Computer Basics For Kids

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The key takeaways from the document are the different uses of computers in everyday life like at home, schools, offices, etc. and the characteristics of computers like speed, accuracy, reliability, etc.

The different uses of computers mentioned are at home for drawing pictures, typing letters, paying bills, booking tickets, listening to music, watching movies. In shops for making bills and storing lists. In schools for typing circulars, maintaining records. In offices and banks for sending/receiving mails, calculations, storing records. At railway stations and airports for keeping track of arrival/departure details.

The characteristics of computers according to the document are that they are fast, accurate, diligent and do not get tired or make mistakes.



What about computers?

You know Aladini, we both know Do you know how to use
how to use this TV remote control. them? Come, let us start
We can change channels, increase today by learning the
volume and adjust other settings. basics of computers.

Computer is an electronic machine
ááUses of computers
that works according to the
ááCharacteristics of computers
instructions given by us. The usage
of computer has grown in the past ááIPO cycle
few years. ááInput, Output and Storage devices
ááHardware and Software

Computers play an important role in our everyday life. Let us look at some of
the areas in which computers are used.

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➤➤ At home, computers are used for drawing
pictures, typing letters and assignments,
paying bills, booking tickets, listening to music
and watching movies.

Fig 1.1  Listening to music

➤➤ Computers are used for storing lists of
items and making bills in shops.

Fig 1.2  Making bills in a shop

➤➤ At schools, computers are used for

typing circulars, test papers, preparing time
tables, maintaining fee records of students,
etc. Computers are also used for teaching
in schools. The use of computers has made
learning easy and interesting for students.

Fig 1.3  Teacher using a computer

➤➤ Computers are used for sending and

receiving mails, storing records, and doing
calculations in offices and banks.

Fig 1.4  Computers in office

➤➤ At railway stations and airports,

computers keep track of the details like
arrival, departure and number of seats
available in a train or an aeroplane.

Fig 1.5  Keeping track of arrival and

departure time of trains

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➤➤ In hospitals, computers are used for
maintaining the records of patients, testing eyes,
etc. Various medical tests and preparation of
reports is done using computers.

Fig 1.6  Eyes testing

➤➤ Computers are used for designing
buildings, aeroplanes, clothes.

Fig 1.7  Designing a building

➤➤ Computers are very useful for scientific

research. They can be used for launching
of satellites, weather forecasting, etc.

Fig 1.8  Launching satellite

A computer has certain characteristics that make it different from other
• Speed. A computer can perform large number of
calculations quickly.

• Accurate. A computer always gives correct


• Diligent. A computer does not get tired. It can

keep working for long hours and can do same work
again and again.

• Reliable. A computer does not make mistakes.

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Before we discuss the working of a computer, let us first study some daily-life
examples to understand the way we perform tasks by following the IPO (Input­
Process-Output) cycle.

➤ ➤ Daily-life Examples of IPO Cycle

Let us study some common daily-life examples of IPO cycle.
• To Prepare Pizza:

• To Prepare Mango Shake:

• To Make Clay Models:

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Similarly, a computer also follows the IPO cycle.
A computer receives data or instructions
Quick Fact
through the input devices. The entered data GIGO stands for Garbage In
is processed or changed into meaningful Garbage Out. It means if you
information by CPU (Central Processing give waste input, you get waste
Unit). The result of processing is known as output.
output. The output is displayed through the
output devices. Storage devices are used to
store the results or the output so that they can be used later.
The following diagram illustrates the concept of working of a computer
system in relation to IPO cycle.

Input Devices Central Processing Unit Output Devices

give data data is processed data gets displayed

Fig 1.9  IPO cycle

The input devices allow you to communicate with the computer. They are
used to enter data and instructions. For example, keyboard, mouse, scanner,
microphone are input devices.

➤ ➤ Keyboard
The computer keyboard has many keys on it. You can type or enter data by
pressing various keys on the keyboard. You will learn more about the keyboard
in the next chapter.

Fig 1.10  Keyboard

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➤ ➤ Mouse
A computer mouse is used to move the arrow or the
mouse pointer on the computer screen. A mouse helps
us point and select things on the monitor. You can enter
or input data by clicking the mouse.
A computer mouse has two or three buttons. But
nowadays scroll mouse is more popular. A scroll Fig 1.11  Ball mouse
mouse has a wheel in the centre of the two buttons. (as seen from below)
This wheel is called the scroll wheel.
A mouse can be a ball mouse or an optical mouse.
A ball mouse has a rubber or metal ball under it. The
ball moves as you work with the mouse. An optical
mouse has a red light under it. The optical mouse is
better than a ball mouse. Fig 1.12  Optical mouse
(as seen from below)
You can perform different actions with a computer
mouse. They are discussed here.
• Left-click. When you press and release the left
mouse button, it is called left-click. Left-clicking the
mouse button lets you select an item on a computer
screen. For example, you left-click on the START
button to activate it. Fig 1.13  Left-click

• Right-click. When you press and release the right mouse

button, it is called right-click. Right-clicking a mouse
displays a list of options related to the clicked item.
For example, when you right-click the My Computer icon,
it displays a list of options related to My Computer. Fig 1.14  Right-click

• Double-click. When you quickly press and release the left mouse button
twice, it is called double-click. Double-clicking opens the window or a program
related to the clicked item.
For example, when you double-click the My Computer icon, it opens the My
Computer window.
• Drag-and-drop. Drag-and-drop is used to change the position of an item.
For example, you can use drag-and-drop to change the position of an icon on the

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➤ ➤ Scanner
Just as Xerox machine copies text and images from one
paper to another, a scanner copies the text and images
from a paper onto a computer. In other words, a scanner
creates an electronic copy of the printed paper. Fig 1.15  Scanner
➤ ➤ Microphone
A microphone is used to input sound into a computer. It
can be used to record different sounds. For example, you
can narrate a story and get it recorded on the computer
Fig 1.16  Microphone using a microphone.

1. Match the following.
(i) a computer works by following this cycle (a) double-click
(ii) device for copying text from paper onto computer (b) microphone
(iii) quickly pressing the left mouse button twice (c) keyboard
(iv) records the voice (d) IPO cycle
(v) an input device used for typing (e) drag-and-drop
(vi) to change the position of an object (f) scanner

CPU stands for Central Processing Unit. CPU is called the
brain of a computer. CPU is responsible for processing the data
given by the user. The process of changing the entered data
into meaningful information is known as processing. CPU is
always kept inside a box called the CPU box. All the parts of
Fig 1.17  CPU box
the computer are connected to the CPU box through wires.
CPU is made up of three main parts.
They are: Quick Fact
1. Arithmetic and Logical Unit (ALU) Charles Babbage
2. Control Unit (CU) is known as
the Father of
3. Memory Unit Computers.

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➤ ➤ Arithmetic and Logical Unit (ALU)
All the calculations in a computer are done by ALU. It performs arithmetic
calculations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It also performs
logical operations like .nding the greater number (>), smaller number (<), etc.

➤ ➤ Control Unit (CU)

CU works like a supervisor or a manager and checks that all the computer
operations are taking place correctly. It controls the working of all the parts of
a computer.

➤ ➤ Memory Unit
CPU stores all the data and instructions that need to be processed in the memory
unit. The memory unit then passes this data and instructions to the ALU or CU.

The output devices are used to display the results of processing to the user.
For example, monitor, printer, speakers are output devices.

➤ ➤ Monitor
Monitor looks like a TV screen. The actions that you perform using a mouse or
a keyboard are displayed on a monitor. You can also view pictures and cartoons
using the monitor.
Monitor is also known as VDU. VDU stands for Visual Display Unit.
There can be two types of monitors.
1. Cathode Ray Tube monitors (CRT)
2. Thin Film Transistor monitors (TFT)

Fig 1.18  TFT monitor Fig 1.19  CRT monitor

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These days, the computer systems come with TFT monitors as they occupy
less space and emit less heat.

➤ ➤ Printer
A printer transfers the information that you see on a monitor onto papers. The
printed paper is called the printout. Some printers can print only in black and
white while others can print in any colour.
There are various types of printers available in the market. For example,
dot-matrix printer, inkjet printer and laser printer. Of these, laser printers work
very fast compared to other printers.

Fig 1.20  Laser printer Fig 1.21  Inkjet printer Fig 1.22  Dot-matrix printer

➤ ➤ Speakers
You can listen to music and sound effects using speakers.

STORAGE DEVICES Fig 1.23  Speakers

You may need to store the results of processing so that you can use them later.
The devices used for storing data are known as secondary storage devices or
storage media.

➤ ➤ Hard Disc
Hard disc is the main storage device of a computer. It is
present inside the CPU box. It can store large amounts of
data. All the work done on a computer can be stored on the
hard disc. Later in the book, you will learn to save your
work on the hard disc.
Fig 1.24  Hard disc

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➤ ➤ CD
CD stands for Compact Disc. CDs are circular in shape and
can store lots of data. They can be easily carried from one place
to another. Most of the programs and games that you use on
your computer are also available on CDs.
Fig 1.25  CD
➤ ➤ DVD
DVD stands for Digital Versatile Disc. A DVD looks like a
CD but can store more data than it. You can store many movies
in a DVD.

Fig 1.26  DVD

➤ ➤ Pen Drive
Pen drive is a storage device which is very small in size. It
can be easily carried in a pocket or bag. Pen drive can be used
to store and transfer data from one computer to another.
Fig 1.27  Pen drive

2. Who am I?
(a) I am the brain of a computer.  ― P ―
(b) I give you output on paper.  ― R ― ― T ― ―
(c) I am an output device that displays pictures.  M ― ― ― T ― ―
(d) I perform arithmetic and logical calculations.  ― L ―
(e) I control other parts of the computer.  ― O ― ― R ― L UNIT
(f ) I can store lots of movies for you.  ― V ―


The various components that make up a computer system can broadly be
classified into hardware and software.

➤ ➤ Hardware
Hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer that you
can touch and feel. All the devices that we have discussed such as
keyboard, monitor, CPU, hard disc are examples of hardware.

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➤ ➤ Software
Hardware alone cannot perform any
function. It has to be given instructions.
A set of instructions given to the
computer to perform a given task is called
a computer program or software. For
example, MS Paint, Notepad, Microsoft
Word are software, (Fig 1.28).

MS Paint
Fig 1.28  Example of software

Recap Time
ááA computer is a very useful electronic machine that works according to the
instructions given by us.
ááComputers are used at many places like homes, schools, banks, offices, hospitals and
for scientific research.
ááA computer works by taking input, processing it and giving the output. This is known
as Input-Process-Output (IPO) cycle.
ááCPU is responsible for processing the data given by the user.
ááThe input device is used to receive data or instructions from the user.
ááThe output device is used to display the results of processing.
ááThe storage devices, such as, hard disc, CD, DVD and pen drive are used for storing
and transferring data.
ááH ardware refers to the physical parts of a computer that you can touch and feel.
ááSoftware is a set of programs or instructions given to a computer to perform a task.

Answer to Quick Questions

1. (i)–(d), (ii)–(f), (iii)–(a), (iv)–(b), (v)–(c), (vi)–(e)
2. (a) CPU,  (b) PRINTER,  (c) MONITOR,  (d) ALU,  (e) CONTROL UNIT,  (f) DVD


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Assessment Time
1 Circle the correct answer.

(a) TFT stands for

(i) Thick Film Transistor. (ii) Thin Flat Transistor.
(iii) Thin Film Transistor. (iv) Thick Flat Transistor.
(b) A __________ is used to input sounds into a computer.
(i) speakers (ii) microphone
(iii) printer (iv) CPU
(c) __________ copies text and images from a paper onto a
(i) printer (ii) scanner
(iii) hard disc (iv) microphone

2 Tick (✓) the correct statement and cross (X) out the wrong one.

(a) A scanner is an input device.

(b) The results of processing can be displayed with the help of

output devices.

(c) It is very difficult to carry a pen drive because of its large size.

(d) A DVD can store more data than a CD.

(e) The Control Unit (CU) of CPU performs the mathematical and
logical operations.

(f ) A microphone is an example of an output device.


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3 Fill in the blanks using the words given below.

Software Input CPU Storage IPO Control Unit

(a) A computer works by following the __________ cycle.

(b) A set of instructions given to the computer to perform a task is known as
(c) The processing of instructions is done by the __________.
(d) The __________ controls the working of other parts of the computer.
(e) Keyboard and mouse are example of __________ devices.
(f ) Hard disc and pen drive are examples of __________ devices.

4 Find the odd one out. One has been done for you.

(a) scanner, keyboard, printer, mouse printer

(b) pen drive, CD, mouse, DVD ___________________________
(c) monitor, MS Paint, hard disc, keyboard ___________________________
(d) control unit, memory unit, input unit, ALU ___________________________
(e) printer, monitor, speaker, microphone ___________________________
(f ) left-click, dragging, typing, right-click ___________________________

5 Give the full form of the following. One has been done for you.

(a) CPU Central Processing Unit (b) DVD __________________________

(c) CU __________________________ (d) CD __________________________
(e) IPO __________________________ (f ) ALU __________________________

6 Answer the following questions.

(a) What do you understand by IPO cycle? Give an example.



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(b) Name the different components of Central Processing Unit.

(c) Define output devices. Give an example.


(d) How is hardware different from software?


(e) Name any two storage devices.


Activity Time
1 Visit your school computer lab and make a list of
the various hardware devices present in the lab.
Then classify the hardware devices into input,
output and storage devices.
2 Write the names of software programs used
by you. (Hint: Games that you play are also
examples of software)

Teacher should familiarise the students with the various

áá or the
input and output devices. Notes f
Different types of monitors (CRT and TFT) and printers
can be shown to the students.
The IPO cycle could be explained by giving more real-life examples.


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