Agnihotra Homa Therapy 2012 January

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Homa Therapy


It is the science of HEALING the ATMOSPHERE

through PYRAMID FIRES to eliminate

AGNIHOTRA is the basic HOMA

• It is the process of purification of the
atmosphere through the agency
of fire tuned to the specific
biorhythm of sunrise/sunset.
• It comes from the ancientmost
Vedic sciences of Bioenergy,
Medicine, Agriculture and
Climate Engineering.
What are the effects of Agnihotra?

• It heals:
– the atmosphere
– the soil
– the subsoil
– the water
– the plants
– the animals
– the human beings
• Copper pyramid
of fixed size
• Ingredients (dried
cow dung, cow’s ghee,
brown rice)
• Mantra (vibrations)
• Timesheet exact to the
second of sunrise/sunset
at Sunrise
Sooryáya Swáhá
Sooryáya Idamπ Na Mama
Prajápataye Swáhá
Prajápataye Idamπ Na Mama
Put brown rice mixed with ghee into the fire
at Sunset

Agnaye Swáhá
Agnaye Idamπ Na Mama
Prajápataye Swáhá
Prajápataye Idamπ Na Mama
Put brown rice mixed with ghee into the fire
(4 hours daily)
Om Tryambakamπ yajámahe
Sugandhimπ pusπhtπi vardhanam
Urvárukamiva bandhanán
Mrπutyor muksπheeya mámrπutát
Put one drop of ghee into the fire
Benefits of HOMA THERAPY
In Agriculture
•Increased production in quantity and quality
•Reduced cost for labor to apply agrochemicals
•The produce is like that of grandma’s time in:
*taste *size
*texture *nutrition
•Prolongs the shelf life and makes them fitter for
•Increased number of harvests during the year, i.e.
productive cycle is shortened
Benefits of HOMA THERAPY
In Our Lives
– Improves our physical, emotional and mental health
– We can live in a healthy environment
(water, soil, plants and animals)
– We can live in harmony with nature
Healthy and abundant crops with
Homa Organic Farming

South American Results

MANGO variety HADE

Without agrochemicals:
10,000 kg per Hectare
(8,925 pound per acre)
With agrochemicals
(insecticides and fertilizers):
30,000 kg per Hectare
(26,700 pounds per acre)
84,000 kg per Hectare
(74,800 pounds per acre)
Observation: Eng. Jorge Hildalgo Valdiviezo,
Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Peru, Promotion of Fruit Culture

Without the use of agrochemicals:

6,000 - 8,000 kg per Hectare
(5,340 - 7,120 pounds per acre)
With agrochemicals
(insecticides and fertilizers):
15,000 kg per Hectare
(13,360 pounds per acre)
17,200 kg per Hectare
(15,320 pounds per acre)
Observation: Eng. Jorge Hildalgo Valdiviezo,
Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Peru, Promotion of Fruit Culture
Bananas-variety ”Isla” after 4 months with
• A fifth generation plantation • uniform rejuvenation in the
producing small bunches and whole banana plantation
giving minimum production. • absence of plagues and
• Infested 70% with fungi Fusarium diseases
• 40% moco Pseudomona Solanace • the bunches are much bigger
• on the average each plant gives 6-7 and of heavier, with an
offsprings, the main part not being average of 120 bananas
fit for propagation • average of 12-13 productive
• Infected with Sigatoka Negra and • 8-10 healthy leaves at the time
Sigatoka Amarilla of harvesting
• productive cycle is 8 1/2 months • productive cycle: 6 months

Observation: Eng. Rosa Cortez Morales

Ministry of Presidency of the Republic of Peru
Tomato-variety “Marglobe”

Earlier harvest with HOMA

agrochemical: THERAPY
• 90% Oidium sp. • completely
• 95% Bemissta Tabaci healthy
• size: 7 cm • 10 cm
• weight: 85 grams • 120 grams
• thickness: 13 cm • 20 cm
• taste: poor taste • pleasant
• texture: without shine • firm
• color: pale red • intense red
• yield per plant:1 to 2 kg • 3 to 4 kg
• harvest: 12 weeks • 7 weeks
Observation: Eng. Rosa Cortez Morales,
Ministry of Presidency of the Republic of Peru
Coffee with HOMA THERAPY
• Coffee planted in Homa
atmosphere starts to flower
at 8 months and is in full
production when reaching
the year.
• It is in its full second
fruition after 14 months.
The knot where the coffee
was harvested starts to
flower again and produces
new coffee.
Normally coffee starts to
flower and to give fruits
after one and a half year
of being planted.
Observation: Eng. Rosa Cortez Morales,
Ministry of Presidency of the Republic of Peru
Conventional With HOMA THERAPY
farming: The few remaining plants
Most plants in the show:
10 ha of cocoa
were destroyed • Rejuvenation
by: • No plagues nor diseases
• Moliniasis and • Very healthy and shiny
• witches’ broom green leaves
• the few
remaining plants • Big and healthy fruits
hardly showed • The production increased
any sign of by 400%
flowering or • Production all year round
Observation: Eng. Rosa Cortez Morales
Ministry of Presidency of the Republic of Peru
Beans, variety “Castilla” with HOMA THERAPY

Approximately 100 days after being planted and 3 months with

HOMA THERAPY treatment, the harvest was 2,276 kgs/ hectare
(5,024 lbs/hectare) in dry condition. This was classified by export
experts as “an excellent harvest and the best of the valley”. Also, the
appearance of a predator that reduced the population of the “White
Fly” to the minimum was observed in this Homa atmosphere.
Observation: Eng. Jorge Santiago, Local SENASA Office, Canete, Peru
(National Service of Agrarian Health, Subordination of the Ministry of Agriculture)
Coconut With
Conventional The plants were
method: healed and
• New and old plants freed of all
attacked by ants fungi and ants.
and fungi
• Producing an
• Fruit fell off before
average of 25
coconuts per
• Each bunch bunch ( up to
produced only 5 35 coconuts)
coconuts, which • Year round
ripened very production Coconut bunch with 35 fruits,
slowly. applying Homa Therapy
Observation: Eng. Rosa Cortez Morales,
Ministry of Presidency of the Republic of Peru
Cucumbers with HOMA THERAPY
Harvested in 80 days with Conventional
• Harvested in 40 Agriculture using agrochemicals.
• each plant gives
an average of
17 healthy
• each fruit is
25 to 30 cm long
and 20 to 25 cm
Observation: Eng. Rosa Cortez Morales,
Ministry of Presidency of the Republic of Peru
Cabbage with Homa Therapy
• Harvested in
60 days
• each head
has a
diameter of
80 cm
• completely
free of all Harvested in 90 days with Conventional
plagues and Agriculture using agrochemicals.
Observation: Eng. Rosa Cortez Morales,
Ministry of Presidency of the Republic of Peru
Papaya with HOMA THERAPY
Papaya plantation with 6 months
in full production, giving to
harvest per week.
Production: 150 metric tons per
year, with tendency increasing.

In conventional agriculture, using

agrochemicals, the papaya starts to
produce after 8 to 9 months, has
diseases and deficiency problems.
Production: 75 metric tons per
Observation: Eng. Rosa Cortez Morales,
Ministry of Presidency of the Republic of Peru
Oranges with HOMA THERAPY
• Through Homa atmosphere
and the use of Agnihotra ash-
water solution the vegetative
development in this orange
nursery sped up to 1 cm per day
• free of plagues and diseases
• the plants maintain very green
leaves without any shadow
• developing leading branches

These plants were grown on extremely

poisoned soil due to aerial fumigation
with strong chemicals to eradicate coca
Observation: Eng. Jose A. Muñoz Cardenas, Padre Abad,
Ministry of Presidency of the Republic of Peru
Potatoes with HOMA THERAPY
“Rancha” destroyed the potato crop with The existing “Rancha” itself dried up,
an incidence of 70% to 100%. “Rancha” turned into powder, fell on the ground
dries the plant and if the potatoes are not and the plants recovered their full
harvested immediately they rot. health and vigor.

Dry potato field due to the “Rancha”attack Plants fully recovered with Homa Therapy
The life of the flowers once harvested and
put into water is one week. The flowers
are accompanied with a permanent
Flowers from farms where
agro-chemicals are used,
last only one day.

Observation: Eng. Jorge Hildalgo Valdiviezo,

Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Peru, Fruit Culture Promotion

With uncontrollable
warts. The vet
recommended that
the cow be put down.

After 30days with HOMA THERAPY

• Warts are disappearing
• General health improves
• The fur turns shiny, which indicates
good health
• Calves in early stages of pneumonia
healed in only 10 days with the
Agnihotra ash treatment

Observation: Eng. Mate Uranga, Lima, Perú

Bull Healed with HOMA THERAPY
A pedigree bull named
“Nene” valued at
$US 50,000 was
infected with a
lethal virus called
“Piroplasmosis.” It
was contracted from
the soil and 500
cows were infected.
“Nene” was healed
with Agnihotra ash
and Homa Therapy
overnight. Observation: Dueño Sr. Americo Peréz
L.E.# 10493737, Tocache, Perú
Homa Organic Farming

Indian Results
Shri Desai reports that his first ever vanilla produce (1999-2000) was of
excellent quality and the best in India. The vanilla bean curing process (three
months) was started along with Homa Therapy treatment. The matured vanilla
beans were tested at Spice Board of India testing laboratory in Cochin and the
vanillin percentage by weight was 2.91%, the highest in this growing season.
Shri Desai reports: "In this month we had
three heavy rains at Sutagatti. First occasion
was when I was performing Om Year Place Vanillin %
Tryambakam Homa. The other two rains by Weight
came during evening Agnihotra. However,
the first occasion was special. It rained only 1998 Ernanakulam, 2.56
over Parashanatti and Sutagatti. This rain Kerala
was very essential to us because the 1999 Myladumpara, 2.71
electricity transmission transformer was Kerala
burnt and we had no power for fifteen days.
Our mud dam built across River Ghataprabha 2000 Sutagatti, 2.91
remains now full. Usually, it dries up by Karnataka
middle of May. We now have abundant
water for farming during summer after
many, many years."
Farm of Shri Abhay Mutalik Desai
Sutagatti, Dist:Belgaum, Karnataka
• Arul Kartikeyan is a
bio-dynamic farmer in
Coimbatore district.
• The whole turmeric
crop was affected by
an insect infestation.
• After only one spray
treatment with
Agnihotra ash water
solution, the disease
on the leaves cleared
up completely.

 The pumpkin crop was also heavily infested with insects. Again,
after only one spray with Agnihotra ash water solution, a large
population of predator insects appeared, bringing the situation
under control.
Farm of Shri Arul Kartikeyan
Pollachi, Dist:Coimbatore, TN
• Outbreak of nut infesting
eriophyid mite in coconut
plantations of South India in
• First time reported in any Asian
• Extremely small sized fruits.
• Heavy crop losses due to
immature nut fall.
• After 6 months treatment with
Homa Therapy on the
Chinnaswami farm, there was a
complete cessation of falling
immature nuts.

Farm of Shri Chinnaswamy

Devansapudur, Pollachi, Dist:Coimbatore, TN
• The first planting of tomato on the
Dhanalal farm was heavily infested
with tomato borer.
• All the farms in the area were
• Heavy doses of chemical insecticide
were needed 3 times per week.
• After 2 weeks treatment with Homa
Therapy there was 70% improvement
in crop.
• Some severely diseased plants which
were treated individually with Homa
ash gave extraordinarily high yields.
• The subsequent plantings after
beginning Homa Therapy treatment
were not infested at all.
Farm of Shri Dhanalal
Dist:Jaipur, Rajasthan
Cotton is grown as a cash crop in
several parts of India.
Widespread use of chemical
insecticide to control insect attack.
Many farmers still suffer up to
70% loss of their crop, even with
maximum use of chemicals.
After discontinuing the use of
chemical insecticides on his farm,
Shri Tiwari found evidence of the
natural predator of the cotton boll-
weevil on his cotton bushes.

Farm of Shri P. R. Tiwari

Badwaha, Dist:Khandwa, MP
• Cotton farms in Jalgaon
district Maharashtra,
use heavy doses of
agro-chemicals. Plants
are large and green but
with very few cotton
bolls due to insect
attack (left).
• Cotton plants in
Tapovan farm where
Agnihotra and Homa
Therapy is practised,
are much smaller but
heavily laden with
cotton bolls (right).

"Tapovan", farm of Shri Abhay V. Paranjpe

Tal: Parola, Dist: Jalgaon, Maharashtra
With use of Homa Therapy techniques, one month
after planting, rice is completely free of disease.
Shri Sundaram reports that this is the best result he
has seen since his childhood.
Taste is excellent.

Farm of Shri Soma Sundaram

Pollachi, Dist:Coimbatore, TN
• Shri Bhagwan Singh reports an
excellent result with both wheat and
barley crops.
• Also the farmers on the neighbouring
farms were very happy as the
Agnihotra and Homa Therapy effect
extended onto their farms as well.

Farm of Shri Bhagwan Singh

Jhajhar, Dist:Navalgarh, Rajasthan

• Many farms in Jalgaon district,

Maharashtra, suffered
extensive losses of the millet
crop due to an infestation of
stem borer. (top picture).

• Millet in Tapovan farm where

Agnihotra and Homa Therapy
techniques are practised, was
completely free of any insect
problem. (bottom picture).

"Tapovan", farm of Shri Abhay V. Paranjpe

Tal: Parola, Dist: Jalgaon, Maharashtra
Soya Bean
 Using agro-chemicals the yield from
the Prestige farm in year 2000 was
350 kg per hectare.
 Using Agnihotra and Homa Therapy
farming techniques the yield in year
2001 was 2100 kg per hectare
without irrigation.
 Other farms in the area averaged
700 to 800 kg per hectare. Nearest
best result was 1200 kg per hectare.
 Beans from Prestige farm were of
superior color.
 Roots of the plants from the
Prestige farm bore twice the number
of nitrogen-fixing nodules as those
from the neighbouring farm.
Farm of Prestige Foods Pvt Ltd
Dewas, Dist:Indore, MP
Homa Therapy

Some Personal Healing Experiences

Lily Cuculiza de Schaefer, Piura,
Piura, Peru

• Lily was suffering from an allergy

for about 2 years. She could not
sleep, was constantly coughing
and scratching. She had nausea.
Her eyes were watering. She even
visited doctors in USA for special
allergy injections. But she was still
• She decided to give up all the
medicines and leave it in God's
• She was guided to the Agnihotra
• Thanks to Agnihotra she now
sleeps peacefully and the allergies
have gone.
Feliz Gustavo Amarillo,
Amarillo, Bogota,
Bogota, Colombia

Dr. Navarro, a Homeopathic

Doctor from Bogota treated him
and many other patients with
Agnihotra ash.
Patient suffered from psoriasis,
which covered his chest, back,
arms and especially the legs.
On the affected body parts
Agnihotra ash mixed with Ghee
was applied for 6 months.
The patient also ingested the
Agnihotra ash in small quantities
during the time of treatment.
Complete Recovery.
Benito Palermo Garcia Mendoza, Piura,
Piura, Peru
Chronic cold, high cholesterol level, backache

Benito has been able to

completely give up all
allopathic medicines for
the above conditions and
now feels well and
He takes one teaspoon of
Agnihotra ash daily.
Hella Barta,
Barta, Singen,
Singen, Germany
Cancer of the throat

Hella's cancer was caused by

nuclear radiation as a result of
Chernobyl accident. Doctors
diagnosed it as incurable and
recommended operation. Hella
decided to take the help of
Agnihotra and fasted with
Agnihotra ash water. After two
weeks doctors found the cancer
completely cured. Twelve years
later she remains cancer-free and
at the age of 72 years she still
rides her bicycle.
Mari Vásquez Vé
lez, Piura,
Piura, Peru
Stomach ache, insomnia, mouth ulcer, dry skin, stress

Mari found that taking Agnihotra

ash relieved her gastritis and
acidity problem, healed her
mouth ulcer after a few hours
and rehydrated her dry skin.
Now she also sleeps better and
if she is feeling very tense for
any reason and she does
Agnihotra, she feels very
Claudia Agurto,
Agurto, Piura,
Piura, Peru

I have had liver problems since my

childhood. I tried to eat and drink, but I
vomited and had stomach pain also.
Sometime ago the University nurse
diagnosed my condition as hepatitis. The
next day I went to the Homa Therapy
session and took ash and massaged my
stomach with ash-ghee crème in circular
motion. This worked and I immediately
vomited bile and green phlegm. I did not
eat for three days; I just drank water with
Agnihotra ash. Sunrise and sunset
Agnihotra were done daily in my house. At
the fourth day I went to school, could eat
and felt enthusiastic about the quick
healing thanks to Agnihotra.
Jilmer Benito, Piura,
Piura, Peru
High blood pressure, heart problems, tiredness, insomnia

I underwent heart surgery twelve years

ago. They did three coronary bypasses.
Since then I was taking pills. Some
relatives suggested that I should not
take that many pills because of the
addiction problem. I stopped the pills,
got sick and then I followed the doctor
regarding the pills. Then I heard of the
Homa Therapy and started to come
regularly to the healing sessions. Now, I
do not take any more pills. I sleep very
well and my friends changed
my nickname from “Slow” to “Lightning
Flash”. It used to take me a long time
just to cross a road; I walked very
slowly. Now they can hardly spot me
when I pass them with my bike.
Isabel Gamarra, Lima, Peru
Once Luis, my husband began to perceive a
tiny tumor in the groin, which began to grow
overnight and in a short time reached 10 cm.
First we called two doctor friends; they are
people that know the Homa Therapy fires.
They didn't want to give any diagnosis. So we
went to see the Teacher Vasant, who
happened to be here at this time and also
Doctor Abel Hernandez. We were told that it
was necessary to apply the Agnihotra cream
(the clarified, unsalted butter with the
Agnihotra ash) in that whole area. After the
first application Luis felt anxious because the
skin opened up and a liquid came out. The
whole area that had been like a globe, kept on
reducing with the application of the Agnihotra
cream and everything healed very quickly and
left us very surprised.
Bruce Johnson, Hunter Valley, Australia

Bruce had chronic asthma

since adolescence. After
starting Agnihotra asthma
was completely cured.
Felipe Munoz, Cochiguaz, Chile

For 3 months Felipe received medical

treatment. Then one day, he was taught
the Agnihotra fire. He was also given the
Agnihotra ash, that he was supposed to
take like a medicine and the Agnihotra ash
cream prepared with Ghee, which he
applied directly on the affected areas.
In the course of 15 days he was healed
and very happy, that he was able to lift his
arm again.
Doris Bouillon de Chunga,
Chunga, Piura,
Piura, Peru
Asthma, skin blemishes, headache, stomach ache, dermatitis

• Doris suffered from asthma for

5 years. Since she began
coming to the Homa Therapy
sessions 10 weeks ago she has
not needed to use the inhaler.
• The dark spots on her face due
to the cortisone she used to
take are fading.
• Her husband reports that she
is now softer and good-
• Her headaches and stomach
pain have gone.
• She used Agnihotra ash cream
to heal her nephew's
Jorge Sandoval Moscol,
Moscol, Piura,
Piura, Peru
Diabetes, family stress,
stress, sick plants

• I was diagnosed with diabetes, having a

glucose level of 348 in my blood.
• After attending the Homa Therapy
sessions I was able to acquire the
Agnihotra materials and now we practice
it at home with the whole family. Today I
have a glucose level of less than 100 and
the queasiness has almost completely
disappeared. The healing effect of this old
medicinal healing science is incredible.
• Now I feel healthy and very calm and take
life with love and patience, which works
for the best of the whole family.
• With other professionals we have created
our own self sufficient ecological project.
• My ornamental plants have improved very
well with Homa Therapy treatment. They
were affected by a virus. My plants
received the Agnihotra ash and today
they are healthy and flourishing.
Indore MP:
MP Mrs Karin Heschl Websites:
0731 506 6297
Dhule MS:
MS Shri A.V. Paranjpe
0256 224 6993
Jalgaon MS:
MS Shri Bruce & Mrs Anne
02597 235 203
Belgaum KA:KA Shri Abhay Mutalik Desai
0831 246 5027
Mumbai MS:MS Shri A.S. Naik
022 2367 5363
Pune MS area:
area Shri S.G. Mulay
02114 275 267

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