Beximco Fabrics LTD
Beximco Fabrics LTD
Beximco Fabrics LTD
1. Introduction
Large-scale production of readymade garments (RMG) in organized factories is a relatively
new phenomenon in Bangladesh. Until early sixties, individual tailors made garments as per
specifications provided by individual customers who supplied the fabrics. Since the late
1970s, the RMG industry started developing in Bangladesh primarily as an export-oriented
industry. The sector rapidly attained high importance in terms of employment, foreign
exchange earnings and its contribution to GDP. With the growth of RMG industry, linkage
industries supplying fabrics, yarns, accessories, packaging materials, etc. have also expanded.
In addition, demand for services like transportation, banking, shipping and insurance has
increased. The total indirect employment created by the RMG industry in Bangladesh is
estimated to be some 65000 workers. The hundred percent export-oriented RMG industry
experienced phenomenal growth during the last 15 with the government giving high priority
to the development of RMG industry.
One of the largest garment manufacturers is Beximco Group who has widespread contribution
to the success of RMG sector in Bangladesh. This report is based on one of the nine strategic
business units of Beximco Group which is called International Knitwear & Apparels Ltd., a
complete knit composite unit. I have tried my level best to analyze the entire work process in
terms of departmental coordination of this unit. I have also tried to identify major
shortcomings of various departments as well as potential risk factors which affect overall
marketing of Beximco Fabrics Ltd.
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2. Methodology
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The sector of RMG in Bangladesh can be broadly subdivided into two product categories,
namely woven and knitted garments. Since the industry accounts for approximately 80% of
overall exports of Bangladesh and generates a significant amount of foreign exchange its
activities form a vital part of the national economy. Geographically, most of the garment
enterprises are clustered around the urban areas of Bangladesh.
Both external and internal factors contributed to the phenomenal growth of RMG sector. One
external factor was the application of the GATT-approved Multifibre Arrangement (MFA),
which accelerated international relocation of garment production. Under MFA, large
importers of RMG like USA and Canada imposed quota restrictions, which limited export of
apparels from countries like Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Sri Lanka and India. On the
other hand, application of MFA worked as a blessing for Bangladesh. As a least developed
country, Bangladesh received preferential treatment from the USA and European Union (EU).
Thus by 1985, Bangladesh emerged as a powerful competitor for traditional suppliers in the
US, Canadian and European markets along with the government initiated pragmatic steps to
streamline export-import formalities.
Till the end of 1982, there were only 47 garment manufacturing units. The breakthrough
occurred in 1984-85, when the number of garment factories increased to 587. The number of
RMG factories shot up to around 2,900 in 1999. Bangladesh is now one of the 12 largest
apparel exporters of the world, the sixth largest supplier in the US market and the fifth largest
supplier of T-shirts in the EU market. The industry has grown during the 1990s roughly at the
rate of 22%. In 1998-99, the export earnings of the RMG sector were $5.51 billion, which was
75.67% of the total export earnings of the country. In 2007 total export earnings from RMG is
$ 7.8 billion. Although Bangladesh exports garments to some 30 countries, its exports are
highly concentrated in two major markets, the USA and EU. USA imported 43.24% of total
garments exported from Bangladesh in 1998-99. However, if European Union is considered as
a single market, the US market becomes the second largest. Bangladesh exported 52.38% of
its apparel exports to the EU in 1998-99. In the last five years Bangladesh's exports to the EU
have grown by 174%. The main reason for this phenomenal growth is the almost duty free
(due to GSP privileges) and quota-free access to this market.
Today the contribution of this sector is much higher among 140 export items. Global market
share of top five export items are as, RMG 74.16%, Frozen Foods 4.86%, Jute goods 3.55%,
Leather 2.55% and Raw Jute 54.88%. [Source: Export Promotion Bureau].
Table-1: Macro Contribution of RMG Sector:
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Within the apparels sector, Bangladesh has been able to accomplish product diversification by
extending product line from T-shirts, pajamas, ordinary shirts, shorts, caps, women’s and
children's wear to shirts of complicated designs and jackets; and some brand items have also
emerged where the value was added to both the export earnings and the local value retention.
Table-3: Main apparel items exported from Bangladesh (in Million. US$)
Year Shirt T-Shirt Trousers Jackets Sweater
1999-2000 805.34 225.90 80.56 126.85 -
2000-2001 791.20 232.24 101.23 146.83 -
2001-2002 807.66 366.36 112.02 471.73 70.41
2002-2003 759.57 391.21 230.98 309.21 196.60
2003-2004 961.13 388.50 333.28 467.19 296.29
2004-2005 1043.11 471.88 394.85 393.44 271.7
2005-20006 1021.17 563.58 484.06 439.77 325.07
2006-2007 1073.59 597.42 656.33 573.74 476.87
2007-2008 (December) 666.18 403.98 449.18 296.82 362.23
Source: Export Promotion Bureau
1% LionStar
First textile
4.1.4 Table-4: Production Capacity
51% of Beximco Group:
Items/Products Quantity
Finished Fabrics 18000 Kg. per day
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Managing Director
Director Commercial
Director Knitting
Director Finance
Director Dyeing
Director Printing
Director Apollo
major facilities in-house to manufacturing garments. Facilities are knitting, dyeing, cutting,
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sewing, finishing and packaging. It has also an added advantage of having washing, printing
Spinning: This is a facility where yarn is producing, fiber used as raw materials by the
twisting, bonding and interlocking through the machine fiber turn into yarn.
Fiber: In the textile, fiber is the raw material of the yarn. There are two configurations of
fibers: staple fibers and filament fibers. Staple fibers are of a comparatively short length, e.g.
cotton and wool fibers. Filament fiber is a fiber of identified length, e.g. silk which requires
combining with other filaments with some twist to produce a yarn of sufficient bulk.
Fabrics: The fabric is the finished product of fiber which is used for the manufacturing of the
garments. Knitting fabric: It is the construction of the fabric which is based on loop formation.
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> Iron man-19
Cutting Section > Folding man-11
Quality Section > Incharge > Assort Man-10
>Supervisor-2 Floor Incharge > Cutting > Poly Man-06
> Line Chief-4 > HangTagMan-1
> Line Quality- Supervisor-2
(T-Shirt) Finishing Machine Section > SpotWash Man-
6 > Machine
> Supervisor-10 Section > Assistant 07
> Table > Incharge-1 Machenical-1 > Time Keeper-2
> Machine > Scessior
Quality-15 > Incharge-2 > Electrician-1 > Check-up -1
Operator-146 Cutter Man-19 > Cleaner-10
> Finishing > Input Man-2 > Peon-1
> Helper-180
Quality-19 > Cutting > Reporter-1
> Loader-6
Helper-15 > Finishing -23
In each phase of production, samples are to be sent to buyer for checking. More elaboration
has been depicted in ‘Production Department’ part.
4.2.2 Example of estimated cost per unit of knitwear:
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5. Concept Analysis
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Since the research topic is on explaining work process of International Knitwear & Apparels
Ltd. and also to find out related shortcomings and ways to improve those in light of
marketing, therefore available literature on this subject must be reviewed. In this context,
available studies, from where important information has been collected, are outlined in
‘Bibliography’ part. And different marketing concepts and models suggested for BFL in light
of objectives of this study are discussed in this chapter as per the sequence of suggested
strategies stated in ‘Recommendation Chapter’.
5.1 Marketing
The Chartered Institute of Marketing defines marketing as ‘The management process
responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitability’.
Philip Kotler defines marketing as ‘satisfying needs and wants through an exchange process’.
5.2.1 Controllable: The 4 Ps represents elements of marketing strategy that the marketer can
control and are called ‘Marketing Mix’. They depend upon such "givens" as budget; personnel
or human resources; physical resources, such as office equipment, space, etc. But the marketer
can do a lot to influence them.
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Advertising messages in countries may well have to be adapted because of language barriers
or the current message used in the national market may be offensive to overseas residents.
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Any organization that wishes to succeed and survive in their market needs to analyze their
competitors’ strategies. Competitor analysis is a vital part of the marketing planning process.
Competitor analysis enables an organization to:
1. Collect information on competitors that will directly influence the firms’ strategy.
2. Help the firm anticipate what the actions of their competitors will be, to their entry
within the marketing.
3. To exploit the competitor’s weaknesses so the firm can gain an overall competitive
If a firm is to enter a market, some of the information they would need to know about
competitors is listed below.
1. Who are your competitors?
2. What is the size and dominance within the market?
3. Which customer base are they aimed at?
4. What is their positioning within the market?
5. What are their objectives?
6. What are their strengths and weaknesses?
Organizations are typically designed what Galbraith and Nathan Son have defined as the “
Segmentation of work into roles such as production, finance and marketing and recombining
roles into departments or divisions around functions, products, regions or markets and the
distribution of power across this role structure. To resolve conflict and disputes between areas
of specialty and to assure that board organizational goals will be obtained, coordination of the
various functional activities is normally achieved vertically through the hierarchy of authority
or through committee work and liaison roles.
5.7.1 Designing for Competitive Advantage: Macmillan and Jones have suggested that an
organization can better serve its purpose if it is designed to be competitive rather than
efficient. In pursuing a competitive organizational structure, an organization must address
such important issue as
1. What major task groupings are feasible design alternatives?
2. What linkages are necessary between groupings?
3. What support systems are needed?
Key Linking Mechanisms
1. Task Force: A group is selected from various activities to tackle a specific inter-group
problem. It is automatically disbanded after the problem is solved.
2. Team: A group is selected from various activities in the organization to respond to
recurring problems that cross over group boundaries.
3. Integrating role: An individual is charged with formal responsibilities for coordinating
between two groups.
4. Integrating Department: A department with independent resources and staff whose
task is to ensure coordination between two groupings.
5. Matrix: A person simultaneously reports to and has responsibility for a number of
managers, each in-charge of different activities or resources which must be
5.7.2 Decision Support Systems: Decisions support system (DSS) contributes much towards
integrating personnel in different departments, enabling a firm to use its competitive
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advantages better and to overcome interdepartmental conflict. Decision support system are
computer systems develop to aid managerial decision making by employing state-of-the-art
quantitative models that analyze proposed actions by evaluating how those actions would
affect all primary areas of an organization.
Diagram-4: PLC
Introduction: As a new product much time will be spent by the organization to create
awareness of it presence amongst its target market.
Growth: If consumers clearly feel that this product will benefit them in some ways and they
accept it, the organization will see a period of rapid sales growth.
Maturity: Sales slow down as the product sales reach peak as it is accepted by most buyers.
Decline: Sales and profits start to decline, the organization may try to change their pricing
strategy to stimulate growth, and the product will either have to be re-modified, or replaced.
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This chapter covers specific objectives 1 to 4. How all the departments operates individually
to furnish a particular order, what tasks they perform, what are the requirements, how they are
interrelated, what are the requisites they share in a work, what are their major limitations and
their impacts on overall marketing, all have been critically analyzed based on available
information and observation. Also the possible controllable and uncontrollable risks factors
that may affect firm’s survival in the long run have also been depicted in this chapter.
Beside above, it has two more departments; one is Finance, which basically serves for entire
nine SBU of Beximco Group. This department performs accounts, HR, admin and other
financial tasks for the entire group. Another department is IT (Information Technology) which
also serves each units of Beximco Group by providing timely data and IT solutions.
However, the business of RMG starts with buyer’s confirmation of an order (for example,
50000 pieces T-shirts) to Beximco Fabrics. Terms of payments and all transactions are settled
by opening LC (letter of credit) by both buyer and seller in their respective origin banks. After
that marketing department of Beximco Fabrics receives order sheet and pass it to
merchandising department to create sample as per buyer’s requirements. Once sample is
approved, production department starts production as per instructions of merchandising
department. Raw materials for production are ordered and purchased by merchandising
department from suppliers against back-to-back L/C against the original/master L/C. Limit of
back-to-back L/C is up to 80% of the total value of original L/C. Once production completes,
logistics department pack the goods and send to buyer nominated forwarder/carrier to ship out
the goods towards destination. Commercial department, in this occasion, prepares and provide
all documentations of entire shipment as per buyer and organizational requirements and
specifications. Once goods sailed, commercial department submits all documents to the L/C
opening bank who again endorse and send those to buyer’s L/C opening bank for payment of
goods being shipped out. Buyer needs to release necessary documents from their bank by
payment of goods and use those documents for releasing goods from the custom/carrier. Once
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buyer paid to his bank, they instructed seller’s bank to pay the seller. Thus the seller gets their
payment through their L/C opening bank.
Above tasks are performed by major five departments of Beximco Fabrics, which are well
established and work in great concert in carrying on each of its orders. From importing raw
materials to production and from packaging to ship out, Beximco Fabrics provides its
customers highest value by ensuring quality production and on time delivery with full security
and compliance. Behind the success of Beximco Fabrics is ensuring customer solution
through commitment towards quality, operational performance and timely delivery.
Now let’s have a look at below departmental work processes and work coordination among all
of them:
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areas in order to introduce the company in a confident and realistic manner. A BFL marketer
also possesses followings to perform all related marketing tasks:
1. Extensive knowledge of the associated service to be rendered.
2. Sound knowledge of merchandising and procurement of raw materials.
3. Industry knowledge of own region as well as those of the competitive regions.
4. A complete idea of own company’s strengths and weaknesses as well as potential
threats and market opportunities in order to gain more buyers.
5. Technologically and operationally sound and be well-known of the company’s
capacity of producing units. Beximco’s volume handling capacity (two million units)
is also used as an effective marketing tool by its marketers.
6. Outstanding knowledge of product costing and pricing policies.
7. Last but not the least, Beximco’s principle of business is quality and on time delivery
for which its marketers must have commitment. To observe this commitments,
marketers duty not only ends by getting orders but also follow up with other
operational departments to provide buyers confidence and feel happy about Beximco
Group. This practice also adds value to overall corporate image of the organization.
Seeking buyer
Price quotation
Price negotiation
Order approval
Order confirmation
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Sourcing of fabrics
Sourcing of accessories
Possible date of arrival of fabrics and
in the garment factory
Production planning
Pre-shipment inspection
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A+J = Admin + Job
Negotiating Price
Marketing & Costing
Once Sample
Once Price
Approved by the
Place Order approved
Buyer its come to
By Buyer Submit Sample with
Artwork to
dept. again for
Bulk Production
A - -
- 1 1
3 Merchandi
ser will Will
Follow Come to R
up with follow the -
R-1,R-2, Sample
Knitting Go for
R-3,R- Section
Section Fabric
4,R-5 Bookin
- g
4 -
Follow Yarn
A 3
up with Bookin Taking
Dyeing g Fabric
Section Follow up color
with shade
- R
Commercia approval
by -
Follow l Dept. for
Buying 4
up with L/C
Openning house Go for
Cutting A
Section - Purpose Accessor
6 ies R
Follow up booking -
with PM A 5
for - Go for
Sewing 7 imported
Follow up
Fabrics with accessori
correctly. Logistic es
Dept. for booking
Packing if any
n Once sample
And Lastly Products Se ing completed
are Shipped by the d am Last & Final
S le
Logistic Dept. p Review will be
to uy done by the
B Merchandiser
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Alam) G.M.(Mr.Abul
Kalam Azad)
Knitting (A+J)
Knitting (J)
Sewing (A+J)
Sewing (A+J)
Quality (A+J)
Quality (A+J)
Sample (A+J)
Sample (A+J)
2) Mark Style
= Mr.Joy + Naser
Buyer Merchandiser 3) Danish Fashion
1) Good Man (Ladies+Girls) = Mr. Alam + Mr.Shohel = Mr.Joy + Naser
2) Good Man (Todlers) = Mr.Hossain + Mr. Babul. 4) Higlotex
3) Joules = Mr. Saquib = Mr.Joy + Mr.Naser
4)Samples = Mr.Awal
5) TMS
= Mr.Joy + Mr.Naser
6) Sols
= Mr.Joy + Mr.Naser
Buyer Merchandiser 7) Lion Star
1) New Wave(Conway + Alpena+Pittsburge+ Hefa+ Any Fleece Prg.+Any Spl. = Mr.Nazir
Order = Mr.Badsha Mia. 8) Classic Fashion
2) New Wave(Clique+Spinning) = Mr.Abu Syed+ Ms.Jesmin. = TBC
3) First Tex = Mr.Abu Syed+ Ms.Jesmin. 9) Samples
4) DTO = Mr.Hasan = Mr.Shohag
5) Free Zone = Mr.Hasan.
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Fabrics Turning
Fabric unload
Squeezing (Tube)
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Fabric laying
Fabric cutting
Garments sewing
Cuff/collar/button attaching
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Department Order sheet
Commercial Production
Department Department
IT Department
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season. Beximco’s marketer has to deal this situation very carefully and must judge his
capacity and resources before processing an order. Sudden repeat orders always come in pick
season. Many marketers take these orders irrespective of knowing own capacity and rush
situation in production during pick season and thus lead to disaster. Often they go for sub-
contacts with other factories to supply these orders in a very rush condition and thus fail to
ensure optimum quality and maintain short lead time. In such a situation Beximco’s marketers
always coordinate with production departments before taking these repeat orders. This
facilitates them to work in concert and increase high professionalism in the business. Another
strategy to face these problems is their regular buffer stock.
Change in existing laws & regulations in both export & import countries
(Uncontrollable): This is a factor a company must comply with. Since MFL is one of the
market leaders, thus they can easily comply with any rules imposed by govt. In such context
MFL has high marketing capacity to attract new customers.
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comply with their work processes. To be familiar with their work process is also helpful in
smoothening entire supply chain.
6.4 Potential risks factors that might affect Beximco Fabrics Ltd.
Below are some summarization of some factors or risks that are found through analyzing
above shortcomings, company’s strengths and weaknesses, observations and employee
interview. These potential risks can harm the organization’s business and marketing
performance in international areas. However the factors are divided into controllable and
uncontrollable headings in below chart. Different marketing tools and strategies have been
suggested in ‘Recommendation Chapter’ in order to overcome the potential controllable risk
factors. The potential uncontrollable elements however are out of control of the organization.
Therefore Montex Fabrics Ltd. must be organizationally, operationally, financially and
technologically sound enough to face these problems anytime.
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7. Recommendations
This chapter covers specific objective 5 of this study. In this chapter I have tried to
recommend some do’s for Bextex Fabric Ltd. based on the findings of this study in order to
overcome existing shortcomings, potential risks and to become successful in future in the
industry. All the tools and strategies recommended are based on different marketing concepts
and models that have been described in ‘Concept Analysis’ chapter.
In light of major existing bottlenecks and potential risks discussed in ‘Findings Chapter’, BFL
as involved in international business, should reshuffle their international marketing mix
strategies tailored to face future possibility of reduce buyers’ demands, tastes, changing
global fashion trends, fail to deliver access orders at the quality and quantity level and price
increase of raw materials. BFL to face these challenges should go for research and
development activities to find more opportunities and scopes for new market entry, adopt new
technologies and production methods quickly and so on. They can use below marketing mix
strategies in this regard:
1. Product strategy: Since apparel fashion trend varies from country to country, thus BFL
should adopt their products and make those customized in order to serve different
local markets. At the growth stage BFL should go for product extension or design
extension of existing product for repeat orders. Product features, design, packaging,
distributing must associate value added service in order to meet target market
2. Pricing strategy: Their international pricing strategy should also be undertaken in
accordance with company objectives, position planning, global competition, costs and
customer needs and willingness to pay.
3. Distribution strategy: BFL should also know more about the power of intermediaries
that are vital for their international distribution strategy. Adapting modern supply
chain management and partnership with main value chain players can help them build
an effective distribution system which is a prime demand of buyer to get their goods
on time.
4. Promotional strategy: As for promotion in international market, BFL should attend
more trade fairs and arrange the same for their buyers to be more familiar with them.
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They should also go for their image promotional campaign by sponsorship or event
management internationally. BFL can also go for different sales promotional activities
like providing incentives, premiums and specialty advertising by giving buyers
calendars, ballpoint pens, cigarette lighters, baseball caps, etc.
Competitor is a vital threat for any business and especially for international marketer in this
rapid growing globalization era. BFL should go for competitor analysis in order to gain
competitors’ insights, anticipating own actions in return to their moves and to gain advantage
over competition. They should keep below points in mind when go for competitor analysis:
• Recognizing competitors
• Competitors’ size, position and dominance in the market
• Which area of customer relation are they targeting and what their objectives are
• Their strengths and weaknesses
Important data of competitors can be collected from their websites, annual reports, observing
them, news and articles, from customers, visiting trade shows, visit them as a customer, from
their suppliers, recruiting competitors’ employees, using marketing espionage, etc.
Beside competitors, BFL should also beware of new strong entrants, bargaining powers of
buyers and suppliers and emergence of substitute products. In order to face any new strong
market entrant, BFL should concentrate to be financially strong, introduce economies of scale
in production, strong distribution channels, gaining cost advantage and have rich product lines
and variety to serve different market segments. In order to handle buyers’ bargaining power,
BFL should follow its group corporate policy of order receiving, for instance, production
capacity should be distributed and offered a number of buyers so that one single buyer cannot
be a threat for entire business. As BFL has its own yarn and accessories plants, thus it has low
risk from suppliers’ bargaining power. Diversifying product line and variety and target
different segments is the best way to face emergence of substitute products.
Besides above, since BFL is involved in industrial business as much as in international
business, long term relationship with the existing customers as well as attracting and retaining
new customers is of utmost importance. In order to create a strong customer relationship base,
BFL should calculate its customer retention rate and thus find out major customers and serve
them in a more systematic and effective manner. In this regard, BFL may use modern
methods of ‘Customer Relationship Management’ as stated in ‘Concept Analysis’ part in
order to identify, satisfy, retain and maximize the value of a their best buyers.
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In order to comply with technological and operational improvements and mitigate labor
migration problem in new competitive age, BFL can utilize modern ‘Organizational Design
for Inter-functional Cooperation’ (described in ‘Concept Analysis Part’) from industrial point
of view. This will also help them in developing new structural departmental coordination and
to be more competitive to face any potential challenges in future. Also they can be more
organized and operationally sound to adjust with the potential ‘uncontrollable factors’ that
might cause them problems in future.
Using ‘Organizational Design for Inter-functional Cooperation’ BFL can coordinate all the
departments in such a way to individually serve customers’ entire needs. Also they create a
‘Team’ consisting people from each department and trained them to solve departmental
disputes to get competitive advantage. In order to address inter-departmental conflict they can
also introduce ‘Decision Support System’.
Based on BFL business activities, we can conclude that their position is in ‘Growth Stage’ in
‘Product Life Cycle’. In this regard I would like to suggest them to emphasize on its existing
customers and new customers at the same time. At this stage, BFL should go for below
1. BFL should penetrate different markets by offering competitive price.
2. They should concentrate on rapidly maximizing sales, profit and market share.
3. In order to be cost effective average cost per customer must be calculated and
promotional budget should be reduced to take advantage of demand.
4. They should go for product extension and provide more value added services like
guarantee, warranty, etc.
5. They should build up a strong intensive distribution strategy in order to reach
geographically dispersed customers.
At this stage, MFL can also utilize ‘Market Expansion strategies’ that emphasizes on below
two tasks:
1. Try to grow Sales with existing products primarily by getting new market segments
(buyers of different segments) to buy, and/or
2. Try to grow Sales with new products by introducing new models containing different
sets of features in order to attract new buyers as well as encourage repeat ordering by
existing buyers.
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8. Concluding Remarks
Despite of all shortcomings stated above, Beximco Fabrics Ltd. is very much successful over
the years in gaining customers’ confidence. Their continuous efforts of keeping the
commitment in terms of high quality, performance and timely delivery took them at the pick
of the industry. The way of their business development, growth rate, increased orders and
profit and future expansion plan will continue to help them be more competitive in this sector
as well as contribute to the country’s national revenue increase to a larger extent. However,
Bextex as well as this sector must need govt. initiative in establishment of composite mills or
individual units of weaving, spinning and processing that will reduce lead time and increase
value addition and employment, in addition to improving the cost advantages.
If the govt. and the BGMEA take good care of this sector and implement the suggested
measures for the purpose, experts expect the country will be able to attain the status of a major
exporter to the extent of $25 billion a year in the next 20 years.
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Important Production Terms
Yarn: Yarn is the main raw materials for knit fabrics; knitting yarn is of special type different
from weaving yarn. In general yarn of 20, 24,26,30,32 counts are used in the knit fabrics.
Gray Fabrics Knitting: After receiving the yarn in carton or gunny bag in cone from, it is
measure and put in the creels of the Circular Knitting Machines. The machines continuous
knits, whenever a cone is empty being replaced by a new one. Fabrics come out in rolled in
Grey form. Rolls are stacked as per the sizes and GSM for delivery to dyeing section.
Inspecting: After the knitted fabrics are produced, it is inspected in running condition while
passing over a table of the inspection machine. Inspection in this stage done by one Gray
Fabrics. Collar and Cuff are inspected piece by piece.
Measuring: Before Delivery Fabrics for dyeing are inspected and measured in scales.
Scouring: Scouring is the clearing of textile materials of natural facts, waxes, dirt’s, oils,
grease etc, by treating with alkalis. The bleaching process if essential for a good white effect
and may be carried out with peroxide a bleaching power solution. After scouring and
bleaching, the Fabric becomes hydrophilic.
Dyeing: After scouring /bleaching, the knitted fabrics will be dyed in machine using Suitable
dyes and chemicals, for dyeing of knitted goods specials treatment is necessary. Temperature
control in every stages of dyeing is very important.
Washing: After scouring, bleaching and dyeing necessary washing will be carried out.
Folding and Rolling: A folding and rolling machine to facilitate easy and convenient
transportation of the goods will do folding and/or rolling baling of the finished goods.
Fabrics Lying: The finished fabric is delivered to the Garment section, for final production of
T-shirts polo, Sportswear, Nightwear and dresses.
Fabrics Cutting: Finished fabrics in roll Orin plaited form dyed in a long table. The fabrics
of same dial and weight lay in the table five/six layer. Pattern matter places market on the
fabrics. Fabrics cut by brand knit or by any sophisticated cutter following the markers. So,
after cutting the desired cut fabrics are ready for sewing.
Sewing: This is the main functional stage of a garment plant. All the fabric’s parts according
to the desired pattern/maker are stitched together. If cuff/collar required, they are attached
with the body. Different types of dresses has different requirement of trainings.
Tread Cutting: Finished garments it its ultimate shapes/ sizes were ready, now requires being
cleaned pass inspection. Before inspection the threads remaining in the garment cut off.
Inspection: Before folding and poly packing the garments in finished form are inspected by
the in-house quality controllers and cartooning.
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Poly Packing: After passing inspection the finished garments are poly packed singly as per
size and color and cartooned for final delivery. Cartoons contain the name of the buyer, pack
size, Color and destiny, etc. Finally the cartoons are ready for delivery.
Important Commercial Terms
GSP Certificate: Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) is a preferential tariff system
extended by developed countries (also known as preference giving countries or donor
countries) to developing countries (also known as preference receiving countries or
beneficiary countries). It involves reduced MFN Tariffs or duty-free entry of eligible products
exported by beneficiary countries to the markets of donor countries.
Certificate of origin: A Certificate of Origin (often abbreviated to CO) is a document used in
international trade. It traditionally states from what country the shipped goods originate. The
CO is primarily important for classifying the goods in the customs regulations of the
importing country, thus defining how much duty shall be paid. But it may also be important
for import quota purposes and for statistical purposes, and especially for food shipments, it
may also be important for health regulations.
Pro-forma Invoice (PI): A PI is similar to a sales contract. It is issued by the seller addressed
the buyer. Once pieces are agreed upon, the seller issues PI to the buyer where the unit price
of the items as well as other sales conditions are stipulated. This PI is then submitted by the
buyer to his bank and LC is opened in favor of the seller.
Commercial Invoice: Commercial goods moving internationally must be accompanied by
documentation reflecting the commercial transaction. This information is usually contained on
the commercial invoice and will form part of the package presented to Customs at the time
goods are released, or provided at the time of final accounting. In respect to export shipments,
a commercial invoice is the basic document on which the importer (buyer) pays the exporter
Packing list: This contains the list of goods packed into the cartoons which is required for
shipment of goods and by buyer to offload the goods from container.
BTMA Certificate: Certificate issued by Bangladesh Textile Mills Association for export
UD: This means ‘Utilization Declaration’ for fabric consumption which is issued by
Bill of Lading: The Bill of Lading (B/L) is evidence of the delivery of goods to the carrier as
well as constituting a contract of carriage between the shipper and the ocean freight carrier. It
is, when fully executed, constitutes the actual deed to the goods being shipped and is an
official "document of title". Essentially, this means that the Ocean Bill of Lading can be used
to meet banking requirements in issuing letters of credit as the bank may use this document to
retain control over the merchandise.
Beside above documents commercial department also has to have clear concept of different
types of shipment process like below:
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FOB: Under the Incoterms standard, FOB stands for "Free On Board". Indicating "FOB"
means that the seller pays for transportation of the goods to the port of shipment, plus loading
costs. The buyer pays freight, insurance, unloading costs and transportation from the arrival
port to the final destination. The passing of risks occurs when the goods pass the ship's rail at
the port of shipment. When the Incoterms version of the FOB term is agreed upon, the parties
to the contract should expressly specify it, including the version of the Incoterms to be
applied; e.g., "FOB New York (Incoterms 2000)".
C&F: C&F stands for Cost and Freight, is a contract between buyer and seller agreed to pay
shipment cost by seller from origin to buyer’s door. Thus as per L/C negotiation, a particular
order can be on FOB basis or C&F basis.
All sample documents have been illustrated in appendices part.
Note: Commercial documents are enclosed.
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16. Kunz, Grace (2005). Merchandising: Theory, Principles, And Practice. Fairchild
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