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Physics Procedia 32 (2012) 503 – 512

18th International Vacuum Congress

Selection criterion of gauges for vacuum measurements of systems

with diverse ranges
H. M. Akram*, A. Fasih
National Institute of Vacuum Science and Technology (NINVAST), P.O. Box No.3125, NCP Complex, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad,


Basically a vacuum gauge is a key that opens the secrets of a closed vacuum system, indicates what is happening
inside the sealed makeup and has the facility to control it through evacuation system. But for the broad vacuum
range, all the goings-on are not made known or commanded by a particular vacuum gauge. Consequently, various
gauges of special types are used to accurately measure the vacuum of diverse ranges, together with the requisite
services. Therefore, the selection of proper gauge in favor of exact vacuum metrology in conjunction with extra
actions, for a particular vacuum work, is of primary importance. There are many factors that affect the appropriate
gauge selection. In this paper, selection criterion for suitable vacuum gauge, supportive for accurate vacuum
measurements and other critical functions of the required range, has briefly been discussed that can make the task of
gauge selection simpler and exact.

© 2012
2009 Published
Published by
by Elsevier
Elsevier B.V.
B.V. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Chinese Vacuum Society (CVS).
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
PACS: 06.20.Dk,06.30.-k
Keywords: Selection criterion, vacuum gauge, working range, vital accuracy.

1. Introduction
The vacuum technology is indispensable as well as immeasurably used as a parent one for the rapid
progress of many other modern and sophisticated technologies, because it is the most useful tool for a common
vacuum pool. From its initial association with research in physics, the range of applications has extended to
important sectors of industrial activity, including pharmacy, food industry, metallurgy, mechanical, electrical,
electronics, mechatronics, chemical engineering, surface engineering, etc. making an incalculable contribution to
process effectiveness, efficiency and quality. Therefore, it is almost impossible to list all the areas in which vacuum
technology is now used. Generally group wise presentation of the various vacuum applications in different fields
and ranges is shown in Fig.-1[1]. For all vacuums concern modern

1875-3892 © 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Chinese Vacuum Society (CVS).
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. doi:10.1016/j.phpro.2012.03.594
504 H. M. Akram and A. Fasih / Physics Procedia 32 (2012) 503 – 512

Fig. 1. Vacuum applications in different vacuum ranges.

and sophisticated technologies, accurate vacuum measurements are as essential as these technologies themselves.
So the precise vacuum metrology of broad vacuum range is of prime interest and need of the hour. For this purpose,
a vacuum gauge plays the major role, selection of which is an important and questionable issue. Before the selection
of an appropriate vacuum gauge for a particular vacuum application, one has to come across a variety of questions
which are listed in Fig.-2. For all such consideration, the thorough understanding of vacuum metrology is essential.
Vacuum gauges are used for pressure measurements in the broad vacuum range from

Fig. 2. Questions before the selection of proper vacuum gauge.

H. M. Akram and A. Fasih / Physics Procedia 32 (2012) 503 – 512 505

atmospheric to Extremely High Vacuum (XHV). Due to some physical reasons, it is not possible to construct a
vacuum gauge which can accurately carry out the quantitative measurements of this entire vacuum range.
Consequently, a series of vacuum gauges is available, each of which has a characteristic measuring range that
usually extends over several orders of magnitudes.

In order to be able to allocate the largest possible measuring ranges to the individual types of vacuum
gauge, one has to accept the fact that the measurement uncertainty rises very rapidly, in some cases up to greater
extent, particularly at the upper and lower range limits. This

Fig. 3 Measurement uncertainty distribution

over the measuring range: VISCOVAC.
Fig. 4. Dependence of heat dissipated by a
filament on gas pressure: THERMOVAC.
behavior of VISCOVAC (Spinning Rotor Gauge-SRG) is shown in Fig.-3 [2]. It is clear from this figure that a
distinction must be made between the ‘measuring range’ (red+green+red lines) as stated for the gauge and the
‘precise measurement measuring range’ (green line). The measuring ranges of the individual vacuum gauges are
limited in the upper and lower range by the physical effects. Another such case of Pirani thermal conductivity gauge
(THERMOVAC) is demonstrated in Fig.-4[2]. In region-II, the heat transfer declines (green line) more and more,
becoming dependent on the density and thus on the pressure, which is only practicable in the range ~10-1–10-3mbar,
against the gauge measuring range (red+green+red lines) i.e 103–10-4mbar). There are such cases of other gauges
A variety of gauges have to employ to measure vacuum, depending on its needed range [3]. These gauges
fall into different main groups: mechanical phenomena gauges, thermal conduction phenomena gauges, ionization
phenomena gauges, analyzing phenomena gauges, etc [4]. A graph of molecular density versus vacuum quality,
gives up a straight line, consequently defining different vacuum levels: ‘Low Vacuum’, ‘Medium Vacuum’, ‘High
Vacuum’, Ultra High Vacuum’ & ‘Extremely Ultra High Vacuum’ and corresponding gauge regions: ‘Force
Exertion Region’, ‘Thermal Conductivity Region’, ‘Ionization Region’, ‘Enhanced Ionization Region’ & ‘Gas
Analyzing Region’ respectively, as shown in Fig.-5 [5]. Due to the diversity of vacuum regions, selection of
appropriate gauge for a particular region is critical.
506 H. M. Akram and A. Fasih / Physics Procedia 32 (2012) 503 – 512

Fig. 5. Molecular density versus vacuum, explaining ranges of different gauges [5].

2. Selection of vacuum gauges

Several factors affect proper gauge selection process and by following it appropriately, the task becomes
simpler and more specific. For this, vacuum gauge has to meet up some well studied criteria. Special steps regarding
this process have briefly been discussed in the manner:
2.1. Process vacuum range
Vacuum gauges can be grouped by the pressure range they measure. Diverse vacuum ranges are shown in
Fig.-5. Categorically, a gauge has to measure the vacuum of specific range of a particular system. For accuracy
purpose, it is essential to select the gauge according to the process range of the system. For all vacuum applications,
gauges are selected that are more suitable for these applications. Selection criteria of various gauges for varied
vacuum ranges are briefly discussed on basis of the concept given in the graph of Fig.-5 as well as taking into
consideration other relevant parameters and requirements of particular vacuum system.
2.1.1. Gauges for low vacuum
H. M. Akram and A. Fasih / Physics Procedia 32 (2012) 503 – 512 507

The gauges that are used to measure the low vacuum, are usually mechanical vacuum gauges which measure
pressure P by recording the force F exerted by the gas molecules per unit area A on the walls of the gauge sensing
element [7].
P=F/A (1)
A variety of gauges can be used for low vacuum systems. Two of them are significant and mostly used. One is
Bourdon Gauge and other is Capacitance Diaphragm Gauge (CDG). Normally, for industrial low vacuum
measurements, Bourdon gauges are preferred while for high accuracy and R&D work CDGs are essentially selected.
While selecting Bourdon gauges thought is given to a number of parameters which have an effect on gauge accuracy,
safety, and utility. These gauges are usually mechanically operated rugged sensors, having installed flexible tubes
inside, which are of suitable material with proper geometry sensitive to pressure changes.

Capacitance Diaphragm Gauge is used in fine vacuum systems because of its ease of use, potential accuracy,
fine resolution and quick response [8]. It is used as a transfer gauge because its accuracy, reliability and stability
have long been proved to be high in international comparison of vacuum gauges [9]. These can also be used as a
flow meter in a special combination because of their fast response to pressure changes. In order to cover the broad
pressure range with required accuracy more sensors are generally used. In this gauge a thin diaphragm (membrane)
is used as a sensing element. The use of this thin diaphragm, makes the gauge highly sensitive to length changes of
the capacitance technique. This makes CDG superior to most of the other mechanical deflection gauges. If d is the
deflection of a uniformly loaded circular membrane (diaphragm) tightly attached around its periphery, the pressure
P measured by this gauge [10] is given by
P = d E t3 / k r4 (2)
Where P is pressure across the diaphragm, E is the elastic constant of the diaphragm material, r & t are the diameter
and thickness of the diaphragm and k is constant. It is obvious that the deflection of the diaphragm is linearly related
to the pressure. Therefore, the response of this gauge is linear with reasonable accuracy of vacuum measurement.

2.1.2. Gauges for medium vacuum

In medium vacuum range, the molecular density is too less to exert mechanical force. Therefore, direct
measuring mechanical gauges cannot be used in this range. Consequently, some other physically observable fact
using certain property of gas is employed in medium vacuum gauges, which is thermal conductivity of gases.
Thermal conductivity is defined as the amount of heat transfer per unit time across the unit area of small plane
located perpendicular to the direction of heat flow divided by the temperature gradient. The thermal conductivity K
of a substance is defined by the expression [11]

H = K (dT/ds) (3)
in which H is the amount of heat flowing per unit area per second in the direction parallel to s, and dT/ds is the
temperature gradient in the same direction.
The Pirani gauge is a thermal conductivity gauge used for the measurement of the pressures in medium
vacuum systems [12]. It was invented in 1906 by Marcello Pirani [13]. This gauge measures the pressure by
determining the filament temperature through a measure of filament resistance which is given by [14]
RT = R0 (1+ĮT) (4)
Where RT is the filament resistance at TqC, R0 is Resistance at 0qC and D is the temperature co-efficient of
resistance for the filament wire. Therefore, if the resistance of the filament is measured, this can be related to its
508 H. M. Akram and A. Fasih / Physics Procedia 32 (2012) 503 – 512

temperature and ultimately to the pressure. So in thermal conductivity gauges, there is relation between the pressure
of a gas and its ability to transfer heat. Different gauges are used for this range but two of them: thermocouple
gauges and Pirani gauges are important. CDG has also the potential to measure vacuum accurately in medium range
and is employed successfully.
2.1.3. Gauges for high vacuum

High vacuum range is basically a region of molecular flow, in which molecular density is too low to
conduct thermally. Therefore, neither the mechanical nor thermal conductivity gauges can be used in this region.
The physical principle employed for the gauges of this region is the ionization of gases. When an atom or a
molecule is energized, it may lose an electron and becomes positively charged molecule (+ve ions). This process is
called ionization and gauges employing this principle are called ionization gauges. This is one of the largest, most
important and most widely used class of vacuum gauges. In such gauges, the positively charged molecules are
attracted by ion collector, indicating positive-ion current which is ultimately calibrated in pressure P, which is give
by the relation [15].

P = I+ / S I- (5)

Where I+ is positive-ion current to the ion collector, I- is electron-emission current to the anode and S is the
proportionality constant known as the gauge head sensitivity. Thus if S and I- are kept constant, I+ will be directly
proportionally to pressure P. Two types of ionization gauges generally employed are cold cathode ionization gauges
and hot cathode ionization gauges, utilizing the application of high voltage and high current respectively used for
Another important gauge, which is also used for high vacuum work is Spinning Rotor Gauge (SRG). It is
used for consistent vacuum measurements as well as reliable secondary standard because it is an internationally
recognized reliable transfer standard from 10-2 mbar to 10-6 mbar [16]. This gauge operates by virtue of the viscous
or frictional forces that gas molecules exert on the moving surface which is a small stainless steel ball. The
collisions of the gas molecules with the surface of the ball impart a drag to it which decelerates the ball, measured
by the pickup coils. This force is dependent upon molecular density of the gas and temperature. For this gauge,
taking different factors into account, the pressure P [17] is given by

P = (ȡd/10)(2ʌRoT/M)1/2 (-ȫ/Ȧ) (6)

Where T & M is absolute temperature and the molar mass of the gas, d & ȡ is diameter and density of the ball
respectively, ȫ is the measured rate of change of ball s’ rotation rate and Ro is universal gas constant. A more
detailed description of this type of gauge, which was used in some recent work by different authors [18], can be
found in separate paper.
2.1.4. Gauges for ultra high vacuum
In Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) range, the molecular density is further reduced as compared to high vacuum
region. Special ionization gauges are commonly used for vacuum measurements in this range. The lower density gas
present in the chamber is ionized and the subsequent measurement of the ion current gives gas pressure information
[19-21]. Doubtlessly, the most widely used ionization gauge with some special design, more supportive for
ionization in this range, is Extractor gauge by Redhead [22]. This gauge measures pressures between 10-4 and 10-12
mbar [2].
H. M. Akram and A. Fasih / Physics Procedia 32 (2012) 503 – 512 509

2.1.5. Gauges for extremely high vacuum

For Extremely High Vacuum (XHV) range, the molecular density is the least one. In such a region the
partial pressures of small amounts of present gases are analyzed by mass spectrometer and total pressure is found by
making the use of Dalton law of partial pressures. Monopole and quadrupole mass spectrometers are used for this
least particle density region. In mass spectrometer, the present gases are ionized, produced ions are accelerated,
tuned mass selected, magnetically deflected, detected, measured and finally displayed as partial pressures.
It is obvious that because of the great variety of ranges, physical effects and conditions, there are many
different types of vacuum gauges. Therefore, gauges rightly selected according to their proper vacuum range, show
appropriate accuracy, reproducibility, sensitivity and performance as per requirement of particular vacuum system.

2.2. Environment

The desired vacuum range is not the only factor considered when selecting a suitable measuring gauge. The
operating conditions under which the gauge works also play a significant role. If the measurements are to be carried
out under operating conditions with high risk of contamination, vibrations, temperature, pressure, etc, consequently
there will be large possibility of inaccurate measurements. In the presence of vibration, it becomes difficult to
accurately read the vacuum. Moreover, vibration can cause excessive movement, which sometime results in vacuum
gauge failure. To help prevent the movement-wear and readability problem, in case of low pressure range, Bourdon
gauges filled with a dampening fluid such as glycerin are selected. Secondly, off the process remote mounting gauge,
utilizing a capillary line assembly will also take away the effects of vibration. Ambient temperature affects vacuum
gauges accuracies and practically all gauges are affected by this phenomenon. Under such situations, for low and
medium vacuum CDGs with built in heaters that maintain temperature at certain temperature level to avoid the
effects of ambient temperature variation are selected. Similarly for high and ultra high vacuum hot cathode
ionization gauges are preferred. Also in case of Bourdon gauges, to avoid the effect of ambient pressure variation,
Bourdon coil and capsule gauge with external and internal reference vacuum respectively are used. SRG is not
recommended for the system in vibration environment. Therefore in all gauges: Bourdon gauges, diaphragm gauges,
thermal conductivity gauges, spinning rotor gauges, hot cathode ionization gauges and Penning gauges, some are
sensitive to adverse operating conditions. They can only be used effectively if the above mentioned sources of errors
are excluded as far as possible.

2.3. Process media

While all the factors regarding proper vacuum gauge selection are important, consideration for the actual
process media for which the gauge will be exposed, is vital too. The pressure-sensing element and body of a typical
vacuum gauge is selected of the material to prevent the process gas reaction, corrosion, contamination, clogging or
other effects. A Bourdon gauge with fine coil material can be selected for low vacuum industrial use whereas for
accurate measurements and R&D work CDG is preferred. For medium vacuum, in case of some contamination,
CDG is selected whereas for fine environment, Pirani gauges can be used. This is for the reason that in Pirani gauge
about 10µ sensing filament is used which is sensitive to contamination while the deflection of the diaphragm used in
CDG is independent of such effects.

2.4. Evacuation control

510 H. M. Akram and A. Fasih / Physics Procedia 32 (2012) 503 – 512

Vacuum gauges are essential to control the evacuation system of scientific instruments. The structure of
such gauges should be rigid. The thermal conduction type Pirani gauge is widely used for controlling evacuation
systems, switching the evacuation mode from roughing to fine pumping. Similarly, the ionization phenomena
Penning gauge with rigid structure is generally set for switching on the turbo molecular pump after roughing. A
turbo molecular pump attains the pressure in high vacuum range. For high to ultrahigh vacuum range, the sputter
ion pump can be controlled by using some other fine range ionization gauge [23].

2.5. Accuracy

Accuracy of vacuum measurements is of prime interest for sophisticated vacuum process, critical
applications and R&D works. Regarding accuracy, there are two factors: selection of accurate, precise, reliable and
reproducible gauges and their calibration with reference to primary vacuum standards of their matching range. As
for as accurate gauges are concerned CDGs and SRGs are internationally recognized reliable and accurate vacuum
gauges for low-medium and high vacuum respectively while for UHV and XHV ionization gauges are employed.

2.6. Standardization

Calibration of vacuum gauges is usually necessary in order to guarantee the correct measurements. Reliable
calibration of such gauges is impossible without establishing the widely recognized, true models of accuracy and
excellence, against which gauges can be judged, called ‘primary vacuum standards’. The primary vacuum standard
systems are those having the highest metrological qualities in which the pressure is deduced directly from the
involved physical quantities (mass, length, time etc) uniquely with the proper accuracy, precision and fine resolution
[24]. Calibration of such standard is considered according to laws of physics along with the knowledge of its
significant dimensions. It needs no reference to another apparatus for pressure determination and remains unaffected
for all ideal gases [7]. The unambiguous development of such standard systems for the accurate and consistent
calibration of vacuum gauges is called ‘vacuum standardization’. This standardization is main area of expertise of
vacuum metrology, which is the core of vacuum science and technology. Universally used primary vacuum
standards employing simple physical principles, are ‘Standard Mercury Manometers’, ‘Volume Expansion Vacuum
Standards’, and ‘Orifice Flow Vacuum Standards’ [8,16,25,26], for low, medium and high vacuum respectively.

2.7. Connections

Gauge with port size matching with the designed port dimension of the system is preferred. Normally for
low and medium vacuum, the gauges ports are with small size while for high and ultra high vacuum have large
dimension. Therefore, care should be taken in case of high and ultra high vacuum gauges. Secondly, UHV and XHV
gauges with Conflate Flange (CF) ports are essential.

2.8. Mounting

Proper mounting of vacuum gauges is also significant. They are mounted by the technique caring for their
maximum measurement accuracy and effectiveness. Firstly, the gauge is be mounted vertically, with connection
flange downward. This will save the gauge from way in of contaminants. Secondly, the gauge should be located
within the system and as far from the pump port as practicable. This will provide the factual vacuum of the system.
H. M. Akram and A. Fasih / Physics Procedia 32 (2012) 503 – 512 511

Thirdly, a valve is to be installed between gauge and system if possible. This will be better for gauge safety and long
life. Fourthly, the gauge should be installed with adequate baffling or piping. This will avoid the direct gas jet beam
to gauge. All these and more precautions are essential for safe and accurate vacuum measurements.
Vacuum gauge is the back bone for any vacuum system. Therefore, it is not used only for vacuum
measurements but variety of other functions like flow rate measuring, remote monitoring, vacuum based system
automation, evacuation controlling, leak testing, etc are also performed by it. Consequently, this significant and
multipurpose component of any vacuum system should be selected according to some consistent and well thought
criteria to get essential output and effectiveness with required precision & accuracy. Subsequently the discussed
pragmatic points should be observed exactingly to search out the right gauge for right measurement.

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