MC Evaluation Summary
MC Evaluation Summary
MC Evaluation Summary
The following areas were rated as basic by Amy Lee according to the GA DOE 2010
Library Media Program Evaluation Rubric.
• 13. One of the national educational technology goals states: “Effective and
engaging software and on-line resources will be an integral part of every
school’s curriculum.” The GALILEO on-line service provides Georgia students
and teachers access to exceptional on-line resources at no cost to the local
school district. Searches performed in GALILEO databases will exceed one
million annually and the number of full-content items viewed will exceed one
million annually. State of Georgia Technology Plan 2003-2006
o Number of GALILEO searches by students and staff will be the same as
the previous year.
o Mrs. Lee stated that our media center is rated basic in this area due to
the fact that GALILEO is no longer available to K-12 schools. This is not
a problem that can be handled at the school level. In order to move
our media center to proficient in this area, it would be necessary for
GALILEO to be made available once again.
• 19. Staff development opportunities are available both for the library media
staff to enhance their own professional knowledge and for the library media
staff to provide information and technology literacy skills to other teachers
and administrative staff. Professional resources and services for all faculty
members are provided in the library media center for the “learning
community.” (Information Power; Principle 8, p. 100)
o Library Media Specialist participates in staff development options and
provides informal staff development instruction during collaborative
planning with teachers. Current professional resources are maintained
in the library media center if the district does not provide a centralized
professional resource center.
o Our media center does house current professional resources that we
have access to. However, we do not have access to many resources
due to lack of funding. Also, Mrs. Lee is not able to participate in a
variety of staff development options for the same reason. She also has
to be in the media center at all times during the day since she has no
paraprofessional to assist her. In order to move the media center at
Bleckley County Middle School to proficient in this area, the budget
would have to change in order to provide opportunities for the media
specialist to do staff development and in order to have a
paraprofessional in the media center so that she is able to be away.
The following areas were rated as proficient by Amy Lee according to the GA DOE
2010 Library Media Program Evaluation Rubric.
• 1. Information Literacy Standards are integrated into content instruction.
(Information Power; Principle2; p. 58) AASL Standards for the 21st-Century
Learner are integrated into content instruction. (
• 2. Collaborative planning includes Library Media Specialists and teachers to
ensure use of library media center resources that support FBD 160-4-4-.01)
• 3. Professional library media staff are engaged in active teaching roles.
(Information Power; Principle 4, p. 58)
• 7a. If less than base size: A school system shall provide no less than half-
time services of a Library Media Specialist for each school less than base size
and shall provide adult supervision in the library media center for the entire
instructional day. (Base size defined by unweighted FTE: K-5, 450; 6-8, 624;
9-12, 970) (CGB, 160-5-1-22)
• 8. There shall be a plan for flexibility scheduled library media center access
for students and teachers in groups or as individuals simultaneously
throughout each instructional day. Accessibility shall refer to the facility, the
staff, and the resources and shall be based on instructional need. (IFBD 160-
o Flexible scheduling and library media staff are available throughout the
day to assist teachers and students regardless of ability or disability.
The library media center is available either before or after school.
o Flexible scheduling is maintained allowing full participation of teachers
and the library media specialist in collaborative planning and allowing
students to come to the library media center at any time. The library
media center is available both before and after school. Some evening
hours may be scheduled for instructional needs of students and
o I chose this area to develop an action plan to move the media center
to exemplary. I feel that in order for our media center to move to
exemplary, we must make an effort to employ another media specialist
or at least a paraprofessional to be in the media center full time. This
would free up the media specialists time and allow her to be more
available to teachers to collaborate on lessons. More than one
employee in the media center would also allow a media specialist to be
there before and after school to keep the media center open. This
would also allow there to be more planned family evenings in the
media center.
• 15. Administrative staff support at both the school and district levels is
essential for the development of a strong library media program.
(Information Power; Principle 4, p. 100)
• 16. Each local board of education shall adopt a library media policy that
provides for the establishment of a media committee at the system level and
at each school. A library media committee makes recommendations and
decisions relating to planning, operation, evaluation, and improvement of the
library media program. This committee shall annually evaluate library media
services and develop a multi-year media plan for budget services and
priorities. (IBD, 160-4-4-.01)
• 17. Local Board approved library media policy is current. This policy requires
development of procedures for the school system and for selecting materials
locally, handling requests for reconsideration of materials, considering gifts of
instructional resources, using non-school owned materials, and complying
with the copyright la. (IFBC, 160-4-4-.01)
• 18. Each local school system shall spend 100 percent of the funds
designated for the library media center costs. (O.C.G.A. 20-2-167)
The following areas were rated as exemplary by Amy Lee according to the GA DOE
2010 Library Media Program Evaluation Rubric.
• 4. The library media center resources encourage and support reading,
viewing, and listening. (Information Power; Principle 6, p. 58)
• 9. School library media center square footage requirements based on FTE.
(Square Footage Requirements for Use in Developing the Local Facilities
• 10. Streaming video is used throughout the school to support the curriculum.
Interactive whiteboards and computers are used for teaching and learning
throughout the school. A central electronic media distribution system is also
available. (Square Footage Requirements for Use in Developing the Local
Facilities Plans)
• 11. Print and non-print resources and access to online information are basic
to a library media program. A school network is effective for delivering
media resources to the classroom and beyond. Multiple computers are
available for student access to online resources that enhance instruction.
(FY02 Computers in the Classroom Technology Project – A Georgia Lottery
• 12. All library media resources are managed for maximum efficient use. The
library media center has an electronic online public access catalog (OPAC).
Funds for acquisition of computers are utilized to implement the
goals/objectives set forth in the System Three-Year Technology Plan 1999-
2002 or in the System Comprehensive School Improvement Plan. (FY02
Computers in the Classroom Technology Project – A Georgia Lottery Grant)
• 14. The local system superintendent shall appoint a system media contact
person (SMCP) to serve as a liaison to the department. (IFBD, 160-4-4-.01)