Application For Teaching Fellows (Temporary Ref: Advertisement No.001/2019 /MIT/Teaching Fellows Dated:22.11.2019
Application For Teaching Fellows (Temporary Ref: Advertisement No.001/2019 /MIT/Teaching Fellows Dated:22.11.2019
Application For Teaching Fellows (Temporary Ref: Advertisement No.001/2019 /MIT/Teaching Fellows Dated:22.11.2019
In case there are more number of applicants, a written test will be conducted to short
list/select the candidates for oral interview.
The duly filled application in the prescribed format along with copy of all degree
certificates and all other necessary certificates should be submitted at the following address in
person or by post on or before 06.12.2019, 5.00p.m. to
The Dean,
Madras Institute of Technology Campus,
Anna University, Chromepet,
Chennai-600 044.
Superscribe the envelope as “Application for the Post of ----------------- Department -----------------------
2. Address for
Communication PHOTO
6. Community OC BC MBC SC ST
7. Gender MALE / FEMALE
8. Date of Birth D D M M Y Y Y Y Age(as on
Years Months
9. Educational Qualifications
Certificates Specialization/ School/ Board/ Year of Percentage/ Class
/Degree Branch College University Passing CGPA obtained
10. Additional Qualifications(including higher degree(s)/Certificates/ NET/SET):
11. Experience:
Name of the Designation Period Nature Total Experience
Organization From To of Years Month
I declare that the information furnished above is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief and that no related information is concealed. If any discrepancy is found
at any stage, the Madras Institute of Technology Campus, Anna University, Chennai, shall cancel
my application/ selection. I am aware that this application is only for temporary position.
1. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for written test and interview after scrutinizing
the applications.
2. The actual date and time of written test and interview will be intimated by e-mail or by
telephone to the shortlisted candidates.
3. Candidates should appear for the interview with their original certificates.
5. The positions are purely temporary and the duration is for 6 months which may be
extended depending on the performance with periodical breaks.
8. The applicant will be responsible for the authenticity of information and other
documents submitted.
9. The performance of the candidates will be monitored for 3 months and further
confirmation will be based on their performance.