Chapter 5 Problems BSME 5A
Chapter 5 Problems BSME 5A
Chapter 5 Problems BSME 5A
1. (a) Six hundred twenty three cubic metres of a fuel gas are passed through a meter at
0.35 kg/ cm2ga, 9.4°C. Barometer, 755mmHg. Find the commercial sales volume of this
gas. (b) Tank contains 214 m3 of fuel oil at 11.7°C S.G. = 0.945. Find the volume and
weight of this quantity of oil measured at 15.6°/15.6°.
(a) For fuel gas
p1 = 𝑘𝑔 (760 𝑚𝑚𝐻𝑔) + 756𝑚𝑚𝐻𝑔 = 1014.3𝑚𝑚𝐻𝑔
1.03 2
V15.6 = 214.6 m3
2. (a) At a natural gas metering station the temperature is steady at 23.9°C during a period
in which 1281 m3 are registered. Pressure in meter averages 0.84 kg/cm2ga. Barometer,
755 mmHg. Find the commercial sales volume of this gas. (b) How much volume (m3)
will 3785 liters fuel oil of 18° Bé at 15.6°/15.6° occupy when heated to 37.8°C?
(a) For fuel gas
p1 = 𝑘𝑔 (760 𝑚𝑚𝐻𝑔) + 775𝑚𝑚𝐻𝑔 = 1394.8𝑚𝑚𝐻𝑔
1.03 2
V37.8 = 3843.9 L
3. During a gas calorimeter test there was a 7.62°C rise of water temperature. While 56.63
litres gas registered on the meter, 6.78 kg water were collected. Meter pressure, 203
mmHg; temperature, 27.8°C. Find Qh, corrected to 762 mm and 15.6°C.
(6.78𝑘𝑔)( )(7.62 °𝐶)
Qh =
Qh = 3.82kJ/L at 203 mmHg (gage) and 27.8 °C.
Correct to 762 mmHg at 15.6 °C (p2 and t2)
𝑃2 𝑇1
Qh = (3.82kJ/L) ( )
𝑃1 𝑇2
(762)(27.8°𝐶 +273.15)
Qh = (3.82kJ/L) [
(203+760)(15.6°𝐶 +273.15)
Qh = 3.15kJ/L
4. Given this proximate analysis data sheet, get the complete proximate analysis, air-dried
basis, to nearest 0.1%.
Test Moisture and Ash
5. The following are the results of a proximate analysis test run in air-dried coal. All
weights in grams. Calculate the proximate analysis of dry coal and of as-fired coal.
6. Testing a certain West Virginia Pocahontas coal by bomb calorimeter yielded these
results. ΔT, 3.49°C. Fuel sample, 1.0535 g. Fuse wire consumed, 0.0073 g. Water
charged, 1855.68 g. Water equivalent of bomb, 470 g. Test coal had 0.96% moisture.
Calculate Qh for dry coal. (Q of fuse wire, 1600 Cal per g.)
wf = 1.0535 g
w’ = weight of the water bath + water equivalent of the outfit = 1855.68 + 470
= 2325.68 g
c = specific heat of water = 1.0 cal/g.C
Δt = 3.59 C
Wfw = 0.0073 g
Qfw = 1600 cal/g
𝑤 ′ 𝑐𝛥𝑡+𝑤𝑓𝑤 𝑄𝑓𝑤
Qh’ =
Qh’ =
Qh’ = 7,714.52 cal/g wet coal
In terms of dry coal
1 𝑔 𝑤𝑒𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑎𝑙
Qh = (7,715.52 cal/g wet coal) (1−0.0096 𝑔 𝑑𝑟𝑦 𝑐𝑜𝑎𝑙)
7. A cylindrical oil tank 2.4 m diameter x 6 m long is filled to the neck with fuel oil which
is checked at 21° Bé at 31°C. Estimate the kilo Joules heating value stored in this tank.
V = (2.4)2(6) = 27.143m3
Qh = 42,450 – 93(Bé + 10) J/g
Qh = 42,450 – 93(21 + 10) J/g
Qh = 39,567 J/g
º Be = − 130
𝑆𝐺 𝑎𝑡 15.6/15,6
SG at 15.6/15.6 =
º 𝐵𝑒+130
SG at 15.6/15.6 = = 0.9272
21 + 130
𝑆𝐺 𝑎𝑡 15.6/15.6
SG at 31 C =
1+ 𝛽(𝑡−15.6)
SG at 15.6/15.6 =
SG at 31 C = 0.9173
mo = (SG at 31 C)(ρw)(V)
mo = (0.9173)(1000)(27.143)
mo = 24,898 kg
Qt = moQh = (39,567) (24,898)
Qt = moQh = 985,139,166 kJ
8. Fuel oil of 16° Bé is stored in a tank to supply a boiler whose rated max. Steaming rate is
____ kg per hr at 150 psig. Feedwater, ____°C. Average thermal efficiency, carried.
Make any necessary assumptions and calculate the number of 1.8m diameter x 4.6 m long
cylindrical tanks needed to hold this quantity.
ms = 6804 kg/hr
At 150 psig, saturated (assumed)
h1 = 2780.8 kJ/kg
At 48.9 C
h2 = 204.7 kJ/kg
Heating Value
140 140
SG = = = 0.9589
° 𝐵𝑒+130 16+130
Qh = 42,450 + 93(° 𝐵𝑒 + 10) kJ/kg
Qh = 42,450 + 93(16 + 10) kJ/kg
Qh = 44,868 kJ/kg
Mass of fuel oil
ɳ mf Qh = ms (h1 – h2)
(0.7) (mf )(44,868) = 6804(2780.8 – 204.7)
mf = 558.1 kg/hr
Fuel consumption
(558.1 kg/hr)(0.45)(1.5 months)(30 days/month)(24 hr/day) = 271,237 kg
Volume = (271,237 kg)(0.9589)(1000 kg/m3) = 282 m3.
𝜋 𝜋
Volume of cylindrical tank = 𝐷²𝐿 = (1.8)2 (4.6) = 11.7𝑚³
4 4
No. of tanks = 282 m3 / 11.7m3 = 24.1 or 25 tanks
9. Reduce the analysis of a coal designated from Table 5-4 to (a) moisture-free basis (b)
moisture – and ash – free basis.
Example of Penns. Anthracite
Moisture in Proximate Analysis = 2.19%
Ash = 5.9%
Ultimate Analysis:
Sulphur = 0.57%
Hydrogen = 2.7%
Carbon = 86.37%
Nitrogen = 0.91%
Oxygen = 3.55%
As received Analysis:
Sulphur = 0.57%
Hydrogen = 2.7 – 2.19/9 = 2.46%
Carbon = 86.37%
Nitrogen = 0.91%
Oxygen = 3.55 – 8(2.19)/9 = 1.60%
Moisture = 2.19%
Ash = 5.9%
(a) Moisture-Free Basis
Divide by 1 – 0.0219 = 0.9781
Sulphur = 0.57/0.9781 = 0.58%
Hydrogen = 2.46/0.9781 = 2.52%
Carbon = 86.37/0.9781 = 88.30%
Nitrogen = 0.91/0.9781 = 0.93%
Oxygen = 1.60/0.9781 = 1.64%
Ash = 5.9/0.9781 = 6.03%
Ultimate Analysis:
Sulphur = 3.75%
Hydrogen = 5.19%
Carbon = 59.07%
Nitrogen = 0.95%
Oxygen = 19.31%
Heating Value = 24,612 kJ/kg
Table 5-5
H = 0.0457 + 0.0206V = 00457 + 0.0206(0.4485) = 0.0549
C = 0.953 – 0.362V = 0.953 – 0.362(0.4485) = 0.7906
For Bituminous coal
N = 0.0210 – 0.012V = 0.0210 – 0.012(0.4485) = 0.0156
C, 64.63; H2, 3.96; N2, 1.33%; H2O, 4.47; Ash, 19.07; others, 6.54;
HV = 36,032 kJ/kg
Estimate of air required for combustion:
Total Hydrogen = 3.96 + 4.47/9 = 4.46%
Sulphur = neglect
Oxygen = 6.54%
Table 5-5
H = 0.0457 + 0.0206V = 0.0457 + 0.0206(0.2389) = 0.0506
C = 0.953 – 0.362V = 0.953 – 0.362(0.2389) = 0.8665
For Bituminous coal
N = 0.0210 – 0.012V = 0.0210 – 0.0210(0.2389) = 0.0181
Ultimate Analysis:
C, 78.70; H2, 4.79; N2, 1.64%; O2, 14.87%
Theoretical combustion air = 11.5(0.7870) + 34.5(0.0479 – 0.1487/8) = 10.06 kg/kg of
In moles
CO2 = 2.886/44 = 0.656
H2O = 0.431/18 = 0.0239
N2 = 14.310/28 = 0.5111
O2 = 1.984/32 = 0.0620
Total = 0.0656 + 0.0239 + 0.5111 + 0.0620 = 0.6626
13. The as-fired proximate analysis is taken of a coal of West Virginia origin. Moisture, 1.75;
volatile, 21.70; fixed carbon, 69.13; ash, 7.42. When burned with what is presumed to be
sufficient air for complete combustion, the CO2 tests 10% by volume. What percent
excess air is indicated?
Proximate analysis:
Moisture = 1.75%
Volatile Matter = 21.70%
Fixed Carbon = 69.13%
Ash = 7.42%
Table 5-5
H = 0.0457 + 0.0206V = 0.0457 + 0.0206(0.2389) = 0.0506
C = 0.953 – 0.362V = 0.953 – 0.362(0.2389) = 0.8665
For Bituminous coal
N = 0.0210 – 0.012V = 0.0210 – 0.012(0.2389) = 0.0181
Ultimate Analysis:
C, 78.70; H2, 4.79; N2, 1.64%; O2, 14.87%
Theoretical combustion air = 11.5(0.7870) + 34.5(0.0479 – 0.1487/8) = 10.06 kg/kg of
Gaseous products of combustion area
CO2 = (44/12) (0.7870) = 2.886 kg
H2O = (9/1) (0.0479) = 0.431 kg
N2 = (10.06) (1 + x) (0.768) + 0.0164 = 7.726x + 7.742 kg
O2 = (10.06) (x) (0.232) = 2.334 kg
In moles
CO2 = 2.886/44 = 0.0656
H2O = 0.431/18 = 0.0239
N2 = (7.726x + 7.742) / 28 = 0.2759x + 0.2765
O2 = 2.334x / 32 = 0.0729x
Total = 0.0656 + 0.0239 + 0.2759x + 0.2765 + 0.0729x = 0.3660 + 0.3488x
14. Apply the data of Table 5-3 to a coal designated from Table 5-4 and fix its rank thereby
Penna. Anthracite (Table 5.4)
Proximate analysis:
Moisture = 2.19%
Volatile Matter = 5.67%
Fixed Carbon = 86.24%
Ash = 5.9%
15. Predict the Orsat analysis resulting from the combustion of a coal designated from Table
5-4, with 50% excess air. 10% combustible in the refuse.
Example is Ark. Semi-Anthracite
C = 77.29%
H = 3.74%
O = 3.36%
S = 2.01%
A = 12.21%
N = 100 – 77.29 – 3.74 – 3.36 – 2.01 – 12.21 = 1.39%
Combustible in refuse = 10% = 0.10
Ash = 0.1221 of the coal = 0.90 of the refuse
Refuse per kg coal = 0.1221/0.9 = 0.1357
C in refuse = 0.1357 – 0.1221 = 0.0136 kg/kg
16. A coal is analyzed in a plant laboratory and found to have Qh = 14,866 kJ; C, 58.93; VM,
31.81; ash, 9.26. All on a dry basis. Find the rank of this coal. Estimate the A-F ratio used
when a CO2 meter shows 12%. Use approximate methods.
Qh = 14,866 kJ/kg
FC = 58.93%
VM = 31.81%
Ash = 9.26%
CO2 = 12%
Dry FC is less than 69% and Dry VM is more than 31%. Moist Qh is more than 14,700
Therefore the rank is High Volatile A Bituminous Coal, Rank II – 3.
For semi-bituminous coal, R is between 16 and 20, use R = 18
20.9𝑅 𝑅+2.37
Excess air = −
𝐶𝑂2 (𝑅+3) 𝑅+3
20.9(18) 18+2.37
Excess air = − = 0.523
12(18+3) 18+3
Table 5-5
Combustible basis: divide by 1 – 0.0926 = 0.9074
VM = 31.81 / 0.9074 = 35.06
H = 0.0457 + 0.0206V = 0.0457 + 0.0206(0.3506) = 0.0529
C = 0.953 – 0.362V = 0.953 – 0.362(0.3506) = 0.8261
For Bituminous coal
N = 0.0210 – 0.012V = 0.0210 – 0.012(0.3506) = 0.0168
Dry basis:
H = 0.0529 x 0.9074 = 0.0480
C = 0.8261 x 0.9074 = 0.7496
N = 0.0168 x 0.9074 = 0.0152
O = 1 – 0.0480 – 0.7496 – 0.0152 = 0.1872
Theoretical A-F ratio = 11.5(0.7496) + 34.5(0.0480 – 0.1872/8) = 9.469
Estimated A-F ratio = (1.523) (9.469) = 14.422 kg/kg
17. A Kansas coal, reported on the combustible basis, has 5.7% S, 79.6% C. As-fired, the
moisture is 11%, ash 14%. Orsat of combustion gases is; CO2, 12.1; O2, 7.1; CO, 0.8; N2,
80; carbon in refuse, 10%. Find dry gas per kg coal burned (a) neglecting SO2 and (b)
including SO2.
Ash = 0.14 of the coal = (1 – 0.1) of the refuse
Refuse per kg coal = 0.14/0.90
C in refuse = (0.14/0.90) – 0.14 = 0.01556 kg
C’ = 0.796 – 0.01556 = 0.78044
𝒌𝒈 𝒈𝒂𝒔
= 15.689 kg dry gas / kg coal (answer)
𝒌𝒈 𝒄𝒐𝒂𝒍
18. From the analysis of a coal sample taken during a test it is estimated that the as-fired total
carbon was 76.5% and free hydrogen was 4.7%. From other tests C = 0.7263, Orsat: CO2,
10.53; O2, 3.74; CO, 0.49; N2, 85.24. Find A:F ratio.
𝑁2 85.24
A:F = 3.03C’ ( ) = 3.03(0.7263) (10.53+0.49 ) = 𝟏𝟕. 𝟎𝟐𝟐𝟒 kg air/kg coal
Proximate analysis as fired: FC, 60.65; VM, 33.45; Moist., 0.83; ash, 5.07. Combustible
in dry refuse, 29.8%. Orsat: CO2, 11.3; O2, 6.75; CO, 0.2. Find the air-fuel ratio and the
percent excess air.
FC = 60.65%
VM = 33.45%
Moisture = 0.83%
Ash = 5.07%
Combustible in dry refuse = 29.8%
CO2 = 11.3
O3 = 6.75
CO = 0.2
N2 = 100 – 11.3 – 6.75 – 0.2 = 81.75%
Reduce the proximate analysis to a combustible basis
1 – ash – moisture = 1 – 0.0507 – 0.0083 = 0.9410
Proximate analysis of the combustion
VM = 33.45 / 0.9410 = 35.5473
FC = 60.65 / 0.9410 = 64.4527
Ultimate Analysis
H = 0.05302 x 0.9410 = 0.04989
C = 0.82432 x 0.9410 = 0.77568
N = 0.01673 x 0.9410 = 0.01574
Ash = 0.0507
O = 1 – 0.04989 – 0.77568 – 0.01574 – 0.0507 – 0.0083 = 0.09969
Actual Air A:F = 3.03C’[ ]
Actual Air A:F = 3.03(0.75416)[ ] = 16.2441
11.3 +0.2
Excess air = (16.2441 – 9.9641) (100) / 9.9641 = 63%
20. Further analysis of the coal mentioned in Prob. 20 reveals a sulfur content of 3.2%. Find
the kg dry gas produced per kg coal during this test.
Moisture = 0.83%
Ash = 5.07%
Sulfur = 3.2%
Combustible in dry refuse = 29.18%
CO2 = 11.3
O2 = 6.75
CO = 0.2
N2 = 100 – 11.3 – 6.75 – 0.2 = 81.75%
21. Using the test data mentioned in Prob. 20, change proximate to ultimate analysis and
calculate the weights of the individual products formed by the combustion of a kg of coal.
FC = 60.65%
VM = 33.45%
Moisture = 0.83%
Ash = 5.07%
Combustible in dry refuse = 29.8%
CO2 = 11.3
O3 = 6.75
CO = 0.2
N2 = 100 – 11.3 – 6.75 – 0.2 = 81.75%
Reduce the proximate analysis to a combustible basis
1 – ash – moisture = 1 – 0.0507 – 0.0083 = 0.9410
Proximate analysis of the combustion
VM = 33.45 / 0.9410 = 35.5473
FC = 60.65 / 0.9410 = 64.4527
Ultimate Analysis:
H = 0.05302 x 0.9410 = 0.04989
C = 0.82432 x 0.9410 = 0.77568
N = 0.01673 x 0.9410 = 0.01574
Ash = 0.0507
O = 1 – 0.04989 – 0.77568 – 0.01574 – 0.0507 – 0.0083 = 0.09969
22. A coal designated from Table 5-4 is burned with 60% excess air. Atm. Humidity, 5 g per
kg. No incomplete combustion. Combustion air at 176.7°C. Flue gas at 441°C. (a)
Estimate sensible heat loss by approx. method; (b) calculate sensible heat loss by exact
FC = 60.65%
VM = 33.45%
Moisture = 0.83%
Ash = 5.07%
Combustible in dry refuse = 29.8%
CO2 = 11.3
O2 = 6.75
CO = 0.2
N2 = 100 - 11.3 - 6.75 - 0.2 = 81.75%
Reduce the approximate analysis to combustible basis
1 - Ash - moisture = 1 - 0.0507 - 0.0083 = 0.9410
Proximate analysis for the combustion
VM = 33.45 / 0.9410 = 35.5473
FC = 60.65 / 0.9410 = 64.4527
23. Humid air which enters a combustion chamber at 27.2°C is transformed into products of
combustion at 288°C. Psychrometer readings are 27.2°C and 22.2°C. How many kJ are
carried off per kg coal burned by the superheating of this moisture? A:F = 15.5
For 27.2 C DB, 22.2 C WB
wsat = 𝑘𝑔/𝑘𝑔
1.03− 𝑝𝑠𝑎𝑡
Psat at 22.2 C WB = 0.0272 kg/cm2
0.625 (0.0272)
wsat = = 0.01695 𝑘𝑔/𝑘𝑔
𝑤𝑠𝑎𝑡 ℎ𝑓𝑔𝑤 − 𝛥𝑡
wa = = kg vapor / kg dry air
ℎ𝑓𝑔𝑤 +1.8𝛥𝑡
𝛥𝑡 = 27.2 – 22.2 = 5 C
hfgw = hg – hf at 22.2 C = 2541.5 – 93.1 = 2448.4 kJ/kg
0.01695 𝑥 2448.1−5
wa = = 0.01485 kg vapor / kg dry air
2448.4+1.8 𝑥 5
The ASME Boiiler Test Code uses hfg at 65.6 C = 2344.86 kJ/kg
Qfg = 0.4563 x 2344.86 = 1070 kJ/kg
25. Calculate the volume (m3) of the products of combustion of a coal designated from Table
5-4 if at 260°C after complete combustion with 100% excess air.
S = 0.57%
H = 2.70%
C = 86.37%
N = 0.91%
O = 3.55%
Ash = 5.9%
Theoretical air needed per kg
= 10.736 kg air
O2 = (10.736)(100)(0.232) = 2491 kg
Moles of product = 3167/44 + 2491/32 + 16500/28 + 243/18 + 11.4/64 = 752.8 mols/kg coal
A mole volume is 23.693 liters per gm at 15.6 C and 1.03 kg/cm2 ab.
26. What is the volume (m3) at 176.7°C of the products of combustion of a cubic metre of
fuel gas at 1.07 kg/cm2ab, 15.6°C, whose volumetric analysis is C2H6, 14.5; CH4, 59.1;
CO2, 25.1; N2, 1.3. 50% excess air.
The mole equations are
0.736 mol gas + 1.6895 mol O2 = 0.881 mol CO2 + 1.617 mol H20
The O2 required from the air = 1.6895 mol O2
Since the composition of the air is 0.791 mol N2 to 0.209 mol O2, each mol O2 supplied
brings with it 791/209 = 3.78 mols N2
The wet gas is composed of 1.617 mols H2O plus the dry gas
The dry gas is composed of
CO2 : 0.881 + 0.251 = 1.132 mol
N2 : 3.78 x 1.6895 + 0.013 = 6,3993 mol from the theoretical air
N2 : (1/2) x 3.78 x 1.6895 = 3.1932 mol from the excess air
O2 : (1/2) x 1.6895 = 0.8448 mol from the excess air
Mols of the product of combustion / mols of fuel gas = 1.132 + 6.3993 +3.1932 + 0.8448
+ 1.617 = 13.1863
27. A coal of following composition is burned to an Orsat gas analysis of 9% CO2. Refuse
analysis, 15% combustible. Flue gas at 232.2°C. Find the density of this flue gas. C,
76.82; H2, 4.96; O2, 6.38; N2, 1.46; S, 1.39; ash, 6.26; moisture, 2.73.
Solution :
20.9𝑅 𝑅+2.37
Excess air = 𝐶𝑂2(𝑅+3) - 𝑅+3
CO2 = 9%
R = C’/H
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑜𝑥𝑦𝑔𝑒𝑛−𝑠𝑢𝑙𝑓𝑢𝑟
H = Total Hydrogen - 8
H = 0.0496 - = 0.0434
C’ = 0.7682 – (85x0.0626) = 0.7572
𝐶′ 0.7572
R= = 0.0434 = 17.447
20.9(17.447) 17.447+2.37
Excess air = 9(17.447+3) - = 1.0126 = 101.26%
Total 21.6992 kg
For 1 kg of coal:
(0.7359 x 103 mols)(41.458) = 30.509 liters
Density = = 0.7112 kg/m3 (answer)