!iTREETEMP!i ... .5
!it:aff • • • • • •• ••• 7
:.. ~,.,t'
.. .:.
Netrunner!i . • •33
liho!it Ryder .• 33
Daemoness .34
Razors ••••• . .35
Tick • • • • • • • •••• • ••36
Pixie ••37
Other!i • • . 38
The Mailman .3 8
The !iurgeon • • • ••• 3 9
Mariko !ionomi ••4D
HELP WANTED • • • • 41
lnfucomp • • • • •• • • • • • • • .4i!
lnfucomp Contract!i . . • . .45
T!iunami De!iign Bureau • • • • • • • • • • • • • 51
T!iunami Contract!i • • • • . • • • • . •. 5i!
Raven Microcyb • • • • • • • • • .54
Raven Contract!i • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • 56
Red Cab • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 57
Red Cab Contracts . . .58
Affirmative Action • • • • • • • • • • .60
Affirmative Action Contract s • • • 6i!
Peak &. Derrera • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .66
Peak &. Derrera Contracts .67
BioMa!i!i Lab!i liroup • .70
BioMas!i Contracts • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 71
Bioliene!ii!i ••• 7i!
Biolienesis Contracts . . . . .73
Network Firstl • • • • • • • .74
Network Fir!it! Contract!i • • • • • 75
CityMed • • • • • • • • • •• . . .76
Cit:yMed Contract!i • • • • • 77
Cult: of' t:he New Dawn .78
Cult of' t:he New Dawn Cont:ract!i • • • •79
Andrew M . Bore lli CROSS you IN THE END •• .) THE CyBERPUNK
Derek Quintanar
David A c k e rman OF 2020 A.D •• EDGERUNNERS, INC. IS HALF
Cary Polkovitz
David A c k e rman
Mark Schuma nn
D e rek Quintana r, Senior Editor RIPPERDOc'S SLAB •••
Janice Sella rs
Nic k Ga u s
John K e nney
Ray Mollica
Vincent Parasca ndolo -DEREK QUINTANAR, S.E.
Ric hard S oressi
EIDEiiEIAILJ~~EIAl5,. ·~-= -
The Owner
I NT: 8 REF: 6 TECH: 7 COOL: 9 ATIR: 8 LUCK: 10 MA: 7 BODY: 7 EMP: 9/6 SAVE: 7 BTM: -2
Michael is ruthless, and motivated by power and money. He is also a devoted son who is able to grasp why his father did
what he did, even if he doesn't always agree, and really does wish to see his father's dreams succeed <if only because
employed customers have more money to spend than unemployed ones>. His primary attention, however, is the rest of the
small empire he controls; Hobson Enterprises controls much of the construction in Night Oty <his father moved in on a
power vacuum after the fall of the Mob-controlled firms during the Mob-Corp Warl, and has its fingers in transportation and
agriculture as well. He has a knack for turning any complication into a new way of making money. and for hiring compe-
tent people, and leaving them enough rope to swing on ... or to hang themselves with.
Net Operations and Computer Maintenance <TECH IE>
INT: 9 REF: 7 TECH: 9 COOL: 4 ATIR: 7 LUCK: 5 MA: 8 BODy: 8 EMP: 4 SAVE: 8 BTM: -3
Jill Tomasulo was an odd child. She was as likely to be found out in the wood behind her parents' Maine home as she was
in her room with her computer; almost anywhere, as long as she didn't have to deal with people. She hasn't changed much;
people are still at best something to be tolerated, and then only because they give her access to high-powered comput-
ers, and give her the money to be out in the woods she loves. Her only real friend is Joie Oleng. Jill somewhat resents the
help the company gets from ·rear Netrunners, but at the same time some of the only interaction with other humans that she
enjoys is with them. Jill knows she is no match for many of the people she deals with, and doesn't care.
Director of Security Operations <COP>
INT: 8 REF: 7 TECH: 5 COOL: 8 ATIR: 8 LUCK: 7 MA: 7 BODY: 6 EMP: 7 SAVE: 6 BTM: -2
Jacobs <as almost everyone refers to him> is an ex-cop, and ex-Special Forces. In charge not only of security for StreeTemps,
he is also the person most responsible for the setup and day-to-day running of Edgerunners Inc. Many of their first customers
<and contractors> were referred to the service by him, acquaintances he'd made during his time in the Service or the NCPD.
Jacobs seems gregarious and outgoing, yet cautious, and for good reason: He is playing a very dangerous game. Ever
since the creation of Edgerunners, Jacobs has been leaking information to the NCPD about certain jobs. Not all jobs, not
even most jobs. Just those that seem to be aimed at the city population at large, or at individuals/groups who are vital to
the city <attacks on Corporations are not considered important; they're supposed to be able to take care of themselves>.
These infrequent leaks <not even the NCPD is sure where they are coming from> have convinced the police to leave
Edgerunners alone, and even to try and protect them from LEDiv and Netwatch ... for now.
Financial Officer
INT: 9 REF: 7 TECH: 5 COOL: 8 ATIR: 9 LUCK: 7 MA: 8 BODY: 6 EMP: 7 SAVE: 6 BTM: -2
A pretty Chinese-American in her early twenties, Joie Uoyl is a rare thing in the hard-bitten world of 2020 America-she is
an idealist She joined StreeTemps to help people, and is very disturbed by the tum it has taken. Although she voices her
opinion when she feels that accepting a job is· too dangerous, or she thinks it is unethical, she is resigned to the fact that
the rest of the administrative staff does not agree with her <not as true as she thinks; Jacobs has leaked information about
several jobs to the NCPD that he would otherwise not have because of Joie's opposition to them>. Joie stays there because
she knows that the company is still doing good, and she hopes she might at least temper the others' greed-and because
she needs a job, and worl<.ing at StreeTemps/Edgerunners pays a lot better than one would think.
Chief Operations Officer
INT: 8 REF: 7 TECH: 5 COOL: 8 ATIR: 8 LUCK: 7 MA: 7 BODy: 6 EMP: 7 SAVE: 6 BTM: -2
Assigned to oversee day-to-day operations atStreeTemps, she is the driving force behind its success. She has paid particular
attention to the Edgerunners side of the business, and has driven the staff to develop more and more contacts, as w ell as
authorized the computerized system of drop sites for jobs and payments, to encourage more corporations to hire on with them.
In person, she seems personable, yet driven. She has a great need to succeed, and hates to look like a fool: your typical
Corporate. Her relationship with Michael Hobson is a carefully kept secret, and she will go to any lengths to keep it that Ymf.
Reality-based Operations strongly cautioned not to exaggerate too much; after all, it's their
Most of Edgerunner lnc:s operations are Net-based; it's much skins CEdgerunners does get evaluations back from employers,
more anonymous. For those operations where an employer and these are incorporated into applicants' profiles>.
wants to approve the employees <usually either the more legiti- When an Edgerunner who is on account logs in, he will find
mate jobs, where little illegal activity is happening, or the very his mailbox loaded with job descriptions on any missions on file
sensitive jobs, where discretion is absolutely vital, and the that meet his profile. The engine which does this is sensitive
employer wants to be able to match a face to a job if something both to time Cif a job's reply time expires, it is automatically
goes wrong.>, very discrete job interviews can be held in one of killedl, and a position being filled .
the upper floor conference rooms Cwith prospective employees The other job service available is the use of the Search
flown in by AVI, or at some neutral site. Engine. This system is tailored for Edgerunners; they can use the
While Edgerunners makes no guarantees about support or engine to find jobs quickly that are appropriate for them. Time
help, when they can provide help to someone in a bind, they will on the Engine is not free; users are billed against it at the rate of
try not to leave them out in the cold. Edgerunners maintains sev- one Euro per ten minutes. This is charged against any profits the
eral "safe houses" <more like safe cubes, but hey, don't get 'Runner may make from jobs he takes.
pickyl around the city, and has several rooms on the fourth floor Job descriptions are usually vague and ill-defined, but
where people can hide out include pay information, the skills and traits necessary for com-
Employers usually e-mail their jobs to a drop-box account pletion, and a way of contacting the employer. The descriptions
on the dataterms; this job data is then downloaded and careful- are kept vague for legal reasons-since no party has specified
ly checked on a clean computer for viruses, then entered into an action or crime, no conspiracy has occurred.
the search database. Edgerunners requires payment in advance Edgerunners is careful to note that they make no assurances
<payment arranged after negotiations have taken placel; this about the veracity of job descriptions posted, or the accuracy of
money is held in an escrow account until the mission is com- 'Runner profiles. Since this is an anonymous service, background
pleted. Edgerunners usually takes a fee equal to 20% of the checks or references are an impossibility. This has led to abuses
payment Cthis is paid by the employer), and takes a kill fee equal in the past and 'Runners are warned to tread carefully.
to 25% of their usual fee even if a job is not filled or completed
satisfactorily. Refunds for botched or unfilled jobs are paid off Facilil:y Descript:ion
within 24 hours of their cutoff date.
StreeTemps is located in the Upper East side of Night Oty <see Night
l\let-based Operations Oty Sourcebook>. Recently. gang violence has started to plague the
area, and StreeTemps has started to upgrade its security.
Despite having been originally designed by a fourth-tier corpo- The StreeTemps building is a former office building that has
ration with limited resources, Edgerunner lnc:s computer been seriously renovated for its new roles. Four stories tall, the
defenses are state of the art and very formidable. Several high front of the building is composed of sheets of solid armorcrys
quality Netrunners have volunteered to upgrade their defenses, ($P35, SDP15 per segment>, with two doors in the middle that
including the infamous D'Arque, White Ronin, LiveWire, and, it is lead into a large atrium that stretches up to the top floor. Stairs
rumored, Spider Murphy and Rache Bartmoss himself. CWhy? on the left hand side as you enter lead up to the second floor;
Who knows why Rache does anything?) Anyone trying to get to as do a pair of elevators to the right A number of benches and
Edgerunner's databases woul.d find himself running up against sturdy sofas are bolted into the floor along the perimeter of the
an elaborate, multi-tiered defense strategy guaranteed at least atrium, facing a long counter to the left. where resumes can be
to slow down anyone trying to broach the system, and to scream dropped and interviews arranged. Cameras continuously sweep
for help in every direction, probably attracting the attention of the area from behind surveillance bubbles, but overt security is
several high-class Netrunners willing to paddle the behinds of light two guards behind the counter with shotguns under their
anyone trying to off one of their best employment opportunities. desks. A large bathroom and shower facility Cunisexl allows
Edgerunners offers two services. Any 'Runner must first give those without access to such to clean up before heading out to
some basic information: a screen name, password, dataterm Cor work or to an interview. The remainder of this floor is filled with
other BBSl e-mail drop-box where messages from Edgerunners interview rooms, a conference room, a cloak room for the
can reach them, and a method of payment Usually this is a blind employees by the back entrance Calways kept locked, Difficulty
account or face bank, but can be any method desired. 25l and the rear stairwell.
After this page is filled out 'Runners can fill out a rather The second floor contains most of the offices for the compa-
complete profile sheet This is used to match 'Runners up with ny, as well as interview rooms for the professional and skilled labor
jobs, and is completely on the honor system, but applicants are jobs available. The decor is somewhat less utilitarian here; potted
plants occupy odd comers, the floor is covered in carpet rather doors are forced, an alarm is triggered in the computer room, and
than stain-proof linoleum, chairs and sofas are padded and doth- unless an override is immediately entered, the computers will
covered. There are two security guards and a receptionist sta- automatically overwrite all of the Edgerunner files with random
tioned at a counter on the overhang in the atrium, which acts as information and game files <this takes twenty melee turns [one
the foyer for the second floor. Also located on the second floor are minutel, but the information will be unusable after only four melee
the employee break room and restrooms. All rooms on this floor turns, as the system starts with a complete wipe, then rewrites>.
are monitored by security cameras <except for the bathrooms>. The furnishings on this floor are plush-thick carpeting, syn-
The third floor can only be accessed by the elevators; the thwood fittings, indirect lighting, and plants in nearly every cor-
back stairwell door is locked <no access; the only way to open the ner. Each of the directors has an office here, and there are some
door is by contacting the security station and having them release spare offices as well <for future expansion>. The computer room
itl, but a crashbar allows emergency egress <the crashbar auto- is in the back. next to the security office <where assault rifles and
matically sets off an alarm>. This floor houses the executive offices, MetaiGear for all of the officers are kept, as well as a small num-
computer room, and security offices, as well as most of the facili- ber of other sidearms>. There are two conference rooms with a
ties for Edgerunners Inc.; therefore, security is fairly tight The ele- small kitchen between them, and two smaller interview rooms.
vators open up into a small lobby that fa~ a high security counter The fourth floor is largely unoccupied at the current time;
manned by two officers in MetaiGear"', armed with assault rifles, two former conference rooms are used for storage, and three of
who will politely explain that this floor is restricted access. The the office suites in the back have been remodeled into temporary
doors that allow entry into the office spaces are locked, and while housing <one as a bunk room, and the other two as guest suites
they look like synthwood, they are actually steelcore <SP20, with two bedrooms>. These were originally intended to be used
SDP2Sl, and are controlled by a trigger at the security station. for getting clients out of bad situations, and still are, but are more
An emergency trigger will automatically summon all of the likely to be used to hide Edgerunners after a particularly hot run.
security guards on shift, alert Jacobs, and autocall several Solos The rooftop houses all of the heating and cooling equip-
kept on retainer who live nearby <response time: 5 minutes to a ment, antennas for the company's cellular and data links, and a
half hourl. Police can also be called if the situation warrants it If the reinforced pad for landing an AV-type craft.
EDEiE~ILJ~I"'WE~S,. •rwc_
Operating !ityle
When going after a bounty. Bosh becomes obsessive. He learns
whatever he can about the target before going in, sometimes
following the unfortunate subject around for a while, waiting for
the right moment This usually requires some sort of detective
work. so Bosh employs a series of disguises and bluffs. He car-
ries a variety of IDs with assumed names, and is always ready to
make new ones to fit the assignment
Once Bosh has identified his target, he doesn't stop hunt-
ing until the contract is filled. This has taken him around the
country, often hitching rides with HiWay cops and nomad packs
to reach his destination. This has also made him a number of
friends and enemies across the U.S.
Bosh's personality is the most disquieting thing about him.
Normally talkative, friendly, and laid back, with sarcastic com-
ments and funny sayings, while "on-duty" he becomes brooding
and morbid. Worse, he takes an almost obscene pleasure in ful-
filling a bounty, dead or alive. Even stranger is Bosh's bizarre
hunger for junk food. His eating habits would make a sharp-suit-
ed, health-crazed Mover drop dead on the spot When encoun-
tered, Bosh is constantly noshing on something repugnant
uke all bounty hunters, Bosh often suffers a serious cash-
flow problem, and is constantly on the hunt for work. Between
big contracts, he goes on private wars <usually against local
thugs> for free. <Privately, Bosh is still a cop at heart, and he hates
the bad situation on the street> As a result, he'll pick up any boun-
ty, even petty ones on low-level downs. Note-Bosh does his
homework well before he sets out, which means he won't hunt
HANDLE •• .... ••••• ....•.. .BosH people who aren't "asking for it", in his mind. No one's sure what
REAL NAME .... .. . ..... .UNKNOWN that means, but it's hard to trick him into an assassin's job.
A GE •••••• .• • ••• •••• •...... . 28
INT: 7 TECH:3 REF: ~ COOL: 8/9
W CK: 6 ATT:5 EMP: 5 MA: 6
Background l\lotes BOD: 6/ 8 Rep: 4
Nobody is really sure where this erratic bounty hunter comes
from. Acquaintances say he was a beat cop in the New york area Combat Sense +6, Awareness +8, Streetwise +5, Martial
for several years and was dismissed from the force in 2011 for Arts <Thamoc> +6, Athletics +6, Pistol +6, Rifle +6, Ubrary .
attacking a superior officer. Allegedly, the officer ordered Bosh to Search +4, Education +2, Stealth +5, Persuasion +5,
shoot a streetkid who hadn't done anything except splash mud Shadow/Track +5, Melee +4, Intimidate + 4, Disguise + 4,
on the officer's boots. After a hearing, he had his badge revoked. Interrogate +4, Hide/Evade +2
Bosh became despondent He had no interest in joining Cyberware
the military, but he was bored and needed the action. He • Basic Neural Processor w/lnterface plugs <Smartgun
returned to his old prednct. where a new commander had been linkl, Sandevistan Boost, Olfactory Boost
assigned, and began picking up bounties. After a couple of suc- • Musde/Bone Lace,
cessful kills and captures, he persuaded the new commander to • Cyberoptic <w!TA, IR, Dodge Ball lChrBk11, AD options>
issue him a " hot beep", the mini-transmitter undercover cops • Cyberoptic <wiTH, lS+ options>
use when they need to call for help. When Bosh called in a raid • Chipware Socket w/Police Vis. Recognition chip
on a massive snuff-porno operation, he became a trusted free- IOlrBkll, Stress chip IOlrBk11, Ambidex chip IOlrBk1l,
Stutter chip IChrBk31
lancer with the department
---- ·~~
Operating !ityle
Lynx can be crude and abusive, and her rontemporaries have
said she's "as subtle as a lead pipe." She prefers the traditional
biker look, unconcerned with contemporary fashion. This attitude
is a residue of her days 'Nith the gangs. She hates all Europeans,
espedally Eurosolos, and highriders as well, because she views
LEO as a members-only extension of Europe.
Lynx is making an honest effort to improve her attitude.
She's had most of the cyberware from her gang days removed,
and she drifts in and out of therapy when she remembers to go.
Despite her hate for Europe, she even went there for a month
when the Brain needed musde. During this period, she received
advanced Euro-therapy to restore her humanity, and had her
remaining large-scale cyberware replaced with fresh body parts.
Lynx still has her problems. She parties to excess, spending
H.ANDLE. •••••••••••••••••• •L}'N.X her cash on 20th century drugs like hash and marijuana <an expen-
sive prospect, these days>. She desperately wants to remember her
humanity, but keeps getting dragged down by the situation. Only
ROLE ••••••••••••••• • •••• •SOLO time 'Nill tell if she 'Nill rise above her past or bum out trying.
AGE •••••••••••••.••••••••• •29
~co cc "'
"· .,.,.
Operating !ityle
Since then, Sabre has performed hits, robberies, escorts, sabo-
tage, extractions, and a host of other jobs. She is strictly a free-
lancer, accepting cash or the equivalent Euro, weapons, skill
chips, the newest combat drug, whatever- make her an offer she
thinks matches the job, and she's yours <although she's not getting
any more cyber if she can help it-i.lnless it's reeeally chill stuff>.
Sabre doesn't sleep around, go out on dates, dance, sing,
smile, or do anything else remotely fun. During downtime, she
either drinks, does drugs, watches the holovid, or plays arcade
braindance games for cash <the local bookies give her good
odds>. She despises the party culture of 2020 and tolerates it only
because that's her hiring hall. She knows how to show respect for
prospective employers, how to talk the street and how to act in
public, but that's about it Sabre is not the typical "iceman." She
does not relish or regret killing, nor does she live for the "rush" of
combat She feels neutral about her job, just as she feels neutral
HANDLE ••• • • • •• • . .....•.. .SABRE about everything she does: It is something she does because she
REAL NAME .• • ... .. .... .UNKNOWN has to, and that's it After years of drugs, abuse, and gang life,
RoLE . ... . ... . ... .. . .... . .SoLo Sabre no longer bothers to react to anything beyond the basic
human responses. If asked, she feels, "Fine, I s'pose."
A GE •••••••••• •. •••• ••••..• •25
Operating !ityle
Crista took on the dangerous job of bounty hunting initially
to make ends meet, but developed a taste for the danger
and excitement that came with the jobs. She learned on the
streets to "walk softly and carry an automatic weapon" -
meaning, she tries to give the air of being a bimbo. Wearing
clothing that would be considered a liability in most combat
situations <micro-skirts and skintight crop-topsl, she has
made this an advantage, being able to surprise opponents
with this completely brainless look and attitude, then sud-
denly turning into the hardened combat pro when needed.
To build her rep, she likes to wear weird contact lenses when
she make a collar, usually either reptile eyes or skulls.
INT: 6 TECH: 4 REF: 7/8 COOL: 10
WCK: 4 ATI:7 EMP: 9/4 M A:6
BOD: 8/ 10 Rep: 3
H.ANDLE •.••••• •• .•••••••• .NONE Combat Sense +6, SMG +6, Handgun + 2, Athletics +5,
REAL NAME • • .• . • .CRISTA MARGARET Awareness + 4, Martial Art <Savatel +4, Streetwise +6,
RoLE ...... .SOLO <BoUNTY HuNTER) Intimidate +4, Personal Grooming +4, Wardrobe/Style
+4, Endurance +2, Interrogation +2, Persuasion + 2,
AGE •.•••. • . . ••••••.•••••.. •30
Education +2, Hide & Evade +3, Shadow & Track +3,
Survival +2, Drive +4, Motorcycle +2, Stealth +3,
Disguise +3, First Aid +2, Weaponsmith +2
Background Notes
Coming from Eastern European stock, Crista served with the Cyberware
U.S. Army for four years, during which she made lasting friend- • Neural Processor w/lnterface plugs !Smartgun Link.
ships !and had a few affairs) with some of the fellow soldiers in Vehicle link>, Kerenzikov Boost 12 levelsl, Boostmaster,
her company. Upon leaving the Army, she drifted into the Steel Pain Editor
Ratz nomad pack, spending two years with them and rising to a • Chip socket w/DigiTone ID chip, MaxLover chip, Stress
position of some respect Returning home to Los Angeles, she chip, AlE Surge chip and Police VR <+3l chip lall ChrBk11
made a friend in the LAPD, who showed her around the streets • Adrenal Booster, Biomonitor, Decentralized Heart
and made her realize that her "talents" could be of use to the IChrBk 11, Cyberliver IChrBk 11 implants
general public- so she became a bounty hunter. • Muscle & Bone Lace, Skinweave CSP 12)
Unfortunately, this led her into a head-on collision sever- • Left Cyberoptic !w/CF, LL, DC optionsl; Right Cyberoptic
al years later with a large U.S. Corporation which took offense <wiTA, TS Plus IChrBk11 options>
to her shutting down one of their Black Ops !when she cap-
tured a gang of ex-cons/escapees in their employl. The
Corporation framed her for a killing, and got her Hunter's
license revoked for a year.
well equipped extraction attempt on him. Another time, he
helped out a police SWAT unit, giving them cover fire during a
boostergang ambush. He has had a string of short, but passion-
ate affairs, with only one real relationship which finished when
she recently accepted a bodyguarding job.
Operating !ityle
He believes in the group rather than individuals, attempting
to keep a group of people together at the expense of any
individual. This has led him to threaten his superiors if they
were planning to sacrifice the group in a stupid and pointless
way. He enjoys swapping war stories and will happily fight
alongside someone he's just met if he has had some military
Always preferring to use the biggest weapon available
has brought Bruce the reputation as a "maximum-force man"
-when minimum force would have been just as effective in
most cases. His axiom is if he's always prepared for a major
firepower action, then when it goes down, he'll be able to
deliver the goods. <The fact that he always draws the major
firepower against himself precisely because of his overea-
gerness to carry such weapons hasn't registered on his
thinking yet.>
H.ANDLE ••..••.•••••••••.• •NONE INT: 5 TECH: 6 REF: B/ 9 COOL: 7
WCK: 5 ATT: 5 EMP: 9/5 MA: 2
REAL NAME •••••••••••BRUCE ??? BOD: 9/ 11 Rep:3
ROLE ••••••••••••••SOLO (SOLDIER>
AGE •••••••• • •••..••...•... .32 Combat Sense + 7, Awareness + 7, Rifle +6, Heavy
Weapons +6, Vehicle Hvy. Weapons +3, Melee +4,
Athletics + 7, Wilderness Survival +5, Wardrobe and Style
Background Notes +1, Personal Grooming +2, Persuasion +3, Intimidation
Born into a Nomad pack, Bruce has been on the move from the +5, Seduction +2, Endurance +5, Basic Tech +3, Drive
earliest days he can remember. He came to the U.S. when still + 4, Operate Hvy. Machinery +1
young, but has not shed his Australian background. Serving as a
heavy-weapons specialist in several small South
American/African wars, he learned his trade as a U.S. Army • Neural Processor w/lnterface plugs ISmartgun link>,
trooper and then as a mercenary. Kerenzikov Boost <2 levels>, Boostrnaster !Solo 11, Pain
Bruce lives for the thrill, doing things on the spur of the Editor
moment He is usually violent and antisocial, even to his fellow • Chipware Socket w/Stress chip, AlE surge chip,
companions. He is particularly touchy about his parents, and will Ambidex chip, Fish 'N Chips chip !all ChrBk1l
exact a painful revenge for any slurs, real or imagined. • Musde & Bone Lace, Skinweave ISP12), Enhanced
Always reacting before thinking has given Bruce a very Antibodies, Ufesaver Skinweave !ChrBk1l, Anti-Plague
checkered past, with numerous enemies among his fellow mer- Nanotech
cenaries and ex-employers. It has also lead him to new friends • Left Cyberoptic (w/IE. TA, AD, LL options>
as well-he is owed a considerable favor from a Raven Microcyb
· Decentralized Heart IChrBk11
executive, when Bruce's team successfully fought off a large,
Probably borderline psychotic before becoming a body-
plated colossus, his remaining personality has become weirder
and more violent For example, Chrome Man tends to live in a
world of his own, ignoring people, and single-mindedly following
his own strange impulses, which has led to him trespassing
through both Corporate and gang no-go areas while in the
process of going somewhere else.
Operating §tyle
Chrome Man's major trait is the murderous rage he goes into if
his body-job is scratched/dented, etc. He has been known to kill
members of two competing gangs because he walked into the
middle of their firelight and got hit by a stray round!
Not usually receptive to jobs, even he has to eat <and in his
case, the amount he spends on polish and chrome repair work
is considerable> and therefore takes any job offered to him,
regardless of what it entails. Chrome Man likes to get in close to
his opponents, using his brute strength and Rippers to literally
tear them apart While on a job, he ignores any orders given to
him, if there is a direct method of accomplishing the mission
instead. This often leads to the death of his opposition-and his
fellow companions.
INT:7 TECH: 6 REF: 9 COOL: 5
WCK:7 ATT: ?/10 EMP: 9/2 MA: 16
HANDLE ••••••••••••CHROME MAN BOD: 10 Rep: 3
INT:6 TECH: 5 REF: 7/8 COOL: 7
WCK: 10 A1T:5 EMP: 8 /4 MA:7
BOD: 10 Rep:3
· Combat Sense +6, Awareness +6, Resist Torture/Drugs
HANDLE .....••.... ...•.• •NUTIER + 1, Streetwise +6, Personal Grooming + 1, Wardrobe and
REAL NAME ..JEAN-CLAUDE MONROE Style +3, Persuasion +2, Intimidate +5, Corporate Policy
ROLE .• •• ...•... • •••••••• •SOLO +3, Native Language <Frenchl, Language <English> +6,
Endurance + 2, Athletics +6, Heavy Weapon + 1, Handgun
AGE .•••••.•••...•••••••••• •29
+4, Rifle +4, Melee +4, Drive +4, Operate Hvy. Machinery
+ 2, Pilot Vee. Thrust Vehicle + 2, Weaponsmith + 1
INT:6 TECH: 4 REF: 8/9 COOL: 10
LUCK: 5 ATI:10 EMP: 912 MA: 5
BOD: 7/9 Rep:3
Combat Sense +6, Athletics +6, Handgun +5, Melee
+ 7, Endurance + 1, Awareness +5, Stealth + 7, Hide &
Evade +4, Shadow & Track +4, Streetwise +4,
Intimidate + 4, Persuasion +3, Seduction +3, Language
Uapanese/native>, Education +3, Disguise +3, Drive
HANDLE ..............•..• •NONE
+2, Personal Grooming +2, Wardrobe/Style +2,
REAL NAME •••••••••MIHOSHI ONJ Human Perception +4
RoLE .................... .SoLo Cyberware
A GE •• • •••••..•.•• ......• •• •27 • Basic Processor w/lnterface plugs <Smartgun link,
DataTerm link), Kerenzikov Boost <two levels>,
Boostmaster, Pain Editor, Tactile Boost
Background Notes • Skinweave <SP12>, Ufesaver Skinweave, Muscle and
Following in her brother's footsteps (and benefiting from a more Bone Lace, Nanosurgeons
enlightened time), Mihoshi Oni joined the Yakuza and was • Adrenal Booster, Motion Detector, Midnight Lady and
taught all the combat skills she would need to survive the rough Contraceptive Implant, Biomonitor w/Trauma Team
streets. Showing her eagerness for the act of killing, she was "deadman" switch
soon awarded most of the "wetwork" that needed doing. As • Decentralized Heart IChrBk 11, Cyberliver IChrBk 11,
she got older, she was taught by several masters of the sword
• Muscle/Bone Lace
and the skill of silent movement Mihoshi was an apt pupil and
• Chipware Socket w/English language and Electronic
soon became an expert in these "older'' combat arts. Having
Security skill chips, plus others
been implicated twice for murder in the course of her various
• Cyberoptic <TA/UV/IEIAD options>
missions, she was spirited away to avoid arrest by the authori-
~: Mihoshi 's Cyberoptic and Neural Processor are
ties and quietly retired from the Yakuza. They do not see her as
unconnected, but Mihoshi is now building a separate reputa- EMP-hardened.
tion for herself as a yojimbo <bodyguard>. This hasn't led her
into conflict with her ex-bosses yet- but it could.
EII:::.Eii EIRlLJ"'"' EIRlS,. • "'C-
Operating !it:yle
Bryce doesn't appear on a nightly basis. He files his column <daily
in major screamsheets nationwide> from different locations.
There's an office at the Net 54 News building in Night City-but
he's never there. He just appears every few weeks on the seven
o'dock news with a hard-hitting story-and the public loves it
Those who've worked with him say his personality is a little
hard to swallow. He often gives the appearance of being a hyper-
H.ANDLE ••••• • •• • •• •• • •..• •BR.YCE active maniac concerned only with ratings. He uses this cover
REAL NAME .•••••.• .•• •UNKNOWN image to his advantage, popping up when least expected in his
Ro LE . ••• • .•••• . . . •..•. . • MEDIA quest for the truth. The networks have tried to pull his stories dozens
of times-twice they succeeded, resulting in riots outside the studio.
A GE • ••• • •• • • •.• .. • •• ••••• • •31
Bryce hasn't been seen on the air in two months, and
reportedly he's looking for a good story. He can usually be
reached by putting the word on the streets of selected cities
Background Notes (said locations deliberately leaked by himself).
"Bryce" is the handle of one of the most popular-and hated-
newsmen in the U.S. His real name is dosely guarded by Net §tats
News 54 <it's rumored that Bryce is his real surname>, and for tNT: 9 TECH: 6 REF:6 COOL: 8
security purposes, he has no permanent address. W CK:S ATT:7 EMP:7 MA:7
Bryce's family disappeared during the earthquake which 800:7 Rep: S
destroyed Los Angeles. He was found by corporate police who !ikill!i
were "sweeping" transients for work in corporate labor facilities. Credibility + 7, Awareness +5, Composition + 7, Education
younger than most of the juvies he was brought in with, Bryce + 4, Persuasion + 7, Human Perception +5, Social +4,
got lucky, managing to become an office gopher at Petrochem's Streetwise +6, Photo & Film +4, Interrogate +5, Ubrary
brutally infamous East Lubbock Work Facility. He got even luckier Search +5, Pistol +3, Brawling +5, Athletics +4, Rifle + 1,
when a manager decided to adopt the boy-a stand-in son for his M elee + 4, Stealth +5
infertile wife. They moved east after scandal dosed the facility a few Cyberware
years later, his father becoming general manager for Petrochem • Processor wPiugs <DataTerm linkl, Sandevistan Boost
New Jersey. Similar grim surroundings and hostile wor1<ing condi- · Optic <w!Video Transmitter lChrBk11, IE, TE. ME, AD, THl
tions hardened his already bitter image of the corporate world. • Cyberaudio (w/LD, SE. DR options)
EDEiiE~aJJ"'W~E~S,. ·~-=-
Operating §tgle
Originally starting as a solo reporter, she prefers to work with
noone else. This has led her into dangerous and potentially
lethal positions, only getting the story out through luck, chance
and some good friends. She can be very manipulative and will
use almost any means to get her story, especially if it's Corp-
related! For example, she has joined various groups/causes to
get a specific lead, then abandoned them to bring in the story.
Now that she's one of Network 54's primary Net
reporters, they have an increased interest in her well-being,
and a small, personally picked team often backs her up in the
field. This doesn't mean she likes it; a certain lack of freedom
comes with the contract these days, and she's looking for a lit-
tle moonlighting ...
Opera~ing !i~yle
Deciding to enjoy her life to the fullest. she is a frequent cus-
tomer of nightclubs, even those normally closed to her as a non-
Corporate member (because of her skill with disguises and per-
suasion of the door staffl. There she can unwind and keep her
ear out for any gossip that could lead to a story.
By picking up on said gossip, then following up any pos-
sible leads generated, means she's always working-and not
always getting a story in return. However, the fact that she
can enjoy herself at the same time-sometimes on other's
money-makes this her preferred way of operating. She uses
people for both pleasure and information, usually at the
same time.
Operating !ityle
Tiny can best be described as a "people person." He is loud,
boisterous, and jovial. Few people who meet Tiny don't like him.
His sense of humor stems from staring death in the face every
day for the past two years, then facing a string of personal dis-
asters. Tiny's philosophy is, if you can't laugh, what can you do?
Go berserk and get chopped by the psycho squad? Or end up
in some hospital ward pumped full of tranqs?
Tiny wanders the Sprawl circuit up and down the west coast
of the U.S., looking for work. He leaves his cell phone number
with satisfied customers, so he can be reached at a moment's
notice if somebody needs no-questions-asked medical care.
Tiny has also worked for Trauma Team, but they're beginning a
HANDLE •.••••••• ••• ••• •TINY JOE hiring freeze as conflicts develop between management and tfle
REAL NAME • • • • • • ••• JOE ROLACK medical unions. Tiny enjoys practicing his trade and he honest-
ROLE •• •••.•••.. •• •.• .MEDTECHIE ly likes to help people, but his bedside manner is lacking some-
what due to his personality. He often finds himself working for
AGE •••..•••••••••.•••• • .•• •28 anyone at all just to catch up on his gambling debts. Tiny may
be a high technician, but he's no highroller, despite what he
Background Notes
''Tiny" Joe Rolack stands about 6' 7", weighs in at 260 pounds,
likes to bench press scrap steel, and is perpetually eating a bag
thinks to the contrary.
of Garlic Sour Cream 'N' Bar-B-Q Mesquite"' Kibble Chips INT: 8 TECH: 9 REF: 6 COOL: 7
<brought to you by ConAg Corporation>. He's also EMT-certified, LUCK: 3 ATI: 4 EMP: 6 MA: 6
fully competent in street surgery, familiar with cyber-grafting, and BOD: 10 Re p:3
legally licensed to perform emergency medical services on the !iklll!i
spot When he's not doing that, he's running himself into debt in Medtech +6, Awareness +5, Basic Tech +4, Diagnose +4,
one of several Chinatown gambling pits. Education +2, Cryotank Op +4, CyberTech +5,
Pharmaceuticals + 4, Pistol +4, First Aid +6, Athletics +5,
Tiny grew up in Las Salinas, a decaying California beach
Rifle +5, Streetwise +5, Gamble +5, Wilderness Survival
town. Tourism, the town's only industry, didn't survive the +2, Language !Spanish) +2, Social +2
Collapse; nobody had money for vacations anymore and the
highways leading to Las Salinas were too dangerous. The gold-
• Basic Processor, Kerenzikov Boost (1 Ieveil
en beaches and blue waters which made the town so popular
• Cyberoptic <wiTS Plus IChrBk21,TH options> '·
were knee-deep in toxic sludge and bristling with medical waste.
• Medical Modular Hand U-face# 1.21 1
His family left, joining the mass of refugees along the california • Biomonitor
freeway system. At 17, tired of the nomad life, he left on his own • Olip Socket w/Stress chip IOlrBkll, Ambidex chip
for San Francisco. IChrBkll, SegAtari Mind Games chips lOlrBkll
Operating !ityle
Patchwork is quiet and businesslike. Sometimes she is pleasant
enough, but is always talking about her work Other times, she's
too distant and detached even for other Medtechies to under-
stand. She always looks to further her research in biotechnolo-
gy. For this, she needs a constant flow of newtech, fresh body
parts, and cash. As a result, she freelances to those looking for
the right biotech. Her clients include gangsters, street samurai,
braindance stars, intelligence agents, posers <of course>, really
strange boosters, and others ...
For an exorbitant fee <and over time>, Patchwork can alter
you into something from your wildest dreams or your worst
nightmares, depending on how your procedure turns out Want
HANDLE •••••••••••••••PATCHWORK another limb? Faster reflexes? Greater body mass? Natural toxin
REAL NAME ••••••••SHEUA DARWIN binders? Shelia can do it- probably. She also performs the more
exotic sculpt jobs not found openly. For the most part, Shelia
RoLE ••••••• • •••••••• .MEDTECHIE
lives and works out of her salvaged pre-Collapse van, custom -
AGE .••• .•••••.. ..••••• •••• •25 refitted for her work
Upset that his entire early life <until age 22> was a tissue of
lies, Doctor Snoopy has no respect for himself or others, see-
ing everyone as tools to use so he can better himself. He has
become a doctor who is willing to take risks with his own and
other's lives, caring nothing for the pain of his patients or
whether a person dies under his knife.
The one dream he still clings to is to control his own
large-scale drug laboratory, making products for his own use
and for street sale. He will betray anyone or any ideal to
reach this dream, regardless of any future backlash on him-
self or anyone else.
Opera~ing !i~yle
Doctor Snoopy has become widely known as a ripperdoc who,
though brutal in practice, is willing to perform any operation-
with no interest in the usage of his "work" afterwards. Usually
to be found in the worst bars and nightclubs, he is tolerated by
others because of his skill. However, he is more widely known
within the drug underworld as a source of new designer drug
If baited with enough money, he could even accompany a
group of Cyberpunks, but only if the 'punks are desperate for
someone with good medical and/or drug knowledge. Even on
these jobs he will be on at least one drug, if not a whole cock-
tail. When not needed as a ripperdoc, he likes to blot out his
memories and feelings in a morass of alcohol and mood-
enhancing drugs <some of his own concoction>, oblivious to the
HANDLE ••••••••••DOCTOR SNOOpY damage he's doing to himself.
Operating !ityle
Sylph has decided to help other people and to look after her-
self at the same time, becoming a street-doc, helping those
who can pay her something. The payment is usually small,
and even only as much as a promise of future help. She is
afraid of the effects of cyberware on the human psyche and
will not deal with it if she can help it.
On the advice of her current lover lthe block gang
leader>, she has let people in the local area know that she's
operating and has set up an unofficial clinic near the combat
zone. She will also go on emergency house calls in her car,
but only with her boyfriend land possibly some of his bros>
with her. If approached to work with a specific group, she
would examine their reputation for mindless violence versus
a more restrained attitude. A large amount of money may
allow her to quell niggling doubts, but she will never be
found with a group of unrestrained maniacs.
H.ANOLE •••••••••••••••••••Syll'li
REAL NAME ••••••••••••UNKNOWN !itilt!i
ROLE •••••••••••••••• MEDTECHIE INT: 9 TECH: 10 REF: 7 COOL: 7
AGE ••••.•••••.•.•••••••.•• •22 LUCK: 2 ATT:S E.MP: 8 MA: S
pjzgf'f tel ' '
BOD: 6 Rep : 4
Opera~ing §~yle
That was a year ago. Since he hit the Washington D.C. area,
Victor has re-established contact with his various cohorts from
the old organization. He is a slick, arrogant hustler who has
worked for various criminal syndicates, usually arranging the
sale of illegal cybernetics in bulk, the fencing of stolen cyber-
ware, or the procurement of rare "black" tech. In business con-
versations, he is exceedingly friendly and outgoing, always will-
ing to consider another concession- in exchange for a little
favor later. He has good relations with the other syndicates in the
HANDLE ••.•••.••.•.••.••. .NONE city and so far is too small to really bother anybody. His reputa-
REAL NAME ......• •VICTOR CROWE tion has yet to be firmly established, but so far he has had noth-
ing but satisfied customers. Note that Victor is not above mur-
ROLE ••••••••••••••••••••• •FIXER
der, but never without a legitimate grievance.
AGE ••••••••••••••••••••.•. . 21 Victor's only problem now is that the Company is still active-
ly searching for him with intent to prosecute; he needs a hiding
place, he needs cash, and he needs reliable contacts. But first-
Background No~e!i he needs that one big score to get him moving.
Victor Crowe was one of the lucky ones. His childhood was
wealth and security, in a place where black-clad, gun-toting '·------------~--~
guards offered salutes on well manicured landscapes. He went
TECH: 10 REF: 7 COOL: 10
to company schools and became an employee of IEC after
ATT: 9 EMP: 7 MA:6
graduation-a life nothing short of pampered drudgery. From Rep:2
childhood, he had learned the rules of the game, and quickly
carved his own niche in corporate society. At the customary par-
ties, he was the model executive child; then he snuck off like
everybody else to screw and do synthcoke all night
Victor never liked cyberware. He never saw the point to
altering yourself, never found any appeal in becoming metal. But
he knew there was money to be made as he watched the sales
ledgers grow exponentially, fattened by fools who couldn't do
Cyberware .,
without their precious cybernetics.
Then he met Dana, the daughter of the marketing VP. at a None.
party. She had forgotten her pills, and Victor had all kinds of
E~LJI"'WI"'W.E~s... •rwc:_
nothing new to Usa, but these men had come to kill her. Had it
not been for dumb luck, they would have succeeded. She real-
ized this was the big time, and that she was now a player. An
edgerunner. A cyberpunk. It was a sobering experience.
When Jansen expanded his network, Usa was given control
of the local data action. Now an army of Techies, Netrunners,
Solos, and Datamen were hers to command. When Jansen was
murdered, Usa decided to split She handed things over to a
lieutenant, took her share of the business, and started working
the sprawl circuits. She has reached such a level, that if the
majority of her compiled data saw the light of day, Usa would be
forced to flee off-planet
Operating §tyle
Usa does not specialize in any one field of information. Rather,
she has access to select chunks of data from a vast array of top-
ics. She owns a reliable stable of datamen and regularly hires
freelance datarunners. The combined sum of data she has
access to at any one time has been approximated in excess of
five million Euros worth.
Usa can be found hanging around parties, where she usu-
ally has the inside story on current controversies. She is slightly
reserved, but quite friendly if you get her to talk, and especially
outgoing if she thinks she can pick up some bit of new informa-
tion. She's fair in business matters, but tenaciously dedicated to
expansion of her databases. When not publicly gathering infor-
mation, Usa is usually lost in some research
HANDLE .•••••.•.•...••.•• .NONE There's a little-known thing about Usa's portable computer,
REAL NAME •••. •.••• •LISA MORET where she temporarily stores interesting data and other notes.
The machine is protected by both positive voice and palm print
RolE. . .................... .FIXER
scans. Any extended tampering with the machine, or three suc-
AGE ....................... .27 cessive failed scans, will cause the EMP grenade built inside to
detonate, instantly wiping everything on it and fusing the elec-
tronics forever-don't stand too close.
Background Note!i
In 2020, information is currency. People kill for it Nations go to
war over it Corporations murder, wreck economies, and expend
-· ~- ··-· _, -~ .
millions to compile and protect it Usa Moret is one of those indi-
INT: 9 TECH:6 REF: 7/8 COOL: 10
viduals who controls the flow of data, arranging for its sale, LUCK: 10 ATT: 7 EMP: 8 MA:7
always acquiring more in the process. BOD: 6 Rep:6
When she was 16, she dated a local Solo who often escort-
ed a man named Jansen-one of the city's biggest info bros-
Streetdeal +6, Persuasion +5, Interrogation +5,
around. Jansen met Usa at a late-night dinner with other organi-
Awareness +5, Ubrary Search +3, Human Perception +5,
zation members and took a liking to her. She was immediately Culture +4, General Knowledge +3, Favors <Information>
enthralled with the idea of being one of those people who were +5, Electronics +3, Pistol +5, Brawling + 4, Shadow/Ditch
"in the know", especially when truth is in short supply. +4, Social +3
Worki ng as an understudy, Usa slowly rose up the info-lad- Cyberware
der, getting to know the right people, the right places, the prop- • Basic Processor w/2x sets of Interface plugs <DataTerm
er etiquette. One night a few years ago, in the middle of a night- link, Tech link>, Sandevistan Boost, Boostmaster fSolo 1I
dub, two men tried to kill her. As a former low-income arcology
resident and a product of Detroit's public schools, violence was
together and went looking for a living. Jobs were scarce in 2011,
but Bill found a trucking firm that needed drivers unconcerned
about their cargo, who could take care of the load- and them-
selves. Bill fit in, and Grateful <so named for his tie-dye shirts and
his music> went into the smuggling business.
In two years, he owned his own Peterbilt <painted in psy-
chedelia). Seven years later, he runs an organization, a con-
federation of smugglers and couriers. He still does business
out of his first Peterbilt, now equipped with living quarters and
a sophisticated comm suite. He smuggles computer memory
imported from Japan, drugs and pharmaceuticals-almost
everything. But no guns; in his opinion, there are more than
enough in America already. His smugglers are armed for self-
defense only; they're under orders not to smash police block-
ades, or to shoot it out with Customs-bribery, concealment,
and forged documents are his style. 'Course, if some Nomads
won't settle for what the drivers are willing to give for "safe pas-
sage·, they're armed to deal with idiots.
Operating §t:yle
Grateful is burly and powerful, his long hair and full beard giving
him the appearance of a blond bear. Quick to smile and laugh,
he is well liked by his crews and the people he does business
with. His loose, laid-back style belies a steel-trap mind and a
careful attention to detail. Bill hates violence <but not Solos per
se; if irs their destiny to kill, so be itl, but uses it when he must
He is rarely without some controlled substance on his person,
HANDLE ••••••••••••••• •GRATEFUL and has done jail time because of it He chain-smokes, and
REAL NAME ••••••.••• •BILL FULlER drinks coffee at truly prodigious rates, but neither alters his
mood in the slightest. .. Grateful just keeps on truckin'.
RoLE ••••••••••• •FIXER <SMUGGLER>
AGE ••••• •.••..• .•••• • ... .. •32
INT: 8 TECH: 7 REF: 9 COOL: 10
LUCK: 9 ATT: 6 EMP: 10/7 MA: 7
Background 1\Jot:es BOD: 7/ 9 Rep: 5
Bill's parents were Sixties children who had their son late in life-
and Bill hated their guts. They had no concept of real life, he
Streetdeol +6, Awareness +4, Persuasion +4, Martial Art
thought, with their "give peace a chance: and "Love is the way': <QuickDeath, U.S. Army version of Soviet Sambo) +4,
Ute is hard, and the way to get what you want is to fight So he Handgun +5, Leadership +4, Hide/Evade +3, Basic Tech
joined the Army at sixteen, in time for the SouthAm conflict +4, Language <Spanish> +5, Culture <Hispanid +4, Culture
Tapped for pilors school, he was assigned to a Ranger unit oper- <Hippy/Deadheads> +3, Operate Hvy. Machinery +3, Pilot
AV +4, Pilot Rotary Wing +4 , Education +2, Driving +4,
ating near Bogota. Six years of service brought him combat and
Rifle +5, Stealth +3, First Aid + 4, Human Perception +4,
betrayal; only four of his original unit made it out of the jungles,
Hvy Weapons +4
and two were insane. Bill ended up as a point man for the Long
March and lost his arm there. Cyberware
• Basic Processor w/lnterface plugs <Smartgun link,
It was a different Bill Fuller who came out of the jungle.
Vehide link, DataTerm link>, Kerenzikov Boost (1 level>
While understanding violence was necessary at times, he want-
• Chipware socket
ed as little contact with it as possible. He finally understood his
• Cyberarm <wl ARM, STR options and pop-up Uzi M ini
parents, and raced home to tell them. 9SMG>
But it was too late; they were victims of the Wasting Plague. • M uscle & Bone Weave
Bill roamed the streets in a daze for months, then pulled himself
His major motivation in life is to escape the streets and to
be able to "retire". He is looking for that elusive big score, but so
far he has only managed to keep ahead of his bills. The street
has also left him with a detached viewpoint, viewing his clients
as separate from himself. However; he will help anyone he sees
as a true friend, including laying his life on the line for them-
lucky for him so far, he hasn't had to prove this too many times.
Operating !it:yle
Hand is currently working on his lack of Corporate connec-
tions by acting as go-between for "jobs" that Corps want
done out-of-house. He has usually the dubious honor of
recruiting Cyberpunks to do these jobs, briefing them and
then making sure they follow through. This is a dangerous
line to be in, as both sides <Corps and Punks> will look for him
if something goes wrong!
Hand hopes to gain as many good contacts as possible,
in all the different layers of society. This he equates with
Knowledge, and from it, the power to control his life. So far
he has a lot of street friends, and some underworld friends,
but no major players and very few Corporate contacts, due
to the fact that he has not been born and bred into that
close-knit circle of people.
Background Notes Streetdeol +6, Intimidate +6, Persuasion +7. Social +2,
"Hand" has an uncertain background, originally coming from Human Perception +5, Athletics + 7, Martial Arts <Animal
Kung Fu> +8, Handgun +5, Melee +5, Forgery +5,
one of the many Combat Zones that sprung up around the vio-
Language <Spanish> +4, Library Search +3, Shadow/Track
lent city of Miami. The son of a fugitive drug smuggler; he was + 4, Water Vehicles +3
brought up by his elder sister. He saw that those with power
derive it from their ability to make things happen. He took this
to heart and quickly became an invaluable person to know-to Cyberware
virtually everyone he was the person to see if you needed • Neural Processor w/lnterface plugs <Smartgun linkl,
something or someone. This quickly brought him enemies and Kerenzikov Boost (2 levels)
friends in equal proportions, eventually leading to his betrayal • Chipware socket w/Stress chip IChrBk11 and a mix of
to a rival. Now he's on the run, pursued by a Miami-based skill chips
Corp, his earlier life on the streets preparing him well for sur- • Right Cyberarm <with RJ, SUPR, ARM options and a pop-
vival. The latest attempt by a fellow Fixer "to correct an error" up Colt AMT 2000 w/Limblink IChrBk 11 option>
left him minus his right arm, but Hand has even turned this to
his advantage by building a reputation around his very visible
chrome and neon cyberarm. ffile pop-up pistol has also
meant he's always ready now!)
two-year tour in Central America, figuring he could see the
world, live a life of danger, and earn some money for college.
In basic, Brain learned to assemble and repair more com-
plex things, including electronics, cybernetics, and heavy vehi-
cles. After training, John was assigned to Firebase Antietam, a
little slice of hell in the middle of Peru. In 2006, Sgt M cCullen
was standing under an APC, doing maintenance, when the
Peruvs attacked. He never saw the rocket destroy the hydraulic
lift, sparking a fireball which horribly burned him. The vehicle
came crashing down, crushing Brain's right side. Field medics fit-
ted him on the spot with cybernetics.
Brain returned to the U.S. shortly after that and floated
around the East Coast After hooking up with a fixer named
Crickett, he became involved in black ops, a variety of gang
wars, and high-tech robberies. His resume includes work in Asia,
LEO, Europe, Antarctica, and various spots around the U.S. He
later became involved with Affinnative Action <see pg. 60).
Operating !ityle
Brain is friendly enough, but he comes off as somewhat bland at
times. He likes a good party when there's nothing else to do, but
the PCs are more likely to encounter him fixing something. Brain
can be reached several ways, but the best way to pique his inter-
est is to offer him some bit of technology he hasn't seen before
and let him have a field day. Brain's primary specialties, in addi-
tion to repair, are demolitions and security breach. He's always
willing to perfonn a consultation or go in on a job.
HANDLE. •••••••••••••••••• •BRAIN In addition to exploring new technologies, Brain's primary
REAL NAME ••••• JOHN M c CuLLEN interest is living long enough to retire. yes, that's right, John
M cCullen is not one of those Edgerunners who thinks it's so cool
ROLE •• • •••••••••••••••• •TECHIE
to die young; rather, Brain figures that if he made it this far, he
A GE • ••.•.•••..••••••.•••.. •33 deserves a taste of th e good life.
Operating !ityle
Suzy has a insatiable appetite for new cyberware, even to the
point of ignoring both people and her current work. With the
sort of euro-drain this entails, her paid services are always
available. She likes new tech puzzles as well, and can some-
times be tempted away from her workshop to examine a
new power source or vehicle, but rarely goes out for any
other reason.
She works from various sites, always moving around.
Preferring to work in old warehouses and apartment blocks,
she'll set up anywhere there's lots of space and access to a
power source <for her volume of tech equipment).
Background 1\Jot:es
Suzy comes from Mulatto/Irish stock; all her fam ily were • Basic Processor w/2x sets Interface plugs
involved in working with their hands. As a result, Suzy <Machine/Tech link, DataTerm link, Vehicle link>
showed an interest in all things electrical-and cybernetics in • Chip socket w/Stress chip IChrBk11, FJSh-N-Chips chip
particular. This field is her fascination and she has spent large IChrBk11
amounts of money on cyberware <trying to become a full- • Nasal Filter, Digital Recorder, Chemical Analyzer
body conversion before the actual technology existed!>-and implants
survived the experience <long months spent in cyberpsy- • Muscle and Bone Lace, Skinweave <SP12>, Ufesaver
chosis therapy>. skinweave IChrBk11
Her earlier life was dominated by cyberware and its • Right Cyberoptic <wilE. TH, UV. IR options>; Left
acquisition, leading her to engage in illegal activities <rob- Cyberoptic <wiTS, ME. UV. IR options>
bery, forgery, etc.l. As a result, she has spent time on various • Left Cyberarm (w/SUPR, THK. RJ, QC, TOL options>;
wanted/hot lists <EBM, Trauma Team, certain State Police Right Cyberarm lw/SUPR, THK. RJ, STR, MOD options>
agencies>. This disregard for authority has made her rep • 2x Cyber1egs (w/THK. RJ, STR, SUPR options)
among the street action; her quick and effective repairs and
rebuilds have resulted in limited friendships with certain
Edgerunners. Suzy had several lovers in the past, but most
E.::IIEiiEIRt LJ"'"'E IRt 5,. • " ' C-
quickly made him a leader in the field, and gained him several
"acquaintances," including police and corporates alike. A partic-
ular Corporate who became a regular customer eventually found
out about his quest for vengeance and used it as bait to lure
CyberDog into working for Militech's research department
Given all the tools and money he needed, CyberDog quick-
ly developed the cyberware now used in Militech's canine
guards, but he was also working on another project which he
kept secret from the Corp. They eventually discovered the
secret project's existence, and, when they refused to tell him
which Corporation had attacked his old family, he seemed to
give in and agreed to tell them about the new project
He demonstrated his "Cerberus" project the next day by
having a cyberform greyhound unit <a robotic body combined
with an organic brain; packed with 2kg of C-6) run up to the
crowded observation enclosure and detonate in front of the
blackmailing exec. During the confusion, he slipped away from
the facilities and returned to the streets, taking the design of his
new "Biasthounds" with him.
Operating !ityle
Cold and detached, his main motivation is to find out who
arranged the wiping out of his pack and why. CyberDog main-
tains a false friendly relationship with everyone so that he can
use them later to get information or to help in pursuit of his
revenge. Only wh en someone is of no use to him anymore will
he show his real feelings. He either sells his Blasthounds for use,
HANDLE .••..••....... .CysERDOG or hires out his expertise in a range of fields to whomever needs
REAL N AME •.••...•..• .UNKNOWN it-except Corporations!
R OLE ••••••••••••••••••• •T ECHIE
A GE ••• .•• . •.•.••• . .•••.••. .28
INT: 7 TECH:8 REF: 7 COOL: 6
LUCK: 8 ATT: 6 EMP: 7/6 MA:7
Bac kground 1\Jotes BOD: 6 Rep: 6
Born into a Nomad pack, the young man grew up never know-
ing for sure which members were his parents. As he got older,
he was chosen by the chiefTechie of the pack as an apprentice, Jury Rig + 7, Basic Tech + 7, CyberTech +6, Electronics
and began to learn the intricacy of maintaining the pack's vehi- +6, Education + 4, Zoology +6, Biology +5, Awareness
+6, Athleti cs +6, Melee +4, Demolitions +7,
cles and cyberware. However, the two main loves of his life
Streetwise +3, Gamble +4, Library Search +2, Expert
became explosives and looking after the pack dogs.
<Dog Breedsl +5
"CyberDog" <as the Nomads named him) trained the pack's anf-
mals to act as perimeter guards. Along the way, he started Cyberware
designing and implanting modified cyberware into the dogs to • Basic Processor w/ 2x sets of Interface plugs
improve them. <Machine/Tech link)
At age 17, his Nomad group was ambushed by operatives of • Chipware socket w/A-E Surge chip, Death Trance
an unknown corporation. They were killed almost to the last per- chip, Fish 'N Chips chip lall ChrBkll and a mix of vari-
son; the only survivor was CyberDog- and his vengeance. He ous skill chips
began a life on the streets, making a living repairing the equip- • Digital Recorder implant
ment of street people and continuing his experiments with cyber- • Cyberoptic <w/MV, ME, IE options!
enhanced dogs. His expertise in both repairs and cyberware
EDEiiE~a..J!'-11'-JE~S. •~'-~C-
had both survived, but nobody knew where they had gone after
discharge. At the request of his parents, Grey went in search of
his two siblings. first scouring the Net for any info he could tum
up, then actually roaming the country once the paper trail faded.
All three ran into each other in Bangkok. They've worked togeth-
er occasionally since then, visiting the pack at least once a year.
Grey's expenses are heavy; to support his lifestyle, he
needs more work than play. His custom deck wiped out the
remainder of his bank account, so he tends to grab hot-test soft-
ware the minute it hits the street <whether or not he can afford
it>. Gray makes a point of contributing to the pack when he can,
so that drains his resources, too.
Operating !itgle
Grey is cocky, cool and aggressive. He loves the Net as much as
he loves his fighting form and is dedicated to both. Unlike most
Edgerunners, Grey is concerned with health and fitness. He does-
n't do drugs (a first, neh?>, doesn't drink much, and will spend extra
on real food, not processed chemical garbage. He is constantly
jogging. lifting weights, and practicing calisthenics in his off-time.
When not on a job, Grey is usually shirtless, sporting his
neon pack tattoo: a flaming skull, symbolizing the Fuego
M uertes pack. His Icon is that of a biker with a similar skull rid-
ing an ethereal motorcycle. Most of Grey's real-world friends are
separate from his circle of Net friends.
Grey's main concern is maintaining that famous edge. He
secretly fears the day that his programs run one nanosecond
HANDLE •••••••••••••GHOST RyoER slower, the day his well-placed strike lands half an inch off point
RoLE ••••••••••NETRUNNERINoMAD !itat.•
INT: 9 TEC H: 7 REF: 9/10 COO L: 7
A GE ••...........•........• •26 LUCK: 5 ATT: 7 EMP: 6 MA:7
80 0 :8 Rep :S
Background Notes Interface +6 !Family +31, Awareness +6, Athletics +6,
Grey Falcone is one of the classic combat Netrunners on the Rifle +4, M otorcycle +7, Martial Arts (Aikido> +9, Pistol
street today. He is an Aikido master, an accomplished swords- +5, General Know ledge +3, Cyberdeck Design +5,
Programming +6, Stealth +6, Drive +4, Fencing +6,
man and a hot computer cowboy--as equally at home on the
Teach +4, Systems Knowledge +3, Endurance +3, Lie + 1
street as he is deaypting logic sequencers.
Grey is one of three siblings born to a southwestern nomad
• Basic Processor w/lnterface plugs ISrnartgun link.
family. When his brother, Ice, and sister, Jade, went to fight in
Cybermodem linld, Sandevistan Boost. Boostmaster !Solo 1I
SA, Grey managed to enter Texas MM. scoring a scholarship • Left Cyberoptic tw/Dodge Ball !OuSkli, IR. TA IE options)
in their lntemet Study program. • Tech Hair <Blue>, Neon Tattoo
At the time, Grey was becoming proficient in Aikido. To fulfill • Toxin Binders
his Phys Ed requirement, he entered an intensive training course, • Subdermal Armor <10SP torso, SSP head>
further honing his skills. After graduation, Grey found a dojo to • 2x Orbital Crystal Cyberhands lChrBk 11
complete his mastery of the form. He interned with several com-
Cu!ltom Aztec 600 Deck
puter firms during this time, sharpening his Net skills as well. Speed: +5, MU: 35, Dataw alls: +8, Options: Rip Switch,
Grey went back to the pack for a while, discovering that his Securi1y System <Thumb Slot, Retina Scan>. 20SP Armor,
relatives had not returned from the War. No death notices had Cellular capable, Keyboard, Vldeoboard, Olip Reader,
been sent and inquiry to the Army revealed that Ice and Jade Data Shielding.
EDEiiE~LJ~~E~!!!ii.. ·~-=-
Operating !it:yle
Three years later, Daemoness is a Netjockey who, while not
rated as one of the best. is known to get the job done. She is
considered to be methodical, precise, and inexorable; you don't
want her for a rush job, but she's the one you need if you have
the time and you want it done right She's infamous for her use
of semi-autonomous software-viruses and Daemons (from
which she gets her handle>, plus she appears to be immune to
Black Ice counterattacks.
Shelly is strictly a keyboard jockey; she will never willingly
jack into a cyberdeck for a run, preferring to use her custom-
built workstation (Speed- t3, Memory-35, Data Walls +4>. Her
software is all custom, and changes frequently; she is an expert
in tailoring her software to the target Whenever possible, Shelly
HANDLE • . • .••• • ••••• . DAEMONESS will deal with customers via Netspace, or through intermedi-
REAL NAME ...• • • .SHELLY SIMPSON aries; she has a real fear of physical violence.
Shelly, at 37. is a tall, elegant black woman with dose-cropped
R oLE • . ••••• • •.• • ••• • •NETRUNNER
dark hair. She dresses casually, but is almost never without armor.
A GE ......•.••••.•.. . •.•.•• •37 Her dazzling white smile is something seen infrequently.
Background Note!i INT: 9 TECH : 8 REF: 6 COOL: 5
Shelly grew up in the boom-or-bust atmosphere of the Eighties. LUCK: 5 ATI: 7 EMP: 8/7 MA: 6
She went to the finest schools, attended the finest camps. Her BOD: 6 Rep:5
family was one of the lud<y ones that went through the tumul- Skill!I
tuous Nineties with few setbacks. Shelly graduated from a New Interface +5, Awareness +3, Basic Tech + 7. Education
York college with a degree in Cognitive Science; grad school was +6, System Knowledge +8, CyberTech +3, Cyberdeck
spent in Berkeley, studying with a young Janice Grubb. Shelly was Design +6, Electronics +5, Programming +8, Expert
soon snatched up by the fledgling Kenjiri Technologies, working (Modula-71anguage> +8, Ubrary Search +6, Teaching +6,
Personal Grooming +4, Wardrobe/Style +4, Motorcycle
in software design, writing programs to be used on the new
+4, Social +3, Expert <RPGsl +3, Human Perception +4,
cybermodems. She worked alongside Janice Grubb in those
Streetwise +2, Handgun +1, Hide/Evade +4
days, and their friendship grew. Even after Jan left to work for
Internet. they continued to correspond and occasionally meet Cyberware
Tsuneta Kenjiri found out about this, and made Shelly an • Basic Processor w/lnterface plugs WI links>
offer: Tell us what Grubb is doing, and keep your job, gaining • 2x Chipware sockets
influence and power. Do not- and lose everything. Shelly hated • Full Nano-Groomers (ChrBk 3>
it. but complied. Until Jan told her about what she was doing • Mediaware cell-phone implant <ChrBk 3l
with the 1-G algorithms. To her regret. she d idn't tell anyone. • Skinweave (SP10l
she's feeling great emotion> and the light tattoo Clines of cir-
cuitry extending from the interface plug on her wrist up her
arms and shoulders>.
After years of mindless affairs and minor Net crimes, she
was hired by a police officer to "run" a datafortress for him.
While doing so she was identified, and the corporation
CWNS> has been after her Con and offl ever since. Another
friend, in gratitude for erasing some records, gave her a cut-
down "Super Chief' handgun and a skill chip to use it
Recently she was approached by a Yakuza fixer who offered
to give her a steady stream of good Net hardware/software;
in return, she would do the occasional "run" for them. She
readily agreed and is now on the Yakuza payroll-not that she
will readily admit she's sold out to them.
Operating !ityle
Having no job or qualifications has led Razors into the crim-
inal life, stealing Net data to sell in realspace. Attempting to
avoid further mistakes in her life, she now tries to pick her
jobs carefully. She is quiet and willing to listen to a job offer,
but takes her own time to consider acceptance.
Always expected to do well, a strong work ethic was
drummed into Razors when she was young, which left her
with a detached and dismal view of people and relationships.
As she got older, Razors learned to relax. She can be cold
and remote Cespecially if antagonized or frightened>, but
she's finally learned to socialize-Razors recently got into the
underground club/rave scene in a BIG way.
H.ANDLE. •.. . •••• •••.•••• .RAzORS INT:9 TECH: 5 REF: 8 COOL: 10
LUCK: 10 ATT:8 EMP: 6/5 MA: 5
REAL NAME ••••• •••• •• •UNKNOWN
800:5 Rep:3
R oLE •••••••••••••••• . NETRUNNER
A GE ••.•.•.•••••••••• •••••• .23
Interface +6, Awareness + 4, System Knowledge + 7,
Programming +4, Ubrary Search + 7, Streetwise +8,
Background Notes Education +5, Dance +4, Electronics +5, Braindance Use
+3, Expert <Street Gangs> +2, Wardrobe/Style +3,
Brought up in the American home of Japanese corporate
Personal Grooming +3, Native Language Uapanesel,
managers, Razors learned the contradictory lifestyles of strict
Language CMandarin Chinese> +4, Language CEnglishl +5
old-Japanese morality and the images of modern U.S. life.
Confused and unloved, she turned to personal contact in an Cyberware
indirect way- the Net was only a year old when "Razors" • Basic Processor w/lnterface plugs CCybermodem link>
stepped onto the scene. Initially wary of the new world before • ChemSkin, Ught Tattoo
her, she slowly made friends among other Netrunners out • Chipware Socket w/a mix of skill chips
there. Realizing that she couldn't continue to live under her
oppressive father and silent mother, she left home and coast- Mltsubishl Dmlchroni!
ed from one Net-friend's place to another, being taught all the Deck!itatlon (Customized)
tricks and skills needed to "live" in the Net along the way. It MU: 25, Speed: +2, OataWalls: +6, Options: Printer;
was during this time that she got her chemskin Ca web of cir- Keyboard, Deckmate, Chipreader and lxlm Videoboard.
cuitry across her throat and half her face, only visible when
Operating !ityle
Working from the basement of his old home, Tick rarely
comes out now. The place is strewn with cannibalized elec-
tronic items, disassembled computers and half-built
cyberdecks. Tick has a strange pattern of working for forty-
eight hours straight, then collapsing for twenty-four. He puts
this down to the fact that he works when he is inspired for as
long as possible, then sleeps afterwards. When "resting" noth-
ing short of physical violence will get his attention. He has a
slow but steady stream of work but nothing that pays heavily.
Racked by inadequacy and loneliness, Tick tries to
impress people with his eagerness and willingness.
Seemingly happy-go-lucky, if upset, Tick will become abusive
and aloof, holding a grudge-sometimes for years. His need
for friendship drives him to do anything to impress people,
up to illegal actions.
Lately he's come to see that he can make a living from
deck design/building/modification work and his jaunts into
the Net are usually only for social purposes now. His occa-
sional trip out of the basement is to the local Netrunner's
club, where he can impress his friends with his newest mod-
ifications, or to the home of his old nurse. He is looking for
several well paying jobs so that he can get his most secret
desire-an operation to replace his deformed body parts!
HANDLE •••••.•••• •••• ••.•• •PIXIE
REAL NAME ••••••••••••UNKNOWN • Basic Processor <EMP-shieldedl wllnterface plugs
ROLE ••••••••••••••••• NETRUNNER <Smartgun link, Cybermodem link>
AGE ••••.•••••••..••.•.•••• •22 • Chipware socket w/a mix of info chips, and a few
weapon skill chips
• Midnight Lady, AudioVox w/Forked Tongue !ChrBk11
Background l\lote!i option, Eye-Color Control IChrBk21 implants
A child prodigy and product of a French Corporate family, Skinweave <SP8l, M uscle & Bone Lace,
"Pixie's" parents wanted an exec's position for her when she Nanosurgeons, Anti-plague Nanotech, Enhanced
grew up, and schooled her accordingly. However, Pixie found Antibodies, Lifesaver Skinweave !ChrBk 1I, Nano-
she enjoyed the Net more and was soon drawn into the wilds Optical upgrades <IRIUV> !ChrBk21
of dataspace. After two years as a freelance Netrunner, she
wrote herself a Daemon compilation routine <Chromebook 3>
!ilil "Phoenix" Cellular Combat:
that could aid others in programming, and her fortune was
Deck (Modified)
made. The resulting income has made her a millionaire and
brought her a permanent lover/bodyguard <one of the top
female Eurosolos around> named Mahoney. MU: 20, Speed : +5, Data Walls: +10, Options: EM P-
hardened, Armored casing <SP40, SDP5l, 12-hour
Operating !ityle Battery, Flipswitch, Voxbox, Camera, 1m x 1m
Always looking for the next high, Pixie enjoys everything she Vidscreen, Printer, Chipreader
does- or she won't do it She can be very fickle, but tries to not
hurt her friends, especially Mahoney.
Jared started delivering packages for his new employees-
the Santorini Mafia family. one of the most powerful in San
Francisco. Everything went tine for several years-his family had
food, he had money for schooling, he got the chance to travel,
and since he never knew what was in the packages he moved,
he didn't feel any guilt; after all, he just moved boxes.
Until 2014. Unknown to Jared, the Santorinis were having
trouble with the Triads. Things quickly broke down for the
Santorinis, who had no time to summon reinforcements. The
Triads struck at everyone even vaguely Santorini-connected,
including bombing Jared's home while he was away.
Jared returned to find half his fam ily in the morgue, his
mother in a coma in the ICU, his horne destroyed, and his
employer's organization in shambles. His life was ruined by a
single act, a single piece of information he hadn't known.
Jared had sizable funds, but the move to Night Oty. com-
plete with almost impenetrable new IDs for his mother <still
comatose; in a bed at City Medical> used all of it, leaving little for
the mounting medical bills. Jared returned to the only thing he
knew: odd jobs and freelance delivery. As his rep grew, so did
his volume; now he's known as the Mailman, highly respected
for his skill at delivering anything without attention.
Operating !ityle
Jared keeps a large number of IDs available, and uses a differ-
ent one for each job. He has an almost pathological need to
know anything that might affect his world, and spends much of
HANDLE ••••••• ••• •• •THE MAILMAN his spare time reading or watching current events shows. While
REAL NAME . . . . JARED WILUAMSON his personal ethics prevent him from asking questions of
employers, he will often have them followed, tap their phone
lines, do research on the side, and pilfer the datatiles they store
AGE •••••••••••••••••••••.• •27 in his Wetdrive.
Background !\lutes INT: 7 TECH: 8 REF: 7 COOL: 9
"Unobtrusive" sums Jared up in a word. Brown hair, brown eyes, LUCK: 9 ATI: 6 EMP: 9 / 6 MA: 6
average build; the kind of guy who disappears in a crowd. In 800: 6 Rep:5
conversation, he seems bright and likable, but nothing special, !ikill!i
the kind of "Honest Joe· everyone gets along with, but no one Sneak +7. Awareness +6, Hide/Evade +5, Persuasion +3,
really notices. His clothing varies with the situation; irs always Stealth +5, Disguise + 7. Handgun +3, Brawling + 7, Melee
appropriate, but not anything that stands out. Forgettable, thars +5, Education +4, Personal Grooming +3, Wardrobe/Style
Jared. No one to pay any attention to- and thars exactly what +3, Motorcycle +4, Social +4, Expert (Medical Equipment>
+4, Forgery +4, Human Perception +4, Streetwise +6
he wants you to think.
Jared grew up in a below-average section of San Francisco. Cybei'Will"l!
His father lost his job when Jared was thirteen, leaving them to • Basic Processorwllnterface plugs CSmartgun link. Vehicle
rely on his mother's salary. At fifteen, Jared left school to get a link. DataTerm linkl
grocery job. He was smaller than the other boys, but always • 2x Chipware sockets
delivered the goods, due to his neurotic habit of taking back • Subdermal Pocket, Wetdrive !ChrBkll, ZetaTech
BodyComp IChrBk2l
streets and alleys, and his psychotic fighting styte when he was
• 2x Cyberoptics !WITS Plus !ChrBkll, TA, DC, LL, AD
stopped. One of his frequent customers asked Jared one day if
he wanted to earn real money.
• Cyberaudio <w/PS scrambled !ChrBk2l, LD options>
ranking leaders in the local forces, along with European ·military
advisors~ Because of his elite status and style of combat, Micah
saw less of the raw brutality than others did. To him, war was a
dinical job. His nickname was derived from his use of medical
terminology when referring to eliminations-they were "exci-
sions~ "amputations~ or (for those he considered most abom-
inable) ·retroactive abortions~
When the war ended in 2010, Micah found himself without
a job. He worked with the CIA. tracking down and eliminating
members of the NSA and the Gang of Four, but soon found him-
self let go <the CIA. with the formation of LEDiv, went through a
period of image-consciousness). His superiors had an idea
where he could find a job, if he wanted.
Operating !ityle
Micah now spends three months a year on a Lazarus base, hon-
ing his skills a11d earning his pay. Between jobs with Lazarus,
Surgeon <as he is still known> takes freelance jobs to add cash
to his sizable stash and to help support his retired parents <and
their Lazarus protection>. While Surgeon is most commonly
called on to perform assassinations or support jobs, Micah will
take any job that doesn't involve direct combat !he knows he's
no match for most Solos; it isn't his style). He has learned how
to use explosives, heavy weapons, and poisons, allowing him to
take a wider array of jobs than just the sniper missions he
prefers. He is a fan of high-tech devices, and will frequently use
HANDLE ••••••••••• • •THE SURGEON expensive, unique weapons customized for the job and left
REAL NAME ••.• .MICAH _DAVIDOVICH behind when done !these use custom ammo as well, making
ROLE • •••• • • •• •• •PROWLER (SNIPER> them impossible to trackl. The Surgeon could retire anytime he
wants to, but has no idea what he would do.
A GE •••• •••• • • •••..••.••..• •31
INT: 7 TECH: 7 REF: 9/10 COOL: 7
Background Notes LUCK: 9 ATT:6 EMP: 7/5 MA: 8
BOD: 8/10 Rep:S
Born in New york, Micah moved to western Montana when he
was very young, and grew up on the ranch his parents bought Skills
to get ·doser to the Earth~ Micah loved the expanse of forests Sneak +8, Awareness +5, Rifle + 7, Demolitions +5,
Pharmacology +3, Stealth +4, Hide/Evade +4, Electronic
and mountains, spending his spare time stalking the creatures
Security +5, Pick Lock +4, Athletics +5, Weaponsmith +3,
there. By age t3, Micah was an accomplished outd oorsman, Education +2, Handgun + 4, Martial Arts <Aikido> +3,
having already hunted and dressed game, spent time overnight Shadow/Track +4, Wilderness Survival +5, Motorcycle + 4,
camping, and dimbed major peaks. Rrst Aid +3, Human Perception +2, Hvy. Weapons + 4
At age 16, in 2005, Micah was drafted into the Marines, Cyberware
where his skill with a rifle and his general sneakiness tapped • Basic Processor, w/2x sets Interface plugs <Smartgun
him for Sniper School, and thence to Force Recon. His impres- link, Vehicle link, DataTerm link>
sive kill ratio brought him to the attention of some high-ranking • 2x Chipware sockets
brass who needed a number _of special operatives for • Sandevistan Boost, Boostmaster !Solo 1I
Operation Big Stick. On April 3, Micah, now a Staff Sergeant, • Adrenal Booster implant
killed a mid-level executive in Bonn, Germany with a shot to the • 2x Cyberoptics <wiLL, AD, TA. IE options>
spine, and the Mantoga Corporation ceased to exist • Musde & Bone Lace, Nanosurgeons
• Pacesetter 2000 Heart £ChrBk11
After completing the final Mantoga sanction, Micah
• Autoinjector £ChrBk31
returned to the SouthAm, where he was used to eliminate high-
Mariko's first "recruiter" job was somewhat perilous land with a
few ethical quandaries) but successful. She was next asked to get
some information out of another businessman. So her career began.
The corporation folded two years later, but by then, Mariko
had positioned herself to enter the freelance world. She circu-
lates in the right social circles, and frequently dates <both sexes;
she's not pickyl. She never gives any sign whether or not she's
"targeting" them, so people are never sure when she's "recruit-
ing" and when it's just recreation.
Operating !it:yle
M ariko relies on her skills as a seductress, not as a thief, but has
developed other skills to facilitate her job. She has developed
several good contacts to get her false IDs and skeletons when
necessary, and has been known to take jobs w ith different cor-
porations to facilitate her real role.
As a recruiter; her job is to seduce researchers, high-level
management. and other key employees from one corporation to
another. The actual extraction is the job of a team of profession-
als <who often consult her about layouts and security measures;
she has developed an eye for such detailsl; Mariko's job is to get
the target to agree with the switch in employers.
As a data thief, Mariko plays the classic seductress game
<one w ould think people had wised up by now.. .J. She gets her
mark to trust and confide in her; letting her into their homes and
offices-where she can get at their secrets. She has been known
to use blackmail, but only rarely, as she finds it distasteful.
HANDLE •••• •••••••••••• • • •NONE M ariko is a tall, slender Japanese woman with short black
R EAL NAME •.•.•• . MARIKO SONOMI hair and a classic, ageless beauty that can range <with careful
makeup) from sixteen to thirty. She is extremely physically fit,
RoLE c
• • • • • • . • . • • • • • • •''RE RUITER " and can handle herself in a fight
AGE • ••••••.• ••.••.•• •• •••• •25
INT: 7 TECH: 4 REF: 7 COOL: 9
Background Notes LUCK: 6 ATT: 10 EMP: 10/8 MA:6
800:6 Rep: 4
As the daughter of a Japanese businessman, Mariko wanted to
please, but school vrdS just so boring. Besides, she was a lot more !iklll!i
comfortable dealing with people than the teadling computers. Vamp +7, Seduction +6, Interview +6, Personal Grooming
+5, Wardrobe/Style +5, Awareness +4, Culture <America)
She barely graduated from her prestigious high school <because
+4, COrporate Policy +5, Language <English) + 7, Native
of her father's influenceJ, and went to college in America. There, Language Uapanesel, Persuasion + 4, Social +6, Human
her people skills led her to a Media Relations degree, but her ten- Perception +6, Basic Tech + 2, Electronics +2, Education
dency to flit gave her no real experience to andlor a resume on. +3, Lock Picking +3, Electronic Security +3, Ubrary Search
In the specialized world of 2019, she found little call for someone + 4, Driving +3, Athletics +5, Streetwise +2, Handgun + 1,
Martial Arts Uudol +3, Hide/Evade +3
who knew a little bit about a lot of things. The only job she could
find was an executive assistant for a minor computer corporation. Cyberware
Mariko's father, disgusted with her "failure: disowned her. • Basic Processor w/lnterface plugs <Data link, Smartgun
link, Vehicle link>
Mariko's skill with people was quickly recognized, and her
• Chipware socket
boss made a proposition: She could earn a lot more money if
• Left Cyberoptic (w/MV feed to Recorder implant>; Right
she helped them "acquire" a rival Corp's senior researcher. • Cyberoptic !w/TA, IE, DC options)
Mariko, crushed by her father's condemnation, agreed; if she • Cyberaudio (w/AH, VS, SE, WB, LD, DR options)
could prove herself, maybe her father would relent • Digital Recorder Implant ,~
When the Gang of Four was swept away, the United States
was forced to meld the remainder of its intelligence services
WANTED: Complications:
Experienced security personnel, drivers and data ana- Tolliver's office is in the local EBM building-so as not to
lysts for light escort duty. Some social skills required. arouse suspicion, the team should meet him outside the
Good pay, easy hours. Apply In person. building, with a code phrase and counterphrase for recog-
nition lthe Ref can make up whatever he wishes as the
Contact: phrases>. From there, the trip to the restaurant should be
Michael Walsh, Personnel uneventful, except for Tolliver's obvious nervousness.
Phone 2 12-555-4992/FAX 212-555-5000 Referees who want to be sneaky can increase player para-
Net LDL 651t9476 noia by asking them to make Awareness rolls a lot, there-
by implying that they're being followed.
Brief': Lunchtime at the downtown restaurant is where the
Douglas Tolliver, a mid-level executive at EBM, has accept- big surprise is sprung. "Tolliver" is actually an extremely
ed a generous offer to brief lnforcomp about the future of high-level executive with EBM, in charge of all operations
the microprocessor market. In order to maintain discre- within the city and the surrounding area. He's had his iden-
tion, Tolliver must do this during his lunchbreak, and the tity and face changed, and plans to defect this afternoon.
whole meeting must be kept extremely quiet. Mister Halfway through the meeting, he announces his intentions
Tolliver's personal safety is the top priority here. and offers the information he's brought <perfectly good
The team is hired to pick up Tolliver near his midtown stuff, but nothing Earth-shattering> as a gift.
office, deliver him to a secluded restaurant downtown, The PCs can make their own decision on this one, or
analyze the information he provides, pay him as necessary, they can call the company and see what they want done
and deliver him back to his office. Tolliver gets two hours with this guy <Refs decision>. If Felice Madison is with them,
for lunch and must be back promptly. If the analyst okays she will go for checking with the company and will do her
the data, Tolliver's information must be fed into a mini- utmost to persuade the rest of the team to do so as well. If
romp <provided by the company> and examined further by lnfocomp wants him, the PCs will have to deliver him in one
company techs before payment is authorized. piece to a safehouse across town lthe safehouse will be a
warehouse located near the docks, owned by a subsidiary
Support:: of lnfocomp>. If lnfocomp doesn't want Tolliver, the PCs will
lnfocomp will provide a vehicle <probably a BMW have to return him to his office, despite his protests, or they
Burowagen HSR; see Chromebook 3> and send a data may be ordered to simply leave him there! Tolliver will be
analyst <i.e., someone skilled at Human Perception, Stock panic-stricken if abandoned, and will attempt to stick with
Market, Accounting, and Electronics> if one is not available. the PCs in such a case.
The data analyst, Felice Madison, is a well-dressed woman For really vindictive Refs, have another company
with an impressive amount of wetware and cranial cyber- attempt to extract Tolliver during the meeting, or have
netic enhancement, and has exactly the same personality EBM attempt to get him back after he announces his
as a dead trout. defection- whether or not lnfocomp accepts. And don't
forget that EBM comes calling regardless of everything
Resl!it:ance: else if his biomonitor flatlines or if he's late <which he cer-
Tolliver is a fairly prominent executive and as such is tainly will be if he defects and goes to the safehouse rather
allowed two hours for lunch. However, if Tolliver is more than returning to his office>.
than thirty minutes late, his biomonitor starts transmitting
his whereabouts to the security office at his building. If
another fifteen minutes pass, a standard security team The pay is 2000 Eurodollars per team member, minus
comes looking for him. If Tolliver's bio-readouts are dis- penalty if something bad happens to Tolliver or his infor-
turbed at any time, the security team is immediately mation. Hazardous duty pay lup to 8000eb> may be con-
deployed <and heavily armed>. sidered if something really bod happens.
ED~EH.LJ!'-11'-JEH.S,. •~'-~C-
WANTED: tries to go in anyway, he will encounter hideous black ICE
Net specialist technld an, optional security, for researdl and many redundant security programs. There is no online
project. Payment based on threat level. 20,000eb in equip- sysop, but one will appear two Net turns after an alarm has
ment guaranteed. Not responsible for personal injury. been tripped.
In the real world, IMA will dispatch a response team
to the PCs position two minutes after the team makes a
Richard Gerstner, Personnel mistake. First, the entire area will be bombarded by elec-
Phone 2 13-555-2049/ FAX 2 13-5 5 5-2050 tromagnetic pulses to knock out all the team's equipment
Net LOL 2990.8576 and stop the netrunner. Six to eight solos will arrive a mile
away by air and sneak up on the team's position. These
mercenaries will have virtually no cybernetics, extremely
A client is interested in agricultural developments made by high-tech weapons, and good armor. They are elite opera-
Imperial M etropolitan Agriculture. Their datafortresses tives who will not be seen by the team until they attack. If
across Europe or the U.S. would take weeks to crack, but the team is in a place where IMA cannot immediately
recent Net data indicates that one of their R&D facilities in respond, the firm will try to find out who did this; Netwatch
Australia will transmit three "secure· data squirts to the will immediately be alerted by the company.
company comnet on midnight of two days hence.
The team is assigned to intercept and copy this trans-
Complication• :
mission without hindering its reception, then trace the The PCs know where the IMA datafort is on the Net. but
transmission to its source. This should lead the net spe- it's not on any gridmaps and it doesn't have an LDL, so this
cialist directly into the IMA datafort Some sort of Evasion data squirt is the only way of singling it out from the clut-
or Black mask program Unterfoce, Volume 1, Issue tf 1, ter of signals.
page 28> is recommended at this point Download all The team will have to decipher which satellites will be
Information pertaining only to sources of transmission. used during the squirt and in what sequence. A prelimi-
lnfocomp will not compensate for material gathered out- nary netrun may be necessary against IMA <a project in
side of contract guidelines and claims no legal responsi- itself) to obtain a schematic of the company comnet The
bility for team members. technicians may also be able to decipher the pattern if
All material gathered will be collected on the spot by they study the comnet for a few days <also rather difficult>.
company personnel. No data is to be retained or copied. Jumping from the team's present location to the
The entire operation will be monitored to ensure this. Any Australia subgrid and then hiding on a satellite may cause
breach of contract w ill result in immediate abortion of loss of processing speed. If the netrunner is worried about
operation and remission of salary. his reaction time, the technicians may want to arrange a
cellular hookup so the 'runner can directly interface with a
!iupport: satellite, if the technicians have deciphered which ones
lnfocomp will provide 20,000eb for equipment or "mis- will be used beforehand.
cellaneous costs.• Receipts are expected. Unnecessary
expenses will be cut from team member's retainers.
Equipment must be rescinded at the completion of opera- 20,000 Euro per team member, minus penalty considera-
tion. Software bought using these funds should not be tions should things get horribly screwed up. Should the
copied or otherwise duplicated. PCs somehow manage to actually implicate lnfocomp in
this scheme, lnfocomp themselves may take hostile action
Re.l.tance: against the team. This response could be legal <you think
If everything goes correctly, the netrunner should never a 12mm SMG is scary, how about a corporate lawsuit?>,
encounter the fort's defenses, because he will ride direct- electronic <being zeroed from all records; no ID, no cred-
ly into the fort disguised as an innocuous program, follow- it, no nothing> or physical <poison, anyone?>. The team's
Ing the feedback from the data squirt If the 'runner strays Netrunner<s> can also be sure to expect serious trouble in
from the datastream's course, or misses the squirt and such a case.
WANTED: Re~~l!d:luu:e:
Individuals skilled In vehide operation, personal and vehl- There are two major groups that may prove trouble some
de combat skills and tactics, convoy security, and negoti- along the road. The Aldecaldo pack of Nomads are current-
ation and diplomacy. Nomad contacts a plus. Knowledge ly residing between Stateline and Night City, with outriders
of southern and northern California terrain a plus. and work teams stretching out as far as Fresno. While most
of them are migrant workers and farmers, some hotheads in
Contact:: the pack have been known to hit trucking convoys, stopping
William Johnson, shipping coordinator for lnfocomp them and demanding safe-passage fees. The Aldecaldos
Phone 212-555-4925 are well equipped and trained, so shooting it out with them
When contacted, the man will require a face-to-face meet- is not recommended. They can probably be bought off, and
ing with the team to set up the details. He is a prematurely the lead driver has access to a supply of cash to bribe them
balding man in his early thirties who will introduce himself as with (if one of the players has Nomad connections, or is a
Mr. Johnson <no, really!). Fixer, the driver will cheerfully hand over the cash ... once
he has assurance the player won't disappear with itl.
Brtet=: The second is several teams of road pirates that run
As part of a transfer of assets from Los Angeles to San between Night City and San Francisco. Of variable quality,
Francisco, lnfocomp needs to move a lot of archival records, these gangs prey on trucking and civilian traffic, relying on
current files, and hard-copy information. lnfocomp's own their light, off-road vehicles to carry them away from police
security forces are stretched thin, what with a second main ambushes and interceptors. Some of them have even set
office opening now, and so they are hiring freelancers to pro- up •toll booths· of their own along the roads. They're
vide security for U1e shipments. The team is serving es armed with a mixture of vehicles and weapons; at least
advance scouts and outriders for a convoy of six annored one group is known to operate a number of Bell autogy-
18-wheelers <Peterbilt-2000s, anned with a mix of LMGs and ros. The bandits may be bribable, but not likely <they tend
Auto Glsl loaded with sealed cargo containers, and sealed to be greedy>, so try to avoid them.
with smartlocks <Chrome 1>. If the team has no vehicles, they
will be provided, in the fonn of a BMW2020 Canned with a
7.62mm GPMGl and Darkwarrior motorcycles. The team is The first complication players may find out about if they do
cautioned to avoid combat if possible; support is unlikely, some research is that the governments of LA and Southern
and the trucks aren't set up for extended action. California are not at all happy that lnfocomp is downsizing i1s
Of course, lnfocomp isn't telling the whole truth; what local HQ <especially since the dearly stated reason has
they are moving is not simply records, but part of an entire been the huge crime problems and lousy ecology in LAJ.
backup of all of lnfocomp's libraries, archives, and collec- Players can count on their being trouble with the SCHP, and
tions, totally priceless in value. lnfocomp is very adamant at the border. <Everyone's fake IDs up to date?).
about the locks; all of the containers and cargo boxes must The second complication is the value of the cargo.
remain sealed. Almost all of the people on the team are freelancers; if they
find out about the value of the cargo, many of them may be
Support: tempted to try and abscond with the containers by any of
Little support can be provided; lnfocomp's forces are various methods ...
spread thin. There are a large number of other lnfocomp
convoys on the road, and they may be close enough to pro-
vide some support, if called <Refs discretion>. In addition, if Johnson will open with an offer of 12.00 Euro per team mem-
the players are within 1OOkm of Los Angeles, Night City, or ber, 1600 for each team member that can provide his own
San Francisco, they can call for air support from the vehicle; he can be bargained up as high as 1600eb per mem-
lnfocomp towers there; this support will probably take the ber; 2000 for each vehicle. Team members will also be reim-
fonn of a pair of AV-4s loaded with lnfocomp security forces, bursed for any munitions expended, and for fuel and food
but may be Lazarus regulars if things are too hot <Refs dis· along the way. There is a further bonus of 2000eb per mem-
cretionl. Such teams will generally take 5-15 minutes to ber for safe delivery of the cargo containers <still sealed) to the
arrive, depending on the distance and availability. San Francisco loading dock before 10 p.m. on Saturday.
•• ~
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A 4-6 person team. Surveillance skills a must. Personal A 4 -12 person team. Stealth, personal combat. and nego-
combat skills preferable, but not required. Experience with tiations skills a must. Knowledge of cybernetics and p sy-
Net-operated surveillance remotes preferable. Subtlety, chology a definite plus. WARNING- This is a MAXIMUM
patien ce, and discretion are required. HAZARD rated assignment; contact with employer is
one-time only, face-to-face, via this office.
Diane Vought - Phone 2t3-556-505, Net LDL 2204.nso Contact::
The team's contact is a young, thin-faced woman, who will The contact is a young man named David Chu. He is dressed
explain that she works in an experimental research division at in a lab coat when he meets the players. He looks extremely
lnfocomp. She is somewhat officious and detail-oriented, but concerned and somewhat guilty. David is one of the chief
reasonable and kind. technicians for lnfocomp's cyber-Research division. He is also
What she will not tell the players is that the division she secretly in the employ of Arasaka, with orders to embarrass
works for is the Oystal Ball, a high-tech unit that predicts lnfocomp and hurt their public image.
future probabilities-sort of. The Crystal Ball has predicted an
87% chance of an extraction against BioDiv, an up-and-com- Brief:
ing genegineering Corp, within the next twelve days; Diane is The duties are simple: locate a missing operative named
hiring a team to watch and see if it happens. Stephan Abramowicz, a Spyder full-'borg that worked for
lnfocomp until he defected two days ago. The 'borg, from
Brief: things it has said, is almost certainly going cyberpsychotic, if it
The team's job is very simple: conduct continuous surveil- hasn't already. lnfocomp would prefer it talked down, if at all
lance on a small research facility located in the West Hill area. possible, but if not then the unit must be destroyed, before
They are to record everything that happens and who goes in the cops and the public find out
or out They are not to interfere with what happens. The job
lasts for two weeks. Support;
Whatever the players need <within reason>. Full diagrams of the
Support: Spyder's capabilities; personnel files on Stephan. Access to
lnfocomp will provide the team with a rented apartment Police and Corporate radio frequencies. Real-time tactical analy-
loaded with surveillance gear-laser microphones, video cam- sis; psychology and cybernetic experts standing by.
eras with high-powered lenses and lowlite adapter, direction-
al microphones, thermal imagers. There are also three Orade Resl!!itilnee:
surveillance remotes and a control deck. Other than that the Stephan is well on his way to cyberpsychosis, thanks to Chu's
players are on their own. meddling with his neurochemistry. He is occasionally lucid,
though, and can be approached. He has holed up in a ware-
Resi!!it:iUII:e: house that was once a Neutron Tag game center. The ware-
BioDiv is a little paranoid, so security is very tight and slightly house is now a maze of pathways and tunnels, with odd light-
trigger-happy. In addition, two gangs are known to frequent ing and numerous cameras and strobes built into the walls.
the area: the Bozos, and the Voodoo Boys <see N ight City pg. Stephan has begun to add surprises of his own as w ell ...
52-53 for info>. Either group could cause problems.
CompllcatlDII!Iil: Chu's duplicity is likely to come out with some careful digging,
The extraction team will strike whenever it seems appropriate. and will be a powerful aid in calming Stephan down.
The point team is a mix of Solos and Prowlers, with a Netrunner More problematic is the fact that David has alerted OMS
flying cover in the Net and an AV-4 for extraction. These guys -Mil about a rogue Borg running around the Combat Zone, and they
open fire on the players if they see them. The extraction target is have news teams scouring the streets. None of them are well
a very pretty Asian woman, who will be treated badly by these armed, but they are tenacious. Avoiding them or convindng them
thugs-are any of the players wh.ite knights? The extraction is also to look the other way may take some doing. He may also call CIS
likely to attract police attention after the fact "Hi, we'd like to ask fChrorne 2> under a false name, just to have them interfere.
you a few questions about what happened last night?'
Salary: 15,000eb per team member <negotiable> for completion of
The pay is 200eb per day per team member; this might be the mission without alerting the press, police, or public. An
negotiable up to a max of 250eb if the negotiator is good. additional 1O,OOOeb bonus if the unit is retrieved alive.
Obviously rooms are provided, and lnfocomp will pay a stipend 5,000eb if lnfocomp's role is at all made public <firm>. All
of 20eb per day <per person> for food if someone thinks to ask. expenses covered. Full medical coverage.
lndependant Investigative team for highly technical research RITY BREACH, INFOCOM P WILL EXTEND EVERY COUR-
effoct Netrunner, technid an, sea.Jrity required. Generous TESY TO M ILITECH SO THAT TH E TEAM IS PROSECUTED
pay wlbenefits. Persmal risk involved. FAX/E-ma~1 resume. TO THE FULLEST EXENT OF THE LAW
Contact:: Support:
Arthur Chesterfield, Personnel Except for some generic area maps, lnfocomp provides no
Phone 2 13-555-4992, FAX 213-555-5000 equipment whatsoever; they wish to remain fully distanced
Net LDL 1278.6529 from this operation. Instead, lnfocomp issues the team a
500,000eb CredCard which can be used for the purchase of
Brie'f: equipment This amount is non-negotiable, and any unused
This job is open to 5-7 people. A client with prospective inter- funds may not be withdrawn for personal use. IR cammo
ests in military technology would like to know more about a cloaks !Chrome 11 and/or Sneak Suits !Chrome 21 are recom-
new anti-ACPA system being developed by Militech. The mended.
agents are assigned to reconoiter several tests being run at
the famous M ilitech Proving Grounds in New M exico. Resl!il:ance:
It has been determined that exactly two weeks from the Massive. The first line of defense includes automated systems
day the agents are briefed, the corporation will hold a series consisting of sensors, scanners and lots of fun anti-personnel
of tests at the Proving Grounds over a three day period. The weapons. These cover a three mile radius around the camp.
agents must establish a small base camp in the nearby moun- The perimeter fence, consisting of three concentric rings of
tains, camouflage their presence to the massive electronic triple-reinforced steel chain link, is liberally laced with monofil-
surveilance which Militech maintains, and monitor the tests ament wire and security cameras; the entire fence is electri-
using a high-powered surveilance suite. lngoing and outgoing fied with a lethal charge <Difficult Electronics and Basic Tech
communications from the test site are to be monitored, but rolls to penetrate.>. A geosyncronous satellite keeps a con-
only from the test site; anything else is unneccessarily risky. stant vigil over the entire region, providing realtime telemetry
At the conclusion of the three days, the team netrunner at 20,000x mangnification. A standing army of 2000 crack
<more than one are recommended), in conjunction with the troops under the nomial control of Donald Lundee and Dr.
team technicians, must passively monitor outgoing satellite Nils Engelsson patrol the grounds and the surrounding area;
communications and intercept the final test results as they are they are outfitted with top grade military equipment and
sent to the main office in Maryland. These results are usually weapons. There are APCs and other light military vehicles at
· clearly mari<ed with a priority flag packet and will be easily the facility, plus a battalion of M BTs, some small artillery
identifiable to the netrunner<s>. The team will then meet com- pieces, and dozens of AVs.
pany personnel at the meeting point, a desolate strip of Three klicks south of the Proving Ground is Militech's
Interstate 285 clearly m ari<ed on maps provided to the team. ultra-secret Special Projects Division. This is a very small,
The meeting point is rnoted in code. understated-looking building with no visible windows or
One company specialist will travel with the team to over- entrances. The agents are warned numerous times not to
see the operation and personally analyze the material. This approach this building under any circumstances. The bulk of
person is an able, experienced individual and will have no the patrols stick to this area.
trouble interacting with the agents. In general, patrols make regular five mile sweeps around
The team may change base camp locations if they like the facility <Difficult roll to avoid; use appropriate skill-Tactics,
during the course of the three days, especially if they think Wilderness Survival, etc.>. They are hesitant to check the
their location has been compromised. However, lnfocomp mountains, though; these have been declared off limits since
denies all knowledge of the team's existence or their mission. lots of troops started coming back in body bags (more on that
If the agents are forced into combat, the mission will be imme- Iaten, and nobody wants to go marching up a mountain when
diately scrubbed, and the team must retum to the rendezvous the average temperature in New M exico is 102° in the shade.
point Besides, that's what those geosync sats and recon aerodynes
ATIEMPT N O DIRECT ACTION AT ANY TIM E AGAINST ANY However, that dosn't mean that these soldiers are unmo-
MIUTECH EMPLOYEE OR AGAINST ANY MIUTECH FACIU- tivated-just careful. If Militech troops choose to come look-
ing for the team, the agents are in for one hell of a tussle. Agents recover-he'd just like some inside information before
Militech has the firepower and the resources to utterly crush he invests his hard earned millions in new military hardware.
the team without breaking a sweat Although smart agents will <Case in point: thousands of investors, the patron included,
make contingency escape plans, the mission is truly success- really got soaked in 2018 when Orbital Air's new anti-space-
ful if nobody ever knows they were there. craft defense system turned out to be flop.> The patron makes
sure that lnfocomp stresses to the agents before and during
Complication•: the operation that Militech is not to be messed with- the
The land on which the Proving Grounds and the Special agents are merely observers.
Projects Building now stand was taken from Pueblo and Second, in case you were wondering what the new
Apache reservations in the early 2000's under the weapon is, it's a man-portable heavy laser. The weapon looks
Emergency Federal Land Seizure Act The residents of these like a large Dragon missile launcher with a small power pack
areas were relocated to newly constructed housing projects attatched. The weapon is designed to lock on to different
in Los Angeles. types of ACPAs by identifying their silhouete. Then, based on
Many of the residents, however, took to the hills. To this the silhouete, the targeting computer delivers a concentrated
day, they have been fighting a guerilla war against Militech. beam of light at that particular suit's weakest spot The laser
It is a nasty affair, with a lot of back-and-forth raiding. The is resistant to aerosols, smoke, and other countermeasures.
body count is rising, and the situation is turning into a mini-
Vietnam. Despite their superiority, Militech has lost millions; The Te!lts:
they have made wiping out the insurgents their 4F 1 priority During the course of the three days, Militech will run several
in the area. But for every encampment Militech destroys, tests on the Proving Grounds from 8 AM to 8 PM. The sun
another batch of refugees arrives from Los Angeles, bring- rises and sets ear1y in New Mexico this time of year, so the
ing with them angry young men already battle-hardened agents had best plan for night surveilance. A short description
from life in the combat zone. of the tests follows.
The Indians are an important factor because not only are • Day One: Laser intensity test The laser is tested against
they growing in number, but they've actually established tem- popup targets and the efficiency of the laser is gauged.
porary bases within the Proving Ground. These people know Problems such as power overload, power surges, and
their way past the perimeter defenses, and although consid- "blooming~ or loss of laser coherency, may occur:
ered a joke in the past. they're now starting to win battles with • Day Two: Computer logic circuit test Several dummy ACPA
Militech troops. Whether this is training <or weight of numbers) suits are placed around the Proving Grounds. Programmers
is yet to be determined. Unfortunately, it is suspected that will check to see if the computer regognizes the silhouette
Arasaka now trains and arms the Indians, so it may just be a and applies the correct amount of laser intensity to the cor-
matter of time before they degenerate from real political rect spot on each suit All sorts of things can go wrong when
insurgents into paid corporate terrorists. dealing with new programming.
What this means is that the agents are apt to bump into • Day Three: Uve Fire test Three two-man teams armed with
these people as they wander around the mountains <Very the new laser will square off against two squads of computer-
Difficult roll to avoid; use Stealth, Wilderness Survival, Recon, controlled ACPAs. Laser coherency, computer performance,
sneak suit bonuses as appropriate>. The Indians could serve damage capability and battlefield survivability will all be
as useful allies during this operation, or they could prove to checked.
be a major hinderance. The Indians are xenophobic, because With a few mistakes and some minor adjustments, the
Militech has hurt them badly with infiltrators once too often. three days of testing are basicaly successful. The final report
They are the unknown variable in an already complex equa- is sent to Maryland the morning of the fourth day.
tion. The tribal leader most likely to deal fairly with outsiders
is Ollie Guerrero <see Corp Book 2>; there is a 2 in 10 chance Salary:
that any Indians met are connected to his group. Other, non- Based on threat level analysis (thanks to the auditors at Dun
Guerrero Indians will attack or harass on a 7 in 10 chance. & Bradstreet>, each team member will retain 25,000
Additional Notes: Rrst of all, we know what you're think- Eurodollars on successful completion of the mission, 1/3 that
ing. No, the patron is not Arasaka. It's an independent client amount if the mission fails. All equipment must be returned,
who actually wishes no harm to Militech. In fact, he doesn't and all expenses must be accounted for. Unaccountable
even plan to divulge with anyone else the information the expenses will be deducted from the final retainer.
Rrst and foremost, Tsunami is in the business of designing, build-
ing, and testing prototype weapons; once it meets their approval,
TSUNAMI they then license the design to another manufacturer. who takes
care of actually producing and marketing the weapon. Most com-
DESIGN panies who manufacture weapons have several designs original-
BUREAU ly by Tsunami, usually high-end, rutting-edge weapons.
Tsunami, under the name Tsunami Arms, also produces an
extensive line of limited issue weapons of their own: railguns,
lndependant weapons lasers, special-purpose weapons, powered armor sidearms,
Tsunam-i design firm and specialized handguns. Many of these designs are custom
made to a customers specifications <as with the Airhammerl.
A third area of business is weapon customization and the
• Main Office : Osaka, Japan
production of individual custom weaponry for private individuals.
• Regional Offices: San Francisco, Blacksburg VA,
M ost of these, contrary to popular belief, are competition pieces,
Rochester NY, Rio de Janeiro, Edinburgh
not assassin's weapons <although they make those, tool.
• Name & location of Major Shareholder: Toshio
Yamabatsu, Osaka/Timothy Davidson, Osaka/M ichelle Research and development is Tsunami's smallest
Teguchi, Langley <exact share percentages unknown> branch, but perhaps their most important. Tsunami is at the
• Retained Earnings: 95,339,874 eb <+8% from 2019l. cutting edge of most areas of technology, aided by a crack
• Rnand al Year Ends: July 19th, 2021. team of researchers and Net-surfers. While not a major
• Total Stock: 88,486,312 shares income source, their think-tank <Whirlwind Solutions> is well
· Available on Market: 16,247,818 shares respected for its ability to come up with solutions to almost
• Stock Par Value: 97eb/share common, 123eb/share any technical problem, even if that solution can't be imple-
mented due to technical failings.
• Selling Price: 144eb/share
• Employe es:
Worldwide Troops Covert
7200 <approxl 350 50 Tsunami's employees are an eclectic bunch, ranging from
• M anagement: R&D experts with three doctorates working in the machine
The three major shareholders hold a rotating CEO position. shop to streetwise techies working in the high-energy lab.
They are, without exception, innovative geniuses, multi-disci-
plinarians, and combat trained. ITsunami's dress code is sim-
ple-wear clothes, and always have a gun on you.l They are
History well paid, well treated, and devoted to the company with a
Formed by three friends on the bones of a Japanese airgun loyalty that borders on fanaticism.
company, Tsunami was born in the Net, and this has flavored
its feel to this day: Tsunami Design Bureau is a very eclectic, Friends and Enemies
loosely organized corporation. Tsunami utilizes the latest in Tsunami is on good terms with most of their competitors,
computer-assisted design and manufacturing equipment, and simply because of their specialized niche and market and
has maintained a reputation of being more than a little ahead the additional revenues brought in by high-quality designs
of the cutting edge of technology, a rep that has many mysti- tested by Tsunami and marketed by the various companies.
fied, as they would appear to lack the resources and man- They are especially friendly with Militech <who are creating a
power to rival giants like Militech in terms of research and joint project with Tsunami called Hurricane Arms>, Lazarus
development. Rumors abound of a rogue AI <stolen from <whose ops units frequently are able to field test pre-release
either the Pentagon or Arasakal, but Tsunami flatly denies such designs>, and Raven MicroCyb; RMC has a large contract
claims and there has been absolutely no proof brought to light with Tsunami for security small arms.
on this topic. For many years, Tsunami was a top secret orga- Tsunami has also cultivated a good working relationship
nization, working strictly behind the scenes, providing designs with lnfocomp, which many analysts theorize has played
to governments and a few select corporations, but in the last more than a small role in Tsunami's disproportionate amount
three years they have expanded their services into the public of breakthrough developments.
market. Response has been excellent, and Tsunami's eco- One notable exception to Tsunami's generally genial rela-
nomic growth has been almost frightening. tions is Arasaka, with whom Tsunami has maintained a state of
EDEiEH.a.JI"'WI"'WEH.S,. •rwc_
WANTED: Muramasa was stolen/escaped from its parent company,
This mission needs a 4-8 person team, with individuals Arasaka, they put a very sizable bounty on his head, and
skilled in melee and fire combat, security penetration, made sure that everyone knew it Blackheart has gotten a
and Net-based combat and data penetration. Mission little too close to figuring out where Muramasa operates
will involve travel in the Asian sphere; knowledge of from; since this could be disastrous for both Muramasa and
Chinese language and customs a definite plus. Tsunami, Muramasa has decided to sanction Blackheart
Obviously, Muramasa has no intention of telling them who
Contact: he is, whom he works for, or why he wants Blackheart sanc-
The players are directed to a coffee bar near NCU, where they tioned, and will never let any clues drop.
are to sit in a specific booth and dial the number given to
them on the vidphone there. Dialing the number will connect Brief':
to a featureless black screen ITechies and Netrunners will The players are to travel to Hong Kong, make their way to
notice that the phone automatically starts scrambling the con- Blackheart's compound, and break in. There, the Solos
versation>; the voice that answers is well modulated and male, and Techies are to isolate his methods of escape, while the
with perfect diction and enunciation. The voice will explain Netrunners go into the Net and kill him with the software
that he is just a go-between for the real patron, who is unwill- provided. They are then to make their way back to the air-
ing to allow either of their identities to become known. The port and take the next flight out
voice will state that the job is the sanctioning of a notorious AI
hunter known as Blackheart; this is to be done in the Net, but Support:
meat operations will be necessary to support the Netrunners. Once the players agree to take the job, he will tell them to
The voice is actually the voice of Muramasa, a rogue lift the vidphone; underneath they will find an envelope in
AI currently in the employ of Tsunami Arms. When which is a slip of paper with an address and an electronic
key. The address is to a local coffin rack; the coffin listed Complication•:
will open up to show one briefcase <fairly high quality> for Of course, the city of Hong Kong is the largest complica-
each team member... tion. HK is a city divided up by the Corporations and the
Passports <with suitable temporary skeletons good for Triads, and is watched very carefully by the Chinese gov-
two weeks> will be provided, along with first class tickets to ernment None of these factions really get along with each
Hong Kong on a suborbital leaving Night City International other, and this has resulted in all of the factions watching
at 2:30 three days hence, a bearer credchip with SOOOeb each other <and anyone else who looks interesting; do the
on it marked •tor expenses", plus other goodies. Each of players look interesting?> very carefully. Chinese import
the Netrunners will be given a set of program chips. If laws are strict; while Muramasa has managed to devise
these are loaded into their decks, they will form into a pro- ways to get the characters' Net gear and some weapons
gram with the Icon of an ancient samurai sword. The other through Customs, they are going to have to do without a
members of the team will find a small knife and a handgun lot of the support equipment and weapons they are used
with several clips, as well as instructions in how to hide to.
these weapons in the briefcase's liner. Details of the HK's Strip/Combat Zone is known as •the Hell of
weapons and software are left up to the Ref; the software Death by a Thousand Cuts", because, while the Triads use
is a powerful Demon with anti-personnel and anti-system guns, the remaining gangers and street folks are much
sub-programs, and the weapons are designed to be easi- more likely to use knives and their fists and feet Even the
ly concealed and utterly undetectable by weapon scan- Triads are as likely to use blades and Kung Fu as they are
ners <if Refs don't want to let the players hang onto these a Minami. Having or using a gun in Hong Kong brands you
too long, they fire custom ammo; just limit the supply>. as either a Triad, a gwailo freelancer with more guts than
There will also be maps of Hong Kong <with important sites brains, or a fool. Not being able to take care of yourself
like Blackheart's lair marked> and language chips (if nec- with hands and feet or a blade merely brands you a fool ...
essary>. or a target
Hong Kong is a center for rogue Als; the large num-
Resistance: ber of abandoned high powered computer systems has
Blackheart's datafortress is located in a decaying tower given them many places to hole up. These Als are all
close to the western side of Hong Kong-close enough to slightly paranoid, wondering when their former masters
the Triads to be out of Corporate control, and far enough will come after them, and will look with great suspicion on
away that the Triads aren't currently interested <Big Len is any new Netrunners entering the HK Net <Both Muramasa
too interested in shooting at the 14K right nowl in the area. and Blackheart find it ironic that an AI hunter put his base
The building is mostly in ruins, but the bottom three base- of operations in the dragon's lair, so to speak.> Many of the
ments have been turned into a security complex and living Als are ... nosy, to say the least, so players should keep an
quarters for Blackheart and his support personnel. <)lou eye open for interference by them, at least until the Als fig-
thought AI hunters worked alone? Not the smart ones. ure out what's up. At that point the players may have to
And Blackheart is very smart.> Blackheart is a Pro-level hurry, as the Als aren't likely to want to let some meatlings
Netrunner <Interface +71, while his assistants consist of deal with someone who has killed so many brethren ...
three Mid-level Netrunners and a pair of Weeflerunners
<cannon fodder>. The rest of his team consists of a number Salary:
of Techies, two MedTechies, several mid-level Solos and The base pay for the job is 7,000eb per team member;
some ex-Pirates and gangers for security, and their Fixer, a Muramasa can be bargained up to a maximum of
brutish man named Michael Chang who is reputed to have 100,000 Euro for the entire team, but this should be very
Triad ties. Blackheart has a very good security set-up, and difficult Muramasa will explain that the special equipment
has several escape routes planned; he leaves nothing to they are receiving to help achieve the mission is also part
Joss. His people are fairly well armed with pistols, knives, of the pay; the gear is custom made, and utterly untrace-
and a few SMGs, but little in the way of heavy weaponry; able. If players demand payment up front, give it to them;
after all, this is Hong Kong, not Night City. For more infor- if they try to skip out, Muramasa will simply blank their
mation, Refs should see Roche Bortmoss' Guide to the Net accounts completely, and post their identities prominently
and the Poe Rim Sourcebook. in the NCPD •most wanted" list <after all, he is an All.
The first years of the 21st century brought about the collapse of
America. It was during this time that many of the 20th century's
corporate superpowers fell; GE, Beatrice and Columbia
Entertainment were just a few of the casualties. However, amid the
attendant chaos of the Wasting Plague, the Food Crash, the 2nd
Central American Conflict and the First and Second Corporate
Wars, a brilliant sdentist by the name of Dr. Corvus Crowe rose to
fame and fortune. Having completed his doctorate at nineteen, he
spent his earty twenties working under Janice Grubb as a software
engineer for Kenjiri Technologies when they were developing the
first Net interface algorithms. He left the project before it was fin-
MICROCY BERNETICS ished (for unknown reasons> and went on to become one of the
founders of BioDyne Systems, the corporation credited with cre-
Cybernetics & Electronics Manufacturer ating the first viable cyberlimbs. As one of the few members of the
• M ain Office: Plaza Cirde, Night City, NorCal, North *BioDyne Seven· who had a head for business, Dr. Crowe bought
America; Phone <666> 553-3000, Fax <666> 553-3300, out several fragmented post-Collapse corporate holdings. In
Net LDL 3053.6686 2009, while BioDyne Systems was going bankrupt, Raven
• Re gional Offices: Los Angeles Metroplex, San Microcybemetics was dedared an official corporate entity. Later
Francisco, Miami, Winston-Salem Urban Axis, Washington that year, BioDyne became another property of the investment
DC, St Louis, Denver, New Galveston, Atlantis, Newtown, group formed by Dr. Crowe, whose new corporation embarked
Toronto, Montreal, Honolulu, Rio Di Janeiro, Caracas,
on a meteoric rise to American industry's top twenty.
Brasilia, Havana, Berlin, Bonn, Rome, London, Paris,
Stockholm, Moscow, Geneva, Oslo, Helsinki, Nairobi, Cairo,
Madrid, Jerusalem, Algiers, Sydney, Tokyo, Kyoto, Hong
Businl!!i!i Pract:icl!s
Kong, Bangkok, Beijing, Delhi, Seoul, Manila, Singapore, Today, Raven Microcyb is the premier American manufacturer of
Tycho, Crystal Palace, O'neill One. cyberware, wetware and cybernetic electronics. They are well-
• Manufacturing Facilities: Seattle, Detroit, Dallas-Forth known for always surfing the cutting edge of cybertechnology,
Worth Metroplex, Anchorage, Silo, Chicago Port, Vancouver, and are generally well-respected for their quality-control and
Mexico City, Munich, Hamburg, Osaka, Shanghai, Taiwan, modesty <their offices never bear giant, imposing logos-only a
Copernicus, Paradise Station, Galileo Cylinder. modest sign above the entrance>. Being heavily involved in sen-
• Nam e & Location of Maj or Shareholder: Dr. Corvus
sitive research and development projects, RMC is a very securi-
Crowe, Night City, NorCal, North America, holding
26.50fo of total shares ty-conscious company- they are ranked as a Security Level-4
• Retained Earnings: 784,406,213 eb (+50fo from 2019>. <Maximum Security> organization in Arasaka's Almanac of
• Rnand al year Ends: April 2 1st, 2021. Corporate Espionage <2020 edition>. In terms of public image,
• Total St ock: 139,552,608 shares Raven Microcyb is recognized not so much by its corporate pol-
• Available on Market: 10,46 1,937 shares icy as by its "shelf presence;• they are world-renowned for pro-
• Stock Par Value: 130eb/share common, 175eb/share ducing high-quality cyberware, full-body conversions, electronics,
preferred netware and ACPA components. Stock market and business
• Selling Price: 200eb/share trends analysts and expert systems have generally concurred
• Employees:
that Raven Microcybemetics Corporation IS Dr. Corvus Crowe;
Worldwide Troops Covert
3,047 315 the corporation's policies mirror his own personality, its products
• M anagement: echo the Doctors own areas of expertise, and fluctuations in
Chair: Dr. Corvus Crowe RMC stock have even been theoretically reflected in Dr. Crowe's
Trustees: 13 health. According to most experts, there is no other company of
CEO: M r. Roman Fellini such size which is so tightly tied to one man.
• Board of Directors:
President: Dr. Clarence Jordan Fril!nds and Eni!Dlil!s
VP R&D: M rs. Susan Onizawa Raven Microcyb, being at the top of the American cybernetics
VP Overseas: Ms. Chingmy Siao
heap, is not well-liked by cyberware companies in. the US or the
VP Orbjtal: Mr. Faustus Svankmajer
EEC; the large Eurocorps especially despise RMC, perceiving them
VP Defense: Col. Marlen Cage
as a presumptuous, mongrel corporation. Space-based corpora-
lions also antagonize RMC, whose vested
interest in space is seen as threatening.
Because of these conditions, Raven can
count International Electric, Militech
Cybernetics International, Utopian Corp-
oration, Dynalar and Adrek Robotics
among their enemies.
Orbital Air is RMCs most powerful
corporate ally- Raven's constant patron-
age <due to their large investment in
space> has ensured their support. and
has even led to their co-development of
the Warrior and Crusader ACPA chassis.
Mitsubishi-Kyoridansu, being the pre-
mier manufacturer of space habitats, are
also on very good terms with Raven
MicroCyb; as one of the most powerful
zaibatsu in Japan, they have done a
great deal to open up the Pacific Rim to Raven's products. variety of on-the-job and after-hours training programs are
RMC is particularly friendly with Tsunami Design Bureau <who offered. Raven's dress code requires that all employees must
provide for much of Raven's small arrns needs> and also does dress in black <gray is also allowed, as are small accents of white,
business with Klein Cyberoptics, Interface Engineering, Advanced red or gold>. Executives wear black suits, technicians wear black
Cyberpolymer Research, Logan Engineering and several semi- jumpsuits, and security personnel wear black uniforms. In gen-
underground operations, including Slamdance Incorporated, eral, Raven offers a total way of life for its employees: style, atti-
Urban Technologies and even, some say, the Autojoks. tude and support structure are all provided.
Dutie!i: Complicat:ioD!i:
·This operation centers around Raven's office in Detroit RMC does not want the building destroyed, due to the pres-
Observant players will note that Raven has no office in ence of so many innocents <that, and the fact that the city
Detroit ... but, they used to. That office building <Plymouth council would react poorly to such drastically overt action-
Center Tower) is now dosed, its sector now overrun by ever since Raven took their tax dollars out of Detroit, the
gangs and other criminal elements. <Hey, it's Detroit-why city has held a grudge>. Another complication is that any
· do you think they closed in the first place?> However, a one of the players (particularly a Fixer> might know that the
recent Al-governed inventory/accounting sweep picked up Trash Chippers never used to be such a bad bunch- most-
troubling discrepancies: It seems that many of the Detroit ly back-alley brawlers and rave organizers. Their involve-
office's facilities and supplies weren't fully removed. Worse ment in this ugly business is uncharacteristic; on-site inves--
still, the increased threat level posed by the gangs of that tigation will reveal that when the Trash Chippers moved into
area points toward their use of said "losr facilities. This well the area, they fell in with a mysterious patron who appar-
disguised asset relocation must be rectified; the job is to ently led them to the abandoned Raven facilities and they
penetrate the site, secure the facilities and guard their dis- soon turned into sadistic cyber-fetishists. If the players fol-
mantling and removal. low up, they discover that the Trash Chippers have all
undergone serious neural cybersurgery. The answers lie in
Support: an office adjacent to the cyberlab-a cyberpsycho ex-RMC
Mr. Chrichton provides the players with M RAM chips con- researcher is behind this whole situation. He altered the
taining complete floorplans of Plymouth Center Tower and Trash Chippers' gray matter while they were under the
specs on the building's security systems-of course, these knife, and his psychosis has made him power-mad. He also
are of the system before it was <supposedly> removed. has a surprise in his office: a Punknaught ACPA! It was cob-
Whatever security systems are in place now (if any> are prob- bled together from the skeleton of a Spider ACPA and can-
ably completely unlike RMCs previous layout A list of the nibalized cyberlimbs. The researcher has detachable cyber-
rerouted assets <complete with tech specs> is also chipped: limbs, and if hostiles enter the cyber1ab, he'll ditch his limbs
medical instruments, some modest computers and a sizable and plug himself into the Punksuit: SIB -6, DFB -2, REF -2
stash of cybernetics (boosterware, cyberlimbs, optics, (6 in this easel, MA 3, STR 27, SP 30, Head SOP 7, Torso
enhancements, body-plating, etc.l. SOP 20, Arms SOP 27 each, Legs SOP 33 each, Toughness
Mod -6, Weight 444kg, Punch 3010, Kick & Crush 4D10. 1t
has no weapons.
The Trash Chippers boostergang, 45 members strong, has
taken over Plymouth Center Tower and operates their black Salary:
cyber1ab out of it Numerous squatters, feral children, 3500eb per person. Support and benefits include Lea~et
burnouts, criminals, juvegangers and other disenfranchised transport to and from Detroit, Trauma Team coverage for the
types occupy the building, and most of them have been draft- operation, pay for all medical expenses and reimbursement
ed into forced labor by the Trash Chippers. Plymouth Center for used ammo. The players also will be offered a one-time
Tower now bears more resemblance to a medieval castle, 33% discount on any Raven product, which they may pur-
complete with a drawbridge, torch lighting and indentured chase/have implanted after the op.
In 20 12, as the senior driver, Alec had the option to buy
into the company. He did so, eventually taking over the opera-
WANTED: driver has a biomonitor; the n computer may be directly
Drivers for day/night shifts, previous experience not linked into that for an extra salary deduction. Severe penalties
required Driving skills a must- no chips please. Area <induding possible dismissal) apply to the driver for sending a
knowledge required, gang knowledge helpful. Combat false alarm. Police can be summoned via radio or dispatch,
and/or technical skills recommended. Good pay w/tips. but the driver cannot hear police bands on the radio.
Apply In person. Resistance:
Contact: Shouldn't be any directly. Red Cab is friendly with all the other
cab companies in the city (Aerocab, Combat Cabb,
Katie lopez, Personnel Troubleshooter Cabs), so there's no armed competition.
Phone 666-552-03g2 Police like to fine drivers for speeding every now and then, but
Brief': otherwise Red Cab has a good working relationship with the
This job is open to any character role, so long as he can Drive at cops as well. In the past year, there's been a real problem w ith
+4 or better. Drivers work in 12 hour shifts, three days a week the Bozos and the Slaughterhouse, not to mention several
Hours available are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday, Tuesday, and small boostergangs in the area which have come and gone.
Thursday or 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Several unfriendly Nomad packs <mostly outlaw bikers) like to
This is a great adventure hook for out-of-work PCs who can't attack cabs-normally they're not a problem, but things could
seem to get that big score, but still have bills to pay <and it's a real get ugly when they have weight of numbers.
di'lcher for those annoying big spender PCs, eh, refs?l. It's also The Bozos love to have some of their own dress in corpo-
a good "real" job for PCs to hold between major adventures. rate suits <usually carefully removed from the bodies of recent
victims>, call for a cab, and then rob and maim the driver in some
Support: demented way. The Slaughterhouse likes to hit cabs from
Trauma Team on call 24-7. If a driver sends the alert signal, TI ambush with heavy weapons, then dose in on the survivors and
anives in 1D6+ 1 minutes. The driver can either break his n butcher them slowly. For the past four months, Solos have been
card, hit a panic button under the dash, or call dispatch. If the riding shotgun with drivers, resulting in some ugly scenes.
Complications: way out of the Combat Zone.
Anything! Regardless of time of day, drivers are apt to Want the short version? Go nuts. Be relentless. Point and
encounter acddents, riots, traffic jams, rude drivers, gang laugh at frustrated PCs. In and of itself, driving a cab can be
wars, police roadblocks, chemical spills ... not to mention a pretty mundane job; your job is to make it exdting. Check
the passengers. People will suddenly start having sex in the out Interface #3, pg. 23, for more ideas.
back seat, sweating junkies will start screaming that they
want to go to the hospital, corporates late for meetings will Salary:
threaten to sue. Drivers will get confusing directions to 35% of total fares earned per month plus all tips or
places they have never heard of. Streetlights will go out monthly salary equal to Drive skill using Nomad's pay
Traffic lights won't work. Snipers will blast away from tene- rate. See Cyberpunk 2020, page 48. Hazardous duty pay
ment rooftops. The car will break down- twice in one night possible <up to 3x totall, but unlikely. See your supervisor
There will be blackouts while the driver is trying to find his for details.
WANTED: is possible, for a salary deduction. Police can be called via
Solos for security duty. Bodyguard experiencepreferred. dispatch.
Martial arts, basic tech, driving a plus. Driving chips okay,
real combat skills required. Gang knowledge a plus. Rat
When riding shotgun, anything is possible. Expect to defend
feeplus hazardous duty pay. Aexible hours.
yourself, the cab driver, and the passengers <unless the pas-
Contact: senger is the problem, of CX>Ursel from a variety of psychos and
John Katzen, Security or Kathy Lopez, Personnel scumbags. Be prepared to handle problems with hannless but
Phone 666-553-1492 <Katzen) or ext. 0392 <Lopez> irritating passengers in a diplomatic manner. you may also have
N et LDL 462 11990 to shoot it out with road boosters and other rabble. Leam how
to spot incognito gang members before they get in the cab.
Briet=: When defending the building, common problems will
Red Csb needs Solos and other security-oriented types to include drivers getting mugged outside, petty burglary
ride shotgun with some drivers. In addition, John Katzen is attempts, graffiti artists tagging the building, and incursions
putting together an organized squad to patrol the building by minor local boostergangs. However, once in a while the
and block perimeter on a 24-hour basis as gang trouble Bozos or the Slaughterhouse will show up in force, resulting
increases. Technicians familiar with electronic security and in all kinds of chaos. Know these maniacs' tactics well.
good with improvised boobytraps are also welcome.
Security people are expected to work four days a week, Complications:
in ten-hour shifts. Hours are flexible, but expect to work in All of the aforementioned, plus the fact that if something hajr
solid blocks-four days on, three days off. Overtime is avail- pens to the driver, it's your responsibility to solve the prob-
able at supervisor's approval. lem. Even a Basic Tech +1 chip with a basic schematic of a
car engine is an improvement over nothing if the driver is
Support: dead and the car stalls. Get used to sitting in traffic, hearing
When riding shotgun, Trauma Team is on call 24-7. If you or boring stories, and putting up with bad music.
the driver send alert signal,n arrives in 106+ 1 minutes. In On patrol, things aren't much better, because you'll be
an emergency, you or the driver can either break your issued involved in all sorts of situations. In addition to the really dan-
TT card, hit the panic button under the dash, or call dispatch. gerous characters who hang around, the homeless sleep all
If you or the driver have a biomonitor; the TT computer may over the place here, so there might be occasional run-ins
be directly linked into that for an extra salary deduction. you with them. John Katzen expects his staff not to molest these
face severe salary penalties for a false alann and possible people because it's bad PR. and they make good infonnants
dismissal. Police can be summoned via radio or by calling concerning gang activity. And when you're on foot. well, you
dispatch, but police bands cannot be heard on radio. make a real good target for those road boosters, don'tcha?
When on patrol, you will have the other nine mem-
bers of your patrol shift to call on, plus John Katzen him- Salary:
self <Combat Sense + 8, you can guess the rest of his Based on spedal ability skill level, equivalent to monthly pay
stats> who lives in the building. Trauma Team is on always scale in Cyberpunk 2020, page 58. Hazardous duty pay
on call. They can be summoned as above. Biomontor link available at approval of supet'visor.
massive firms like Militech, Arasaka and Lazarus are too
large to fit into. In time, they planned to take on a larger staff,
allowing them to provide an even more diverse range of ser-
First, an abandoned nightclub was purchased in the East
Village and totally renovated for their purposes. The building
was modernized and hardened against attack, then outfitted
with a sophisticated security and defense network (the build-
ing contains living quarters, a rec area, a gymnasium, a small
motor pool, a firing range, and a kitchen area, in addition to
Private security firm the office space on the ground level>. The remaining cash
went towards purchasing equipment A stripped-down
• Main Office: 3 V6 East 6th Street, East Village, New York
model of an Ambunaught was purchased and revamped into
~: 212-555-8000 (front desk>
800-555-2727 (emergency response> a luxury transport of sorts. Because the partners already
~: 212-555-7000 owned their own vehicles, a small array of simple cars,
Net LDL: 21V.9499 motorcycles, and vans was already available. Weapons
• Owner/Operators: Jade Falcone, Ice Falcone, Grey weren't necessary-each partner already had their preferred
Falcone <silent>, John McCullen <silent>, Lynda Korolev <silent> hardware.
• Net Income: None yet Next, negotiations were opened with a splinter branch
• Not Incorporated of the Blood Razors, who happen to control the East Village.
• Staff: It took several weeks and a series of byzantine deals, but a
Driver/security: Jade Falcone
peace was worked out. Relations between the gang and
Security/combat ops: Ice Falcone
Affirmative Action are pretty good today.
Net operations <temp>: Grey Falcone
Knowing nothing about accounting, business opera-
Technical specialist (temp>: John McCullen
Security/combat ops (temp>: Lynda Korolev tions, or anything else remotely administrative, the partners
Receptionist: Gea Belchek hired Cynthia Arrochar, a recently unemployed "business
Administration: Cynthia Arrochar analysr, as manager. She took control of the paperwork and
• Employees: Only core staff + freelancers other generally tedious things the partners have absolutely
no talent for.
Gea Belchek answered the company's ad for a recep-
History tionist and was immediately hired, since the partners' typing
was pretty bad. She handles incoming clients, fi les and sorts
About a year ago, it came to pass that John McCullen, Lynda all current case data, and sets up interviews with freelancers.
Korolev, and the Falcone siblings (aka "Brain", "Lynx·, PCs who wish to work for AA will deal with Gea first, unless
"GhostRyder", see above> all came to work on a major op in they happen to know one of the partners. The staff of AA
the Far East. Several zaibatsus were going at it, and the have already cl osed a few accounts during this year, mostly
Pacific Rim became a minor war zone for a week or so. involving detective work, and their actions have made the
Unfortunately, there w ere some ·complications·, and the local screamsheets a couple of times. Within the next year
op went wrong. Really wrong. Said NPCs were shot down, and a half, AA has the potential to score a name for itself in
shot at, arrested, beaten, beleaguered, and generally did not the world of private, specialized security.
have a good time.
Somehow, they got back to the U.S., where they were Today
paid very w ell, but seriously started to consider limiting the Jade & Ice Falcone (as the partners with the largest share>,
scope of their operations. After a week of brainstorming, remain the permanent fixtures, along with Gea and Cynthia.
research, and intensive meetings, the group decided to pool Brain, Lynx, and Grey Falcone occasionally work for the com -
their assets and form their own security group. At the time, pany when nothing else is available, but they don't want to
the group was being "temporarily" lodged in Manhattan by become permanent employees and still wander the sprawls
Crickett, a mutual fixer friend, so that's wh ere they chose to depending on the season.
establish the business. The staff of Affirmative Action will perform services at
They imagined a multi-role security business which rates as stated in the grey box at the bottom of the next
could meet the needs of smaller clients, filling the gap that page.
All fees are subject to
15% gratuity. Full refunds
guaranteed if contract
parameters are not met
All Affirmative Action
employees are authorized
to carry lethal and non-
lethal weaponry. AA
employees are also grant-
ed de facto bounty hunting
rights for the duration of a
specific bounty contract.
Affirm-ative Action accepts
no security work of an illic-
it nature and denies all
knowledge of such activi-
When not directly involved
in a case, Affirmative
Action <via Cynthia> also
arranges meetings be-tween clientele looking for help and
freelancers looking for work. AA cheerfully provides free- AFFIRMATIVE ACTION
lancers with transportation, technical support, and lodgings COMPANY AMBUNAUGHT
<references required> if they need it In return for arranging a
job, AA retains either a flat fee of $1500 or 1/4 of the final SOP: 140
salary, whichever is lesser. SP: 40
Equipment 2 empty spaces
Mass: 10 tons Cargo: 6600 lbs capacity
Passengers: 9 + driver
Max Speed: 72 AccJDec: 10/30 Range: 800 miles
Cost: 99000eb <100,000eb retaill
SERVICE RATES Options: Ufe Support System, Crash Control System <10 pas-
sengers), Environmental Control System, Internal Rre Control
Bodyguard Duty: 500eb per day/per guard System, Wet Bar, Flare Launcher <Roof), Smoke Jet, Smoke
Security System Construction/ Analysis Launcher <Front Quarters>, Cellular Phone, Radio <Scrambler>,
~: 200eb per hour/per specialist Cybertink, Entertainment System <Advanced Stereo, Video
Business: 300eb per hour/per specialist Player, Holovidl, Radar w/Detector, Searchlights, Security
Investigations: 250eb per day/per investigator + expenses System <Basic System, linked to Nauseatorl
Personal Pickup/Transport: 500eb per hour
Netrunning: 200eb per minute/per 'runner Notes: This massive vehicle is joking referred to by the
Courier <NYC area only): 200eb/hour staff as ·the Ambunaught': but it retains virtually none of its
Missing Persons: 2000eb per day/per specialist + original medical features. Designed to carry clients and
expenses staff in both safety and luxury, the vehicle's equipment is
Computer Security Construction/ Analysis: 200eb per all defensive in nature. The vehicle is white, with yellow
hour + software flashers on the roof. The AA logo is prominently featured
Self-Defense Classes: 35eb per class on both sides and the back door.
EDEiiE~a..J"'"'E~s.. •"'-=-
WAI\ITED: Support:
Net and computer systems specialist. human relations The standard level of support from the front office is
person, sea.Jrity specialist. technical and electronics available.
personnel, for investigative work. Rreann proficiency
required. Surveillance knowledge and/or detective Resistance:
training a definite plus. Good pay. Apply in person. The There are three main antagonists: Richard Clayman, 39,
job Is open to Netrunners, Nomads, Rxers, Techies, Louis Roice, 28, and Phillip Coby, 47. you are free to
Prowlers and Solos. Cops <although they normally don't generate their stats yourself. All three are form er elite
have to freelance) would also have a field day. commandos, well versed in combat but not too heavily
cybered. They also possess some basic •streer skills.
Contact: All three served with Lt Col. Patterson in Colombia
Cynthia Arrochar, Administrator from 2003 to 2009. They left the Army the same time
Phone 212-555-8005/FAX 212-555-7005 Patterson did, but none were as highly honored as he
NetlDL 20015854 was. All three have around 50 confirmed kills each and
a few citations. This information is available publicly,
Brlu: albeit via tedious researc h. Their complete Army
The client a recent corporate widow, is receiving threat- records, however, are pretty secret and very little will be
ening phone calls and e-mail from a group of men she openly available. No background information exists on
believes murdered her husband a week ago. The PCs any of the men before they entered the service.
are contracted to discover who killed him, why, and Phillip Coby is the man who killed Lt Col. Patterson.
what relationship <if any) his death has to the threaten- Coby,along with Roice and Clayman, are conducting an
ing phone calls. The police have put a trace on the orchestrated campaign of terrorism against the client If
client's line, but the calls are always made from different they are unhindered, their tactics will move from threats
locations. The e-mail is always sent from different to minor sabotage and nasty "dirty tricks:' Finally, they
datatenns. will openly try to physically harm the client.
The deceased was identified as Lt Col. Michael The trio has no real resources other than them-
Patterson, U.S. Army <Ret>. Patterson was a hero of the selves. They know some Chromers and nomads they
Second Central Am erican Conflict and was decorated can call on for brute muscle, pius some regular fixer
many times. He served with the 17th Brigade in contacts. They have access to some military grade
Colombia and was credited with over 100 confirmed weapons. They also have a series of bolt holes they can
kills. In 2009, Patterson left the military and settled disappear into around the city, so they will not be easily
down in Washington D.C.. From 2009 until his death, taken by surprise. If nothing else, all three men have
Patterson was a private investor with considerable stock over ten years of military experience under their belts,
in various corporations, and would often travel on busi- six of those under fire.
ness. Police have no leads at this time and are not
speaking to the media. Complications:
Patterson was killed in the cargo dock area of Okay, you ask, so why are they doing ail this? Sit down,
Washington's maglev station, as he met the 7:22 train boys and girls, it's story time ...
from Atlanta. The gunman, described as a stocky, In July 2009, the U.S. military launched Operation
Caucasian male, mid-40's, fired three times into the vic- Thunder Alley. The operation was intended to end the
tim's chest with an old Beretta 92 at point-blank range. war in Colombia immediately, freeing up troops for use
The phone calls are always made by different voic- elsewhere in the Central American Theater. As part of
es, but voice-pattern checks have identified three dis- this operation, Lt Col. Patterson led a large group of
tinct callers. Vocalprints match no known records. troops into the jungle basin with orders to incite rebel-
lion among the peasant workers. They were also
ordered to attack government and drug-producing facil- establish who the harassers are.
ities at will. Once identification has been made, the PCs may
Unfortunately, at the last minute, there was a dra- want to follow the targets around for a while to see
matic change of government in Colombia, and Thunder where they hang around and who they know. Further
Alley was called off. Unable to rescind Patterson's phone taps may be helpful to catch their phone calls to
orders, the USAF sent fighters to shoot down the AV each other. When the targets are together, goodold-
Patterson and his team were in. A few commandos sur- fashioned eavesdropping <assisted by surveillance
vived the crash, including Patterson, Coby, Roice, and microtechnologyl also works.
Clayman. The targets aren't worried about leaving a paper
Eight months later, those four men were the only trail. They hold down regular jobs and use their real
living team members. They had with them over eighty names on most documentation. Phillip Coby works as a
pounds of pure, refined cocaine <incredible in this post- clerk at Petrochem. Louis Roice is a mechanic with
DEA virus decade>, seized from warehouses they Washington's transit authority. Richard Clayman is a
destroyed while in the jungle. Unable to take the coke supervisor at the IEC cargo sub dock in Annapolis. All
with them, the men sealed it in a container, buried it, three have normal citizen ID records (all SIN files are
and planned to return as a group some years later to highly restricted) and do their financial business at
collect and distribute the stuff. Sumitomo Bank.
Patterson waited for a while, intending to return as As the days go by, the targets' threats against the
planned, but was never really sure he could trust his client will become more and more violent Then they
other •partners~ He led a small expedition to get the will begin vandalizing her home. After six days, they will
cocaine first, then chartered a boat to Florida, crossed break in and trash the place. After ten days, they fire a
the border into Georgia, and put the stuff on a train heavy rifle at her 87.000eb Ford-Mazda Luxus 14 while
from Atlanta to Washington. Then he flew back to the a valet is parking it. After twenty days, they try to set her
D.C. and waited for it house on fire. During this entire time, the phone threats
Coby got wind of this. He called Roice and continue on a daily basis. After a month has elapsed,
Clayman, met Patterson at the station, and killed him. Coby waits on a rooftop two blocks away with an
Transit cops responded faster than Coby expected, so Arasaka WSSA sniper riHe and kills the client as she
he fled. walks down the street Obviously, the PCs have to stop
After some discussion, the trio surmised that the the targets before this happens.
client somehow received the cocaine and that she is The targets never find their precious cocaine, while
holding it either because she doesn't know what to do the client has no idea where it is- in fact, she has no
with it or is waiting for a buyer. Either way, they figure idea what the targets are talking about when they men-
irs rightfully theirs, and they intend to get it back. tion it on the phone. If irs to be recovered at all, it is rec-
The reality is that the cocaine is sitting in the wrong ommended that the PCs get it by sheer chance.
storage locker in the Washington maglev center. Locker Another party may also recover the stuff. Truly sadistic
455, rented by Patterson, was searched by the police, Referees may opt to have the targets discover it after
all three men, and the media. However, a redcap acci- all, but only after they've killed or otherwise badly
dentally put the package in locker 4 56, rented by a maimed the client
client who always pays her monthly bill but shows up
maybe once a year to open the locker. It will remain Salary:
there unless somebody finds it Each PC will earn 250eb per day. The company will
The preceding information will have to be painstak- cover all expenses, but they must be cleared through
ingly researched by the team. If the PCs really have no Cynthia first Any unauthorized spending must come out
idea what they're doing, suggest that they start tapping of the PCs pocket or be subtracted from the final retain-
the clienrs phones and have a Netrunner scan her er. The PCs are free to keep any cash, equipment, etc.
incoming e-mail. This is a good starting point, just to they may retain during the course of the investigation.
Peak & Derrera is one of those rare corporate oddities in the
business world of 2020: They were small enough to duck the
fallout from the crash of '94, but strong enough to keep their
heads above water.
In 1970, George Peak and Salvatore Derrera were a couple
of grunts stuck in the middle of the Cambodia invasion. During
quiet periods, the pair would talk about what they would do if
they made it back to the world. There was nothing else to do but
talk, and it was better than listening to the crickets chirp. Both
men had heard the news: The situation at home was starting to
sour. They shared the same philosophy that the smart investor
would tum to technology as America's industrial base weak-
Peak and Derrera both survived the war and kept in contact
with each other when they returned to the U.S. In early 1972,
"Sally" Derrera called Peak with a business offer: if both men
could scrape up $25,000 to start with, it was possible for them
to break into the precious industrial diamond market Peak was
~ :Peal ertDerrera ~
skeptical but after some research decided to invest. Thus in
January 1973 an idea that began as a way to soothe the com-
Precious materials brokers bat jitters flourished into a financial reality. The partnership of
Peak & Derrera was born.
• Main Office: Main Office: 93 Kennesaw Road, Baltimore,
MD. Phone: <301l 555-2940, Fax: <301l 555-3000, Net The company expanded into Asia at first, treading deli-
LDL 1202.4924 cately into the new Chinese and Japanese markets that were
• Regional Offices: New York City, Los Angeles, Geneva, opening up. When the computer age began in 1979, the com-
London,Tokyo pany cornered a nice chunk of the silicon market. With cus-
• Name & Location of Major Shareholders: Penstone tomers like Atari and IBM, the firm's fortune was assured. Peak
Equities <8%l, lntermutual Fund <7%), M r. Maxwell Orvis, & Derrera was incorporated in 1980.
Geneva <6%> With the boom of the 1980s, the company grew quickly,
• Retained Earnings <2020l: $2,304,102 <+2%, 2019) breaking into various industrial and precious metal markets.
• financial year Ends: February 13, 2021 When the party ended in '94, most of the Asian developments
• Total Stock: 111,500,760 shares
were sold off for vital cash. Later, that cash was used to invest in
• Available on Market: 760,000 shares
the critical European market
• Par Value: 56eb/share preferred, $34/share common
Selling Price: 11 Oeb/share In 2002, George Peak sold his interests in the company
• Employees: and became an independent investor. The Wasting Plague inca-
Worl dwide Troops Covert pacitated Sal Derrera in 2003, and he sold his share to Penstone
210 150 5 Equities. Orvis became chairman of the board, but the firm's
• Board of Directors: original name was retained for its prestige.
QJ.2i[: Mr. Maxwell Orvis
Trustees: 10 Today
.cEQ: Mr. Maxwell Orvis Peak & Derrera remain a respected, if somewhat low-key. name
• Management: in the precious metals market. They now deal with all precious
Vice-President: Mr. Peter Stotz
materials. This includes more traditional items like diamonds,
Director World Ops: Dr. Robert Harris
metals, and alloys, but also unconventional things such as rare
Director. Security: Ms. Christine Bianca
chemicals, experimental pharmaceuticals, orbital products, and
Director Finance: Mr. Michael Staggert
Director. Nortb America: Mr. Christopher Trache much more.
Director Japan: Mr. Senaki Hiratako Generally, P&D looks for commodities currently trading at a
Director Europe: Ms. Jeanette Brisbane low market value. They research the commodity (they have
excellent financial analysts working for them, and when they
can't find it,they have an ongoing contract with lnfocomp>, and if
EIDIEiiE~-.J"'"'E~S,. • "'C-
the future of the commodity <ranging anywhere from next week and Top-level !40CYo> programmers. These people do not fool
to fivr years> looks promising, they invest accordingly, acquiring around. It is rumored that Bartmoss would occasionally hit P&D
as much of it as possible. When the time comes to sell, P&D for spare cash until one time when Spider Murphy got blown off
cashes in on the commodity, usually raking in a huge financial the system and had an APB put out on her for three months. Of
profit or trading for another promising material. P&D analysts are course, Bartmoss is dead now and Murphy isn't. so you be the
rarely wrong. judge ...
WANTED: Group Two: Three ripperdocs who intend to use the proteins
Experienced n egotiators, seasoned bodyguards for deli- for cloning experiments. They'll meet anywhere secluded, at
cate business transaction. Salary on commission, plus flat night <with Solo escorts> only.They offer VSeb per kilo.
fee. Fax or e-mail resume for possible interview. Group Three: A FIXer who wants the stuff to cash in on
resale.He'll meet at any inner-city establishment. but at night
Contact: only. He brings a group of gangsters with him. Offers
Warren Canmichael, Special Projects Division 75,000eb for 100 kilos.
Phone 30 1-555-0 390 / FAX 301-555-0300 Group Four: The manager of a food processing plant in the
Net LDL 1202.4 931 industrial zone. He'll agree to meet anywhere except the C9nl-
bat zone, at any time of day. Sends some mid...Jevel Solos and
Brief': a Corporate mouthpiece. Offers up to 150eblkilo. He'll pur-
The company has decided to dispose of 400kg of orbital- chase as much as possible.
grown food-substitute proteins, a product which has not met
future investment expectations. The proteins are high-quality Support::
stuff, but useless in their rurrent state. The right people could The company wishes to remain personally detached from this
refine it into base material and reprocess it into anything. operation. They will provide up to 1OO,OOOeb in equipment.
There are several interested buyers. The team is to meet plus unmarked transportation when required. Equipment
each group at a neutral site <different for each group>, negotiate must be returned at completion of contract
an agreement. and complete a transaction if possible. How much
of the product each client receives is unimportant; all 200kg Compllcatlon!l:
could go to one buyer; or 50kg might go to a few buyers each, Entirely up to you. Anybody might try to steal the product,
or whatever combination happens to work out All transactions and any of the buyers may intend to ambush or doublecross
must be cleared by the main office before any trade takes place. the team. Plus, wouldn't it suck if the product spoiled or
turned out to be really bad? And nobody said the buyers
Re!ilst:ance: wouldn't change their mind at the last minute. Feel free to
Four groups have expressed interest in the product: add and alter interested buyers at will.
Group One: A minor agricorp looking to succeed where the
orbital firm failed. They ask to meet in a downtown location. Salary:
Two corporates and three bodyguards will attend. They offer Team retains 400/o of the take, plus 2000eb per team mem-
150,000eb for the whole load. ber. All amounts negotiable and subject to penalty.
EDEi EIRlLJI"'W I"'W EIRl S,. •rwc-
Re!il!itance: Saliuy:
The courier is in the hands of The Brainiacs (see Night Oty Each character will retain 4000 Eurodollars, plus keeping any
Sourcebook, pg 44l. Desaibed as "the thinking man's booster- equipment purchases. They must return any vehides along
gang", the Brainiacs favor technology above all. The gang con- with the issued Credchip. The company will overtook an
sists of really sick netrunners and techies, plus some militant receipts before payment. and unjustified expenses will be
types. They murdered the conductor, via UHF feedback. deducted from personal salaries.
divisions, each trading under its own seperate identity. In the
Americas it's BioMass Labs, in Europe it's BioMass Tel<, and in
Asia it's BM NeoTek. Each division is lead by a Continental Chief,
BioMAss with an associated board made up of Regional Heads and Board
Members. The board breaks down into a series of Regional Office
Heads who deal with the Corp business in their area.
GROUP, Instead of several research facilities scattered worldwide,
GMBH BioMass has one large, expensively maintained/secured secret
facility. It is built under a hill in Mexico about 50km north of
APTR and MRAM chips Mexico Oty. A nearby town <approx. 1000 inhabitants> is indi-
developer/marketer rectly run by BioMass via the town council. Corp Security has
Also Cyberware, VR substantial long-term assets in the area to keep the facility secret
applications BioMass Security has a sizable amount of operatives, due
mainly to EBM's interest in ·acquiring• BioMass' cutting-edge chip
• Main Office: Berlin, Germany. A 94-story office block in
technology if it ever gets a major nu-tedl breakthrough. However,
the heart of Berlin's Corporate Zone.
most of its people are untested against well equipped/trained
• Regional Offices: Tokyo <main office for Asial, Atlanta
<main office for Americal, Madrid, Rome, Paris, Delhi, Dallas, opposition. Personnel on guard duty at factories, warehouses, etc.
Night Oty, New York. Mexico Oty <Mexican R&D basel are fully licensed for lethal response, carrying smartchipped
• Name & Location of Major Shareholders: Dieter von weapons and wearing top-rated armor. The few heavy weapons
Manhoffen-Mass; Berlin, Germany. Retains 61.2% of avaliable are for the defence of the R&D base. There is no heavy
shares. Ex-Trade Commisioner <2005 to 2009) for the EC. military equipment CMBTs, gunships or combat 'borgs> in the
KJien Mass; KDC, Germany. Retains 19.2% of shares. Son inventory, but such could be procured if a tak~ver threatened,
of Dieter von Manhoffen-Mass. or if there were proof that the R&D base had been compromised.
• Employees:
Worldwide Troops Covert
40,800 1060 26
• Management:
~: KJien Mass
Continental Chief Europe: Dietrich Bonhoffer
Continental Chief Americas: Frank Alexis
Continental Chiet Asia: currently unknown
Created in Amsterdam around 2014 by Dr. Rijk Leidsplein,
backed by the financial acumen of Dieter von Manhoffen-Mass.
Their plan was to follow the lead of BioTec L, in inventing and
producing chipware that affected actual body functions rather
then the usual skiiVknowfedge transfer.
It was von Manhoffen-Mass that came up with the idea of
making the main office merely a support center for a set of semi-
autonomous regional groups. Most analysts believe that inside
knowledge gained during his EC-govemment service guided
him in creating this unusual corporate structure. The corporation
was run as a partnership until 2019, when Leidsplein dropped
out of sight on a trip to the UK At that time, von Manhoffen-
Mass restructured the management and brought Dr.
Christopher Mitchell on as chief of R&D.
Business Practices
"If it's in your head, it's been BioMass-produced" is the corporate
motto. The BioMass Group breaks down into three continental
E~Ei E ~LJf"'Wf"'WE~S,. •rwc_
Most covert agents are aimed at keeping EBM at arm's nications and corporation-only Net links. They are also used by
length and keeping BioMass' secrets secret. They are under- the security department to keep an eye on the movements of
funded in other areas and have had some trouble in keeping specific employees, executives, and agents via transponder tags
their workforce as "loyal" as they could be. BioMass Net secu- either worn on their work clothing or surgically implanted. These
rity tends to be high, especially in the Continental HQs and transponders are individualized for each person, and are only
Mexico City offices; including several layers of lethal defense. given to those who are in danger or need to be monitored.
The Mexican R&D base has a seperate Net grid, only con- The corporation also owns an orbital workstation, close to
necting to the World Net once a week for a few seconds via Crystal Palace. It is a large facility, fully-computerized, with a crew
their CommSat in orbit <to exchange info with BioMass execs>. of twenty. The workstation produces "pure" blank chips for their
During this process, the area is crawling with Corp 'Runners more intricate designs.
and defense software. Each Continental Head Office <Berlin, Atlanta and Tokyo> is
a small arcology. They have full hospitals, libraries, schools, train-
Equipment and Resources ing facilities, etc., as has the Mexico R&D base. The Berlin office
There are three satellites owned covertly by BioMass through also has an extensive med facillity that can do cyberware
holding companies. These are used mainly for secure commu- emplacement up to full-body replacements.
WANTED: !i~pport:
A team of Solos, ex-Police or freelance Cops, plus Henriques La Playa, Mexico City office chief offers the
reputable Techs and Netrunners; to form a "Tiger basic level of corporate support-cooperation/coordina-
Team" for the M exico City office. tion with the in-place security forces, access to corpo-
rate vehicles and comm nets, etc.
Haans Ghelen, Coordinator for Outside Re!iillt:ance:
Contractors, Atlanta Office Potential EBM or IEC interference. The above-mentioned
Net Node LDL 3053.6686 Rustbelt discovery could revolutionize the world's chip market
and give BioMass the product that would knock EBM off
Please forward any reference files/ recommendations its world chip leader position. EBM, if they fou nd out,
you have from dty/ state/ federal authorities, or from might take action-ranging from an extraction of the
major Corporate entities. information to outright corporate war! Be prepared for
electronic warfare, paramilitary raids, or internal spying.
The multi-billion euro research facility, under the leader- Complication• :
ship of Doctor M itchell, has recently made a break- There will be jealousy from local security agents and offi-
through in nano-chipware. It is projected that by the end cers; interpersonal skills will be helpful in order to obtain
of 2022, a prototype chip able to hold inform ation on more than cursory cooperation-or downright interfer-
any skill (including special abilities> may be available. ence. On top of this, the top cadre of Continental Board
The release date <if ali goes weill could be as early as members from both the Americas and Europe will be
2024. attending; many of them are quite "difficult" to deal with
The mission is to help secure the Mexico City office in person; ruffled feathers may have to be smoothed.
for physical and Net data transfer due to an upcoming
conference. Because of the importance of this break- Salary:
through, several major execs will be "on the spot" for Payment will be for one month at double the usual rates,
the meetings <to minimize commo leaks). This mission is based on the level of the operative's special ability <see
being carried out via repuable outsiders to help nullify CP2020, pg. 58). There will be a 250fo bonus for every
any internal infiltration. ·action· discovered/thwarted. If an attempt is success-
The t eam will test security the week before the con- ful, but the data/person is recovered or neutralized, the
ference <exact time named later>, and then w ill act as bonus is 50%. Any anti-BioMass actions taken by any
overseers during the event. The team's authority will run member of the team will result in a 50% cut in all pay;
parallel with the various on-site chiefs. police yourselves.
be gathered to investigate all aspects of every proposed pro-
ject, to make sure that the benefits far outweigh the risks and
the societal and ecological impacts.
Political action/protest group with terrorist connections A large portion of the membership of BioGenesis in 2020 is
part of the scientific community, many actively involved in
• Headquarters: Olicago Port. biotech research. An other large group are the survivors of
• Members: those who have been killed or disfigured in biotech disas-
Worldwide Troops Covert
ters. One common trait is the overall high intelligence and
15,000-35,000? unknown unknown
education of those involved; it takes a certain level of intel-
lect to understand the dangers and see beyond the benefits
of biotech, while still maintaining some objectivity. While
History BioGenesis has its fair share of fanatics <especially in their
Formed on the one-year anniversary of the supposed "deto- OriGens arml, it tries to root them out; their best tools, they
nation of the Plague Bomb" in Chicago, BioGenesis' original believe, are discourse and education, not mindless violence.
staff was mostly fo rmed of individuals who had lost fami ly or
loved ones to the Wasting Plague. Distraught over their loss- Actions
es, and the increasing number of disasters of a biogenetic BioGenesis will almost always try to use reason and educa-
nature, the core members swore to do their best to, if not . tion before any other responses to a new biotech break-
eliminate the use of biogenetic technology, at least put it through is considered. Political influence, public pressure,
under the control of a responsible agency of some sort that the dissemination of information, and protests <carefully
would look carefully at the costs and benefits before autho- aimed at groups not likely just to mow the protesters down,
rizing any sort of research in the field. and always carefully documented> are the weapons favored
BioGenesis was very successful in the wake of the by BioGenesis.
Wasting Plague. Among their greatest victories were the While most energy is focused in political actions,
Osaka Accords of '04, where, among other things, they were BioGenesis has a splinter group called OriGens that is devot-
able to force a ban on prenatal genetic alterations in humans ed to more militant attacks-bombing of biogenetic research
dow n the throats of various biotech corporations. But as facilities, assassination of noted biogeneticists, and the cap-
memories faded, so did BioGenesis' influence, until by 2017 ture and neutralization of shipments of biogen materials.
they were almost impotent, reduced to e-mail campaigns
and occasional appearances on news shows, until a new
leader, Eric Strasser, took the reins in 2018. While suppos-
edly this person has been met by the leading members, few
have seen him, and none of them are talking. It is known that
Eric has brought new energy Cand cash) to what was a dying
group, but his agenda and background are unknown.
Based in the shadows of the worst biological warfare disas-
ter of the century, BioGenesis is a group devoted to the lim-
iting of indiscriminate and profligate use of biogenetic tech-
nology: genetic splicing, radical hybridization, cloning, and
genetic augmentation.
BioGenesis is not completely anti-biotech; they recog-
nize that there are benefits to be gained by the controlled,
carefully watched use of it. But they are very concerned
about the literal explosion of biotech <and nanotechl prod-
ucts on the market, and the probability of future abuses. They
want an immediate halt to all biotech and nanotech research
until a multinational (and multi-corporate) commission can
Targe-ts Biotechnica is, strangely, not even close to the top of the
Although any Corporation or organization that uses biotech- target list; this has led some to speculate that Biotechnica is
nology is a target, BioGenesis reserves much of its vitriol for the group really holding the purse strings. Eric, when asked,
two Corporations: No-Ahme Caldwell <See Near Orbit, pg is said to have just laughed.
82l, and Utopian Corporation <see Deep Space, pg. 78>.
NAC's habit of doing anything they can to make a buck Resources
has lead to some incredible disasters, and their mercenary, BioGenesis' primary resources are information on the vari-
uncaring attitude has earned them few friends, especially ous companies involved in biotech research !a lot more than
among the membership of OriGens. most Corps would like ... or know about), and access to
Utopian Corporation is a target not because of their atti- sophisticated biotech !what more fitti ng than to use the
tude, but because of the pervasiveness of their biotech prod- weapons of the enemy against them?>. They are not wealthy,
ucts; Utopia produced nanomachines are used in almost but have a large operating budget. and are well connected
every cyberware clinic in the world. into the Edgerunner community, giving them access to a
large pool of talent.
<a fairly small corporate park, with much of the real
This job requires a 4- 8 person team. Knowledge of work going on underground> is tight. but basically stops
video editing and syst em operations a must Personal at the electrified fences; with a little stealth and discre-
combat skills and driving skills are preferable. tion, setting up the remotes should be no problem.
Players may have some problems with roving Police
and Militech patrol teams, however, unless they come
The team is instructed to call by phone; they will be sur- up with some faked credentials or a good story.
prised to be put in touch with Eric Strasser himself. Eric
appears as a tall, charismatic individual with a powerful
voice and inquisitive gaze. The demonstrators are mostly rented <players may rec-
ognize some street people who live near them), carry-
Brief': ing signs and chanting about the evils of biotechnology.
BioGenesis will be conducting a demonstration outside In addition to the players, vans from several local news-
Biotechnica's Night City facility in Heywood. Eric is con- groups and DMS are there watching events. The
cerned that something may go wrong, and is trying to demonstration will be reasonably peaceful and without
make sure that if something does, there's a record of incident. until Rei Taniguchi, the director of Security,
exactly what happens. The players are to go in the night shows up in the mid-afternoon. Rei is honked off
before and set up surveillance systems around the because his wife just left him, and he's going to take it
main entrance, then monitor the actual demonstration out on the crowds outside. Even once security and the
and mix up a tape from the images garnered. cops start breaking things up, everything will go fine
!the demonstrators have orders to go peacefully>, until
Support:: someone opens up on the guards with an assault rifle,
BioGenesis will provide the surveillance units !essen- at which point all hell breaks loose. If someone gets a
tially remote cameras which download to a video mix- real good look, or takes a close look at the film, he
ing deck>, handheld cameras, and a mixing deck. If the might see that it seems the fire came from a DMS van ...
players lack an appropriate vehicle, they will also pro-
vide a nondescript gray van.
1,200eb per team member. Eric can be negotiated up
Re!ii!it:ance: as high as 1,500eb if the players insist, but BioGenesis
Biotechnica's security inside the Heywood compound isn't exactly rich.
There's no real organization to NF!- this would run counter to
what they stand for. There are, however, several different factions
within Network First!, with the two priamry groups being:
"Smoothers·- Tending to be the older, pre-Net members,
they see the Net as being of unlimited size and therefore having
enough space for both an organized, Corp-defined electronic
"city" where proper business usage of the electronic frontier
could make life easier for humanity, while the rest of the Net
remains as more "open· areas. They also tend to be more real-
Anarchist/libertarian protest-acVon group with possible istic in their viewpoint, realizing that the Corps could never be
terrorist connecVons
completely removed from the Net They try to find ways to sub-
vert what the Corps are doing without openly attacking them.
• Headquarters: No pennanent HQ
• Members: They're seen, especially by Radicals (below), as Corp puppets,
Worldwide Troops Covert aware of the damage being done, but not trying to stop it
unknown unknown unknown "Radicals" - Usually the newer, younger Netrunners who
have been brought up in a Corp-run environment, and see the
way the Corps have structured the last truly "pure· area as crim-
inal. They wish to reduce Corp involvment on the Net to noth-
History ing, allowing the free access of infonnation to anyone who wish-
"Network Firsr has been around in one fonn or another for the es it With free access of infonnation, all Net users are equal and
last thirty years, since prior to the Net, in fact They started as a can explore these new directions together, and with greater
concerned group of like-thinking individuals discusing the shape understanding. Seen as incredibly naive and wishing for the
that the future usage of the computer communications network impossible, the Radicals are definitely more aggresive and mind-
would take. These infonnal debates started in the early 1990s lessly angry in their dealings with other Net users. Many of the
and were done over the predecessor to the current Net The Radicals look to Rache Bartmoss as an inspiration, but he sup-
usage of this network was the actual worry at the time, but when ports neither faction, and has dealt harshly with Radical 'Runners
the Stock Market craslhed in 1994 (see Home Of The Brave for in the past, branding them ·vandals~
further details), the rebuilt system was constructed to a be a lot
easier to monitor and ·secure~ This fact was greeted with enthu- Actions
siasm from most people, but a few thought that the true poten- Network Rrst! was a discussion group until 2017, when a group
tial of the Net had been missed. They saw the Net as a whole daiming that name electronically invaded the U.S. Federal
new plane of existence where none of the physical laws or real- Government Central Database, destroying a large amount of low-
world barriers existed-or should exist The development of level (but necessary) public records and leaving a message to stop
more stringent security and a distinct molding of the shape of "raping the Net for your own ends~ NFs involvement was denied,
the Net (creation of the various Net regions> was restricting the but the group was banned, and when attacks on governmental and
unlimited potential aclileviable. They became very concerned. Corp datafortresses continued, the group was dedared a Terroist
In 2005, the implementation of 1-G transfonnation algo- Organization and placed on both Netwatch's and CIAILEDiv's Hot
rithims (see Bartmoss' Guidet to the Net> was seen by Network List This pleased the Radicals-but horrified the Smoothers-and
First! as a step back onto the road of true Net potential. They felt since then, a campaign by Network Rrst! Radicals has kept the
that the Corps had just changed their tack and managed to find group in the public eye, and a thorn in the Corps' side.
further ways of controlling people's access, even stopping peo-
ple from "exercising their rights to infonnation•-a basic human Resources
right as far as NF! is concerned. They began meeting in a more The members who make up the various groups within Network
structured manner. and started to seriously discuss ways of kick- First! come from a wide range of ages, backgrounds and
ing Corps and governments out of the Net incomes, united only in their love for the Net and their dislike of
organizations. Due to this unusual setup, there is no unifonn
Beliefii grade of equipment or skills that is standard to the whole of
The core belief is simple: Concerned people feel that the way Network First! members. The Radical members/terrorists do
the Corporations/governments have organized the Net is noth- however seem to try to have the best intrusion/anti-software
ing short of disastrous. programs around, and will use them aggresively.
Ell:. Eii EIRl LJ "-1 "-1 EIRl S,. • "-1 C -
WANTED: Support::
Netrunners and Techs for corporate defense and offensive The companies involved have pooled resources for a
sweep purposes. Individuals or teams. Programming expe- Night City office to be used as a HQ for the effort; a simi-
rience a must, knowledge of compilers and programming lar office is available in Hamburg for the Eurotheatre. In
shells <Demon and Daemon- dass superroutines> guaran- each office will be a 4x CPU system with temporary LDLs
tees a major bonus. to the companies in question. Multinetter <Chrome 3> will
be available at both sites for those netrunners that wish to
Cont:art: operate directly through the mainframe. Smarteye
M arv Blackburn, indie 'runner at slot # 1995-20 on the <Chrome 1>, Looking Glass <Chrome 3> and Clairvoyance
Boogie Board BBS, Night City <Chrome 3> programs will be provided for those who have
none; said software to be returned after the mission-or
purchased at a 50% discount It is suggested that employ-
Gephard Hartmann, Outside Contract Officer at ees be prepared to bring or write your own ...
Steiner-Star GMbH., Eurotheatre Net LDL 440t5897
If you have corporate or previous Netwatch experi- The NF! deadline for the changes to be implimented is 72
ence, please send your resume with your inquiry. hours; at that time teams of terrorist 'runners <usually two
or three Mid-levels lead by one or two Pro-level; see
Brief': Bartmoss' Guide> will attack. At least four teams will act as
Network First! radicals have issued a series of threats to diversions, while another three teams will go for the LDLs
medium-sized companies in the U.S. and Europe: Cease closest to the tartgeted sub-grids. It is there that the
and/or alter operations-or face total annihilation of their macro-viruses will be injected into the architecture. The
Net presence. N F! claims to be able to acheive this macro will take at least a minute <60 Net rounds> or more
through a series of macro-viruses designed to infiltrate the to go active and begin its work, but it can be stopped by a
Internet corporation, server systems and break down the Daemon with Anti-Compiler <Bartmoss' Guide>, Anti-
1-G Transformation Algorythms, thereby erasing limited Program and Decryption functions.
portions of actual Netspace. A potentially apocalyptic plan,
exactly NF!'s style. Complicat:ion!l:
The various U.S. companies <no names directly> have lndependant <i.e., player-character> Netrunners might not
contracted with Mr. Blackburn, a well -known <Rep 7> free- like the idea of being exposed to Netwatch and or Internet
lancer that works on super-routine and AI problems. The Corp. examination in order to take this job <don't be apply-
European targets have hired Steiner-Star, a reputable Net- ing over an illeagal line!>. Plus, there's always angry run-
security firm. The mission is to detect such an attack early ners who won't take to being stopped and "frisked", peo-
and/or defend the Datafortresses. <GMs call as to how ple caught in the crossfire, curious Als, etc. Warning: if any
many companies are actually involved- no more than six of the defending 'runners are traced, they can expect a
in North America and three in Europe.>. This would involve Net attack on one or both of the HQ offices within an hour,
patrol of the various threatened dataforts, as well as the so watch your back!
immediate grids around them. Another place for monitor-
ing would be the LDLs leading into the Night City Grid. Salary:
Internet corporation and Netwatch have agreed to a limit- 1OOeb/day retainer. If there's action, 600ebllevel of
ed level of cooperation-authorized 'runners, under Special Ability for each incident sucessfully handled <GM's
Netwatch or Internet supervision, can perform spot cam. An incident would be: defeat of an attempted
checks at the LDLs involved. The use of defensive-orient- datafortress intrusion; early detection of NF! action in
ed Demon programs, or autonomously patrolling Daemon regards to the macro-virus, identification or tracing of any
super-routines, is highly recommended: using such sub- of the Network First! terrorists involved; a 3000eb bonus
programming techniques, a great deal more virtual territo- <per terrorist> if a netrunner<s> are involved directly in the
ry can be covered with the personnel available. capture of one of the perpetrators.
EDEiiiE~L.Jf"'Wf"'WE~S"" • f"'WC-
WANTED: COPS: Like the Solos, plus whatever help from the
Volunteers needed for all positions. Gain valuable department they can muster is appreciated. Also great
experience, make new friends! Street-level, hands-on for negotiating with gangs and other street denizens.
work puts you In the heart of the action. If you think
you've got what it takes, apply today. Call for Inter- CORPORATES: CityMed needs administrators like a dor-
view, e-mail/ fax resume, or appear in person. phhead needs drugs. Professional negotiators, media-
tors, and mouthpieces are all welcome. Might lead to
finding new sponsors as well.
Marcie Wexler, Personnel
Phone 800-555-5932 FIXERS: Similar to corporate. They generally won't
Net LDL 3305.4585 secure sponsors, but they can score rare drugs and
other supplies CityMed needs. Like the Cop, they have
street contacts who can help.
This job is open to any character who can help CityMed
complete its daily mission. Specific job details vary by NOMADS: Somebody's got to drive the trucks. The
chapter, but basic hooks for each role are included. nomad can relate to/negotiate with the homeless and
Hours are very flexible. other Nomad packs. Local family members might be
able to bring the pack in sometimes to help out
ROCKERS: Great for PR. Rockers could do anything
ranging from benefit concerts, to information campaigns,
to just spreading the world about CityMed. Whomever the PCs and their fellow volunteers can get to
come out and play. Sponsor megacorps will sometimes
SOLOS: Security is vital. The CityMed chapter offices all send aid if things get bad; it's good for the public image.
need security guards, personnel need bodyguards, and The organization is hard-pressed to send anything
the mobile stations need constant protection. beyond basic supplies and support.
MEDIAS: Like the Rockerboy, they're essential for PR.
Positive media coverage means more sponsors & allies. There is no salary per se-it's a volunteer organization,
Riding the CityMed trucks makes for great "reality" remember? What CityMed has to offer is experience and
pieces. contact with other edgerunners. Volunteers are wel-
come to keep all tips at their own discretion and may
keep any equipment they acquire from hostile types.
The new cult held the following ideas-Man was created to work
in harmony with each other for the betterment of the whole of
society; humanity has struggled with its early evolutionary pro-
gramming <survival of the fittest and aggressive exploitation> and
was now in a position to liberate itself from this damaging
thought proccess. The idea was that Man, once he corrected his
earlier mistakes, could go toward into a harmonious society of
equals that would be able to provide everything an individual
needs and that the individual would then help others to achieve
their needs. There would be no more exploitation, crime, vio-
lence or injustice. War would be impossible, Humanity as a
whole could explore the stars and all could reap the benefits of
This new call seemed to inspire the dispossessed Streetscum
?71!..1}' - - as well as the average Mover/Beaver, proably for different
reasons. The cult grew fast and membership spread to all of
the U.S. States. By 2000 there was thousands of dedicated
"Dawnees· and they saw the start of a brand new millenium
as the perfect turning point to begin their quest The leader,
Kilacho, pleaded with the federal government to start the
change to the correct path but he was ignored and finally
arrested as a potential Nihilist This was seen as proof that
current society would not change volunterily and needed to
be altered directly.
WAI\ITED: Pictures and bios will be provided. Maxwell will attempt to
Teams of Edgenmners (4-8 per team> willing to travel. organize simultaneous efforts for surprise purposes, but if he is
Police and Technical backgrounds preferred; MHitary or not successful, the team will be asked to do follow-up missions.
Corporat e extraction experience a plus. Psychological
Warfare knowledge is a guarantor of position.
Travel expenses will be paid <within reason; no sub-orbital
flights!>. Up to 25<¥o of the cost of special equipment bought
Jake M axwell, Night City, NorCal for the mission will be reimbursed; details to be worked out
Phone 555-8 88-2323 with the Silver Slash leadership. If necessary, evacuation from
Maxwell will give general details over the phone Cit's an the target can be arranged
extraction out of state, it's non-corporate, there may be extra
missions following, etcJ. If the party's interested, he'll ask for a
meet in Night City at the Afterlife <a noted Solo nightdubl. Out- The gatherings are organized in a manner similar to a
of-towners will have half their travel cost covered. monastery. There will be oU'tpOSts and watchers; in the case of
the Idaho and Alberta sites, there'll be physical and electronic
Brief': security. The current level of armament is believed to be no
A group of families have banded together with the idea of heavier than assault rifles. Only the guard force will be armed,
retrieving various parents, children, and siblings now with the and probably not at all times. Security and armament will be
OJIt Jake Maxwell, chief of the Silver Slash Guardians, agreed upgraded if any of the cult's upper leadership are on--site.
to coordinate things. Gatherings of ·oawnees· in the Rockies
and Western Canada have been pinpointed. The team will
choose one of sites as their target There may be potential LEDiv interference-agents on infiltra-
tion missions, raids by LEDiv/State forces, bounty hunters in
EASTERN IDA HO: former Forest Service camp; 900 peo- pursuit of cult leaders, etc. the edgerunners could find them-
ple. Target is a husband and wife, Mr. and Mrs Bram selves on a wanted list
Jhonson. The targets may be dedicated members of the cult, and
might "interfere· with the process of their extraction. There wid
NORTHERN COLORADO: still-active sheep ranch; 1500 be a Silver Slash member <as observer> with the team- the fam-
people. Target is four children, the Rebo twins <male> and ilies do not want excessive !killing just to rescue their people.
the Frost sisters.
CENTRAL ALBERTA: abandoned Resort Hotel fronting on The families are offering 2000eb per person recovered,
a large glacier lake; 200 people. This is the most likely per surviving team member. This can be docked up to
spot to have upper-level leadership on-site. .Target is a 25<¥o, if Maxwell <and the GM> feel that the team was a lit-
w oman, Fiona Hayes. tle too "forceful;