Linear Representation of Pitch
Linear Representation of Pitch
Linear Representation of Pitch
They are associated with objects like the sun, fire and other sources
It communicates stability and firmness
The dimension of color that gives its name
Refers to a point moving at an identifiable path and has length and direction
It alludes to position of the reclined body of rest
It expresses violence, struggle, energy and conflict
It refers to the dullness and brightness of color
Sometimes called “Chiaroscure”
A color scheme that uses one color and its opposite on the color wheel
It is an element of 2D and 3D Design and is distinguished by perceived visual and physical
It comes from a latin word “perspicere” which means to see through and deals with the effect of
distance upon the appearance of objects
The representation of the appearance of distance by means of converging lines
The representation of relative distances of objects by gradiations of tone and color
Refers to the distances or areas around, between, or within components of piece
Applies to the overall design of work of art
Compositions of linear form that extend outward from central form in a radial form
It is a 2D object
These shapes are irregular and asymmetrical and readily occurring in nature
These shapes find origin in mathematical propositions
Parts are related to one another in a consistent orderly manner
Has the most aesthetic appeal of all the elements of visual arts
It suggests action, life and movement
Modular forms whose relationship are regulated by 3D
Two or three neighboring hues on the color circle used together
They suggest distance, calm, sober, restful and inconspicuous
It refers to the linear presentation of pitch Melody
Combination of two or more tones Harmony
sounded at the same time
The harsh-sounding combination Dissonance
Moderately Quiet Mezzo-Piano
Very loud Fortissimo
The smooth sounding combination Consonance
Walking pace Andante
Slowly and broadly Largo
Rhythm is played for expressive effect Rubato
Lively Vivace
Quality that distinguishes a voice or an Timbre
instrument from another
Two or more melodic lines Polyphoric
The basic unit of music Beat
Moderate Speed Moderato
Fast Allergo
Gradually speeding up Acclerando
Loud Forte
Quiet Piano
Very quiet Pianissimo
Gradually slowing Rallentado
Getting slower and broadening Allorgando
Single melodic line Monophonic
Speed Tempo
Moderately loud Mezzo-Forte
Main melody accompanied by chords Homophonic