Syllabus For Seminar in Legal Management
Syllabus For Seminar in Legal Management
Syllabus For Seminar in Legal Management
I. CNU Vision
1. Transformative education that nurture thinking individuals who are valued members and
leaders of society;
2. High impact researches that push the boundaries of knowledge in education and contribute
to improving communities; and
3. Strong partnerships that collectively and creatively address the development gaps of the
This course provides the graduate school students a thorough understanding of the operation of
public and private educational institutions which are anchored on the different existing laws,
issuances and policies governing its actions. It also includes viewing the Philippine education
from different legal perspectives and looking into how these perspectives are translated into
actual programs and projects.
Parameters Points
Major Examination (Midterm & Final Exam) 30%
Reporting 20%
Case Digest Submission 20%
Reactions and Insights 10%
Oral Participation 20%
TOTAL 100%
VII. References
Revised University Code of 2017
CSC Rules and Regulations
CMO No. 53, s. 2007
RA No. 9155
RA No. 7722
RA No. 7796
RA No. 7836
BP Blg. 232
RA No. 4670
RA No. 10533
RA No. 6713
RA No. 7610
RA No. 3019
PD No. 106
PD No. 46
RA No. 7877
Labor Code of the Philippines
Anti-Sexual Harassment Law
GSIS Laws (RA No. 1616, RA No., 1146, RA No., 8291, and RA No. 7699)