Freeze Concentration 1
Freeze Concentration 1
Freeze Concentration 1
P. Englezos
Department of Chemical Engineering, Universdy of Brifsh Columbia,
Vancouver; British Columbia, CANADA V6T I24
In this paper, the freeze concentration separation process is described and the status of
its industrial applications is reviewed. The pilot plant and commercial applications in the
chemical and food processing industry for desalination and environmental protection,
and in the pulp and paper industry are summarized. The advantages of using this
process in the various industrial sectors as well as the lirnitalions are delineated. The
development of the clathrate hydrate process is also discussed. Finally, some anticipated
developments are described.
The first paper on the application of the freezing process to desalinate sea water was
published in 1786 by Anton Maria Lorgna in Italy [l]. He described a method to
purify sea water and impure waters by freezing, melting of the ice, and successive
freezing of this water. However, his experimental work only became of practical
interest after the development of refrigerating machines. The difficulties in
establishing a simple apparatus to produce drinking water have been pointed out in
the early 1940s [2]. Sea water desalination was thought to present an excellent
opportunity to apply freeze concentration because thermodynamically it is more
favorable than evaporation. A sizable effort was devoted to understanding the
fundamentals of the process and the unit operations involved. Although the technical
feasibility of the technology was demonstrated it was not possible to go beyond the
pilot plant stage. Only one commercial desalination unit has so far appeared, this is
in Saudi Arabia [3]. The first commercial scale application of the freeze
concentration process was in the chemical and petroleum industry, it was installed in
the 1950s to purify p-xylene. Research and development efforts during the last 30
years resulted in over twenty commercial freeze concenaation systems in the US
food products industry. The main attraction of this technology is that volatile heat-
sensitive components required for taste, aroma and nutrition are not lost during the
freezing of the solutions. In spite of significant pilot plant development work it has
not yet been possible to utilize the technology for the concentration of the black
liquor in a Kraft pulp mill. This is partly because much of the energy advantage over
evaporation can not be realized with low oil and gas prices. However, the forest
products industry is currently (December 1992) seeing the first commercial
application in Chetwynd BC, Canada, where a freeze concentration system has been
installed to concentrate the effluents from a pulp mill.
In addition to the commercial applications in the food industry, one area where
commercialization of the process appears to be promising is the area of waste
P. Englezos
The Freeze ConcentrationProcess and its ApplicatiorrS
removal system. In addition to the basic components shown in Figure 1 and the
associated instrumentation and control systems for efficient operation, there are
several auxiliary systems [5]. These include venting systems, feed deaerators and
refrigerant strippers. Hahn [5J discusses the basic flow diagram for a freeze
desalination process, the functions and design of the major and ancillary process
equipment,and the instrumentationand control equipment.
Unit Operations
The most important unit operations are the crystallization stage and the
crystalkoncentrate separation. Successful operation of these two unit operations is
required in order to make the overall separation process economicallyattractive.
Ice crystal formation takes place in the crystallizer and proceeds in two steps:
nucleation and growth. The crystallizer can operate in several ways: (a) with the aid
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The Freeze Concentrdwn Process and its Applications
Freeze-ConcentrationTechnology Systems
Freeze concentration systems are divided into direct and indirect processes [3,5,27-
301. Heist [29, 301 described extensively the various systems and the refrigeration
cycles that can be employed. Hahn [5] presented a detailed description of the
equipment required and the instrumentation. The choice of a particular system
depends upon the type of solution to be concentrated. One might have to select from
more than two options and therefore, an economic analysis of the freeze
concentration system integrated into a particular application should be performed.
Indirect systems
In indirect systems, the solution to be concentrated constitutes the hot stream in a
heat exchanger. This stream does not come into direct contact with the cold stream
which is the refrigerant of a closed refrigeration cycle. Scruped-surface heat
exchangers are generally used. Freeze concentration of food products is carried out
in indirect freezing systems to avoid contaminating the solution with the refrigerant.
This type of heat exchanger is very expensive and development of non-scrapped
surface equipment is underway. The indirect systems are ideal for the food industry
because all volatile substances remain in the concentrate. Furthermore, the
economics of small plants are more favorable. The refrigeration cycle could be a
mechanical or absorption-type system.
Direct systems
For direct freeze concenmtion systems, a heat exchange surface is not required as
the refrigerant acts as the heat-transfer medium. There are two types of direct
systems: (a) triple point (vacuum freezing); and (b) secondary refrigerant.
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distillation and reverse osmosis indicated substantial savings. The vacuum process
can also be defined according to the method by which the vapors are removed.
The Freeze ConcentrationProcess and its Applications
P. Englaos
A significant amount of work was carried out in the 1960s and 1970s. This work is
reported in a series of symposia and conferences [9-141, in a collection of patents
[39], and in two review papers by Barduhn [4041]. Initially, the freezing process
appeared to be very promising. Much work was performed to understand the
fundamentals of the process and the unit operations involved. Although the technical
feasibility of the technology was demonstrated it was not possible to go beyond the
pilot plant stage. The difficulty of separating the ice particles from the slurries
prevented the method from being competitive. Commercial desalination units which
are not based on freeze concentration were found to be more economical and
technically easier.
Recently, some new developments have been reported. Maguire [42] described a
new process which yields relatively large ice crystals, uniform in size and shape,
thus greatly facilitating separation from the concentrated solution. The vacuum-
freezing multiple-phase transformation process described by Cheng et al. [31] is a
vacuum direct process. It was found to offer significant economic advantages over
distillation and reverse osmosis because of an innovative design [43]. Another
development reported recently was a commercialplant that began operation in Saudi
Arabia [34]. Finally, a zero-discharge direct-contact freezing/solar evaporator
desalination plant was also proposed and evaluated for installation in the Middle
East [MI. Its purpose was to separate salts and minerals from the rejected blow-
down of sea water desalination plants.
The hydrate process was also examined for sea water desalination [45, 461.
However, it was not possible to develop the process beyond the pilot plant stage
because of two problems. First, it was difficult to produce crystals of sufficient
quality (size and shape) at a sufficient rate. Second, it was difficult to desorb the
clathrate hydrate-forming substance fiom the concentrateand the product water. The
majority of the work on the clarhrate process for desalination was published in the
desalination symposia and conferences [9-141.
The Freeze ConcentrationProcess and its Applications
Waste Minimization
Minimization of wastes through recycle and volume reduction (concentration) is an
area of increasing importance due to more stringent environmental regulations.
Freeze concentration and the clathrate process are expected to have a major impact in
this area. The ability to recover and recycle much of the water contained in
wastewaters will facilitate the realization of "zero-discharge'' plant operation.
Barduhn and Manudhane [53] discuss the eutectic freezing process for treating
wastewaters from cooling tower and boiler blowdown. and the brine effluent from
inland desalination plants. The process separates aqueous solutions of inorganic salts
into solid salt and fresh water. Concentration of the wastewaters from cooling tower
blowdown and recycle of the water is the most economical method in the absence of
a geological formation that would favor a low-cost evaporation pond [30].Heist [30]
also studied two other applications and found that freeze concentration can be a
viable alternative. One was concerned with wastewaters from the production of
terephthalic acid, and the other was the concentration of an acid solution in the
metals industry.
According to Douglas [34], new opportunities for the process include the
concentration of deep-mine reject water, recovery of process chemicals from
ammunition plant wastes, treatment of wastewaters from a metal-plating facility, and
by-product recovery from organic chemical and pharmaceutical waste streams. Heist
[54] discusses hazardous-wastesapplications of freeze crystallization. He reported a
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cost of $0.025to 0.15 per gallon of purified water including equipment amortization.
Chowdhury [43]discusses the application of freeze crystallization in the chemical
process industries. He listed seven industrial applications mainly in the treatment of
hazardous wastes. Recently, HPD Inc (Napperville, Illinois) announced the first
commercial utilization of freeze concentration for pulp-mill effluent concentration
[55, 561.It is an indirect freezing system used to concentrate the effluent from
Louisiana Pacific Corp's bleached-thermo-mechanical-pulp (BCTMP) mill at
Chetwynd, B.C., Canada. However, skepticism has been expressed regarding
application of the freeze crystallization method to concentrate CTMP effluents, and
in another mill evaporation was selected and found to perform really well [57, 581.
The presence of resins in the effluent is expected to cause problems in the separation
of the ice from the concentrated solution. However, development work still
continues in this area [59]. Gaarder and Englezos [a]are currently investigating a
clathrate hydrate-based process for the concentration of mechanical pulp-mill
The main problems that have prevented commercialization of freeze concentration
technology are: (a) the separation of ice crystals from the adhering mother liquor; (b)
the separation of refrigerant from product water; (c) the handling of large volumetric
water-vapor flows; (d) emulsification; and (e) explosions when butane is used as a
refrigerant. There is now a renewed interest in freeze concentration, due to: (i) the
inherent advantages of the process; (ii) new engineering developments that alleviate
most of these problems; and (iii) new applications. The advantages of the freeze
concentration process are: (a) it has reduced energy requirements; (b) it is not
sensitive to scale formation and corrosion; (c) it has the ability to handle acidic and
basic solutions; (d) it does not destroy heat-sensitive taste and aroma compounds;
and (e) it keeps volatile air-polluting wastewater substances in the concentrate. The
clathrate process may result in additional energy savings and, in our opinion. it may
make freeze concentration operations technically easier because it has additional
degrees of freedom. New engineering developments include the vacuum freezing
multiple-phase transformation process of Cheng et al. [31, 431,and the secondary
refrigerant process of Maguire [42].Both of these processes have been patented in
the US. New opportunities both in the food industry and for waste minimization
have stimulated interest in freeze concentration [34,43,48,541. In these two
industrial sectors, the clathrate process appears to have more potential for
commercial development.
The material presented in this paper is not an exhaustive presentation of what is
currently known about freeze concentration technology. What has been attempted is
the following: (a) to describe the process and its characteristics; (b) to summarize the
status of its applications in various indusmal sectors; and (c) to consider the new
opportunities. The clathrate process was also emphasized because it has the
potential to substantially improve the process operation and its economics.
The Freeze ConcentrationProcess and its Applicatiom
The author acknowledges financial assistance provided by the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
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