X-Field Data

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X-Field Description and Data Set


X-Field Description and Data Set

1.1 Introduction

This field development programme describes the proposed development of the X-field by
Xenon, a public limited company. The X-field is located approximately 210km East
North East of mainland Britain in the Central North Sea in block UKCS 22/12.

There are numerous neighbouring fields located close to the X-field, as can be seen in
figure 1. Nearby existing developments include Nelson, 10km to North North West, and
Forties, 40km North West. Other existing facilities include the Forties pipeline system,
the Fulmar gas pipeline and the central area transmission system. The X-field lies in 81m
of water.

1.2 History

Six appraisal wells penetrated the oil bearing Jurassic reservoir from 10126ft to 11175ft
two years ago (see figure 2). Wells X-1 and X-2 are vertical and wells X-3 to X-6 are
deviated by up to 25 degrees. All six were subsequently abandoned. From this appraisal
phase various sources of information were collected. Mud logs were recorded during the
drilling of each well. Four wells tests were carried out and 8 uncontaminated fluid
samples collected. Each well was petrophysically logged. A 2-dimensional seismic cross
section of the reservoir was also taken.

1.3 Seismic Information

The available seismic is 2D and was shot in an NNW to SSE direction (see figure 3 and
4). The seismic is of moderate quality.

1.4 Petrophysical Data

1.4.1 Wireline Logs

Petrophysical logs which were run on all of the wells in the X-field. A full list of the logs
that were run can be found in Table 1. The mud type in all the wells (with the exception
of well 6 which is OBM) is a potassium system WBM.

1.4.2 Core
Core porosity, permeability and capillary pressure measurements are available for wells
X1, X4 and X5.
Examination of core samples indicated that the reservoir sand is relatively well
consolidated. A small interval was identified as being slightly more friable. Sonic travel
time also indicated that the reservoir sand is friable to moderately hard.
X-Field Description and Data Set

1.5 Reservoir Fluids

PVT Analysis
Fluid samples from a total of eight depth intervals in exploration wells X-1 and X-2 were
considered uncontaminated (or present in sufficient quantity) and therefore suitable for
analysis. Two down hole samples from well X-1 were collected, but only one, at 10362 ft
(TVDSS) was analysed because the oil content of the other sample was found to be far
from sufficient to complete an analysis. Eight valid samples were collected both from the
wellhead and separator during the drill stem testing of wells X-2, X-3, X-5 and X-6. A
second PVT analysis was performed on surface samples collected from well X-3 and the
results were compared with those obtained from the down hole samples. The results of
these PVT analyses are presented in table 2.

Changing the separator pressures and temperature results in a different formation volume
factor being obtained in both PVT reports from wells X-1 and X-2 (see appendix D,
figures D.1, D.2, D.3, D.4). A normalisation process was performed in order to obtain an
acceptable average oil formation volume factor for both wells and to use across the entire
reservoir (see appendix D) [4].

The average formation volume factors obtained from both wells X-1 and X-2 are similar
and are presented in figures 2 and table 3. The average reservoir fluid composition is
shown below in table 4. From production technology optimisation it is known that a two
stage separation process will be required in the field. First stage separation pressure is to
be 300 psi, 200oF and the second stage with pressure at 30 psi, 80oF.

From the Drill stem test performed in the 100% water bearing sand, a formation water
sample was obtained and submitted to the laboratory for testing. The results are
presented in tables 5 and 6.

1.6 Reservoir Pressure

Repeat Formation Tester

RFT tests have been conducted for three well; X1, X2, and X5 to find the original
reservoir pressure and oil water contacts.

The measured pressure (Psi) at different depths (TVSS in feet) and the observed oil water
contacts are summarised in table 7.

1.7 Well performance

Drill stem testing

Drill Stem Tests were carried out on wells X-2, X-3, X-5 and X-6. No tests were
conducted on wells X-1 and X-4.
X-Field Description and Data Set

A software package, entitled Pansystem, was used to analyse the well test responses.
Input parameter data, including formation volume factor, total system compressibility for
example were calculated from the PVT analyses (see section 2.4) and parameters such as
porosity, water saturation, layer thickness and so on were obtained from the petrophysical
analysis (see section 2.3).

An injectivity test was also carried out in the aquifer. However, the results indicate that
permeability is low and that the aquifer sand is very tight. The injectivity index is so low
that injection in the aquifer, to provide pressure support, will not be possible. Therefore it
has been decided that injection into the transition zone at the base of the oil leg is the best
option for maintaining reservoir pressure.

Tables 2.6.1-2.6.5 show the results of the well test analyses carried out in the field.
Wellbore Storage (Cs) was obtained from the diagnostic (log-log plot), permeability and
skin from semilog plot and P* from the liner flow plot. The selected data will be used for
the finalisation of the development plan and to help in understanding the differing
productivity and reservoir properties of various areas of the reservoir.

1.7.1 Well 2 (Productivity test)

The bottom hole pressure survey results of well 2 are shown in Tables 2.6.1 and 2.6.2.
The Plots can be found in appendix F.

Figures F.1-F.8 of appendix are the results of the analysis of the last build-up, owing to
their longer duration. More accurate results are obtained by analysing the build-up rather
than the drawdown because maintaining a constant rate during drawdown is not always
possible. The productivity test overview in appendix F, figure F.1 shows that the duration
of test is not long enough to reach semisteady state, although it does approach this
towards the end of the test. Thus the exact determination of the position of the late time
region boundary is not possible.

Figure F.2 (appendix F) shows the type curve matching. Because the test is too short it is
not possible to fully determine what the boundary type is, it matches with U-shaped,
parallel and intersecting fault models. This well is in one of the corners of the field and in
this case is interpreted as being between parallel faults.

A permeability thickness of about 35000mDft was calculated on the basis of fluid

parameters and the extrapolated pressure is approximately 5710 psi. However, this
pressure is not very reliable because the build-up test is too short and because the fall-off
period after the injectivity test shows a discontinuity in the reservoir. The quick match
results justify these results.
X-Field Description and Data Set

Table 2.6.1:Well 2- Production test

Diagnostic Semilog plot(Radial flow) Linear flow plot

Parameter Quickmatch
(log-log plot) (Specialised plot) (Specialised plot)
Cs 0.2012 - - 0.032
k 247 247 303 273
kh 34640 34647 - -
S 1.65 1.67 3.35 2.5
W 635 - 462 488
L1 - - 158 190
L3 - - 304 298
P* - 5678 5710 5710
Rinv 1214
FE .8295

2.6.2 Well 2 (Injectivity Test):

Figures 9-15 (appendix F) show the results of the injectivity test in the aquifer. Figure
F.9 (appendix F, test overview) shows that injectivity in the aquifer is very low and to
inject at a rate of 3600 bbl/day, a surface pressure of 8000psi is necessary. In figure F.10
the fall-off period is analysed as a build-up and the X-axis in diagnostic plot is elapsed

The permeability is very low (14mD) in aquifer because where as digenesis stopped in
the reservoir after oil emplacement, it continued in the reservoir. The skin is very high
because the sand is very thick (675 ft) but the well is only completed over a small part of
it (perforated thickness is just 20 feet) and so most of this skin is a geometrical skin
associated with limited entry.

The late time region in the diagnostic plot has a unit slope [5] and the boundary model
selected is that of 2-cell compartmentalised. In this boundary model there are two cells
with a 'leaky' connection between them and when water is injected in one cell it flows to
other cell. Because of the presence of a barrier (although discontinuous) and the low
water zone permeability, it is very difficult to inject in the aquifer. The quick match
results support this statement.
X-Field Description and Data Set

Table 2.6.2:Well 2- Injectivity test in water zone

Diagnostic Semilog plot(Radial flow) Linear flow plot

Parameter Quick match
(log-log plot) (Specialised plot) (Specialised plot)
Cs 0.0183 - - 0.009
k 14.25 14.13 - 15.7
kh 9619 9541 - -
S 112.6 111.7 - 65
W - - - 488
L1 - - - 97
L2 - - - 27
L3 - - - 78
L4 - - - 2
Teff - - - 0.3
V2 - 112020
P* - 5840 5840 5226
Rinv 400 ft - -
FE 0.053 - -

1.7.3 Well 3 (Productivity test)

Figures 16-21 (appendix F) display the plots of this well test analysis. Table 2.6.3
displays the permeability and skin factor. In figure 16 the test overview is shown.

Figure 18 is the diagnostic plot of the last build-up, it illustrates in late time region that
the derivative first increases and then decreases, and this is a complex situation, which
indicates the presence of aquifer support.

In figure 17 the type curve matching of the gas cap/aquifer support model only matches
the end of derivative curve. This is because the well is located in a situation like that
illustrated in the below schematic (figure 2.6.1). In this reservoir layer the permeability
is constant but the thickness varies across the field. At the beginning of the test, the effect
of the thicker region does not reach the well and the derivative plot shows one boundary.
As the build-up proceeds the effects of the thicker region become apparent and the
derivative shows a constant pressure boundary related to weak aquifer support. The
diagnostic plot (figure F.18) shows that the pressure towards the end of the build-up
section is almost constant and this justifies the use of the constant pressure boundary
model [1].
X-Field Description and Data Set

Figure 2.6.1: Schematic well 3 location in the reservoir

Well 3 Reservoir Thickness


Another justification for this model is illustrated in appendix F, figure F.21 (the
drawdown diagnostic plot). This is because in this plot, the pressure derivative curve also
decreases in late time region, however the data is very noisy. If the pressure derivative
curve in both the build-up and drawdown period decrease in the late time region then the
model selected is the constant pressure boundary model.

Table 2.6.3:Well 3- Production test

Diagnostic Semilog plot(Radial flow)
(log-log plot) (Specialised plot)
Cs - -
KP 2278 2163
S - -0.621
ri - 928 ft
X-Field Description and Data Set

1.7.4 Well 5 (Productivity test)

Results of the analysis are displayed in table 2.6.5 and the plots are can be found in
appendix F, figures F.22-29. This test is also of a short duration and in figure 23, exact
boundary detection is not possible - it may indicate parallel faults, intersecting faults or u-
shaped fault models. Geological data supports the possible existence of a u-shaped fault.

The results in table 2.6.4 give a permeability of around 800mD and a skin about 22. The
extrapolated pressure is 4325 psi. The reason that the extrapolated pressures of the
different wells are not the same is that tests were not conducted at the same time. (This
test was carried out about one year after the tests were conducted on wells 2 and 3 and
during this period the wells have produced about 7.7MMbbl. Because of weak aquifer
support the pressure has decreased).

Figure F.27 (appendix F) shows that the drawdown data does not exactly match with the
quick match curve at the beginning of the test. The reason for this is that the skin is
changing and decreasing due to well clean up and during this period the pressure
increases slightly.

To match the beginning exactly the skin must be increased but doing this means that it is
not possible to match the build-up section. The software used does not take into account
the clean up effect.

Table 2.6.4:Well 5- Production test

Diagnostic Semilog plot(Radial flow) Linear flow plot

Parameter Quick match
(log-log plot) ( Specialised plot) (Specialised plot)
Cs 0.2461 - - 0.02
k 657 719 2070 810
kh 193786 212261
S 19.36 21.81 - 22
W - - 983 -
L1 - - - 910
L2 10
L3 - - - 595
P* - 4301 4323 4325
Rinv - 2270 -
FE - .2844 -

1.7.5 Well 6 (Productivity test)

X-Field Description and Data Set

Figures F.30-36 (appendix F) show the plots obtained and table 2.6.5 the results. In figure
F.31 the type curve matching almost exactly matches with the constant pressure boundary
model. Permeability and skin from the semilog plot are about 1000mD and 8.4

The quick match results show a good match with the data in figure F.35 (appendix F).
The limited entry effect also exists but is not as strong. The extrapolated pressure is
approximately 4818 psi, this pressure is different from other wells because of the time
period between tests [6&7].

Table 2.6.5:Well 6- Production test

Diagnostic Semilog plot(Radial flow) Linear flow plot

Parameter Quick match
(log-log plot) ( Specialised plot) (Specialised plot)
Cs 0.2945 - - 0.015
Kp 2885 996 - K=730
Khp 144269 49918
S - 8.42 - 4.7
Kz - - - 1.605
htop - - - 3 ft
hp - - - 50 ft
Pi - - - 4818

1.7.7 Well Testing Conclusion

Results for some wells demonstrate that the reservoir has a degree of support from the
aquifer, although it is very weak. This is illustrated by the fact that after one years
production the reservoir pressure has decreased by about 1000 psi. The results highlight
the fact that there are many faults in the reservoir, but the determination of the exact
position and orientation is not possible because the data is very noisy and the quality of
the tests poor. These factors are the cause of uncertainty in the results obtained.

The oil zone permeability varies between layers from 200 mD - 1D. In the perforations
permeability it is about 2-3mD. Production rates during the tests were high, as illustrated
in the table above and productivity index is therefore correspondingly high. The results
can be seen in table 2.6.6.

Table 2.6.6:Productivity Index of different wells

Bo Uo S K kh m Q Pwf P* Pskin PI Ideal
WELL 6: 1.34 0.44 8.42 998 49918 41.7 19530 4230 4818 33 305 69.13
X-Field Description and Data Set

WELL 5: 1.35 0.44 21.81 719 212262 8.43 15600 4078 4322 64 160 185.65

WELL 3: 1.345 0.47 -0.6 2163 54096 49.32 25000 4759 5193 58 -26 54.38

WELL 2: 1.35 0.47 1.6 247 34647 11.52 3781 5580 5710 29 16 33.18

The results of the injectivity test in the water zone indicate that permeability is low and
that the aquifer sand is very tight. The injectivity index in the aquifer is low and so
injection into the aquifer in order to provide pressure support will not be possible.
Therefore it has been decided that injection into the transition zone at the base of the oil
leg is the best option for maintaining reservoir pressure.

1.7.8 Sand Control Sand failure prediction

From the six drill stem tests performed in 4 wells only one of them showed sand
production of 4lbs/1000 bbl at production rates around 4500 bbl/day. Tests performed in
the other wells were carried out at much higher flow rates 20,000-25,000 bbl/day and did
not show any sand production. The allowed sand production limit at flow rates of below
5000 bbl/day is 30lbs/1000 bbl of fluid. Due to the lack of sand production problems in
any other well it is possible that the sand produced during this test may be due to well
clean up in the beginning of production.

Examination of the core in the laboratory showed that it was relatively well consolidated.
A small interval was identified as being slightly more friable.

The mud log data for the six wells allow us to identify three distinct sand layers based on
completion/mud log characteristics. The upper sand is of a fine grain size, spherical and
is friable to moderately hard. The middle sand is fine to medium grained and is also
friable to moderate hard. The lower sand is fine to medium grained and is moderately
hard to friable. Scaling

The analysis of the formation water obtained from well X-2, showed that although there
is a high level of total dissolved solids (72 mg/l), the concentration of barium sulphate is
low. A compatibility test performed using filtered seawater and formation water
identified a small amount (concentration 2ppm) of scale formation. A scale inhibitor
treatment will be carried out to avoid scale accumulation.
X-Field Description and Data Set Wax, Asphaltenes

The asphaltene content of the oil is estimated at 0.4 %wt from tests in well X-2. This is
relatively low. No asphaltene deposition was observed during drill stem testing but no
detailed analysis into asphaltene deposition has been carried out.

The wax content in well 2 is estimated to be about 6.1wt%, which is relatively high. Corrosion

Analysis of the production test performed in well X-2 showed the existence of Hydrogen
Sulphide and Carbon Dioxide at concentrations of about 10ppm and 1.5% respectively.
X-Field Description and Data Set

3 Economics and commercial considerations

3.1 Introduction

The X-field, as previously described, is located in the Central North Sea, in block is
22/13a-1 and in a water depth of 81m. The X-field is situated in an active area of the
North Sea and is surrounded by existing field developments. The Nelson asset, operated
by Enterprise Oil, is located 15 km North West, Montrose is 10 km South and Z, Y and V
fields are to be found 12 km North, 15 km Northeast and 10 km East respectively. The
Forties field, operated by BP and acting as the collection point for the FPS, is sited 30 km

Numerous options are available in order to economically optimise the development

choice. A final development option must be made based on integration of the
engineering, economic and technical aspects of possible developments.

3.2 Assumptions In The Net Cash Flow

The assumptions that used in the economical net cash flow analysis are as follows:

 Inflation: Considered to be at a rate of 3 %, which is representative of a

reasonable period of years in the UK.

 Oil price: Assumed value is 15 $/bbl in real terms, constant during the life of the
project. Although oil price was constant at approximately 23 $/bbl last year,
recent fluctuation in the volatile crude oil market means that the project should be
viable at depressed prices.

 Exchange rate: Considered at 1.5 $/£ for the 18 year life of project [5].

 Gas price: Considered constant at 2.5 [6] $/MScf in real terms for duration of

 Gas and oil tariff: These prices have been negotiated with a representative of BP.
Oil and gas tariffs will be charged at 0.6 £/bbl and 0.5 £/MScf of oil and gas
respectively. They are considered in real terms and will be constant for the life of
the project.

 Corporation tax: A consolidated tax scheme is assumed, supposing that the

company is engaged in different projects at the same time. Corporation tax is
assumed to be charged at 30 % for the life of the project. Abandonment will be
claimed at 100 % in the year of expenditure.

 Payments: Transactions carried out half in year considered and half the following
X-Field Description and Data Set

 Discount factor: Perhaps the variable with the greatest impact on economic
analysis, Xenon considers a discount rate of 10 % representative, based on other
North Sea economic valuations and is a DTI assumption.

 Questor analysis: As indicated earlier, the project valuation software uses a

database of historical data [4].
X-Field Description and Data Set



X-Field Description and Data Set

Figure 1: X-field location

X-Field Description and Data Set

4 5
6 9900


1 2 Kms

980 Exploration well top reservoir location

0 Depth to top reservoir (Feet subsea)

Figure 2 Top structure Map with appraisal well location

X-Field Description and Data Set

Seismic Line and cross

section 2 (see appendix B) N

4 5
6 9900


1 2 Kms

Exploration well top reservoir location

0 Depth to top reservoir (Feet subsea)

Figure 3 Top structure map with seismic line and cross sections (found in appendix
X-Field Description and Data Set

Figure 4: Seismic Section

X-Field Description and Data Set

Well Log Run Depth (MD)

From To
X1 ISF/Sonic 1 1326 5513
2 5484 9850
3 9808 11813
4 11600 12920
FDC/CNL 1 5482 9851
2 9808 11813
3 11600 12323
MICROLOG 1 9811 11812
DLL 1 9809 11813
DLL 2 10200 12914
X2 GR 2 6840 12083
ISF/Sonic 1 1987 6507
2 6466 12077
FDC/CNL 1 1987 6507
2 6466 11095
3 10700 12083
4,5 10000 11261
MLL 1 6466 12083
DLL 1 6466 11095
X3 ISF/Sonic 1 6966 NR
FDC/CNL 1 6966 12388
DLL 1 11086 12130
ISF/Sonic 1 5909 10608
2 10560 12924
X4 FDC/CNL 1 5909 10595
2,3 10560 12930
MLL 1 11350 12930
DLL 1 10825 12930
X5 ISF/Sonic 6500 11846
FDC/CNL 1 6703 11839
2 10400 11711
MLL 1 10500 11127
DLL 1 10500 11132
X6 ISF/Sonic 1 9678 10449
2 9684 11602
FDC/CNL 2 9666 10445
3 10430 11602

Table 1: X-Field Wireline Logs.

X-Field Description and Data Set

PVT Parameters Initial conditions Bubble point

Pressure (psia) 5722 @ 10500 ft 1800
Temperature ( F) 250 250
Bo (R B/STB) 1.323 1.395
Rs (SCF/STB) 505 505
Viscosity (cP) 0.49 0.41
Compressibility Co (10-6 Psi -1) 10.4 18.0

Table 2 PVT Analysis

Test No.: Production test No. 2

Interval (ft TVDSS): 10,637-10672 and 10,688-10700

Analysis done by: Aberdeen

Date sampled: 23/6 (surface sample)

Specific gravity at 60/60oF : 0.8306

API gravity at 60oF : 39o
Water content : 0.15%
BS and W content : 0.15%v
Salt content : 0.0008%w NaCl
Kinematic viscosity at 100oF : 3.04 cS
Pour points, ASTM maximum : -3 oC
ASTM minimum : -36 oC
Cloud point : 19.6 oC
Paraffin wax content : 6.1 %w
Congealing point of wax :-
Sulphur content : 0.26%w
Asphaltene content : 0.40%w

Table 3 Average reservoir fluid proprieties

X-Field Description and Data Set

Fluid Compositon over X-field

Mole fraction %

50 Well x1/1
40 Well x1/2
30 Well x1/3
20 Well x1/4
Well x-1/5
Well x2/1




plus, C7+

Dioxid, CO2
Well x2/2



well x2/3
Well x-2/4
Components Well x2/5

Figure 5 Oil Fluid Composition

Component Mol%
Mathane, C1 24.38
Ethane, C2 9.41
Propane, C3 9.37
Isobutane, C4 1.29
N-butane, C4 4.65
Isopentane, C5 1.47
N-Pentane, C5 2.61
Hexane, C6 3.47
Heptane, C7 41.66
Carbon dioxide, CO2 0.54
Nitrogen, N2 1.18
C7 average Molecular weight 218.17

Table 4 Average Reservoir fluid compositions

X-Field Description and Data Set

Test No.: Production test No. 1

Interval (ft TVDSS): 10,962-10982

Analysis done by: Aberdeen

Date sampled: 23.00 hrs on 16/6 (surface sample)

Cation/anion Concentration, mgm/litre

Na+ 47,833
K+ 2,344
Ca2+ 7,455
Mg2+ 674
Fe2+ (total) 43
Fe2+ (dissolved) 24
Ba2+ 9.5
Cl- 90,912
SO42- 295
HCO3- 220

pH = 5.85

Measured resistivity at 21.3oC = 0.067 ohm-m

Measured resistivity at 93.3oC = 0.023 ohm-m
Amount of suspended solids = 72 mgm/litre

Table: 5 Formation Water Proprieties Report

X-Field Description and Data Set

Test No.: Production test No. 1

Interval (ft TVDSS): 10,962-10982

1. H2S content:
Analysis done by: Aberdeen
Data analysed: 12/7
Data sampled: 16/6 (surface samples, taken upstream of the chokes)
Of four samples analysed, the average H2S content in the produced water
was 0.9 ppm

2. Liberated gas analysis from bottom hole water sample:

Analysis done by: Flopetrol, Paris
Data analysed: 19/7
Data sampled: 07.08hrs 16/6 (subsurface samples)
Specific gravity of the water: 1.013 at 60oF

Component Mol. %

N2 5.56
CO2 1.66
C1 81.73
C2 7.14
C3 2.44
iC4 0.24
nC4 0.65
iC5 0.16
nC5 0.18
C6 0.11
C7 0.10
C8 0.03

Molecular weight: 19.615

Specific gravity of the gases: 0.677 (Air = 1.0)
H2S content < 0.1 ppm

Note: The dissolved gases were separated at 90oC and atmospheric pressure. The
recorded gas-liquid ratio = 14 scf/bbl

Table 6 Liberated Gas Analyses from Bottom Hole Water Sample Report
X-Field Description and Data Set

X-5 X-2 X-1

TVDSS Pressure TVDSS Pressure TVDSS Pressure
ft Psi ft Psi ft Psi
10,500 5,550 10,280 5,640 10,450 5,650
10,100 5,570 10,550 5,705 10,600 5,720
10,200 5,600 10,780 5,780 10,700 5,775
10,400 5,650 10,828 5,790 10,800 5,820
10,500 5,685 10,828 5,845
10,565 5,710
10,565 5,710 10,828 5,790 10,828 5,790
10,700 5,720 11,900 5,920 11,075 5,900
10800 5,820
11,100 5,920

Table 7 RFT Data

X-Field Description and Data Set



X-Field Description and Data Set

Table B.2: Important parameters and constants for different wells in the X field.

Parameter Unit Value

X-1 X-2 X-3 X-4 X-5 X-6
MINIMUM DEPTH ft 10000 10000 10000 10570 10000 10350
MAXIMUM DEPTH ft 12950 12080 12130 12924 11856 11622
RMC Ωm 0.189 0.226 0.395 0.921 0.723
TRMC F 65 74 57 40 59 70
RM Ωm 0.123 0.103 0.214 0.248 0.195
TRM F 70 78 57 60 70 70
RMF Ωm 0.087 0.084 0.203 0.215 0.164
TRM F 65 74 57 40 59 70
RW Ωm 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066
TRW F 60 60 60 60 60 60
BHT F 257 224 208 240 200
MEAN SURF TEMP F 60 60 60 60 60
ARCHIE A 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 1.04 0.81
ARCHIE M 2 2 2 2 1.81 2
SAT EXP (N) 2 2 2 1.5 1.85 2
R SHALE Ωm 4 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.81
BIT SIZE in 8.5 12.25 8.5 8.5 2.5 8.5
MUD WEIGHT lb/g 11 11 10.96 12.11 12.5 11.9
FM SALINITY ppm 120000 120000 120000 120000 120000 120000
BH SALINITY ppm 40000 60000 40000 30000 35000 23000
O.D. CASING in 9.625 13.39 9.625 13.38 9.625 9.625
GR MATRIX API 82 70 70 60 55 55
RHO MATRIX g/cc 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65
DT MATRIX μs/ft 86 86 86 86 86 86
CNL MATRIX % 0 27 0 20 0 0
GR SHALE API 105 87 85 105 70 70
RHO SHALE g/cc 2.52 2.2 2.25 2.25 2.45 2.38
DT SHALE μs/ft 77 75 75 85 85 85
CNL SHALE % 31.5 22 22.59 27 27 25.5
GR FLUID API 20 20 20 20 20 20
RHO FLUID g/cc 1 1 1 1 1 1
DT FLUID μs/ft 189 189 189 189 189 189
CNL FLUID % 100 100 100 100 100 100
DT MATRIX μs/ft 82 82 82 82 82 82
X-Field Description and Data Set

Well 2:
Figure F.1

Figure F.2
X-Field Description and Data Set

Figure F.3

Figure F.4
X-Field Description and Data Set

Figure F.5

Figure F.6
X-Field Description and Data Set

Figure F.7

Figure F.8
X-Field Description and Data Set

Figure F.9
Well 2( Injectivity Test)

Figure F.10
X-Field Description and Data Set

Figure F.11

Figure F.12
X-Field Description and Data Set

Figure F.13

Figure F.14
X-Field Description and Data Set

Figure F.15

Figure F.16
Well 3:
X-Field Description and Data Set

Figure F.17

Figure F.18
X-Field Description and Data Set

Figure F.19

Figure F.20
X-Field Description and Data Set

Figure F.21

Figure F.22
Well 5:
X-Field Description and Data Set

Figure F.23

Figure F.24
X-Field Description and Data Set

Figure F.25

Figure F.26
X-Field Description and Data Set

Figure F.27

Figure F.28
X-Field Description and Data Set

Figure F.29

Figure F.30
Well 6:
X-Field Description and Data Set

Figure F.31

Figure F.32
X-Field Description and Data Set

Figure F.33

Figure F.34
X-Field Description and Data Set

Figure F.35

Figure F.36
X-Field Description and Data Set

Vertical wells Number wells Unit rate Total cost Water injection Number wells Unit rate Total cost
Xmas tree 1 852300 852300 Xmas tree 1 621600 621600
Wellhead 1 165100 165100 Wellhead 1 78600 78600
Completion 1 55000 55000 Completion 1 22000 22000
Downhole 1 280600 280600 Downhole 1 280600 280600
Freight 2.00% 27060 Freight 2.00% 20056
Subtotal 1380060 Subtotal 742256
Drilling/Completion Unit rate Total cost Drilling/Completion Unit rate Total cost
Casing/Tubing Meters Casing/Tubing Meters
30" casing 130 870 113100 30" casing 150 357 53550
20"casing 450 100 45000 20"casing 450 100 45000
13 3/8" casing 1816 50 90800 13 3/8" casing 1743 50 87150
9 5/8" casing 3384 43 145512 9 5/8" casing 2790 43 119970
7" liner 450 23 10350 7" liner 756 23 17388
4.5" tubing 3215 42 135030 5" tubing 0 42 0
3 1/2" tubing 0 28 0 3 1/2" tubing 3486 28 97608
Cement 3250 15 48750 Cement 3486 15 52290
Mud 3250 67 217750 Mud 3486 67 233562
Bits 3250 45 146250 Bits 3486 45 156870
Conductor 0 870 0 Conductor 870 0
Drilling Template 0.071428571 8500 607.1428571 Drilling Template 8500 0
Freight 1.50% 14297.23714 Freight 1.50% 12950.82
Subtotal 967446.38 Subtotal 876338.82
Days Days
From Jackup 40 45333 1813320 From Jackup 40 23900 956000
Bare rig charter 40 36000 1440000 Bare rig charter 40 0
Drill crew 40 7800 312000 Drill crew 40 6200 248000
Drill marine 40 3600 144000 Consumables 40 6700 268000
Consumables 40 6700 268000 Helicopter services 40 2000 80000
Helicopter services 40 2000 80000 Supply boats 40 6300 252000
Supply boats 40 6300 252000 Supply base 40 2700 108000
Supply base 40 2700 108000
Specialist services Number Unit rate Specialist services Number Unit rate
Logging 1 330000 330000
Cementing 1 80000 80000 Cementing 1 80000 80000
Testing 1 130000 130000
Subtotal 2353320 Subtotal 1992000
Design 500 43 21500 Design 500 43 21500
Project management 334 85 28390 Project management 334 85 28390
Certification 1.50% 748.35 Certification 1.50% 748.35
Contingency 20.00% 940165.276 Contingency 20.00% 722118.96

Total (£mm 2001) 4724183.626 Total 3507013.3

Total ($mm 2001) 7086275.439 Total ($mm 2001) 5260520
Alias: Drilling 1


14No. 2,060,700 28,850,000
14No. 677,300 9,482,000
14No. 57,500 805,000
Downhole ESP No. 404,800
No. 310,000
No. 62,000
No. 23,000
6No. 1,573,500 9,441,000
6No. 308,800 1,853,000
6No. 23,000 138,000

2% of SUBTOTAL 1,011,000
EQUIPMENT 51,580,000

Casing / Tubing m
casing 3,000m 380 1,140,000
casing 9,000m 110 990,000
casing 34,300m 80 2,744,000
casing 54,900m 45 2,471,000
liner 14,900m 25 373,000
tubing 68,600m 48 3,293,000
tubing m 30
68,640m 16 1,098,000
68,640m 70 4,805,000
68,640m 48 3,295,000
68,640m 55 3,775,000

1.5% of SUBTOTAL 360,000
MATERIALS 24,344,000

FROM FLOATING 1,427Days 110,300 157,445,000

Bare rig charter 1,427Days 75,000 107,057,000
1,427Days 8,800 12,561,000
Marine crew 1,427Days 5,200 7,423,000
Consumables 1,427Days 8,000 11,419,000
Helicopter services 1,427Days 2,100 2,998,000
Supply boats 1,427Days 8,500 12,133,000
Supply base 1,427Days 2,700 3,854,000
Bare rig charter Days 60,000
Days 7,800
Marine crew Days 3,600
Consumables Days 7,000
Helicopter services Days 2,100
Supply boats Days 5,000
Supply base Days 2,700
X-Field Description and Data Set

Days 6,200
Days 7,000
Days 2,100
Days 5,000
Days 2,700
Days 36,000
Days 6,200
Days 5,200
Days 8,000
Days 2,100
Days 8,500
Days 2,700
Days 6,200
Days 3,600
Days 7,000
Days 2,100
Days 5,000
Days 2,700
14No. 350,000 4,900,000
20No. 85,000 1,700,000
14No. 140,000 1,960,000
TRANSPORT 7Days 102,200 715,000

INSTALLATION 166,720,000

15,000Mhrs 85 1,275,000
PROJECT MGMT 10,000Mhrs 90 900,000
CERTIFICATION 5% 12,241,000
CONTINGENCY 20% 51,412,000

TOTAL COST : UK POUNDS 308,472,000

X-Field Description and Data Set

Alias Floater 1


VESSEL PURCHASE d 41,500,000
2 off 1,000,000 2,000,000
6 off 2,100,000 12,600,000
12 x 4.5 in 9,072 m 446 4,041,000
9,072 m 195 1,769,000
12 71,000 852,000
WIRE TERMINATIONS 24 off 14,000 336,000


1,800 500 900,000

MARINE/OFFLOADING 200 14,200 2,840,000
GENERAL UPGRADE 100 6,800 680,000
Frame / Mooring Arm 400 950 380,000
1000 1,300 1,300,000
Chaintable / Buoy
876 750 657,000

6% OF SUB 405,420

VESSEL ST'GTHENING 1,800 2,200 3,960,000

MARINE/OFFLOADING 200 4,700 940,000
GENERAL UPGRADE 100 4,200 420,000
1,400 3,700 5,180,000
876 1,500 1,314,000


20 Days 105,000 2,100,000


SEA TR'L & M'NE COMM' 15 Days 100,000 1,500,000


65,000 Mhrs 50 3,250,000

42,500 Mhrs 90 3,825,000
8% 7,420,000
20% 20,034,000

UK POUNDS 120,203,000

X-Field Description and Data Set

Alias: Subsea 1
1 10 Template 13,799,000
2 4 Cluster 5,137,000
3 10 Template 12,980,000
4 Platform
5 Manifold 158,000

22 245,000 5,390,000
2% of subtotal 749,000




1.3 km 130,000 165,000
1.5 % of subtotal 2,000

34 Days 105,000 3,570,000
32 Days 150,000 4,800,000
(SDP) 230,000

60,400 Hrs 50 3,020,000

PROJECT MANAGEMENT 16,000 Hrs 90 1,440,000
5% 2,561,000
20% 10,754,000

UK POUNDS 64,525,000


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