Welsh Mti Fellowships Application Form
Welsh Mti Fellowships Application Form
Welsh Mti Fellowships Application Form
Please email this application form
Please fill in the application form in black ink & block letters & CV to:
or electronically. Please supply a current CV with this form
In the subject field of your email, only write the name of Wales.mtijobs@gmail.com
the speciality you are applying for and nothing else.
For example, if you are applying for Orthopaedic Surgery,
only write Orthopaedic Surgery in the subject field.
Personal Details
Title Dr
Surname/Family Name Bhat
First Name
Middle Name
(Including Postcode/ Zip code)
Country INDIA
Home Telephone
Email Address
(Most communication will be via email. Please
provide an active email address which you check ajaalam333@gmail.com
regularly. You must notify us of any change)
Do you currently have a visa or other leave to remain in the UK? Yes No
(You must live overseas at time of application and return home after training)
Yes No
Have you passed the IELTS or attempted it. Please provide tour scores
Date obtained
If no, would you be prepared to take the IELTS exam immediately Yes No
Yes No
Do you have or have you previously attempted the PLAB I or II test? Date
PLEASE NOTE: Passing PLAB I or II is NOT considered a satisfactory alternative to IELTS obtained/attempted
Please list your qualifications from MBBS onwards in date order (with most recent first). All
information disclosed on this application will be subject to verification.
Subject/Qualification Place of Study Grade/result Year obtained
MBBS SKIMS Medical college 1 2008
Srinagar J&K India
Diploma in child health Govt. Medical college Not given 2013
Jammu J&K India
DNB Pediatrics Diplomate national Board Not given 2017
New Delhi
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Please provide details regarding any relevant professional registrations or memberships. This
information will be subject to a satisfactory check.
If you have answered ‘I have current UK professional registration relevant for this post’ or ‘I
have current UK professional registration and licence to practise for this post’, then please
enter the relevant details below.
UK /Indian Professional Membership or Membership Expiry/Renewal
Body Registration type Registration Number Date
Fitness to Practise
*Have you ever been removed from the register or have conditions or undertakings been
made on your registration by a fitness to practise committee, regulatory or licensing body in
the United Kingdom, or in any other country?
Yes No
If you have answered ‘yes’ above, please provide details below- continue on a separate page
*In your employment so far, have you had restrictions placed on your clinical practise?
Yes No
If yes, please provide details of any restrictions you may have. Continue on another page
Employment History
Please record below full details of all your continuous employment history, beginning with
your current or most recent employer and working backwards chronologically.
My job as a pediatric specialist here is to provide compassionate and nurturing care to children of all
ages, perform ongoing examinations and evaluations to assess patient growth and development while
treating children afflicted with minor illnesses and acute / chronic health problems. From recording
medical histories and documenting exam results to prescribing medications and treatments and
interpreting diagnostic tests are some basic responsibilities which I fulfil here.
I usually assistant junior staff in doing procedures like IV-line, umbilical line (arterial as well as venous)
placement, LP, subdural taps, ET intubation.
I have attended PALS and NALS training courses during my post graduate training so we try out best to
apply the same protocol when needed.
Here in our hospital we strictly follow evidence-based guidance and work on variety of research
Employer 1 Employer 2 Employer 3 r4
Start Date May 2011 June 2013 May 2105
End Date May 2013 May 2015 May 2107
Govt medical
college Jammu City Max Hospital Kurji Holy Family Hospital
J&K India Tohana Haryana India Patna Bihar
Name of Clinical
supervisor Dr Rekha Haresh Dr I.G. Aggarwal Dr Amit Mittal
Email of clinical m
supervisor kkrhdang@gmail.com mittal.1.amit@gmail.com
Your job title & grade PG 1,2 Pediatric registrar Academic registrar
Pediatrics and Pediatrics and Pediatrics and
Speciality Neonatology Neonatology Neonatology
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Post graduate
students are
supposed to learn
basic history Registrars are
taking and clinical supposed to attend
examination. I outpatient clinics and
was supposed to are posted as Registrars are supposed
attend daily emergency physician. to attend outpatient
Brief description of
rounds with So my job was to clinics and are posted as
senior registrars admit patients and emergency physician. So
and consultants. handle all type of my job was to admit
All basic emergency except patients and handle all
procedures like IV trauma. type of emergency except
line, LP, ET Besides this we were trauma.
intubation are allowed to teach Besides this we were
taught in this junior staff and allowed to teach junior
period supervise them. staff and supervise them
Gaps in Employment
Please give details of any gaps of > 6 months in your employment or training (within last 5
NO gap
Please provide the names and full contact details of at least two referees with separate
employers to cover a minimum period of three years employment and/or training history.
Please note that all reference requests will be followed up and verified by the recruiting
employer. Referees may be approached prior to interview, unless you indicate otherwise below.
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Supporting Information
If you are applying for a surgical or interventionist post and have a log book of procedures,
please provide information below about the most commonly done procedures
Number of Recorded
Procedures or Interventions
Declaration of Practical Experience
Under Senior Independently
Please briefly describe both formal and informal teaching you may have undertaken, the main
topics taught,& your audience (Do you hold any particular qualifications in Teaching?)
Briefly describe any research projects you have undertaken over the past 5 years starting with
the most recent one. Further details can be supplied in CV
Project Title Date Aim of Research Conclusions/Actions
If you have done any audit/quality improvement project, please summarise your main learning
point in 100 words
Publication Title Cord blood bilirubin, albumin, and bilirubin/albumin ratio for predicting subsequent
neonatal hyperbilirubinemia
Authors Jehangir Allam Bhat, Sajad Ahmad Sheikh, Roshan Ara
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Presentations: Details of 3 most relevant presentations starting with the most recent
Title (local/national/regional/international
Awarding Body Description and Purpose of Award
Indian Academy of pediatrics Breast feeding quiz competition 2015
Indian Academy of pediatrics General pediatrics quiz competition 2017
Team Working
Describe situations where you have been involved in working in a team, not necessarily
limited to professional activities. (max. 100 words)
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Supporting Information
Please include your reasons for applying and take the opportunity to highlight your particular
talents and strengths, (what you feel you can personally offer – what is unique to you – what
sets you apart from your peers).
Please DO NOT duplicate information already provided elsewhere in your application. (max.
300 words)
The information in this form is true and complete. I agree that any deliberate omission,
falsification or misrepresentation in the application form will be grounds for rejecting this
application or subsequent dismissal if employed by the organisation. Where applicable, I
consent that the organisation can seek clarification regarding professional registration details.
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