanoparticle 2018
11 Centella Asiatica (leaf Zinc oxide 30 nm Methylene Blue Vergheese, et al. 2018
extract) Nanoparticle
12 T. subulate (leaves) Zinc oxide Methylene Blue, Vivekraj, et al. 2018
Nanoparticle Methyl Violet,
Methyl Red, Eosin
and Safranin
13 Nerium oleander L. Titanium 6.24 nm Methylene Blue Deshmukh, et al 2018
(leaf powder) oxide
14 Duranta erecta (fruit Copper 70 nm Azo dyes (MO & Muhammad, et al.
extract) Nanoparticle CR) 2018
15 Phaseolus lunatus Tin oxide 18 nm Alizarin Red S Dye Begum, et al, 2017
16 Abutilon indicum Copper oxide 15 nm Acid Black Faheem, et al,2017
17 Cynometra ramiflora Iron oxide 58.40 nm Methylene Blue Bishnoi, 2017
(inedible fruit waste) Nanoparticle
18 Gmelina arborea Silver 8 to 32 nm Methylene Blue Jayanta, et al. 2017
19 Eucalyptus Globulus Iron - Rhodamine B dye Sharmila, et al. 2017
(leaves) Nanoparticle
20 Moringa oleifera Zinc oxide 52 nm Titan yellow dye Pal, et al, 2017
21 Lagerstroemia speciosa Silver 12 nm Pseudomonas Saraswathi, 2017
(leaf extract) Nanoparticle aeruginosa
26 Abutilon indicum (leaf Copper oxide 16.78 nm Acid Black 210 dye Faheem, et al. 2017
extract) Nanoparticle
28 Mussaenda glabrata Silver & Gold 55 nm Rhodamine B and Francis, et al. 2017
(leaf extract) Nanoparticle methyl orange
40 Biophytum sensitivum Silver 19.06 nm Methyl orange and Joseph and Mathew,
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