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MANUAL MASTER ROTORK Pub059-052-00-0919

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Full configuration manual

Network Systems
Master Station Full Configuration Manual

2 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

Table of Contents

Section Page

1. Introduction_________________________________________________________________________________________ 4

Interface and Configuration________________________________________________________________________________ 5

2. The User Interface___________________________________________________________________________________ 6
3. Menu Structure_____________________________________________________________________________________ 16

Host Communications_____________________________________________________________________________________ 31
4. Ethernet Communications to the Rotork Master Station_______________________________________________ 32
5. Serial Communication to the Rotork Master Station___________________________________________________ 45
6. Hot Standby________________________________________________________________________________________ 51

Field Networks___________________________________________________________________________________________ 52
7. Pakscan Classic Field Network________________________________________________________________________ 53
8. Modbus Open Field Network________________________________________________________________________ 64

Modbus Technical Information____________________________________________________________________________ 72

9. Host Modbus Specification___________________________________________________________________________ 73
10. Modbus Database – Generic and Honeywell EPLCG____________________________________________________ 75
11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI______________________________________________________ 96
12. Data Interpretation (All Modbus Databases)_________________________________________________________ 119

Glossary of Terms________________________________________________________________________________________ 125

1. Introduction

This manual provides instruction on the configuration, operation and analysis of the Master Station and connected devices.
This manual should be read in conjunction with PUB059-050 Master Station Safe Use, Installation and Maintenance Manual
supplied with the Master Station.
The Master Station must be installed as per instructions provided in PUB059-050.

Section 2 provides information to gain a full understanding of the Master Station interface and how information is
presented. It is important to be familiar with interface behaviour described in this section before proceeding through
the manual.
Section 3 explains the menu structure of the Master Station.

Section 4 provides information for Ethernet host communication to the Master Station.
Section 5 provides information for serial host communication to the Master Station.
Section 6 explains behaviour of a hot standby Master Station.

Section 7 provides information for the Pakscan Classic field network AIM and connected FCUs.
Section 8 provides information for the Modbus Open field network AIM and connected FCUs.
Section 9 details the Modbus specification for host communication to the Master Station.

Section 10 defines Modbus Database – Generic and Honeywell EPLCG.

Section 11 defines Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI.
Section 12 provides information for interpreting data from the Master Station and connected FCUs.

Glossary of Terms provides descriptions for accronyms or technical terms used throughout PUB059-052.


4 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

Interface and Configuration

Section Page

2. The User Interface________________________________________________________________________________ 6

2.1 Getting Started_______________________________________________________________________________________ 6
2.2 General User Interface Functions_______________________________________________________________________ 10

3. Menu Structure_________________________________________________________________________________ 16
3.1 Profile______________________________________________________________________________________________ 16
3.2 Loop Map__________________________________________________________________________________________ 17
3.3 Alarms Page________________________________________________________________________________________ 18
3.4 Devices Page________________________________________________________________________________________ 20
3.5 Interfaces Page______________________________________________________________________________________ 22
3.6 Master Station Page__________________________________________________________________________________ 23
3.7 Utilities_____________________________________________________________________________________________ 24

2. The User Interface

2.1 Getting Started

The user interface can be accessed using the local touch screen or via the built in web pages using a web browser. In both cases the
screens that you see are identical, except the web page drop down menu list is displayed on the screen at all times (subject to screen
resolution). For the purposes of this manual, all settings shown will be from the local touch screen display.
The menu structure of the user interface is intuitive, therefore little training or direction is required to be able to navigate to the areas of
interest to the operator.

2.1.1 Home Display

Home display on the local touch screen:

Touching brings up the menu bar:

Devices Area:
Any Field devices that are connected to
the Master Station, communicating or
not, are shown here. From here the list
of devices can be scrolled through and
individual devices selected. Selecting
the banner

takes you to the dedicated Devices page.

Alarms Area: Status Area:

Any alarms that are still present or have An overview status of the Master Station, interfaces and field
not been accepted (acknowledged) are devices is shown here.
shown here. From here the list of alarms
can be scrolled through, selected and A tick indicates that the status of that item is all healthy.
accepted. Selecting the banner An exclamation mark indicates that there is an alarm or error.
Touching the banner has no function, but dedicated pages for
each item are selected by touching the tick or exclamation mark.
takes you to the dedicated Alarm page.

6 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

2. The User Interface continued

2.1.2 Main Banner

The top line shows the Tag name of

the Master Station, the tag name can
be different for side A and side B.
The active side of the Master
The second line shows the login level Station is shown in red with
in the form Username (Login Level). a raised profile. A white
The bottom line shows whether background shows the primary
Click to open the Master Station is in primary or side and a grey background
the menu bar. standby mode. shows the standby side.

Clicking on the time will bring up the time change

settings, it will only appear if the Admin level login has
been used:

Time format is configurable for 12 or 24 hour. NTP can

be enabled for automated time and date or manual
adjustment is possible through the date and time fields.
It is important to set the correct UTC offset for the Master
Station location to ensure that data logs from the Master
Station have the correct time.
The NTP settings are found within the Master Station
setting pages.

For hot standby Master Stations, the standby side top bar is shaded grey.

2. The User Interface continued

2.1.3 Menu Bar

The menu bar will appear if you select the icon.

Review current access level

information, view all user
information or log out of the Select the user interface language.
current session. Refer to section 3 of PUB059-050
for available languages.

Navigate to the
Main Home page.

Navigate to the
Interfaces page. Navigate to the
Refer to section 3.5 Alarms page.
Refer to section 3.3

Navigate to the
Master Station page.
Refer to section 3.6
Navigate to the
Devices page.
Navigate to the Refer to section 3.4
Utilities page.
Refer to section 3.7

Navigate to the
Login page.
Refer to section 2.1.4

8 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

2. The User Interface continued

2.1.4 Logging into the Master Station

The Master Station has 3 access levels:
• Viewer – data can only be viewed and not modified.
• User – data can be viewed and some field unit settings can be modified.
• Admin – full access to view and modify all settings.

Refer to section 3.1 Profile of this manual for information on Master Station operator accounts. To complete the operation required, the
operator may need to log in.
Viewer access is always available at the local display however a password must be entered for the same access through a web browser.
Select Login from the menu bar and enter the appropriate login details.

The main banner will indicate the login level after the correct details are entered.

The top line shows the Tag name of the

Master Station, the tag name can be
different for side A and side B.
The second line shows the login level in
the form Username (Login Level).
The bottom line shows whether the Master
Station is in primary or standby mode.

It is possible to log out via the menu bar, or the profile drop down box. Admin access level can add and remove users.

2. The User Interface continued

2.2 General User Interface Functions

The user interface has a number of different behaviours to show or hide data, edit setting values or perform actions.

2.2.1 Down and Up Arrows

A down arrow indicates the presence of an expandable menu or drop down box.
Click anywhere on a banner showing a down arrow to expand the menu.

An expanded banner will show an up arrow. Click anywhere on the banner to collapse the menu.
Click anywhere on a drop down box to expand the list.

Drop down boxes will disappear when an item is selected from the list or another part of the screen is selected.

10 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

2. The User Interface continued

2.2.2 Right Arrows

A right arrow indicates an item with sub menus below it.
Selecting ‘Status and Alarms’ reveals a list of pages below it containing specific data.

The arrow changes to a down arrow to indicate that the list can be minimised.

2.2.3 Buttons
Buttons trigger operation commands that require confirmation on the pop up warning window.

2. The User Interface continued

2.2.4 Text and Edit Boxes

Text boxes permit alphanumeric data for settings such as Valve Tag. Edit boxes only allow set data types depending on the setting.
Text box example containing letters and numbers:

Edit box example containing numbers only:

2.2.5 Slider Bars

Slider bars display and edit settings that have fixed ranges. The bar shows the current setting for the item and the minimum and
maximum range setting.

Minimum value Current setting Maximum value

2.2.6 Radio Buttons

Radio buttons display settings that can only have one state. Editing a radio button setting will only permit selection of one option.

12 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

2. The User Interface continued

2.2.7 Changing Settings

Unsaved setting changes will cause the section banner to change colour to yellow and the individual setting to highlight yellow.
Select 'Save' to confirm the changes or select 'Reset' to revert settings to the previously saved values.

Navigating away from the page will cause a pop up to be displayed. Selecting 'Stay on page' will remove the pop up window and
remain on the current page with unsaved changes. Selecting 'Leave' will leave the page and any unsaved settings will revert to the
previously saved values.

Settings are ONLY changed if the Save button is selected

2. The User Interface continued

2.2.8 Local Display Pop Up Keyboard

The Master Station local display includes a touch keyboard that appears whenever a text or numeric setting is selected.
The keyboard will vary depending on the type of data permitted.

q w e r t y u i o p
a s d f g h j k l '
z x c v b n m , . ?

_ \ : ; ) ( / ^ 1 2 3
€ $ £ & @ " * ~ 4 5 6
? ! ' _ < > - ` 7 8 9 ABC

[ ] { } # , + % 0 .

7 8 9 #
4 5 6 - )
1 2 3 + (
0 . * $

14 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

2. The User Interface continued

2.2.9 Web Page Screen Size

The Master Station web browser interface will dynamically resize depending on screen resolution and browser window size.

3. Menu Structure

Menus in this section follow the structure of the menu bar when is selected.

3.1 Profile

The User Details page shows the user name and access level for the logged in account. To change the Password, input the old password
and then input a valid new password. The new password must be entered in two separate fields to avoid typing errors.
Selecting 'View all users' navigates to the Users page.

The Users page permits password and account changes to all accounts with equal or lower access rights.

• Viewer access only permits changes to viewer accounts.

• User access permits changes to viewer and user accounts.
• Admin access permits changes to all accounts including creation and deletion.

Changes to account passwords always require entry of the old password. Deleting an account will trigger a warning message to confirm
the action. One Admin account will always remain active on the Master Station.

User Interface Session Timeout

After 15 minutes of inactivity, the Master Station will automatically end the current session and the user will be logged out.

Password Complexity
Master Station account passwords must be between 8 and 100 characters long and must include at least one upper case, lower case,
numeric digit and special character. Special characters are:


16 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

3. Menu Structure continued

Forgotten Passwords
Forgotten passwords cannot be reset but Admin level access permits deletion and creation of new accounts. If a password is lost,
Rotork recommend deleting the account and recreating the account with a new password.
Contact Rotork if all Admin account credentials have been lost or forgotten. You will be required to verify your identity, authority and
provide the Master Station unique ID (accessible within the Master Station settings or on the Master Station test certificate) plus the
password reset code (obtained using the Request Reset Password Code in the Utilities menu, refer to section 3.7.4). Rotork will then be
able to provide reset instructions for the Master Station.

User Interface Login Retries

Entering incorrect login credentials will trigger a back off delay timer to prevent a brute force repeat entry attack. Each successive failed
attempt will increase the period until the next attempt can be performed. Access to the Master Station with correct login credentials will
be blocked when the back off timer is active. Rotork recommend waiting up to five minutes before re-entering correct login credentials.

3.2 Loop Map

The Loop Map page is designed to show a satellite view of network devices. A background image of the site can be uploaded in the
general Master Station settings so devices can be positioned at their approximate install locations.

The Loop Map image must be .PNG format and 1024 x 520 pixels. Images in different formats or sizes will not successfully upload to
the Master Station.
FCUs on a Modbus Open Loop Map will appear in the same order as the Device File.
Rotork recommend using a Loop Map image with light colours so that network devices are clearly visible.

3. Menu Structure continued

3.3 Alarms Page

The Alarms page shows any recorded alarms from network devices, the host controller or the Master Station. Alarms remain visible until
they are accepted by the user.
If an accepted alarm remains visible, the alarm condition is still active.
Alarms are split into different categories depending on the type of alarm.

Accepting all alarms will clear the

alarm log. Any remaining alarms
are still active but will no longer
be shown as new.

Alarms can be accepted and

cleared individually. An alarm
that remains is still active but will
no longer be shown as new.

Certain events can trigger multiple alarm conditions. Device 4 in the above example shows three different alarms,
all triggered by the Local Stop action.

The icon against an alarm indicates the

type and current state of the alarm.


Device healthy

Maintenance required

Control inhibitied

18 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

3. Menu Structure continued

Accepted alarms will disappear if the alarm condition is no longer present. If the alarm condition is still active,
the alarm will remain and be shaded grey.

3. Menu Structure continued

3.4 Devices Page

The Devices page lists all FCUs configured to communicate with the Master Station. This includes any FCUs not currently communicating
with the Master Station.

Every device is shown with The drop down box enables filtering of the
its assigned FCU address. list by device type or connection status.

Device tag is shown here The type of field device

if one is set. The default is shown in brackets and
name shows the device FCU represented with a picture
address. of the device.

Selecting any part of the device banner will navigate to the status page for that device.

Device banners with hashing on, indicate communication has been lost with the
field network.

The icon against a device number

indicates the current state of the device.


Device healthy

Maintenance required

20 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

3. Menu Structure continued

3.4.1 Device Detail

Selecting a device from the Devices page will show detailed status and configuration information for the selected device.
Limited control commands are available if the connected device state permits operation.

Device information is accessible through the left side menu structure. Status and setting items will appear in the right side section of the
display and may require scrolling or expanding a collapsed banner to view. Device information will vary for different device types and
different network types.

3. Menu Structure continued

3.5 Interfaces Page

The Interfaces page lists all of the networks installed to the Master Station.

Each network interface shows The network type is shown

the installed AIM slot. with text and a logo.

The icon against a network type indicates

the current state of the network.



Maintenance required

Out of specification

22 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

3. Menu Structure continued

3.6 Master Station Page

All settings that impact behaviour of the Master Station are accessible from the Master Station page. Status, settings, diagnostics,
communication settings and security are all configurable within the left menu structure. Visible information may vary depending on the
Master Station type and installed AIMs.

The icon and status bar below the Master

Station banner indicates the current state
of the Master Station.



Maintenance required

Out of specification

3. Menu Structure continued

3.7 Utilities
Rotork Master Station includes a number of utility tools for data analysis and manufacturer support. The features available for users vary
depending on login level and access method to the Master Station.

 Request Password Reset Code

Local display interface Web browser interface

All utility logs include a common set of action buttons to interact with the log information.

Action buttons perform the following functions:

Navigate between pages

Refresh the log to include new messages

Download the log as CSV file

Delete all logged messages

24 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

3. Menu Structure continued

3.7.1 Host Analyser Page

The Host Analyser is a real time system analyser for monitoring and troubleshooting Modbus host communication through the Ethernet
or Host Serial ports.
The analyser will record up to 10,000 messages (requests and responses) for each of the interfaces (Etherrnet, RTU1 and RTU2) and it is
useful for debugging host control system issues. Visibility of the messages ensures correct formatting and access to the necessary data
can be checked.
The Host Analyser only shows the latest 10,000 messages for the selected port at the time of selection. Any new messages will not be
shown. The Host Analyser is a circular buffer which means the oldest messages expire as new messages appear.
The Host Analyser data can be downloaded as a CSV file for further analysis or recording purposes. Please note the Host Analyser is
continually updating, therefore the data downloaded as a CSV file is likely to include new data not shown on the display.

Only one interface can

be selected at a time.

3. Menu Structure continued

Check boxes can be checked Message details appear in the

to show message details in the order they are checked.
Detail section.

In the Host Analyser section, the Address column shows the IP address of the device communicating to the Master Station. Host Serial
communications only show the direction of communication as IP address is not applicable.
Tx – messages from the Master Station
Rx – messages to the Master Station
The Timestamp in the Host Analyser section shows the time in 24 hour format and the date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
The Host Analyser section shows one line of the full Modbus message sent to or from the Master Station. Serial communications include
the CRC and Ethernet communications do not include the CRC.

The Detail section shows the full Modbus message over multiple lines and includes a detailed Timestamp count to derive the message
time and date.

The timestamp is the number of milliseconds since 1970. There are a number of tools on the internet that convert the timestamp to a
time and date format. For example: http://www.epochconverter.com/

26 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

3. Menu Structure continued

3.7.2 Host Command Log Page

The Host Command Log has the same functionality as the Host Analyser however only Modbus write commands sent to the
Master Station are logged. The Host Command log will record 10,000 messages for each of the interfaces (Ehternet, RTU1 and RTU2).

The Host Command Log can be downloaded as a CSV file for further analysis or recording purposes. Please note the Host Command
log is continually updating, therefore the data downloaded as a CSV file is likely to include new data not shown on the display.

3. Menu Structure continued

3.7.3 Alarm Log Page

All device, network and Master Station alarms are recorded in the Alarms Log. Alarm events are shown in chronological order from
newest to oldest. The log can be filtered by alarm type using the appropriate checkboxes or filtered for a specific device using the drop
down box. The Alarm Log can record 1,000 alarms.

Selecting the icon next to the

address will navigate to the
applicable device or AIM page.

The Alarm Log can be downloaded as a CSV file for further analysis or recording purposes.

The icon in the Level column indicates the

type of alarm according to NE107.


Function check

Maintenance required

Out of specification


28 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

3. Menu Structure continued

3.7.4 Request Password Reset Code

The Request Password Reset Code feature is only accessible through the Master Station local display interface.
Every effort should be made to ensure Master Station Admin login credentials are not lost. It is the users responsibility to monitor and
maintain user accounts according to their site security policies.
If all Admin login credentials have been lost, the Rotork Master Station includes a feature to restore access. Pressing the Request
Password Reset Code button will generate a unique code. Follow instructions in section 3.1 to use this code.

 Request Password Reset Code

 Request Password Reset Code Your Admin Reset Code is: !#~*<?\€

3. Menu Structure continued

3.7.5 Data Log Page

The Data Log is only accessible for Admin level operators through the Master Station web browser interface.
Events are recorded when accessing the Master Station through the web browser interface. Web API events do not appear in the Host
Analyser or Host Command log as they are not in Modbus format.
The Data Log shows time and date stamped web API events in chronological order from newest to oldest. The log can be filtered by
specific device using the drop down box. The Data Log can record 10,000 events.

Each event includes the address, Master Station side, source (IP address), item (setting) and the new item value.
Addresses within the 10000 range indicate an event occurring with a Master Station AIM. Other addresses relate to a device connected
to the Master Station.

Address Message
10000 CPU

10001 AIM slot 1

10002 AIM slot 2

10003 AIM slot 3

10004 AIM slot 4

Selecting the icon next to an address will navigate to that specific device or AIM page.
The Data Log can be downloaded as a CSV file for further analysis or recording purposes.

3.7.6 Download Syslogs

The Download Syslogs feature is only accessible for Admin level operators through the Master Station web browser interface.
Clicking the Download Syslogs button will cause a .TGZ file to download from the Master Station. Rotork will advise when to use
this feature.

Download Syslogs

30 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

Host Communications

Section Page

4. Ethernet Communications to the Rotork Master Station____________________________________________ 32

4.1 Default Host Ethernet Settings – Host Ports (Ethernet 1 and 2)_____________________________________________ 33
4.2 Setting Up the Ethernet Comms – Host Ports (Ethernet 1 and 2)____________________________________________ 33
4.3 Setting Up the Ethernet Service Port____________________________________________________________________ 36
4.4 Ethernet Security____________________________________________________________________________________ 37

5. Serial Communication to the Rotork Master Station_______________________________________________ 45

5.1 Serial Connection to the Master Station_________________________________________________________________ 46
5.2 Host Serial – Port Function ___________________________________________________________________________ 50
5.3 Host Serial – RS-485 Termination ______________________________________________________________________ 50

6. Hot Standby____________________________________________________________________________________ 51
6.1 Hot Standby Change Over____________________________________________________________________________ 51

4. Ethernet Communications to the Rotork Master Station

The Master Station CPU module includes three Ethernet ports for communication by Modbus TCP/IP to a host connection or by https to
web pages. Ethernet 1 and Ethernet 2 are dedicated host communication ports, and are intended for permanent host communication
connection. The service port is intended for temporary connection for configuration and troubleshooting. The service port requires the
display to be lifted for use, the display can be closed while the host ports are in use. Both host ports will have the same IP settings, the
service port should be set to different IP settings such that it is isolated from the host network.

Colour – Green
When the module is first powered on,
the LED will be lit continuously.
While the module is in bootloader
mode (start up and re-programming
of software), the LED will blink three
times per cycle (cycle of 3 seconds).
While the module is configuring
during start up, the LED will blink
twice. This state indicates that the
processor is now executing the
application, but it is waiting for the
configuration phase to complete.
While the module is running correctly,
the LED will blink once per cycle.
Off indicates no power to the module.
Service Ethernet port ACTIVITY:
connection (RJ45). Colour – Orange
Engineering debug indication.
Colour – Green
LED on indicates primary mode.
LED off indicates standby mode.
Colour – Red
LED on indicates global ESD command
LED off indicates no ESD present.
Colour – Blue
ESD input and alarm output
connection (removable

Ethernet 1 connection (RJ45)

Ethernet 2 connection (RJ45)

Fig 4.1: CPU module front face

A hot standby Master Station will include two CPU modules, one each side, with two Ethernet host communication ports per module.
A total of four Ethernet communication ports are available for host connection.

Ethernet settings of the CPU can be found in section 3.8.

32 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

4. Ethernet Communications to the Rotork Master Station continued

4.1 Default Host Ethernet Settings – Host Ports (Ethernet 1 and 2)

The Master Station is ready to connect to a DCS via Ethernet for control and monitoring data from FCUs. The IP address is already set to
a default value, but can be changed at any point within the Master Station Ethernet Setup menu.

Default Ethernet port settings

The default Ethernet parameters for the host ports of each CPU module are given below:

Default IP address (side A) 10 200 1 1

Default IP address (side B) 10 200 1 2

Default Subnet mask 255 255 255 0

Standby action (hot standby only) Active

The IP address settings are static, the address cannot be set dynamically.

Ensure the service and host networks are on different subnets.

4.2 Setting Up the Ethernet Comms – Host Ports (Ethernet 1 and 2)

Ethernet connections require 10/100/1000BaseT Ethernet switches to connect the system together. Patch cords connect the ports on the
Master Station to the switches. Independent highways are possible by using separate switches on each highway.
Side A is the primary side by default when a hot standby Master Station is powered up.
Automatic change over of standby to primary will occur if both Ethernet connections to the primary are disconnected. Refer to section
6.1 for setting details that control hot standby changeover.
It is possible to change the IP address on either side, but the two ports of each CPU module always have the same address. If side A
and side B both use the same IP address and are connected to the same highway, it is important to set the Standby Action to Passive.
The two Ethernet inputs are logically combined within the Master Station. An alarm read over either highway is effectively read over
both and there is only one alarm database.

4. Ethernet Communications to the Rotork Master Station continued

There are various topologies for connecting to Ethernet networks. The diagrams show a hot standby Master Station configuration but a
single Master Station topology can be visualised by removing the connections to side B.

Separate LAN Connections

Comprising two separate LAN connections, one to either side of the Master Station. The IP address for each side of the Master Station
can be the same or different. Host devices can only communicate to side A or side B if they have a physical connection. Standby Action
can be configured to Active.

Side A Master Station Side B


Ethernet 1 Ethernet 1

Ethernet Highway 1
Ethernet Highway 2

Partial Redundancy
Comprising two LAN connections linked together with an Ethernet switch. The IP address for each side of the Master Station can be the
same if Standby Action is configured to Passive. Host devices can communicate to either side of the Master Station.

Side A Master Station Side B

Ethernet 1 Ethernet 1

Ethernet Highway 1
Ethernet Highway 2

34 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

4. Ethernet Communications to the Rotork Master Station continued

Full Redundant Host Connection

Comprising two separate LAN connections, each linked to both sides of the Master Station through a managed Ethernet switch.
Managed Ethernet switches must support rapid spanning tree protocol. Managed switches of this type prevent Ethernet broadcast
storms, where messages are re-circulated continuously.
The IP address for each side of the Master Station can be the same if Standby Action is configured to Passive or different if Standby
Action is configured to Active. Host devices can communicate to either side of the Master Station.

Side A Master Station Side B

Service Port

Temporary configuration or
troubleshooting connection

Ethernet 1 Ethernet 2 Ethernet 1 Ethernet 2

Switch Switch
Ethernet Highway 1
Ethernet Highway 2

The above arrangement ensures either host can always communicate with the Master Station in control of the loop.

Ethernet switches must be a managed type and support either Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) or Rapid
Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP).

4. Ethernet Communications to the Rotork Master Station continued

4.3 Setting Up the Ethernet Service Port

Each Master Station CPU has a dedicated Ethernet service port that is physically and logically isolated from the host Ethernet ports.
Isolation permits a service or maintenance user connection to the Master Station for diagnostics purposes without connecting to the
host LAN. The service port has separate settings to prevent conflicts with the host Ethernet ports.
The default service port Ethernet parameters are shown below:

Default IP address (side A) 10 201 1 1

Default IP address (side B) 10 201 1 2
Default Subnet mask 255 255 255 0

The IP address settings are static, the address cannot be set dynamically.
Service and host Ethernet ports must be configured to operate on different subnets.
Configuring the service and host Ethernet ports for the same subnet will cause the following issues:
• If they are physically connected to different Ethernet networks the Master Station would not know which port to reply on.
• If they are physically connected to the same Ethernet network the Master Station would not know which port to reply on. The reply
message will still reach the destination however this network configuration is not advisable.
The same subnet mask can be used for host and service Ethernet ( however different networks (subnets) are necessary.
For example: to for host and to for service.

36 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

4. Ethernet Communications to the Rotork Master Station continued

4.4 Ethernet Security

Always consider security of the Master Station when connecting it to an Ethernet network.
The user should ensure the Ethernet infrastructure is able to protect the Master Station from unauthorised access.
The Master Station has a number of security features that can be employed to harden the system against cyber threats, these are
described in this section along with the security features expected from the overall network into which the Master Station is installed.
The Master Station is the interface between the plant control system and field units. The field units are connected to field networks that
are physically (electrically) isolated from the control system network. Host connection to the Master Station is via Ethernet (or optional
serial connection).

External Host / Control system connections

Host Ethernet Host Serial
Connections Connections

Electrical isolation

Master Station database

Electrical isolation

Field networks

External Field network connections

Master Station security features form a small part of the overall security strategy of the plant.
It is important to involve the local plant or site IT department in conversations about security of control system networks. The local IT
department should be involved with securing access between the business network and the control system network. IT professionals
will already be utilising cyber security measures to protect the business networks.
Coordination between IT and the control system team is important to ensure cyber security is managed properly and functions for
all networks on site. Security policies may require modification if the exact same policy is not appropriate for the control system and
business network.
For example, IT departments can use remote access to periodically maintain and update devices on the business network, these routine
updates could disrupt the control system network. Control system updates to software and configuration must be strictly controlled and
remote connection like this could introduce security risks to the control system.
The traditional priority for an IT department managing a business network is confidentiality, integrity and availability of data in the
system. The same priority list is reversed for a control system network as availability of the data is the most important. The security
of the system should not adversely affect the availability of data to users that need it. Confidentiality is less important as most of the
control system data means nothing outside of the system.
The security guidance in this document is intended to help the user implement and maintain reasonable security of the Master Station,
however, no security implementation can guarantee to protect against all existing, new or previously unknown threats. Rotork does not
guarantee that adherence to these and any other security recommendations will protect the Master Station from security breaches and
any subsequent impact on process in which the Master Station and associated ancillary components are involved with.

4. Ethernet Communications to the Rotork Master Station continued

4.4.1 Control System Architecture

Business Network


Business Network


Plant Network
Data Servers Firewall

Process DMZ Network


Control System
Engineering Workstations Operator Workstations Application


Controllers and I/O

The diagram above shows an example plant with cyber security protection. Segmentation of networks forms separate security zones
that are important to protect the control system. Security zones use firewalls and other security devices to only allow authorised
network traffic between the zones.
The firewall at the top of the control system network only allows traffic from the servers in the process DMZ (demilitarised zone)
network to the control system and blocks traffic coming directly from the plant network – preventing a direct attack from the business
network. Devices in the plant network that require access to control system data have to do this by accessing the servers in the DMZ.
The firewall above the servers only allows the plant network workstations to connect to the servers.
Examples of DMZ applications in this context include OPC data servers, historians, web servers and secured computers.
Examples of security policies that can be employed on site:
• All control systems must be segmented from the business network using a firewall and a DMZ network.
Recommendation: All control systems must be segmented from the business network using a firewall/UTM (Unified Threat

Management) device which has built-in Intrusion Prevention, Intrusion Detection System and a two-tier DMZ network.
• All users should be trained on the site security procedures and policies.
• Different job and responsibility level users should have different user names and passwords, preferably per individual.
Recommendation: Each user should have an individual user account with a strong password (minimum of 8 characters using a mix

of upper case and lower case alphanumeric characters).
• Default passwords for user accounts must be changed during system installation or site acceptance tests.
Recommendation: The end-user should always change the default password to a suitable strong password.
• Security events should be logged in a security audit file, these include invalid logins and changes to user accounts.

38 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

4. Ethernet Communications to the Rotork Master Station continued

4.4.2 Security Environment Expected for the Master Station

The Master Station should be installed in an environment with suitable IT security protection to safeguard against internet attacks.
Protection should include (but not limited to) DMS and firewalls between the Master Station control system network and the plant
network. A DMZ is an effective method of protection by separating networks.
Direct connection between the Master Station and control system host is expected. Therefore, a DMZ and firewall is not required
between these devices.

4.4.3 Defence in Depth

A defence in depth strategy utilises multiple layers of security so that a threat has to overcome more than one security mechanism.
Defence in depth has 3 fundamental types of security safe guards:
1) Physical controls – the physical access of a device and the protection of the device. Normally achieved through protective measures
such as site perimeter fences, locked control rooms and cabinets plus deterrence measures such as CCTV.
2) Technical controls – content access restriction of the system or device.
3) Administrative controls – policies and procedures of the organisation.

Physical Controls
Physical security intends to prevent unauthorised users accessing and tampering with networked devices, like a Master Station. The
Master Station host Ethernet connections, service Ethernet connection and micro SD card slot are all accessible when the Master Station
display is lifted. There is no lock on the Master Station to prevent the display from being lifted, therefore, external physical security
measures must be employed.
The Master Station should be installed in a locked enclosure (cabinet) or an access controlled location (secure room). Access control to
the enclosure or location would typically take the form of locks, fences, identity badges for personnel and general security awareness of
the personnel.
Personnel should be wary of their surroundings when viewing data and entering user account details.
Restricting access to network cabling outside of the protected area is strongly advised. The topology of the network connections should
be reviewed to ensure there is no easy connection point for unauthorised users.
The network topology should ensure that only authorised devices can connect to the network and connectivity of those devices is
restricted to the appropriate network segment.
Correct labelling of control system components aids in preventing the accidental connection of unauthorised equipment.

Technical Controls
Technical controls prevent access by unauthorised users to the contents or data of the Master Station. These controls include:
1) Limiting the types of connections that may be established
2) Disabling Ethernet ports
3) Whitelisting of IP and MAC addresses
4) Use of HTTPS for web pages
5) Web page login security
6) Appropriate access levels for different users.
7) Restrict ICMP flooding, over sized ICMP packets and TCP floods by configuration policies on the Firewall/UTM devices.
8) Configure IPS/IDS settings to restrict scanning attacks, enumeration and Dos/DDos attacks.
9) In the customer network, if Modbus Port is listening on TCP 502, please disable other non-standard ports (i.e. 50000 series ports).
10) User audits should be conducted at least once a month. This is required to double check who has access to
Rotork Master Station systems.
11) Internet connections to the Master Station must be established using a secure VPN tunnel.
12) The client system used when connecting to the Master Station must have the latest operating system security patches installed,
up-to-date anti-virus software and up-to-date web browser software. The end-user should not access the Master Station using a
non-standard or legacy web browser.

4. Ethernet Communications to the Rotork Master Station continued

Modbus TCP
Modbus TCP has no inherent security features and therefore relies on other methods for protection. Security methods can include
industrial network firewalls that allow only Modbus TCP protocol traffic to the device and the whitelisting feature within the Master
Station. Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) is a form of network traffic filter that can be used to examine the data part of a packet as it passes
an inspection point, this could be employed for Modbus TCP inspection but would be external to the Master Station.

Accessible TCP and UDP Ports

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) are the core protocols utilised in a LAN and computer
networking. Within these networks a port is an endpoint to a logical connection, not to be confused with the physical port.
Only the following TCP and UDP ports are accessible over Master Station Ethernet connections:

Application Protocols Ports Comments

HTTP interface will not do anything other than
HTTP: Master Station webserver TCP 80
redirect to the HTTPS interface.
HTTPS: Master Station webserver TCP 443 Encrypted user interface and API.
Modbus TCP 502 Standard port for Modbus TCP.
50003, 50004, 50005, 50006,
Modbus TCP Additional ports available for Modbus TCP.
50007, 50008, 50009
Time synchronisation, it is not possible to query
NTP: Network Time Protocol UDP 123
the time from the Master Station.

No other ports are available.

Ethernet Port Security Settings

The physical Ethernet ports (host and service) can be enabled or disabled within the Master Station security settings. Host port settings
act on Ethernet 1 and Ethernet 2 at the same time. Enabling will cause both to be operational, disabling will prevent operation on
both ports.
Disable the Ethernet ports if no Ethernet connections are required for the Master Station. The service port can be disabled
independently from the host Ethernet ports. Host and service Ethernet ports are identical however the service port (if enabled) is always
available and will not cause a primary side switch when unplugged from the primary side of a hot standby Master Station.
There are separate settings for whitelisting the IP and MAC addresses for the host and service ports, whitelisting can be enabled and
disabled for IP and MAC addresses as appropriate.

40 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

4. Ethernet Communications to the Rotork Master Station continued

Up to 10 IP and 10 MAC addresses can be defined in the whitelist for the host ports. Up to 5 IP and 5 MAC addresses can be defined in
the whitelist for the service port.

If whitelisting is enabled for the IP address, only devices with a listed IP address can communicate with the Master Station via
Ethernet connection. Access to the web pages or Modbus database is prohibited if the device IP is not listed.
If whitelisting is enabled for the MAC address, only devices with a listed MAC address can communicate with the Master Station via
Ethernet connection. Access to the web pages or Mobus database is prohibited if the device MAC address is not listed.
If whitelisting is enabled but no IP or MAC addresses are listed, Ethernet connectivity to the Master Station is effectively disabled.
At least one valid address must be defined in the list for whitelisting to function correctly.
Service and host ports that are not connected to the same physical network must be configured for different IP subnets to avoid
routing issues.

Security Certificate
On the internet, an SSL certificate is primarily used to verify that a site is genuine. This means the website can be trusted. Certificates are
obtained from certificate authorities and can be self-signed, publically signed (by third party companies), or privately signed (internally
by a company).
Advice should be taken from the plant or site IT department on how to obtain a certificate if required.
Even without a certificate installed, Master Station data access through a web browser is still encrypted as shown by this output from
Google Chrome:

If you are unable to install a certificate specific to the Master Station, then you must acknowledge the risks involved, and proceed
through your browsers warnings. If the connection is physically one to one between the Master Station and the PC, risk is inherently
low as the connection route is known.
Operators using Mozilla Firefox may encounter time out errors when loading Master Station web pages. The time out error occurs if
multiple Master Station security certificates are cached in the browser. Rotork advise using an alternative browser. If this is not possible,
contact Rotork for guidance to resolve the Mozilla Firefox time out issue.

4. Ethernet Communications to the Rotork Master Station continued

Web Page User Account Management

Web browser access to the Master Station interface is via user accounts. Management of the user accounts forms an important part of
securing the Master Station.
There are three access levels for the Master Station interface:
• Viewer
• User
• Admin

Viewer – default access on the local Master Station display, no password required. Web browser access requires login credentials for all
levels of access including viewer level. Viewer permits read only access to some Master Station settings and status information. Not all
settings are visible at Viewer level. Viewer accounts are only intended for operators that need to check status of the Master Station or
connected FCUs.
User – password protected on the local Master Station display and web browser interface. User permits read only access to all Master
Station settings plus operation and configuration of connected FCUs. User accounts are intended for operators that need control of
FCUs or change device configurations.
Admin – password protected on the local Master Station display and web browser interface. Admin permits write access to all settings
within the Master Station. Admin accounts are intended for Master Station commissioning and control system management only.
At least one admin level account must be present on the Master Station.

Only use Admin level access when required to perform an Admin level task. Always use the appropriate
permission level access for the activity being performed.

Always log out of the Master Station after use. There is an automatic session timeout feature after a
period of inactivity but it is more secure to manually log out after every session.

Accessing the Master Station through a web browser relies on authentication via security token.
The token is issued when logging in and removed when refreshing the browser window or logging
out. Refreshing the browser is not necessary as any dynamic information will automatically update

42 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

4. Ethernet Communications to the Rotork Master Station continued

Accessing the Master Station through Web Browser

The web interface will work with most modern web browsers, this includes IE 9 and later, Firefox 2.0 and later, and all versions of
Google Chrome.
Open a web browser and enter the IP address of the Master Station in the address field. If you have not loaded the security certificate
you may be presented with a warning like this:

Only continue to the website if you are confident connection to the correct Master Station is made.
With the security certificate authenticated or the browser warning accepted, the login page of the Master Station will be visible.

Incorrect login credentials will show a warning message:

CPU 60 CHANNEL Module 7 P4724
Module 3 P4724 MODBUS FIELD NETWORK Module 8 P4727
Module 4 P4727 MODBUS HOST SERIAL Power Supply PSU (1
4. Ethernet Communications to the Rotork Master Station continued

Login Security
There is no default Admin account password for the Master Station. Each Master Station has a unique user name and password
programmed at the factory. The user name and password is shown on the Master Station test certificate, supplied with the unit.


Rotork Controls Ltd
PSU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PSU
(A) (B


Serial Number: Z123456789 Test Date: 08/05/2019
Customer: CUSTOMER

Order Number: PO12345


Power Supply PSU (100-240v AC) Module 5
Module 1 Module 6 NOT FITTED
Module 4 P4727 MODBUS HOST SERIAL Power Supply PSU (100-240v AC)



3 1 1 B 1 4 7 1 B 1 4 7 1 HOT STANDBY MAST
PSU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PSU
(A) (B)

3 1 1 B 1 4 7 1 B 1 4 7 1 HOT STANDBY MASTER STATION

Module Serial Number SW Version Module Serial Number SW Version

Module Serial Number SW Version Modu

PSU (A) 4018BA0630001501=154295 --- Module 5 1840BA0630016801=154255 209
Module 1 1840BA0630002101=154255 209 Module 6 NOT FITTED ---
Module 2 NOT FITTED --- CPU (B) 4118BA0630001601=154224 V034

4018BA0630001501=154295 --- 1840BA06

CPU (A) 4118BA0630008701=154224 V034 Module 7 4818BA0630004302=172401 105

PSU (A) Module 5

Module 3 4818BA0630003302=172401 105 Module 8 1840BA0630004401=154307 105
Module 4 1840BA0630004301=154307 105 PSU (B) 4018BA0630001601=154295 ---
Backplane 2417BA0630009503=142051 ---

Module 1 1840BA0630002101=154255
Username Password
Unique Identification 209 Module 6 NOT FITT
NOT FITTED --- 4118BA06
SIDE A Z123456789 LEq4Sen2~ SIDE A e6b34648150529d4

Module 2 CPU (B)

SIDE B Z123456789 LEq4Sen2~ SIDE B e3188e91131891d4

Tester I.D GSTAT

CPU (A) 4118BA0630008701=154224 V034 Module 7 4818BA06

This Rotork Master Station has been manufactured within the Rotork ISO 9001:2008 Approved Quality System

Module 3 4818BA0630003302=172401 DOC5136-1 03/17

105 Module 8 1840BA06
Module 4 1840BA0630004301=154307 105 PSU (B) 4018BA06
Backplane 2417BA0630009503=142051 ---


Username Password
SIDE A Z123456789 LEq4Sen2~ SIDE A e6b346481
SIDE B Z123456789 LEq4Sen2~ SIDE B e3188e911

Tester I.D GSTAT

The example above is not a real user name and password.
This Admin
It is important to change the default Rotork
loginMaster Station
credentials hasinstallation
during system been manufactured within
or site acceptance tests the Rotork
to maintain the securityISO 9001:2008
of the Master Station.
Rotork keep a record of the original user name and password for every Master Station. Rotork do not have an overriding password to
gain access to a Master Station. Rotork cannot access the Master Station if a user changes the password and does not communicate the
change to Rotork.

44 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

5. Serial Communication to the Rotork Master Station

The Modbus Host Serial AIM (P4727) is required for host serial communications. Host Serial is an optional AIM that should be
ordered as part of the Master Station. It is possible to retrofit this AIM.

Colour – Green
When the module is first powered on,
the LED will be lit continuously.
While the module is in bootloader
mode (start up and re-programming
of software), the LED will blink three
times per cycle (cycle of 3 seconds).
While the module is configuring
during start up, the LED will blink
twice per cycle. This state indicates
that the processor is now executing
the application, but it is waiting for
the configuration phase to complete.
While the module is running correctly,
the LED will blink once per cycle.
Off indicates no power to the module.
Colour – Orange
Engineering debug indication.
Colour – Green
LED on indicates primary mode.
LED off indicates standby mode.
Colour – Red
LED on indicates global ESD command
Serial Port 1 connection
LED off indicates no ESD present.
(9-way D-Type)
SERIAL 1 / 2:
Serial Port 2 connection
Colour – Blue
(9-way D-Type)
Flashing (solid if communications are
very fast) indicates activity on the host
serial ports.
Off indicates there is no activity.

Fig 5.1: Host Serial module front face

Signal Common

Signal Common
Transmit Data
Recieve Data

(Female) 9 way D Type

Data +
Data -

5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

9 8 7 6 9 8 7 6
RS232 Connections RS485 Connections

Fig 5.2: Master Station serial communications connections

5. Serial Communication to the Rotork Master Station continued

The Host Serial AIM includes two serial communication ports for connection to the host system. Each port can be configured for RS-232
or RS-485 using the DIP switches included on the Host Serial AIM. For instructions on AIM removal and changing DIP switch position,
refer to PUB059-050.
A hot standby Master Station will include two Host Serial AIMs, one for each side, providing four serial port connections in total.
DIP switch setting for Serial 1 must be the same for both sides. DIP switch setting for Serial 2 must be the same for both sides.
Serial communication is half-duplex.
RS-485 is a 2-wire system with configurable line termination. Biasing and termination resistors can be switched in from the Host Serial
setting menu on the Master Station. Termination is 120 Ω passive with 1 kΩ biasing.

5.1 Serial Connection to the Master Station

Suggested serial port settings for a single (also applicable for each side of a dual) and each side of a hot standby Master Station are
shown below:

Side A Side B

Single Port 1 Port 2

Master Station
RS-232 RS-232
or or
RS-485 RS-485

Side A Side B
Hot Standby Port 1 Port 2 Port 1 Port 2
Master Station

RS-485 RS-485 RS-485 RS-485

Fig 5.1.1: Master Station serial communications

Serial communication to a single Master Station can be linked to the host system as shown below. Hot standby Master Station
configurations require more complex connection arrangements.

Master Station Host System


Fig 5.1.2: Single Master Station serial communications

Single or redundant communications can be used on either multi-drop or dedicated highways. Database information remains the same.
When redundant communications are employed (see Fig 5.1.2); the two highways access Serial 1 and Serial 2. The data behind these
ports is designed to allow communication to two separate host systems or a single host on redundant highways. The two ports are
effectively handled by two independent data bases each fed with information from the connected FCUs. Care must be taken when
handling latched alarms in the Master Station data bases. Either link the two ports by setting Port Alarms to Linked in the Modbus Host
Common Settings or ensure that all alarms are accepted on both highways.

46 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

5. Serial Communication to the Rotork Master Station continued

• Single Host - RS-485 (2-wire) communications

RS-485 enables multi-drop communication to multiple devices on one data highway. One host system can be connected to 32 Master
Station RS-485 ports (more are permitted with repeaters). The Master Station only supports 2-wire RS-485, a single pair of wires for
transmitting and receiving data. Highway extension is achieved external to the Master Station using additional cabling.
Wiring a hot standby Master Station to a multi-drop highway will send data to side A and side B. It is important to set Serial 1 Standby
Mode and Serial 2 Standby Mode on each side to Passive to prevent duplicate replies corrupting data.
If a Serial Host AIM fails, primary control will automatically switch to the standby side. Automatic switching will not occur if the
communication highway from the host system to Master Station is broken. Control of any Master Station beyond the failure point is
not possible.

Host System

RS485 2 wire highway

External connection cables,

and cross connection
cables not supplied with
Master Station Serial 1 Serial 1

Serial 1 Serial 1

Fig 5.1.3: 2-wire RS-485 single highway

5. Serial Communication to the Rotork Master Station continued

• Twin host – RS-485 (2-wire) communications

Sometimes two host systems (e.g. PLC and In-Vision) are connected to one or more hot standby Master Station units. Two hosts offer
redundancy of the host controller and the Master Station units. Two RS-485 highways are required for redundancy, independently
connected to Serial 1 and Serial 2 of each Host Serial module. Highway extension is achieved external to the Master Station using
additional cabling.
Serial 1 Standby Mode and Serial 2 Standby Mode on each Host Serial AIM should be set to Passive to avoid duplicate reply messages.
If a host system or the communication highway between the host and Master Station fails, communication will be lost. The second
host will continue communication with the Master Station. As each host requires full access to present alarms, Port Alarms should be
set to Separate.
Commands from either host system (PLC or In-Vision) are not prioritised and therefore have equal weighting.

Host System
PLC highway Highway 1

In-Vision highway
Highway 2

Serial 1 Serial 1 Serial 1 Serial 1

Serial 2 Serial 2 Serial 2 Serial 2

Serial 1 Serial 1 Serial 1 Serial 1

Serial 2 Serial 2 Serial 2 Serial 2

External connection cables, and

cross connection cables not
supplied with Master Station

Fig 5.1.4: Twin host, single RS-485 comms Fig 5.1.5: Single host, dual redundant RS-485 comms

• Single host – dual redundant RS-485 (2-wire) communications

A single host connected with two separate highways offers true redundancy for the Master Station, host interface and serial
communication cabling. Serial 1 Standby Mode and Serial 2 Standby Mode on each Host Serial AIM should be set to Passive to avoid
duplicate reply messages and data corruption. Port Alarms should be set to Linked to prevent repeat collection of alarms when changing
communication highway.

48 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

5. Serial Communication to the Rotork Master Station continued

• Single host – dual RS-232 communications

RS-232 is a point to point means of communication. One port on the host system must connect to one port on the Master Station. Two
RS-232 data highways from the host system are required for a hot standby Master Station. One highway should connect to Serial 1 of
side A and the second highway should connect to Serial 1 of side B. RS-232 should only be used if a single field network and Master
Station need to be supervised. RS-232 does not permit multi-drop communications to more than one Master Station.
The host system determines which output port and highway to use, therefore defining which side of the Master Station to communicate
with. Serial 1 Standby Mode should be set to Active for side A and side B of the Master Station to ensure an answer is always returned
to the host system. Only the side in primary mode will action commands issued by the host system.

Host System

Serial 1 Serial 1

Fig 5.1.6: Single host, dual redundant RS-232 comms

If a Serial Host AIM fails, primary control will automatically switch to the standby side. Automatic switching will not occur if the
communication highway from the host system to the Master Station primary side is broken. The host system must read Master Station
data to determine which side is in control and then issue a command to change the primary side if required.

General guidance

Side A and side B must have the same settings, especially Serial 1 and 2 Standby
Mode set as Passive or Active.

2. RS-485 highways must always be terminated at both ends and only at the ends.

The primary side can be switched by sending a suitable command to either side A
or side B.

5. Serial Communication to the Rotork Master Station continued

5.2 Host Serial – Port Function

DIP switches are used to configure the serial port type. The Host Serial AIM must be removed to change DIP switch settings.
For instructions on AIM removal and changing DIP switch position, refer to PUB059-050.

Serial Port 1 RS-232 / RS-485

RS485 Tab to assist removal of module
Serial Port 2 RS-232 / RS-485

Fig 5.2.1: Serial port DIP switches shown in default position

The two DIP switches allow each port to be set for RS-232 or RS-485. The default setting for CH1 is RS-485 and CH2 is RS-232. Slide
the switch up (RS-232) or down (RS-485) for the desired type. Ports can be configured independently. Do not move LK2 from the
default position shown above.
To access the DIP switches, unscrew the two hex head bolts from the top and bottom of the module with a 2.5 mm Allen (hex.) key. Pull the
front tab away from the Master Station to release the Host Serial AIM and access the DIP switches.
Refitting the Host Serial AIM is the reverse of removal. Care should be taken to ensure the AIM connectors align correctly with the
Master Station backplane connector.

It is possible to adjust the DIP switches without fully removing the Host Serial AIM. This is useful when
the Master Station display door cannot be fully extended outwards.

5.3 Host Serial – RS-485 Termination

The Master Station includes settings to switch in line termination and biasing resistors. All RS-485 highways must be terminated at each
end of the highway. Multi-drop highways may include more than one Master Station. Only switch in termination and biasing resistors if
the Master Station is at the end of the highway. Biasing resistors help eliminate data errors caused by reflection at the end of a highway.
Line termination and biasing resistors are disabled by default.


Off On
Port Terminations Data +
Off 1 On
Off 2 On
Data -
Off On


Fig 5.3.1: Port termination switches shown in off position

Settings to enable termination are in the Host Serial interface menu for each applicable side. Relay contacts connect end of line
termination and biasing resistors to the RS-485 highway. Each serial port can be terminated independently.

50 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

6. Hot Standby

6.1 Hot Standby Change Over

The hot standby Master Station configuration provides Master Station redundancy through a primary side and standby side. The
standby side is a complete duplicate of the primary side. The standby side remains fully operational at all times but it cannot
control any connected FCUs. Each side has an independent database to collect FCU status data. The standby side is ready to take
primary control at any time.
The mechanisms for primary and standby change over are:
• Power loss from primary side
• Host system Modbus command to switch primary and standby
• Operator selection of primary using the physical Master Station PRIMARY button*
• Operator selection of primary through the Master Station local or web browser interface
• Removal of one or both of the Ethernet host connectors at the Master Station, if the feature is enabled
• Communications over Modbus TCP stop on one or both of the Ethernet host connections, if the feature is enabled
• Communications over Modbus RTU stop on one or both of the serial host connections, if the feature is enabled

*The physical PRIMARY button can place the Master Station into forced primary mode which prevents change over from any
other mechanism. This mode is optimised for maintenance where it is critical change over does not occur. Forced primary mode
is set by holding the physical PRIMARY button in for 3 seconds. The button will flash when forced primary mode is active. To exit
forced primary mode, hold the same physical PRIMARY button in for 3 seconds.
The primary side controls the field networks and the standby side monitors performance of the primary side. Either side A or side
B can be primary while the other is standby.
Each side of the Master Station has multiple host communication ports. Behaviour of the host communication ports when the
side is in standby mode is configurable to Active or Passive. Ethernet 1 and Ethernet 2 share the same standby mode setting.
Serial 1 and Serial 2 on the Host Serial AIM have independent standby mode settings.
When standby mode is set to Active, the communication port will respond to messages from the host in primary or standby
mode. It is important that operation commands are addressed to the primary side as the standby side cannot control the field
When standby mode is set to Passive, the communication port will only respond to messages from the host in primary mode.
The standby side will not respond to host messages.
The only message actioned by a standby side in Active standby mode is the switch sides command (Ethernet and Serial). In Passive
standby mode the switch side command is actioned, but only if the command is received over the Host Serial network.

Standby side Standby side

Primary side
Active standby mode Passive standby mode

Controls the field network Does not control the field network Does not control the field network

Responds to all host messages and actions Responds to all host messages, does not Does not respond to any host messages,
all commands action any commands does not action any commands

Will switch to primary side if commanded

Will switch to standby side if commanded Will switch to primary side if commanded
via Host Serial connection

Field Networks

Section Page

7. Pakscan Classic Field Network____________________________________________________________________ 53

7.1 Scan Times & Network Distances_______________________________________________________________________ 55
7.2 Loop Fault Tolerance_________________________________________________________________________________ 56
7.3 Supported Field Control Units_________________________________________________________________________ 57
7.4 Connecting Up _____________________________________________________________________________________ 58
7.5 Loop Checks________________________________________________________________________________________ 59
7.6 Master Station Classic Loop Wiring Schematics___________________________________________________________ 60
7.7 Commissioning the Pakscan Classic Field Network _______________________________________________________ 62
7.8 Verifying FCU Identity________________________________________________________________________________ 63

8. Modbus Open Field Network_____________________________________________________________________ 64

8.1 Highway Variants____________________________________________________________________________________ 66
8.2 Termination_________________________________________________________________________________________ 68
8.3 Modbus Open Device Files____________________________________________________________________________ 69
8.4 Modbus Open Settings_______________________________________________________________________________ 70
8.5 Modbus FCU Control ________________________________________________________________________________ 71
8.6 Troubleshooting_____________________________________________________________________________________ 71

52 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

7. Pakscan Classic Field Network

The information in this section relates to the Pakscan Classic field network AIM (P4720). All information within applies to a single AIM.
The Master Station can support up to two Pakscan Classic field network AIMs per side. A hot standby Master Station can therefore
include up to four Pakscan Classic field network AIMs in total. Only the primary side AIM is in control of the network. The standby side
AIM will be in standby mode ready to take over if required.
Quick specification:
• Pakscan Classic Protocol • Data transfer via robust current loop network
• Redundant current loop topology • Network baud rate range 110 to 2,400
• Does not require external repeaters or external termination • Network scan rate (60 devices on 4km loop) less than
1 second
• Network total length up to 20km
• Twisted pair instrumentation cable (1 pair)
• No limitation for distance between devices within the
20km limit • Communications parameters set up using handheld tool via
network or using FCU settings
• A single network can control 240 devices
• Ideal for isolating duty applications

20 km distance 240 nodes

General Purpose
Field Control Unit

Mixer Compressor Solenoid Pressure
Valve Transmitter

Fig 7.1: Pakscan Classic network loop

Automatic Expansion
When additional FCUs are connected to the Pakscan network, the system automatically locates and identifies them for data reporting.
There is no need to reconfigure the system or modify the internal database; simply change the number of FCUs in the Pakscan Classic
Master Station settings.

7. Pakscan Classic Field Network continued

The Pakscan Classic field network AIM fits into one of the four AIM slots of a Master Station and facilitates connection to Pakscan
Classic FCUs using a daisy chain topology. Most intelligent Rotork actuators have an integral Pakscan Classic interface option. Devices
that do not have an integral Pakscan Classic interface option can still be monitored and controlled via Pakscan using a General Purpose
Field Control Unit (GPFCU).

Colour – Green
When the module is first powered on,
the LED will be lit continuously.
While the module is in bootloader
mode (during start up and
re-programming of software), the LED
will blink three times per cycle (cycle of
3 seconds).
While the module is configuring during
start up, the LED will blink off twice
per cycle. This state indicates that
the processor is now executing the
application, but it is waiting for the
configuration phase to complete.
While the module is running correctly,
the LED will blink once per cycle.
Off indicates no power to the module.
Colour – Orange
Engineering debug indication.
Colour – Green
LED on indicates primary mode.
LED off indicates standby mode.
Colour – Red
LED on indicates global ESD command
Current loop field network active.
connection (removable LED off indicates no ESD present.
connector). PORT A/ B:
Colour – Blue
Flashing (solid if communications are
very fast) indicates activity on the
network loop ports.
Off indicates there is no activity.

Fig 7.2: Pakscan Classic module front face

54 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

7. Pakscan Classic Field Network continued

7.1 Scan Times & Network Distances

The Pakscan Classic network uses a unique proprietary protocol that achieves very fast update times with relatively low data
transmission rates. Compressing the data field to a minimum length allows more data to pass over the network in a given time. The
result is a system that can handle long transmission distances and a large number of FCUs, without repeaters, while still maintaining
quick and efficient communication.
FCUs are scanned in turn by the Master Station and report their current status back in compressed code messages, minimising the
transaction period.
The field cable used for the Pakscan Classic network is typical instrumentation cable. A simple twisted pair plus overall screen using
polyethylene insulation will suffice.
The use of low transmission speeds allows the current loop to achieve long distance communication with FCUs without the need for
repeaters. Where the loop distance is shorter, higher speeds can be used.
Instructions sent from the Master Station to FCUs have priority on the communication protocol.
Commands are considered more important than reports so the routine polling of the FCUs is momentarily suspended when a command
is issued. The infrequent nature of command instructions means there is a negligible effect on the scan time for the system.
The scan time in the table shown below assumes that only one FCU has new data or a new event to report during each scan cycle. The
loop protocol uses a report-by-exception technique to minimise the message lengths. The FCU does not repeat the data sent once it
receives confirmation of receipt by the Master Station. If the scan time is short then the probability of more than one FCU with a new
event to report is very small and the figures given will be accurate.

Scan Time (seconds)*

Baud Number of FCUs
Rate 60 120 180 240 Number of FCUs
110 8.4 19.3 31.1 42.9
300 3.1 7.1 11.4 15.8
600 1.6 3.6 5.7 7.9 Number of FCUs

1200 0.8 1.8 2.9 3.9

2400 0.4 0.9 N/A N/A
Number of FCUs

Loop Distance (km) with 1.5 mm cable


Baud Number of FCUs

Rate 60 120 240

110 20.3 20.3 20.3

300 17.1 15.9 13.7
600 12.2 11.1 8.8 Number of FCUs

1200 4.1 2.9 0.6

2400 1.5 0.3 N/A
Number of FCUs

Time to issue a command (ms)* Number of FCUs
Rate Time (ms)

110 614
300 230
600 110
1200 60
2400 30
Baud Rate

* Figures with Doubling enabled.

Baud Rate

Baud Rate

7. Pakscan Classic Field Network continued

7.2 Loop Fault Tolerance

The Pakscan Classic current loop network is a single fault tolerant redundant loop. A hot standby Master Station utilises a 'Y' loom to
connect side A and side B to the same network loop. Only the primary side can control the Pakscan Classic loop.

operation BrokenBroken
loop operation
loop operation

Classic field
PakscanPakscan Classic field Classic field
PakscanPakscan Classic field
AIM AIM networknetwork

Port B Port B Port A Port A Port B Port B Port A Port A

In OutIn In Out
OutIn Out In OutIn In Out
OutIn Out

Add 1 Add 1 Add 1 Add 1

Add 2 Add 2 Add 2 Add 2

Cable Faults:
Cable Faults:

Open Circuit
Open Circuit
Add 3 Add 3 Add 3 Add 3
Add 4 Add 4 Add 4 Add 4
Ground Fault
Ground Fault
LB on LB on LB on LB on

Cable Cable Short Circuit

Short Circuit

Fault Fault

The Loop System

The two wires are connected to each FCU in turn. They originate from and return to the Master Station to create a single twisted
pair 2-wire loop. Each FCU is accessible from either direction forming a redundant communication path. Pakscan Classic utilises the
redundant communication path in the event of a cable fault.

Cable Fault Tolerance

Integrity of the 2-wire cable is continuously checked while the system is running. In normal operation port A is a transceiver and port
B is a receiver. The 20mA loop current passes from port A out to port B in and back from port B out to port A in. Port B can monitor
communications from port A. If communication fails, transmission from the Master Station stops and all FCUs go into loopback mode.
Loopback closes all the switches on the diagram above. The Master Station then begins communication from port A to each FCU in
turn, removing loopback. Progressively, the current loop is extended until the fault location is revealed.
Port B reconfigures as a transceiver and the procedure is repeated from port B. Once the process is complete, the fault location and
nature will be known. Communication will also be restored with all FCUs from either side of the current loop.
The loopback feature allows the system to have two communication routes without the need for two cable runs. It also allows the
system to cope with cable breaks, short circuits or ground faults.

High Integrity Data Transmission

Message transmission on the network is controlled by the Master Station. FCUs are only permitted to respond to requests from the
Master Station. All data messages and commands are verified by framing and CRC checks.
Non-catastrophic failures due to noise are handled by the Master Station on a repeat as necessary basis. All messages require a
response within the timeout period. If the timeout period expires, the Master Station will repeat the message up to three times before
indicating that the field unit is out of communication.

Fault Indication
The Master Station can identify the location and type of cable fault should a cable fault occur. FCUs shown in loopback mode will be
adjacent to the cable fault.
FCUs should have unique addresses on the network. If a duplicate address is found, the Master Station will indicate which FCUs share
the duplicate address. The Master Station will never issue a command to a duplicate address.

56 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

7. Pakscan Classic Field Network continued

7.3 Supported Field Control Units

Actuator Field Control Units

Pakscan Classic FCUs contained within Rotork actuators provide the same environmental protections offered by the actuator. Variable
parameters such as address and baud rate are configured using a connected Paktester or through the actuator setting menus. Refer to
the specific actuator manual for setting details.



FCUs operating on the network can have all their Pakscan Classic parameters changed by the Master Station apart from the address.
The address must be unique to the FCU. All FCU settings are retained in the actuator if power is lost.
Pakscan Classic FCUs can be positioned in any order on the network loop with addresses in any order.
FCUs include an automatic bypass to maintain loop continuity in the event of power loss. Network communication will continue with
the remaining FCUs and the Master Station will automatically detect the isolated FCU is no longer present on the network. The missing
FCU data can be returned to zero (unknown) or kept in its last known state.
Every FCU will automatically identify its FCU type to the Master Station. FCU type determines the information shown for the FCU in the
Master Station interface.
Standard actuator local and remote control may be used in addition to Pakscan Classic control.

General Purpose Field Control Unit

Modern plants often require additional equipment such as transmitters, solenoids or other sensors to be integrated into the site control
system. Pakscan Classic can facilitate integration of these devices using a General Purpose Field Control Unit (GPFCU).
The GPFCU controls and monitors digital or analogue inputs and outputs and reports them on the network loop. GPFCU can be
supplied in multiple forms; 19" rack mount (shown below), watertight IP65 enclosure or fully certified hazardous area enclosure.
Network variables for GPFCU are configured using a Paktester. Refer to PUB059-021 for GPFCU instructions.

Noise Protection
Pakscan Classic provides good protection against electrical interference due to the nature of current loops. Using a 20mA current loop
offers low impedance to noise currents and prevents voltage spikes as a result of noise currents. If a voltage spike does occur, it is
quickly clamped with high speed surge arresters fitted to each FCU and the Master Station.

7. Pakscan Classic Field Network continued

7.4 Connecting Up
Wire the network cable to the 6 way connector fitted to the Pakscan Classic field network AIM or the Y loom connector for a hot standby
Master Station. Wiring details are shown below:

Actuator Terminals
6 Screen
5 Port A OUT
P4720 MODULE 4 Port A IN

Actuator Terminals

Either connect cable screen to terminals 3 & 6
CONNECTOR OR to signal earth bar, but not to both.
3 Screen
2 Port B OUT
1 Port B IN

Actuator Terminals

Pakscan Classic will operate on standard instrumentation cable with the following recommended parameters:

Cross Section (mm2) Resistance Ω/km Capacitance pF/m

0.5 solid 36.8 Ω/km 115 pF/m
0.5 flexible 39.7 Ω/km 115 pF/m
1.0 solid 18.4 Ω/km 115 pF/m
1.5 stranded 12.3 Ω/km 115 pF/m

58 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

7. Pakscan Classic Field Network continued

7.5 Loop Checks

Cabling and connection of the network loop must be correct for Pakscan Classic to operate. Loop resistance and capacitance must be
known to determine the maximum communication speed possible. Operate at the lowest loop speed if loop resistance and capacitance
are unknown.

Loop Continuity
Network loop continuity must be checked with all FCUs connected and powered OFF. Measure and record the resistance of each cable
core. Network loop resistance (R) is the sum of the resistance of both cable cores. Periodic measurement, recording and comparison to
previous resistance records could indicate a cable fault or degradation.

Screen Continuity
Screen continuity must be continuous between each end of the network loop. The screen must be connected to either a signal earth
bar at only one point on the network or to terminals on the Master Station network loop connector. Pin 6 connects to the enclosure
earth and pin 3 connects to the enclosure earth via an internal capacitor, preventing an earth loop. Both screens must be connected to
the terminals provided on the Master Station network loop connector to meet the EMC European Directive.

Cable Capacitance
Capacitance (C) between the cable cores is critical to system performance. Maximum capacitance varies with baud rate. If capacitance
exceeds the baud rate maximum, communication will be poor or fail. Measure and record the capacitance between the cable cores if a
suitable meter is available.

Maximum Loop Speed

Cable resistance must not exceed 500 Ω (250 Ω per core) and the total capacitance must not exceed the maximum value for the
applicable speed shown below. Total capacitance is the sum of cable capacitance and FCU capacitance which can be calculated using
the FCU figure below. Use the table below to determine what loop speed should be used.

Baud R max C max

Rate (Ω) (μF)1
110 500 4.5
300 500 2.1
600 500 1.54
1200 500 0.6
2400 500 0.3
Each FCU will add a capacitance of 2.2nF.
C max is the maximum value for network
capacitance (cable capacitance plus FCU

Test Equipment
An accurate multimeter with capacitance test facility is suitable for testing loop resistance and capacitance.
Under no circumstances should high voltage test equipment such as insulation Megger testers be used when the cable loop is
connected to a Master Station or FCU. High voltages generated by such equipment may damage Pakscan components.

7. Pakscan Classic Field Network continued

7.6 Master Station Classic Loop Wiring Schematics

The connected Pakscan Classic loop should match the diagram below for a single or dual Master Station. Review wiring if it does not
match the diagram.


P4740 PSU

P4710 CPU



Fig 7.6.1: Single and dual Master Station current loop block diagram

A link is fitted at the factory from pin 4 to pin 5 on the CPU module. The link prevents an unexpected
ESD action if the ESD function is enabled on the Master Station. If ESD is required, the link should be
removed and replaced with appropriate wiring.

60 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

7. Pakscan Classic Field Network continued

The connected Pakscan Classic loop should match the diagram below for a hot standby Master Station. Review wiring if it does not
match the diagram.


P4740 PSU

P4710 CPU


‘Y’ loom for hot standby



P4710 CPU


P4740 PSU

Fig 7.6.2: Hot standby Master Station current loop block diagram

A link is fitted at the factory from pin 4 to pin 5 on the CPU module. The link prevents an unexpected
ESD action if the ESD function is enabled on the Master Station. If ESD is required, the link should be
removed and replaced with appropriate wiring.

7. Pakscan Classic Field Network continued

7.7 Commissioning the Pakscan Classic Field Network

The Pakscan Classic network loop must be commissioned in order to identify all FCUs on the network. Baud rate must be configured in
the Master Station to permit communication. Each FCU must be available, have a unique network address and be set for the same baud
rate as the Master Station.
The Master Station parameter for highest field network address should be set to the highest address configured in the FCUs and the
Master Station parameter for lowest field network address should be set to the lowest address configured in the FCUs.

Perform the following steps to commission the current loop and validate communication to FCUs.
1) Ensure all connected FCUs are in a non-responsive state (LOCAL or STOP mode) before commencing commissioning or fault finding
on the system.
2) Disconnect wires from port B on the Master Station and ensure power is ON for all FCUs.
3) Navigate to the Pakscan Classic Status page on the Master Station interface. Select Reset Network and confirm the reset to begin
polling network addresses from the Master Station.
4) Verify all FCUs appear on the Master Station device list. This confirms communication is possible to each FCU from the Master
Station through the connected port.
5) Reconnect wires to port B and disconnect wires from port A on the Master Station.
6) Repeat steps 3 and 4.
7) Reconnect wires to port A on the Master Station and select Reset Network a final time.

If an FCU does not appear on the Master Station device list; check wiring, FCU configuration and power to the device.
The network loop is now commissioned for communication to all FCUs.

62 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

7. Pakscan Classic Field Network continued

7.8 Verifying FCU Identity

Commissioning a Pakscan Classic network loop does not account for physical FCU installation location or FCU configuration errors. It
is important to verify each physical FCU appears as expected on the Master Station device list to ensure commands are issued to the
correct FCU during operation.
The easiest method to verify identity of an FCU is by isolating power from each device in turn and observing results on the Master
Station. Follow the below set of instructions for each connected FCU.
1) Note the expected FCU address of the device (configured in section 7.3).
2) Isolate power to the FCU.
3) Observe loss of communication to one FCU within the Master Station device list. It may take a moment to report loss of
communication with an FCU.
4) Confirm the missing FCU is configured with the expected FCU address.
5) Return power to the FCU and observe communication with the Master Station returns.

Repeat the above process for each FCU on the network loop.
If multiple FCUs lose communication when isolating power, a network cable fault may be present.
If the confirmed FCU address does not match the expected FCU address, reconfigure the FCU settings (section 7.3).

8. Modbus Open Field Network

The information in this section relates to the Modbus Open field network AIM (P4724). The Master Station can support one Modbus
Open field network. In a hot standby system there are two AIMs, one on each side. Only the primary side AIM is in control of the
network. The standby side AIM will stay in standby mode ready to take over if required.

The Modbus Open field network AIM accommodates three Quick specification:
topology options:
• Open protocol communications
• Single RS-485 multi-drop highway
• Redundant dual and ring topologies
• Dual isolated RS-485 multi-drop highways
• Network baud rate range 9,600 to 115,200
• Redundant ring (FCUs have built in repeaters)
• Ideal for isolating duty applications for multi-drop
highway topology
• Up to 240 FCUs can be connected in a ring configuration
• Up to 32 field control units (FCUs) per segment


Control Electro-hydraulic
Valve Valve

Motor Operated

Fig 8.1: Modbus Open redundant ring

64 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

8. Modbus Open Field Network continued

The Modbus Open field network AIM fits into one of the four AIM slots of a Master Station and facilitates connection to a Modbus FCU
using a highway or ring topology. Most intelligent Rotork actuators have an integral Modbus interface option. Third party Modbus FCUs
can also be connected to the Modbus Open field network.

Colour – Green
When the module is first powered on,
the LED will be lit continuously.
While the module is in bootloader
mode (during start up and
re-programming of software), the LED
will blink three times per cycle (cycle
of 3 seconds).
While the module is configuring
during start up, the LED will blink off
twice per cycle. This state indicates
that the processor is now executing
the application, but it is waiting for
the configuration phase to complete.
While the module is running correctly,
the LED will blink once per cycle.
Off indicates no power to the module.
Colour – Orange
Engineering debug indication.
Colour – Green
LED on indicates primary mode.
LED off indicates standby mode.
Colour – Red
LED on indicates global ESD command
Serial Port 1 connection active.
(9-way D-Type)
LED off indicates no ESD present.
Serial Port 2 connection
SERIAL 1 / 2:
(9-way D-Type)
Colour – Blue
Flashing (solid if communications are
very fast) indicates activity on the
Modbus Network.
Off indicates there is no activity.

Fig 8.2: Modbus Open module front face

8. Modbus Open Field Network continued

8.1 Highway Variants

The Modbus Open field network AIM accommodates a Single Channel, Dual Channel or Redundant Ring topology. FCUs must be compatible
with the configured Master Station topology. A Redundant Ring FCU will not function on both channels of a Dual Channel topology.

• A Single Channel highway is ideal for simple networks.

• A Dual Channel highway offers increased integrity by creating a second redundant highway.
• A Redundant Ring topology extends the network distance without external repeaters and also offers redundancy.

The Modbus Open Settings must be adjusted to set the correct serial ports to use for the chosen network. Each side of the Master
Station can be configured to use either Serial 1, Serial 2, or both serial ports. Serial ports must have Baud Rate, Parity, Termination and
Time Out configured for successful network communication.

For a Single Channel network topology, only one serial port is used per network. For a single or dual Master Station, Serial 1 and / or
Serial 2 can be used for the Modbus Network. Each port can have different highway settings however, Modbus addresses must not be
duplicated across both highways.

Two different connection topologies can be used for a multi-drop RS-485 highway. The daisy chain method connects the trunk cable
directly to each Modbus FCU. The trunk line method connects spur lines from each Modbus FCU to the trunk cable. Spur line tap
locations must be positioned as close to the Modbus FCU as possible. All configurations require the total network length to be kept
within the permitted maximin for the network speed used. It is good practice to avoid spur lines wherever possible.


Fig 8.1.1: RS-485 Data Highway Topology – Single Channel

For a Dual Channel network topology, two highways are used per network. For a single or dual Master Station, Serial 1 and Serial 2
ports should be used for the same network. Serial Configuration should be set to Serial 1 / 2 and settings for each serial port must be
the same. The highway from Serial 1 must be connected to FCU channel 1 and the highway from Serial 2 must be connected to FCU
channel 2.

Serial 2 Serial 1 Serial 2 Serial 1



Fig 8.1.2: RS-485 Data Highway Topology – Dual Channel

The maximum trunk length, length of each spur and the cumulative total length are dependent on the system speed in use. The table
below suggests the maximum figures for copper cable. Segment Length is the total of the trunk and all spurs added together.

Data Rate (Baud) Maximum Segment Length (m) Total Spur Length (m)
9,600 1,500 500
19,200 1,200 500
38,400 1,000 300
57,600 750 200
115,200 500 100

Within each FCU there is a short drop line or stub connection wire from the terminals to the Modbus control option. The length must
be included in any calculation for total and individual drop lengths.

66 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

8. Modbus Open Field Network continued

A Redundant Ring network topology requires each field device to contain a repeater to form the ring. Both Serial 1 and Serial 2 must
be used for a Single Channel Repeater highway in a Redundant Ring topology. The ring topology links all FCUs together terminating
both ends of the loop at the Master Station. Ring topology allows communication in both directions, thereby allowing communication
to continue to all FCUs in the event of a broken connection between FCUs, or to all available FCUs in the event of a failed unit. Each
FCU must have a bypass facility to ensure the network integrity is maintained should the power to the FCU be removed.

Serial 2 Serial 1 CH1 CH2 CH1 CH2

a segment or highway

Fig 8.1.3: Ring Topology

The above diagram shows a Redundant Ring topology where the signal from Serial 1 of the Master Station connects to channel 1 of the
first FCU. Channel 2 is connected to channel 1 of the next FCU. Subsequent FCUs are connected in the same fashion to form a loop.
The final FCU terminates the loop at Serial 2 of the Master Station.
Communications received on channel 1 are repeated on channel 2. Each repeater has a small propagation delay (< 2 ms).
The connection between each device on the network is known as a segment. Distance rules for network segments apply to the distance
between two connected FCUs. For example, at 9,600 baud you can have a distance of 1.5 km between each FCU. It is important to
note that should an FCU be powered off, the segment length between the two available FCUs either side of the powered down FCU
could exceed the cable length limits and communication may be effected. Rotork recommend at least four FCUs are connected within
the maximum segment length limit for the baud rate in use to ensure reliable communications when FCUs are powered off.

8. Modbus Open Field Network continued

Modbus field wiring for hot standby

When using a hot standby Master Station, Side A and Side B serial port configurations must be the same. Serial ports from each side
must be physically linked to the equivalent serial port from the other side (i.e. Side A serial 1 to Side B serial 1). Linking the serial ports
together ensures both sides of the Master Station can communicate on the same network.
The below diagrams show how the serial ports are linked for the three network topologies.

Rotork Master Station

Side A Side B
Serial 1 Serial 1

Serial 2 Serial 2

Fig 8.1.4: Single Channel Topology

Rotork Master Station

Side A Side B
Serial 1 Serial 1

Serial 2 Serial 2

Fig 8.1.5: Dual Channel Topology

Rotork Master Station FCU 19 FCU 20

Side A Side B
Serial 1, Side A Serial 1, Side B Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 1 Channel 2

Serial 2, Side A Serial 2, Side B

Fig 8.1.6: Redundant Ring Topology

8.2 Termination
The Master Station has built in termination resistors (providing termination and biasing) that can be switched in through the Modbus
Open Master Station settings. Termination of a network prevents issues caused by signal reflections and biasing creates a fixed healthy
state when none of the FCUs are transmitting on the network. If termination is not correctly implemented, network communications
could be adversely affected.

Active Termination

+5 V

Biasing Resistor 560 Ω

Data + or A

Termination Resistor 120 Ω

Data – or B

Biasing Resistor 560 Ω


Fig 8.2.1: Active Termination for RS-485 highway. Biasing resistor values are typical

Termination for Redundant Ring segments is handled automatically within Rotork FCUs.
End of line termination for Single Channel and Dual Channel topologies can be achieved within Rotork FCUs or separately with a
suitable resistor (120Ω, 0.5 Watt rating) connected between data line A and data line B.

68 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

8. Modbus Open Field Network continued

8.3 Modbus Open Device Files

In order for the Master Station to identify Modbus FCUs, a Device File must be created that defines the FCU type code against the
Modbus address of each FCU.
The Device File is a plain text file in a CSV (Comma Separated Values) format.

A Device File can be created directly in a Text Document editor such as Notepad. Each row of the Device File represents a Modbus
FCU. Each row consists of the Modbus FCU address and the applicable FCU Type Code, separated by a comma. The order of Modbus
addresses will represent the order that the FCUs appear on the network. The FCU Type Code defines the type of FCU the Master Station
is communicating with.
All values of the Device File should be in decimal, not Hexadecimal.
For large network loops with many FCUs, a Device File can be created using a spreadsheet program such as Excel. Column A should
contain the Modbus FCU address and Column B should include the FCU Type Code. Separation with commas is not necessary when
using Excel.
One row per Modbus FCU. The file must always be saved as '.csv' format.
Modbus FCU Type Codes are detailed in the following table:

Value (dec) Value (hex) Description Value (dec) Value (hex) Description
0 0000 A, AQ or Q Actuator 12 000C CVL
1 0001 Unknown 13 000D CVQ
2 0002 Unknown 14 000E ROMpak
3 0003 GPFCU - ACT 15 000F Pakscan 3 Wireless
4 0004 GPFCU - GP 16 0010 A Range watertight
5 0005 Flowpak 17 0011 IQ3
6 0006 IQ 18 0012 IQT3
7 0007 IQ Analogue 19 0013 P3W Sensor
8 0008 IQT 20 0014 CMA
9 0009 EH 21 0015 SI3
10 000A Skilmatic 22 0016 K Range or 1600 mk5
11 000B Multiport 23 0017 Centronik (CKc)

The Device File is uploaded to the Master Station from the Modbus Open Settings screen. This is only available in Admin mode.

Communication to Modbus FCUs cannot occur until the Device File is uploaded to the Master Station. The file will need to be loaded
into both sides of a hot standby Master Station.
For changes to settings it is advisable to use the Service Port connection (rather than host connections).

8. Modbus Open Field Network continued

8.4 Modbus Open Settings

Settings for the Modbus Open field network are located in the Modbus Open interface menu. The available settings are detailed below.
• Lowest / Highest Modbus FCU Address: Defines the address range the Modbus Open field network AIM will scan when
communicating with FCUs on the Modbus Open network. FCUs will not communicate with the Master Station if their address is
beyond the range set here. FCUs must have a unique address that is not already used on another network in the Master Station. If
an FCU address overlaps another network, a duplicate address alarm will be shown.
• Serial Configuration: Defines which ports communicate to the Modbus network. This setting is often determined by the Modbus
network in use (Single Channel, Dual Channel or Single Channel Repeater).
• Single Channel networks only require one serial port, either Serial 1 or Serial 2. Side A Serial Configuration and Side B Serial
Configuration must match for a hot standby Master Station.
• Dual Channel and Single Channel Repeater networks require both serial ports. Serial Configuration must be set to Serial 1 / 2.
Side A Serial Configuration and Side B Serial Configuration must match for a hot standby Master Station.
• Baud Rate: Set to an appropriate communication speed for the network loop. Refer to section 8 and the Modbus RTU specification
for guidance on appropriate baud rate setting.
• Parity: Configure as Even or Odd for error detection. Configure as None to disable parity.
• Termination: Enable or Disable termination at the Master Station. Termination should only be enabled if the Master Station is at the
end of the network trunk line.
• Time Out: Set the period a Modbus Open field network AIM will wait for an FCU response (500 to 5000 ms). Communication loss
will be reported if an FCU does not respond within the Time Out period.
• Upload Device File: Upload the CSV file defining the FCUs on the Modbus network. Only available at Admin access level.
• Device File CRC: Only displayed after upload of a valid Device File. The CRC value is specific to the Device File. A hot standby
Master Station must have the same Device File uploaded to side A and side B. The CRC for side A and side B should match.

70 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

8. Modbus Open Field Network continued

Modbus Open Software Versions

Software versions of all connected Modbus Open field network AIMs can be checked on the Modbus Open Software Versions page.
Viewer and User logins provide read only access to the Software Version and Changeset Code. Admin login adds functionality to upload
a new RFW file (Rotork Firmware) and view upload status of the Master Station.
Firmware can only be updated on the connected side of a hot standby Master Station. Side A and side B must be upgraded in turn with
the same firmware.

Event Log
The Event Log shows commands received by the Modbus Open field network AIM. A hot standby Master Station will show commands
to side A and side B.

8.5 Modbus FCU Control

Modbus FCUs can be controlled from the Master Station by two different means:
• Master Station Interface
• Modbus Host Database

Master Station Interface

Control and status information for Modbus FCUs is accessible from the local Master Station display interface or via web browser.
Each Modbus FCU can be controlled by navigating to the applicable device from the Devices page.

Modbus Host Database

Modbus commands from a host controller can be used to control an individual FCU or groups of FCUs connected to the Master Station.
Host connection is via Ethernet ports (Modbus TCP) or optional Host Serial AIM ports (Modbus RTU).

8.6 Troubleshooting
1. Modbus Open serial ports are inactive and no Modbus FCUs are appearing on the Devices page or Modbus Loop Map.
Ensure correct high and low address values are entered, serial configuration is correct for the port(s) in use and the correct Device File
is uploaded in Modbus Open Settings. Serial port LEDs should begin to flash on the Modbus Open field network AIM to indicate active
communication on the port.
If no devices appear on the Loop Map after approximately five minutes, check network connections from the serial port(s) to the
Modbus FCUs.

2. Unknown Modbus device appearing.

An unknown device will appear on the Loop Map if it has not been defined by the uploaded Device File. Check the Device File contains
all Modbus FCU addresses and every address has a suitable FCU type.

3. Modbus device appears with incorrect image.

The Device File defines the type of FCU connected. Update the FCU type for the applicable Modbus FCU address and upload the Device
File to the Master Station.

4. The Modbus Loop Map does not represent the real layout of the network.
The order that FCUs appear on the Loop Map matches the order in the Device File. Change the order of FCUs in the Device File to
reflect the real connection order on the network.

Modbus Technical Information

Section Page

9. Host Modbus Specification_______________________________________________________________________ 73

9.1 Electrical Specification________________________________________________________________________________ 73
9.2 Outer Protocol______________________________________________________________________________________ 73
9.3 Serial Data (Host Serial AIM only)______________________________________________________________________ 73
9.4 Overview of the Design_______________________________________________________________________________ 74

10. Modbus Database – Generic and Honeywell EPLCG________________________________________________ 75

10.1 Modbus Unit Address________________________________________________________________________________ 75
10.2 Modbus Function Code Support_______________________________________________________________________ 76
10.3 Database Access_____________________________________________________________________________________ 80
10.4 Notes on the use of the Generic and EPLCG Modbus Protocol______________________________________________ 82
10.5 Master Station Database______________________________________________________________________________ 84
10.6 FCU Database_______________________________________________________________________________________ 88
10.7 Modbus Messages Examples __________________________________________________________________________ 94

11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI__________________________________________________ 96

11.1 Modbus Unit Address________________________________________________________________________________ 97
11.2 Modbus Function Code Support_______________________________________________________________________ 98
11.3 Database Access____________________________________________________________________________________ 100
11.4 Notes on the use of the Yokogawa and Honeywell SI Modbus Protocol_____________________________________ 101
11.5 Master Station Database_____________________________________________________________________________ 103
11.6 FCU Database______________________________________________________________________________________ 104
11.7 FCU Inputs and Outputs Available_____________________________________________________________________ 116
11.8 Modbus Message Examples__________________________________________________________________________ 118

12. Data Interpretation (All Modbus Databases)_____________________________________________________ 119

12.1 Master Station Data_________________________________________________________________________________ 119
12.2 FCU Data__________________________________________________________________________________________ 122

72 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

9. Host Modbus Specification

The information in this section relates to the Host Modbus communications.

The Host Modbus interface is available over Ethernet and serial connections. Ethernet connections are available as standard, whereas the
serial interface is an optional AIM. Both interfaces use the same Modbus database structures to present information to the host.
The user is able to select one of two basic database formations:

• Generic and Honeywell EPLCG

An efficient database with all the info required for controlling a process, best for register reads
and writes. Multiple Modbus slave addresses are used to access the devices in blocks of 60. Up to 300 devices can be accessed.
Generic and Honeywell EPLCG databses are identical apart from the scaling of analogue values.

• Yokogawa and Honeywell SI

A condensed database, best for discrete reads and writes, up to 240 devices can be accessed with a single Modbus slave address.
Yokogawa and Honeywell SI databases are identical apart from the scaling of analogue values.

It is possible to select a different database for the Ethernet and serial ports. Ethernet uses the same database for both ports. Serial
permits selection of different databases for each port.
Each database can be used for any PLC, DCS or other host system. Selection of the database will depend in part how the user requires
to read data and how much data is required.

9.1 Electrical Specification

Ethernet 10/100/1000 Mbps
Serial data line electrical specification RS-485 or RS-232

9.2 Outer Protocol

Ethernet Modbus TCP/IP Server
Modbus Transmission Mode RTU (8-bit binary data)

9.3 Serial Data (Host Serial AIM only)

Baud Rate
2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, or 115200
Number of bits per character:
Start bits 1
Data bits (LSB first) 8
Parity (configurable) Odd, Even, None, Always 0
Stop bits 1
Error checking CRC

The Modbus protocol supports two forms of data access discrete (bit) and register addressing. The function code determines which
form of addressing is to be used.

9. Host Modbus Specification continued

9.4 Overview of the Design

Modbus commands may be transmitted to the Master Station via Ethernet, RS-232 or RS-485 physical interfaces. Up to 32 Master
Station modules may be linked on a single RS-485 highway to one host port. Each Master Station permits up to 240 FCUs to be
connected to it.
The Master Station responds as a MODBUS SLAVE or SERVER to messages from the host. The Modbus address of the Master Station
and the protocol used on the particular port is set using the Master Station local display interface or the Master Station web browser
The Modbus slave address is required for communication with the Master Station via Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU. The Master Station
maintains a sectioned database covering all its connected FCUs, and the host reads this data without the need to access FCUs directly.
The Master Station performs the functions of Data Concentrator and interface whilst the Field AIMs are the field network masters.


Serial port 1

Honeywell SI


Serial port 2 Internal Master
Yokogawa Station and field
unit Database
Honeywell SI

Ethernet 1 Generic



Ethernet 2 Honeywell SI

Fig 9.4.1: Database Connections

74 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

10. Modbus Database – Generic and Honeywell EPLCG

This section describes the two protocols that most efficiently allow access to the maximum amount of data within the Master Station for
controlling a process. The tables give locations for the data which may be read from either registers or discrete locations.
Selection of the Modbus database varies depending on the type of connection. The Ethernet database can be set in the Modbus Host
Common Settings section on the Master Station page (Master Station > Master Station Status and Settings > Modbus Host Common
Settings). The serial databases can be set for each port on the Host Serial Settings page (Interfaces > Host Serial > Host Serial Settings).
Select Generic for the generic configuration of the database or Honeywell EPLCG for the EPLCG version of the database: the difference
between these two choices is in the analogue scaling data only. Generic uses 16-bit 2's complement and EPLCG uses a 12-bit value in
the register.
Care must be taken to ensure that the correct protocol is routed to the port being used for the application concerned. Rotork's own
In-Vision system, for example, uses the Generic Modbus database. The Modbus address is used to gain access to the correct section
of the database for the FCU whose data is to be collected. The base address for this database does not cover the whole range of FCU
addresses. The lowest (base) Modbus address allows access to the first 60 FCUs, the next address accesses the the next 60 FCUs
and so on.

10.1 Modbus Unit Address

The first byte of all Modbus message frames is the Modbus Address byte. Modbus supports 248 addresses, of which value 0 is always
allocated for broadcast messages. This leaves 247 addresses for use by connected devices on the Modbus data link. Each Master Station
is configured with a Modbus Base Address, which may be anywhere in the range 1 to 247.

Register or Discrete Number of

Modbus Address Function Code Data Field CRC Check
Address Registers or Bits

8 bits 8 bits 16 bits 16 bits N bits 16 bits

Fig 10.1.1: Modbus transaction format

Each Master Station will then respond to between 1 and 5 Modbus addresses depending on how many FCUs it has been configured to
support. Physically a Master Station is only one unit on the Modbus highway, but logically it can appear to be up to 5 units. Each logical
unit supports up to 60 FCUs.
Each unit behaves as an independent Modbus slave. Fig 10.1.2 illustrates this and Fig 10.1.3 correlates the real FCU address with which
logical Master Station unit it appears to be attached. Users may find that when assigning Modbus addresses for use on the network,
configuring the setting of the Base address of the Master Station using increments of 5 will ensure future expansion space.
Physical arrangement
Modbus highway


Field networks
with up to 300 FCUs
Logical arrangement
Modbus highway

Master Station comms port


Master Station Master Station Master Station Master Station Master Station
Base Address Base + 1 Base + 2 Base + 3 Base + 4
60 FCUs 60 FCUs 60 FCUs 60 FCUs 60 FCUs

Data FCU 1 - 60 Data FCU 61 - 120 Data FCU 121 - 180 Data FCU 181 - 240 Data FCU 241 - 300

Field networks
with up to 300 FCUs

Fig 10.1.2: Master Station model – Modbus Database Generic and Honeywell EPLCG

10. Modbus Database – Generic and Honeywell EPLCG continued

Number of Modbus
FCU Address Addresses Master Modbus Address
Station Responds to

   1 to   60 1 Base
  61 to 120 2 Base + 1
121 to 180 3 Base + 2
181 to 240 4 Base + 3
241 to 300 5 Base + 4

Fig 10.1.3: Modbus address organisation

Physical FCU address 10 is accessed as FCU No. 10 within Modbus Base address.
Physical FCU address 61 is accessed as FCU No. 1 within Modbus Base address +1.
Physical FCU address 165 is accessed as FCU No. 45 within Modbus Base address +2.

10.2 Modbus Function Code Support

Details of request and reply formats are contained in the Modbus Reference Guide. The following section deals with how Master
Stations interpret the commands. Fig 10.2.1 lists the supported Modbus commands.

Function Code Modbus Name Master Station Meaning Addressing

01 Read coil status

02 Read input status Read Master Station status Discrete
03 Read holding registers Read FCU status Discrete
04 Read input registers Read Master Station status Register
05 Force single coil Read FCU status Register
06 Preset single register Discrete output Discrete
08 Loopback diagnostic test Register output Register
15 Force multiple coils
16 Preset multiple registers Multiple discrete outputs Discrete
17 Report slave ID Multiple register outputs Register
43 Read device identification

Error code Meaning

01 Illegal function code or incorrect message length

02 Illegal data address (Register address invalid)
04 Illegal data value (value in data field out of range)
06 Slave Device Busy
0A Gateway Path Unavailable (Modbus TCP only)

Fig 10.2.1: Modbus function codes and error codes

The function code to use will depend on whether the data is to be read as single bits or as 16 bit registers and also whether it is FCU or
Master Station data. For example, code 01 reads Master Station data as discrete bits, whereas code 03 reads the same data as registers.
Discrete and register access read the same data.
For discrete access, the discrete address field is interpreted as a bit offset into the database. For register access, the register address field
is interpreted as a register location address in the database.

• Function Code 01 - Read Master Station Status

Function code 01 is used to read discrete (bit) data from the database to obtain information about the Master Station itself.
This function code is not generally supported for use in reading data from the database for FCU information. The exception is where
the host is set up to read data from the FCU command open or close coils, for example prior to writing data, this is permitted by the Master
Station. However, the coils do not physically exist and the data read back by the host is the current status of the Open and Close limit switch
in the FCU (OAS for an Open command and CAS for a Close command). These signals may not reflect the state of the command coil. For
example the FCU may have been opened by a system command to the open coil and then closed manually. The coil for open would be
expected to be on, but the FCU will report the close coil as being on since CAS will be present, and the open coil as being off. In addition for
FCU control all the write signals become pulsed outputs at the FCU and the actuator responds to these pulse commands itself.
It is possible to force the read back of the coils to always report 0 by enabling Master Station setting Function Code 1 always reports
zero. This may be useful when replacing old Rotork IIE master stations.

• Function Code 02 - Read FCU Status

Within the Master Station, there are four sections of FCU database, one for each group of 60 FCUs. Access to each section is via a
different Modbus slave address.
Function code 02 is used to read discrete (bit) data from the FCU database to obtain information about an FCU or group of FCUs. This
function code is not supported for use in reading information about the Master Station itself.

76 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

10. Modbus Database – Generic and Honeywell EPLCG continued

• Function Code 03 - Read Master Station Status and Read FCU Status
Function code 03 is used to read register (16 bit) data from the database to obtain information about the Master Station itself. This
function code may also be used to read FCU data as holding registers in the same way as function code 04.

• Function Code 04 - Read FCU Status and Read Master Station Status
Within the Master Station, there are four sections of FCU database, one for each group of 60 FCUs. Access to each section is via a
different Modbus slave address.
Function code 04 is used to read register (16 bit) data from the FCU database to obtain information about an FCU or group of FCUs.
This function code may also be used to read Master Station data as Input registers in the same way as function code 03.

• Function Codes 05 and 06 – Write Single Coil or Register Outputs

Function codes 05 and 06 are used when data has to be written to the Master Station either for action by an FCU (such as a command
to open a valve) or by the Master Station itself (such as accept an alarm).
Although function code 05 is legal for message transactions its effect is to write data in exactly the same locations as function code 06
(all outputs from the Master Station occupy a 16 bit location). The calculation to determine the location for a data write using code 05
produces the same resultant location as a calculation for a register write using code 06. There is no support for writing to discrete data
locations in the database, all locations are registers.
If a write request is to part of the database containing Master Station data, the data is written directly to that register.
If the write request is to part of the database relating to an FCU, the information in the message is translated into a command that
the FCU understands and sent to the FCU over the relevant field network. The rate at which instructions are sent to the Master Station
should not exceed the rate at which they can be sent on to the FCUs.
The sequence of events is:
(1) - Write command received by the Master Station
(2) - Response sent back to host
(3) - Write message sent to FCU
A good response to the host indicates that the request was received correctly, the message length is acceptable, and that the addressed
FCU is available. It does not indicate that the write to the FCU was successful. Confirmation of a successful write comes when new data
is reported as a change in the main database.
In the case of the current loop AIM, if commands are written at too high a rate then the current loop network is prevented from
collecting data from the FCUs and the system will appear to slow down. The command filter provides some protection against too high
a frequency of write commands. Duplicated commands to the same FCU will be ignored if within the time setting for the filter.

• Function Code 08 – Loopback Diagnostic Test

The purpose of the loopback test is to check the communication system between the host and the Master Station. Only Diagnostic
sub-code 00 (return query data) is supported.

• Function Code 08 Sub Code 00 – Return Query Data

The purpose of this function is to echo the request data, indicating good communications. The data in the request message is copied
into the reply message.

• Function Code 08 Sub Code 02 – Return Diagnostic Register

The purpose of this function is to return information about the status of the Master Station sides; which side is in control and which unit
is the back up. The returned data register is decoded as follows:

Register Value
0 = Unknown
1 = Backup and OK or in alarm
Low Byte – Right side
3 = Main and in alarm
4 = Main and OK
0 = Unknown
1 = Backup and OK or in alarm
High Byte – Left side
3 = Main and in alarm
4 = Main and OK

10. Modbus Database – Generic and Honeywell EPLCG continued

• Function Code 15 and 16 - Write Multiple Outputs

Function codes 15 and 16 may be used when data has to be written to more than one register in the Master Station either for action by
an FCU (such as a command to open a valve) or by the Master Station itself (such as accept an alarm).
Although function code 15 is legal for message transactions, its effect is to write data in exactly the same locations as function code 16
(all outputs from the Master Station occupy a 16 bit location). The calculation to determine the location for a data write using code 15
produces the same resultant location as a calculation for a register write using code 16. As with single instructions there is no support
for writing data to discrete data locations, all locations are registers.
The Master Station is able to accept a single transaction multiple write message containing information to be written to a maximum of
123 registers. These instructions are then passed to a queue for onward transmission over the current loop network. The rate at which
the data is written into the Master Station must not exceed the rate at which it can be sent on to the FCUs. The command filter will
remove duplicated commands in the same way as for function code 01 writes.
In the case of actuator control there is never a need to write to turn a register or coil off as the output is always treated as a pulse. If
commands to turn off registers are sent these will be obeyed by the system with no actual result, the output already having turned off.
Sending these unnecessary commands will congest communication on the current loop network.

• Function Code 17 - Report Slave ID

The response format is:
Byte count field -6
Slave ID field - 40
Runlight field - 255
Device dependent data (4 bytes) - HW version (16 bits)
- SW version (16 bits)

• Function code 43 – Basic Device Identification

Function code 43 permits reading of the identification of a Modbus device. The Read Device Identification interface is modelled as an
address space composed of a set of addressable data elements. The data elements are called objects and an object ID identifies them.
There are three categories of objects (Basic, Regular and Extended) the Master Station only supports the Basic Device Identification
object, which consists of Vendor Name, Product Code and Revision Number.
A function code 43 Basic Device ID request has the following data:

Function code 1 Byte 0x2B

MEI Type 1 Byte 0x0E (Device ID Request)
Read Device ID Code 1 Byte 01/02/03/04
Object ID 1 Byte 0x00 to 0xFF

Where the Read Device ID Code value is:

ID Function Comment
01 Request to get the basic device identification
02 Request to get the regular device identification Not Supported
03 Request to get the extended device identification Not Supported
04 Request to get one specific identification object

The Object ID defines the data:

Object Id Object Name / Description Type Rotork Data Category

0x00 VendorName ASCII String Rotork Basic
0x01 ProductCode ASCII String Rotork Master Station
0x02 MajorMinorRevision ASCII String V### (#####)

78 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

10. Modbus Database – Generic and Honeywell EPLCG continued

Example for the Master Station using Read device ID code 01:

Function code 1 Byte 0x2B

MEI Type 1 Byte 0x0E (Device ID Request)
Read Device ID Code 1 Byte 01
Object ID 1 Byte 0x00


Function code 1 Byte 0x2B

MEI Type 1 Byte 0x0E (Device ID Request)
Read Device ID Code 1 Byte 01
Conformity level 1 Byte 01
More Follows 1 Byte 00
Next Object ID 1 Byte 00
Number of Objects 1 Byte 03
Object ID 1 Byte 00
Object Length 1 Byte 0x10
Object Value Object Length Rotork
Object ID 1 Byte 01
Object Length 1 Byte 0x12
Object Value Object Length Rotork Master Station
Object ID 1 Byte 02
Object Length 1 Byte 0x0D
Object Value Object Length V### (#####)

• Error Codes 01, 02, 04, 06 and 0A

Error code 01 will be presented back to the host if the function code in the data message is not one of those supported by the Master
Station, or if the message length is incorrect.
Error code 02 will be presented back to the host if the data address is illegal; or if the write command is a multiple write (code 15 or 16)
where the number of coils or registers exceeds the amount acceptable.
Error code 03 will be presented back to the host if the value contained in the data query field is illegal.
Error code 06 will be presented back to the host if the Master Station has insufficient buffer space to handle the write request to coils
or registers in a single transaction. Buffer space will become free as the writes are issued to the loop and FCUs.
Error code 0A will be presented back to the host if the Master Station is unavailable or if the modbus TCP slave address in the message
is not the same as the modbus TCP slave address set in the Master Station.

10. Modbus Database – Generic and Honeywell EPLCG continued

10.3 Database Access

Each Master Station contains database records relating to itself and the FCUs on the networks connected to it.

10.3.1 Data Organisation

The database comprises a series of records organised into blocks and parameters. Each parameter contains 16 bits of data. A block
consists of 8 parameters. There are 32 blocks of data about the Master Station itself and 32 blocks of data for each FCU on the current
The data to be found in each record is listed in section 10.5 for the Master Station and in section 10.6 for the FCUs.

10.3.2 Data Read Requests

If the request is for several registers, the address defines the start point for a group of blocks and parameters. The contiguous records
in these registers are either associated with the Master Station, or with a group of FCUs. This is particularly useful to collect the Alarm
information from all FCUs connected to one Master Station in a single Modbus transaction. The alternative is to collect it with multiple
transactions, one for each FCU address in use.

10.3.3 Register and Discrete Address Formulae

The following formulae allow discrete and register addressing to be calculated. Refer to section 10.2 to determine the meaning of
particular bits and parameters.
To use these formulae, first decide which bits and registers of information need to be collected, and which need to be written to. This
will provide FCU, block, parameter and bit numbers for use in the equations. The Modbus address for the particular Master Station
also has to be known. The FCU addresses will all be in the range 1-60 even if there are more than 60 FCUs connected. The Master
Station address increments for each successive group of 60. Next, decide if register or discrete reads and writes are to be used and then
determine the function code applicable. Finally, calculate the relevant start point in the database using the information below.

Modbus Slave Address =

 Master Station base address (for physical FCUs 1-60)
= Master Station base address + offset (for physical FCUs above 60)

• Function code 01: Read Master Station Status by Bits

Start Discrete = (128 x B) + (16 x P) + D (see Note 1)

• Function code 02: Read FCU Data by Bits – Only applies to Blocks 0 to 7
Start Discrete = (7680 x P) + (960 x B) + (16 x [N-1]) + D (see Note 1)

• Function code 03: Read Master Station Status by Register

Start Register = (8 x B) + P

• Function code 04: Read FCU Data by Register

Start Register = 256 + (480 x B) + (60 x P) + (N-1)

• Function code 05 or 15: Write Master Station Data by Single or Multiple Bits
Start Coil = (8 x B) + P (see Note 2)

• Function code 05 or 15: Write FCU Data by Single or Multiple Bits

Start Coil = 256 + (480 x B) + (60 x P) + (N-1) (see Note 2)

• Function code 06 or 16: Write Master Station Data by Single or Multiple Register
Start Register = (8 x B) + P (see Note 2)

• Function code 06 or 16: Write FCU Data by Single or Multiple Register

Start Register = 256 + (480 x B) + (60 x P) + (N-1) (see Note 2)

In the formulae above, the following symbols are used:

N = FCU address (range 1 to 60)
B = Block number
P = Parameter number
D = Data bit number within parameter (register).

80 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

10. Modbus Database – Generic and Honeywell EPLCG continued

• Note 1 - Limited address range

This formula (reading discrete FCU data) has been carefully designed to allow for Modbus hosts that have a limited address range.
Parameter 0 has the most useful data and is located near the top end of the address field.

• Note 2 - Writing data

The Master Station recognises write requests to both coils and registers. When calculating the location of the coil or register to be
written to, the start location is the same for both types of write. The Master Station considers coils and registers to be the same; they
are always a whole parameter. There is no support for writing to an individual bit within a parameter.
Where multiple writes are used, the maximum number that may be written in a single transaction is 123 registers. If the host attempts
to write more than this or the internal buffer is full, error code 02 is returned by the Master Station and no action taken.
The rate at which data is written should not exceed the rate at which it can be transferred to the current loop network.

• Note 3 - Address offsets

This table and the examples are for a typical Modbus implementation only. Check your system
documentation carefully.

The discrete and register addresses calculated in the formulae are those which should appear in the messages as they are transmitted on
the Modbus link to the Master Station. Some Modbus hosts offset addresses. In such cases, the address programmed by the user into
the host would be different from those calculated. Check host system documentation carefully.
Typical offsets are:

Function Offset to be added to

Code formulae result

1 1
2 10001
3 40001
4 30001
5 1
6 40001

1) Calculate an FCU bit address to read as 1920. Use function code 02, so add 10,001 to get the number to programme into the host
system. The result is 11921.
2) Calculate a Master Station bit address to write to as 5. Use function code 05, so add 1. The resulting number to be programmed
into the host system is 6.

• Note 4 - FCU number in formulae

In the formulae the FCU addresses are the offsets within each section of the virtual database. Remember that a Master Station appears
as four independent slaves (four logical units) from a Modbus point of view..

• Note 5 - Discrete addressing range

A discrete address needs to be 16 times the register address to access the same parameter. Because of the limited size of the discrete
address field in the Modbus message, discrete addresses can only reach parameters associated with low number registers.

10. Modbus Database – Generic and Honeywell EPLCG continued

10.4 Notes on the use of the Generic and EPLCG Modbus Protocol
Normally a Modbus host will be set up to cyclically read data representing key variables of the Master Station and FCUs. It can do this
using read register function codes (03 and 04), and read discrete status function codes (01 and 02).
Parameters may contain either digital (bit) information or analogue (register) information. For digital records the Modbus discrete
addressing commands are appropriate. For analogue information the Modbus register address commands should be used.
Register and discrete addresses in this specification are the addresses that should be used within messages on the Modbus data link.
Modbus host software may need to be configured with addresses that are 1 more than those which must appear on the link. This is
due to the host regarding addresses as starting from 1, not 0.
Reading a group of registers in one transaction is more efficient than reading one register at a time.
Support for Modbus diagnostic code (function code 08) is provided, but it is not obligatory to use it.
The Master Station includes alarm accept logic with respect to FCU alarms. Alarms from FCUs are automatically accepted by the Master
Station (so the FCU can clear its alarm latches) and latched within the Master Station. These alarms must be read by the host and then
accepted (with an alarm accept write, to Master Station block 0 parameter 5), before they are cleared..

10.4.1 Suggested Scan Cycle

The host should be configured to scan data from the Master Station in the following order:
Read alarm status
Read digital status
Perform alarm accept (strictly necessary if any new alarms have occurred)
Read analogue status (if any analogue data is to be read)

Commands to FCUs may be fitted in as required.

In some applications it may be desirable to scan some items less frequently than others. This is perfectly acceptable.

10.4.2 Writing to Coils

When writing to a coil, the data field to turn off the coil has to be 0x0000. As the most common device connected is an actuator
whose action is controlled by a pulse output, there is often no need to turn off a coil that has previously been turned on. The output
command from the DCS should, where possible, use a pulse type output. When writing to a coil the data field to turn ON the coil may
be 0xFF00 or any other non zero value.

10.4.3 Readback of Holding Registers

The Master Station supports the reading of the data in the Holding Registers. This data may not accurately reflect the state of some
older version actuators which could not recognise manual movement, as they may have been moved manually since the data was last
updated by the network. The data is a 2’s complement 16 bit value (0x0000 – 0x7FFF in the case of the Generic protocol or 0x0000
– 0x0FFF in the case of the Honeywell EPLCG). It is calculated from the actual value used in the data transaction over the current loop
network to the FCU. When read back this value may differ by 1 digit due to rounding errors in the calculation. The value sent to the
FCU when the register was written will be true. To establish the actual valve position the Input Register relating to the FCU Measured
Value should be read.

82 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

10. Modbus Database – Generic and Honeywell EPLCG continued

10.4.4 Alarm Handling

The serial communication ports on the Master Station are each served by their own independent database and alarm handling. The
handling of alarms on one serial port does not reflect on the alarms of any other serial port unless the Master Station is set to link the
alarms. The two Ethernet ports on a Master Station share another independent database with its own alarm handling which is common
to both Ethernet ports.
In the database there is a group of 16 bits of data defined as the alarm block for each FCU. These data bits will all be latched by the
Master Station should they occur. The Master Station will therefore capture a transient alarm and keep it in its database ready for the
host to read it.
Any latched alarm from these data areas will only be reset on the subsequent conditions. The alarm bit must be read by the host, the
alarm bit must be accepted by the host (this is done by issuing an alarm accept), and the source of the alarm must return to normal.
An example of the sequence would be:
Consider an actuator thermostat.
1. Actuator motor gets excessively hot and trips the thermostat.
2. Host reads data bit for the thermostat for this actuator.
3. Host issues alarm accept; this is registered by the system as applicable to the thermostat trip alarm.
4. The data bit remains set until the actuator cools down.
5. The data bit returns to normal once the actuator has cooled and the thermostat is automatically reset.

If the host does not read the thermostat bit for this FCU then the bit will remain set (in this database), even though the actuator cools
down and the actual thermostat resets. Also if the host does not read this bit, any alarm accept will not allow the alarm to reset itself.
Any alarm bit must be read before it is able to be accepted.
If the alarms are read infrequently then the above procedure guarantees that the host will register any and every alarm from the alarm
In addition to the alarm data for each FCU there is a status block. The status block also contains information about the presence (or
absence) of alarms in the alarm block.

• Alarm bit
For each FCU the alarm bit will be present if any of the source signals used to set bits in the alarm block are present. Notice that the
alarm bit is an OR function of any alarm before the latch for that alarm. The alarm bit is latched and will not clear until it has been read,
accepted and the source of the alarm has returned to normal. In the example of the thermostat, the alarm bit will be set when the
thermostat is initially tripped.

• New alarm Bit

For each FCU new alarm will be present every time a new alarm occurs in the FCU. However, every time an alarm accept is issued, this
data bit will be reset even if the alarm itself is still present.
The purpose of this bit is to indicate to the host there is a new alarm to be read from the alarm block.

• System Common Alarms

In the Master Station block 0 parameter 0, bit 2 will be set if any FCU has its own alarm bit set. Thus the common FCU alarm is set
while any one FCU has an input actually in alarm, or if there is an FCU unavailable for communication.
Block 0 parameter 0, bit 3 contains a similar common data bit derived from the actuator monitor relay source signals.

10.4.5 Use of Alarm Bits

The host may be configured to read as many, or all, of the alarm block data bits as required. Those that are not being used will possibly
fill up as alarms over the course of operating the system; this will not have any detrimental effect on system performance.
Actively used alarms will individually appear in the data locations being read and transferred to the host via the alarm accept process.
They will also reset themselves as they return to normal providing they are read and accepted.
The alarm bit will inform the host that any alarm is present, even those not normally being identified by the host as relevant. This bit
may be used by the host as a flag that an alarm is currently present on an FCU. The host must take care of latching these bits in its own
alarm handling system. This bit is comparable to a contact input that is self-resetting. As it is taken from before the internal latch, it is a
true statement of the current alarm situation on the FCU.
The new alarm bit may be used to indicate to the host that an alarm reading process is required, or that an alarm accept write is
required. The new alarm will by its very nature disappear once the alarm accept is issued irrespective of the actual plant status as it has
to be available for each new alarm.

10. Modbus Database – Generic and Honeywell EPLCG continued

10.5 Master Station Database

The discrete and register numbers listed in the tables all start from 0, for example register 40000 would be referenced as 0000 in the
serial transaction message and not as 0001.
10.5.1 Master Station Read Only Data
This set of registers exists in each of the ‘logical’ Master Stations that exist within a single physical Master Station. The Modbus address
used in transactions must be the Master Station base address. Reading data from any one of the addresses is the same as any other as
all four contain the same data. All the location numbers listed are decimal numbers and zero based.

BLOCK 0 – Read Only Data (accessed with Modbus function code 01, 03 or 04)
Register Location
Parameter 0 – System Status and Alarm 0
Discrete Location
Bit 0 Loopback in Progress 0
Bit 1 Loopback in Use 1
Bit 2 Common FCU Alarm 2
Bit 3 Common Actuator Alarm 3
* Bit 4 0 = A side, 1 = B Side 4
Bit 5 ESD Mode 5
Bit 6 Reserved 6
* Bit 7 1 = Primary, (In Use), 0 = Standby, (Out of Use) 7
Bit 8 Failure On Start-up 8
Bit 9 Reserved 9
Bit 10 Power On Reset 10
Bit 11 Reserved 11
Bit 12 Auto-Loopback Occurred 12
Bit 13 FCU in Comms Fail 13
* Bit 14 Master Station side A OK (main unit, left side) 14
* Bit 15 Master Station side B OK (standby unit, right side) 15
Register Location
Parameter 1 - FCU on loop to Scan up to 1
Data = XXXX, Highest FCU Address
Parameter 2 - Loop Baud Rate Code 2
1 = 110 Baud
2 = 300 Baud
3 = 600 Baud
4 = 1200 Baud
5 = 2400 Baud
6 = 4800 Baud
Parameter 3 - Incremental Count 3
A counter that increments approximately every 0.1 second

Note: Data bits marked * are not relevant to single Master Station

Side A and B OK indication is determined by the health of the particular side of the Master Station. For
example, if any AIMs are fitted but are faulty this will register as a Master Station side not OK. If side B
cannot be communicated with, it will be reported as not OK through the register reads on side A.

84 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

10. Modbus Database – Generic and Honeywell EPLCG continued

BLOCK 0 – Read Only Data (accessed with Modbus function code 01, 03 or 04)
Register Location
Parameter 4 - Loop Fault Information 4
Bits 15-12 Loop Address Faults
Bit 15 0 = Port A, 1 = Port B
Bit 14 Duplicate Address found
Bit 13 Address Too High found
Bit 12 Zero Address found
Bit 11-8 Loop fault type
5 = Loop open circuit
6 = Loop short circuit
Bits 7-0 Reason why loop last configured
1 = Reset occurred
2 = FCU found at address zero
3 = FCU found at too high address
4 = Two FCU’s at same address found
5 = Loop fault on outward wire (loop complete)
6 = Loop fault found on A side (loopback in use)
7 = Loop fault found on B side (loopback in use)
8 = Test of return wire failed
9 = Loop configure command received
Parameter 5 - FCU Address Fault data 5
Bits 15-8 Loop position of address fault
Bits 7-0 Offending address
Parameter 6 - Loop Configuration Progress 6
1 = Wait for loopbacks 1
2 = Find FCU’s on Port A
3 = Test loop
4 = Find FCU’s on Port B
5 = Wait for loopbacks 2
6 = Loopbacks off on Port A
7 = Loopbacks off on Port B
8 = Program Baud Rate on Port A
9 = Program Baud Rate on Port B
Parameter 7 – Number of FCU’s found in Loop Configuration 7
Bits 8-15 Number of FCU’s on Port B
Bits 0-7 Number of FCU’s on Port A

BLOCK 1 to 15 – Read Only Data (accessed with function code 03 or 04) Register Location
Parameter 0-7 FCU Map 0008
240 8-bit fields with the address of each connected FCU, in the order in which they are connected, e.g. to 0127
Block 1 Parameter 0
Bits 8 to 15 Address of first FCU
Bits 0 to 7 Address of second FCU

10. Modbus Database – Generic and Honeywell EPLCG continued

BLOCK 16 to 30 – Read Only Data (accessed with function code 03 or 04) Register Location
Parameter 0-7 FCU Failure Counts 0128
240 8-bit fields with the failure count for one FCU. Incremented on each comms failure. e.g. to 0247
Block 16 Parameter 0
Bits 8 to 15 Failure count for FCU 1
Bits 0 to 7 Failure count for FCU 2

BLOCK 31 - Read Only Data (accessed with Modbus function code 03 or 04) Register Location
Parameter 0 – Command Filter timeout (seconds), default value depends on loop speed 248
Loop speed: 110 baud Filter Time: 60 seconds
300 30
600 15
1200 10
2400 5
Parameter 1 - Master Station Type 249
1 = Pakscan IIE
2 = Pakscan IIS
3 = Pakscan 3
4 = Pakscan 4
Parameter 2 - Master Station Type 250
Identifies the number of channels and if unit is Hot Standby
Bits 8-15 1 = single unit, 2 = hot standby
Bits 0-7 0 = 32 channel
1 = 60 channel
2 = 120 channel
3 = 180 channel
4 = 240 channel
Parameter 3 - Loop Interface card Software Version Number (see note below) 251
Parameter 4 - FCU’s in Loopback at FCU (x) and FCU (y) [zero = none present] 252
Bits 0-7 = FCU (x)
Bits 8 - 15 = FCU (y)
Parameter 5 - Loop Test Speed 253
Bits 0-7 1 = 110 baud
2 = 300 baud
3 = 600 baud
4 = 1200 baud
5 = 2400 baud
Parameter 6 - Loop Test Result in Percent 0000-0x0064) 254
Parameter 7 - FCU Data Upload Progress 255
0 = FCU data upload not started
255 = FCU data upload complete
Other values indicate FCU currently being read

Note on software version numbers:

Software version numbers should be interpreted as 4 digits stored within the register.
Bits 15 to 8 contain the major release number and bits 7 to 0 contain the minor release number e.g. 0x0156 will be version 01.5.6

86 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

10. Modbus Database – Generic and Honeywell EPLCG continued

10.5.2 Master Station Write Only Data

Only a few addresses accept write commands from a Modbus host. All except those listed below return an error code. The written data
may be any value (except zero) to achieve the desired action. The Master Station considers all writes to be to registers, even when a coil
function code command is used.

BLOCK 0 - Write Only Data (accessed with Modbus function code 05, 15, 06 or 16) Register Location
Parameter 3 - Reconfigure Loop 3
Data = any non-zero value to reconfigure
Parameter 4 - Change Main to Standby and vice versa * 4
Data = any non-zero value to change
Parameter 5 - Alarm Accept 5
Data = any non-zero value to Accept
Parameter 6 - Send ESD Command on Loop 6
Data = any non-zero value to send ESD

BLOCK 31 - Write Only Data (accessed with Modbus function code 05, 15, 06 or 16) Register Location
Parameter 7 – Start FCU Data Upload 255
Data = any non-zero value to start upload

Attempting to read back from these locations will only return read only data and will not give a value for these locations.
*Writing a command to parameter 4 is only applicable to a hot standby Master Station.

10. Modbus Database – Generic and Honeywell EPLCG continued

10.6 FCU Database

Data within the system is organised in blocks and parameters relating to specific functions or activities within the FCU on the
current loop (e.g. digital inputs, alarms, position control). Each FCU supports up to 32 blocks with each block containing eight 16-bit
parameters, though not all these blocks contain relevant data. The Master Station maintains the database for all the FCUs on the current
loop without the need for any action from the host. This section details the use of these blocks and parameters in the transfer of data
between the Master Station and host.
Within the FCU database certain areas are restricted to read only (RO), others to write only (WO), and some that are both read and
write (R/W).
It is permissible to use function code 02 for single discrete bit (or multiple bits) reads or function code 04 for register (or multiple
registers) reads for any data within the database. It is usual to use register reads where the data is an analogue value. A group of 16 bits
in 1 parameter may be read as a register.
When writing data all locations are treated as registers. Function codes 05, 15, 06, or 16 may be used and the location to which data is
written is always the register location. For relay outputs the data to turn off a relay is always 0000h and any non-zero value will turn the
relay on. For example values of 0001h, FF00h, or 00FFh will all energise the relay.
The registers are transmitted Most Significant Data Byte first.

• Digital Inputs
Each FCU has direct digital inputs from the connected actuator and the status is reported in the digital input block (block 2 parameter
0). The digtal input block also contains indication of any alarms present in the alarm block.

• Alarm Block
The alarm block holds data about alarms either directly connected to the FCU, or logically derived from the status of all the inputs.
These alarms data bits are individually latched by the Master Station and will not return to normal until both the source alarm condition
is corrected and the alarm is both read and accepted by the host.

• Analogue and Counter Input

The FCU will report analogue or counter values to the Master Station only when the measurement changes by an amount that exceeds
the deviation setting by 1 digit, or the update timeout period has expired. These parameters are adjusted locally within the FCU and
included in the system to ensure that analogue reporting only occurs when necessary. The host has access to the last reported analogue
value in the Master Station.

• Outputs
The Master Station transfers both digital and analogue outputs from the host computer directly to the connected FCU. There are no
registers holding output data present within the Master Station itself.

• FCU Types Available

IQ Range Actuator IQ and IQT actuators
CK Range Actuator CK Atronik and CK Centronik actuators
INTEGRAL Actuator control integral to the actuator used for older products i.e. A, AQ and Q range
GPFCU (GP) General Purpose version of GPFCU
GPFCU (Act) Actuator Control version of GPFCU
IQ Analogue Analogue input card for IQ range only
EH EH actuator
SI SI actuator
CVA CVL or CVQ actuator
CMA CMA actuator
ROMpak ROMpak actuator
• Key to Symbols Used
RO Read Only
R/W Read / Write
WO Write Only
Y Item supported for this type of FCU
R Reserved for internal or future use
BLANK A blank entry indicates the item is not supported for the FCU type.
Reads of that item generally return zero.
Register Location The decimal number of the register for FCU address 1, 2 and 60, for the parameter indicated.
Discrete Location The decimal number of the discrete bit for FCU address 1, 2 and 60, for the parameter and bit indicated.

88 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

10. Modbus Database – Generic and Honeywell EPLCG continued

10.6.1 FCU Database Locations

FCU Type Data Location

Write IQ Range, A, AQ, Q, GPFCU GPFCU IQ
CK Range ROMpak (GP) (ACT) Analogue

Block 0 – FCU Type Block

(accessed with Modbus function code 03 or 04) Register Location

Parameter 0 - 7 RO Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 256 257 - 735

Block 1 – FCU Block

(accessed with Modbus function code 03 or 04) Register Location

Parameter 0 - 7 - R R R R R R R R 736 737 - 1215

Block 2 – Digital Input Block

(accessed with Modbus function code 02, 03 or 04) Register Location

Parameter 0 RO Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1216 1217 - 1275

Discrete Location
Bit 0 RO AUX 1 R (AUX1*) DIN 1 R R AUX 1 R R 1920 1936 - 2864
Bit 1 RO AUX 2 R (AUX2*) DIN 2 R BAKPWR AUX 2 R R 1921 1937 - 2865
Bit 2 RO OAS OAS DIN 3 OAS OAS OAS OAS R 1922 1938 - 2866
Bit 3 RO CAS CAS DIN 4 CAS CAS CAS CAS R 1923 1939 - 2867
Bit 4 RO STOP STOP DIN 5 STOP STOP STOP R R 1924 1940 - 2868
Bit 5 RO MOVE MRUN DIN 6 MRUN MOVE Travelling MOVE R 1925 1941 - 2869
Bit 6 RO MRO MRO DIN 7 MRO TRO TRO R R 1926 1942 - 2870
Bit 7 RO MRC MRC DIN 8 MRC TRC TRC R R 1927 1943 - 2871
Bit 8 RO AUX 3 EXT (AUX3*) R EXT R AUX 3 R R 1928 1944 - 2872
Bit 9 RO AUX 4 R (AUX4*) R R R AUX 4 R R 1929 1945 - 2873
Bit 13 RO BATT R R R BAKBATT R R R 1933 1949 - 2877
Bit 14 RO Remote** R R R R R R R 1934 1950 - 2878
Bit 15 RO R R R R R R R R 1935 1951 - 2879
Register Location
Parameter 1 - 7 - R R R R R R R R 1276 1277 - 1695

Key to Digital Input Labels:

AUX 1-4 - Aux Input 1-4 TRO - Travelling open direction Note: When using the GPFCU (GP) for pump control
OAS - Open limit switch TRC - Travelling close direction the following arrangement is used:
CAS - Close limit switch DIN 1 to 8 - Digital inputs 1 to 8 DIN1 - Represents Monitor2
STOP - Actuator stopped in mid travel EXT - External contact input DIN2 - Represents Monitor3
MOVE - IQ/IQT valve moving LBON - Loopback on DIN3 - Represents Motor Running
MRUN - Motor running NALM - New alarm flag DIN4 - Not assigned
MRO - Motor running open direction ALARM - Any alarm present on this FCU DIN5 - Represents Motor Stopped
MRC - Motor running close direction BATT - Battery Low Indication DIN6 - Represents Monitor1
Travelling - Actuator moving Remote - remote selected DIN7 & 8 - Not assigned
BAKPWR - Under battery back-up power BAKBATT - Back-up battery low indication all other allocations are unchanged

Notes: (AUXn*) ROMpak only, ** IQ range 3rd generation only

10. Modbus Database – Generic and Honeywell EPLCG continued

FCU Type Data Location

Write IQ Range, A, AQ, Q, GPFCU GPFCU IQ
CK Range ROMpak (GP) (ACT) Analogue

Block 3 – Alarm Block

(accessed with Modbus function code 02, 03 or 04) Register Location

Parameter 0 RO Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1696 1697 - 1755

Discrete Location
Bit 5 RO MREL MREL R MREL MREL MREL MREL R 2885 2901 - 3829
Bit 9 RO VOBS VOBS R VOBS VOBS VOBS VOBS R 2889 2905 - 3833
Bit 10 RO VJAM VJAM R VJAM VJAM VJAM R R 2890 2906 - 3834
Bit 11 RO AUXOR MOP R MOP R AUXOR R R 2891 2907 - 3835
Bit 12 RO VTT MCL R MCL RL VTT R R 2892 2908 - 3836
Bit 13 RO R MOPG R MOPG R R R R 2893 2909 - 3837
Bit 14 RO MMOVE MCLG R MCLG MMOVE MMOVE R R 2894 2910 - 3838
Bit 15 RO EOT EOT R EOT EOT EOT R R 2895 2911 - 3839
Register Location
Parameter 1 - 7 - R R R R R R R R 1756 1757 - 2175

Key to Alarm Labels: MREL - Monitor relay MOP - Manual open

MEMF - RAM/ROM failure THERM - Thermostat trip MCL - Manual close
COMMS - Comms fail LSTOP - Local stop operated MOPG - Manual opening
LOCAL - Actuator not in remote control SFAIL - Start/stop fail MCLG - Manual closing
CNA - Control not available VOBS - Valve obstructed EOT - Motor running end of travel
POWR - Power on reset VJAM - Valve jammed FAULT - Fault relay, any fault present
WDOG - Watchdog fail MMOVE - Manual valve movement

Block 4 – Analogue Input Block - Valve Position Feedback

(accessed with Modbus function code 03 or 04) Register Location

Para’ 0 (MV) RO Y Y R Y Y Y Y R 2176 2177 - 2235

MV Range: Using Generic Protocol, 0x0000 = 0%, 0x7FFF = 100% position
Using EPLCG Protocol, 0x0000 = 0%, 0x0FFF = 100% position
Parameter 1 – 7 - R R R R R R R R 2236 2237 - 2655

Block 5 – Position Control Block – Valve Desired Position

(accessed with Modbus function code 03 or 04, writes with 06 or 16) Register Location

Parameter 0 - R R R R R R R R 2656 2657 - 2715

Para’ 1 (DV) R/W Y Y R Y Y Y Y R 2716 2717 - 2775
DV Range: Using Generic Protocol, 0x0000 = 0%, 0x7FFF = 100% Desired pos’n
Using EPLCG Protocol, 0x0000 = 0%, 0x0FFF = 100% Desired pos’n
Parameter 2 – 7 - R R R R R R R R 2776 2777 - 3135

90 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

10. Modbus Database – Generic and Honeywell EPLCG continued

FCU Type Data Location

Write IQ Range, A, AQ, Q, GPFCU GPFCU IQ
CK Range ROMpak (GP) (ACT) Analogue

Block 6 – Digital Output Block

(accessed with Modbus function code 01, 03, 04) Register Location

Parameter 0 RO R R Y R R R R R 3136 3137 - 3195

Discrete Location
Bit 0 RO - - RLY4 - - - - - 5760 5776 - 6704
Bit 1 RO - - RLY1 - - - - - 5761 5777 - 6705
Bit 2 RO - - RLY3 - - - - - 5762 5778 - 6706
Bit 3 RO - - RLY2 - - - - - 5763 5779 - 6707
Bit 4 RO - - 0 - - - - - 5764 5780 - 6708
Bit 5 RO - - 0 - - - - - 5765 5781 - 6709
Bit 6 RO - - 0 - - - - - 5766 5782 - 6710
Bit 7 RO - - ACT (1) - - - - - 5767 5783 - 6711
Bit 8 to 15 - - - R - - - - - 5768-75 5784-91 - 6712-19
(accessed with Modbus function code 01, 03, 04, writes with 05, 15, 06 or 16) Register Location
Parameter 1
R/W Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N 3196 3197 - 3255
- Open
Open (Relay 2) : 0x0000 = De-energise 0xFF00 or any non-zero value = Energise relay
Parameter 2
R/W Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N 3256 3257 - 3315
- Stop
Stop (Relay 3) : 0x0000 = De-energise 0xFF00 or any non-zero value = Energise relay
Parameter 3
R/W Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N 3316 3317 - 3375
- Close
Close (Relay 1) : 0x0000 = De-energise 0xFF00 or any non-zero value = Energise relay
Parameter 4
R/W Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N 3376 3377 - 3435
ESD (Relay 4) : 0x0000 = De-energise 0xFF00 or any non-zero value = Energise relay
Parameter 5
– Partial Stroke R/W N N N N N N N 3436 3437 - 3495
(Note 1)
PST : 0x0000 = De-energise 0xFF00 or any non-zero value = Energise relay
Parameter 6 - 7 - R R R R R R R N 3496 3497 - 3615

(1) Key: ACT = Relay action, 0 = Fleeting, 1 = Maintained

Notes: Partial Stroke only IQ3 and CK, software version V209 or later.
Read back of Open and Close registers returns the state of the actuator limit when enabled in the Master Station.

Block 7 – Pulse Input Block

(accessed with Modbus function code 03 or 04) Register Location

Parameter 0 RO - - - Y - - - - 3616 3617 - 3675

Range: 0x0000 to 0x270F = Counter value
Parameter 1 – 7 - R R R R R R R R 3676 3677 - 4095

10. Modbus Database – Generic and Honeywell EPLCG continued

FCU Type Data Location

Write IQ Range, A, AQ, Q, GPFCU GPFCU IQ
CK Range ROMpak (GP) (ACT) Analogue

Block 8 – Digital Output operation

(accessed with Modbus function code 01, 03, 04, writes with 05, 15, 06 or 16) Register Location

Parameter 0 - R R R R R R R R 4096 4097 - 4155

Parameter 1 - R/W Y R R R R R R R 4156 4157 - 4215
Digital output 1 : 0x0000 = De-energise 0xFF00 or any non-zero value = Energise relay
Parameter 2 - R/W Y R R R R R R R 4216 4217 - 4275
Digital output 2 : 0x0000 = De-energise 0xFF00 or any non-zero value = Energise relay
Parameter 3 - R/W Y R R R R R R R 4276 4277 - 4335
Digital output 3 : 0x0000 = De-energise 0xFF00 or any non-zero value = Energise relay
Parameter 4 - R/W Y R R R R R R R 4336 4337 - 4395
Digital output 4 : 0x0000 = De-energise 0xFF00 or any non-zero value = Energise relay
Parameter 5-7 - R R R R R R R R 4396 4397 - 4575
Note: This feature is only available with an extra relay or DIO board.

Block 9 – 12 bit Analogue Input 1 Block

(accessed with Modbus function code 03 or 04) Register Location

Parameter 0 RO Y(note1)- - Y - - - - Y 4576 4577 - 4635

 sing Generic Protocol, 0x0000 = 0%, 0x7FFF = 100%
An Input 1 Range: U
Using EPLCG Protocol, 0x0000 = 0%, 0x0FFF = 100%
Parameter 1 - 7 - R R R R R R R R 4636 4637 - 5055

Block 10 – 12 bit Analogue Input 2 Block

(accessed with Modbus function code 03 or 04) Register Location

Parameter 0 RO Y(note1)- - Y - - - - Y 5056 5057 - 5115

 sing Generic Protocol, 0x0000 = 0%, 0x7FFF = 100%
An Input 2 Range: U
Using EPLCG Protocol, 0x0000 = 0%, 0x0FFF = 100%
Parameter 1 - 7 - R R R R R R R R 5116 5117 - 5535

Block 11 – 12 bit Analogue Output Block

(accessed with Modbus function code 03, 04, 06 or 16) Register Location

Parameter 0 R/W - - Y - - - - - 5536 5537 - 5595

 sing Generic Protocol, 0x0000 = 0%, 0x7FFF = 100%
An Output Range: U
Using EPLCG Protocol, 0x0000 = 0%, 0x0FFF = 100%
Parameter 1 - 7 - R R R R R R R R 5596 5597 - 6015
Note 1: Only IQ3, software version V209 or later and additional analogue input cards, one card is required per analogue input.

92 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

10. Modbus Database – Generic and Honeywell EPLCG continued

FCU Type Data Location

Write IQ Range, A, AQ, Q, GPFCU GPFCU IQ
CK Range ROMpak (GP) (ACT) Analogue

Block 12 – Historical Torque Profile – Opening Direction

(accessed with Modbus function code 03 or 04) Register Location

8 torque (For EH / SI pressure.) values related to valve position across the valve stroke. Position 0 and 100% are not used as these may be set to full torque
for a torque seating valve. Torque readings are available for 6%, 19%, 31%, 44%, 56%, 69%, 81%, and 94% positions. Parameters 1-7 contain this
data for the OPENING direction of travel - note they only update if a complete stroke of the valve is made and contain the last profile.
All are ranged as: U sing Generic Protocol, 0x0000 = 0% rated torque, 0x7FFF = 120% rated torque
Using EPLCG Protocol, 0x0000 = 0% rated torque, 0x0FFF = 120% rated torque
Para’ 0 - 6% RO Y - - - Y Y - - 6016 6017 - 6075
Para’ 1 - 19% RO Y - - - Y Y - - 6076 6077 - 6135
Para’ 2 - 31% RO Y - - - Y Y - - 6136 6137 - 6195
Para’ 3 - 44% RO Y - - - Y Y - - 6196 6197 - 6255
Para’ 4 - 56% RO Y - - - Y Y - - 6256 6257 - 6315
Para’ 5 - 69% RO Y - - - Y Y - - 6316 6317 - 6375
Para’ 6 - 81% RO Y - - - Y Y - - 6376 6377 - 6435
Para’ 7 - 94% RO Y - - - Y Y - - 6436 6437 - 6495
Note: CK actuators must include DSM to record intermediate torque.

Block 13 – Historical Torque Profile – Closing Direction

(accessed with Modbus function code 03 or 04) Register Location

8 torque (For EH / SI pressure.) values related to valve position across the valve stroke. Position 0 and 100% are not used as these may be set to full torque
for a torque seating valve. Torque readings are available for 6%, 19%, 31%, 44%, 56%, 69%, 81%, and 94% positions. Parameters 1-7 contain this
data for the CLOSING direction of travel - note they only update if a complete stroke of the valve is made and contain the last profile.
 sing Generic Protocol, 0x0000 = 0% rated torque, 0x7FFF = 120% rated torque
All are ranged as: U
Using EPLCG Protocol, 0x0000 = 0% rated torque, 0x0FFF = 120% rated torque
Para’ 0 - 6% RO Y - - - Y Y - - 6496 6497 - 6555
Para’ 1 - 19% RO Y - - - Y Y - - 6556 6557 - 6615
Para’ 2 - 31% RO Y - - - Y Y - - 6616 6617 - 6675
Para’ 3 - 44% RO Y - - - Y Y - - 6676 6677 - 6735
Para’ 4 - 56% RO Y - - - Y Y - - 6736 6737 - 6795
Para’ 5 - 69% RO Y - - - Y Y - - 6796 6797 - 6855
Para’ 6 - 81% RO Y - - - Y Y - - 6856 6857 - 6915
Para’ 7 - 94% RO Y - - - Y Y - - 6916 6917 - 6975
Note: CK actuators must include DSM to record intermediate torque.

Block 14 – Instantaneous Torque

(accessed with Modbus function code 03 or 04) Register Location

Parameter 0 RO Y - - - Y Y Y - 6976 6977 - 7035

Inst. Torque Range: U  sing Generic Protocol, 0x0000 = 0%, 0x7FFF = 120%
Using EPLCG Protocol, 0x0000 = 0%, 0x0FFF = 120%
For EH / SI this value represents pressure.
Parameter 1 - 3 - R R R R R R R R 7036 7034 - 7215
Parameter 4 RO Y - - - Y Y Y - 7216 7217 - 7275
Torque Profile Counters
Data Bits 8-15 = Opening Torque Profile count
Data Bits 0-7 = Closing Torque Profile count
Parameter 5 - 7 - R R R R R R R R 7276 7277 - 7455
Note: CK actuators must include DSM to record intermediate torque.

Block 15 to 31 – Reserved Register Location

Block 15 Para 0 -
- R R R R R R R R 7456 7457 - 15615
Block 31 Para 7

10. Modbus Database – Generic and Honeywell EPLCG continued

10.7 Modbus Messages Examples

Examples are included here to clarify the use of the Modbus protocol. These examples assume that the Master Station base address is 01.
All data in the message tables is in hexadecimal notation.
The register and discrete locations calculated by the earlier formulae all have a start point of 0 (zero), hence the Modbus message
location is the same as that calculated by the formulae.

10.7.1 Read Master Station Status

Master Station block 0 parameter 0, register location is 0000 decimal, and may be read with function code 03, discrete locations are
0000-0015 decimal and may be read with function code 01.
Using function code 01:

Modbus Discrete Number of

Function Code CRC Check
Address Address Discretes
01 01 00 00 00 10 CRC

Using function code 03:

Modbus Register Number of

Function Code CRC Check
Address Address Registers
01 03 00 00 00 01 CRC

10.7.2 Write Master Station Alarm Accept

Master Station block 0 parameter 5, location 0005 decimal. This is identified as a write instruction by the function code used, which
may be 05, 15, 06, or 16. The data written may be any value, excluding zero, to accept the alarm. There is no need to cancel the accept
with a zero write.
Using function code 05:

Function Code Coil Address Data CRC Check
01 05 00 05 FF 00 CRC

Using function code 16: (multiple is 1)

Modbus Function Register Byte CRC

Quantity Data
Address Code Address Count Check
01 10 00 05 00 01 02 FF 00 CRC

10.7.3 Read FCU 12 Digital Status

FCU digital status is in block 2, parameter 0. For FCU 12, the register location is 1227 decimal (= 0x04CB), or discrete locations
2096 to 2111 decimal (= 0x0830 to 0x083F). The data may be read with function code 02 or 04.
Using function code 02:

Modbus Discrete Number of

Function Code CRC Check
Address Address Discretes
01 02 08 30 00 10 CRC

Using function code 04:

Modbus Register Number of

Function Code CRC Check
Address Address Registers
01 04 04 CB 00 01 CRC

94 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

10. Modbus Database – Generic and Honeywell EPLCG continued

10.7.4 Read FCU 62 Digital Status

FCU 62 is found in Modbus address base + 1 = 02 as it is above number 60. The data is located in block 2, parameter 0. For FCU 62 the
register location is 1217 decimal (= 0x04C1), and discrete locations 1936 to 1951 decimal (= 0x0790 to 0x079F).
Using function code 02:

Modbus Discrete Number of

Function Code CRC Check
Address Address Discretes
02 02 07 90 00 10 CRC

Using function code 04:

Modbus Register Number of

Function Code CRC Check
Address Address Registers
02 04 04 C1 00 01 CRC

10.7.5 Read Digital Status from 60 FCUs, Addresses 121 to 180

Modbus address = base + 2 = 03. Data is in block 2 parameter 0. FCU 1 data starts in register 1216 decimal (= 0x04C0).
Using function code 04:

Modbus Register Number of

Function Code CRC Check
Address Address Registers
03 04 04 C0 00 3C CRC

10.7.6 Energise Command to OPEN relay of FCU 4

The open relay for FCU 4 is located in block 6 parameter 1, register location 3199 decimal (= 0x0C7F). Either function code 05 or 06 can
be used, but the location to be written to is always the register number.
Using function code 05:

Function Code Address Data CRC Check
01 05 0C 7F FF 00 CRC

Using function code 06:

Function Code Address Data CRC Check
01 06 0C 7F FF 00 CRC

10.7.7 Write Desired Valve Position for FCU 26 to be 50%

The desired valve position data is written to block 5 parameter 1, register 2741 decimal (= 0x0AB5) for FCU 26.
With Generic Protocol, 50% is 0x3FFF and with EPLCG Protocol, 50% is 0x07FF.
Using function code 06 and Generic Protocol

Function Code Address Data CRC Check
01 06 0A B5 3F FF CRC

Using function code 06 and EPLCG Protocol

Function Code Address Data CRC Check
01 06 0A B5 07 FF CRC

11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI

This section describes the two protocols that pack the FCU data in the tightest way. This allows the host system to minimise the data
traffic to and from the Master Station. The tables give register and discrete locations in the Master Station from which the data may
be read.
The Yokogawa protocol is recommended when interfacing between a Master Station and a Yokogawa Centum CS and ACM11 interface
card, Centum XL, EFCD gateway and RS4 cards, or similar system where the data packing is suitable. The protocol has been tested
by Yokogawa in Japan, Holland, and Singapore and found to successfully connect the Pakscan and Yokogawa systems together. The
protocol allows a standard Yokogawa SI22 faceplate to be used for the screen displays associated with motor operated valves.
The Honeywell SI protocol is recommended for connection between the Master Station and the Honeywell SI gateway. Honeywell has
tested and approved the SI version for connecting the Pakscan system to a Honeywell TDC 3000 with an Advanced Process Manager
and Serial Interface Gateway, or similar system where the data packing is suitable.
Select Yokogawa for the Yokogawa configuration of the database or Honeywell SI for the SI version of the database: the difference
between these two choices is in the analogue data scaling only. Yokogawa uses 16-bit 2’s complement and Honeywell SI uses an
integer value in the register, all locations for the data are identical. Care must be taken to ensure that the correct protocol is selected for
the application concerned.
The Master Station responds as a Modbus Slave to messages from the host. Each Master Station responds to a single Modbus address.
The serial ports can each use different databases, whilst the two Ethernet ports must both use the same database and protocol
The Master Station maintains a database covering all its connected FCUs, and the host reads this data without the need to access FCUs
directly. The Master Station performs the functions of Data Concentrator, Protocol Converter, and Field AIMs are the field network masters.
Within the FCUs, data is organised in blocks. The database locations listed in this section are the spaces from which and to which this data
is moved.

96 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI continued

11.1 Modbus Unit Address

The first byte of all Modbus message frames is the Modbus address byte. Modbus supports 248 addresses, of which value 0 is always
allocated for broadcast messages. This leaves 247 addresses for use by connected devices on the Modbus data link.

Register or Number of
Modbus Address Function Code Data Field CRC Check
Discrete Address Registers or Bits

8 bits 8 bits 16 bits 16 bits N bits 16 bits

Fig 11.1.1: Modbus transaction format


0 Broadcast message
Master Station
Master Station and up to
| Master Station data
240 FCUs
FCU data

Fig 11.1.2: Modbus unit address structure – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI protocol

Each Pakscan Classic module occupies a single Modbus address in which all the data relating to itself and the connected FCUs is
located. Modbus read requests return FCU data from the database in the appropriate Master Station; Modbus write requests are
translated into Pakscan write commands which are sent to the FCU concerned.

Modbus Address Responding Master Station Interpretation

0 All Modbus Broadcast

1 1 Database access
2 2 Database access
| | |
247 247 Database access

Fig 11.1.3: Modbus addressing for Master Stations

11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI continued

11.2 Modbus Function Code Support

Details of request and reply formats are contained in the Modbus Reference Guide. The following section deals with how the Master
Station interprets commands. Fig 11.2.1 lists the supported Modbus commands.

Function Code Modbus Name Addressing

01 Read coil status Discrete
02 Read input status Discrete
03 Read holding registers Register
04 Read input registers Register
05 Force single coil Discrete
06 Preset single register Register
08 Loopback diagnostic test
15 Force multiple coils Discrete
16 Preset multiple registers Register

Error code Meaning

01 Illegal function code or incorrect message length
02 Illegal data address (Register address invalid)
03 Illegal data value
06 Slave Device Busy

Fig 11.2.1: Modbus function codes and error codes

Within the Master Station there is one database associated with each serial comms port and one shared between the two Ethernet
ports. All data read commands access these databases.

• Function Code 01 - Read Coil Status Requests

Where the gateway is set up to read the data from the open or close coils, for example prior to writing data, this is permitted by the
Master Station. However the coils do not physically exist and the data read back by the host is the current status of the Open and Close
limit switch in the actuator (OAS for an Open command and CAS for a Close command). These signals may not reflect the state of the
command coil. For example the actuator may have been opened by a system command to the open coil and then closed manually. The
coil for open would be expected to be on, but the actuator will report the close coil as being on since CAS will be present, and the
open coil as being off. In addition for actuator control all the write signals become pulsed outputs at the FCU and the actuator responds
to these pulse commands itself.

• Function Code 02 - Read Input Status Requests

Any Input Status data within the Master Station may be read with a Code 02 Read request. The returned data will be valid for the
discrete locations chosen.

• Function Code 03 - Read Holding Register Requests

Holding registers are used for the location of Output registers. In the case of Pakscan systems these output registers are used either to
position a valve or for setting an analogue output. Where the gateway is set up to read the data in a Holding register, for example prior
to writing data, the Master Station permits this. However, the data read back by the host may not be true.
In the case of reading the state of an output (holding) register the Master Station may not directly reflect the current position of the
attached FCU or actuator since the actuator may have been moved manually or by a digital command since the analogue position was
last sent. The data read may not be valid, though it will be the last state written.

• Function Code 04 - Read Input Register Requests

Any register data within the Master Station may be read with a Code 04 Read request. The returned data will be valid for the discrete
locations chosen.

• Function Code 05 and 06 - Force Single Coil, Preset Single Register

If a Write request is to a discrete coil or register associated with the Master Station, then data is written directly to that coil or register.
If the Write request is to a discrete coil or register associated with an FCU, then the information contained in the message is translated
into a command that an FCU understands. The command is then sent to the FCU over the current loop network. The rate at which
instructions are sent must not exceed the rate at which they can be sent on to the FCUs.
The sequence of events is:
(1) - Write command received by the Master Station.
(2) - Response sent back to Host
(3) - Write message sent to FCU

98 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI continued

A good response to the Host indicates that the request was received correctly, the message length is acceptable, and that the addressed
FCU is on-line. It does not indicate that the Write to the FCU was successful. A successful write is confirmed some time later when new
data is reported as a change in the main database.
In the case of the Current Loop AIM, if commands are written at too high a rate then the current loop network is prevented from
collecting data from the FCUs and the system will appear to slow down. The Command Filter provides some protection against too high
a frequency of writing commands. It causes the system to ignore duplicated commands to the same FCU if the duplicate is within the
time setting for the filter.

• Code 08 - Loopback Diagnostic Test

The purpose of the Loopback Test is to test the communication system between the Master Station and the gateway. The Master
Station supports this test when used with diagnostic code 00, Return Query Data. No other diagnostic test codes are supported.

• Function code 08 sub code 02 – Return Diagnostic register

The purpose of this function is to return information about the status of the Master Station sides and which side is the main unit which
is in control and which unit is the back up. The returned data register is decoded as follows:

Register Value
0 = Unknown
1 = backup and OK or in alarm
Low Byte – Right side
3 =main and in alarm
4 = main and OK
0 = unknown
1 = backup and OK or in alarm
High Byte – Left side
3 =main and in alarm
4 = main and OK

• Code 15 and 16 - Force Multiple Coils, Preset Multiple Registers

If a Write request is to discrete coils or registers associated with the Master Station, then data is written directly to those coils or
If the Write request is to discrete coils or registers associated with FCUs, then the information contained in the message is translated
into a commands that FCUs understand. The command is then sent to the FCU over the current loop network. The Master Station is
able to accept a single transaction multiple write message containing information to be written to a maximum of 123 registers. These
instructions are then passed to a queue for onward transmission over the current loop network. The rate at which instructions are sent
must not exceed the rate at which they can be sent on to the FCUs.
If commands are written at too high a rate then the current loop network is prevented from collecting data from the FCUs and the
system will appear to slow down. The Command Filter provides some protection against too high a frequency of writing commands. It
causes the system to ignore duplicated commands to the same FCU if the duplicate is within the time setting for the filter.
In the case of actuator control there is never a need to write to a coil to turn it off as the output is always treated as a pulse. The DCS
control should be arranged for the outputs to be pulse type. If this is not done the communication on the current loop network will
carry unnecessary control commands to turn off coils that are already off.

• Error Codes 01, 02, 03, 06 and 0A

Error code 01 will be presented back to the host if the function code in the data message is not one of those supported by the Master
Station or the message length is not as expected.
Error code 02 will be presented back to the host if the Data Address is illegal; or if the write command is a multiple write (code 15 or
16) where the number of coils or registers exceeds the amount acceptable.
Error code 03 will be presented back to the host if the value contained in the data query field is illegal.
Error code 06 will also be sent back to the host if the Master Station has insufficient buffer space to handle the write request to coils or
registers in a single transaction. Buffer space will become free as the writes are issued to the loop and FCUs.
Error code 0A will be presented back to the host if the Master Station is unavailable or, in the case of the Modbus TCP, if the modbus
slave address in the message is not the same as the modbus slave address set in the Master Station.

11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI continued

11.3 Database Access

The database is accessed by use of the Modbus address structure using Register Numbers or Discrete Numbers in accordance with the
Modbus standard. The database contains information collected from FCUs and is the data actually in the Master Station. Data transfers
to and from the FCUs are under the control of the Master Station Field network AIM.

11.3.1 Data Organisation

The database comprises a series of records organised in accordance with the Modbus documentation. Messages with function codes 01
to 06, 15 and 16 indicate specifically which locations in the database are to be accessed.
Function Codes 01, 05, and 15 refer to coils 0XXXX
Function Code 02 refers to discrete inputs 1XXXX
Function Code 04 refers to read only registers 3XXXX
Function Codes 03, 06, and 16 refer to registers 4XXXX

Coils are used for digital outputs. The status of maintained digital outputs should be read from discrete status inputs and not from the
coil itself. Data read back from a coil may not be valid.
Registers are used for all multiple bit signals (analogues and counters). Some are protected and may only be read. Data read back from a
Holding register with code 03 will contain the last data written to that coil. It may not reflect the actual status of the register in the FCU.
The data in each record is listed in the following sections for both the Master Station and FCUs.

11.3.2 Data Interchange Requests

Data may be interchanged between the host and the Master Station database using Modbus Register or Discrete Numbers.

100 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI continued

11.4 Notes on the use of the Yokogawa and Honeywell SI Modbus Protocol
Normally the Modbus host will be set up to cyclically read data representing key variables of the Master Station and FCUs. It can do
this using Read Input Register function code 04, and Read Discrete Status function code 02. In addition the gateway may be set to use
function code 01 to read Output Coils prior to a write (05) or code 03 to read Holding Registers prior to a write (06).
Register and Discrete address numbers referred to in the standard Modbus documentation all start from number 1, though the actual
data request on the data link takes its start as 0. The Modbus host software may need to be configured with addresses that are 1 less
than those listed in the tables following. This is due to the Host regarding addresses as starting from 0, not 1. The actual method used
by the gateway is specified in its documentation.
The discrete and register numbers listed in the tables all start from 1, register 40001 would be referenced as 0000 in the
serial transaction.
The database is arranged to provide maximum efficiency in the use of the gateway space available and reading a group of registers in
one transaction is more efficient than reading one register at a time. The Honeywell SI, because of the link to the APM Arrays may be
easily set to collect multiple data in a transaction. The Yokogawa gateway should be organised to use efficient data transfer at all times.
Note that the discrete bits may be moved in a minimum of 16 bits to the card working space.
The Master Station includes Alarm Accept logic with respect to FCU alarms. Alarms from FCUs are automatically accepted by the Master
Station (so the FCU can clear its alarm latches) and latched within the Master Station. These alarms must be read by the Host and then
accepted (with an Alarm Accept write to coil 32) before they can clear.

11.4.1 Suggested Scan Cycle

The Host should be configured to scan data from the Master Station in the following order:
Read Alarm Status
Read Digital Status
Perform Alarm Accept (only strictly necessary if any New Alarms have occurred)
Read Analogue Status (if any analogue data is to be read)

Commands to FCUs may be fitted in as required.

In some applications it may be desirable to scan some items e.g. analogues, less frequently than others. This is perfectly acceptable.
Within the Master Station area of the database there are common alarm bits for loop fault, FCU fault and actuator fault. These may be
used as a quick way of checking for new alarms.

11.4.2 Writing to Coils

When writing to a coil the data field to turn off the coil has to be 0x0000. As the most common device connected is an actuator whose
action is controlled by a pulse output there is often no need to turn off a coil that has previously been turned on. The output command
from the DCS should, where possible, use a pulse type output. When writing to a coil the data field to turn on the coil may be 0xFF00
or any other non zero value.

11.4.3 Readback of Holding Registers

The Master Station supports the reading of the data in the Holding Registers. This data may not accurately reflect the state of the
actuator as it could have been moved manually since the data was written. The data is a 2’s complement 16 bit value (0x0000 – 0x7FFF)
in the case of the Yokogawa protocol or a signed integer value (0-0x0064) in the case of the Honeywell SI. It is calculated from the
actual value used in the data transaction over the current loop network to the FCU. When read back this value may differ by 1 digit due
to rounding errors in the calculation. The value sent to the FCU when the register was written will be true. To establish the actual valve
position the Input Register relating to the FCU Measured Value should be read.

11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI continued

11.4.4 Alarm Handling

The serial communication ports on the Master Station are each served by their own independent database and alarm handling. The
handling of alarms on one serial port does not reflect on the alarms of any other serial port unless the Master Station is set to link the
alarms. The two Ethernet ports on a Master Station share another independent database with its own alarm handling which is common
to both Ethernet ports.
In the database there is a group of 16 bits of data defined as the alarm block for each FCU. Similarly, there are system alarms as listed
in section 12.1.2. These data bits will all be latched by the Master Station should they occur. The Master Station will therefore capture a
transient alarm and keep it in its database ready for the host to read it.
Any latched alarm from these data areas will only be reset on the subsequent conditions. The alarm bit must read by the host, the alarm
bit must be accepted by the host (this is done by issuing an alarm accept), and the source of the alarm must return to normal.
An example of the sequence would be:
Consider an actuator thermostat.
1. Actuator motor gets excessively hot and trips the thermostat.
2. Host reads data bit (bit 19) for the thermostat for this actuator.
3. Host issues alarm accept; this is registered by the system as applicable to the thermostat trip alarm.
4. The data bit remains set until the actuator cools down.
5. The data bit returns to normal once the actuator has cooled and thermostat is automatically reset.

If the host does not read the thermostat bit for this FCU then the bit will remain set, even after the actuator cools down and the
thermostat resets. Also if the host does not read this bit, any alarm accept will not allow the alarm to reset itself. Any alarm bit must be
read before it is able to be accepted.
If the alarms are read infrequently then the above procedure guarantees that the host will register any and every alarm from the
alarm block.
In addition to the alarm data for each FCU there is a status block. The status block also contains information about the presence
(or absence) of alarms in the alarm block.

• Alarm bit (bit 12)

For each FCU the alarm bit will be present if any of the source signals used to set bits in the alarm block are present. Notice that the
alarm bit is an OR function of any alarm before the latch for that alarm. The alarm bit is latched and will not clear until it has been read,
accepted and the source of the alarm has returned to normal. In the example of the thermostat, the alarm bit will be set when the
thermostat is initially tripped.

• New alarm bit (bit 11)

For each FCU, new alarm will be present every time a new alarm occurs in the FCU. However, every time an alarm accept is issued, this
data bit will be reset even if the alarm itself is still present.
The purpose of this bit is to indicate to the host there is a new alarm to be read from the alarm block.

• System Common Alarms

In the Master Station bit 10250 will be set if any FCU has its own alarm bit set. Thus the common FCU alarm is set while any one FCU
has an input actually in alarm, or there is an FCU unavailable for communication.
Bit 10251 contains a similar common data bit derived from the actuator monitor relay source signals.

11.4.5 Use of Alarm Bits

The host may be configured to read as many, or all, of the alarm block data bits as required. Those that are not being used will possibly
fill up as alarms over the course of operating the system; this will not have any detrimental effect on system performance.
Actively used alarms will individually appear in the data locations being read and transferred to the host via the alarm accept process.
They will also reset themselves as they return to normal provided they are read and accepted.
The alarm bit will inform the host that any alarm is present, even those not normally being identified by the host as relevant. This bit
may be used by the host as a flag that an alarm is currently present on an FCU. The host must take care of latching these bits in its own
alarm handling system. This bit is comparable to a contact input that is self-resetting. As it is taken from before the internal latch, it is a
true statement for the current alarm situation on the FCU.
The new alarm bit may be used to indicate to the host that an alarm reading process is required, or that an alarm accept write is
required. The new alarm will by its very nature disappear once the alarm accept is issued irrespective of the actual plant status as it has
to be available for each new alarm.

102 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI continued

11.5 Master Station Database

11.5.1 Master Station Records

The discrete and register numbers listed in the tables all start from 1, for example discrete input 10001 would be referenced as 0000 in
the serial transaction and not 0001.

• Digital Inputs – Read Only Data (accessed with Modbus function code 02)
Individual bits – discrete locations (1 bit per)

Location Description Location Description

System Alarms System status and flags
10001 to 10240 Reserved 10248 Loopback in progress
10241 Reserved 10249 Loopback in use
10242 Reserved 10250 Common FCU alarm
10243 Power on reset 10251 Common actuator alarm
10244 Reserved 10252 Side A (primary) ok
10245 Auto loopback 10253 Side B (standby) ok
Communicating to:
10246 Reserved 10254 0 = Side A (Left),
1 = Side B (Right)
10247 Reserved 10255 1 = Primary (in use), 0 = Standby (out of use)

• Digital Outputs – Write function (accessed with Modbus function code 05 and 15)
Individual bits – discrete locations (1 bit per)
When writing to a location the data field should comply with the Modbus instructions, although writing any non-zero value to these
locations will cause the action to occur.

Function Action Location Description

Global ESD Trigger Write to trigger ESD 0001 ESD
Change master Write to change over 0015 Change primary control between side A or B
System reconfiguration Write to trigger 0016 Reset loop
System/Comms alarm accept Write to accept 0032 Alarm accept

11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI continued

11.6 FCU Database

The FCU database is organised to present the same information from each sequential FCU address in adjacent record entries. This
general rule is broken only by the signals indicating valve open (OAS) and valve closed (CAS), and the commands to open and close the
valves. These records are located adjacent to one another in pairs for each FCU.
As the FCUs may be of differing types, a bit number, relay number or register description identifier is attached, together with its meaning
for each record group. The different bit number, relay number and register meanings are also listed for the different FCU types at the end
of this section.

11.6.1 Digital Inputs (FCUs)

The discrete and register numbers listed in the tables all start from 1, discrete input 10001 would be referenced as 0000 in the serial
transaction and not 0001.

• Read Only Data (accessed with Modbus function code 02)

Status – adjacent bits per FCU – discrete locations (1 bit per)

Location Description Location Description

10257 Bit 3 FCU 1 (CAS) 10258 Bit 2 FCU 1 (OAS)

10259 Bit 3 FCU 2 (CAS) 10260 Bit 2 FCU 2 (OAS)
10261 Bit 3 FCU 3 (CAS) 10262 Bit 2 FCU 3 (OAS)
10263 Bit 3 FCU 4 (CAS) 10264 Bit 2 FCU 4 (OAS)
10265 Bit 3 FCU 5 (CAS) 10266 Bit 2 FCU 5 (OAS)
10267 Bit 3 FCU 6 (CAS) 10268 Bit 2 FCU 6 (OAS)
10269 Bit 3 FCU 7 (CAS) 10270 Bit 2 FCU 7 (OAS)
10271 Bit 3 FCU 8 (CAS) 10272 Bit 2 FCU 8 (OAS)
| |
| FCU N bit 3 = 10256 + 2N - 1 | FCU N bit 2 = 10256 + 2N
| |
10723 Bit 3 FCU 234 (CAS) 10724 Bit 2 FCU 234 (OAS)
10725 Bit 3 FCU 235 (CAS) 10726 Bit 2 FCU 235 (OAS)
10727 Bit 3 FCU 236 (CAS) 10728 Bit 2 FCU 236 (OAS)
10729 Bit 3 FCU 237 (CAS) 10730 Bit 2 FCU 237 (OAS)
10731 Bit 3 FCU 238 (CAS) 10732 Bit 2 FCU 238 (OAS)
10733 Bit 3 FCU 239 (CAS) 10734 Bit 2 FCU 239 (OAS)
10735 Bit 3 FCU 240 (CAS) 10736 Bit 2 FCU 240 (OAS)

Note that the information in these locations is also mapped to alternate locations starting 11217 (OAS) and 11457 (CAS)
N = FCU address number in the range 1 to 240

104 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI continued

• Read Only Data (accessed with Modbus function code 02)

Status bits – individual bits per FCU – discrete locations (1 bit per)

Location Description Location Description Location Description

Bit 0 - AUX 1 Bit 1 - AUX 2 Bit 2 - OAS

10737 Bit 0 FCU 1 10977 Bit 1 FCU 1 11217 Bit 2 FCU 1
10738 Bit 0 FCU 2 10978 Bit 1 FCU 2 11218 Bit 2 FCU 2
10739 Bit 0 FCU 3 10979 Bit 1 FCU 3 11219 Bit 2 FCU 3
10740 Bit 0 FCU 4 10980 Bit 1 FCU 4 11220 Bit 2 FCU 4
| | |
| FCU N bit 0 = 10736 + N | FCU N bit 1 = 10976 + N | FCU N bit 2 = 11216 + N
| | |
10974 Bit 0 FCU 238 11214 Bit 1 FCU 238 11454 Bit 2 FCU 238
10975 Bit 0 FCU 239 11215 Bit 1 FCU 239 11455 Bit 2 FCU 239
10976 Bit 0 FCU 240 11216 Bit 1 FCU 240 11456 Bit 2 FCU 240

Bit 3 - CAS Bit 4 - STOP Bit 5 - MOVE

11457 Bit 3 FCU 1 11697 Bit 4 FCU 1 11937 Bit 5 FCU 1
11458 Bit 3 FCU 2 11698 Bit 4 FCU 2 11938 Bit 5 FCU 2
11459 Bit 3 FCU 3 11699 Bit 4 FCU 3 11939 Bit 5 FCU 3
11460 Bit 3 FCU 4 11700 Bit 4 FCU 4 11940 Bit 5 FCU 4
| | |
| FCU N bit 3 = 11456 + N | FCU N bit 4 = 11696 + N | FCU N bit 5 = 11936 + N
| | |
11694 Bit 3 FCU 238 11934 Bit 4 FCU 238 12174 Bit 5 FCU 238
11695 Bit 3 FCU 239 11935 Bit 4 FCU 239 12175 Bit 5 FCU 239
11696 Bit 3 FCU 240 11936 Bit 4 FCU 240 12176 Bit 5 FCU 240

Bit 6 - MRO Bit 7 - MRC Bit 8 - AUX3

12177 Bit 6 FCU 1 12417 Bit 7 FCU 1 12657 Bit 8 FCU 1
12178 Bit 6 FCU 2 12418 Bit 7 FCU 2 12658 Bit 8 FCU 2
12179 Bit 6 FCU 3 12419 Bit 7 FCU 3 12659 Bit 8 FCU 3
12180 Bit 6 FCU 4 12420 Bit 7 FCU 4 12660 Bit 8 FCU 4
| | |
| FCU N bit 6 = 12176 + N | FCU N bit 7 = 12416 + N | FCU N bit 8 = 12656 + N
| | |
12414 Bit 6 FCU 238 12654 Bit 7 FCU 238 12894 Bit 8 FCU 238
12415 Bit 6 FCU 239 12655 Bit 7 FCU 239 12895 Bit 8 FCU 239
12416 Bit 6 FCU 240 12656 Bit 7 FCU 240 12896 Bit 8 FCU 240

11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI continued

• Read Only Data (accessed with Modbus function code 02)

Status bits – individual bits per FCU – discrete locations (1 bit per)

Location Description Location Description Location Description

Bit 9 - AUX4 Bit 10 - LBON Bit 11 - NALM

12897 Bit 9 FCU 1 13137 Bit 10 FCU 1 13377 Bit 11 FCU 1
12898 Bit 9 FCU 2 13138 Bit 10 FCU 2 13378 Bit 11 FCU 2
12899 Bit 9 FCU 3 13139 Bit 10 FCU 3 13379 Bit 11 FCU 3
12900 Bit 9 FCU 4 13140 Bit 10 FCU 4 13380 Bit 11 FCU 4
| | |
| FCU N bit 9 = 12896 + N | FCU N bit 10 = 13136 + N | FCU N bit 11 = 13376 + N
| | |
13134 Bit 9 FCU 238 13374 Bit 10 FCU 238 13614 Bit 11 FCU 238
13135 Bit 9 FCU 239 13375 Bit 10 FCU 239 13615 Bit 11 FCU 239
13136 Bit 9 FCU 240 13376 Bit 10 FCU 240 13616 Bit 11 FCU 240

Bit 12 - ALARM
13617 Bit 12 FCU 1
13618 Bit 12 FCU 2
13619 Bit 12 FCU 3
13620 Bit 12 FCU 4
| FCU N bit 12 = 13616 + N
13854 Bit 12 FCU 238
13855 Bit 12 FCU 239
13856 Bit 12 FCU 240

N = FCU address number in the range 1 to 240

106 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI continued

• Read Only Data (accessed with Modbus function code 02)

Alarm bits – individual bits per FCU – discrete locations (1 bit per)

Location Description Location Description Location Description

Bit 13 - MEMF Bit 14 - COMMS Bit 15 - LOCAL

13857 Bit 13 FCU 1 14097 Bit 14 FCU 1 14337 Bit 15 FCU 1
13858 Bit 13 FCU 2 14098 Bit 14 FCU 2 14338 Bit 15 FCU 2
13859 Bit 13 FCU 3 14099 Bit 14 FCU 3 14339 Bit 15 FCU 3
13860 Bit 13 FCU 4 14100 Bit 14 FCU 4 14340 Bit 15 FCU 4
| | |
| FCU N bit 13 = 13856 + N | FCU N bit 14 = 14096 + N | FCU N bit 15 = 14336 + N
| | |
14094 Bit 13 FCU 238 14334 Bit 14 FCU 238 14574 Bit 15 FCU 238
14095 Bit 13 FCU 239 14335 Bit 14 FCU 239 14575 Bit 15 FCU 239
14096 Bit 13 FCU 240 14336 Bit 14 FCU 240 14576 Bit 15 FCU 240

Bit 16 - POWR Bit 17 - WDOG Bit 18 - MREL

14577 Bit 16 FCU 1 14817 Bit 17 FCU 1 15057 Bit 18 FCU 1
14578 Bit 16 FCU 2 14818 Bit 17 FCU 2 15058 Bit 18 FCU 2
14579 Bit 16 FCU 3 14819 Bit 17 FCU 3 15059 Bit 18 FCU 3
14580 Bit 16 FCU 4 14820 Bit 17 FCU 4 15060 Bit 18 FCU 4
| | |
| FCU N bit 16 = 14576 + N | FCU N bit 17 = 14816 + N | FCU N bit 18 = 15056 + N
| | |
14814 Bit 16 FCU 238 15054 Bit 17 FCU 238 15294 Bit 18 FCU 238
14815 Bit 16 FCU 239 15055 Bit 17 FCU 239 15295 Bit 18 FCU 239
14816 Bit 16 FCU 240 15056 Bit 17 FCU 240 15296 Bit 18 FCU 240

Bit 19 - THERM Bit 20 - LSTOP Bit 21 - SFAIL

15297 Bit 19 FCU 1 15537 Bit 20 FCU 1 15777 Bit 21 FCU 1
15298 Bit 19 FCU 2 15538 Bit 20 FCU 2 15778 Bit 21 FCU 2
15299 Bit 19 FCU 3 15539 Bit 20 FCU 3 15779 Bit 21 FCU 3
15300 Bit 19 FCU 4 15540 Bit 20 FCU 4 15780 Bit 21 FCU 4
| | |
| FCU N bit 19 = 15296 + N | FCU N bit 20 = 15536 + N | FCU N bit 21 = 15776 + N
| | |
15534 Bit 19 FCU 238 15774 Bit 20 FCU 238 16014 Bit 21 FCU 238
15535 Bit 19 FCU 239 15775 Bit 20 FCU 239 16015 Bit 21 FCU 239
15536 Bit 19 FCU 240 15776 Bit 20 FCU 240 16016 Bit 21 FCU 240

11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI continued

• Read Only Data (accessed with Modbus function code 02)

Alarm bits – Individual Bits per FCU – Discrete Locations (1 bit per)

Location Description Location Description Location Description

Bit 22 - VOBS Bit 23 - VJAM Bit 24 - AUXOR

16017 Bit 22 FCU 1 16257 Bit 23 FCU 1 16497 Bit 24 FCU 1
16018 Bit 22 FCU 2 16258 Bit 23 FCU 2 16498 Bit 24 FCU 2
16019 Bit 22 FCU 3 16259 Bit 23 FCU 3 16499 Bit 24 FCU 3
16020 Bit 22 FCU 4 16260 Bit 23 FCU 4 16500 Bit 24 FCU 4
| | |
| FCU N bit 22 = 16016 + N | FCU N bit 23 = 16256 + N | FCU N bit 24 = 16496 + N
| | |
16254 Bit 22 FCU 238 16494 Bit 23 FCU 238 16734 Bit 24 FCU 238
16255 Bit 22 FCU 239 16495 Bit 23 FCU 239 16735 Bit 24 FCU 239
16256 Bit 22 FCU 240 16496 Bit 23 FCU 240 16736 Bit 24 FCU 240

Bit 25 - VTT Bit 26 - R Bit 27 - MMOVE

16737 Bit 25 FCU 1 16977 Bit 26 FCU 1 17217 Bit 27 FCU 1
16738 Bit 25 FCU 2 16978 Bit 26 FCU 2 17218 Bit 27 FCU 2
16739 Bit 25 FCU 3 16979 Bit 26 FCU 3 17219 Bit 27 FCU 3
16740 Bit 25 FCU 4 16980 Bit 26 FCU 4 17220 Bit 27 FCU 4
| | |
| FCU N bit 25 = 16736 + N | FCU N bit 26 = 16976 + N | FCU N bit 27 = 17216 + N
| | |
16974 Bit 25 FCU 238 17214 Bit 26 FCU 238 17454 Bit 27 FCU 238
16975 Bit 25 FCU 239 17215 Bit 26 FCU 239 17455 Bit 27 FCU 239
16976 Bit 25 FCU 240 17216 Bit 26 FCU 240 17456 Bit 27 FCU 240

Bit 28 - EOT
17457 Bit 28 FCU 1
17458 Bit 28 FCU 2
17459 Bit 28 FCU 3
17460 Bit 28 FCU 4
| FCU N bit 28 = 17456 + N
17694 Bit 28 FCU 238
17695 Bit 28 FCU 239
17696 Bit 28 FCU 240

N = FCU address number in the range 1 to 240

108 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI continued

• Read Only Data (accessed with Modbus function code 02)

Digital inputs (FCUs) – relay coil status (applies to GPFCU only)
The following data locations contain the status of the output relays in the General Purpose Field Control Units (GPFCU). These may be
considered as status signals. The state of the coil may be examined by using function code 02 on a discrete by discrete basis. For writing
data to relay coils see the Write Data section..

Location Description Location Description Location Description

Relay 4 Coil Relay 1 Coil Relay 3 Coil

17697 Rly 4 FCU 1 17937 Rly 1 FCU 1 18177 Rly 3 FCU 1
17698 Rly 4 FCU 2 17938 Rly 1 FCU 2 18178 Rly 3 FCU 2
17699 Rly 4 FCU 3 17939 Rly 1 FCU 3 18179 Rly 3 FCU 3
17670 Rly 4 FCU 4 17940 Rly 1 FCU 4 18180 Rly 3 FCU 4
| | |
| FCU N relay 4 = 17696 + N | FCU N relay 1 = 17936 + N | FCU N relay 3 = 18176 + N
| | |
17934 Rly 4 FCU 238 18174 Rly 1 FCU 238 18414 Rly 3 FCU 238
17935 Rly 4 FCU 239 18175 Rly 1 FCU 239 18415 Rly 3 FCU 239
17936 Rly 4 FCU 240 18176 Rly 1 FCU 240 18416 Rly 3 FCU 240

Relay 2 Coil
18417 Rly 2 FCU 1
18418 Rly 2 FCU 2
18419 Rly 2 FCU 3
18420 Rly 2 FCU 4
| FCU N relay 2 = 18416 + N
18654 Rly 2 FCU 238
18655 Rly 2 FCU 239
18656 Rly 2 FCU 240

N = FCU address number in the range 1 to 240

11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI continued

11.6.2 Digital Outputs (FCUs)

• Write Data (accessed with Modbus function code 01, writes with function codes 05 and 15)
When writing outputs to the FCUs, to assert the command (energise the coil) write 0xFF00 (or any data other than 0x0000). To remove
the command (de-energise the coil) write 0x0000. Actuator control commands never require to be turned off, so there is no need to
write a de-energise command.
Commands – adjacent coils per FCU – coil locations (1 bit per)

Location Description Location Description

00033 Rly 1 FCU 1 (Close Cmd) 00034 Rly 2 FCU 1 (Open Cmd)
00035 Rly 1 FCU 2 (Close Cmd) 00036 Rly 2 FCU 2 (Open Cmd)
00037 Rly 1 FCU 3 (Close Cmd) 00038 Rly 2 FCU 3 (Open Cmd)
00039 Rly 1 FCU 4 (Close Cmd) 00040 Rly 2 FCU 4 (Open Cmd)
00041 Rly 1 FCU 5 (Close Cmd) 00042 Rly 2 FCU 5 (Open Cmd)
00043 Rly 1 FCU 6 (Close Cmd) 00044 Rly 2 FCU 6 (Open Cmd)
00045 Rly 1 FCU 7 (Close Cmd) 00046 Rly 2 FCU 7 (Open Cmd)
00047 Rly 1 FCU 8 (Close Cmd) 00048 Rly 2 FCU 8 (Open Cmd)
00049 Rly 1 FCU 9 (Close Cmd) 00050 Rly 2 FCU 9 (Open Cmd)
00051 Rly 1 FCU 10 (Close Cmd) 00052 Rly 2 FCU 10 (Open Cmd)
00053 Rly 1 FCU 11 (Close Cmd) 00054 Rly 2 FCU 11 (Open Cmd)
00055 Rly 1 FCU 12 (Close Cmd) 00056 Rly 2 FCU 12 (Open Cmd)
00057 Rly 1 FCU 13 (Close Cmd) 00058 Rly 2 FCU 13 (Open Cmd)
00059 Rly 1 FCU 14 (Close Cmd) 00060 Rly 2 FCU 14 (Open Cmd)
00061 Rly 1 FCU 15 (Close Cmd) 00062 Rly 2 FCU 15 (Open Cmd)
00063 Rly 1 FCU 16 (Close Cmd) 00064 Rly 2 FCU 16 (Open Cmd)
| |
| FCU N relay 1 00032 + 2N - 1 | FCU N relay 2 = 00032 + 2N
| |
00501 Rly 1 FCU 235 (Close Cmd) 00502 Rly 2 FCU 235 (Open Cmd)
00503 Rly 1 FCU 236 (Close Cmd) 00504 Rly 2 FCU 236 (Open Cmd)
00505 Rly 1 FCU 237 (Close Cmd) 00506 Rly 2 FCU 237 (Open Cmd)
00507 Rly 1 FCU 238 (Close Cmd) 00508 Rly 2 FCU 238 (Open Cmd)
00509 Rly 1 FCU 239 (Close Cmd) 00510 Rly 2 FCU 239 (Open Cmd)
00511 Rly 1 FCU 240 (Close Cmd) 00512 Rly 2 FCU 240 (Open Cmd)

Note that the access to these coils is also mapped to alternate locations starting 00513 (open command) through to 01472 (ESD command, FCU 240)
N = FCU address number in the range 1 to 240

110 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI continued

• Write Data (accessed with Modbus function code 01, writes with function codes 05 and 15)
Commands – individual coils per FCU – coil locations (1 bit per)

Location Description Location Description Location Description


00513 Rly 2 FCU 1 00753 Rly 3 FCU 1 00993 Rly 1 FCU 1
00514 Rly 2 FCU 2 00754 Rly 3 FCU 2 00994 Rly 1 FCU 2
00515 Rly 2 FCU 3 00755 Rly 3 FCU 3 00995 Rly 1 FCU 3
00516 Rly 2 FCU 4 00756 Rly 3 FCU 4 00996 Rly 1 FCU 4
| | |
| FCU N relay 2 = 00512 + N | FCU N relay 3 = 00752 + N | FCU N relay 1 = 00992 + N
| | |
00750 Rly 2 FCU 238 00990 Rly 3 FCU 238 01230 Rly 1 FCU 238
00751 Rly 2 FCU 239 00991 Rly 3 FCU 239 01231 Rly 1 FCU 239
00752 Rly 2 FCU 240 00992 Rly 3 FCU 240 01232 Rly 1 FCU 240


01233 Rly 4 FCU 1
01234 Rly 4 FCU 2
01235 Rly 4 FCU 3
01236 Rly 4 FCU 4
| FCU N relay 4 = 01232 + N
01470 Rly 4 FCU 238
01471 Rly 4 FCU 239
01472 Rly 4 FCU 240

N = FCU address number in the range 1 to 240

11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI continued

11.6.3 Analogue Inputs (FCUs)

• Read Only Data (accessed with Modbus function code 04)
Each suitably equipped FCU is able to collect analogue data from various inputs. In the Yokogawa protocol the registers each contain
a 2’s complement value for the measurement. In the Honeywell SI protocol the registers each contain an integer value for the

Location Description Location Description

Applicable to GPFCU and

Applicable to Actuator FCUs only
IQ with Analogue input option only
Valve Position Analogue Input 1

Range: Y
 okogawa, 0x0000 = 0% 0x7FFF = 100% Range: Yokogawa, 0x0000 = 0% 0x7FFF = 100%
Honeywell SI, 0x0000 = 0% 0x0064 = 100% Honeywell SI, 0x0000 = 0% 0x0064 = 100%

30001 FCU 1 Position 30241 FCU 1 An 1 I/P

30002 FCU 2 Position 30242 FCU 2 An 1 I/P
30003 FCU 3 Position 30243 FCU 3 An 1 I/P
30004 FCU 4 Position 30244 FCU 4 An 1 I/P
| |
| FCU N position = 30000 + N | FCU N analogue input 1 = 30240 + N
| |
30238 FCU 238 Position 30478 FCU 238 An 1 I/P
30239 FCU 239 Position 30479 FCU 239 An 1 I/P
30240 FCU 240 Position 30480 FCU 240 An 1 I/P

Applicable to GPFCU and

Applicable to GPFCU only
IQ with Analogue input option only
Analogue Input 2 Pulse Input

Range: Yokogawa, 0x0000 = 0% 0x7FFF = 100% Range: Yokogawa and Honeywell SI,
Honeywell SI, 0x0000 = 0% 0x0064 = 100% 0x0000 to 0x270F counter value

30481 FCU 1 An 2 I/P 30721 FCU 1 Pulse I/P

30482 FCU 2 An 2 I/P 30722 FCU 2 Pulse I/P
30483 FCU 3 An 2 I/P 30723 FCU 3 Pulse I/P
30484 30724 FCU 4 Pulse I/P
| |
| FCU N analogue input 2 = 30480 + N | FCU N pulse input = 30720 + N
| |
30718 FCU 238 An 2 I/P 30958 FCU 238 Pulse I/P
30719 FCU 239 An 2 I/P 30959 FCU 239 Pulse I/P
30720 FCU 240 An 2 I/P 30960 FCU 240 Pulse I/P

N = FCU address number in the range 1 to 240

112 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI continued

• Read Only Data (accessed with Modbus function code 04)

IQ Range, CK Range, CVA and EH / SI actuator FCUs are able to collect both current and historical force (torque, thrust or pressure) data
from the actuator. The following 16 bit register locations each contain a value relating to the actuator torque.

Location Description

Current Force (Torque, Thrust or Pressure)

Range: Y
 okogawa, 0x0000 = 0% 0x7FFF = 120%
Honeywell SI, 0x0000 = 0% 0x0078 = 120%
30961 FCU 1 Current Force
30962 FCU 2 Current Force
30963 FCU 3 Current Force
30964 FCU 4 Current Force
| FCU N position = 30960 + N
31198 FCU 238 Current Force
31199 FCU 239 Current Force
31200 FCU 240 Current Force

11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI continued

Location Description Location Description

Historical Force (Torque, Thrust or Pressure)

Range: Yokogawa, 0x0000 = 0% 0x7FFF = 120%
Honeywell SI, 0x0000 = 0% 0x0078 = 120%
The force value is related to the readings taken across the valve stroke, position 0 and 100% are not used as these may be set to full
force for valve seating. Force readings are available for 6%, 19%, 31%, 44%, 56%, 69%, 81%, and 94% positions. The data is
stacked in pairs where an open force is followed by a close force for each position, for each FCU.
The data is historical and only updated on completion of a full stroke of the valve from open to close, or from close to open. The data
is not reported from the actuator to the Master Station unless the torque data filter factor is set to 0 (refer to the applicable FCU
manual for more information).
31201 6% open torque FCU 1 31202 6% close torque FCU 1
31203 6% open torque FCU 2 31204 6% close torque FCU 2
31205 6% open torque FCU 3 31206 6% close torque FCU 3
| |
| FCU N 6% open torque = 31200 + 2N -1 | FCU N 6% close torque = 31200 + 2N
| |
31679 6% open torque FCU 240 31680 6% close torque FCU 240

31681 19% open torque FCU 1 31682 19% close torque FCU 1
| FCU N 19% open torque = 31680 + 2N -1 | FCU N 19% close torque = 31680 + 2N)
32159 19% open torque FCU 240 32160 19% close torque FCU 240

32161 31% open torque FCU 1 32162 31% close torque FCU 1
| FCU N 31% open torque = 32160 + 2N -1 | FCU N 31% close torque = 32160 + 2N
32639 31% open torque FCU 240 32640 31% close torque FCU 240

32641 44% open torque FCU 1 32642 44% close torque FCU 1
| FCU N 44% open torque = 32640 + 2N -1 | FCU N 44% close torque = 32640 + 2N
33119 44% open torque FCU 240 33120 44% close torque FCU 240

33121 56% open torque FCU 1 33122 56% close torque FCU 1
| FCU N 56% open torque = 33120 + 2N -1 | FCU N 56% close torque = 33120 + 2N
33599 56% open torque FCU 240 33600 56% close torque FCU 240

33601 69% open torque FCU 1 33602 69% close torque FCU 1
| FCU N 69% open torque = 33600 + 2N -1 | FCU N 69% close torque = 33600 + 2N
34079 69% open torque FCU 240 34080 69% close torque FCU 240

34081 81% open torque FCU 1 34082 81% close torque FCU 1
| FCU N 81% open torque = 34080 + 2N -1 | FCU N 81% close torque = 34080 + 2N
34559 81% open torque FCU 240 34560 81% close torque FCU 240

34561 94% open torque FCU 1 34562 94% close torque FCU 1
| FCU N 94% open torque = 34560 + 2N -1 | FCU N 94% close torque = 34560 + 2N
35039 94% open torque FCU 240 35040 94% close torque FCU 240

N = FCU address number in the range 1 to 240

114 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI continued

11.6.4 Analogue Outputs (FCUs)

• Write Data (accessed with Modbus function codes 03, 06, 16)
Particular actuator FCUs are able to accept a desired position signal. The following 16 bit register locations may be written to with a 2’s
complement value (Yokogawa protocol), or signed integer value (Honeywell SI protocol) relating to the desired valve position.

Location Description

Applicable to Actuator FCUs only

Valve Position Control
Range: Yokogawa, 0x0000 = 0% 0x7FFF = 100%
Honeywell SI, 0x0000 = 0% 0x0064 = 100%
40001 FCU 1 position control
40002 FCU 2 position control
40003 FCU 3 position control
40004 FCU 4 position control
| FCU N position = 40000 + N
40238 FCU 238 position control
40239 FCU 239 position control
40240 FCU 240 position control

General Purpose Field Control Units (GPFCU) are able to accept an analogue output signal for connection to a controller or positioner.
The following 16 bit register locations may be written to with a 2’s complement value (Yokogawa protocol), or signed integer value
(Honeywell SI protocol) relating to the setting of this output.

Location Description

Applicable to GPFCU only

Analogue Output
Range: Yokogawa, 0x0000 = 0% 0x7FFF = 100%
Honeywell SI, 0x0000 = 0% 0x0064 = 100%
40241 FCU 1 analogue output
40242 FCU 2 analogue output
40243 FCU 3 analogue output
40244 FCU 4 analogue output
| FCU N analogue output = 40240 + N
40478 FCU 238 analogue output
40479 FCU 239 analogue output
40480 FCU 240 analogue output

11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI continued

11.7 FCU Inputs and Outputs Available

11.7.1 Digital Inputs

FCU Type
Data Bit or IQ Range A, AQ, Q,
Register Actuator ROMpak
Bit 0 AUX 1 R DIN 1 R R AUX 1 R R
Bit 9 AUX 4 R R R R AUX 4 R R

Relay 4 R 0 RL4 0 0 R R R
Relay 1 R 0 RL1 0 0 R R R
Relay 3 R 0 RL3 0 0 R R R
Relay 2 R 0 RL2 0 0 R R R

AUX1 - Aux. Input 1 NALM - New alarm present on this FCU FAULT - Actuator fault
AUX2 - Aux Input 2 ALARM - Any alarm present on this FCU LSTOP - Local stop operated
OAS - Open limit switch R - Reserved SFAIL - Start/stop fail
CAS - Close limit switch Travelling - Actuator in motion VOBS - Valve obstructed
STOP - Actuator stopped in mid travel TRO - Travelling open direction VJAM - Valve jammed
MOVE - IQ/IQT valve moving TRC - Travelling closed direction AUXOR - Aux I/P Override
MRUN - Motor running MEMF - RAM/ROM failure VTT - Valve Travel Time
MRO - Motor running open direction COMMS - Comms fail MOP - Manual open
MRC - Motor running close direction LOCAL - Actuator not in remote control MCL - Manual close
AUX3 - Aux Input 3 CNA - Control not available MMOVE - Manual valve movement
AUX4 - Aux Input 4 POWR - Power on reset MOPG - Manual opening
DIN 1 to 8 - Digital inputs 1 to 8 WDOG - Watchdog fail MCLG - Manual closing
EXT IP - External digital input MREL - Monitor relay EOT - Motor running end of travel
LBON - Loopback on THERM - Thermostat trip BAKPWR - Under battery back-up power

116 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI continued

11.7.2 Digital Outputs

FCU Type
Data Bit or IQ Range A, AQ, Q,
Register Actuator ROMpak
Open (Relay 2) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Stop (Relay 3) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Close (Relay 1) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
ESD (Relay 4) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N

11.7.3 Analogue Inputs

FCU Type
Data Bit or IQ Range A, AQ, Q,
Register Actuator ROMpak
Valve Position Y Y N Y Y Y Y N
Current Torque Y N N N Y Y (pressure) N N
Historical Torque Y N N N Y Y N N
Analogue Input 1 N N Y N N N N Y
Analogue Input 2 N N Y N N N N Y
Pulse Input N N Y N N N N N

11.7.4 Analogue Outputs

FCU Type
Data Bit or IQ Range A, AQ, Q,
Register Actuator ROMpak
Position Control Y Y N Y Y Y Y N
Analogue Output N N Y N N N N N

11. Modbus Database – Yokogawa and Honeywell SI continued

11.8 Modbus Message Examples

A few examples are included here to clarify the use of the Modbus protocol. These examples assume that the Master Station address is
set to 01. All data is in hexadecimal notation.
Remember that the address used in the Modbus message assumes start points of zero for coils, registers etc. However the locations
indicated in the tables above put the first register or coil etc. as number 1. Therefore 1 must be deducted from the locations indicated
when determining the Modbus message location.

11.8.1 Read FCU Bit 5 from FCU 1 to 100

To determine which actuator motors are running. Bit 5 is located in discrete areas 11937 to 12036 for actuators 1 to 100.

Modbus Discrete Number of

Function Code CRC Check
Address Address Discretes
01 02 07 90 00 64 CRC

11.8.2 Read FCU Bit 2 and 3 from FCU 1 to 120

To use a single transaction by collecting the data from the two bit area. Bits 2 and 3 are located in discrete areas 10257 to 10496 for
actuators 1 to 120.

Modbus Discrete Number of

Function Code CRC Check
Address Address Discretes
01 02 01 00 00 F0 CRC

11.8.3 Read Valve Position from FCU 26

Register is located at 30026.

Modbus Register Number of

Function Code CRC Check
Address Address Registers
01 04 00 19 00 01 CRC

11.8.4 Energise Command to Open Relay of FCU 104

The coil is located at 00616. To write a single coil the data field must be FF00.
Function Code Coil Address Data CRC Check
01 05 02 68 FF 00 CRC

Using the two command area the coil is located at 00240. To write a single coil the data field must be FF00.
Function Code Coil Address Data CRC Check
01 05 00 F0 FF 00 CRC

11.8.5 Write Desired Valve Position for FCU 26 to be 50%

Register is located at 40026.
With Yokogawa protocol, 50% is 3FFF and with Honeywell SI protocol, 50% is 0032.
Using Yokogawa protocol:

Modbus Register
Function Code Data CRC Check
Address Addess
01 06 00 19 3F FF CRC

Using Honeywell SI protocol:

Modbus Register
Function Code Data CRC Check
Address Addess
01 06 00 19 00 32 CRC

118 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

12. Data Interpretation (All Modbus Databases)

This section describes the data organisation and meaning of the various data bits found in the protocol data for the Pakscan Modbus
databases: Generic, Honeywell EPLCG, Yokogawa and Honeywell SI.

12.1 Master Station Data

The Master Station field network AIMs perform various self-checking routines and control the field networks. The status of the Master
Station itself is available for interrogation by a host DCS over the host interface. The relevant registers and the location of the data
within them, together with the methods for reading and writing to these registers is detailed in sections 10 and 11. The data is always
related either to an FCU on the field network, to the Master Station module or the field network AIM.
This section provides the interpretation of the information reported by each data bit or register in the Master Station area of the
database and the available registers to which system instructions may be written.
Details of the information reported in the FCU area of the database is contained in the individual FCU instruction manuals.
A brief overview of these data bit interpretations follows later in this manual.

12.1.1 Database Segregation

Host communication link

Master Station FCU

data data

Field network

Fig 12.1.1: Database segregation

Whichever database Interface is chosen it will contain at least two sections. One of these is termed the Master Station Database, while
the other is the FCU Database. The FCU Database contains the information from the attached devices on the field network, while the
Master Station Database contains the system data.

• Logical and physical Master Stations

The physical Master Station may contain up to four logical Master Stations as described in section 10. The logical Master Station has a
different Modbus slave address and contains data about different groups of FCUs on the network. All of these logical Master Station
contain the same Master Station data. A command or write instruction to one is equivalent to writing to them all and all transactions
should take place using the slave address of the base unit only. There is no need to read or write to more than one of them to achieve a
read or write for all of them.
In the case of Yokogawa and Honeywell SI Modbus database, there is both one logical and one physical Master Station covering all the
connected FCUs on the current loop.

12. Data Interpretation (All Modbus Databases) continued

12.1.2 Master Station Data Description

The available data depends on the interface chosen; this section describes all the data bits. When a bit is present or asserted it will be a
logical 1.

This bit is an alarm bit that is present if a fault is detected on the current loop network and an automatic
Auto loopback occurred
reconfiguration of the loop occurred.

This data is an alarm bit that is present if any FCU on the loop has its MREL data bit present. MREL is only
Common actuator alarm available from Rotork actuator FCUs and is the state of the monitor relay. It indicates that the actuator is
not available for control. The actuator FCU MREL bit is described in the actuator FCU manual.

This data is an alarm bit that is present if any FCU on the current loop network has any of its alarm bits
present, including those FCUs connected to other logical Master Stations within this physical station. Thus,
Common FCU alarm
this alarm is present while any one FCU is actually in alarm or if there is an FCU unavailable for
communication. The FCU alarm bits are described in the FCU manual.
This bit is present if a contact input wired to the ESD terminals of the Master Station is open circuit and
ESD mode
the remote contact input ESD facility is enabled in the Master Station setup.
This alarm is present while the Master Station is in the process of reconfiguring the current loop network.
Loopback in progress It provides an indication that the Master Station is busy and the FCU data may not be true during the
reconfiguration time.
This signal is present whenever the Master Station has found a loop fault and is operating with loopback
Loopback in use
asserted on the field cable. Note that under this condition, loop doubling is not available.

Power on reset This bit is an alarm bit that is present if the system power has been lost and restored.

12.1.3 Alarm Handling

Some of the data bits are described as alarm bits. These represent information that is considered an alarm. In each case the alarm bit is
latched and it will not clear until the data has been read by the host, a serial data alarm accept has been issued to the Master Station
and the source of the alarm has returned to normal.

12.1.4 Data Relevant to Hot Standby Systems

This data only has a true meaning for a hot standby Master Station. Side A (left side) is always the designated primary unit.

This bit indicates side A / side B communicating. It is used to determine if the communication is to side A
0 = side A
or side B of a standby pair. Side A is the designated primary unit. The data bit will be a 0 if
1 = side B
communication is to side A. It is a 1 if communication is to side B.
Side A OK (primary unit) Present if side A is functioning correctly.
Side B OK (standby unit) Present if side B is functioning correctly.
Indicates whether the current Master Station side communicating on serial link is also in control of the
1 = primary (in use)
current loop network. 1 indicates communication to the primary side. 0 indicates communication to the
0 = standby (out of use)
standby side.

120 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

12. Data Interpretation (All Modbus Databases) continued

12.1.5 Additional Data Available using Generic and Honeywell EPLCG

This is a series of registers containing data showing the absolute number of communication failures
FCU failure count (including retries) for every connected FCU on the current loop. The maximum count for an FCU is 256
failures after which its counter rolls over to zero and starts again.
This is a series of registers containing the FCU addresses in the order in which they are connected on the
FCU map
2-wire current loop
FCU on loop to scan up to This register contains a number equal to the Master Station setting for the highest FCU address to look for.
This register contains data to show the number of FCU’s communicating on each of the current loop
network ports. In normal circumstances all the FCU’s will be connected to port A. However, if there is a
FCU’s connected
cable fault, then some will be connected to port A and some to port B. The numbers indicate the position
of the cable fault.
This register holds data about the position and address number that is found to be at fault during
FCU address fault
Loop baud rate This register contains a number that may be decoded to give the loop baud rate setting.
This register changes its value as the Master Station proceeds through the stages used in configuring the
Loop configuration process
This register holds data indicating loop faults that may be present and preventing complete loop
Loop fault information
configuration. Additionally it includes the last system reconfiguration code and the loop fault type.
P4720 Pakscan Classic module This register contains a number collected from the loop card EPROM to indicate the software version that
software version is in use.
Loop test result (%) This register holds a hex number for the result of the last loop test in percent.
Loop test speed The number in this register relates to the last loop test performed and the speed at which it was done.
Command filter timeout This register contains the timeout setting for the command filter.
Master Station type number This register contains a number that identifies the type and capacity of the Master Station.

12.1.6 Command Description

It is possible to issue instructions to the system over the serial interface. These commands are directed either at a particular FCU or at
the system as a whole. The commands relating to the system are as follows.

Energise this coil to accept any alarm in the database (FCU or Master Station) which has been read in a
previous transaction. There is only one accept coil for alarms, though each serial port, the Ethernet ports
and the LCD on each Master Station side, have their own accept system and virtual databases. Any alarms
Alarm accept
will only clear from the database if they are read over the serial link or Ethernet link prior to being
accepted and the alarm condition returns to normal. Note that if the alarms are ‘linked’ then the alarm
accept accepts all the alarms on the linked the database.
Energise this coil to transfer control between the primary and standby units. The primary unit can be
switched to standby or the standby unit switched to primary. This command is operative even when sent
to a standby unit that is set to standby passive, regardless of which port the command arrives on (Serial or
Change primary / standby
Ethernet). It is the only message obeyed by a unit in this condition. Standby passive regardless of which
port the command arrives on (Serial or Ethernet). It is the only message obeyed by a unit in this condition.
‘Standby Passive’ is the normal setting for a Master Station on a multi-drop system.
Energise this coil to issue a global emergency shut down instruction over the network to all the FCUs. The
ESD command to network
command will only be issued to the loop if the ESD facility is enabled in the Master Station setup.
Energise this coil to reconfigure the current loop. This command can be used to reset the system after the
Reconfigure loop
repair of a cable fault.

12. Data Interpretation (All Modbus Databases) continued

12.2 FCU Data

FCU data is made available from the Master Station. The Master Station collects the data asynchronously from the connected FCUs in
the actuators on the network. The FCUs vary depending on the data available to report. See actuator manuals for details of the network
card type fitted.
In the database sections of this manual, a series of abbreviations are used for the data bits. The information on the exact reason
for each data bit to be present is explained in the individual instruction manuals for each FCU type. The list below provides a brief
explanation of each of the major data bits listed. Not all the bits are available from all FCUs and the list is a definition table only.
All data is present (1) when the state is true.

12.2.1 Digital Status Bits

ALARM There is an alarm present on this FCU.

AUX 1 to AUX 4 Refers to the auxiliary digital inputs available from certain FCUs.
BATT The FCU battery is low (IQ range and SI only).
DIN1 to DIN8 Digital inputs 1 to 8 on a GPFCU.
The external FCU contact is closed (AQ or Q actuators only). This is not available if the FCU has to report
actual percentage position data.
LBON Loopback is active on this FCU.
MOVE FCU output drive moving.
MRO and MRC Motor running in the open (MRO) / close (MRC) direction
MRUN FCU motor is running.
NALARM There is a new, unread, alarm on this FCU.
OAS and CAS The FCU open limit switch (OAS) or close limit switch (CAS) is made.
Remote FCU mode local/remote selector in the remote position.
STOP (reported data) FCU stationary in mid position.
TRO and TRC FCU travelling towards the open (TRO) position or closed (TRC) position.
Travelling FCU in motion.
BAKPWR FCU operating on reserve battery power (CVA and CMA actuators only).
BAKBATT FCU reserve battery power low (CVA and CMA actuators only).

122 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

12. Data Interpretation (All Modbus Databases) continued

12.2.2 Alarm Data Bits

AUXOR Indicates that one of the auxiliary digital inputs is active.

CNA FCU remote control not available because the mode selector is not in the remote position.
COMMS Communication failure between Master Station and FCU.
EOT FCU continues to run the motor beyond the end of travel limit switch.
LOCAL Mode selector in the local position.
LSTOP Mode selector in the stop position.
MEMF Memory chip fault.
MMOVE Manual movement of the valve detected.
FCU has reached the open (MOP) or close (MCL) position due to manual movement of the handwheel.
MOP is manually opened, MCL is manually closed.
FCU has left the close position (MOPG) or the open position (MCLG) due to manual movement of the
handwheel. MOPG is manual opening of the valve and MCLG is manual closing of the valve.
FCU monitor relay tripped. The monitor relay is a combination signal usually indicating that remote control
is not available, check FCU manual for details of alarms included in the monitor relay indication.
POWR FCU power on reset alarm.
SFAIL FCU fails to start or stop when expected to do so.
THERM FCU thermostat tripped.
FAULT General fault indication (EH and SI only).
VJAM Valve jammed at end of travel causing an unexpected torque, thrust or pressure trip.
VOBS Obstructed valve at intermediate position causing an unexpected torque, thrust or pressure trip.
VTT Indicates valve travel time exceeded.

12.2.3 FCU Commands

The actuators on the field network can be commanded to open, close, or stop by writing to the appropriate location in the database. In
all cases, there is no requirement to cancel a command to remove it. A new command will always remove any existing commands.
Most FCUs are capable of adopting an analogue position (0-100%), check the technical manual for the FCU to confirm whether the
actuator supports this feature. Writing an analogue position to the appropriate register cancels any existing command. Writing an open/
stop/close command will cancel any analogue setting previously made.
General Purpose Field Control Units (GPFCU) can have their relay outputs operated (energised or de-energised) and additionally they
have an analogue output signal. Similar to actuator commands, with the GPFCU relays there is no requirement to cancel a command to
remove it unless the relay outputs have been set to maintained action within the FCU.

OPEN The FCU will move open.

STOP The FCU will stop.
CLOSE The FCU will close.
ESD The FCU will perform internally set Emergency Shut Down operation.
The FCU will move to the written desired position value. This method of intermediate positioning must be
Position control used for modulating duty. The use of pulsed control will not be successful as the current loop network
timing is not deterministic

Energise or de-energise the applicable relay depending on the data written. Only a GPFCU will consider
RLY1 to RLY4
the commands as operating relays. All other FCUs have logic outputs to their respective internal controls.

12. Data Interpretation (All Modbus Databases) continued

• Command Filtering (only applicable for the Pakscan Classic field network)
The Master Station includes a command filter to reduce the replication of commands to an FCU over the current loop interface. If a
command sent over the serial or Ethernet links is repeated within the set filter time, the second command will be discarded and only the
first command will be actioned. The effect is to remove unwanted field network commands from the system and free up the maximum
available time space for other valid commands or data retrieval from the field.

12.2.4 FCU Analogue Inputs

There are several analogue inputs available from FCUs. Not all signals will be reported by all actuators and the tables for each protocol
indicate what is available from each type of FCU. In particular A, AQ, Q and ROMpak range actuators cannot report valve position
unless they are fitted with a potentiometer.

Valve position feedback Reports the actual valve position as a percentage of full travel
Pulse input This register from a GPFCU contains a counter value that increments on receipt of inputs to DIN1
There are two registers that report the value of the analogue input connected (GPFCU and IQ range with
Analogue option only). These are 12 bit because the input signal is resolved to 12 bits (1 in 4096). The
12-bit analogue input 1 and 2
actual register value will vary in accordance with the input signal over a range that depends on the
protocol selected.

Historic torque profile Registers detailing historic torque, thrust or pressure at various positions across the valve stroke.

Instantaneous torque Indicates the last recorded torque, thrust or pressure value.

124 Master Station Full Configuration Manual

Glossary of Terms

Term Description

AIM Add In Module

API Application Programming Interface
CPU Central Processing Unit
DCS Distributed Control System
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DMZ Demilitarised Zone
DoS Denial of Service
DDoS Distributed Denial of Service
DPI Deep Packet Inspection
ESD Emergency Shutdown
FCU Field Control Unit
GPFCU General Purpose Field Control Unit
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
IDS Intrusion Detection System
IP address Internet Protocol address
IPS Intrusion Prevention System
LAN Local Area Network
MAC address Media Access Control address
NTP Network Time Protocol
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PSU Power Supply Unit
RAM Random Access Memory
ROM Read Only Memory
RSTP Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
STP Spanning Tree Protocol
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UTM Unified Threat Management
VPN Virtual Private Network

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