TEtaotlus ENG 20181108
TEtaotlus ENG 20181108
TEtaotlus ENG 20181108
Please affix
colour photo of
An applicant of at least 15 years of age shall sign in the space provided.
applicant An applicant from 7 to 14 years of age, or a grown-up applicant with
4 x 5 cm. restricted legal capacity, may sign in the space provided. In the case of
an applicant under 7 years of age, or a person who is incapable of
signing, the space for signature shall remain blank. The sample signature
shall be written in dark ink and the signature must not cross the borders
of the signature box.
Given name or names Surname or names
Contact address in Estonia (street/farm, house number, apartment number; village/borough/city; Zip code
parish; county)
Residence address in Estonia Complete, if varies from the contact address in Estonia Zip code
Contact address in a foreign country (street/farm, house number, apartment number; Zip code
village/borough/city; parish; county; country)
Data concerning study, employment and other important aspects in chronological order.
If necessary, use additional sheet.
period (initial and final date in the form dd/mm/yyyy) Name of educational institution/job/other relevant aspect
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Are you holding a residence permit or a right of residence in another country?
yes (state the country, type and validity period) ……………..……….……………………………………………………… no
LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE An application for a child under 15 years of age or a person with restricted active legal capacity shall
be submitted by his/her legal representative. An applicant who is at least 15 years old can submit the application independently.
Given name and surname or names of representative Estonian personal code or date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
I confirm that all the provided data is correct. I am aware that the submission of incorrect data is punishable.
I confirm, that I agree to the terms of use of the certificates of residence card, available at the address
Date (dd/mm/yyyy) Signature of the applicant or his/her legal representative