Chapter 5 Problems BSME 5A

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Solved by: Rey Niño A. Garcia

1. (a) Six hundred twenty three cubic metres of a fuel gas are passed through a meter at
0.35 kg/ cm2ga, 9.4°C. Barometer, 755mmHg. Find the commercial sales volume of this
gas. (b) Tank contains 214 m3 of fuel oil at 11.7°C S.G. = 0.945. Find the volume and
weight of this quantity of oil measured at 15.6°/15.6°.
(a) For fuel gas
p1 = 𝑘𝑔 (760 𝑚𝑚𝐻𝑔) + 756𝑚𝑚𝐻𝑔 = 1014.3𝑚𝑚𝐻𝑔
1.03 2

T1 = 9.4 + 273.15 = 275.55 K

V1 = 623 m3
For commercial sales volume, V2. At 15.6 C and 1.03 kg/cm2.
p2 = 1.03 kg/cm2 = 760 mmHg
T2 = 15.6+273.15 = 288.75 K
𝑝₂𝑉₂ 𝑝₁𝑉₁
𝑇₂ 𝑇₁
(760)𝑉₂ (1014.3)(623)
288.75 275.55
𝑉₂ = 871.3 𝑐𝑚³ (answer)
(b) For fuel oil.
W = SG11.7γwV11.7 = 0.945(9.81 kN/m3)(214 m3)
W = 1983.9 kN (answer)
For volume
V15.6 =
𝑆𝐺15.6 𝛾𝑤

SG11.7 = 𝑆𝐺15.6 (CF) ; CF = Correction Factor

For °C: CF = 1 – 0.00072(t – 15.6)
For °F: CF = 1 – 0.0004 (t – 60)
𝑆𝐺11.7 𝑆𝐺11.7
𝑆𝐺15.6 = =
𝐶𝐹 1−0.00072(𝑡−15.6)
SG15.6 =
SG15.6 = 0.9424
1983.9 𝑘𝑁
V15.6 = 𝑘𝑁
(0.9424)(9.81 3)

V15.6 = 214.6 m3

Weight of this volume of oil at SG = 0.9424

9.81 𝑘𝑁
W = 214.6 m³ (0.9424) ( ) = 1983.96 kN

2. (a) At a natural gas metering station the temperature is steady at 23.9°C during a period
in which 1281 m3 are registered. Pressure in meter averages 0.84 kg/cm2ga. Barometer,
755 mmHg. Find the commercial sales volume of this gas. (b) How much volume (m3)
will 3785 liters fuel oil of 18° Bé at 15.6°/15.6° occupy when heated to 37.8°C?
(a) For fuel gas
p1 = 𝑘𝑔 (760 𝑚𝑚𝐻𝑔) + 775𝑚𝑚𝐻𝑔 = 1394.8𝑚𝑚𝐻𝑔
1.03 2

T1 = 23.9 + 273.15 = 297.05 K

V1 = 1281m3
For commercial sales volume, V2. At 15.6 C and 1.03 kg/cm2.
p2 = 1.03 kg/cm2 = 760 mmHg
T2 = 15.6 + 273.15 = 288.75 K
𝑝₂𝑉₂ 𝑝₁𝑉₁
𝑇₂ 𝑇₁
(760)𝑉₂ (1394.8)(1281)
288.75 297.05
V2 = 2285.28 cm3
(b) For fuel oil.
140 140
SG15.6 = = = 0.946
° 𝐵𝑒+130 18+130
m = SG15.6ΡwV15.6 = 0.946(1.0 kg/L)(3785 L) = 3580.6 kg
For volume at 37.8 C
V37.8 =
𝑆𝐺37.8 𝛲𝑤
SG37.8 =
SG37.8 = = 0.9315
V37.8 =
𝑆𝐺37.8 𝜌𝑤
3580.6 𝑘𝑔
V37.8 = 𝑘𝑔
(0.9315)(1.0 )

V37.8 = 3843.9 L
3. During a gas calorimeter test there was a 7.62°C rise of water temperature. While 56.63
litres gas registered on the meter, 6.78 kg water were collected. Meter pressure, 203
mmHg; temperature, 27.8°C. Find Qh, corrected to 762 mm and 15.6°C.
(6.78𝑘𝑔)( )(7.62 °𝐶)
Qh =
Qh = 3.82kJ/L at 203 mmHg (gage) and 27.8 °C.
Correct to 762 mmHg at 15.6 °C (p2 and t2)
𝑃2 𝑇1
Qh = (3.82kJ/L) ( )
𝑃1 𝑇2
(762)(27.8°𝐶 +273.15)
Qh = (3.82kJ/L) [
(203+760)(15.6°𝐶 +273.15)
Qh = 3.15kJ/L
4. Given this proximate analysis data sheet, get the complete proximate analysis, air-dried
basis, to nearest 0.1%.


Test Moisture and Ash

16.025 17.176 15.821

Crucible weight, g

Crucible Initial 17.116 18.155 16.862

coal Final 17.094 17.842 15.936

Air-Dried Sample Experiment for moisture:

= (17.116 – 17.094)/(17.116-16.025) = 0.02
Moisture and Volatile Matter experiment:
= (18.155 – 17.842)/(18.155 – 17.176) = 0.32
Ash experiment
= (16.862 – 15.936)/(16.852 – 15.821) = 0.89
For 100 g sample
Moisture = 0.02 (100) = 2 g
Moisture and Volatile = 0.32 (100) 32 g
Ash = (100 – 32)(0.89) = 60.5 g
Proximate Analysis: (answer)
Moisture = 2 / 100 = 2%
Volatile = (32 – 2)/100 = 30%
Ash = 60.5 / 100 = 60.5%
Fixed Carbon = 100 – 2 – 30 – 60.5 = 7.5%

5. The following are the results of a proximate analysis test run in air-dried coal. All
weights in grams. Calculate the proximate analysis of dry coal and of as-fired coal.

Crucible and Coal

Initial Final

Moisture test 13.001 14.686 14.610

Moisture and Volatile test 30.275 33.603 32.522

Ash test 11.255 12.800 11.378

(as-fired moisture test 14.42 15.928 15.906

Dry Coal
Moisture test:
= (14.686 – 14.610)/(14.686 – 13.001) = 0.045
Moisture and Volatile Matter experiment:
= (33.603 – 32.522)/(33.603 – 30.275) = 0.325
Ash experiment
= (12.800) – 11.378)/(12.800 – 11.255) = 0.92
For 100 g sample
Moisture = 0.045(100) = 4.5g
Moisture and Volatile = 0.325(100) = 32,5 g
Ash = (100 – 32.5)(0.92) = 62.1 g
Proximate Analysis: (answer)
Moisture = 4.5 / 100 = 4.5%
Volatile = (32.5 – 4.5)/100 = 28%
Ash = 62.1 /100 = 62.1%
Fixed Carbon = 100 – 4.5 -28 -62.1 = 5.4%
As-Fired Coal
Moisture test:
= (15.928 – 15.906)/(15.928 – 14.420) = 0.015
Moisture and Volatile Matter experiment:
= (33.603 – 32.522)/(33.603 – 30.275) = 0.325
Ash experiment
= (12.800 – 11.378)/(12.800 – 11.255) = 0.92
For 100 g sample
Moisture = 0.015(100) = 1.5 g
Moisture and Volatile = 0.325(100) = 32.5 g
Ash = (100 – 32.5)(0.92) = 62.1 g
Proximate Analysis: (answer)
Moisture = 1.5 / 100 = 1.5%
Volatile = (32.5 – 1.5)/100 = 31%
Ash = 62.1 / 100 = 62.1%
Fixed Carbon = 100 – 1.5 – 31 – 62.1 = 5.4%

6. Testing a certain West Virginia Pocahontas coal by bomb calorimeter yielded these
results. ΔT, 3.49°C. Fuel sample, 1.0535 g. Fuse wire consumed, 0.0073 g. Water
charged, 1855.68 g. Water equivalent of bomb, 470 g. Test coal had 0.96% moisture.
Calculate Qh for dry coal. (Q of fuse wire, 1600 Cal per g.)
wf = 1.0535 g
w’ = weight of the water bath + water equivalent of the outfit = 1855.68 + 470
= 2325.68 g
c = specific heat of water = 1.0 cal/g.C
Δt = 3.59 C
Wfw = 0.0073 g
Qfw = 1600 cal/g
𝑤 ′ 𝑐𝛥𝑡+𝑤𝑓𝑤 𝑄𝑓𝑤
Qh’ =

Qh’ =
Qh’ = 7,714.52 cal/g wet coal
In terms of dry coal
1 𝑔 𝑤𝑒𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑎𝑙
Qh = (7,715.52 cal/g wet coal) (1−0.0096 𝑔 𝑑𝑟𝑦 𝑐𝑜𝑎𝑙)

Qh = 7,790.31 cal/g dry coal

7. A cylindrical oil tank 2.4 m diameter x 6 m long is filled to the neck with fuel oil which
is checked at 21° Bé at 31°C. Estimate the kilo Joules heating value stored in this tank.
V = (2.4)2(6) = 27.143m3
Qh = 42,450 – 93(Bé + 10) J/g
Qh = 42,450 – 93(21 + 10) J/g
Qh = 39,567 J/g
º Be = − 130
𝑆𝐺 𝑎𝑡 15.6/15,6
SG at 15.6/15.6 =
º 𝐵𝑒+130
SG at 15.6/15.6 = = 0.9272
21 + 130
𝑆𝐺 𝑎𝑡 15.6/15.6
SG at 31 C =
1+ 𝛽(𝑡−15.6)
SG at 15.6/15.6 =

SG at 31 C = 0.9173

mo = (SG at 31 C)(ρw)(V)
mo = (0.9173)(1000)(27.143)
mo = 24,898 kg
Qt = moQh = (39,567) (24,898)
Qt = moQh = 985,139,166 kJ
8. Fuel oil of 16° Bé is stored in a tank to supply a boiler whose rated max. Steaming rate is
____ kg per hr at 150 psig. Feedwater, ____°C. Average thermal efficiency, carried.
Make any necessary assumptions and calculate the number of 1.8m diameter x 4.6 m long
cylindrical tanks needed to hold this quantity.
ms = 6804 kg/hr
At 150 psig, saturated (assumed)
h1 = 2780.8 kJ/kg
At 48.9 C
h2 = 204.7 kJ/kg
Heating Value
140 140
SG = = = 0.9589
° 𝐵𝑒+130 16+130
Qh = 42,450 + 93(° 𝐵𝑒 + 10) kJ/kg
Qh = 42,450 + 93(16 + 10) kJ/kg
Qh = 44,868 kJ/kg
Mass of fuel oil
ɳ mf Qh = ms (h1 – h2)
(0.7) (mf )(44,868) = 6804(2780.8 – 204.7)
mf = 558.1 kg/hr
Fuel consumption
(558.1 kg/hr)(0.45)(1.5 months)(30 days/month)(24 hr/day) = 271,237 kg
Volume = (271,237 kg)(0.9589)(1000 kg/m3) = 282 m3.
𝜋 𝜋
Volume of cylindrical tank = 𝐷²𝐿 = (1.8)2 (4.6) = 11.7𝑚³
4 4
No. of tanks = 282 m3 / 11.7m3 = 24.1 or 25 tanks

9. Reduce the analysis of a coal designated from Table 5-4 to (a) moisture-free basis (b)
moisture – and ash – free basis.
Example of Penns. Anthracite
Moisture in Proximate Analysis = 2.19%
Ash = 5.9%
Ultimate Analysis:
Sulphur = 0.57%
Hydrogen = 2.7%
Carbon = 86.37%
Nitrogen = 0.91%
Oxygen = 3.55%

As received Analysis:
Sulphur = 0.57%
Hydrogen = 2.7 – 2.19/9 = 2.46%
Carbon = 86.37%
Nitrogen = 0.91%
Oxygen = 3.55 – 8(2.19)/9 = 1.60%
Moisture = 2.19%
Ash = 5.9%
(a) Moisture-Free Basis
Divide by 1 – 0.0219 = 0.9781
Sulphur = 0.57/0.9781 = 0.58%
Hydrogen = 2.46/0.9781 = 2.52%
Carbon = 86.37/0.9781 = 88.30%
Nitrogen = 0.91/0.9781 = 0.93%
Oxygen = 1.60/0.9781 = 1.64%
Ash = 5.9/0.9781 = 6.03%

(b) Moisture-and-Ash-Free Basis

Divide by 1 – 0.0603 = 0.9397
Sulphur = 0.58/0.93979 = 0.62%
Hydrogen = 2.52/0.9397 = 2.68%
Carbon = 88.30/0.9397 = 93.96%
Nitrogen = 0.93/0.9397 = 0.99%
Oxygen = 1.64/0.9397 = 1.75%

Solved by: Jelovem Sarco

10. Check the ultimate analysis and heating value of a coal designated from Table
5-4 by applying conversion formulae from Table 5-5. Also estimate the air required for
combustion at 50% excess.
For example is Ill. Bituminous coal
Proximate analysis:
Moisture = 13.31%
Volatile Matter = 33.62%
Fixed Carbon = 41.34%
Ash = 11.73%

Ultimate Analysis:
Sulphur = 3.75%
Hydrogen = 5.19%
Carbon = 59.07%
Nitrogen = 0.95%
Oxygen = 19.31%
Heating Value = 24,612 kJ/kg

Ultimate Analysis with moisture separated

Hydrogen = 5.19 – 13.31/9 = 3.71%
Oxygen = 19.31 – 8 x 13.31/9 = 7.48%

To reduce the proximate analysis to a combustible basis divide by

1 – ash – moisture = 1 – 0.1173 – 0.1331 = 0.7496

Proximate Analysis of the combustible

Volatile matter = 33.62/0.7496 = 44.85% = 0.4485
Fixed Carbon = 41.34/07496 = 55.15% = 0.5515

Table 5-5
H = 0.0457 + 0.0206V = 00457 + 0.0206(0.4485) = 0.0549
C = 0.953 – 0.362V = 0.953 – 0.362(0.4485) = 0.7906
For Bituminous coal
N = 0.0210 – 0.012V = 0.0210 – 0.012(0.4485) = 0.0156

Ultimate Analysis of combustible

C, 0.7906; H, 0.0549; N, 0.0156

Multiply by 1 – 0.1173 – 0.1331 = 0.7496

Carbon = 0.7906 x 0.7496 = 0.5926 = 59.23%
Hydrogen = 0.0549 x 0.7496 = 0.0411 = 4.11%
Nitrogen = 0.0156 x 0.7496 = .0117 = 1.17%

HV = (16,062 – 3,830V) (2.326) kJ/kg

HV = [16,062 – 3,830(0.4485)] (2.326) kJ/kg
HV = 33,365 kJ/kg
C, 59.26; H2, 4.11; N2, 1.17%; H2O, 13.31; Ash, 11.73; others, 10.42;
HV = 33,365 kJ/kg
C, 59.07; H2, 3.71; N2, 0.95%; H2O, 13.31; Ash, 11.73; others, 11.23;
HV = 24,612 kJ/kg

Estimate of air required for combustion:

Total Hydrogen = 4.11 + 13.31/9 = 5.59%
Sulphur = 3.75%
Oxygen = 11.23 – 3.75% = 7.48%
Total Oxygen = 7.48 + 8x13.31/9 = 19.31
Estimate of air required for combustion = 11.5(0.5926) + 34.5(0.0559 –
0.1931/8) = 7.91 kg/kg of coal
At 50% excess air = 1.5 x 7.91 = 11.86 kg/kg of coal
11. Given a coal with proximate analysis as follows, find heating value and kg air required
per kg coal at 50% excess. Moisture, 4.47; volatile, 22.74; fixed carbon, 53.72; ash,
Proximate Analysis:
Moisture = 4.47%
Volatile Matter = 22.74%
Fixed Carbon = 53.72%
Ash = 19.07%

To reduce the proximate analysis to a combustible basis divide by

1 – ash – moisture = 1 – 0.1907 – 0.0447 = 0.7646

Proximate analysis of the combustible

Volatile matter = 22.74/0.7646 = 29.74% = 0.2974
Fixed carbon = 53.72/0.7646 = 70.26% = 0.7026
Table 5-5
H = 0.0457 + 0.0206V = 0.0457 + 0.0206 (0.2974) = 0.0518
C = 0.953 – 0.362V = 0.953 – 0.362(0.2974) = 0.8453
For Bituminous coal
N = 0.0210 – 0.012V = 0.0210 – 0.012(0.2974) = 0.0174

Ultimate Analysis of combustible

C, 0.8453; H, 0.0518; N, 0.0174

Multiply by 1 – 0.1907 – 0.0447 = 0.7646

Carbon = 0.8453 x 0.7646 = 0.6463 = 64.63%
Hydrogen = 0.0518 x 0.7646 = 0.0396 = 3.96%
Nitrogen = 0.0174 x 0.7646 = .0133 = 1.33%

HV = (16,160 – 2,250V) (2.326) kJ/kg

HV = [16,160 – 2,250(0.2974)](2.326) kJ/kg
HV = 36,032 kJ/kg

C, 64.63; H2, 3.96; N2, 1.33%; H2O, 4.47; Ash, 19.07; others, 6.54;
HV = 36,032 kJ/kg
Estimate of air required for combustion:
Total Hydrogen = 3.96 + 4.47/9 = 4.46%
Sulphur = neglect
Oxygen = 6.54%

Total Oxygen = 6.54 + 8x4.47/9 = 10.51

Estimate of air required for combustion = 11.5(0.6463) + 34.5(0.0396 – 0.1051/8) = 8.35
kg/kg of coal
At 50% excess air = 1.5 x 8.35 = 12.53 kg/kg of coal
12. Predict the flue gas analysis to be obtained when a coal of the following proximate
analysis is completely burned with 85% excess air.
Moisture, 1.75; volatile, 21.70; fixed carbon, 69.13; ash, 7.42
Proximate analysis:
Moisture = 1.75%
Volatile Matter = 21.70%
Fixed Carbon = 69.13%
Ash = 7.42%

To reduce the proximate analysis to a combustible basis divide by

1 – ash – moisture = 1 – 0.0742 – 0.0175 = 0.9083

Proximate analysis of the combustible

Volatile matter = 21.70/0.9083 = 23.89% = 0.2389
Fixed carbon = 69.13/0.9083 = 76.11% = 0.7611

Table 5-5
H = 0.0457 + 0.0206V = 0.0457 + 0.0206(0.2389) = 0.0506
C = 0.953 – 0.362V = 0.953 – 0.362(0.2389) = 0.8665
For Bituminous coal
N = 0.0210 – 0.012V = 0.0210 – 0.0210(0.2389) = 0.0181

Ultimate Analysis of combustible

C, 0.8665; H, 0.0506; N, 0.0181

Multiply by 1 – 0.0742 – 0.0175 = 0.9083

Carbon = 0.8665 x 0.9083 = 0.7870 = 78.70%
Hydrogen = 0.0506 x 0.9083 = 0.0460 = 4.60%
Nitrogen = 0.0181 x 0.9083 = .0164 = 1.64%
Moisture = 1.75%
Ash = 7.42%
Neglecting sulfur
Oxygen = 100 – 78.70 – 4.60 – 1.64 – 1.75 = 13.31%
Total Hydrogen = 4.60 + 1.75/9 = 4.79%
Total Oxygen = 13.31 + 8 x 1.75/9 =14.87%

Ultimate Analysis:
C, 78.70; H2, 4.79; N2, 1.64%; O2, 14.87%
Theoretical combustion air = 11.5(0.7870) + 34.5(0.0479 – 0.1487/8) = 10.06 kg/kg of

Gaseous products of combustion area

CO2 = (44/12) (0.7870) = 2.886 kg
H2O = (9/1) (0.0479) = 0.431 kg
N2 = (10.06) (1.85) (0.768) + 0.0164 = 14.310 kg
O2 = (10.06) (0.85) (0.232) = 1.984 kg

In moles
CO2 = 2.886/44 = 0.656
H2O = 0.431/18 = 0.0239
N2 = 14.310/28 = 0.5111
O2 = 1.984/32 = 0.0620
Total = 0.0656 + 0.0239 + 0.5111 + 0.0620 = 0.6626

Flue gas analysis (answer)

CO2 = (0.0656/0.6626) (100%) = 9.90%
H2O = (0.0239/0.6626) (100%) = 3.60%
N2 = (0.5111/0.6626) (100%) = 77.14%
O2 = (0.0620/0.6626) (100%) = 9.36%

13. The as-fired proximate analysis is taken of a coal of West Virginia origin. Moisture, 1.75;
volatile, 21.70; fixed carbon, 69.13; ash, 7.42. When burned with what is presumed to be
sufficient air for complete combustion, the CO2 tests 10% by volume. What percent
excess air is indicated?
Proximate analysis:
Moisture = 1.75%
Volatile Matter = 21.70%
Fixed Carbon = 69.13%
Ash = 7.42%

To reduce the proximate analysis to a combustible basis divide by

1 – ash – moisture = 1 – 0.0742 – 0.0175 = 0.9083

Proximate analysis of the combustible

Volatile matter = 21.70/0.9083 = 23.89% = 0.2389
Fixed Carbon = 69.13/0.9083 = 76.11% = 0.7611

Table 5-5
H = 0.0457 + 0.0206V = 0.0457 + 0.0206(0.2389) = 0.0506
C = 0.953 – 0.362V = 0.953 – 0.362(0.2389) = 0.8665
For Bituminous coal
N = 0.0210 – 0.012V = 0.0210 – 0.012(0.2389) = 0.0181

Ultimate Analysis of Combustible

C, 0.8665; H, 0.0506; N, 0.0181

Multiply by 1 – 0.0742 – 0.0175 = 0.9083

Carbon = 0.8665 x 0.9083 = 0.7870 = 78.70%
Hydrogen = 0.0506 x 0.9083 = 0.0460 = 4.60%
Nitrogen = 0.0181 x 0.9083 = .0164 = 1.64%
Moisture = 1.75%
Ash = 7.42%
Neglecting sulfur
Oxygen = 100 – 78.70 – 4.60 – 1.64 – 1.75 =13.31%
Total Hydrogen = 4.60 + 1.75/9 = 4.79%
Total Oxygen = 13.31 + 8 x 1.75/9 = 14.87%

Ultimate Analysis:
C, 78.70; H2, 4.79; N2, 1.64%; O2, 14.87%
Theoretical combustion air = 11.5(0.7870) + 34.5(0.0479 – 0.1487/8) = 10.06 kg/kg of
Gaseous products of combustion area
CO2 = (44/12) (0.7870) = 2.886 kg
H2O = (9/1) (0.0479) = 0.431 kg
N2 = (10.06) (1 + x) (0.768) + 0.0164 = 7.726x + 7.742 kg
O2 = (10.06) (x) (0.232) = 2.334 kg

In moles
CO2 = 2.886/44 = 0.0656
H2O = 0.431/18 = 0.0239
N2 = (7.726x + 7.742) / 28 = 0.2759x + 0.2765
O2 = 2.334x / 32 = 0.0729x
Total = 0.0656 + 0.0239 + 0.2759x + 0.2765 + 0.0729x = 0.3660 + 0.3488x

Flue gas analysis

CO2 = = 0.10
x = excess air = 0.8314 = 83.14%

14. Apply the data of Table 5-3 to a coal designated from Table 5-4 and fix its rank thereby
Penna. Anthracite (Table 5.4)
Proximate analysis:
Moisture = 2.19%
Volatile Matter = 5.67%
Fixed Carbon = 86.24%
Ash = 5.9%

Dry FC = (86.34) / (1 – 0.0219) = 88.17%

Dry VM = (5.67) / (1 – 0.0219) = 5.80%
Table 5-3
Dry FC is 86 percent or more and less than 92 percent.
Class I. Anthracite
Group 3. Semi-Anthracite

15. Predict the Orsat analysis resulting from the combustion of a coal designated from Table
5-4, with 50% excess air. 10% combustible in the refuse.
Example is Ark. Semi-Anthracite
C = 77.29%
H = 3.74%
O = 3.36%
S = 2.01%
A = 12.21%
N = 100 – 77.29 – 3.74 – 3.36 – 2.01 – 12.21 = 1.39%
Combustible in refuse = 10% = 0.10
Ash = 0.1221 of the coal = 0.90 of the refuse
Refuse per kg coal = 0.1221/0.9 = 0.1357
C in refuse = 0.1357 – 0.1221 = 0.0136 kg/kg

Carbon actually burned = C’ = 0.7729 – 0.0136 = 0.7593

Theoretical combustion air = 11.5(0.7593) + 34.5(0.0374 – 0.0336/8) + 4.3(0.0201) =
9.97 kg/kg

Gaseous products of combustion are

CO2 = (44/12) (0.7593) = 2.784 kg
H2O = (9/1) (0.0374) = 0.337 kg
N2 = (9.97 (1.50) (0.768) + 0.0139 = 11.500 kg
O2 = (9.97) (0.50) (0.232) = 1.156 kg
In moles
CO2 = 2.784/44 = 0.0633
H2O = 0.337/18 = 0.0187
N2 = 11.500/28 = 0.4107
O2 = 1.156/32 = 0.0361
Total without moisture = 0.0633 + 0.4107 + 0.0361 = 0.5101

Orsat Analysis (answer)

CO2 = (0.0633/0.5101) (100) = 12.41%
O2 = (0.0361/0.5101) (100) = 7.08%
N2 = (0.4107/0.5101) (100) = 80.51%

16. A coal is analyzed in a plant laboratory and found to have Qh = 14,866 kJ; C, 58.93; VM,
31.81; ash, 9.26. All on a dry basis. Find the rank of this coal. Estimate the A-F ratio used
when a CO2 meter shows 12%. Use approximate methods.
Qh = 14,866 kJ/kg
FC = 58.93%
VM = 31.81%
Ash = 9.26%
CO2 = 12%

Dry FC is less than 69% and Dry VM is more than 31%. Moist Qh is more than 14,700
Therefore the rank is High Volatile A Bituminous Coal, Rank II – 3.
For semi-bituminous coal, R is between 16 and 20, use R = 18
20.9𝑅 𝑅+2.37
Excess air = −
𝐶𝑂2 (𝑅+3) 𝑅+3
20.9(18) 18+2.37
Excess air = − = 0.523
12(18+3) 18+3
Table 5-5
Combustible basis: divide by 1 – 0.0926 = 0.9074
VM = 31.81 / 0.9074 = 35.06
H = 0.0457 + 0.0206V = 0.0457 + 0.0206(0.3506) = 0.0529
C = 0.953 – 0.362V = 0.953 – 0.362(0.3506) = 0.8261
For Bituminous coal
N = 0.0210 – 0.012V = 0.0210 – 0.012(0.3506) = 0.0168
Dry basis:
H = 0.0529 x 0.9074 = 0.0480
C = 0.8261 x 0.9074 = 0.7496
N = 0.0168 x 0.9074 = 0.0152
O = 1 – 0.0480 – 0.7496 – 0.0152 = 0.1872
Theoretical A-F ratio = 11.5(0.7496) + 34.5(0.0480 – 0.1872/8) = 9.469
Estimated A-F ratio = (1.523) (9.469) = 14.422 kg/kg

17. A Kansas coal, reported on the combustible basis, has 5.7% S, 79.6% C. As-fired, the
moisture is 11%, ash 14%. Orsat of combustion gases is; CO2, 12.1; O2, 7.1; CO, 0.8; N2,
80; carbon in refuse, 10%. Find dry gas per kg coal burned (a) neglecting SO2 and (b)
including SO2.
Ash = 0.14 of the coal = (1 – 0.1) of the refuse
Refuse per kg coal = 0.14/0.90
C in refuse = (0.14/0.90) – 0.14 = 0.01556 kg
C’ = 0.796 – 0.01556 = 0.78044

(a) Neglecting SO2

𝑘𝑔 𝑔𝑎𝑠 [11𝐶𝑂2 + 8𝑂2 + 7(𝐶𝑂 + 𝑁2 )] 3 5
= (𝐶 ′ + 𝑆) + 𝑆
𝑘𝑔 𝑐𝑜𝑎𝑙 3(𝐶𝑂2 + 𝐶𝑂) 8 8

𝑘𝑔 𝑔𝑎𝑠 [11(12.1) + 8(7.1) + 7(0.8 + 80)] 3 5

= [0.78044 + (0.057)] + (0.057)
𝑘𝑔 𝑐𝑜𝑎𝑙 3(12.1 + 0.8) 8 8

𝒌𝒈 𝒈𝒂𝒔
= 15.689 kg dry gas / kg coal (answer)
𝒌𝒈 𝒄𝒐𝒂𝒍
18. From the analysis of a coal sample taken during a test it is estimated that the as-fired total
carbon was 76.5% and free hydrogen was 4.7%. From other tests C = 0.7263, Orsat: CO2,
10.53; O2, 3.74; CO, 0.49; N2, 85.24. Find A:F ratio.
𝑁2 85.24
A:F = 3.03C’ ( ) = 3.03(0.7263) (10.53+0.49 ) = 𝟏𝟕. 𝟎𝟐𝟐𝟒 kg air/kg coal

Solved by: Jasmine Cleo Fernandez

19. Boiler plant test data, in part:

Proximate analysis as fired: FC, 60.65; VM, 33.45; Moist., 0.83; ash, 5.07. Combustible
in dry refuse, 29.8%. Orsat: CO2, 11.3; O2, 6.75; CO, 0.2. Find the air-fuel ratio and the
percent excess air.
FC = 60.65%
VM = 33.45%
Moisture = 0.83%
Ash = 5.07%
Combustible in dry refuse = 29.8%
CO2 = 11.3
O3 = 6.75
CO = 0.2
N2 = 100 – 11.3 – 6.75 – 0.2 = 81.75%
Reduce the proximate analysis to a combustible basis
1 – ash – moisture = 1 – 0.0507 – 0.0083 = 0.9410
Proximate analysis of the combustion
VM = 33.45 / 0.9410 = 35.5473
FC = 60.65 / 0.9410 = 64.4527

H = 0.0457 + 0.0206V = 0.0457 + 0.0206(0.355473) = 0.05302

C = 0.953 – 0.362V = 0.953 – 0.362(0.355473) = 0.82432
For Bituminous coal
N = 0.0210 – 0.012V = 0.0210 – 0.012(0.3555473) = 0.01673

Ultimate Analysis
H = 0.05302 x 0.9410 = 0.04989
C = 0.82432 x 0.9410 = 0.77568
N = 0.01673 x 0.9410 = 0.01574

Ash = 0.0507
O = 1 – 0.04989 – 0.77568 – 0.01574 – 0.0507 – 0.0083 = 0.09969

Ash (dry) = 5.07/(1 – 0.0083) = 5.1124%

Ash = 0.051124 of the coal = 1 – 0.298 or 0.702 of the refuse
Refuse per kg coal = 0.051124 / 0.702 = 0.07283

C in refuse (dry) = 0.07283 – 0.051124 = 0.02171

C in refuse (wet) = 0.02171 (1 – 0.0083) = 0.02152

C’ = 0.77568 – 0.02152 = 0.75416

Theoretical Air A:F = 11.5 x 0.75416 + 34.5(0.04989 – 0.09969 / 8) =9.9641kg/kg

Actual Air A:F = 3.03C’[ ]
Actual Air A:F = 3.03(0.75416)[ ] = 16.2441
11.3 +0.2
Excess air = (16.2441 – 9.9641) (100) / 9.9641 = 63%

20. Further analysis of the coal mentioned in Prob. 20 reveals a sulfur content of 3.2%. Find
the kg dry gas produced per kg coal during this test.
Moisture = 0.83%
Ash = 5.07%
Sulfur = 3.2%
Combustible in dry refuse = 29.18%
CO2 = 11.3
O2 = 6.75
CO = 0.2
N2 = 100 – 11.3 – 6.75 – 0.2 = 81.75%

Ash (dry) = 5.07 / (1 – 0.0083) = 5.1124%

Ash = 0.051124 of the coal = 1 – 0.298 or 0.702 of the refuse
Refuse per kg coal = 0.051124 / 0.702 = 0.07283

C in refuse (dry) = 0.07283 – 0.051124 = 0.02171

C in refuse (wet) = 0.02171 (1 – 0.0083) = 0.02152

C’ = 0.77568 – 0.02152 = 0.75416

𝑘𝑔 𝑔𝑎𝑠 [11𝐶𝑂2 + 8𝑂2 + 7(𝑁2 + 𝐶𝑂)] 3 5

= (𝐶 ′ + 𝑆) + 𝑆
𝑘𝑔 𝑐𝑜𝑎𝑙 3(𝐶𝑂2 + 𝐶𝑂) 8 8

𝑘𝑔 𝑔𝑎𝑠 11(11.3) + 8(6.75) + 7(81.75 + 0.2) 3 5

= [ 0.75416 + (0.032)] + (0.032)
𝑘𝑔 𝑐𝑜𝑎𝑙 3(11.3 + 0.2) 8 8
𝑘𝑔 𝑔𝑎𝑠
= 16.719 kg gas / kg coal (answer)
𝑘𝑔 𝑐𝑜𝑎𝑙

21. Using the test data mentioned in Prob. 20, change proximate to ultimate analysis and
calculate the weights of the individual products formed by the combustion of a kg of coal.
FC = 60.65%
VM = 33.45%
Moisture = 0.83%
Ash = 5.07%
Combustible in dry refuse = 29.8%
CO2 = 11.3
O3 = 6.75
CO = 0.2
N2 = 100 – 11.3 – 6.75 – 0.2 = 81.75%
Reduce the proximate analysis to a combustible basis
1 – ash – moisture = 1 – 0.0507 – 0.0083 = 0.9410
Proximate analysis of the combustion
VM = 33.45 / 0.9410 = 35.5473
FC = 60.65 / 0.9410 = 64.4527

H = 0.0457 + 0.0206V = 0.0457 + 0.0206(0.355473) = 0.05302

C = 0.953 – 0.362V = 0.953 – 0.362(0.355473) = 0.82432
For Bituminous coal
N = 0.0210 – 0.012V = 0.0210 – 0.012(0.355473) = 0.01673

Ultimate Analysis:
H = 0.05302 x 0.9410 = 0.04989
C = 0.82432 x 0.9410 = 0.77568
N = 0.01673 x 0.9410 = 0.01574

Ash = 0.0507
O = 1 – 0.04989 – 0.77568 – 0.01574 – 0.0507 – 0.0083 = 0.09969

Ash (dry) = 5.07 / (1 – 0.0083) = 5.1124%

Ash = 0.051124 of the coal = 1 – 0.298 or 0.702 of the refuse
Refuse per kg coal = 0.051124 / 0.702 = 0.07283

C in refuse (dry) = 0.07283 – 0.051124 = 0.02171

C in refuse (wet) = 0.02171 (1 – 0.0083) = 0.02152

C’ = 0.77568 – 0.02152 = 0.75416

Theoretical Air A:F = 11.5 x 0.75416 + 34.5(0.04989 – 0.09969 / 8) =9.9641kg/kg

Actual Air A:F = 3.03C’[ ]
Actual Air A:F = 3.03(0.75416)[ ] = 16.2441
Excess air = (16.2441 – 9.9641) (100) / 9.9641 = 63%

Gaseous products of combustion area(answer)

CO2 = (44/12) (0.77568) = 2.8442 kg
H2O = (9/1) (0.04989) = 0.4408 kg
N2 = (9.9641) (1.63) (0.768) + 0.01574 = 12.489 kg
O2 = (9.9641) (0.63) (0.232) = 1.4564 kg

22. A coal designated from Table 5-4 is burned with 60% excess air. Atm. Humidity, 5 g per
kg. No incomplete combustion. Combustion air at 176.7°C. Flue gas at 441°C. (a)
Estimate sensible heat loss by approx. method; (b) calculate sensible heat loss by exact
FC = 60.65%
VM = 33.45%
Moisture = 0.83%
Ash = 5.07%
Combustible in dry refuse = 29.8%
CO2 = 11.3
O2 = 6.75
CO = 0.2
N2 = 100 - 11.3 - 6.75 - 0.2 = 81.75%
Reduce the approximate analysis to combustible basis
1 - Ash - moisture = 1 - 0.0507 - 0.0083 = 0.9410
Proximate analysis for the combustion
VM = 33.45 / 0.9410 = 35.5473
FC = 60.65 / 0.9410 = 64.4527

H = 0.0457 + 0.0206V = 0.0457 + 0.0206(0.355273) = 0.05302

C = 0.953 - 0.362V = 0.953 - 0.362(0.355473) = 0.82432
For bituminous coal
N = 0.0210 - 0.012V = 0.0210 - 0.012(0.355473) = 0.01673
Ultimate analysis
O = 1 - 0.04989 - 0.77568 - 0.01574 - 0.0083 = 0.09969

Ash (dry) = 5.07 / (1 - 0.0083) = 5.1124%

Ash = 0.051124 of the coal = 1 - 0.298 or 0.702 of the refuse
Refuse per kg coal = 0.051124 / 0.702 = 0.07283

C in refuse (dry) = 0.07283 - 0.051124 = 0.02171

C in refuse (wet) = 0.02171 (1 - 0.0083) = 0.02152

C’ = 0.77568 - 0.02152 = 0.75416

Theoretical air A:F = 11.5 x 0.75416 +34.5(0.04989 - 0.09969 / 8) = 9.9641 kg/kg

𝑁2 81.75
Actual Air A:F = 3.03C’[ ]=3.03(0.75416)[ 11.03+0.2 ]=16.2441

Excess air = (16.2441 - 9.9641)(100)/9.9641 = 63% (answer)

Gaseous products of combustion area (answer)

CO2 = (44/12)(0.77568) = 2.8442 kg
H2O = (9/1)(0.04989) = 0.4408 kg
N2 = (9.9641)(1.63)(0.768) + 0.01574 = 12.489kg
O2 = (9.9641)(0.63)(0.232) = 1.4564kg

23. Humid air which enters a combustion chamber at 27.2°C is transformed into products of
combustion at 288°C. Psychrometer readings are 27.2°C and 22.2°C. How many kJ are
carried off per kg coal burned by the superheating of this moisture? A:F = 15.5
For 27.2 C DB, 22.2 C WB
wsat = 𝑘𝑔/𝑘𝑔
1.03− 𝑝𝑠𝑎𝑡
Psat at 22.2 C WB = 0.0272 kg/cm2
0.625 (0.0272)
wsat = = 0.01695 𝑘𝑔/𝑘𝑔
𝑤𝑠𝑎𝑡 ℎ𝑓𝑔𝑤 − 𝛥𝑡
wa = = kg vapor / kg dry air
ℎ𝑓𝑔𝑤 +1.8𝛥𝑡

𝛥𝑡 = 27.2 – 22.2 = 5 C
hfgw = hg – hf at 22.2 C = 2541.5 – 93.1 = 2448.4 kJ/kg
0.01695 𝑥 2448.1−5
wa = = 0.01485 kg vapor / kg dry air
2448.4+1.8 𝑥 5

At constant wa, from 27.2 C to 288 C.

Q = wa ( 1 + ) 𝑐𝑝2 𝑡2 − 𝑤𝑎 𝑐𝑝1 𝑡1
Assume cp for water vapor, cp1 = cp2 = 2.094 kJ/kg.C.
Q = wacp [ ( 1 + ) 𝑡2 − 𝑡1 ]
Q = (0.01485)(2.094) [ ( 1 + ) (288) − 27.2]
Q = 8.6876 kJ/kg air
Q = 8.6876 x 15.5 = 134.66 kJ/kg coal burned
24. A coal as designated from Table 5-4 is burned in a pulverized coal furnace with 20%
excess air. Preheated air temperature, 148.9°C; furnace outlet temperature, 1010°C No
incomplete combustion. Calculate the kJ absorbed by the gases leaving the furnace, per
kg coal.
Use Penna. Bituminous, Appalachia Coal
Ultimate Analysis
S = 1.32%
H2 = 5.07%
C = 76.91%
N2 = 1.31%
O2 = 6.95%
Ash = 8.44%

Theoretical Air Needed per kg

= 11.5 C + 34.5(H2 – O2/8) + 4.3S
= 11.5 (0.7691) + 34.5(0.0507 – 0.0695/8) + 4.3(0.0132)
= 10.3508
A/F = 1.2(10.3508) = 12.4210
Dry gas per kg coal = A/F + 1 – wet gas – SO2 – refuse
= 12.4210 + 1 – 9 x 0.0507 – 2 x 0.0132 = 12.9383
The ASME Code permits a composite cp of 1005 J/kg.C to be used.
The water vapor from combustion is 9 x 0.0507 = 0.4563 kg.
Average cp from water vapor is taken as 2094 J/kg.C.
Sensible heat above 148.9 C in product.
Qs = (12.4210 x 1005 + 0.4563 x 2094) (1010 – 148.9) = 11,571,976 J/kg
= 11,572 kJ/kg coal
Here SO2 is neglected
Latent heat present in the products:
Qfg = 0.4563 x hfg J/kg coal

The ASME Boiiler Test Code uses hfg at 65.6 C = 2344.86 kJ/kg
Qfg = 0.4563 x 2344.86 = 1070 kJ/kg

Total Heat Absorbed = Qs + Qfg = 11,572 + 1070 = 12,642 kJ/kg

25. Calculate the volume (m3) of the products of combustion of a coal designated from Table
5-4 if at 260°C after complete combustion with 100% excess air.

Table 5.4 Use Penna. Anthracite coal

S = 0.57%

H = 2.70%

C = 86.37%

N = 0.91%

O = 3.55%

Ash = 5.9%
Theoretical air needed per kg

= 11.5 C +34.5(H2 - O2/8) + 4.35

= 11.5 ( 0.8637) + 34.5 (0.027 - 0.0355/8) + 4.3(0.0057)

= 10.736 kg air

Gaseous product of combustion are CO2, H2O, N2, O2, SO2.

CO2 = (44/12) x 0.8637 = 3.167 kg

H2O = (9/1) x 0.027 = 0.243 kg

N2 = 10.736 x 200% x 0.768 + 0.0091 = 16500 kg

O2 = (10.736)(100)(0.232) = 2491 kg

SO2 = 2 x 0.0057 = 0.0114 kg

Moles of product = 3167/44 + 2491/32 + 16500/28 + 243/18 + 11.4/64 = 752.8 mols/kg coal

A mole volume is 23.693 liters per gm at 15.6 C and 1.03 kg/cm2 ab.

At 260 C and 1.03 kg/cm2 ab

Mol volume = (0.0845)(260+460)(1.03) = 59.07 liters per mol

Volume of the product of combustion = (59.07/1000)(752.8)

= 44.5 cu m. per kg of coal (answer)

26. What is the volume (m3) at 176.7°C of the products of combustion of a cubic metre of
fuel gas at 1.07 kg/cm2ab, 15.6°C, whose volumetric analysis is C2H6, 14.5; CH4, 59.1;
CO2, 25.1; N2, 1.3. 50% excess air.
The mole equations are

0.145 C2H6 + (7/2) (0.145) O2 = 2(0.145) CO2 + 3(0.145) H2O

0.591CH4 + 2(0.591) O2 = 0.591 CO2 + 2(0.591) H2O

0.736 mol gas + 1.6895 mol O2 = 0.881 mol CO2 + 1.617 mol H20
The O2 required from the air = 1.6895 mol O2
Since the composition of the air is 0.791 mol N2 to 0.209 mol O2, each mol O2 supplied
brings with it 791/209 = 3.78 mols N2

The wet gas is composed of 1.617 mols H2O plus the dry gas
The dry gas is composed of
CO2 : 0.881 + 0.251 = 1.132 mol
N2 : 3.78 x 1.6895 + 0.013 = 6,3993 mol from the theoretical air
N2 : (1/2) x 3.78 x 1.6895 = 3.1932 mol from the excess air
O2 : (1/2) x 1.6895 = 0.8448 mol from the excess air

Mols of the product of combustion / mols of fuel gas = 1.132 + 6.3993 +3.1932 + 0.8448
+ 1.617 = 13.1863

At 176.7 C, 1.07 kg/cm2 ab

1 mol vol = 0.0845(176.7 + 273.15)/1.07 =35.5255 liters
At 15.6 , 1.07 kg/cm2 ab
1 mol volume = 0.0845(15.6 + 273.15)/1.07 = 22.8032 liters
𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑏𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 35.5255
= 13.1863 (22.8032) = 𝟐𝟎. 𝟓𝟒𝟑 𝒎3
𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 𝑔𝑎𝑠

27. A coal of following composition is burned to an Orsat gas analysis of 9% CO2. Refuse
analysis, 15% combustible. Flue gas at 232.2°C. Find the density of this flue gas. C,
76.82; H2, 4.96; O2, 6.38; N2, 1.46; S, 1.39; ash, 6.26; moisture, 2.73.
Solution :
20.9𝑅 𝑅+2.37
Excess air = 𝐶𝑂2(𝑅+3) - 𝑅+3

CO2 = 9%
R = C’/H
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑜𝑥𝑦𝑔𝑒𝑛−𝑠𝑢𝑙𝑓𝑢𝑟
H = Total Hydrogen - 8
H = 0.0496 - = 0.0434
C’ = 0.7682 – (85x0.0626) = 0.7572
𝐶′ 0.7572
R= = 0.0434 = 17.447
20.9(17.447) 17.447+2.37
Excess air = 9(17.447+3) - = 1.0126 = 101.26%

Theoretical air needed per kg

= 11.5C + 34.5(H2 – O2/8) + 4.3S
= 11.5(0.7682) + 34.5(0.0496 – 0.0638/8) + 4.3(0.0139)
= 10.330
Gaseous products of combustion area(answer)
CO2 = (44/12)(0.7682) = 2.8167 kg
H2O = (9/1)(0.0496) = 0.4464 kg
N2 = (10.330)(1 + 1.0126)(0.768) + 0.0146 = 15.9815 kg
O2 = (10.330)(1.0126)(0.232) = 2.4268 kg
SO2 = (2)(0.0139) = 0.0278 kg

Total 21.6992 kg

2.8167 2.4268 15.9815 0.4464 0.0278

Mols of product = ( + + + + ) (1000)
44 32 28 18 64

Mols of product = 0.7359 x 103 mols / kg coal

1 mol volume = 0.0845T/kg liters = = 41.458 liters

For 1 kg of coal:
(0.7359 x 103 mols)(41.458) = 30.509 liters

Density = = 0.7112 kg/m3 (answer)

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