Pumping PDF
Pumping PDF
Pumping PDF
⋆ Introduction
The Pumping Lemma is used for proving that a language is not regular. Here is the Pumping Lemma.
If L is a regular language, then there is an integer n > 0 with the property that:
(*) for any string x ∈ L where |x| ≥ n, there are strings u, v, w such that
(i) x = uvw,
(ii) v 6= ǫ,
(iii) |uv| ≤ n,
(iv) uv k w ∈ L for all k ∈ N.
To prove that a language L is not regular, we use proof by contradiction. Here are the steps.
2. Since L is regular, we apply the Pumping Lemma and assert the existence of a number n > 0 that
satisfies the property (*).
(a) x ∈ L,
(b) |x| ≥ n.
This the trickiest part. A wrong choice here will make step 4 impossible.
4. By Pumping Lemma, there are strings u, v, w such that (i)-(iv) hold. Pick a particular number k ∈ N
and argue that uv k w 6∈ L, thus yielding our desired contradiction.
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⋆ A (relatively) easy example
Let L = {0k 1k : k ∈ N}. We prove that L is not regular.
[step 1]
By way of contradiction, suppose L is regular.
[step 2]
Let n be as in the Pumping Lemma.
[step 3]
Let x = 0n 1n .
Then x ∈ L [definition of L]
and |x| = 2n ≥ n.
[step 4]
By Pumping Lemma, there are strings u, v, w such that
(i) x = uvw,
(ii) v 6= ǫ,
(iii) |uv| ≤ n,
(iv) uv k w ∈ L for all k ∈ N.
Let y be the prefix of x with length n. I.e., y is the first n symbols of x.
By our choice of x, y = 0n .
By (i) and (iii), uv = 0j for some j ∈ N with 0 ≤ j ≤ n.
Combining with (ii), v = 0j for some j ∈ N with 0 < j ≤ n.
By (iv), uv 2 w ∈ L. (#)
Aside: We are picking k = 2. Indeed, any k 6= 1 will do here.
However, uv 2 w = uvvw
= 0n+j 1n
6∈ L, [definition of L; since j > 0, n + j 6= n]
which contradicts (#).
CSC B36 proving languages not regular using Pumping Lemma Page 2 of 3
⋆ A harder example
Let L = {(10)p 1q : p, q ∈ N, p ≥ q}. We prove that L is not regular.
[step 1]
By way of contradiction, suppose L is regular.
[step 2]
Let n be as in the Pumping Lemma.
[step 3]
Let x = (10)n 1n .
Then x ∈ L [definition of L]
and |x| = 3n ≥ n.
[step 4]
By Pumping Lemma, there are strings u, v, w such that
(i) x = uvw,
(ii) v 6= ǫ,
(iii) |uv| ≤ n,
(iv) uv k w ∈ L for all k ∈ N.
Let y be the prefix of x with length n.
n n−1
By our choice of x, y = (10) 2 if n is even, and y = (10) 2 1 if n is odd.
By (i) and (iii), uv is a prefix of y, and
uv = (10)j for some j ∈ N with 0 ≤ j ≤ n2 , or
uv = (10)j 1 for some j ∈ N with 0 ≤ j < n2 .
Combining with (ii) — depending on whether |uv| is even or odd,
v is some nonempty substring of (10)j for some j where 0 ≤ j ≤ n2 , or
v is some nonempty substring of (10)j 1 for some j where 0 ≤ j < n2 .
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