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395 DO NOF OPEN THIS TEST BOORLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO 7 TEST BOOKLET SERIES TEST BOOKLET LECT.(C) POL, TECH./2015 Time Allowed : 2 Hours} [Maximum Marks : 100 AIL questions carry equal marks. INSTRUCTIONS 1 Immediately after the commencenient of the examination, you should check that test booklet does not have any unprinted ar torn or missing pages ar items, ete. If so, got it replaced by at complete test booklet 2. Encode clearly the test booklet series A,B, © or Das the case may be in the appropriate place in the answer sheet. a Write your Roll Number only in the box provided alongside. Pi De not write anything else om the Test Hooktet 4 ‘This Test Booklet contains 100 items (questions), Ench item comprises four responses (answers), Choose only one response for each item which you consider the best. After the candidate has read each item in the Test Booklet and decided which of the given responses is correct er the best. he has to mark the circle containing the letter of the selected response by blackening it completely with Black er Blue ball pen. In the following oxample, response “C" is sa marked + ® ® @® © Do the encoding carefully ax given im the illustrations, While encoding your particu! or marking the answers on answer shoot, you should blacken the circle edrresponi the choise in full and na part Gf the circle should be left. unfilled % You have to mark all your respons’s ONLY on the ANSWER SHEET separately given acoonding to INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES" already supplied to vou. Responses marked on the Text Booklet or in any paper other than the answer sheet shall not be examined: a All items carry equal marks. Attempt all items. Yaur total marks will depend only on the mumber of correct responses marked by yeu in the Answer Sheet. There will be no e negative marking. 8. Before you proceed to mark reaponses in the Amswor Sheet fill in the particulars in the front portion af the Answer Sheet as per the instructions sent to you 10, After you have completed the test, hand over the Answer Sheet only, to the Invigilator. DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO BO SO PTO, LECT. (C) POL. TECHJ2015 ¥ Time Allowed : 2 Hours] [Maximum Marks ; 100 If a cantilever beam of span L and flexural rigidity El carries a moment M concentrated at the free end, the deflection at the end will be : @ Me a Mt A) SARL 12ET ML ML’ ©) Er D) ‘set A simply supportéd beam of span L and flexural rigidity El is subjected to a moment M at one support. The strain energy due to bending is - ML ML & oar ®) opr MPL ML 5p) 2 py Me (©) Sar ©) = Clockwise moments are applied to both the ends of a uniform simply supported beam, If the ratio of the rotation of two ends is 2, then the ratio of the applied moments will be : a wo ® 3 yt 5 © g © 4 LECT.(C) POL. TECH/2015—C 2 on The moment distribution methed is best suited for ; (A) indeterminate pin jointed truss (B) rigid frames (C) space frames (D) trussed beam The moment of inertia of analogous column of a fixed beam of length L and constant EI is equal to : L tt? (A) 3EI (B) 1 , 2 i (©) ToRr ®) Gent The moment capacity of a section at plastic hinge is : (A) Zero (B) Yield moment (C) Twice of yield moment (D) Fully plastic moment LECT.(C) POL. TECH /2015—C 3 P.T.O, 7. A symmetric three-hinged parabolic arch has span L and rise A. The Bori- zontal thrust in the arch due to uniformly distributed load W is ; wo we (cy ute wo) wae 8. The effective length of a circular electric pele of length L and constant diameter erected on ground is : (A) 0.80 L (By 120 L (Cc) 160 L (Db) 2.00 L 9, As compared to field rivets, the shop rivets have = (A) Less strength (B) More strength (C) Equal strength D) No effects LECT. (C} POL, TECH /2015—C 4 10. The pressure within a soap bubble i (A) the same as that of the surrounding atmosphere (B) greater than the external pressure (€) equal to the vapour pressure (DB) none of ihe above 11, The point through which the resultant hydrostatic free act is called : (A) Metacentre {B) Centre of pressure (G) Centre of buoyancy (D) None of the above 12, The continuity equation in fluid mechanics is a mathematical statement embodying the prinuiple of : (A) conservation ‘of energy (B) conservation of mass (C) conservation of momentum {D) none of these LECT.C) POL, TECH /2015-—0 5 P.T.O. 13. A stagnation point. is a point (A) where the pressure is zero iB) where the total energy is zero (C) where the velocity of flow reduces to zero (D) where the total energy is maximum 14. Kinematic similarity between model and prototype is : (A) similarity of shape (B) the similarity of streamline pattern (C) the similarity of discharge (D} none of the above 15. The lower limit of the critical Reynolds’ number below which all disturbances (or sources of turbulence) in pipe flow are damped out by viscous aetion has a value approximately equal to : (Ay 1 (By 500 (Cc) 1000 @) 2000 LECT.(G) POL. TECH /2015—C 6 17 “18. 19, For turbulent flew in smooth pipes, the entrance length is taken as : (A) 14 (B) 75 1G) 50 (Dp) 100 ‘The maximum velocity in open channels occurs : (A) at the mid depth (B) at the free surface (CG) a little below the free surface (D) near the channel bottom A sewer which receives the discharge from a number of independent houses is called : (A) house sewer (B) intereepting sewer (C) lateral sewer (D) none of these The wastewater coming from kitchens and bathrooms is popularly known as: tA) domestic sewage discharge (B) sludge discharge (CO) drainage discharge (D) none of the above LECT(C) POL, TECH./2015—C 7 P.T.O 20. Sewage treatment works are normally designed for a dosiyn period of : (A) 40-50 years {B) 30-40 years (C) 15-20 years . (D) 5-10 years 21. Laying of sewers is usually done with the help ef : (A) a theodolite (B) a compass (@) a plane tuble - (DP) sight rails and boning rods 22. The most suitable sex jon of a sewer in a separate sewerage system is : (A) rectangular (RB) cireular (C) new egg-shape {D) parubolic 23, ‘he most prominent force, acting on the underground sewer pipes would be ; {A} compressive force {B) tensile force (C) bending force (D) all of these LECT.(C) POL, TECTI/2015—C 8 2A. 26. The best sewer material to resist hydrogen sulphide corrosion is : (A) RCC (B) Brick masonry (CO) Glazed stoneware (D) Asbestos cement Ventilation columns are placed slong a sewer line at intervals of about (A) 30 to 50 m (B) 75 to 100 m (€) 150 te 300 m D) 600 to 750 m Minimum D.O, prescribed for a river stream to avoid fish kills is (4) 2ppm. {B) 4 ppm. (C) Sppm. D) 10 ppm. ‘The flow of water in a wash hand basin when il is being emptied through 4 céntral opening is an example of ; (A) Free vortex (B) Foreed vortex (€) Rotational vortex {D) None of these LECT.(C} POL. TECTL/2015—C_ 9 P.T.O. 98. Grain size analysis of fine grained soil is done by the method of : (A) Sieve analysis (B) Hydrometer anal (C) Both (A) and (B) above (D) None of the above ‘29. The wet analysis to find whether the soil is clay or silt is based on (A) Stokes* law {B) Hazen’s law (C) Paseal’s law (D) Biasius law 30, The pressure in capillary water as compared to atmospheric pressure is always ; (A) more (B) less (€) equal {D) none of these 31, Wedge theory of soil was propagated by : (A) Coulomb (B) Rankine (C). Terzaghi (D) Tait and Kelvin LECT {C) POL. TECH /2015—CG. 10 32. 33, 34. State of stress is known at all stages in : (A) Direct shear test (B) ‘Triaxial compression test (C) Vane shear test (D) All of the above The alignment of highway means layout of its (A) Centre line on ground (B) Width (C) Superelevation (D) None of the above The impervious pavement. surface is of : (A) WRM (B) Earthen (C) Bituminous conerete (D) None of these LECT (GC) POL. TECH /2015—C W BT:0. 35, 36. 37. The road erosion due to water may be reduced by = (A) turfing (B) soil stabilization (C) soil treatment . (D) none of these Bearing pile transfers superimposed load to : (A) hard strata (B) soft soil (C) sandy soil” (D) none of these When hard strata is not available at sufficient depth the use is made of : (A) sheet pile (B) friction pile (C) bearing pile (D) battered pile Well foundation is the name given to ; (A) Box caisson (B) Open caisson (0) Floating caisson (D) None of these LECT.(C) POL, TECH./2015—-C 12 39. 40. 41 42. ‘The method of growing erops on ridges, running on the sides of water ditches is called : (A) Flood irrigation = (B) Furrow irrigation (C}) Check irrigation (D) Nene of these The crop among the following, which is expected to have the maximum duty, (A) Wheat (B) Rice (C] Sugarcane (PD) Cotton The first important watering of craps is usually called : (A) Paleo-watering (B) Kor-watering (C) Crep-watering (D) None of these The water which can be utilised by the crops from the soil is called : (A) Ficld capacity water (B) Capillary water (C) Hygroscopic water (D) None of these LECT.(C) POL. TECH /2015—C 13 P.T.O. 43. Unlined irrigation canals, when aligned on curvilinear routes in plan, will have to be pitched on : (A) both sides (B) conenve side only (C) convex side only (D) none of these 44, The critical shear stress t, at which incipient motion of sediment takes place is proportional to : (A) Ja (B) © a (D) none of the above where ‘d’ is grain size 45. ‘The force exerted by the flowing water on the sediment particles to cause their motion, is called : (A) buoyant force (B) tractive force (C) kinematic force (D) eddy force LECTAC) POL. TECH/2015—C 14 46, 48. The Garret’s diagram are based on : (A) Lacey's theory (B) Khosla’s theory (©) Bligh’s theory (D) Kennedy's theory The wetted perimeter P of « stable channel is proportional te : (Ay Q (By VQ © @ (D) None of these where Q = discharge in the channel. Lining of irrigation channels (A) increases waterlogging (8) increases channel cross-section (C) increases command area (D) increases chances of breaching LECT.(C) PGL. TECH./2015—C 15 4g. 50. Sl. ‘The minimum recommendod free-board for Tined eanals carrying discharge of more than 10 cumecs ia : (A) 0.3 m ‘i (By 0.6m (C) 0.75 m MO) 12m Aggrading rivers are (A) silting rivers - (B} scouring rivers (C) rivers in regime (D) meandering rivers tn which district of ILP. ig Ghadasru lake ? (A) Lahaul-Spiti (B} Kullu (C) Kimaur (D) Chamba From where does river Giri Ganga rise ? (A) Chaushal peak (B) Kupar peak (C) Dharathi range ®) Chirgaon LECT.(C) POL, TECH2015—C 16 53. In whieh district. of I.P. is Choordhar peak ? (A) Kinnaur (B) Chamba (C} Solan (D} Shimla 54. Who was the first European to visit Kullu on his way to Ladakh in 1820 ? (A) Mooreraft (B) Vigne (C} Major Hay (D) Captain B.C. Lee 55. During the reign of which raja of Chamba was the image of Marikula Devi set up at Markul-Udaipur ? (A) Partap Singh Varman (B) Ganesh Varman (C) Vir Varman (D) Anand Varman LECT.(C) POL. TECH./2015—C pi P.T.O. 56. 58. Which scion of Kangra princely state was given the rank of honorary Major in the British Army in 1883 ? (A) Ludar Chand (B) Jai Chand (OC) Kirat Chand (D) Uday Chand During 2012-13 what was the contribution of agriculture sector to the state income in Himachal Pradesh ’? (A) 8.32 percent (B) 10.87 percent (C) 19.25 percent (D) 14.42 percent Which two distriets of H.P, are covered under the scheme Backward Region Grant Fund ? (A) Sirmaur and Kinnaur (RB) Chamba and Lahaul-Spiti (©) Lahaul-Spiti and Sirmaur @) Sirmaur and Chamba LECT.(C) POL, TECH/2015—C 18 61 According to 2011 census, what is the percentage of urban population in Himachal Pradesh ? (A) 8 percent 5 (B) 9 percent (C) 10 pereent (D) 11 percent On which day (aceording to Vikrami Samvat) are bugs, flees and lice ete, burnt with ecow-dung balls in TLP, 9 (A) first Ashad 8) first Sawan (€) first Bhadon (D) first Asauj Who is the Chairman of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) ? (A) Shailesh Nayak (B) C.N, Rao (C) R, Radhakrishnan (D) Vikram Sarabhai LECT (A) Even (B) Odd (C) Beth (A) and (B) above . (D) None of the above The zero eirele of a planimeter is also known as : (A) Circle of correction (B) Zero crror (C) Initial error (D) All of these A theodelite may be used to measure + (A) Deflection angles (B) Direct angles (C) Magnetic bearings of lines (D) All of these LECT.(C) POL. TECH,/2015-—C 24 79, Prismatic compass indicates : (Aj Reduced bearing (8) Whole circle bearing (C) Both (A) and (B) above (D) None of the above 80. Which method is more accurate for surveying of deep ravines ? (Al Chain surveying (B) Tacheometrie surveying (C} Both are equally accurate (D) None of these 81. Refractories are used in chimney and fire places for : (A) Insulation against heat (B) Sound proofing (Cc) DPC. (D) Acoustical preofing $2. Surkhi as building material is used in ; (A) floor covering (B} Brick masonry {C) Pointing old work (D) All of these LECT.(C) POL. TECH /2015—C 25 P.T.O. 83. 86. 86. Marble is obtained by transforming from : (A) Limestone (B) Sandstone (G) Slate @) Silicate Tt is difficult to impart polish on : (A) Sandstone (By Limestone (C) Both (A) and (B) above (D) None of the above Reinforced-brick-concrete is used in building construction. for the elements such as = (A) Lintels {B) Roofs (C) Both (A) and (B} above (D) Nene of the above Advantages of using cavity wall is better : (A) Heat insulation (B) Sound insulation (©) Damp-prosfing (D) All of these LECT.(C) POL. TECH/2015—C 26 87. The term ‘guniting’ is related to ; (A) damp-proofing (B) pointing (C) plastering . (D) none of these 88. The shell roof preferred for industrial roofing is - (A) East light type (B) North light type (C) West light type D) South light type 83. The per capita water demand includes : {A) domestic water demand only (B) domestic as well as commercial water demand (C) domestic, commercial and industrial water demand (D) none of the above 20. For the irrigation of crops, the base period B in days, the duty D- in haf(m/s) and delta (A) in metres are related as : 0.8643 3.64D Dee i Se (Al rm @) a 0.8644 8.64B » D=- ae «) 3 @) a LECT.(C) POL, TECH /2015—C 27 Phe 91. Og. Humidity is measured by : (A) Hydrometer (B) Hygrometer (C) Hyetometer {D) Anemometer The temperature of air at which it becomes just fully saturated with the available vapour, is called : (A) dew point {B) cloud point (C) front point (BD) none of the above A line joining places of equal rainfall is ealled : (A) hyetograph (B) isobar (C) isotherm (M)} isohyet LECT.(C) POL. TECH /2015—C 28 84. Double mass curve technique is followed ; (A) to check the consistency of rain gauge records (B) to find the average rainfall over a number of years (©) to find the number of rain gauges required (D) to estimate the mining precipitation value 95. Infiltration capacity (A) is a constant factor (B) changes with time (€) changes with location ) changes beth with time as well as location 96. The evaporation from plants and from the surrounding soils together is called : (A) vaporisation (B) transpiration (C) evapo-transpiration (D) hydration LECT (C) POL. TECH/2015—C 29 98. Bo. Drainage density of a basin may be defined as : (A) Number of drains per unit area of the basin (B) Length of drains per unit area of the basin (C) Number of rain gauges installed in the basin (D) None of the above “Specifie Yield” for an unconfined aequifer is : (A) Greater than porosity (B) Less than porosity (C) Equal to porosity @) Unrelated to porosity The model of a prototype which is prepared on the principles of similitude is called a : (A) Scale model (B) Analog model {€) Computer model (D)) None of these The maximum number of unknown forces that ean be found in a concurrent. coplanar force system under equilibrium is : (A) Zero (B) 2 () 3 m™ 6 LECT,(C) POL. TECH /2015—C 30

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