Singly Reinforced Section: U, Max

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Singly Reinforced Section 9

3. Singly Reinforced Section

1. In a singly reinforced beam, steel reinforcement is and steel is more ductile than concrete.
placed in (a) both A and R are true and R is the correct
(a) Tension zone explanation of A
(b) Compression zone (b) both A and R are true but R is not a correct
(c) Both Tension and Compression zone explanation of A
(d) At neutral zone [UPPSC : 2008] (c) A is true but R is false
2. The distance between the centroid of the area of tension (d) A is false but R is true [ESE : 1997]
reinforcement and the maximum compressive fibre in a 8. As per IS:456, for a singly reinforced rectangular
reinforced concrete beam design is known as section,
(a) overall depth (b) effective depth Xu,max
(a) for Fe 415 steel is 0.48
(c) lever arm (d) depth of neutral axis d
 [ESE : 2014] (b) the depth of the centroid of compression is 0.43
3. The total compressive force at the time of failure of a xu,max
concrete beam section of width ‘b’ without considering (c) the depth of the rectangular position of the stress
the partial safety factor of the material is block is 0.38 xu,max
(a) 0.36 fck bXu (b) 0.54 fck bXu (d) the maximum value of lever arm is d – xu,max
(c) 0.66 fck bXu (d) 0.8 fck bXu  [ESE : 2000]
Where, Xu is depth of neutral axis, fck is cube strength of 9. Assertion (A): According to BIS: 456-1978, over-
concrete. [GATE 1991 : 2 Marks] reinforced sections are not permitted.
4. A single reinforced rectangular section, b × d is effective Reason (R): There is ductile failure of over-reinforced
c/s, fck and fy are the characteristic strengths of concrete sections.
and steel respectively. The depth of neutral axis is (a) both A and R are true and R is the correct
calculated as explanation of A
0.85 f ckbd 0.87 fck Ast (b) both A and R are true but R is not a correct
(a) (b) explanation of A
fy 0.36 fckbd
0.87 f y Ast 0.87 f y Ast (c) A is true but R is false
(c) (d) (d) A is false but R is true [ESE : 2001]
0.36 fckbd 2 0.36 fckb
10. As per the provisions of IS 456: 2000, in the limit state
 [MPSC : 2012 (I)]
method for, design of beams, the limiting value of the
5. In RCC beams, as the percentage areas of tensile steel depth of neutral axis in a reinforced concrete beam of
increases effective depth ‘d’ is given as
(a) depth of neutral axis increases (a) 0.53 d
(b) depth of neutral axis decreases (b) 0.48 d
(c) depth of neutral axis does not change (c) 0.46 d
(d) lever arm increases [ESE : 2010] (d) any of the above depending on the different grades
6. Flexural collapse in over reinforced beams is due to of steel. [GATE 2002 : 2 Marks]
(a) primary compression failure 11. Maximum strains in an extreme fibre in concrete and in
(b) secondary compression failure the tension reinforcement (Fe-415 grade and Es = 200
(c) primary tension failure kN/mm2) in a balanced section at limit state of flexure
(d) bond failure [ESE : 1997] are respectively
7. Assertion (A) : The behaviour of an over reinforced (a) 0.0035 and 0.0038
beam is more ductile than that of an under reinforced (b) 0.002 and 0.0018
beam. (c) 0.0035 and 0.0041
Reason (R) : Over reinforced beam contains more steel (d) 0.002 and 0.0031 [GATE 2003 : 1 Mark]
10 Singly Reinforced Section

12. Which one of the following sections performs better on 19. Consider the following statements:
the ductility criterion? Percentage of steel for balanced design of a singly
(a) Balanced section reinforced rectangular section by limit state method
(b) Over-reinforced section depends on
(c) Under-reinforced section 1. Characteristic strength of concrete.
(d) Non-prismatic section [ESE : 2005] 2. Yield strength of concrete.
13. Assertion (A) : In limit state design, over-reinforced 3. Modulus of elasticity of steel.
sections are not permitted. 4. Geometry of the section.
Reason (R) : As the concrete failure is brittle, the Which of these statements are correct?
structure fails suddenly without any warning. (a) 2, 3 and 4 (b) 1, 3 and 4
(a) both A and R are true and R is the correct (c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 3 [ESE : 2011]
explanation of A 20. In LSM a balanced beam section is defined as one in
(b) both A and R are true but R is not a correct which :
explanation of A (a) Both steel and concrete reach their maximum
(c) A is true but R is false permissible stress simultaneously
(d) A is false but R is true [ESE : 2006] (b) The stress in steel and concrete is same
14. When quantity of steel in an RC beam section is less (c) Both steel and concrete reach their maximum
than required, the section is called: permissible strain simultaneously
(a) over reinforced (b) balanced (d) The beam section balances the load perfectly
(c) under reinforced (d) critical[UPPSC : 2007]  [MPSC : 2013 (I)]
15. Why is the design of a RC section as overreinforced 21. If any tension reinforcement in an RC beam attains its
undesirable? yield stress during loading before the concrete in the
(a) It consumes more concrete compression zone fails due to crushing, the beam is said
(b) It undergoes high strains to be
(c) It fails suddenly (a) under-reinforced (b) over-reinforced
(d) Its appearance is not good [ESE : 2008] (c) balanced (d) non-homogeneous
16. Assertion (A): The behaviour of an over-reinforced  [ESE : 2014]
beam is more ductile than that of under-reinforced 22. If the area of tension reinforcement provided is less
beam. than that required for a balanced section, then the RCC
beam section is called
Reason (R): Over-reinforced beam contains more steel
and steel is more ductile than concrete. (a) over reinforced (b) neutral reinforced
(c) under reinforced (d) bottom reinforced
(a) both A and R are true and R is the correct
 [SSC - JE (Forenoon) : 2014]
explanation of A
(b) both A and R are true but R is not a correct 23. Flexural collapse in over-reinforced beams is due to
explanation of A (a) Primary compression failure
(c) A is true but R is false (b) Secondary compression failure
(d) A is false but R is true [ESE : 2010] (c) Primary tension failure
17. In an under-reinforced concrete section, the depth of (d) Bond failure [ESE : 2016]
the neutral axis is_______ the limiting depth of neutral 24. Consider the following cases in the design of reinforced
axis. concrete members in flexure:
(a) less than (b) more than 1. Over-reinforced section
(c) equal to (d) none of these 2. Tension failure
 [UPPSC : 2011] 3. Compression failure
18. If the depth of actual neutral axis in a beam is more than 4. Under-reinforced section
the depth of critical axis, then the beam is called Which of the above cases are considered for safe design
(a) Over-reinforced beam of R.C. members in flexure?
(b) Under-reinforced beam (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 4 only
(c) Balanced beam (c) 3 and 4 only (d) 1 and 3 only
(d) Deep beam [ESE : 2011]  [ESE : 2016]
Singly Reinforced Section 11

25. According to IS 456-2000, which one of the following  [GATE 2015 : 2 Marks, Set-I]
statements about the depth of neutral axis xu,bal for a 30. A singly reinforced rectangular concrete beam has a
balanced reinforced concrete section is correct? width of 150 mm and an effective depth of 330 mm. The
(a) xu,bal depends on the grade of concrete only characteristic compressive strength of concrete is 20
(b) xu,bal depends on the grade of steel only MPa and the tensile strength of steel is 415 MPa. Adopt
(c) xu,bal depends on both the grade of concrete and the stress block for concrete as per IS 456-2000 and
grade of steel take the limiting value of depth of neutral axis as 0.48
(d) xu,bal does not depend on the grade of concrete and times the effective depth of the beam for considering
grade of steel [2017 : 1 Mark, Set-I] as a balanced section. What is the likely approximation
26. The following two statements are made with reference for the limiting value of the moment of resistance of the
to a simply supported under reinforced RCC beam beam?
I. Failure takes place by crushing of concrete before (a) 15 kNm (b) 25 kNm
the steel has yielded. (c) 45 kNm (d) 75 kNm [ESE : 2015]
II. The neutral axis moves up as the load is increased. Common Data for Questions 29 and 30 :
With reference to the above statements, which of the A reinforced concrete beam, size 200 mm wide and 300
following applies? mm deep overall is simply supported over a span of 3 m.
(a) Both the statements are false It is subjected to two point loads P of equal magnitude
(b) I is true but II is false placed at middle third points. The two loads are
(c) Both the statements are true gradually increased simultaneously. Beam is reinforced
(d) I is false but II is true [GATE 2000 : 1 Mark] with 2 HYSD bars of 16 mm diameter placed at an
27. A simply supported beam is required to carry a load effective cover of 40 mm on bottom face and nominal
of 23 kN/m including self weight over an effective span shear reinforcement. The characteristic compressive
of 6.0 m. This beam shall be designed for a factored strength and the bending tensile strength of the concrete
bending moment in limit state method of: are 20.0 N/mm2 and 2.2 N/mm2 respectively.
(a) 103.500 kN-m (b) 119.025 kN-m 31. Ignoring the presence of tension reinforce-ment, the
(c) 55.250 kN-m (d) 187.273 kN-m value of load P in kN when the first flexure crack will
 [UPPSC : 2007] develop in the beam is
28. In limit state design method, the moment of resistance (a) 4.5 (b) 5.0
for a balanced section using M20 grade concrete and (c) 6.6 (d) 7.5
HYSD steel of grade Fe415 is given by Mu,lim = Kbd2,  [GATE 2003 : 2 Marks]
what is the value of K? 32. The theoretical failure load of the beam for attainment
(a) 2.98 (b) 2.76 of limit state of collapse in flexure is
(c) 1.19 (d) 0.89 [ESE : 2009] (a) 23.7 kN (b) 25.6 kN
29. Consider the singly reinforced beam section given (c) 28.7 kN (d) 31.6 kN
below (left figure). The stress block parameters for the  [GATE 2003 : 2 Marks]
cross-section from IS 456 : 2000 are also given below Linked Answer Questions 31 and 32 :
(right figure). The moment of resistance for the given Assume straight line instead of parabola for stress-
section by the limit state method is ___________ kN- strain curve of concrete as given below and partial
m. factor of safety as 1.0.
0.42 xu
xu 0.67 fck

0.36 fck xu
300 mm

4-12  0.002 0.0035
Fe 415 Strain
xu, max = 0.48 d
for Fe 415 A rectangular under-reinforced concrete section of 300
mm width and 500 mm effective depth is reinforced
with 3 bars of grade Fe-415, each of 16 mm diameter.
200 mm Concrete mix is M-20.
12 Singly Reinforced Section

33. The depth of the neutral axis from the compression fibre 37. The limiting value of the moment of resistance of the
is beam in kN-m is
(a) 76 mm (b) 81 mm (a) 0.14 (b) 0.45
(c) 87 mm (d) 100 mm (c) 45.08 (d) 156.82
 [GATE 2005 : 2 Marks]  [GATE 2007 : 2 Marks]
34. The depth of the neutral axis obtained as per IS 456 : 38. The limiting area of tension steel in mm2 is
2000 differs from the depth of neutral axis obtained in (a) 473.9 (b) 412.3
above question by (c) 373.9 (d) 312.3
(a) 15 mm (b) 20 mm  [GATE 2007 : 2 Marks]
(c) 25 mm (d) 32 mm 39. In the limit state method, balanced design of a reinforced
 [GATE 2005 : 2 Marks] concrete beam gives
Linked Answer Questions 33 and 34 : (a) smallest concrete section and maximum area of
In the design of beams for the limit state of collapse in reinforcement
flexure as per IS 456 : 2000, let the maximum strain (b) largest concrete section and maximum area of
in concrete be limited to 0.0025 (in place of 0.0035). reinforcement
For this situation, consider a rectangular beam section (c) smallest concrete section and minimum area of
with breadth as 250 mm, effective depth as 350 mm, reinforcement
area of tension steel as 1500 mm2, and characteristic (d) largest concrete section and minimum area of
strengths of concrete and steel as 30 MPa and 250 MPa reinforcement [ESE : 2010]
respectively. 40. A singly-reinforced rectangular concrete beam of width
35. The depth of neutral axis for the balanced failure is 300 mm and effective depth 400 mm is to be designed
(a) 140 mm (b) 156 mm using M25 grade concrete and Fe500 grade reinforcing
(c) 168 mm (d) 185 mm steel. For the beam to be underreinforced, the maximum
 [GATE 2006 : 2 Marks] number of 16 mm diameter reinforcing bars that can be
provided is
36. At the limiting state of collapse in flexure, the force
acting on the compression zone of the section is (a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 5 (d) 6
(a) 326 kN (b) 389 kN
 [2018 : 2 Marks, Set-II]
(c) 424 kN (d) 542 kN
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
 [GATE 2006 : 2 Marks]
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Common Data for Questions 35 and 36 :
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
A single reinforced rectangular concrete beam has a 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
width of 150 mm and an effective depth of 330 mm. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
The characteristic compressive strength of concrete is 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
20 MPa and the characteristic tensile strength of steel is 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
415 MPa. Adopt the stress block for concrete as given in 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
IS 456 : 2000 and take limiting value of depth of neutral
axis as 0.48 times the effective depth of the beam.

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