Chapter 1 PDF
Chapter 1 PDF
Chapter 1 PDF
[GATE-2011] [GATE-1996]
3. The permissible stress in axial tension 8. Which one of the following is not
𝜎st in steel member on the net effective correct for steel section as per IS :800 –
area of the section shall not exceed (fy 1984?
is the yield stress) (a) The maximum bending stress in
(a) 0.80 fy tension or in compression in extreme
(b) 0.75fy fibre calculate on the effective section
(c) 0.60 fy of a beam shall not exceed 0.66 fy
(d) 0.50 fy (b) The bearing stress in any part of a
beam when calculated on the area shall
[GATE-2005] not exceed 0.75 fy
4. Factor of safety adopted by IS : 800 – (c) The direct stress in compression on
1984 while arriving at the permissible the cross-section area of axially loaded
stress in axial compression is comp-ressive member shall not exceed
(a) 2.00 0.6fy
(b) 1.00 (d) None of the above
(c) 1.67 [GATE-2005]
(d) 1.50
9. Consider the following statements
[GATE-1997] Aluminium is being increasingly used for
5. The permissible bending tensile stress structural purposes because
in concrete for the vertical wall of an
1. Its modulus of elasticity is double that R are true but R is not a correct
of steel. explanation of A
2. Its coefficient of thermal expansion is (c) A is true but R is false
half that of steel. (d) A is false but R is true
3. It requires less maintenance. 11. Assertion (A) : In structural bearing
4. The strength to unit weight ratio of type joints, each connection is assumed
aluminium is high. to transmit its proportional share of the
(a) 1 and 4 are correct applied load.
(b) 2 and 4 are correct Reason(R) : Applied load passes through
(c) 1, 2 and 3 are correct the centroid of the connector group.
(d) 3 and 4 are correct [IES-1996]
12. Assertion (A) : Portal bracing should
[IES-1995] be used only in through bridges where
10. Which one of the following methods cross frame cannot be used.
of design is not suitable for structures Reason (R) : Portal bracing cause bending
subjected to impact and fatigue? moment in the end frames.
(a) Simple [IES-1996]
(b) Semi – rigid design 13. In the case of structural steel sections,
(c) Rigid design the MINIMUM ratio of thickness of
(d) Plastic design elements in compression, in the terms
[IES-1996] of their outstanding length is specified
to prevent
Directions: The following items consist of (a) Bending failure
two statements, one labelled the ‘Assertion (b) Shear failure
A᾿ and the other labelled the ῾Reason R ’ (c) Local bucking
you are to examine these two statements (d) Tension failure
carefully and decide if the Assertion A and ]IES-1998[
the Reason R are individually true and if 14. The moment –rotation curve shown in
so, whether the Reason is a correct the given figure is that of a
explanation of the Assertion .Select your
answers to these items using the codes
given below and mark your answer sheet
82. The gross diameter of a rivet is the 89. Cold driven rivets range from_____.
diameter of____.
(a) cold rivet before driving (a) 6 to 10 mm in diameter
(b) rivet after driving (b) 10 to 16 mm in diameter
(c) rivet hole (d) None of these (c) 12 to 22 mm in diameter
(d) 22 to 32 mm in diameter
83. Working shear stress on the gross area
of a rivet as recommended by Indian 90. The distance measured along one rivet
Standards is____. line from the center of a rivet to the center of
(a) 785 kg/cm2 (b) 1025 kg/cm2 adjoining rivet on an adjacent parallel rivet
(c) 2360 kg/cm 2
(d) None of the these line is called____.
84. The transverse fillet welds are designed (a) pitch of rivet (b) gauge distance of rivet
for (c) staggered pitch (d) All options are correct
(a) Tensile strength (b) Shear strength 91. When two plates are placed end to end
(c) Compressive strength (d) Bending and are joined by two cover plates, the joint is
strength known as____.
85. Which of the following assumptions are (a) lap joint (b) butt joint
made in the design of rivet joints? (c) chain riveted lap joint
(d) double cover butt joint
A. Rivets are stressed equally
92. Diameter of a rivet hole is made larger
B. Stress in plate is maximum at midwidth than the diameter of the rivet by
C. Rivet hole is completely filled by rivet (a) 1.0 mm for rivet diameter upto 12 mm
(b) 1.5 mm for rivet diameter exceeding 25
D. Friction between plates is neglected mm
(c) 2.0 mm for rivet diameter over 25 mm
(d) None of these