1st Monthly Test PR1
1st Monthly Test PR1
1st Monthly Test PR1
I. Identification. Supply the terminologies being asked in each item. (30 points)
_______________30. This characteristic of research states that it must give correct or accurate
II. Classification. Classify the following charcteristics between qualitative and quantitative
research. Write only the letter of your answer. (10 points)
A. Quantitatve Research
B. Qualiative Research
Data Expression:
_________1. Verbal Ability to Replicate:
_________ 2. Numeric _________ 7. High
_________ 8. Low
Type of Analysis:
_________ 3. Statistical Type of Question:
_________ 4. Thematic Codal _________ 9. Probing
_________ 5. Objective _________ 10. Simple
_________ 6. Subjective
DV- _______________________________________________________________________________________
2. Instilling a sense of social entrepreneurship in young Filipinos’ chance of success.
IV- ________________________________________________________________________________________
DV- _______________________________________________________________________________________
3. Analyzing the relationship between student engagement and instructional strategies in a
kindergarten class.
IV- ________________________________________________________________________________________
DV- _______________________________________________________________________________________
4. The impact of exercise to freshmen’s academic, mental and social adjustment to college.
IV- ________________________________________________________________________________________
DV- _______________________________________________________________________________________
5. The relationship between length of sleep and test scores of senior high students.
IV- ________________________________________________________________________________________
DV- _______________________________________________________________________________________
IV. Classification. Classify the following abstracts into the types of qualitative research.
(abstracts source: http://www.jca.edu.ph)(15 points)
____________________7-9. With the known influence of social media trends over the youth, this
paper explores the effects of #hugot towards the Filipino youth’s perception of romantic
relationships. Using a qualitative method, survey questionnaire were administered to 20
Chinese-Filipino teenagers and interviews were conducted to six Chinese-Filipino teenagers.
The qualitative data were then coded and analyzed. It was found that #hugot does not
directly influence the teenagers perception of romantic relationships as they see #hugot
only as a form of entertainment. It was concluded that #hugot does not entirely influence
Chinese-Filipino teenagers’ perception of romantic relationships.