About Author:
Dimensions of Personality
Number Factor
Low sten score High sten score
description description
Method of scoring:
Raw scores:
A 8
B 8
C 15
E 15
F 17
G 14
H 18
I 12
L 9
M 16
N 12
O 12
Q1 9
Q2 7
Q3 7
Q4 20
Stens scores, the term comes from stander d ten are distributed our ten equal interval
standard scores points from 1 through 10, with the population average fixed at 5.5.
stens 5 and 6 extends, respectively, a half standard deviation below and above the
mean, consisting the solid center of the population, while the outer limits for stens 1
and 10 are two half’s standard deviations below and above the mean one would
normally consider stens scores of 4 through 7 to b average, since they fall within one
standard deviation of the population mean and therefore represent approximately two
thirds of all the obtain scores. Sten scores of 1,2,3 and 8,9,10 are generally consider to
be of greater importance for profile interpretation since they are more extreme and
occur for less frequently in a normal population
A 3
B 5
C 5
E 7
F 5
G 6
H 7
I 4
L 6
M 7
N 7
O 8
Q1 6
Q2 4
Q3 3
Q4 8
Factor A:
On Factor A subject scores low which indicates the Reversed, detached, critical, cool,
impersonal type of personality.
Scores indicates that subject like things rather than people. She likes to work alone
and avoid compromises of view points. She is likely to be precise and rigid in her way
of doing things and in their personal standards.
Factor B:
On factor B subject scores low which indicates less intelligent, concrete thinking.
The results indicates that subject tends to be slow to learn and grasp, dull, given to
concrete and literal interpretation. This dullness may b simply a reflection of low
Factor C:
On factor C subject scores low which indicates affected by feelings,
emotionally less stable, easily upset, changeable personalty
Results shows that subject may be low in frustration and have tolerance
for unsatisfactory conditions. Low scores also indicates that subject have
symptoms of neurotics and some psychotic disorders.
Factor E:
On factor E subject score high which indicates assertive, aggressive, authoritative
Results shows that subject have an authoritarian type of personality. She may acts in
the way disregarding the authority.
Factor F:
On factor F subject scores low which indicates the sober, prudent, serious
type of personality.
Result shows that subject is sober and dependable person. Subject may
show permissiveness, and some time consider smug and primly correct
by observer.