Language Teaching
Language Teaching
Language Teaching
Language Learning
Information on this title:
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library
Griffiths, Griff.
Personalizing language learning / Griff Griffiths and Kathy Keohane.
p. cm. – (Cambridge handbooks for language teachers)
Includes bibliographical references (p. 155) and index.
ISBN 0-521-63364-8 (pb)
1. Language and languages–Study and teaching.
I. Keohane, Kathy. II. Title. III. Series.
P51.G735 1999
418´.007–dc21 99–055435
Fleur In hope of a second century
Esther of love and friendship
2 Warming up 29
2.1 The personality you carry with you Finding out what
you have in common 29
2.2 The parts of my life Focusing on what is important in
one's life 32
2.3 Evaluating objects Close observation 35
2.4 Intensive pronunciation work Practice in problematic
sounds 39
2.5 Careful listening Describing sound 40
2.6 My world Talking about where you live 43
2.7 The best and the worst Responding with feeling
to news 45
2.8 Making small talk Social chit-chat 46
Bibliography 155
Index 156
This book is the result of the collaboration of Griff Grif®ths and Kathy
Keohane. Our on-going professional alliance, and the decision to work together
to create a book of personalization activities, owe much to the enthusiasm for
our ideas by the language teachers we worked with at the Berzsenyi Daniel
College, Szombathely, Hungary. The activities in this book were further
developed after we had stopped working with those teachers, and the ®nished
product is the result of our own creativity combined with the in¯uence
of others; we have acknowledged them individually in the activities where
The authors and publishers are grateful to the authors, publishers and others
who have given their permission for the use of copyright information identi®ed
in the text. While every endeavour has been made, it has not been possible to
identify the sources of all material used and in such cases the publishers would
welcome information from copyright sources.
The authors would also like to thank Antony Seldon for the illustrations which
appear throughout the book.