KardexRemstar SoftwareSolutions US Low RGB

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Software Solution

Software solutions for

intralogistics processes
From the flexible entry solution to complex stock
management: JMIF, Kardex Drive, Power Pick® Global
Software Solution | Warehouse Management System

Power Pick Global:

Flexible solutions and user-friendly
software design provide maximum

Pick orders in the quickest and most direct sequence from dynamic storage systems.
Achieve a noticeable reduction in picking times, tap into valuable storage resources,
and boost productivity: Power Pick Global gives you the flexibility to adapt to
changing requirements, both today and in the future.
Structure of Power Pick Global
Special programming
The Keytec® core module forms the basis
Individual requirements can be pro-
of the structure for Power Pick Global.
grammed on a customer-specific basis
Keytec includes functions for convenient
management of users, rights, containers, Special
materials, warehouses, and storage spaces. programming

They enable simple reporting by means of Optional module(s)

preproduced lists and reports. Unscheduled These can be freely selected from the
stock placements and return transfers are list of optional modules and boost
also possible with automatic storage space the capability and functionality of
suggestion and unscheduled stock removals Power Pick Global Optional
can also be made using dynamic lists.
On top of this, further optional modules
can be put together in line with customer
This is the basic package for Power Pick
requirements, thus further boosting the
Global and covers the key functions of a
functionality of Power Pick Global. If
flexible warehouse management solution

Key tec
required, Power Pick Global can be individ-
ually adapted with special programming.

k Global
Power Pic
Software Solution | Warehouse Management System

Power Pick Global:

Flexible solutions and user-friendly
software design provide maximum

Pick orders in the quickest and most direct sequence from dynamic storage systems.
Achieve a noticeable reduction in picking times, tap into valuable storage resources,
and boost productivity: Power Pick Global gives you the flexibility to adapt to
changing requirements, both today and in the future.
Structure of Power Pick Global
Special programming
The Keytec® core module forms the basis
Individual requirements can be pro-
of the structure for Power Pick Global.
grammed on a customer-specific basis
Keytec includes functions for convenient
management of users, rights, containers, Special
materials, warehouses, and storage spaces. programming

They enable simple reporting by means of Optional module(s)

preproduced lists and reports. Unscheduled These can be freely selected from the
stock placements and return transfers are list of optional modules and boost
also possible with automatic storage space the capability and functionality of
suggestion and unscheduled stock removals Power Pick Global Optional
can also be made using dynamic lists.
On top of this, further optional modules
can be put together in line with customer
This is the basic package for Power Pick
requirements, thus further boosting the
Global and covers the key functions of a
functionality of Power Pick Global. If
flexible warehouse management solution

Key tec
required, Power Pick Global can be individ-
ually adapted with special programming.

k Global
Power Pic
Custom software packages based on expert advice
Building on the basic functions of Keytec, additional features such as interfaces, batch
management, or inventory support can be added with optional modules or selected at a
later time. Through consultation with our inventory management specialists optional mod-
ules are selected to create a custom software package meeting the specific needs of each

Key functionality of Keytec Key benefits:

– User management – Storage space management
Management of user accounts and access Organization of the storage area provid- – Software-supported processes
rights for those within the software ed by the dynamic or static storage sys- and checks (e.g. bar code checks)
tems for the use of different containers
– Materials management/materials – More efficient use of dynamic and
or free space
characteristics static storage systems
Management of materials (items) and – Unscheduled warehousing
– Functional scalability thanks to
their characteristics Individual, manual stock placements, re-
modular design
turn transfers, and stock removals
– Stock management
– Security for investments and
Administration and organization of the – Report generation (basic)
for the future, thanks to modern
dynamic and static storage systems, PC Access to predefined warehouse statis-
development environment
workstations, and peripheral equipment tics and lists
to be managed in the warehouse – State-of-the-art IT architecture
– History
– Container management Logging of bookings and other software
Definition and management of different events
container types and their dimensions
– State-of-the-art
tate-of-the-art IT architecture

development environment 3
for the
h future,, thanks to
o modern
Software Solution | Warehouse Management System

Multiuser order picking:

Intelligent solution generates
considerably greater profitability

High-end order picking thanks to user guidance with visual display systems.

– Order handling; working with orders tion without losses caused by move- – Two order pickers can work at the same
ment times time with color guidance so that each
– Bundling of several orders into
knows which container to place his/her
collective orders (batches) – Use of special hardware (order picking
parts in
trolleys with special display technology)
– Optimized, parallel control of multiple
to organize the removed parts for indi-
systems to provide the materials for the
vidual orders in the collective order (batch)
collective order – horizontal optimiza-

Case Study Schölly – Each user is assigned a color, showing Key benefits:
Power Pick Global ensures that items are which pick light the picked goods should
placed into stock systematically. Individ- be allocated to. This boosts
– Full integration of the warehouse
ual orders are compiled to form batches picking performance and at the same
into in-house processes
with stock removal based on the FIFO time minimizes the error rate
method. Orders are picked using pick to – The users have confirmation buttons in – Process integration through con-
light in order picking trolleys. the relevant color to confirm removal  nection to the in-house ERP sys-
(e.g. red/green) tem by means of electronic data
Multiuser picking also enables parallel – Can be expanded to include transfer
order picking of multiple orders with up to 5 pickers
– Effective use of dynamic storage
two pickers. During picking, the serial
technology in terms of space and
numbers are registered with a bar code
scanner and checked for validity. Multiple
Scan here to see the
users can work on one collective order at practical application of – High picking performance with
Power Pick Global
the same time: minimized error rate

MDE order picking:
Mobile systems for person to
goods operations

Mobile order picking between manual,

order, and direct storage.
The concept of MDE functionality Staff can use MDE for the following
The MDE (mobile data entry) device re- – Manual stock placement and removal
places the stationary Power Pick Global (with storage space suggestion)
workstation, which is operated with dynamic – Performing direct stock placement (put-
storage systems, such as Shuttle XP and ting items directly into a storage space
Megamat RS. It is used in applications without a storage space suggestion)
where the goods are not brought to the – Working through orders
person. – Dynamic creation of collective orders
Key benefits:
and working through these directly
Examples of practical use include stationary – Calling up storage space information
– Management of order picking shelving areas in the warehouse, pallet at the storage space itself
activities using mobile devices racks, floor storage, etc. that are managed – Correcting stock
by Power Pick Global. This requires a work-
– Stock management in areas
flow that is adapted to the way of working, The MDE concept turns the Power Pick
without dynamic storage systems
which is mapped out using the MDE. Global workstation into a mobile system
– Independent workstations and can also be used across different zones,
covering different zones for example, while online connection via
WiFi still guarantees instant data transfer
– Real-time data transfer through
at all times.
online connection via WiFi

– Reliable and clear menu guidance

ensures minimal error rate

Software Solution | Linking External Management Systems

Kardex Drive and JMIF:

Innovative communication solutions
for connecting external systems

Solutions for networking external management systems with dynamic storage technology.

– Implementation without risks or impact Benefits of JMIF:

Kardex Drive for existing processes – Java technology means no platform
– Languages available: German, English, dependency
All dynamic storage systems from French, and Dutch. A tool is integrated – Based on widely used and rigorously
Kardex Remstar can be controlled directly for translation into other languages. tested open source components
from SAP®* with Kardex Drive. Here, the – Can be run as a service or in a console
SAP® system used for stock management without a user interface
takes on full management of the storage JMIF (Java Machine Interface) – Excellent parallelization
spaces. (multi-threaded)
JMIF is a tool for communication between
– Control of multiple machines without
dynamic storage technology and external
loss of performance
Benefits of Kardex Drive: systems (such as stock management sys-
– Highly configurable with extensive
– Full integration of Kardex Drive in SAP® tems, handling devices, robots, conveyor
– No time required for familiarization; technology, indicator lights, WMS).
simple installation
– Simple integration into customer-
specific processes and reduction in the
time needed for training

*SAP® is a registered trademark of SAP SE.

Kardex Remstar service principle:
Guarantee high productivity for your
company in the long term

Installation and

Software Safety
upport verification

a bility

Spare parts
s On

packages se


Training Telephone

ns R

ntenance Spare parts


The software experts at our central Support Level A:

Key benefits:
help desk take care of your service Mon. - Fri. from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
needs over the telephone and including public holidays
– Many years of experience
via remote access to the relevant
applications if set up. Support Level B: – Manufacturer expertise

Mon. - Sat. from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., – Second and third level support
Depending on needs and production re- including public holidays – Trained specialists
quirements (single shift, double shift, or – Option for support around the clock,
continuous operation), coverage is also Support Level C: 365 days a year
available outside of normal business hours 24/7, 365 days a year – In-house support center
and at the weekend. The contract types – Optimum availability of your Kardex
and support levels are as follows: stock management software
– Maximum system reliability
– Your business processes are
– Boost in efficiency
– Boost in efficiency
egu 7
Yourr business
ness processes are
Kardex Remstar:
Always close to you – Worldwide

1115 0715 US 1301 MDS

Australia Germany Norway Spain
Austria Hungary Poland Switzerland
Belgium India Russia Turkey
Canada Ireland Sweden United Kingdom
China Italy Switzerland USA
Cyprus Mexico Singapore
Czech Republic Netherlands Slovakia

Further information:

The standard scope of delivery does not include all options and equipment variants referred to in the brochure. Subject to structure and design changes and printing and other errors without notice
during the delivery period. If not otherwise indicated, all brand names that appear in this brochure are registered trademarks of Kardex AG.
Custom software packages based on expert advice
Building on the basic functions of Keytec, additional features such as interfaces, batch
management, or inventory support can be added with optional modules or selected at a
later time. Through consultation with our inventory management specialists optional mod-
ules are selected to create a custom software package meeting the specific needs of each

Key functionality of Keytec Key benefits:

– User management – Storage space management
Management of user accounts and access Organization of the storage area provid- – Software-supported processes
rights for those within the software ed by the dynamic or static storage sys- and checks (e.g. bar code checks)
tems for the use of different containers
– Materials management/materials – More efficient use of dynamic and
or free space
characteristics static storage systems
Management of materials (items) and – Unscheduled warehousing
– Functional scalability thanks to
their characteristics Individual, manual stock placements, re-
modular design
turn transfers, and stock removals
– Stock management
– Security for investments and
Administration and organization of the – Report generation (basic)
for the future, thanks to modern
dynamic and static storage systems, PC Access to predefined warehouse statis-
development environment
workstations, and peripheral equipment tics and lists
to be managed in the warehouse – State-of-the-art IT architecture
– History
– Container management Logging of bookings and other software
Definition and management of different events
container types and their dimensions
– State-of-the-art
tate-of-the-art IT architectu

development environment 3
for the
h future,, thanks to
o modern
Software Solution | Warehouse Management System

Multiuser order picking:

Intelligent solution generates
considerably greater profitability

High-end order picking thanks to user guidance with visual display systems.

– Order handling; working with orders tion without losses caused by move- – Two order pickers can work at the same
ment times time with color guidance so that each
– Bundling of several orders into
knows which container to place his/her
collective orders (batches) – Use of special hardware (order picking
parts in
trolleys with special display technology)
– Optimized, parallel control of multiple
to organize the removed parts for indi-
systems to provide the materials for the
vidual orders in the collective order (batch)
collective order – horizontal optimiza-

Case Study Schölly – Each user is assigned a color, showing Key benefits:
Power Pick Global ensures that items are which pick light the picked goods should
placed into stock systematically. Individ- be allocated to. This boosts
– Full integration of the warehouse
ual orders are compiled to form batches picking performance and at the same
into in-house processes
with stock removal based on the FIFO time minimizes the error rate
method. Orders are picked using pick to – The users have confirmation buttons in – Process integration through con-
light in order picking trolleys. the relevant color to confirm removal  nection to the in-house ERP sys-
(e.g. red/green) tem by means of electronic data
Multiuser picking also enables parallel – Can be expanded to include transfer
order picking of multiple orders with up to 5 pickers
– Effective use of dynamic storage
two pickers. During picking, the serial
technology in terms of space and
numbers are registered with a bar code
scanner and checked for validity. Multiple
Scan here to see the
users can work on one collective order at practical application of – High picking performance with
Power Pick Global
the same time: minimized error rate

MDE order picking:
Mobile systems for person to
goods operations

Mobile order picking between manual,

order, and direct storage.
The concept of MDE functionality Staff can use MDE for the following
The MDE (mobile data entry) device re- – Manual stock placement and removal
places the stationary Power Pick Global (with storage space suggestion)
workstation, which is operated with dynamic – Performing direct stock placement (put-
storage systems, such as Shuttle XP and ting items directly into a storage space
Megamat RS. It is used in applications without a storage space suggestion)
where the goods are not brought to the – Working through orders
person. – Dynamic creation of collective orders
Key benefits:
and working through these directly
Examples of practical use include stationary – Calling up storage space information
– Management of order picking shelving areas in the warehouse, pallet at the storage space itself
activities using mobile devices racks, floor storage, etc. that are managed – Correcting stock
by Power Pick Global. This requires a work-
– Stock management in areas
flow that is adapted to the way of working, The MDE concept turns the Power Pick
without dynamic storage systems
which is mapped out using the MDE. Global workstation into a mobile system
– Independent workstations and can also be used across different zones,
covering different zones for example, while online connection via
WiFi still guarantees instant data transfer
– Real-time data transfer through
at all times.
online connection via WiFi

– Reliable and clear menu guidance

ensures minimal error rate

Software Solution | Linking External Management Systems

Kardex Drive and JMIF:

Innovative communication solutions
for connecting external systems

Solutions for networking external management systems with dynamic storage technology.

– Implementation without risks or impact Benefits of JMIF:

Kardex Drive for existing processes – Java technology means no platform
– Languages available: German, English, dependency
All dynamic storage systems from French, and Dutch. A tool is integrated – Based on widely used and rigorously
Kardex Remstar can be controlled directly for translation into other languages. tested open source components
from SAP®* with Kardex Drive. Here, the – Can be run as a service or in a console
SAP® system used for stock management without a user interface
takes on full management of the storage JMIF (Java Machine Interface) – Excellent parallelization
spaces. (multi-threaded)
JMIF is a tool for communication between
– Control of multiple machines without
dynamic storage technology and external
loss of performance
Benefits of Kardex Drive: systems (such as stock management sys-
– Highly configurable with extensive
– Full integration of Kardex Drive in SAP® tems, handling devices, robots, conveyor
– No time required for familiarization; technology, indicator lights, WMS).
simple installation
– Simple integration into customer-
specific processes and reduction in the
time needed for training

*SAP® is a registered trademark of SAP SE.

Kardex Remstar service principle:
Guarantee high productivity for your
company in the long term

Installation and

Software Safety
upport verification

a bility

Spare parts
s On

packages se


Training Telephone

ns R

ntenance Spare parts


The software experts at our central Support Level A:

Key benefits:
help desk take care of your service Mon. - Fri. from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
needs over the telephone and including public holidays
– Many years of experience
via remote access to the relevant
applications if set up. Support Level B: – Manufacturer expertise

Mon. - Sat. from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., – Second and third level support
Depending on needs and production re- including public holidays – Trained specialists
quirements (single shift, double shift, or – Option for support around the clock,
continuous operation), coverage is also Support Level C: 365 days a year
available outside of normal business hours 24/7, 365 days a year – In-house support center
and at the weekend. The contract types – Optimum availability of your Kardex
and support levels are as follows: stock management software
– Maximum system reliability
– Your business processes are
– Boost in efficiency
– Boost in efficiency
egu 7
Yourr business
ness processes ar
Kardex Remstar:
Always close to you – Worldwide

1115 0715 US 1301 MDS

Australia Germany Norway Spain
Austria Hungary Poland Switzerland
Belgium India Russia Turkey
Canada Ireland Sweden United Kingdom
China Italy Switzerland USA
Cyprus Mexico Singapore
Czech Republic Netherlands Slovakia

Further information:

The standard scope of delivery does not include all options and equipment variants referred to in the brochure. Subject to structure and design changes and printing and other errors without notice
during the delivery period. If not otherwise indicated, all brand names that appear in this brochure are registered trademarks of Kardex AG.

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