DLL Week 11 15

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Grades School Grade Level 12 Grade Level

1 to 12 Teacher HOPE 3 Group Learning Area HOPE 3 Learning Area

LESSO Teaching Dates WEEK 11-15 Quarter 3rd & 4th Quarter
N LOG and Time



The learner demonstrates understanding of dance in optimizing one’s health; as requisite for PA performance, and as a career opportunity.
A. Content

The learner leads dance events with proficiency and confidence resulting in independent pursuit and in influencing others positively
B. Performance
C. Learning PEH11FH-Ik-o-13 PEH11FH-Ik-o-13 PEH11FH-Ik-o-13 PEH11FH-Ik-t-10 PEH11FH-Ik-o-13
Competencies Participates in an Participates in an Participates in an organized Observes personal safety Participates in an
/ Objectives organized event that organized event that event that addresses protocol to avoid organized event that
Write the LC addresses addresses health/fitness health/fitness issues and dehydration, overexertion, addresses health/fitness
code for each health/fitness issues issues and concerns. concerns. hypo-and hyperthermia issues and concerns.
and concerns. during MVPA
PEH11FH-Ia-t-8 PEH11FH-Ia-t-8 PEH11FH-Io-t-17
PEH11FH-Ia-t-8 Engages in moderate to Engages in moderate to PEH11FH-Ik-o-13 Organizes sports event
Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities vigorous physical activities Participates in an organized for a target health issue
vigorous physical (MVPAs) for at least 60 (MVPAs) for at least 60 event that addresses or concern
activities (MVPAs) for at minutes most days of the minutes most days of the health/fitness issues and
least 60 minutes most week in a variety of week in a variety of settings concerns. PEH11FH-Ia-t-8
days of the week in a settings in- and out-of in- and out-of school Engages in moderate to
variety of settings in- school PEH11FH-Ia-t-8 vigorous physical activities
and out-of school PEH11FH-Ik-t-9 Engages in moderate to (MVPAs) for at least 60
PEH11FH-Ik-t-9 Analyzes physiological vigorous physical activities minutes most days of the
PEH11FH-Ik-t-9 Analyzes physiological indicators such as heart rate, (MVPAs) for at least 60 week in a variety of
Analyzes physiological indicators such as heart rate of perceived exertion minutes most days of the settings in- and out-of
indicators such as heart rate, rate of perceived and pacing associated with week in a variety of settings school
rate, rate of perceived exertion and pacing MVPAs to monitor and/or in- and out-of school
exertion and pacing associated with MVPAs to adjust participation or effort, PEH11FH-Ik-t-9
associated with MVPAs monitor and/or adjust PEH11FH-Ik-t-9 Analyzes physiological
to monitor and/or participation or effort, PEH11FH-Ik-t-10 Analyzes physiological indicators such as heart
adjust participation or Observes personal safety indicators such as heart rate, rate, rate of perceived
effort, PEH11FH-Ik-t-10 protocol to avoid rate of perceived exertion exertion and pacing
Observes personal safety dehydration, overexertion, and pacing associated with associated with MVPAs to
PEH11FH-Ik-t-10 protocol to avoid hypo-and hyperthermia MVPAs to monitor and/or monitor and/or adjust
Observes personal dehydration, overexertion, during MVPA adjust participation or effort, participation or effort,
safety protocol to avoid hypo-and hyperthermia
dehydration, during MVPA PEH11FH-Ia-t-12 PEH11FH-Ik-t-10
overexertion, hypo-and Demonstrates proper PEH11FH-Ia-t-12 Observes personal safety
hyperthermia during PEH11FH-IIa-t-12 etiquette and safety in the Demonstrates proper protocol to avoid
MVPA Demonstrates proper use of facilities and etiquette and safety in the dehydration,
etiquette and safety in the equipment use of facilities and overexertion, hypo-and
PEH11FH-IIa-t-12 use of facilities and participation, equipment hyperthermia during
Demonstrates proper equipment participation, MVPA
etiquette and safety in participation, PEH11FH-Id-t-14
the use of facilities and Recognizes the value of PEH11FH-Id-t-14 PEH11FH-Ia-t-12
equipment PEH11FH-Id-t-14 optimizing one’s health Recognizes the value of Demonstrates proper
participation, Recognizes the value of through participation in optimizing one’s health etiquette and safety in the
optimizing one’s health physical activity assessments through participation in use of facilities and
PEH11FH-Id-t-14 through participation in physical activity assessments equipment
Recognizes the value of physical activity PEH11FH-Ik-t-15 participation,
optimizing one’s health assessments Displays initiative PEH11FH-Ik-t-15
through participation in responsibility and leadership Displays initiative PEH11FH-Id-t-14
physical activity PEH11FH-Ik-t-15 in sports activities, responsibility and leadership Recognizes the value of
assessments Displays initiative in sports activities, optimizing one’s health
responsibility and through participation in
PEH11FH-Ik-t-15 leadership in sports physical activity
Displays initiative activities, assessments
responsibility and
leadership in sports PEH11FH-Ik-t-15
activities, Displays initiative
responsibility and
leadership in sports

Participates in an Participates in an Participates in an organized
organized event that organized event that event that addresses Safety protocol to avoid The value of optimizing
addresses addresses health/fitness health/fitness issues and dehydration, overexertion, one’s health through
health/fitness issues issues and concerns concerns hypo- and hyperthermia participation in Pas.
and concerns. during MVPA participation


A. References
1. Teacher’s HOPE 3 HOPE 3 HOPE 3 Physical Education and PE and Health Teacher’s
Guide pages Health Book Grade 10 Guide pp. 127-130
Physical Education and
Health VOLUME II/First
Edition (REX Publishing
Physical education and
health (DIWA Senior High
School Series)
2. Learner’s Page 83-87 PE and Health Learner’s
Materials pages Material pp 114-116
3. Textbook Carlos, M.C. et al. Carlos, M.C. et al. PHYSICAL Carlos, M.C. et al. PHYSICAL Page
4. Additional Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide Physical Education and Curriculum Guide
Materials Health VOLUME II/First
from Learning Edition (REX Publishing
Resource (LR) House) Page 83-87
portal Physical education and
health (DIWA Senior High
School Series) P.36,
B. Other Internet research of Internet research of Video Internet research of Video Internet research of Video Internet research of Video
Learning Video Lesson or pictures Lesson or pictures Lesson or pictures Lesson or pictures Lesson or pictures
Resources ( Note: Please specify ( Note: Please specify the ( Note: Please specify the ( Note: Please specify the ( Note: Please specify the
the URL of the URL of the website/s and URL of the website/s and URL of the website/s and URL of the website/s and
website/s and acknowledge the author/s) acknowledge the author/s) acknowledge the author/s) acknowledge the
acknowledge the author/s)


A. Reviewing Activity 1: Activity 1: “ London Bridge Activity 1: Before starting the lesson Review the different
previous Mechanics: Find your ” Mechanics: The teacher will remind the students about dance style under hip-
lesson or partner, it must your Mechanics: Find your play an audio visual the proper etiquette and hop.
presenting opposite gender. partner, it must your presentation and with your safety in the use of facilities Recall the events that
the new “ Coordination opposite gender. partner follow the AVP. and equipment (PEH12FH- happened to you over the
lesson challenge” – repeat You will play Ia-t-12) past week, including the
what I say and Do what I London Bridge game.  Warm-up all you waking moments.
say Use basic steps of hip-hop as Use the Stress-o-Meter
step pattern of Zumba. rate your day –to-day
Repeat what I say but Repeat it as many as possible experiences from 1 to 10
Do the reverse of what I so that students can easily using the following guide:
say recognize the dance steps of a. 1 means you
hip-hop. felt that you
Do what I say but the have a stress-
reverse of what I say….. free life.
b. 10 means that
you felt high
levels of
Before starting the
lesson remind the
students about the
proper etiquette and
safety in the use of
facilities and equipment

B. Establishing a Guided question/s: Guided question/s: In this lesson remind the The students will watch
purpose for Guided question/s: students about heart rate carefully the movie clip
the lesson Have you ever Have you ever experience Guided questions: In your and the benefits in from Step-Up 4.
experience to dance to dance swing? previous lesson, what are participating on a dance
cha-cha and swing? the knowledge and skills class. Ask students about the GIUIDE QUESTIONS
that you have learned? benefits, let them discuss it 1. What are the dance
(Note: The teacher is to class. Give them 2 styles you have seen
(Note: The teacher is expected to deliver the minutes. in the video?
expected to deliver the process questions and (Note: The teacher is 1. Increase 2. What do you think is
process questions and leaner/s reponses to expected to deliver the strength the different of the
leaner/s reponses to deepen learning based on process questions and 2. Improve muscular dance hip-hop to the
deepen learning based the activity/or motivation leaner/s reponses to endurance other dances?
on the activity/or deepen learning based on 3. Increased HDL levels 3. Why do you think
motivation) the activity/or motivation 4. Improved insulin levels those dancers can
5. Lower percentage of performed well the
body fat dance hip-hop?
6. Reduced risk for
metabolic dysfunction  *If the movie clip is not
7. Reduced risk for type 2 available the students will
diabetes tell the students to
Improved bone health describe the Street boys,
Jabawokeez, Philippine All
(Note: The teacher is
expected to deliver the (Note: The teacher is
process questions and expected to deliver the
leaner/s reponses to process questions and
deepen learning based on leaner/s reponses to
the activity/or motivation deepen learning based
on the activity/or
C. Presenting Activity 2. Activity 2. Activity 2: Recall Activity: Brainstorming
examples/inst Mechanics: With your Mechanics: With your Rhythm, counting and Divide the class into 6 then Let students decide for
ances of the partner, create simple partner, create simple posture ( Cha-cha and Swing) the group leader will pick the concept of their dance
new lesson cha-cha steps. swing steps. The teacher Mechanics: dance term in hip hop that with aligned with the
Simplified the dance to will choose the music. they are going to perform in ways that addresses
Students will give 10
a 1, 2 ,3 cha-cha class. They will practice in 3 health/fitness issues and
minutes to practice and
rhythm. minutes concerns.
recall the steps of cha-cha
The teacher will choose Call each group one by
and swing.
the music. one and the students will Give them 5 minutes
For the preparation of
show the dances under .
their performance.
hiphop. Guide question:
After the presentation of Can street dance or hip-
the group the teacher will hop dance improve fitness
explain what is the dance and what are the ways
that group presented all that addresses
about. health/fitness issues and

In this lesson remind the

students about heart rate
and the benefits in
participating on a dance
class. Ask students about
the benefits, let them
discuss it to class. Give
them 2 minutes.

Increase strength
Improve muscular
Increased HDL levels

Improved insulin levels

Lower percentage of body
Reduced risk for
metabolic dysfunction
Reduced risk for type 2
Improved bone health

D. Discussing Guided Question: Guided Question:  Teacher will discuss it one by “SPELL THE DANCE”
new concepts What do you think of Think of any health/fitness one at the same time he/she The class will be divided
and practicing any health/fitness issues and concerns that will demonstrate the dance into 6 groups.
new skills #1 issues and concerns dancing swing can address styles. The teacher will ask
that dancing cha- cha (PEH11FH-Ik-o-13 )  different questions
can address  Hip-hop and Street dance regarding hip hop. Station
What are the health What are the health refers to the dance styles per station.
benefits of dancing cha- benefits of swing dance? that have evolved outside The student will spell out
cha? the studios. These dances the different dance styles
are often improvisational in hip hop using their butt.
and social in nature,
encouraging and contact After doing the game,
with spectators and other let students have a 1-
dancers. minute water break as
 reminder of personal
 Pillars of hip-hop safety protocol to avoid
1. graffiti art dehydration,
2. Djing overexertion, hypo- and
3. Beatboxing/Raping hyperthermia during
Breakdancing MVPA participation
E. Discussing Rhythm, counting and  Teacher will discuss it The students will try to
new concepts posture one by one at the same state the different
and practicing Dance Pattern time he/she will benefits of dancing using
new skills #2 demonstrate the dance the basic radial with
styles. pictures. This can be done
 *Timing – 4/4
 To discuss the lesson by group.
 (4 beats to a bar of
further, the teacher will
discuss briefly and will
 *Basic Rhythm: 2,3,4 show the movements of
and 1. Count-2-1, Count the dances under
3-1 beat hiphop. These are the
Count 4- ½ following;
beat, count “and” – ½ 1. Popping- Dance styles
beat, count 1- 1beat’ based on the technique
of quickly contracting
Dance Figure: and relaxing muscle to
cause a jerk in a dancer’s
Lady’s Step: body.
(see attachment 2. B-boying- the movement
below) of b-boying or
breakdancing are
toprock, downrock,
freezes and power
3. Wacking- commonly
used in hip-hop
Man’s Step: 4. Locking- can be
Commence in Open identified by its
Position: distinctive stops
(See attachment below) 5. Krumping- It is free,
expressive and highly
6. Tutting- Dance styles
which focus on making
geometric shapes
forming right angle.
After discussing and
demonstrating the dance
styles of hiphop, let
students have a 1-minute
water break as reminder of
personal safety protocol to
avoid dehydration,
overexertion, hypo- and
hyperthermia during MVPA
participation (PEH12FH-Ik-t-
F. Developing Activity 3: LET’S DO IT! Activity 3: Activity 3: After discussing the lesson, Dance Warm-up &
mastery Mechanics: Mechanics: Presentation of Ballroom teach student a short dance Stretching
(leads to The students will give The students will give Dance steps about hip-hop. At least
Formative 5mins to practice basic 5mins to practice basic (Cha-cha and Swing) 48 counts. Form a group and use
Assessment 3) cha-cha steps. swing steps. Ask students about those the dance styles of hip
who want to be the leader hop dance and rehearse it
With their partner, they Skills Assessments: This
and take the responsibility of with the group.
will perform it infront of With their partner, they rubric will help to grade skill
the group. The dance will 4-5
the teacher and graded will perform it infront of level of student in the cha-
individually using the teacher and graded cha and swing. To achieve
This will be preparation
rubrics. individually using rubrics. the skill number, student
for next meeting but it will
must demonstrate all of the
be evaluated before the
skills in that scoring level.
class end on this day.
Emphasis is on the basic step
and nature of the dance.
Observe discipline in the
execution of dances to
avoid injuries.
G. Finding  After teaching the 48 What do you think is the
practical counts hip-hop important of a leader? Do
applications dance, ask students you think leader has a
of concepts to apply new steps great impact on displaying
and skills in regarding the dance initiative, responsibility
daily living styles under hip-hop. and leadership in fitness
They going to create activities. (PEH12FH-Ik-t-
1 minute dance 15)
routine. What should the leader
 Give them 10 do to have a good
minutes to practice. performance? Can leader
 Give students make their members
materials so that active in physical activity?
they create graffiti What do you think is
art that addresses importance of
health/fitness issues participating in physical
and concerns. activity and how it
(PEH12FH-Ik-o-13) improves the health. How
it affects life? (PEH12FH-
This activity will serves also Id-t-14)
as the formative assessment.
H. Making 1. In doing the hip-hop Can street dance or hip-
generalization that what do you think hop dance improve
s and is the impact of tis fitness?
abstractions dance to our life?
about the 2. What do you think is
lesson importance of
participating in physical
activity and how it
improves the health.
3. What do you think is the
important of a leader? Do
you think leader has a great
impact on displaying
initiative, responsibility and
leadership in fitness
activities. (PEH12FH-Ik-t-15)
4. What should the leader
do to have a good
performance? Can
leader make their
members active in
physical activity?

I. Evaluating Activity 3 their  After teaching the 48  After teaching the

1 2 3
learning performance will be counts hip-hop 48 counts hip-hop
base on the following Basic step dance, ask students dance, ask
criteria: to apply new steps students to apply
Blocking- Coordinat regarding the dance new steps
20% ion styles under hip-hop. regarding the
Syncronization- They going to create dance styles
Showman 1 minute dance under hip-hop.
ship routine. They going to
Basic steps applied
well- 30%  Give them 10 create 1 minute
minutes to practice. dance routine.
20% Costume  Give students Give them 20
materials so that minutes to practice.
they create graffiti Dance Rubrics
art that addresses
health/fitness issues
100% and concerns.

J. Additional  Ask student to prepare

activities for Ask the students to a 4-5 minute dance
application or make a scrapbook that Ask the students to make a Ask the students to make a Ask student to prepare a 4-5 routine hip-hop dance
remediation details ways on scrapbook that details ways scrapbook that details ways minute dance routine hip- routine so that they
participates in an on participates in an on participates in an hop dance routine so that will prepared for
organized event that organized event that organized event that they will prepared for organized event that
addresses addresses health/fitness addresses health/fitness organized event that addresses
health/fitness issues issues and concerns. issues and concerns in addresses health/fitness health/fitness issues
and concerns in dancing or daily life dancing or daily life issues and concerns. and concerns.
in dancing or daily life experiences. experiences.. This will be performed
experiences. next meeting.
Ask the students to make
a scrapbook that details
ways on participates in an
organized event that
addresses health/fitness
issues and concerns in
dancing or daily life



A. No. of
learners who
earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of
learners who
activities for
C. Did the
lessons work?
No. of
learners who
have caught
up with the
D. No. of
learners who
continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What
difficulties did
I encounter
which my
principal or
can help me
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish
to share with

Dance Figure:
Lady’s Step:

Step Number Foot Position Count/ Timing

1 RF back 2
2 Transfer weight to LF 3
3-5 RF to side chasse RLR 4 and 1
6 LF fwd 2
7 Transfer weight to RF 3
8-10 LF to side and slightly back to chasse LRL 4 and 1

Man’s Step:
Commence in Open Position:
Steps Number Foot Position Count/Timing
1 LF Fwd 2
2 Transfer weight to RF 3
3-5 LF to side and slightly back to chasse LRL 4 and 1
6 RF back 2
7 Transfer weight to LF 3
8-10 RF in front to chasse RLR 4

Criteria Advanced Proficient Approaching Proficient Developing
4 3 2 1
Attitude Positive attitude: Always willing to try Positive attitude: Inconsistent attitude: Poor attitude
Most often willing to try Needs some encouragement. Does not respond to
Respect Always courteous and respectful of others Often courteous and respectful of Sometimes courteous and Disrespectful of others
others respectful of others.
Initiative and Consistently attends, prepares and Often attends prepares Sometimes attends, prepares and Does not attend, prepare
Participation participates in the activities. participates in the activity. and participate in the
Dependability Very dependable Dependable Inconsistently dependable Not dependable
Execution Always executes the movements properly Often executes the movements Sometimes executes the Does not execute the
properly movements properly movements properly
Observance Of Safety Always practices safety precautions Often practices safety precautions Sometimes practices safety Does not practice safety

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