The Lifestylepreneurs Guidebook
The Lifestylepreneurs Guidebook
The Lifestylepreneurs Guidebook
Written by,
– Nick Anderson
Imagine quitting your job, buying a plane ticket to some
exotic location like Thailand, Hawaii, the Bahamas, or
wherever your heart desires & not stressing about when
you'd be back, or how much money it would cost you...
Right now as I'm typing this E-book I'm on my way back from
Maui, Hawaii - 40,000 feet in the air, and I was able to rent a
condo for my parents by the ocean for them to stay in while we
adventured all over the island to the different beaches for a week.
They're a big part of my why, and if it weren't for their
support during the hard times I wouldn't be here today.
Say what you want about money, I believe that the more
you make the more good you can do in the world for other
people. So imagine what you would do and who you could
help on a daily basis if money wasn't and issue in your life.
Is that you?
Think of how much you wanna make and the lifestyle you wanna
live within the next 12 months and write it down - pen and paper!
Not only that, but I did it all without any prior experience in sales,
business/marketing degree, handouts from others, and drove a
1997 green Subaru Outback that overheated every time I drove it
for longer than 1 hour which was a real pain in the A$$.
I wasn't born into success, nor did I learn this in school.
“Formal education will make you a living, but self education will
make you a fortune.” - Jim Rohn
Now, for some people 5 years might not seem like a long time...
But when you learn how to compress time frames it's amazing
what can be accomplished over a just few short years ;-)
So get ready to take your business and branding to the next level
because I'm going to give you everything you need to succeed.
So whether you have a business or not this can work for you!
– One of my mentors taught me that if you try to market to
everyone, you market to no-one, and he also said that
passion without action is the beginning of delusion.
Most people's niche market is their friends and family and they
wonder why they get rejected and can't build a big team or sell a
lot of their products, because your friends and family might not
be the most qualified to promote your product or service.
That's not to say that some aren't, in fact I've seen several
families at the top of company leaderboards but that's also a very
small percentage, and I'm sure you can relate with this...
You then approach a family member and they share their limiting
beliefs with you of how they think it takes to much time, money,
or hard work to make money unless you're at “the top.”
And less than 30 days later everyone you know is trying to talk
you out of it when you thought they would be riding the money
train to payday-town with you... am I right, or am I right?
So now you know why digital entrepreneurs are the perfect niche
market to target then here's some questions you can ask.
- Once you know where they're hanging out, it's just a matter of
putting out helpful content in those places to attract them.
3. What bait can you use to attract them?
- Think about what your ideal customer would want that's related
to what you're trying to sell. The key is to make the offer
something that grabs their attention and builds curiosity enough
that they want to stop what they're doing and see what you have
to say/offer. Make sure your bait satisfies a need and want.
- The bottom line is, people pay for results. Whether they want to
lose weight, make more money, or get rid of their back pain,
they're searching for products/services and a mentor that will
deliver the result they desire. It's critical that you know exactly
what results you want to deliver because that's what you're going
to build your products, sales funnel, and follow ups around.
This will give you ammo for the rest of this E-book, and I'll
explain what I mean in the next few pages... ;-)
There's a few lessons you can learn from Ford that apply here.
Double negative...
Being a pioneer doesn't pay the big bucks. You may earn the
bragging rights but it's much quicker to identify a trend and
capitalize by marketing a product that people need and want.
You can't physically touch their products, but you can use them
to communicate with people and watch videos all over the world.
Most marketers will tell you that people only do business with
those they know, like, and trust - and I believe that to be true.
So how do you build the know like and trust factor with your
audience without coming across as a desperate salesman?
Most likely the bouncer won't let you in because of their dress
code and your lack of social authority in that specific moment.
But let's say that you walk up to the door dressed the same as
before but with the president as your wingman, & 10 beautiful
women with you... Do you think the bouncer might let you in?
Or let's say your best friends with Michael Jordan, do you think he
has the influence to introduce you to some All-stars...? Of course!
Now, you don't need to “fake it till you make it,” or be making any
money what so ever in your business to build social authority.
For example, what I did when I was first starting out was made
videos and posted on Youtube and Facebook, talking about what
I was learning from my mentors and from the trainings I bought.
Because those courses, audios, and books were put out there by
high level social authorities people associated me as one too.
You need things like cash registers, fryers, ovens, freezers, etc...
If you're trying to build your business without tools then it's like
trying to build a car with your bare hands...
That will take you forever, and time is more valuable than money.
Write down a list of your 100 closest friends/family, & invite them
to a home event or hotel presentation where you would leverage
your upline's social authority to help present the products.
Then get some business cards and network with people around
town at places like shopping malls, grocery stores, restaurants,
etc... until you found more people that were interested and
willing to show up and buy from you & join your team.
Cupping your hands and using them as a glass works but is that
how you drink your wine when you go to a 5-star restaurant?
And after applying this system my results went through the roof!
Now, after perfecting this system I'm bringing in 5-10 people per
DAY into all of my businesses while sleeping, eating, traveling,
or sitting on the toilet taking a good ole' residual dump... Lol
This system I'm about to share with you is not based on “theory”
or my own guesswork. I would be foolish to operate that way.
Instead of pouring oil into your car the sales funnel we're going to
be talking about will pour commissions into your bank account.
Same principle, but different purpose... And a great one at that! :-)
You've probably seen a sales funnel before but if you haven't
then here is what an online sales funnel looks like...
As you generate traffic from social media and send them through
your funnel the sales process become much more streamline.
Now, you might be familiar with sales funnels but maybe you
have no clue how to set one up that cranks out sales everyday.
The whole goal of your capture page is to offer your leads
something of high value for FREE in exchange for their email
address, and if you don't know what to offer don't worry!
You can give away a Free E-book, PDF, video training series,
recorded webinar, podcast, or anything which shows them how
to do something specific that fulfills a need, want, and desire.
You want to build some sales mystery and curiosity within your
audience so here's an example for a health based business.
VIDEO: 1-2 minutes telling them who you are, what they're on your page for,
and what they're going to get & learn when they enter their info...
EX: You're here because you want to lose weight quickly and safely without
setting a foot in the gym, well when you enter your info on my page you're going
to get access to a Free ________ showing exactly how to do it! So go ahead and
enter you info right now & and I'll see you on the next otherside!
After they enter their information on your capture page you have
two options that you can send them to.
HEADLINE: Tells them their Free ____ is on its way to their email
inbox and redirects their attention to watch the video below.
VIDEO: 3-5 minutes letting them know who you are, how you can
help them, and what they get when they click the link below.
Once you've crafted your funnel the next step is to automate the
follow up process so you don't have to manually follow up with
each person, especially when you're generating 100's of leads!
Also, if you're still confused on what to create for your free lead
magnet & funnel then keep reading & I'll explain how you can
leverage pre-made videos & funnels in the next few pages...
When I was first getting started in my business back in 2012 my
mentor told me that the money is in the invite but the fortune is
in the followup, & on average it takes someone 6-10 exposures to
a sales video/page before they make a decision to buy from you.
Great question!
However, if you're not much of a writer you can also copy some
of my emails or other templates that are proven to convert.
Once you have the sales funnel process and follow up emails set up
automating your traffic is the next piece to the puzzle.
The reason why I wanted to cover the other aspects first is because if
you don't have a high converting sales funnel or follow up process
then no amount of traffic or leads will fix a conversion problem.
You will lose 100's - 1,000's of sales if you skip over step 1 & 2 so
complete those before we dive into traffic generation methods.
Now, there's millions of ways to generate traffic online and it's easy
to get overwhelmed if you aren't already so here's what I recommend
you do over the next 6-12 months to virtually guarantee you succeed.
Watch this free video where I give away all of my top traffic
generation methods that you can steal for your marketing.
In that video I give you every single traffic method I'm using both
Free & Paid to generate 100+ leads and 5-10 sales PER DAY!
But here are some quick tips to decide what's best for you.
Pros: Doesn't cost you a dollar out of pocket.
Cons: Might take months or years to get results.
Pros: Allows you to scale your business very quickly!
Cons: Might cost a lot of $$$ if not done correctly...
It's best if you leverage both because that will allow you to build
your brand while scaling your business so you can generate a
consistent amount of leads & sales on a daily basis.
It doesn't really matter what social media platform you use, just
as long as you post content that follows the 4 E's of marketing.
“I'm not afraid of the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I'm
deathly afraid of the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.” - Bruce Lee
Seriously... You know this isn't some get rich quick scheme so
why would you treat it like one?
Out of 100 people that read this 80 of them haven't even made it
to this point so If you're really committed like you say you are
then I want to commend you for taking your future seriously
because if you're gonna make it happen you've gotta GRIND!
If this were easy then you're grandma, grand-pappy, mom, dad,
brother, sister, and all of your friends would be doing it too...
You don't need to force people to do this with you, simply stay
consistent on a daily basis and don't worry about their opinions.
#3 – High ticket back end offers – They had products from $500
to over $5,000 that drove a MASSIVE amount of sales to the field.
So it's not just for Network Marketing, it's for big businesses too.
Not only that but with large ticket back end products you only
need to build a small team to make a lot of money, so gone are
the days of trying to constantly rebuild your teams every month.
The best part about marketing is you don't need to create these
products yourself, simply drive traffic through your sales funnel to
the low ticket product on the front end which increases conversions
and then let the system take care of the rest on the backend.
You're main focus once you have your niche market, product-
company, sales funnel, and follow ups set in place is to create
content on a daily basis that offers value to your audience, helps
them solve their problems and offers a solution (your product).
This will eliminate the need for cold prospecting, chasing people,
hosting home parties, or doing a single cold call or 3-way call.
Not to say that those things don't work but what I just went over is far
more effective and I speak from experience here, not hype or theory.
Well, you first need to understand how powerful your beliefs are.
And I'm sure there's plenty of others that you can add to the list.
Once we are aware that money exists and what it does then
through modeling and personal repetition we become
consciously competent with a habit that shapes our beliefs.
For example, your dad tells you that you've gotta work hard to
make money and that's the only way to get ahead, HARD WORK!
So you then get a job where you work hard and through your
own personal experience (conscious competence) you start to
make money... Maybe minimum wage or somewhere close.
Sound familiar?
So then you work even harder thinking that you'll get ahead but
you end up exhausted and broke at the end of the day...
Little do you know that it's your belief about working hard to
make money that is holding you back from making more.
However, it's going to take some time depending on how old you
are & the time to alter your beliefs will vary depending on the size
of your ego and your willingness to learn and accept change.
I've seen people in their late 70's alter their beliefs and
completely change their financial destiny within a couple years.
For the younger crowd it's better to start now because you don't
want to make things harder on yourself then they already are.
Below I've listed the best way to change your limiting beliefs to
empowering ones that will allowed you to transform your life.
Listen to the people who have what you want
Sounds simple enough right?
If you say what people say, and you do what they do, then you
will more then likely get what they have.
Would you rather take advice from someone who's made millions
of dollars online, or would you rather listen to your uncle who's
made no more than $50,000 in a single year?
Now, you might respect and love your uncle because he's
sincere with what he says but sincerity is not a test of truth.
And there's a lot of BS out there in this day and age coming from
people who have no clue what they're talking about.
– Jim Rohn
– Tony Robbins
– Les Brown
– Brian Tracy
– Wayne Dyer
– Bob Proctor
– Eric Worre
– Robert Kiyosaki
– Ekhart Tolle
When you take control over your thoughts you will become a
master over your own emotions and evolve your consciousness.
The act of listening to people who have what you want is the
easy part, it's up to you to actually do and apply what we teach.
Now, you have the ways and the knowledge to go out there and
create an empire online but it's up to you to take action!
And if 10k per month isn't a goal of yours that's ok, read this
daily anyways until you no longer feel stressed, worried, or
doubtful about living a lifestyle of abundance and prosperity.
I've helped 100's of people make a full time income online and
even more overcome their limiting beliefs about money.