Formel QAudit
Formel QAudit
Formel QAudit
Overall evaluation Audit date
Audited company: Auditor(s):
Address: Reason for the audit:
Audit type:
Last audit results
Certification Date Audited by Result
Process step Process Failure class
Product group ED[%] EP[%] Grading
ghjgjh 1 ghjghjg n/a 97 A
2 hjkghj
ED = product development process A = 92 - 100% quality capable
4 - Unsatisfactory compliance with requirements, major nonconformities 2. For questions graded with zero points, which have a significant influence on the
product/process quality when not achieved, the auditee can be downgraded from A to B
0 - No compliance with requirements or B to C.
Label identification
Type identification
to be filled
1.2 Is a product development plan available and are the targets maintained?
1.3 Are the resources for the realization of the product development planned?
1.5 Has the feasibility been determined based on the available requirements?
1.6 Are the necessary personnel and technical conditions for the project process planned/available?
2.2 Is the design FMEA updated in the project process and are the established measures realized?
2.4 Are the required releases/qualification records available at the respective times?
3.2 Is a process development plan available and are the targets maintained?
3.3 Are the resources for the realization of serial production planned?
3.5 Are the necessary personnel and technical preconditions for the project process planned/available?
3.6 Is the process FMEA raised and are improvement measures established?
Question point Observation
Is the process FMEA updated when amendments are made during the project process and are the
established measures implemented?
4.2 Is a quality plan prepared?
4.3 Are the required releases/qualification records available at the respective times?
4.4 Is a pre-production carried out under serial conditions for the serial release?
4.5 Are the production and inspection documents available and complete?
5.6 Are the procedures agreed with the customer, regarding customer-supplied products, maintained? 10
5.7 Are the stock levels of input material matched to production needs? 10
5.8 Are input materials/internal residues delivered and stored according to their purpose? 10
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point point point pont point point point point point point
Question P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10
Are the employees given responsibility and
6.1.1 authority for monitoring the product/process 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Are the employees given responsibility and
6.1.2 authority for production equipment and 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 sadfdsds
Are the employees suitable to perform the
6.1.3 required tasks and is their qualification 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 d
Is there a personnel plan with a replacement
6.1.4 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 d
Are instruments to increase employee
6.1.5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 d
motivation effectively implemented?
point point point pont point point point point point point
Question P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 Observation
7.3 Are complaints quickly reacted to and the supply of parts secured? 10
Are fault analyses carried out when there are deviations from the quality requirements and are improvement
7.4 10
measures implemented?
7.5 Is the personnel qualified for each task? 10
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"A" Product development process
Product development (design) - PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PLANNING
Question Requirements / explanations What to look for
- Drawings, standards, specifications, performance specification
- Logistic concepts
- Technical specifications, test specifications
All customer requirements for the product to be
- Quality agreements, target agreements
1.1 Are the customer requirements available? developed must be known and included in the
- Important product/process characteristics
- Purchase order documents with parts lists and delivery dates
- Legislation/Directives
- Waste management plans, environmental aspects.
- Customer requirements
The product development plan is an integral part of the - Costs
project plan and stands in correlation with the process - Deadlines: Planning/Purchasing release, modification stoppages
Is a product development plan available and development plan. All activities, including those for - Prototype/Pilot production, start of serial production
are the targets maintained? suppliers, are to be established until start of series. The - Resources studies
targets must be derived from the requirements and - Setting and monitoring the target
maintained at the established project phases. - Regular information to the company management
- Simultaneous Engineering Teams (SET).
- Customer requirements
The resources required are already to be determined - Qualified personnel
and considered in the quotation phase. After award of - Lost time through absenteeism
Are the resources for the realization of the contract, the details are to be precisely stated. When - Through put/Processing times
product development planned? requirements are altered, an update of the resources - Buildings, premises (for trial/prototype construction)
study is to be carried out, if necessary. The required - Tools/Equipment
means to be planned and made available. - Test/Inspection/Laboratory equipment
- Design/Engineering
- Quality
- Process equipment, resources
The known requirements must be checked for feasibility - Special characteristics
Has the feasibility been determined based on
1.5 through interdisciplinary cooperation, here the customer - Company objectives
the available requirements?
requirements have special significance. - Directives, standards, legislation
- Environmental aspects
- Delivery dates/Time frames
- Cost frame.
- Customer requirements
Amendments to the product and process must be - Important parameters/characteristics, legal requirements
Is the design FMEA updated in the project evaluated by the project management. In agreement - Function, fitting measurements
2.2 process and are the established measures with the FMEA Team, a new analysis, if necessary, is to - Material
realized? be initiated. An update is also necessary after - Environmental aspects
realization of measures (Design Review). - Transport (internal/external)
- Product-specific measure from the process FMEA.
- Customer requirements
- Qualified personnel
The required resources are to taken from the quotation - Lost time through absenteeism
calculation and the preplanning. They must be - Through put/Processing time
2.5 Are the required resources available? available, or planned and provided at the respectively - Buildings, premises
appointed time. The required means for this must be - Experimental installation
included in the project. - Prototype construction
- Tools/Equipment
- Test/Inspection/Laboratory equipment.
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Question Requirements / explanations What to look for
- Customer requirements
- Legislation, standards, directives
- Logistic concepts
All requirements of the product to be produced, must be - Technical specifications
3.1 Are the product requirements available?
known and included in the planning. - Quality/target agreements
- Important characteristics
- Material
- Waste management plans, environmental aspects.
- Customer requirements
- Costs
The process development plan is an integral part of the - Deadlines: Planning/Purchasing release, Prototypes/pilot productions,
project plan and stands in correlation with the product Start for serial production
Is a process development plan available and development plan. All activities until start of series are to - Resources studies
are the targets maintained? be determined. The targets must be derived from the - Provision of production/testing equipment, software, packaging
requirements and maintained at the established project - Safeguard concept for amendments (startup problems etc.)
phases. - Logistic/delivery concept
- Setting and monitoring the target
- Regular information to the company management.
- Customer requirements
- Availability of input material
- Qualified personnel
The required resources are already to be determined
- Lost time through absenteeism/Standstill times
and considered in the quotation phase. After award of
- Through put times/Processing times/No. of production pieces per
Are the resources for the realization of serial contract, the details are to be precisely stated. When
3.3 plant/Equipment
production planned? requirements are altered, an update of the resources
- Buildings, premises
study is to be carried out, if necessary. The required
- Plants, tools, production/testing equipment, auxiliary tools,
means are to be planned and made available.
laboratory equipment
- Transport means, containers, store
- Customer requirements
The process requirements are to be determined through
- Legislative requirements
interdisciplinary cooperation, for which QFD and DOE
Have the process requirements been - Capability records
3.4 are exemplary methods. Previous experiences and
determined and considered? - Suitability of plants, tools, inspection and test equipment
future expectations must be included in the
- Arrangement of work and inspection stations
- Handling, packaging, storage, marking.
- Customer requirements
- Establishing minimum numbers of production pieces
- Process capability analysis
A pre-production is required to be able to evaluate and, - Measuring equipment capability
if necessary, correct all production factors and - Readiness of the production materials and equipment for series
Is a pre-production carried out under serial
4.4 influences at an early stage. In serial production, (measuring records)
conditions for the serial release?
bottlenecks and quality impairment, shall become - First sample inspection
avoidable. - Handling, packaging, marking and storage
- Personnel qualification
- Work/Inspection instructions
- Arrangement of work/inspection stations.
- Customer requirements
- Availability of input material
- Qualified personnel
- Lost time through absenteeism/Standstill times
The resources required are to be taken from the
- Through put times/Processing times/No. of production pieces per
4.6 Are the required resources available? quotation calculation and the current process
- Buildings, premises
- Plants, tools, production/inspection equipment, auxiliary tools,
laboratory equipment
- Transport means, containers, store.
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"B" Serial production
Question Requirements / explanations What to look for
- Packaging
- Storage administration system
- FIFO (first in/first out)
- Tidiness and cleanliness
- Climatic conditions
Are input materials/internal residues delivered
5.8 - Protection against damage/contamination
and stored according to their purpose?
- Identification
- (Traceability/Inspection status/Sequence of
operations/Application status)
- Safety against mix ups
- Secure storage (fitted and used).
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Question Requirements / explanations What to look for
- Machine/Process capability evidence important characteristics/
process parameters
- Compulsory control/regulation of important parameters
Are the product-specific quality requirements - Warnings when deviations from specified values occur (e.g.
fulfilled with the production equipment/tools? lamps, sirens, shutdown)
- Feed and delivery equipment
- Maintenance and repair status of tools/plants/machines (including
scheduled maintenance).
- Tooling plans
Are the necessary auxiliary means available - Tool setting aids/comparison aids
for adjustments? - Flexible Tool change equipment
- Limits patterns.
- Stock levels
Are products/components appropriately stored - Protection against damage
and are the transport means/packaging - Parts positioning
equipment tuned to the special properties of - Tidiness, cleanliness, overstocking (storage areas, containers)
the product/components? - Monitoring of the storage time
- Environmental influences, air conditioning.
- Holding store, holding areas
Are rejects, rework and adjustment parts, as - Marked containers for rejects, rework parts and adjustment parts
6.3.3 well as internal residues strictly separated and - Nonconforming products and nonconformity characteristics
identified? - Identification/marking
- Defined transfer/rework stations in the production department.
- Identification/Marking of parts
- Identification/Marking of the operational, inspection and test and
Is the material and parts flow secured against Appropriate to the product risk, the traceability along the application status
6.3.4 mix ups/ exchanges by mistake and entire process chain from supplier to customer, must be - Batch/heat numbering
traceability guaranteed? guaranteed. - Expiry date
- Removal of invalid identification/marking
- Working documents with parts/production data.
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Question Requirements / explanations What to look for
- General charts
- Nonconformity lists
- Control charts
Quality and process data must be completely available
- Data acquisition
Are quality and process data recorded to prove the compliance with requirements. They must
6.4.1 - Recorders for process parameters (e.g. temperature, time,
complete and ready to be evaluated? be able to be evaluated. Special events are to be
- Plant standstill
- Parameter changes
- Power cuts.
- Process capabilities
- Failure modes/failure frequencies
- Nonconformity costs
Are the quality and process data statistically Findings and problem points are to be related to the
- Process parameter
6.4.2 analyzed and are improvement program responsible departments, which must then work out and
- Rejects/rework
derived from this? implement improvements.
- On hold notifications/Sorting actions
- Cycle, through put/processing times
- Reliability/Failure conduct.'
- Customer requirements
- Important characteristics
Are processes and products regularly Audit plans for the product and it’s manufacturing - Function
audited? process must be available. - Process parameters/capabilities
- Marking/identification, Packaging
- Established processes/procedures.
- Cost optimization
- Reduction of waste (e.g. rejects and rework)
Are product and process subject to continual The improvement potential must be determined from - Improving of process safety (e.g. process analysis)
improvement? previous findings about quality, costs and service. - Optimizing set-up times, raising plant availability
- Reducing through-put/processing times
- Reducing stock levels.
- Emergency plans
Concepts to secure the supply of parts, also for
- Resources and reaction times for sorting actions
Are complaints quickly reacted to and the unscheduled problems, are already to be worked out
7.3 - Plant modification possibilities, special production means and
supply of parts secured? during process planning. These are to be guaranteed in
the series phase.
- Use of subcontracted resources.
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Process audit evaluation Report nr. Punkte
Product Development Process / Serial Production Audit date: max.
"A" Product development process
1 Product development (design) degree of
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 conformity [%]
2 Process development
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6
3. Planning 4. Realizing EPE n/a ###
ED [%] = ED n/a
No. of evaluated elements
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6
Assesment of the sub-elements with quality system reference Element BG (Mean Process step 1-n)
1.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 2.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 3.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 4.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6
10 3 10 10 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 10 10 10 10 10
EU1 [%] 78 EU2 [%] 100 EU3 [%] 100 EU4 [%] 100
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 EK
7 Customer service / customer satisfaction / service 10 10 10 10 10 100 ###
EPG [%] 90
EP [%] 97
Overall degree of conformity EP [%] according to product groups: EP [%] =
No. of evaluated elements
1.2 Is a product development plan available and are the targets maintained?
1.3 Are the resources for the realization of the product development planned?
1.5 Has the feasibility been determined based on the available requirements?
1.6 Are the necessary personnel and technical conditions for the project process planned/available?
Product development (design) - PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT REALIZING
Question point Observation
2.1 Is the design FMEA raised and are improvement measures established?
2.2 Is the design FMEA updated in the project process and are the established measures realized?
2.4 Are the required releases/qualification records available at the respective times?
3.2 Is a process development plan available and are the targets maintained?
3.3 Are the resources for the realization of serial production planned?
3.5 Are the necessary personnel and technical preconditions for the project process planned/available?
3.6 Is the process FMEA raised and are improvement measures established?
Question point Observation
Is the process FMEA updated when amendments are made during the project process and are the
established measures implemented?
4.2 Is a quality plan prepared?
4.3 Are the required releases/qualification records available at the respective times?
4.4 Is a pre-production carried out under serial conditions for the serial release?
4.5 Are the production and inspection documents available and complete?
5.7 Are the stock levels of input material matched to production needs?
5.8 Are input materials/internal residues delivered and stored according to their purpose?
7.3 Are complaints quickly reacted to and the supply of parts secured?
Are fault analyses carried out when there are deviations from the quality requirements and are improvement
measures implemented?
7.5 Is the personnel qualified for each task?
"A" Termékfejlesztési folyamat AUDIT KÉRDÉSLISTA
Termékfejlesztés (design) - TERMÉKFEJLESZTÉS TERVEZÉSE
Kérdés pont Megfigyelés
1.1 A vevői követelmények rendelkezésre állnak?
3.4 Meg vannak-e határozva, és figyelembe vannak-e véve a folyamatra vonatkozó követelmények?
Meg vannak-e tervezve ill. rendelkezésre állnak-e a projektfejlesztés előfeltételeihez szükséges személyzeti
és műszaki előfeltételek?
3.6 Elkészült-e a folyamat-FMEA, és meghatározásra kerültek-e a helyesbítő intézkedések?
Kérdés pont Megfigyelés
Aktualizálva lett-e a folyamat-FMEA a projekt lefutása közben történt módosítások esetén, és megvalósításra
kerültek-e a meghatározott intézkedések?
4.2 Készült-e MB-terv?
4.4 Végrehajtásra került-e egy előgyártás a sorozatgyártás feltételei mellett, a sorozat felszabadítása számára?
"B" Sorozatgyártás
Kérdés pont Megfigyelés
5.1 Csak felszabadított, minőségképes szállítók kerültek alkalmazásra?
Megtörtént-e a gyártásindítások
6.2.6 felszabadítása, és összegyűjtésre kerültek-e a
beállítási adatok valamint az eltérések?
Megvalósításra kerültek-e határidőre a
6.2.7 szükséges helyesbítő intézkedések, és
megtörtént-e a hatékonyság ellenőrzése?
pont pont pont pont pont pont pont pont pont pont
Kérdés P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 Megfigyelés
Egyeztetve vannak-e a mennyiségek /
gyártási sorozatnagyságok az igényekkel, és
tovább vannak-e irányítva céltudatosan a
következő munkafolyamat felé?
A célnak megfelelően vannak-e a termékek /
alkatrészek raktározva, és egyeztetve
6.3.2 vannak-e a szállítóeszközök / csomagoló
berendezések a termékek / alkatrészek
speciális tulajdonságaival?
Következetes módon külön vannak-e
választva és meg vannak-e jelölve a
6.3.3 selejt-,utómegmunkálandó és beállítandó
alkatrészek, valamint az üzemen belüli
maradék mennyiségek?
Biztosítva van-e az anyag- és
alkatrészfolyamat a keveredés / cserélődés
ellen, és biztosítva van-e a
Szakszerűen vannak-e raktározva a
6.3.5 szerszámok, berendezések és
pont pont pont pont pont pont pont pont pont pont
Kérdés P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 Megfigyelés
Teljesen és kiértékelhető módon
6.4.1 összegyűjtésre kerültek-e a minőségi- és
7.3 Reagálás történik-e rövid időn belül a reklamációkra, és biztosítva lett-e az alkatrészellátás?
Végrehajtásra kerülnek-e hibaanalízisek a minőségi követelményektől való eltérések esetén, és bevezetésre
kerültek-e helyesbítő intézkedések?
7.5 Szakképzéssel rendelkeznek-e a mindenkori feladatokhoz alkalmazott személyek?
Process audit evaluation Report nr.
Product Development Process / Serial Production Audit date
"A" Product development process
minimum requirement
degree of
Evaluated elements conformity 60 70 82 92 100
degree of
Evaluated elements / processes conformity 60 70 82 92 100
ghjghjg E1 89
hjkghj E2 90
E3 90
E4 90
E5 90
E6 90
E7 90
E8 90
E9 90
E10 89
Evaluation of the sub-elements with quality system reference (Mean Process step 1-n)
degree of
Evaluated elements conformity 60 70 82 92 100