Well Logging3 PDF
Well Logging3 PDF
Well Logging3 PDF
3 year 2020
-What is a “Log” and ‘’Well Logging’’.
- Study of the physical properties of rocks and the fluids through which the bore hole is drilled.
- Traditionally logs are display on girded papers. Now a days the log may be taken as films, images
and in digital format.
- Some types of well logs can be done during any phase of a well's history: drilling, completing,
producing or abandoning.
-Well logging is performed in boreholes drilled for the oil and gas, groundwater, mineral,
environmental and geotechnical studies.
-The first electrical resistivity well log was taken in France, in 1927.
1- Continuous measurements.
2- Easy and quick to work with.
3- Short time acquisition.
4- Economical.
1- Indirect measurements.
2- Limited by tool specification.
3- Affected by environment.
Figure. 1. Basic Well Logging Technique
- The name open hole is applied because these logs are recorded in the uncased portion of the well
- The closed hole logs. The name closed hole is applied because these logs are recorded in the cased
portion of the well bore.
- The various types of logs, the ones used most frequently in hydrocarbon exploration are called
open hole logs.
Conductive (water base drilling mud) and Non-conductive boreholes (oil base mud, air drilled or
cased holes).
- The result will be analyzed to determine which of the layers are porous and permeable and likely
to contain hydrocarbon.
- Survey is normally done from the bottom up. As the sonde is pulled up the hole, a continuous
measurement signal is sent to the surface where the data is processed and recorded as a curve.
Geological evaluation of the lithology, stratigraphy, fluids and reservoir properties are essential for
exploration and field development.
-Critical information from a well comes from:
1- The mud log. 2- Cores. 3- Cutting. 4- Geophysical logs.
- Formation Evaluation (FE) is the process of interpreting a combination of measurements taken
inside a wellbore.
- FE data can be gathered by logging while drilling tools .
- Provide continuous record of penetration rate, lithology, hydrocarbon shows and determine the
ability of a borehole to produce petroleum.
- To evaluate hydrocarbons reservoir (oil , gaz) and in petroleum exploration and development.
- Formation Water: (connate water in the formation) held by capillary pressure in the pores of a
rock serves to inhibit the transmission of hydrocarbons.
Table. 1. Illustrates the distribution of discovered oil and gas fields based on
geologic age
-Water Saturation (Sw): is the percentage of pore volume in a rock which is occupied by
formation water.
(Sw) = Formation water occupying pores / Total pore space in the rock * 100 %
-Subsurface Temperature: Formation temperature (Tf) is important in log analysis because the
resistivity of the drilling mud, mud filtrate, mud cake and formation water change with temperature.
The following are needed to determine formation temperature:
• Formation depth
• Bottom hole temperature (BHT)
• Total depth of the well
• Surface temperature
Formation temperature can be obtained by graphical means (assuming a linear geothermal
gradient) or by calculation using the linear regression equation.
G.G = Bottom hole temperature (BHT) = surface temperature / Total depth (TD)
For example:
m = 0.012ᴼ/ ft or 1.2ᴼ/100 ft
Formation Tmperature Calculation:
y = mx + c
After a formations' temperature is determined either by chart or calculation, the resistivity of the
different fluids (Rm, Rmf or Rw) can be corrected to formation temperature.
Resistivity values of the drilling mud (Rm), mud filtrate (Rmf) and mudcake (Rmc), and the temperature
at which they are measured, are recorded on the log's header.
Formation water resistivity (Rw) is obtained by analysis of water samples from a drill stem test, or
from a catalog of water resistivity value , and as follows:
Rw166 = 0.018
1- The four most fundamental rock properties used in petrophysical logging are (1) porosity; (2)
permeability; (3) water saturation and (4) resistivity.
2- The Archie equation for water saturation is: Sw= (F x Rw/Rt)
3- Where a porous and permeable formation is penetrated by the drill bit. the drilling mud invades
the formation as mud filtrate (Rmf).
4. The invasion of the porous and permeable formation by mud filtrate creates invasion zones (R xo
and Ri) and an uninvaded zone (Rt). Reading resistivity logging tools provide information aboul the
invaded and uninvaded zones.
5. -Lithology: The lithology of a formation must be known because: (1) porosity logs require a
matrix value sandstone, limestone, or dolomite in order to determine porosity ; (2) the formation
factor varies with lithology; (3) the variation in formation factor causes changes in water saturaiion
6. The four fluids that affect logging measurements are: (I) drilling mud. Rm; (2) mud filtrate. Rmf;
(3) formation water, Rw; and (4) hydrocarbons.
7. The resistivities of the drilling mud (Rm). mudcake (Rmc), mud filtrate (Rmf) and formation water
(Rw) all vary with changes in temperature. Consequently, a formations temperature (Tf) must be
determined and all resistivities corrected to Tf.
8 .Clay content: (Rock may be clean or it may contain clay) Caly content affects the permeability and
log readings
Where a hole is drilled into a formation, the rock plus the fluids in it (the rock-fluid system) are
altered in the vicinity of the borehole.
The borehole rock and the rock surrounding it are contaminated by the drilling mud, which affects
logging measurements.
-A well’s borehole size is described by the outside diameter of the drill bit .
- But, the diameter of the borehole: may be larger or smaller than the bit diameter because of:
1- Wash out and/or collapse of shale and poorly cemented porous rocks.
- Borehole sizes normally vary from 7 inches to 12 inches. The size of the borehole is measured by a
caliper log.
- The maintain an excess of borehole pressure over formation pressure and prevents blowouts.
Note: The Resistivity values for drilling mud, mud cake and mud filtrate are recorded on a log’s
header (Figure 2) and are used in log interpretation.
Figure. 4. is a schematic illustration of a porous and permeable formation that is
penetrated by a borehole filled with drilling mud.
This schematic diagram illustrates an idealized version of what happens when fluids from the
borehole invade the surrounding rock. Dotted lines indicate the cylindrical nature of the invasion.
- Invaded Zone: The zone which is invaded by mud filtrate is called the invaded zone. It consists o f a
flushed zone (Rw) and a transition or annulus (Ri) zone.
-The flushed zone (Rxo): occurs close to the borehole where the mud filtrate has almost completely
flushed out a formation's hydrocarbons and/or water.
-The transition or annulus (Ri) zone: where a formation’s fluids and mud filtrate are mixed, occurs
between the flushed (Rxo) zone and the uninvaded (Rt) zone.
-The uninvaded zone: is located beyond the invaded zone, pores in the uninvaded zone are
uncontaminated by mud filtrate, instead, they are saturated with formation water Resistivity (Rw),
oil and/or gas.
-As mud filtrate (Rmf) moves into a porous and permeable formation, it can invade the formation in
several different ways.
-Various fluid distributions are represented by the step, transition, or annulus profiles.
- All three profiles illustrate the effect of a freshwater mud; for profiles using saltwater mud see
figures and Mud cake thickness is indicated by hmc.
This is the most realistic model of true borehole conditions. Here again invasion is cylindrical, but in
this profile, the invasion of the mud filtrate (Rmf) diminishes gradually, rather than abruptly, through
a transition zone toward the outer boundary of the invaded zone (see dj on diagram for location of
outer boundary).
In the flushed part (Rxo) of the invaded zone, pores are filled with mud filtrate (Rmf), giving a high
resistivity reading. In the transition part of the invaded zone, pores are filled with mud filtrate (Rmf),
formation water (Rw), and, if present, residual hydrocarbons.
Beyond the outer boundary of the invaded zone, pores are filled with either formation water or
formation water and hydrocarbons.
In this diagram, hydrocarbons are not present, so resistivity of the uninvaded zone is low. The
resistivity of the invaded zone is Rxo, and the resistivity of the uninvaded zone is Rt (where Rt
reduces to Ro when the formation is water bearing).
This reflects a temporary fluid distribution and is a condition that should disappear with time (if the
logging operation is delayed, it might not be recorded on the logs at all). The annulus profile
represents a fluid distribution that occurs between the invaded zone and the uninvaded zone and
only exists in the presence of hydrocarbons.
In the flushed part (Rxo) of the invaded zone, pores are filled with both mud filtrate (Rmf) and
residual hydrocarbons. Thus the resistivity reads high. Pores beyond the flushed part of the invaded
zone (Ri) are filled with a mixture of mud filtrate (Rmf), formation water (Rw), and residual
Beyond the outer boundary of the invaded zone is the annulus zone, where pores are filled with
formation water (Rw) and residual hydrocarbons. When an annulus profile is present, there is an
abrupt drop in measured resistivity at the outer boundary of the invaded zone.
The abrupt resistivity drop is due to the high concentration of formation water (Rw) in the annulus
zone. Formation water has been pushed ahead by the invading mud filtrate into the annulus zone.
This causes a temporary absence of hydrocarbons, which have been pushed ahead of the formation
Beyond the annulus is the uninvaded zone, where pores are filled with formation water (Rw) and
hydrocarbons. The resistivity of the invaded zone is Rxo, and the resistivity of the uninvaded zone is
Rt (where Rt reduces to Ro when the formation is water bearing).
Figure. 5. Resistivity profiles for three idealized versions of fluid distributions in the
vicinity of the borehole.
Figure.6. Resistivity profile for a transition-style invasion of a water-bearing
Figure.7. Resistivity profile for a transition-style invasion of a hydrocarbon-bearing
Figure.8. Reproduction of a typical log heading. This is the first page of a typical log
heading. Following pages contain details of the logging equipment used, the scales
used to display the data, general information about the borehole direction, remarks
about the logging job, and a disclaimer which outlines the responsibilities of both
the acquisition company and the client.
1- Electrical Measurements:
2- Nuclear measurements:
3- Acoustic Measurements:
3 Resistivity
2- Resistivity Log.
3- Nuclear (Radioactivity) Logs: a- Gamma Ray Log. b- Neutron Log. C- Density Log.
5- Caliper log.
- The measurement of natural electrical current (voltage) produced by the interaction of formation
connate water, conductive drilling fluid, and shale in the borehole.
- The SP curve reflects a difference in the electrical potential between a movable electrode in the
borehole and a fixed reference electrode at the surface.
- Because the SP Log is so simple to obtain and provide such basic information, it is the most
common log.
- The SP curve is usually 'flat' opposite shale formations because there is no ion exchange due to the
low permeability, low porosity properties thus creating the SP value of the shale baseline is assumed
to be zero, and SP curve deflections are measured from this baseline.
-For example, if the SP curve moves either to the left (negative deflection; Rmf > Rw) or to the right
(positive deflection; Rmf < Rw) of the shale baseline.
-The spontaneous potential (SP) log was one of the earliest measurements used in the petroleum
-Most wells today have this type of log included in their log suites.
-Electric voltages arising primarily from electrochemical factors within the borehole and the
adjacent rock create the SP log response.
-These electrochemical factors are brought about by differences in salinities between mud filtrate
and formation water within permeable beds.
-The SP cannot be used in nonconductive (e.g., oil base) drilling muds or in air filled holes.
-The concept of static spontaneous potential (SSP) is important because SSP represents the
maximum SP that a thick, shale free, porous, and permeable formation can have for a given ratio
between Rmf and Rw.
-SSP is determined by formula or chart and is a necessary element for determining accurate values
of Rw and volume of shale.
-The measured SP value is influenced by bed thickness, bed resistivity, borehole diameter,
invasion, shale content, hydrocarbon content, and most important: the ratio of Rmf / Rw.
Note: that when recording through impermeable zones or through permeable zones where Rmf is
equal to Rw, the SP curve does not deflect from the shale baseline.
-The magnitude of SP deflection is due to the difference in resistivity between mud filtrate and
formation water and not to the amount of permeability.
2- - The log shows the boundaries and thickness of each layer of rock, especially permeable
(sandstone) and impermeable (shale).
5- Porosity indicator.
- Is the rock property on which the entire science of logging first developed.
- In log interpretation, hydrocarbons, rocks and freshwater all act as insulators and are, therefore,
non-conduetive and highly resistive to electric flow.
R= rXA/L
- A sonde sends an electrical signal through the formation and relays it back to a receiver at the
surface (induced electricity).
- A rock which contains an oil and/or gas saturation will have a higher resistivity than the same rock
completely saturated with formation water.
- Therefore a difference exists between the resistivity of rocks filled with hydrocarbons and those
filled with water.
Figure.10. Resistivity logs
Passing a current between two current electrodes (A&B) in the earth and measured the potential
drop between two other electrodes (M&N)
The current flow circuit (the generator circuit) to be separated from the potential sensing circuit
(the meter circuit).
In this arrangement a constant known current is flowed from A to B (or B to A), and the potential is
measured between M and N.
The current emitting electrode (A) and the measure electrode (M) are placed close together on the
sonde, and the current return electrode (B) and the measure reference electrode (N) far away.
The response is determined mainly by the distance between A and M. The larger AM, the deeper
the measurement.
Although many distances have been used, the most common are 16 in. [40 cm], known as the short
normal, and 64 in. [162 cm], known as the long normal.
Figure.11. The principle of resistivity log
- Nuclear logs (also called radioactivity logs) record natural and induced radioactivity.
- Nuclear logs have a fundamental advantage over most other logs- they can be made in either
cased or open holes filled with any type of fluids ( Since many radiation rays can pass through steel
casing). Three type of logs: Gamma Ray Log, Neutron Ray Log and Density Log.
-All substances are assemblages of atoms. Each atom comprises of nucleus (made up of neutron and
protons) together with electrons revolving around the nucleus.
- The arrangement of Neutrons and Protons in the atoms is unstable and a natural rearrangement
occurs during which protons and neutrons are ejected from the nucleus and energy is emitted in the
form of gamma rays.
- Gamma rays are high energy electromagnetic waves that are emitted spontaneously by some
radioactive elements.
- It measures the natural radioactivity of rocks surrounding the borehole. and does not measure any
hydrocarbon or water present within the rocks.
- The radiation arises from three elements present in the rocks, isotopes of potassium, uranium and
- It is also known as shale log. This is because Shales are derived from the weathering of Igneous
rocks (composed of Quartz, Feldspar and Mica) which contains significant amount of potassium and
- GR log reflects shale or clay content within a formation, because K, U and Th are largely
concentrated in association with clay minerals.
- Dense formations such as (shales) absorb many gamma rays, while low density formations such as
(sandstones and limestone) absorb fewer.
- Shale free sandstones and carbonates have low concentrations of radioactive material and give
low gamma ray readings.
- It is used to define permeable beds when SP log cannot be employed (eg. When Rmf = Rw).
Figure.12. Scattering of Gamma ray (the effect is more marked in denser material .
-50 0 50 100 150
5265 Sandstone
5295 Shale
5375 Sandstone
5405 Shale
Figure.14. The Figure shows the distributions of radiation levels for numerous rock
-The radioactivity in well logging is measured using API (American Petroleum Institute) Scale.
-For GR Spectral Log, the format of Thorium and Uranium are given in PPM(part per million),
Potassium is given Percent %.
1% K= 16.32 API
- The neutron log is a porosity log that measures the hydrogen concentration in a formation.
- To obtain a neutron log, a sonde sends atomic particles called neutrons through the formation.
- When the neutrons collide with hydrogen, the hydrogen slows them down sufficiently to be
captured by nuclei.
- When the detector records slow neutrons, it means a lot of hydrogen, hydrogen is present main
component of water and hydrocarbon,
- The Neutron Log to evaluate formation porosity because hydrogen is mostly present in pore fluids
(water, hydrocarbons)
- In gas reservoirs, the neutron log records a lower porosity than the formation’s true porosity
because gas has a lower hydrogen concentration than oil or water
• porosity,
• Gas detection,
• lithology indication,
- The formation density log is a porosity log that measures electron density of a formation.
- Dense formations absorb many gamma rays, while low density formations absorb fewer.
- Thus, high count rates at the detectors indicate low density formations, whereas low count rates at
the detectors indicate high density formations.
- Therefore, scattered gamma rays reaching the detector is an indication of formation Density.
-The neutron-density combination is the most widely used porosity measurement combination.
-Porosity, adjusted for lithology, can be determined from the neutron-density combination either by
a crossplot chart or by formula.
• determination of lithology
-The acoustic or sonic log measures the travel time of an elastic wave (sound) through the
- Provide continuous record of the time (Δt) taken in microsecond/foot by sound wave to travel
from the transmitter (Tx) (above) to the receiver (Rx) (below) the sonde.
- The pulse measured is a compression P- wave followed by shear and stoneley waves .
- Dense, low porosity rocks are characterized by high velocity of sound wave and vise versa for
porous and less dense formation.
- Sonic log units are micro seconds/foot, which is the inverse of velocity. feet/second
-Most formations give transit times between 40 µs/ft and 140 µs/ft., so these values are
usually used as the scale
1- Indicating lithology (using the ratio of compressional velocity over shear velocity).
2- Determining integrated travel time (an important tool for seismic/wellbore correlation).
1. The first arrived is the compressional or longitudinal or pressure wave (P-wave) of low amplitude.
2. The second wave, with a larger amplitude, is the transverse or shear wave (S- wave) of slower
3. Finally, a wave of larger amplitude is arrived, are the Rayleigh waves and Stoneley (surface)
- The shear wave cannot propagate in fluids, as fluids do not behave elastically under shear
- The velocity of a P-wave in a material is directly proportional to the strength of the material and
inversely proportional to the density of the material.
- Hence, the Δt of a P-wave in a material is inversely proportional to the strength of the material and
directly proportional to the density of the material, i.e.;
Figure.18. Types of waves
Table. 2. Sonic Velocities and Interval Transit Times for Different Matrixes. These
constants are used in the sonic porosity formulas above (after Schlumberger, 1972).
Note: The sonic log is sensitive to small changes in grain size, texture, mineralogy, carbonate
content, quartz content as well as porosity . This makes it a very useful log for using for correlation
and facies analysis.
Hydrocarbon Effects The interval transit time (∆t) of a formation is increased due to the
presence of hydrocarbons (i.e., hydrocarbon effect). If the effect of hydrocarbons is not corrected,
the sonic-derived porosity is too high.
Hilchie (1978) suggests the following empirical cor-rections for hydrocarbon effect.
- The Caliper Log is a tool for measuring the diameter and shape of a borehole.
- The arms can move in and out as the tool is withdrawn from the borehole.
- The arms are linked to a potentiometer and the movement is converted into an electrical signal
by the potentiomet
This is shown in the log together with the bit size for reference. Borehole diameters larger and
smaller than the bit size are possible.
- The caliper logs are plotted with the drilling bit size for comparison, where the reading represents
the caliper value minus the drill bit diameter (Figure).
Note that when a hole is the same diameter as the bit-size it is called on gauge.
-Although each produces a porosity value from basic measurements, none actually measures
porosity directly.
Two such logs, the density and neutron, are nuclear measurements.
Table.4. Matrix densities of common lithologies (Schlumberger, 1972).
Log Interpretation:
As shown in the previous chapters, determining the porosity and true resistivity of a
zone is the first step in converting the raw log data into estimated quantities of oil,
gas, and water in a formation.
These estimated quantities are used to evaluate a zone and to determine whether a
well completion attempt is warranted.
A geologist should always consider every item of relevant data, such as drill stem
tests, sample shows, mud log analysis, nearby production, etc., before making a
decision to set pipe.
Table.5. Effects of clays and shales on logging measurements.