The Meshless Hypersingular Boundary Node
The Meshless Hypersingular Boundary Node
The Meshless Hypersingular Boundary Node
The Boundary Node Method (BNM) represents a coupling between Boundary Integral Equations (BIEs) and Moving Least Squares (MLS)
approximants. The main idea here is to retain the dimensionality advantage of the former and the meshless attribute of the latter. The result is
a `meshfree' method that decouples the mesh and the interpolation procedures. The BNM has been applied to solve 2-D and 3-D problems in
potential theory and linear elasticity. The Hypersingular Boundary Element Method (HBEM) has diverse important applications in areas
such as fracture mechanics, wave scattering, error analysis and adaptivity, and to obtain a symmetric Galerkin boundary element formulation.
The present work presents a coupling of Hypersingular Boundary Integral Equations (HBIEs) with MLS approximants, to produce a new
meshfree method Ð the Hypersingular Boundary Node Method (HBNM). Numerical results from this new method, for selected 3-D
problems in potential theory and in linear elasticity, are presented and discussed in this paper. q 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights
Keywords: Boundary element method; Boundary mode method; Hypersingular integrals; Potential theory; Linear elasticity
1. Introduction ciated with 3-D meshing. These methods have been collec-
tively referred to as `meshfree' or `meshless' methods.
Conventional computational engines such as the Finite Nayroles et al. [2] proposed a method called the Diffuse
Difference Method (FDM), Finite Element Method Element Method (DEM). The main idea of their work is
(FEM), and the Boundary Element Method (BEM) require to replace the usual FEM interpolation by a `diffuse approx-
meshing of either the domain (FEM and FDM) or the imation'. Their strategy consists of using a moving least-
surface (BEM) of a solid body. Although signi®cant squares approximation scheme to interpolate the ®eld vari-
progress has been made in 3-D meshing algorithms (see ables Ð these are called MLS interpolants in Ref. [2]
Mackerle [1]), the task of meshing a 3-D object with (called MLS approximants in this work). Nayroles et al.
complicated geometry can be arduous, time consuming, [2] have applied the DEM to 2-D problems in potential
computationally cumbersome and expensive. Such short- theory and linear elasticity.
comings are greatly ampli®ed when one considers problems Meshfree methods proposed to date include the Element-
with changing geometry such as crack propagation, ®nite Free Galerkin (EFG) method (Belytschko et al. [3]), the
deformation, and phase change or shape optimization. The Reproducing Kernel Particle Method (RKPM) [4], h±p
main dif®culty in these problems is the task of re-meshing a clouds [5±7], the Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin
3-D object many times during a solution process. (MLPG) approach [8,9], the Local Boundary Integral
Equation (LBIE) method [10], the Natural Element Method
1.1. Meshfree methods (NEM) [11], the Generalized Finite Element Method
(GFEM) [12] Ð see MoeÈs et al. [13] for related work)
In recent years, novel computational algorithms have and the Boundary Node Method (BNM). The main idea in
been proposed that circumvent some of the problems asso- the EFG method is to use Moving Least Squares (MLS)
approximants to construct the trial functions used in the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 11-607-255-7143; fax: 11-607-255-2011.
E-mail address: (S. Mukherjee).
Galerkin weak form. A wide variety of problems have
Present address: General Electric, Corporate Research and Develop- been solved using the EFG method. In the introductory
ment, Schenectady, NY 12301. paper by Belytschko et al. [3], the EFG method was applied
0955-7997/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0955-799 7(01)00040-6
640 M.K. Chati et al. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 25 (2001) 639±653
1.2. Hypersingular Boundary Element Method (HBEM) 1.4. Outline of this paper
Hypersingular Boundary Integral Equations (HBIEs) are The HBNM is obtained by combining the HBIE for a
derived from a differentiated version of the usual boundary given boundary value problem with MLS approximants.
integral equations (BIEs). HBIEs have diverse important The HBNM is derived from the appropriate HBIE, for
applications and are the subject of considerable current potential theory and for linear elasticity, and is then numeri-
research (see, for example, [29±32] for recent surveys of cally implemented in the present paper.
the ®eld). HBIEs, for example, have been employed for the This paper is organized as follows. A brief literature
evaluation of boundary stresses (e.g. [33±36]), in wave scat- review is provided in this Section. Next, Section 2
tering (e.g. [37]), in fracture mechanics (e.g. [31,38±41]), to presents MLS approximants, including a technique for
obtain symmetric Galerkin boundary element formulations evaluation of tangential derivatives on the boundary.
(e.g. [42±45]), to obtain the hypersingular boundary contour Section 3 reviews the standard BIE employed in the
method [46,47], and for error analysis [48±52] and adaptivity traditional collocation-based BEM, and Section 4 its
([51,52]). A lively debate (e.g. [53,54]), on smoothness corresponding meshless version called the BNM.
requirements on boundary variables for collocating an Section 5 presents the HBIE and Section 6 the
HBIE on the boundary of a body, has apparently been HBNM, which is obtained from the corresponding
concluded recently [55], see also Ref. [52]). HBIE. Numerical results from the HBNM, for problems
in potential theory and in linear elasticity, are presented
1.3. BNM in Section 7. Several aspects of the HBNM, such as
position of collocation nodes, determination of geode-
Mukherjee and Mukherjee [56] have recently proposed a sics, range of in¯uence of nodes, solution at internal
meshfree method called the BNM. The BNM has been used points, accuracy and convergence properties, are inves-
for 2-D problems in potential theory [56] and linear elasti- tigated in Section 7. Finally, some concluding remarks
city [57], for 3-D problems in potential theory [58] and are presented in Section 8. Appendix A completes the
linear elasticity [59], and for error analysis and adaptivity paper.
[51]. This method is a combination of the MLS approxima-
tion scheme and the standard BIE method. The method
divorces the traditional coupling between spatial dis- 2. Surface approximants
cretization (meshing) and interpolation as commonly prac-
ticed in the FEM or in the BEM. Instead, a `diffuse' A moving least-squares (MLS) approximation scheme,
approximation, based on MLS approximants, is used to using curvilinear coordinates on the surface of a 3-D solid
represent the unknown functions; and surface cells, with a body, is suitable for the BNM. Such a scheme for problems
very ¯exible structure (e.g. any cell can be arbitrarily sub- in potential theory [58] and for linear elasticity [59] is
divided without affecting its neighbors), are used for brie¯y described here and employed in the theoretical and
integration (Fig. 1). Thus, the BNM retains the meshless numerical schemes that follow.
attribute of the EFG method and the dimensionality advan-
tage of the BEM. As a consequence, the BNM only requires 2.1. MLS approximants
the speci®cation of points on the 2-D bounding surface of a
3-D body (including crack faces in fracture mechanics It is assumed that, for 3-D problems, the bounding surface
problems), together with unstructured surface cells, thereby 2B of a solid body is the union of piecewise smooth
practically eliminating the meshing problem that has been segments called panels. On each panel, one de®nes surface
referred to previously. In contrast, the FEM needs volume curvilinear coordinates (s1, s2). For 3-D problems in potential
meshing, the BEM needs surface meshing, and the EFG theory, let u be the potential function and t ; 2u=2n the ¯ux.
needs points throughout the domain of a body. (Here n is an unit outward normal to 2B at a point on it). For
M.K. Chati et al. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 25 (2001) 639±653 641
sI 2 sE a 2 u
^ T W
s; sI
sI 2 sE a 2 u;
respectively, leads to the equations:
where the approximating functions are F I are: In deriving Eq. (15), the following identity has been used:
m 2A21
s 2A
s 21
s E 21
s 2 s
9 2A21
s A
s; k 1; 2:
2sk 2sk
Tangential derivatives of the weight functions (described
As mentioned previously, uà and t^ are approximations to in Section 2.3) are easily computed (Chati [60]). The ®nal
the actual nodal values u and t . The two sets of values are form of the tangential derivatives of the potential (or dis-
related by Eq. (8). Discretized versions of Eq. (8) can be placement) u, at an evaluation point E, takes the form:
written as: " #
2u E Xn X m
2pj E
Xn X m
H{u^k } {uk }; H{t^ k } {tk }; k 1; 2; 3:
0; 0CjI
s u^ I 1
2sk I1 j1
2sk I1 j1
" (
Eq. (10) relate the nodal approximations of u and t to their 2B E
0; 0 A21
I 2 P
sI 2 sE
nodal values. 2sk
2.2. Surface derivatives 21 E E
s B
s u^I
Surface derivatives of the potential (or displacement)
®eld u are required for the HBIE. These are computed as with k 1; 2: In the above equation, I is the identity matrix.
follows. With One also needs the spatial gradient of the function u in
order to solve the HBIE (see Sections 5 and 6). For problems
C A21 B in potential theory, this is easily obtained from its tangential
Eqs. (8) and (9) give: and normal derivatives 2u/2sk and 2u/2n, respectively. For
elasticity problems, however, one must also use Hooke's
n X
law at a point on the surface 2B. Details of this procedure
s pj
s 2 sE CjI
I1 j1
are given in Appendix A.
Eq. (18) can be rewritten in compact form as:
and the tangential derivatives of u can be written as: Xn
2u E
Xn X m
s C I
sE u^I ; k 1; 2;
s 2pj 2CjI
s 2sk
s 2 sE CjI
s 1 pj
s 2 sE u^I I1
2sk 2sk 2sk
I1 j1
where the approximating functions C Ik are:
" #
k 1; 2: (12)
k E
2pj E
0; 0CjI
The derivatives of the monomials pj can be promptly
" (
computed. These are: X
2B E
1 pj
0; 0 A21
2p T
s 2 sE1 ; s2 2 sE2 0; 1; 0; 2
s1 2 sE1 ; 0;
s2 2 sE2 ;
2s1 1 )#
13 I E
I 2 P
s 2 s A
s B
s 21 E E
s 2 sE1 ; s2 2 sE2 0; 0; 1; 0; 2
s2 2 sE2 ;
s1 2 sE1 :
2s2 1 2.3. Weight functions
The basic idea behind the choice of a weight function is
After some simple algebra (Chati [60]), the derivatives of that its value should decrease with distance from a node and
the matrix C with respect to sk take the form: that it should have compact support so that the region of
in¯uence of a node is of ®nite extent (Fig. 2(b)). A possible
s 2B
s P
sI 2 sE A21
s choice is the Gaussian weight function:
2sk 2sk 8
< e2
d=dI 2 for d # d ;
s wI
1 A21
s ; k 1; 2;
15 :
2sk 0 for d . dI :
M.K. Chati et al. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 25 (2001) 639±653 643
Here d g
s; sI is the minimum distance, measured on and traction respectively, and the Kelvin kernels are:
the surface 2B, (i.e. the geodesic) between a point s and the
collocation node I. In the research performed to date, the 1
3 2 4ndik 1 r;i r;k ;
region of in¯uence of a node has been truncated at the edge 16p
1 2 nGr
of a panel (Fig. 2(a)) so that geodesics, and their derivatives
(for use in Eq. (21)), need only be computed on piecewise "
21 2r
smooth surfaces. Finally, the quantities dI determine the Tik {
1 2 2ndik 1 3r;i r;k }
1 2 nr 2 2n
extent of the region of in¯uence (the compact support) of
node I. They can be made globally uniform, or can be #
adjusted such that approximately the same number of 2
1 2 2n
r;i nk 2 r;k ni :
nodes get included in the region of in¯uence of any given
node I or in the domain of dependence of a given evaluation
point E. Such ideas have been successfully implemented in In the above, ni are the components of the unit normal at
Refs. [58,59]. the ®eld point Q, G is the shear modulus, n is the Poisson
ratio and d ij denotes the Kronecker delta. A comma denotes
a derivative with respect to a ®eld point, i.e.
3. BIEs 2r x
Q 2 xi
r;i i :
Q r
The standard (singular) BIEs for potential theory and
linear elasticity are given below. It is hoped that the
sequence of presentations below will help towards a clear
understanding of boundary-based meshless methods. 4. BNM
Nc Z
" NQ
Here, r is the Euclidean distance between the source point X X
0 G
P; Q F I
Qt^ I 2 F
P; Q
P and ®eld point Q, and nQ is the unit normal to 2B at a k1 2Bk I1
(regular) ®eld point Q.
( NQ
Qu^I 2 F I
Pu^ I dSQ :
I1 I1
3.2. Linear elasticity
For 3-D linear elasticity, the standard BIE, in regu- where F I(P) and F I(Q) are the contributions from the Ith
larized form, and in the absence of body forces, can be node to the collocation point P and ®eld point Q,
written as ([62]) respectively. Also, NQ nodes are situated in the domain of
dependence of the ®eld point Q and NP nodes are situated
Z in the domain of dependence of the source point P.
0 Uik
P; Qtk
Q 2 Tik
P; Q
Q 2 uk
P dSQ ;
24 4.2. Linear elasticity
Continuing the basic development of Section 3, the Similarly, the fully regularized HBIE for linear elasticity
HBIEs for potential theory and linear elasticity are can be written as (see Cruse and Richardson [54]),
presented here. Z
0 Dijk
P; Q
Q 2 tk
5.1. Potential theory 2B
The HBIE is obtained upon differentiation of the primary 2 s km
P Dijk
P; Q
Q 2 nm
BIE at an internal source point with respect to the coordi-
nates of that source point. Due to differentiation, the kernels Z
in the HBIE become strongly singular and hypersingular, 2 Sijk
P; Quk
Q 2 uk
P 2 uk;m
respectively, and appropriate regularization procedures
need to be employed in order to use the HBIEs for carrying 2 ym
P dSQ ;
out meaningful computations. The fully regularized HBIE
for the Laplace's equation, at a regular point on 2B (where it where the (strongly singular) kernel Dijk and (hypersingular)
M.K. Chati et al. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 25 (2001) 639±653 645
2 ym
PdSQ : (37)
respectively, where F I(P) and F I(Q) are the contributions
from the Ith node to the collocation point P and ®eld point
The procedure for obtaining the displacement gradients Q, respectively, with NP and NQ nodes in their respective
uk,m, that are required in Eqs. (34) and (37), is described in domains of dependence. Of course, the gradient of u from
Appendix A. The stress components s ij can be easily Eq. (38), in global coordinates, is used in Eqs. (39) and (40).
obtained from the displacement gradients using Hooke's
6.2. Linear elasticity
6. Hypersingular boundary node method (HBNM) As mentioned before, the procedure for obtaining uk,m in
the elasticity Eqs. (34) and (37), from the tangential deriva-
Analogous to the development of the BNM in Section 4, tives and tractions, is described in Appendix A. Once this is
derivation of the HBNM for potential theory and linear done, discretized versions of Eqs. (34) and (37) are readily
elasticity are presented in this Section. The goal here is to obtained as:
present a comprehensive treatment of the method. " #
Nc Z
0 Dijk
P; Q F I
Qt^ kI 2 F I
Pt^ KI
l1 2Bl I1 I1
6.1. Potential theory
dSQ 2 s km
P Dijk
P; Q
Q 2 nm
Using the interpolation functions t (second part of the Eq. 2Bl
(8)) and for the tangential derivatives of u (Eq. (19)), one "
can obtain the discretized forms of the potential gradient
2 Sijk
P; Q F I
Qu^ kI 2 F I
(see Eq. (33)) and the HBIEs Eqs. (31) and (32) as follows: 2Bl I1 I1
n X
n X
7u C I
1 u^I t1 1 C I
2 u^I t2 1 F I t^ I n
38 2 uk;m
Q 2 ym
P dSQ (41)
I1 I1 I1
646 M.K. Chati et al. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 25 (2001) 639±653
Table 2
Exact versus approximate geodesics on the surface of a sphere
Fig. 3. Mapping of quadratic triangular cell (T6) to the parent space (s,t).
`compact support' associated with each node is dI. In this
work the parameter dI is chosen to be non-homogeneous in
using a con®guration consisting of 72 T6 triangles with one the sense that each evaluation point has an identical number
node per cell. It can be clearly seen from Table 1 that, as of nodes in its domain of dependence. Now, for a given
expected, placement of the collocation node at the centroid polynomial basis (e.g. Linear/Quadratic/Cubic), the number
of the triangle in the parent space, i.e s t 1=3; yields of nodes n in the domain of dependence of each evaluation
excellent results. Overall, placing the single node at the point becomes the parameter of interest.
centroid of the triangle/rectangle yields the best numerical The parameters dI are chosen as follows. For a given
results. n, let S be the set of nodes in the domain of dependence
Geodesics. In order to construct the interpolating func- of a particular evaluation point E. The values of dI for
tions using MLS approximants, it is necessary to compute all nodes in S are set equal to dmax, where dmax is the dis-
the geodesic on the bounding surface of a body. Computa- tance from E, along the geodesic, of the node in S, which is
tion of geodesics can get quite cumbersome on a general farthest from E.
curved surface described by splines. For the sphere, the Fig. 4(a) and (b) show the effect of varying the number of
exact geodesic between two points P (collocation node) nodes n for a linear basis
m 3 and a quadratic basis
and Q (®eld point) is the length of the arc between these
m 6; respectively, for the cubic and trigonometric
points on the great circle containing them. However, a very solutions. It is observed that the lowest value of L2 errors
simple approximation to the geodesic would be to use the is obtained for n [ (2m,3m). This fact has also been
`Euclidean' distance between points P and Q. Table 2 observed for the BNM ([58]).
summarizes the procedure for computing the exact and Potential and gradient at internal points. Fig. 5(a) and (b)
approximate geodesic on a sphere, while Table 3 presents show variation in the potential and its x1 derivative, respec-
a comparison in the L2 errors for linear, quadratic, cubic and tively, for points along the x1 axis inside the sphere. The
trigonometric solutions imposed on the sphere. For this Dirichlet boundary value problem is solved upon imposing
speci®c example, with idealized geometry and boundary the trigonometric solution on a cell con®guration consisting
conditions, it can be seen that the errors remain reasonably of 72 T6 cells with one node per cell and a quadratic basis
small even if the approximate geodesic is used to replace the
m 6: It is seen from these ®gures that the HBNM solu-
exact one. Thus, it is expected that the computation of tions match the exact solutions within plotting accuracy for
geodesics on complicated shapes will not be a hindrance both u and 2u=2x1 .
towards using the present methodology. An important point needs to be made here. Some kernels
Range of in¯uence of nodes. Another important feature of in a BIE or HBIE become nearly singular when collocated at
the MLS approximants is the range of in¯uence associated an internal point that is close to the boundary of a body. This
with each node. The parameter which controls the so called can lead to large errors in a BNM or HBNM numerical
solution at such points. This matter has been dealt with by
Table 1
several researchers. The reader is referred to a recent paper
2u=2n: L2 error in 2u=2n (Eq. (48)) for Dirichlet problems on a sphere for
various positions of the single collocation node in the parent space by Mukherjee et al. [66] for a detailed discussion of nearly
pi a3
b3 2 r 3
s rr ;
r 3
a3 2 b3
pi a3
2r 3 1 b3
s tt :
2r 3
b3 2 a3
The cell/nodal structure used to obtain the numerical
results consists of 72 quadratic T6 cells on each surface of
the hollow sphere with 1 node per cell.
Fig. 8(a) shows the radial displacement along the x1-axis
compared with the analytical solution. The radial and
tangential stresses are compared to the exact solution in
Fig. 8(b). It can be clearly seen that the numerical results
are in excellent agreement with the analytical solution. The
algorithm presented in Mukherjee et al. [66] is crucial for
obtaining accurate solutions for the displacement and
stresses at internal points close to the boundary. Also, a
Fig. 6. Comparison of e(t ) (L2 error in 2u/2n) for the HBNM and the
conventional BEM for a Dirichlet problem on a sphere. N is the total
number of nodes (one node per cell is used in the HBNM).
Fig. 8. Internal (a) radial displacement and (b) radial and tangential
Fig. 7. Lame problem for a hollow sphere under internal pressure. stresses, along the x1 axis for the Lame problem.
650 M.K. Chati et al. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 25 (2001) 639±653
Table 4
Convergence study for [ ur) the L2 error in radial displacement
ur , on the
inner and outer surfaces of the sphere, for the 3-D Lame problem
L2 error 144 cells (%) 256 cells (%) 576 cells (%)
7.2.2. 3-D Kirsch problem Fig. 10. s 33 along the x1 axis ahead of the cavity for the Kirsch problem.
The 3-D Kirsch problem consists of examining the stress
distribution in the vicinity of a small spherical cavity in a
cube subjected to far ®eld uniform tension, as illustrated in Fig. 10 shows a comparison between the HBNM solution
Fig. 9. The material parameters are chosen to be: E 1:0; and the exact solution for the normal stress (s 33) along the
n 0:25: The geometric parameters are chosen as: a 1:0; x1 axis. It can be clearly seen that the HBNM solution is in
b 10:0: Again, the loading is applied without restraining excellent agreement with the analytical solution. The cell
any rigid body modes and the scheme by Chati et al. [59] is structure consists of 96 Q4 cells modeling the cube and 72
used to obtain meaningful numerical results. T6 cells modeling the spherical cavity, again with one node
The exact solution for the normal stress (s 33), for points per cell. It is again pointed out that the new algorithm
in the plane x 3 0; is given as (Timoshenko and Goodier mentioned in Ref. [66] is essential for obtaining accurate
[68]): values of stresses near the surface of the cavity.
" 3 5 #
4 2 5n a 9 a 8. Concluding remarks
s 33 s 0 11 1 :
7 2 5n r 2
7 2 5n r
A new meshfree method called the HBNM, that combines
Here r is the distance of a generic point from the center of HBIEs with MLS approximants, has been presented in this
the spherical cavity. paper. The ef®cacy of the HBNM is demonstrated by
comparing numerical results, for several 3-D numerical
examples in potential theory and in linear elasticity, with
analytical solutions for these problems. The HBNM,
presented here, is expected to be very useful for obtaining
meshfree formulations of diverse important problems such
as 3-D fracture mechanics, error analysis and adaptivity and
Symmetric Galerkin Boundary Element Methods. Work on
error analysis and adaptivity is already in progress [51],
while work on the other topics, mentioned above, is planned
for the near future.
for Research Resources at the National Institutes of Health, are obtained as follows:
the National Science Foundation, the Defense Department X
2u 0i 2uj n
Modernization program, the United States Department of u 0i;k 0 ; Qij Qij C I
k u^ jI
Agriculture, and corporate partners. The efforts of Prachi 2sk 2sk I1
Chati for carefully proof reading the manuscript are where the last equality is obtained from Eq. (19).
acknowledged. The remaining components of 7u in local coordinates are
obtained from Hooke's law (see [39]) as:
Appendix A. Displacement gradient on the surface 2u 01 t 01 2u 03
2x 03 G 2x 01
The displacement gradient at a boundary source point P is
needed in order to solve a boundary value problem in linear
2u 02 t 02 2u 03
elasticity using the HBNM (see Eqs. (41) and (42)). Lutz et 2
2x 03 G 2x 02
al. [39] have proposed a scheme for doing this, however,
details of the procedure have not been provided in Ref. [39]. " #
These details are given below. 2u 03
1 2 2nt 03 n 2u 01 2u 02
0 2 1 ;
The (right-handed) global Cartesian coordinates, as 2x 3 2G
1 2 n 12n 2x 01 2x 02
before, are (x1, x2, x3). Consider (right-handed) local Carte-
where t 0k ; k 1; 2; 3; are the components of the traction
sian coordinates
x 01 ; x 02 ; x 03 at a regular point P on 2B as
vector in local coordinates.
shown in Fig. 11. The local coordinate system is oriented
The components of the displacement gradient tensor, in
such that the x 01 and x 02 coordinates lie along the tangential
the local coordinate system, are now known. They can be
unit vectors t1 and t2 while x 03 is measured along the outward
written as:
normal unit vector n to 2B as de®ned in Eq. (33). 2 0 3
Therefore, one has: u 1;1 0 u 01;2 0 u 01;3 0
6 7
6 7
x 0 Qx;
7u local ; A 0 6 u 02;1 0 u 02;2 0 u 02;3 0 7
4 5
u 03;1 0 u 03;2 0 u 03;3 0
u 0 Qu;
Finally, the components of 7u in the global coordinate
where u 0k ; k 1; 2; 3 are the components of the displace- frame are obtained from those in the local coordinate frame
ment vector u in the local coordinate frame, and the by using the tensor transformation rule:
orthogonal transformation matrix Q has the components: 2 3
2 3 u1;1 u1;2 u1;3
t11 t12 t13 6 7
6 7
7u global ; A QT A 0 Q 6 7
4 u2;1 u2;2 u2;3 5:
Q6 4 t21 t22 t23 5
u3;1 u3;2 u3;3
n1 n2 n3
The gradient of the displacement ®eld in global coordinates
with tij the jth component of the ith tangent vector and is now ready for use in Eq. (42).
(n1,n2,n3) the components of the normal vector.
The tangential derivatives of the displacement, in local
coordinates, are u 0i;k 0 ; i 1; 2; 3; k 1; 2: These quantities
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