Design of Bus Station A Case Study in BR PDF
Design of Bus Station A Case Study in BR PDF
Design of Bus Station A Case Study in BR PDF
This paper1 investigates the design of bus data collection is primarily done manually and the swept paths of buses, taxis, and lorries is
stations in a physically constrained area through is supplemented by videography. The analysis used to formulate the proposed physical layouts
a case study of Brighton Bus Station, which is of capacity of the existing bus station is for the bus station. The proposals were
situated in the historic core of the city abutting completed using microsimulation software. In evaluated using a simple evaluation
the railway station complex. Bus and passenger addition, a graphic simulation tool for tracking methodology developed in this study.
here are two key concerns in developing the proposals. Time periods associated with a bus stop
Saturation = (Q/Qc) x 100 (%), where Q is the observed bus It appears that tackling the issue of not using gross values
flow. could be dealt with by use of microsimulation models. In
that, observed individual values could be used instead of
Some models for estimating bus stop capacity grossed or averaged ones, allowing the user to adapt the
The Convoy Model model to the context it is being used for. IRENE (Gibson et
The Convoy Model which is based on the São Paulo (Brazil) al, 1989 as reviewed in Fernández, 2001 and PASSION [PAral-
experience is given as: lel Stop SimulatION] (Fernández, 2001)) are both microsimu-
lation models. The assumption in IRENE that buses arrive at
random and that almost any bus that arrives satisfies the
waiting passenger seems reasonable when the bus system is
deregulated or informal with many services sharing the same
where, routes and high bus flows and passenger demands. However,
there is no empirical evidence that this is the actual case, and
many not be true if services, frequencies, and demand are
lower (Fernández, 2001). In addition, the assumption that
the mean arrival rate of passengers remains constant during
the simulation period might not be applicable when passen-
ger arrivals are dependent on other services such as a railway.
The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) 2000 Model In a nutshell, IRENE applies well in situations with high and
The HCM 2000 Model (TRB, 2000) introduces a new concept homogeneous bus and passenger arrivals, but does not repre-
of using failure rate. Failure rate, which is derived from basic sent passenger arrivals in detail.
statistics, is the probability that a queue of buses will not be To overcome this particular deficiency of IRENE, a different
formed behind a bus stop. Za represents the area under one approach in modelling is required. Elaluf (1994) made some
tail of the normal curve beyond the acceptable levels of prob- advances on these lines. Her study recognised that the
ability that a queue will form at a bus stop. Typical values of processes at a bus stop happen in parallel and hence it would
Za are obtained from standard tables. Suggested values of Za be reasonable to use a parallel computing technique to simu-
for CBD stops range from 1.44 to 1.04 resulting in probabili- late bus stop operations. Fernández (2001) furthered this ap-
ties of 7.5% to 15.0%, respectively that queues will develop. proach by developing a microsimulation program PASSION.
For outlying stops, 1.96 is suggested as the value of Za result- PASSION addresses the deficiencies of IRENE, by having a
ing in queues beyond bus stops only 2.5% of the times. dedicated input section for passenger arrival data. Owing to
However, in general, Za values of 1.44 (representing 7.5% these merits PASSION was used for estimating bus station ca-
probability) are acceptable. pacities in this study.
The theoretical capacity of the berth is then given as:
a flag-poled stop, without shelter) and buses for stop A often
stop at B if B is empty. In the 90-minute survey period only
three buses were observed at stop A. Hence, for the existing
situation stops A and B were combined. The key outputs of
the microsimulation runs, with a traffic signal at exit, are
shown in Table 1. Table 2 shows the outputs with free-exit
for comparison. Please note that microsimulation runs with
obstructed exit were also performed but are not presented in
this paper.
From the microsimulation outputs it is revealed that the
saturation for the existing situation is 33% (16% to 51%),
which is much below the generally acceptable maximum de-
sign value of 60% (Tyler, 2002), although queuing was ob-
served on some occasions. Thus, adding new berths to the
bus station was not necessary and hence the proposed de-
signs consider only three bus berths.
Proposed situation
The congestion and queuing observed at Brighton Bus Sta-
tion can be attributed to the following factors:
Factor 1 Internal delay
(due to interdependency of berths)
ning time2 and [2] a component of the internal delay attrib- (ie, a bus from a stop cannot depart if a bus is parked at
uted to jaywalking passengers (if any), which could be preceding stop and a wrongly parked bus at the following
termed as additional internal delay. The latter might be par- stop will delay a bus wishing to enter the preceding stop)
ticularly high in case of an island type layout but could also Factor 2 Internal delay (due to pedestrian jaywalking)
exist in perimeter or concourse layouts if pedestrians are Factor 3 External delay (due to hindrance from taxis
undisciplined or the design of the station is such that it en- queuing at bus station exit)
courages jaywalking. Contrastingly, these two components Factor 4 External delay (due to taxis and cars using bus
in case of bus stops would be nonexistent or minimal (if station area)
any). This discussion suggests two things: either bus stop ca- Factor 5 External delay (due to traffic signal at exit)
pacity estimation models need appropriate modifications in Factor 6 High passenger service time (probably attrib
order to consider these two components or a separate simula- uted to cultural factors, ie Brighton being slow
tion model for estimating bus station capacity should be de- paced as against London which is a fast-paced city!)
veloped. Factor 7 Irregular bus arrival pattern
Table 1:
Summary of It can be appreciated that factors 1 to 4 can be manipu-
simulation runs CAPACITY OF BRIGHTON BUS STATION lated easily, ie these are generally within the scope of a bus
with signal-at-exit station design exercise. How these have been achieved
The bus station capacities for existing and proposed situa- through the proposed design is discussed later in the paper.
Table 2: tions were estimated using PASSION. In that, separate input Factors 5 to 7 could be changed, but would generally be part
Summary of files were created for each of the bus stops for both existing of a larger transport planning exercise, which would com-
simulation runs and proposed situations. A primary survey was conducted to prise rerouting of buses, area-wide traffic management, and
with free-exit3 record bus arrivals and passenger alighting and boarding (for signal redesign.
each route) for a period of 90 minutes. To address Factor 1 (above), which is of prime importance,
Table 1: Table 2:
I would like to
acknowledge the
SCOPE FOR FURTHER RESEARCH port departments could adapt the framework developed in this
study to get a reasonably accurate assessment of the existing
academic inputs The topic of bus station design has been little dealt with in situation of their bus stations. Such an assessment could then
from Professor the literature. Most literature on the subject relating to ca- be used to formulate schematic alternatives for the purpose of
Nick Tyler, UCL; pacity estimation is on bus stops and does not explicitly refer budgeting and terms of reference for detailed design.
practical inputs, to a bus station. Thus, development of a microsimulation
base map and software, for bus stations or the likely adaptation of a soft- Footnotes
supporting data ware like PASSION specifically for bus stations, needs to be 1
Is based on an MSc Transport dissertation at Imperial College
from Len further researched. In addition, modifications to the swept- London & UCL, under the supervision of Professor Nick Tyler, UCL.
Holloway, path simulation software that are sensitive to external condi- 2
Coined by the author.
Brighton & Hove tions could make it a more powerful tool for enhancing the 3
The purpose of comparing signal-at-exit and free-exit conditions is
City Council; help physical layouts of bus stations. Lastly, further research on to understand the impact of free-exit conditions on capacity and
with MISS from development of a framework or guidelines for evaluation of saturation. From the simulation results, it can be seen that the
Hugh Bailey and bus station designs would certainly help the cause of bus sta- individual berth capacities and hence the bus station capacity and
Martin Edgar, tion design. the saturation level are markedly improved. Although, it is a
Transport for utopian idea to totally eliminate other traffic from the bus station
area unless it is part of a major town center revitalization project,
London; and CONCLUSIONS investment in bus-actuated signals could markedly improve the
assistance in
primary surveys
This study tries to demonstrate that bus station design should 4
A type of kerb that has been used in some areas of London and
from Taku
and can be a more scientific process. Capacity and accessibility some cities in the UK, which enables the bus to be aligned with the
Fujiama, UCL.
considerations should be at the forefront. In other words, the bus platform without any horizontal gap.
layout of the bus paths, bus berths, pedestrian infrastructure,
kerb design, bus platform area, etc need not be purely driven
by architectural and urban design considerations.
In case of Brighton, the existing constraints, namely lack of
space and not drastically disturbing the activity pattern in the Elaluf, Silva Monica (1994). Transputer-based microscopic
area, were the key considerations in developing the proposals. simulation of bus-stop operations. Unpublished MSc dissertation,
However, if such a project is undertaken the opportunities of University of London.
looking into a wider context should not be foregone. In other Fernández, R E (2001). Modelling bus stop interactions.
words, since Brighton Bus Station is located in the historic core Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of London.
of the city, aspects such as decongesting the area and making it Transportation Research Board (TRB) (2000). Highway capacity
more pedestrian friendly should be dovetailed with such pro- manual 2000. Washington, DC: TRB.
jects, if possible. Tyler, Nick [ed] (2002). Accessibility and the bus system: from
The author believes that local planning councils and trans- concepts to practice. London: Thomas Telford.
These drawings
were produced
with software
used by London
for London (TfL),
called MISS,