PWW WBR Written Business Report
PWW WBR Written Business Report
PWW WBR Written Business Report
1. Executive Summary
The purpose of the report to investigate the technical issues which occurred in the
RTOManager in which with grades that were not transferred to students and there are no
error alerts to the system administrator. To find the cause of the issued is it caused by a user
or technical reasons caused by the Academic Administrator. The result of the investigation
there is no alert configuration in the system. It is recommended a proper Staff training is
required, using FTPS instead of using SFTP and the right architecture to integrate the system
2. Introduction
RTOManager and Moodle systems have been integrated by Gradability. With the system
integration, RTOManager transfers student enrolment data to Moodle. The system encounters
an issue in which data did not get transfer and migration which scheduled for every 24 hours.
The report is going to s report to investigate the issues raised, their impact on the business
and suggest recommendations possible short and long-term solutions.
3. Findings
4. Conclusion
In conclusion, there was an issue in the system architecture and also the use of complex file
protocol SFTP make integration difficult since it is technically difficult to implement.
Therefore, by using correct architecture, correct integration protocol and some staff training
can help resolve the issue.
1 | Business Report | 20171129 v1.0 Professional Workplace Writing © Performance Education 2017
5. Recommendations
· To solve the issue of the integration we suggest the use of the FTPS instead of using SFTP
as it simpler format to use and to allow the network to be more reliable and to work securely
for data transfer, we suggest MFT protocol be used with existing protocol SFTP. Secondly,
proper staff training required to manage error in the RTO manager and finally choose the
right architecture such as water model to integrate the system