The electric force on a test charge in an electric field is proportional to density of the lines...................?
1)Two type of over-current relay one is instantaneous current protection relay other one is.constant time overcurrent......
2)............. fuses, thermal cut-outs, MOV's, TRIAC's, DIAC's, reed switches/relays, and lots more. protection
detects both A.c D.c
3).............synchronous Generator which has good control frequency Watt Var etc
4) Reactive power at load determine by square root(apperent^2 – active power^2)..........
5) ohmic power loss related question was their
Power Electronics devices are static switches which can be switch on/off by a small control signal. ...
Some devices like SCR can be switched ON by a small control signal but once device start
conducting doesn't switch OFF when control signal is removed, these devices are called half
or semi-controlled
9)one was rankine cycle related
The Rankine cycle is a model used to predict the performance of steam turbine systems. It was also
used to study the performance of reciprocating steam engines. The Rankine cycle is an idealized
thermodynamic cycle of a heat engine that converts heat into mechanical work while undergoing
phase change.
10)Semiconductor is forward biased current flows which one will be least voltage range
I 0.2-3 V II 0.7-7 V 0.6 to 0.7 etc
11) In bulb current reduced to 2% power will reduced to
I 2% II 4% II 8%
These were the only questions from power section as far as i remember
1. Why hollow conductors are used in transmission line corona effect
2. How load is modeled in load flow analysis
Load flow analysis is mainly used in analyzing the normal operation state, while static
security analysis is used when some elements are out of service. Its purpose is to check
whether the system can operate safely, i.e., if there are equipment overloads, or some node
voltages are too low or too high.
The flyback converter is used in both AC/DC and DC/DC conversion with galvanic isolation between the
input and any outputs
7. large phase mercury rectifier advantage
11. In a transfer function k=0 root loci roots are at the poles
12. For System stability roots must be __ right half of s plane,left half of s plane, jw
Harmonized Differential Quaternary Phase-Shift Keying H-DQPSK and Harmonized Continous phase
modulation CPM
14. Output occurring due to only input with zero initial conditions called
A. zero state
B. zero input
C. absolute state
D. real state
Answer: Zero state
15. The maximum loads attached to a device called fan in,fan out
Fan In: The fan-in defined as the maximum number of inputs that a logic gate can accept. If number
of input exceeds, the output will be undefined or incorrect. It is specified by manufacturer and is
provided in the data sheet.
Fan Out: The fan-out is defined as the maximum number of inputs (load) that can be connected to
the output of a gate without degrading the normal operation. Fan Out is calculated from the amount
of current available in the output of a gate and the amount of current needed in each input of the
connecting gate. It is specified by manufacturer and is provided in the data sheet. Exceeding the
specified maximum load may cause a malfunction because the circuit will not be able supply the
demanded power.
16. Definition of gauss law(Gauss's law states that the net flux of an electric field in a closed surface is
directly proportional to the enclosed electric charge flux=Q/epsilon-not) ,farady law(Faraday's law of
induction is a basic law of electromagnetism predicting how a magnetic field will interact with an electric
circuit to produce an electromotive force —a phenomenon called electromagnetic induction.) ,ampere
circuital law(Ampere's Circuital Law states the relationship between the current and the magnetic field
created by it. This law states that the integral of magnetic field density (B) along an imaginary closed path
is equal to the product of current enclosed by the path and permeability of the medium), biot-savart law(In
physics, specifically electromagnetism, the Biot–Savart law is an equation describing the magnetic field
generated by a constant electric current. It relates the magnetic field to the magnitude, direction, length, and
proximity of the electric current)
Datalink layer
20. tcp/ip address 32 bits
A typical Darlington transistor has a current gain of 1000 or more, so that only a small base current is needed
to make the pair switch on higher switching currents.
Another advantage involves providing a very high input impedance for the circuit which also translates
into an equal decrease in output impedance.
The ease of creating this circuit also provides an advantage. It can be simply made with two separate NPN
transistors, and is also available in a variety of single packages.
26. Induction motor torque proportional to slip, inversely to slip,square of slip current,
27. waves reach at the antenna which modulated digital, modulated analog, aligned waves
28. Dc motor pole tip chamfered to reduce armature reaction effect
29. Primary and secondary voltages in transformer are in 180 out of phase
30. Definition of
Magnetic induction: Electromagnetic or magnetic induction is the production of an electromotive force across an
electrical conductor in a changing magnetic field.
31. Why Impedance matching performed for signal transferring to reduce noise,reduce attenuation,
A. eddy current
B. hysteresis
C. core loss
D. copper loss
Answer: core losses
33. At no load transformer the applied voltage _ leads/lags by 90/lags somewhat by 90 to current
A. 2
B. 4
C. 8
D. 16
Answer: 4hz
36. Why hollow conductors are used in transmission line
A. reduce weight of copper
A. improve stability
B. reduce corona
C. increase power transmission capacity
Answer: reduce corona
Corona: A corona discharge is an electrical discharge brought on by the ionization of a fluid such as air
surrounding a conductor that is electrically charged. Spontaneous corona discharges occur naturally in high-
voltage systems unless care is taken to limit the electric field strength.
37. What limits design of long transmission line thermal considerations/conductor area
A. thermal considerations
B. conductor area
Answer: conductor area
Q-6: In a transformer with no load condition? Voltage leads or lags behind and by what degree approximately 900? Answer: Its
perfectly in phase < = not sure about this answer
Q-7: which of the following are predominant input losses in a no load transformer? Eddy losses/copper losses/windage losses?
Q-8: In a DC machine what is the angle between rotor and stator fields? 45°/90°? Answer: its 90°
Q-9: A numerical with energy consumed by a heater given in joules, time given in second, also current drawn was given and
voltage was asked?
Q-10: Why the pole tips are chamfered wound? Answer: In order to reduce concentration of flux at the leading pole tips: of a
dyanamo and to reduce armature reaction effect as well.
Q-11: What is the main task of power electronics ? ac-dc/ac-ac/dc-ac conversion? Answer: All of the above
Q-12: Flyback converter is used to? Answer: It is used in both ac-dc and dc-dc conversion
Q-13: Series capacitors are used in transmission line to? Answer: for voltage regulation
Q-14: load convey capacity of AC line is limited by ? Answer: size
Q-15: AMPS use which of the following multiplexing technique? Tdm/fdm/cdm? Answer: FDMA
Q-16: Orthogonal coordinate system has? Parallel/perpendicular? Answer: This system has surface that meet at right angle so
the answer is Perpendicular
Q-17: TDMA uses which of the following technique? Answer: Time division technique
Q-18: laplace Transfer of unit step function is? s or 1/s? Answer: 1/s
Q-19: Torque of induction motor is proportional to? Slip/current? Answer: I think its directly proportional to slip
Q-20: Which motor has the highest torque? Series/dc/shunt? Answer: Series Dc Motor
Q-21: Motor that should not be used with load removed? Answer: Series Motor again
Q-22: An Ideal voltage source has? Answer: 0Ω Resistance
Q-23: An Ideal current source has? Answer: ∞Ω Resistance i-e opens circuited resistance?
Q-24: Two questions related to mercury arc rectifier?
Q-25: Sensors in industry send data in analog form, and before feeding them to system, which of the following converts them to
digital? Of course it was ADC (analog to digital converter)
Q-26: One question was from transistor biasing technique that discussed property of a particular technique
The biasing in transistor circuits is done by using two DC sources VBB and VCC. It is economical
to minimize the DC source to one supply instead of two which also makes the circuit simple.
The commonly used methods of transistor biasing are
The zero-input response, which is what the system does with no input at all. This is due to initial
conditions, such as energy stored in capacitors and inductors. The zero-state response, which is the
output of the system with all initial conditions zero. ... If a = 0 then a zero input requires
a zero output,
Q1=The number of loads connected to the gate circuits are called fan-out?
Q3=In a transformer the primary and seconday voltage has a phase difference of 1800?
. The main task of power electronics is to control and convert electrical power from one form to
Q6=Calculate the voltage of 50W toaster if the 12.5 amperes current passes through it for 5 seconds?
Already Solved.
Q7= If guage of copper is increased in impedance matching transformer what will happen ?
One increment in wire gauge is (approximately) a 20% decrease in cross-section area, and a
25% increase in (dc) resistance.
I'm making some simplifying assumptions here, like the lengths and packing factors of the #16
and #22 portions are the same, skin effect and coating thickness are negligible, and so on
In your example, you have 100 turns of #22 wire in series with 100 turns of #16 for a total of
200 turns. #16 wire is 1.95 times the diameter of #22, so it takes up 79% of the winding cross-
section area. The resistance of the #22 portion is 3.8 times the resistance of the #16 portion, so if
the resistance of 100 turns of #16 is R, then the total resistance of the dual-gauge winding is
4.8 R.
For comparison, #18 wire has an area 64% of #16 wire, so 200 turns of #18 would have about
the same winding cross-section as 100 turns of #16 plus 100 turns of #22. Its resistance would
be 1.56 R for 100 turns, or 3.12 R for 200 turns. So using #18 for the entire winding would have
35% lower resistance.
The following terminology are often used in relation to the measurement uncertainty:
8. A moving iron ammeter coil has few turns of thick wire in order to have:
A. Low resistance
B. High sentivity
C. Effective damping
D. Large scale
That means that above a critical electric field, they tend to stabilize their speed and eventually
cannot move faster. Velocity saturation is specially seen in short-channel MOSFET transistors,
because they have higher electric fields.
23. Which type of engine uses maximum air fuel ratio
A. Petrol engine
B. Gas engine
C. Diesel engine
D. Gas turbine
E. Hydro turbine
24. If ROC (Region of Convergence) does not converge then which transform will converges?
If ROC (Region of convergence) does not include unit circle then
a. Fourier transform converges
b. Z-transform converges
c. Harley transform converges
A discrete Hartley transform (DHT) is a Fourier-related transform of discrete, periodic data similar to
the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), with analogous applications in signal processing and related fields.
25. Transfer function is
A. Mathematical model
B. System with no physical structure
C. Can be calculated through differential equations
It must be at least twice the highest frequency present within the wanted spectrum of the sampled signal.
37. Which transistors are used in TTL? Bipolar
1. If the height of the transmission towers is increased, which of the following parameters is likely to change?
a. capacitance b. inductance c. resistance d. No change
Ans: a
3. The MSI (Medium Scale Integration) technique, the number of transistors on the single IC package can be fabricated are:
a. less than 10 b. 10 to 100
c. 100 to 1000 d. 1000 to 10000
Ans: b
4. The LSI (Large Scale Integration) technique, the number of transistors which can be fabricated on the single IC are:
a. 10 to 100 b. 1000 to 10000
c. 100 to 1000 d. greater than 10000
Ans: c
9. For getting the sampled signal without any distortion, according to Nyquist criteria, the minimum sampling period must be
a. double the max period b. equal to the max period
c. greater than the max period d. half the max period
Ans: d
10. Electrical lines of force about a negative charge are
a. Circular, anticlockwise b. Circular, clockwise
c. Radial, inward d. Radial, outward
Ans: c
12. The LTI (Linear Time Invarient) system can be completely characterized by
a. Ramp input b. Sinusoidal input
c. Impulse input d. Step input
Ans: c
13. When the current in the light bulb decreases by 2%, its power decreases by
a. 4% b. 2% c. 8% d. 40%
Ans: a
14. The fact that a conductor carries more current on the surface as compared to core is known as:
a. Faraday's effect b. Ampere's Effect
c. corona d. Skin effect
Ans: d
Q: There was one more question in which two options becomes correct:
When the current in the light bulb decreases by 2%, its power decreases by
a. 4% b. 2% c. 8% d. 40%
Solution no 1
answer = 2%
Solution no 2
answer = 4%
NPGCL Questions
Share technical questions here i will Update and will complete all questions in NPGCL Test
1.Vertex is also called=Node
2.Bulb power is 2% then current will be =4%
3.What is transformer part Primary coil secondary coil & = Core
4. Electric lines of force about negative point charge are =radial inwards
5.Which is Semiconducter Switch = Thyristor
6. How thyrister is turned off= Forced Commutation
7. Protection relay used are =Instantanous and Time Over current
8.Current transformer is used with Protection device for measuring
9.Which is not Part of Steam Turbine??Moderator
10.Diode Operation voltage 0-0.7v?
11.Power Plants run on Natural Gas ,Steam coal , etc are =Fossil Fuel Plants
12.Which Plant donot used Heat Exchangers or turbines= Geothermal
13.steam power plant flow chart or something how many steps=4
14. in a generator of 60 HZ and 10 Pole what will be N Speed = 120*60/10=720
15. In a Substation where no transformer is Switchig Substation
16.high frequency application we use --Air core Transformer
17.Sin wave is characterized by amplitude, frequency and (phase)
18.Dynamic Disturbance Recorders (DDRs), which record incidents that portray power system behavior during dynamic events
such as low-frequency
19.Induction motor rotor are Squirrel cage and Wound type
20. A sinosoid is representd by Phasor
21.If there are less then 4 free electron then its =Conductor
22.Which is Not a substation = Line Substation
23.Which is not at type of thyristor?= inverter Grade
24. Efficency of thermal plant =33-48%
25.What is basic pronciple behind motor operation?=electromagnetism
26. induction motor is similar to=asynchronous
27.Synchronous generators are used, because they offer precise control of voltage, frequency, VARS , watts.
28.Voltage Regulation in generation voltage = i think +-3 4 was not in opt
29. SEIMENS is unit of Conductance
30.System protection devices which includes .Reliablity selectivity, cost , speed , simplicity
31.2 types of Exciters 1. Rotating and 2. static
32. Which transfomrmer is used in arc Welding???? Leakage
33.When admittance increases current increases or Decrease? Increase
34.Power switch is characterized into how many groups
35. stator core is made of many thin metal sheets called lamination
36.most squirrel cage rotor are made bye die casting of Alumunium conductor bars
37.all process system consist of three main factor or trem, varriabel control variable uncontrolled
38.The sensitivity of measurement is a measure of the change in the instrument output, which occurs when the quantity being
measured changes by a given amount.
39.Substation transform voltage from high to low . and reverse and perform many of the several important function
40. The input for a distribution substation is typically at least two transmission or subtransmission lines
41. Generators are cooled by Air-water cooled and Fins
42.A process control system consists of process, measurement control:= Analysis
43.Generator voltage is determined from excitation is island operation
44.The matrix obtained by deleting the column corresponding to the reference node in the element node incidence matrix A is
called bus incidence matrix A
45 Stainer is used to prevent foreign particles to reach turbine alongwith steam.
46. is used for emergency stop of steam along (throttle valve )
47.Complex quantities in power system are represented by (phasor)
48.When a small resistance or impedance is accidentally or intentionally inserted b/w two points of different potential, it is called
short circuit)
49.The loss in a T/F due to reversal of direction of current is called: Hysterisis loss.
50.The frequency of generator depends on speed and (no of poles)
51.Higher efficiency can be obtained at higher temperature, this is dictated by (carnot efficiency)
52.The boiler in which tubes are placed in a horizontal cylinder is called (horizontal , fin tube)?????
Q 1:power system-------- is a word used in connection with AC current power system condition? a)range b)loop
c)gaind)conservation stability .
Q 2:the terminal of an element is called ------? a)edge b)limit c) zero d)mode d)rim?
Q 4:which analysis deals with the effect of disturbances on power system? a)fault trend analysis b)sinusoidal analysis c)stability
analysis d)line power analysis e)load flow analysis
Q 5:sinusoidal voltage and current at constant frequency is characterized by 2 parameters,a max value and --------? a)angle
b)value of load angle c)R value d)load angle
Q 6:reactive power can be generated at L load is determined by -----? a)field current cooling limit b)field current heating limit
d)peak load c)potential difference d)rate of variable output.
Q 7------interepting contacts of circuit breaker is a set of contancts which enable cicuit break to be removed ? a)widrawal
b)discontinue c)plug in d)current limiting e)moulded case.
Q 8:what are examples of semi controlled,uncontrolled and controlled power switches ? Q:WHICH BOILER HAS A
Q 9:which one is not a transformer ? 1) laminated 2)resonance 3)single instrument transformer 4)ferrite circuit transformer
5)caste iron transformer .?
Q:which transformer splits secondary voltage into two equal voltages a) circuit transformer b)dual purpose transformer c)
grounding transformer d)poly phase transformer e)variable transformer
i think its variable transformer.
Q:defined as subgraph of connected element when not more than two elements connected to any node . a)plane graph b)path
c)route d)linear graph tree ?
Q:which type of exciter gets operating field power for generating output voltage?
Q:stator core is made up of many thin metal sheet,wallet pastes ,slots,lamination poles. and ? a)Internal part motor evironmental
elements b)water frame housing enclosure c)capsule d)casing
1) Period of infinite continuous fourier series == ?
a. N
b. N+M
c. infinite
d. 2*pi/n
5) Transfer function is == ?
a. Mathematical model
b. System with no physical structure
c. Can be calculated through differential equations
16) What will be the sampling frequency that reveals the same sampled signal == ?
17) z transform is used when the system is not == ?
18) For a LTI system if all the zeroes and poles are inside the unit circle then == ?
1) Infinite
2) Origin
3) QAM
4) Impulse Response
5) Mathematical model
6) Z-transform converges
7) critically damped
8) System is stable
9) 0>damping ratio<1
10) All of above
11) ?
12) ?
13) Z-Transfrom converges
Q. What is an inverter?
A. A device which converts dc power into ac power at desired output voltage and frequency is
called as Inverter.
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