Primary Music Scope and Sequence

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The key takeaways are that the MLSI PYP Music Programme aims to develop students' performing, creating, and appreciating skills in music. It outlines the specific skills students will gain in singing, instruments, composition, and listening by the end of different grades.

The goals of the MLSI PYP Music Programme are for students to be able to perform confidently with accuracy, render solo and group performances, read and understand music notation, create musical patterns to communicate ideas, and appreciate different musical styles and cultures.

By the end of different grades, students will gain skills in singing, playing instruments, composing rhythms and variations, exploring sound effects, understanding notation, and identifying musical elements. They will be able to distinguish instruments, styles, and moods in listening activities.

At the culmination of the MLSI PYP Music Programme, it is expected that students will be able to:

1. demonstrate their ability to perform confidently, with accuracy and control, focusing on fundamental musical elements such as pitch, rhythm,
tempo, duration and dynamics,
2. render solo and group performances, displaying proper co-ordination and the ability to follow instructions of the director,
3. read, understand and use music terms and notation to record their compositions,
4. use their imagination and musical experiences to create melodic and rhythmic patterns that communicate specific ideas and moods, and
5. appreciate and distinguish between various forms and styles of music from different times, places and cultures.

Overview of Knowledge and Skills for Music


Performing:  sing in groups  singing in group and with  sing solo and in groups  sing solo and in groups to
 clap simple rhythms a partner to pitch, rhythm in pitch, rhythm in
Singing & Instruments  clapping to simple classroom, assemblies, classroom, assemblies,
rhythms productions productions
 playing simple percussion  clap and playing simple  read and play note values
instruments rhythms on classroom and simple rhythms on
percussion instruments classroom percussion
 following instructions instruments
regarding dynamics  follow instructions
while performing regarding dynamics while
Creating and composing  Invent simple rhythms  Create Rhythms by  explore the relationship  explore the relationship
using body parts clapping and stamping between moods, between moods,
the feet movement and music drawing/strokes and music
 discuss and explore how  discuss and explore how
sounds/music can sounds/music can enhance
enhance a poem or a a poem or a narrative
narrative  explore various possible
 enact simple stories with sounds of classroom
suitable background percussion instruments for
music/sounds soundtracks of poems and
 compose narratives
variations/completing  create suitable sound
lyrics of repertoire songs effects to heighten a
by filling in suitable recitation or short story
rhyming/opposite words  create variations in lyrics
of repertoire songs by
completing missing
phrases/words with
suitable word
patterns/rhyming words
Notation  begin to understand hand -recognize and use suitable -learn note names – letters
signs to indicate pitch, hand signs, symbols to and do, re me
dynamics, tempo etc indicate elements of music -learn and use music terms
– pitch, duration, volume, to identify pitch, volume
tempo and tempo
-learn and use music terms
to identify pitch, volume
and tempo

Listening & appreciation  Identify various  respond to different -identify and distinguish -explore how the earliest
instruments by name and musical stimuli some elements of music – instruments were probably
sight  respond to emotions and pitch, duration, volume, made
moods created by sounds tempo -identify and distinguishing
and music
-explore various sounds – some elements of music –
familiar and unknown – pitch, duration, volume,
that are used to tempo
communicate -use suitable hand signs,
-identify classroom symbols to indicate
percussion instruments by elements of music – pitch,
name and sound duration, dynamics, tempo
-differentiate between -identify and distinguish
sounds of various sounds made by specific
classroom percussion instruments - violin, guitar,
instruments piccolo, bassoon, piano,
-identify sounds made by drum,
specific instruments - -identify different rhythms
violin, piano, drum, patterns – march, waltz -3
trumpet or 4 beats
-identify various -identify the mood of the
instruments by sight music and respond with
-identify the mood of the suitable movements
music and respond with
suitable movement

Knowledge of Music History Acquire knowledge of Acquire knowledge of origin

various sounds and basic of basic instruments.
percussion instruments. Acquire knowledge of
Recording, Organizing, different song forms
Interpreting & Presenting Recording, Organizing,
Research Interpreting & Presenting


Performing:  sing solo and in groups to  sing solo and in groups to  sing solo and in groups  Sing solo and in groups to
pitch, rhythm in pitch, rhythm in to pitch, rhythm in pitch, rhythm in
Singing & Instruments classroom, assemblies, classroom, assemblies, classroom, assemblies, classroom, assemblies,
productions productions productions productions
 play simple rhythms on  play simple rhythms on  play simple rhythms on  play simple rhythm on
classroom percussion classroom percussion classroom percussion classroom percussion
instruments instruments instruments instruments
 follow more detailed  follow more advanced  able to recite vocally at  accompany a
instructions regarding instructions regarding least four basic exercises performance based on
dynamics while dynamics while – with greater learned rhythm.
performing performing proficiency and
 follow more advanced
instructions regarding
dynamics while
Creating and composing  discuss and explore how -identify different forms of -understand and exploring -Understand and exploring
sounds/music can enhance songs – call/response; how word and rhythm how word and rhythm
a poem or a narrative verse/chorus stresses work stresses work-in a greater
 understand and explore -understand and exploring -compose variations in detail
how word and rhythm
how word and rhythm lyrics of repertoire songs -compose own simple
stresses work
 create matching rhythm stresses work -compose original lyrics melody based on a rhythm
and word patterns -compose variations in lyrics - create own rhythmic of own choice, play/sing it
 explore variations in of repertoire songs patterns and recite them solo/group or in a group.
rhythm -compose original lyrics with hand signs and if -compose original lyrics
 explore the relationship -explore how variations in possible with a suitable - create own rhythmic
between moods, rhythm, major and minor percussion instrument patterns and play them on a
sounds and musical -explore how variations in suitable percussion
movement and music
dynamics can be used to rhythm, major and minor instrument
create various moods sounds and musical -explore how variations in
-explore the relationship dynamics can be used to rhythm, major and minor
between moods, create various moods sounds and musical
drawing/strokes, movement -explore the relationship dynamics can be used to
and music between moods, create various moods
drawing/strokes, -explore the relationship
movement and music between moods,
drawing/strokes, movement
and music

Notation -identify note values – -identify note values and -identify note values and -use appropriate music
semibreve, minim, crochet, simple key signatures simple key signatures terminology and notation to
quaver/ whole, half, quarter -learn to read note names read and record their
and one eight notes and symbols on treble and -explore note value composition
-learn to read and identify bass staves combinations in a bar of -able to recite vocally the
note names on the treble - recognize, understand and 3/4 and 4/4 time ascent and descent of a
staff use dotted notes and rests minor scale with greater
- recognize and use different -explore note value accuracy
note values, symbols and combinations in a bar of 3/4
terms and 4/4 time

Listening & appreciation -explore how sounds are -identify and distinguish -identify and distinguish -identify and distinguish
made and how sound is elements of music – pitch, elements of music – pitch, elements of music – pitch,
used as a means of duration, volume, tempo – duration, volume, tempo – duration, volume, tempo –
communication in greater detail in greater detail in greater detail
-differentiate between -use suitable music symbols -use suitable music -use suitable music symbols
“sound” and “music” and terms to discuss symbols and terms to and terms to discuss
-explore how different elements of music discuss elements of music elements of music
instruments work to -identify specific sounds of -identify specific sounds of -learn to relate the timber of
produce specific sounds wind, string, percussion wind, string, percussion an instrument with specific
-learn to classify families of instruments families of instruments mood
instruments according to -learn various ways of -learn various ways of -identify whether a tune has
the way they work classifying instruments classifying instruments 3 or 4 beats- with greater
-identify, distinguish and use (orchestral (orchestral proficiency
suitable symbols and terms classification/inclusive classification/inclusive - identify complex rhythm
to indicate elements of classification) classification) pattern
music – pitch, duration, -identify whether a tune has -identify whether a tune -differentiate between
volume, tempo 3 or 4 beats has 3 or 4 beats major and minor sounds-in a
-identify sounds made by -differentiate between - identify complex rhythm greater detail
specific wind, string and major and minor sounds pattern -identify and learn the origin
percussion instruments -identify some of the -differentiate between of different styles of music
-identify whether a tune has different styles of music and major and minor sounds-in and how they use different
2, 3 or 4 beats learn how they use different a greater detail rhythm patterns
-identify different rhythm rhythm patterns -identify and learn the
and melody patterns origin of different styles of
music and how they use
different rhythm patterns
Knowledge of Music History Acquire knowledge of the Acquire knowledge of the Acquire knowledge of the Acquire knowledge of the
origin and history of music origin and history of music origin and history of music origin and history of music
and basic instruments. and some basic instruments. and basic instruments. and basic instruments.
Acquire knowledge of Acquire knowledge of the Acquire knowledge of the Acquire knowledge of the
different song forms origin and history of some origin and history of some origin and history of some
Recording, Organizing, styles of music styles of music, as well as styles of music, as well as
Interpreting & Presenting Recording, Organizing, specific composers. specific composers and the
Research Interpreting & Presenting Recording, Organizing, periods they represent.
Research Interpreting & Presenting Recording, Organizing,
Research Interpreting & Presenting

Overview of Skills and Knowledge with Sample Activities and Assessments for Grades 1 to 5

Strand Skills Sample Activities Sample Assessment

Performing: Singing in groups Singing in groups to a rhythm played Self/peer/ teacher evaluation
Vocal & Instrumental by the teacher.
Clapping on simple rhythms
Simple rhythms played using clapping
Developing coordinating skills of the hand
Gross & Fine Motor skills

Creating and Composing Invent simple rhythms using the body parts Creating simple rhythms using the
clapping of the hands or stamping of Presentation of their Rhythms
the feet

Notation, Signs & Italian Learning graphic scores Listening to a musical piece and with Presentation it on a sheet
Terms the help of colors creating Graphic

Listening & Appreciating Identify various instruments by name and sight Recognize with the help of classroom
instruments and pictures Discussion and Identification
Respond to different musical stimuli
Exploring various musical pieces of Observation of emotions
Responding to emotions and moods created by different emotions.
sounds and music


Strand Skills Sample Activities Sample Assessment

Performing: Singing in group and with a partner Singing in group and with a partner, songs of Observation of performances
Vocal & themes and different rhythms. Self/peer/ teacher evaluation
Instrumental Clapping on simple rhythms
Clapping and using classroom instruments to
Playing simple percussion instruments play simple rhythms

Developing coordinating skills

Gross & Fine Motor skills

Creating and Create Rhythms by clapping and stamping the Using the body parts to create rhythms Observation and Presentation of
Composing feet group work
Learning rhyming words to form simple
Compose simple jingles and rhymes using phrases
rhyming words.

Notation, Signs & Understand hand signs to indicate pitch, Recognizing and respond to hand signs Identifying hand signs
Italian Terms dynamics, tempo etc

Listening & Respond to different musical stimuli Observation of Aural skills

Responding to emotions and moods created by
sounds and music Understanding how music and sounds can be
a medium to express emotions.
Differentiate between sounds of various
classroom instruments
Identifying the difference in sound of various


Strand Skills Sample Activities Sample Assessment

Performing: Singing with a partner and Solo Singing with a partner and solo, songs of Observation of performances
Vocal & different rhythms.
Follow instructions regarding dynamics, pitch,
Instrumental Self/peer/ teacher evaluation
tempo etc
Following instructions regarding dynamics,
Playing more than one percussion instruments tempo.

Evaluating Performances Playing simple rhythm patterns to songs

taught in class using percussion instruments
Developing coordinating skills

Gross & Fine Motor skills

Creating and Create Rhythms using classroom musical Forming groups and Composing rhythms Group composition, evaluation.
Composing instruments

Notation, Signs & learn and use music terms for Learning and using different Italian Musical Group games
Italian Terms terms
pitch, dynamics, tempo etc

Listening & Identify the mood and respond to the music with Responding to music and sounds using
Appreciating suitable movement. movements to express emotions. Observation of Aural skills

Respond to different musical stimuli

Identifying the difference in sound of various
Differentiate between sounds of various instruments.
classroom instruments.

Listen to musical pieces and share your views

using musical terms

Grade One:
Strand Skills Sample Activities Sample Assessment

Performing: Singing solo and in groups Singing solo and in groups to pitch and Observation of performances
Vocal & Instrumental Playing simple percussion instruments rhythm Recordings of performance and
Listening to and following instructions while Playing simple percussion instruments, critical evaluation
performing in groups, using basic note values and Self/peer/ teacher evaluation
simple rhythms
Following simple instructions regarding
musical dynamics while performing
Evaluating performances Assessing self and peer performances,
using a given rubric
Developing Co-ordinating skills
Verbal & Non-verbal Communication
Gross & Fine Motor skills
Organization skills

Creating and Composing Listening to and responding to emotions and Drawing according to the mood Exploring the relationship between
moods created by sounds and music created by various musical excerpts moods, music and drawing/strokes
Creating suitable sound effects to enhance Exploring how different sounds/music Presentation of creative work
poems or narratives can enhance a poem or narrative Discussion and evaluation

Notation, Signs & Italian Comprehending and applying terms, signs and Learning and using terms, signs and Team games/Crosswords/Identify the
Terms symbols used to identify volume, duration and symbols to identify volume, duration pictures/Match the columns/
tempo and tempo Checklists/Rubrics
Recognizing, reading and writing of basic note Learning and using note values of
values and names, as well as basic music symbols semibreve, minim, crochet, quaver/
whole, half, quarter and one eight

Listening & Appreciating Identifying different rhythm patterns – 2 or 3 Identifying different rhythm patterns – Observation of Aural skills
beats 2 or 3 beats – if musical excerpts Team Games
Identifying note duration – short/long notes Listening to musical excerpts and
Beginning to identify pitch – high/low notes identifying duration and pitch of
specific notes.
Listening to, analyzing and appreciating basic Identifying the mood of the music and
music dynamics responding with suitable movements
Identifying basic instrument sounds Identifying, distinguishing sounds
made by specific instruments – piano,
violin guitar, drum, trumpet

Knowledge of Music Acquiring knowledge of different song forms Learning to sing and identify different Identification of the forms of learnt
History song forms – Chant, Call/Response, songs
Verse/Chorus Discussion and evaluation
Acquiring knowledge of basic instruments, then Drawing and creating an imaginative Presentation of creative work
and now story of the origin of an instrument Discussion and evaluation
Recording, Organizing, Interpreting & Presenting Reflecting, exploring how basic
Research instruments probably originated, how
they work, their present form

Grade Two

Strand Skills Sample Activities Sample Assessment

Performing: Singing solo and in groups Singing solo and in groups to pitch and Observation of performances
Vocal & rhythm in classroom, assemblies, productions Recordings of performance and
Instrumental Co-ordinating a variety of rhythm patterns, critical evaluation
while playing simple percussion instruments
Playing simple percussion instruments Self/peer/ teacher evaluation
Following more detailed instructions
regarding dynamics while performing
Listening to and following instructions while Suggesting and selecting suitable dynamics
performing for performance
Assessing self and peer performances, using a
given rubric
Evaluating performances
Developing Co-ordinating skills
Verbal & Non-verbal Communication
Gross & Fine Motor skills
Organization skills

Creating and Creating suitable music dynamics to enhance Suggesting and selecting sound effects and Observation of Aural skills
Composing poems or narratives dynamics for performance of a poem or Presentation of individual/group
narrative work
Understanding and exploring how word and Learning to match word and rhythm stresses
Discussing and evaluation
rhythm stresses work Completing missing words/phrases in the
Creating rhyming words and patterns lyrics or learnt songs with suitable rhyming
words or patterns
Singing the same melody and lyrics to
Exploring variations in rhythm different rhythm patterns
Identifying the mood of the music and
Understanding the relationship between music responding
and emotions
Listening to and responding to emotions
Exploring the relationship between moods, created by music through movement or
drawing/strokes, movement and music drawings

Notation, Signs & Comprehending and applying terms and symbols Recognizing and using different note values, Team games/Crosswords/Identify the
Italian Terms used to identify volume, duration and tempo symbols and terms pictures/Match the columns/
Recognizing, reading and writing of basic note Identifying note values – semibreve, minim, Checklists/Rubrics
values and names on the treble clef crochet, quaver/ whole, half, quarter and one
eight notes
Learning to read and identify note names on
the treble staff

Listening & Identifying various sounds and understanding Exploring how different sounds are made Team games/Match the
Appreciating how they are used as a means of communication Exploring how sounds are used as a means of columns/Crosswords/Identify the
communication – e.g. bells signs, symbols
Differentiating between “sound” and “music” Learning to differentiate between “sounds” Observation of Aural skills
and “melodious sound patterns”
Identifying specific sounds made by some wind, Exploring how different instruments work to
string and percussion instruments produce specific sounds
Identifying whether a tune has 2, 3 or 4 beats Listening to and identifying the different time
signs of various musical excerpts
Identifying different rhythm and dynamics in Identifying, distinguishing and using suitable
various melody patterns symbols and terms to indicate elements of
music – pitch, duration, volume, tempo
Listening to, analyzing and appreciating music

Knowledge of Acquiring knowledge of the origin and history of Learning how and why instruments can be Team games/Crosswords/Identify the
Music History music and basic instruments. classified according to the traditional pictures/Match the columns/
orchestral classification as well as the more Checklists/Rubrics
modern one.
Acquiring knowledge of basic song forms Learning to sing and identify different song Listening, performing and identifying
forms – Chant, Call/Response, Verse/Chorus the form of the song
Recording, Organizing, Interpreting &
Recording, Organizing, Interpreting & Presenting Presenting Research on any one instrument Presentation
Research family Discussion and Evaluation

Grade Four

Strand Skills Sample Activities Sample Assessment

Performing: Singing solo and in groups Singing solo and in groups paying Observation of performances
Vocal & Instrumental attention to pitch and rhythm
Using percussion instruments as an
Playing simple percussion instruments effective accompaniment to vocal
Recordings of performance and
Following more detailed instructions critical evaluation
Listening to and following instructions while regarding musical dynamics while
performing performing.
Suggesting and selecting suitable
Developing group music making skills dynamics for performance
Evaluating self and peer performances,
solo and in groups Self/peer/ teacher evaluation
Evaluating performances both ongoing and at the end of

Creating and Composing Composing within organized musical structures Identifying variations in rhythm, major and Observation of Aural skills
e.g. Binary form minor sounds and musical dynamics
Exploring variations in rhythmExploring the Exploring the relationship between Presentation of creative work
relationship between music, movement and moods, music
drawing/strokes Exploring how sounds/music can enhance Discussion and evaluation
Using variations in the elements of music to create a specific mood
various moods
Demonstrate use of musical structure in
compositions e.g. verse and chorus

Notation, Signs & Italian Comprehending and applying terms and symbols Italian terms used to identify volume, Team games/Crosswords/Identify
Terms used to identify volume, duration and tempo duration and tempo the pictures/Match the columns/
Identifying and understanding note values and Learning and using note values of Checklists/Rubrics
simple key signatures semibreve, minim, crochet, quaver

as well as simple key signatures.

Understanding the use of dotted notes and rests Identifying the value of various dotted
notes and rests and their function
Exploring note value combinations in a bar of 3/4 Working out the various possible
combinations of notes in a bar of the given
and 4/4 time
time sign
Recognizing, reading and writing note names on Note names on the treble and bass clefs
the treble and bass clef
Listening & Appreciating Identifying the number of beats – 3 or 4 in a tune Identifying if a tune has 3 or 4 beats Team games/Match the
Differentiating between major and minor sounds Being able to identify major and minor columns/Crosswords/Identify the
sounds signs, symbols, instrument
Identifying in greater detail and using suitable Identifying the music dynamics of a sounds/Classify instruments
music symbols and terms to describe the elements specific tune, using suitable symbols and Observation of Aural skills
of music terms.
Identifying specific sounds of some wind, string Identifying, distinguishing sounds made by
and percussion instruments various wind, string and percussion
Learning various ways of classifying instruments Identifying instrumental families – Strings,
woodwind, Brass and Percussion
Identifying some of the different music styles and
how they use a variation of rhythm patterns Being able to identify music styles along
with their specific rhythm patterns

Knowledge of Music Identifying some basic song forms Classifying learnt songs according to basic Listening, performing and
History forms identifying the form of the song
Acquiring knowledge of the origin and history of Exploring the origin and development of Team games/Crosswords/Identify
music and some basic instruments. some styles of music. the pictures/Match the columns/
Creating a timeline. Checklists/Rubrics
Acquiring knowledge of the origin and history of Researching and presenting a short
some styles of music synopsis
Self, peer and teacher
Recording, Organizing, Interpreting & Presenting assessment of research and
Research presentation
Grade 5

Strand Skills Sample Activities Sample Assessment

Performing: Singing solo and in groups Singing solo and in groups paying Observation of performances
Vocal & Instrumental attention to pitch and rhythm
Using percussion instruments as an
Playing simple percussion instruments effective accompaniment to vocal
Recordings of performance and
Following more detailed instructions critical evaluation
Listening to and following instructions while regarding musical dynamics while
performing performing.
Suggesting and selecting suitable
Developing group music making skills dynamics for performance
Evaluating self and peer performances,
solo and in groups Self/peer/ teacher evaluation
Evaluating performances both ongoing and at the end of

Creating and Composing Composing within organized musical structures Identifying variations in rhythm, major and Observation of Aural skills
e.g. Binary form minor sounds and musical dynamics
Exploring variations in rhythmExploring the Exploring the relationship between Presentation of creative work
relationship between music, movement and moods, music
drawing/strokes Exploring how sounds/music can enhance Discussion and evaluation
Using variations in the elements of music to create a specific mood
various moods
Demonstrate use of musical structure in
compositions e.g. verse and chorus

Notation, Signs & Italian Comprehending and applying terms and symbols Italian terms used to identify volume, Team games/Crosswords/Identify
Terms used to identify volume, duration and tempo duration and tempo the pictures/Match the columns/
Identifying and understanding note values and Learning and using note values of Checklists/Rubrics
simple key signatures semibreve, minim, crochet, quaver

as well as simple key signatures.

Understanding the use of dotted notes and rests Identifying the value of various dotted
notes and rests and their function
Exploring note value combinations in a bar of 3/4 Working out the various possible
and 4/4 time combinations of notes in a bar of the given
time sign
Recognizing, reading and writing note names on Note names on the treble and bass clefs
the treble and bass clef

Listening & Appreciating Identifying the number of beats – 3 or 4 in a tune Identifying if a tune has 3 or 4 beats Team games/Match the
Differentiating between major and minor sounds Being able to identify major and minor columns/Crosswords/Identify the
sounds signs, symbols, instrument
Identifying in greater detail and using suitable Identifying the music dynamics of a sounds/Classify instruments
music symbols and terms to describe the elements specific tune, using suitable symbols and Observation of Aural skills
of music terms.
Identifying specific sounds of some wind, string Identifying, distinguishing sounds made by
and percussion instruments various wind, string and percussion
Learning various ways of classifying instruments Identifying instrumental families – Strings,
woodwind, Brass and Percussion
Identifying some of the different music styles and
how they use a variation of rhythm patterns Being able to identify music styles along
with their specific rhythm patterns

Knowledge of Music Identifying some basic song forms Classifying learnt songs according to basic Listening, performing and
History forms identifying the form of the song
Acquiring knowledge of the origin and history of Exploring the origin and development of Team games/Crosswords/Identify
music and some basic instruments. some styles of music. the pictures/Match the columns/
Creating a timeline. Checklists/Rubrics
Acquiring knowledge of the origin and history of Researching and presenting a short
some styles of music synopsis
Self, peer and teacher
Recording, Organizing, Interpreting & Presenting assessment of research and
Research presentation
What conceptual understandings will we take up for the following grade levels? (Still needs to be discussed with the Music team.)

Learning Continuum for Responding Nursery JKG SKG 1 2 3 4 5

We enjoy and experience different forms of art.
We are receptive to art practices and artworks from
different cultures, places and times (including our own).
When experiencing arts, we make connections between
different cultures, places and times.
Through exploring arts across cultures, places and times we
can appreciate that people innovate.

The art is a means of communication and expression.

People make meaning through the use of symbols.
People communicate ideas, feelings and experiences
through the arts.
People explore issues, beliefs and values through arts.
People communicate across cultures, places and times
through arts.

People share art with others.

We express our responses to artwork in a variety of ways.
We can reflect on and learn from the different stages of
There are different kinds of audiences responding to
different arts.
The arts provide us with multiple perspectives.

We reflect on our artwork and the work of others.

There is a relationship between the artist and the audience.
We use what we know to interpret arts and deepen our
understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
We reflect and act on the responses to our creative work.

Learning Continuum for Creating Nursery JKG SKG 1 2 3 4 5

We can enjoy and learn from creating art.
The creative process involves joining in, exploring and
taking risks.
We solve problems during the creative process by thinking beg beg beg beg
critically and imaginatively.
We make connections between our artwork and that of
others to extend our thinking.
We explore a range of possibilities and perspectives to
communicate in broader ways through our creative work.

In creating art, people make choices to construct meaning

about the world around them.

We can express ourselves through arts.

Our experiences and imagination can inspire us to create.
Applying a range of strategies helps us to express ourselves.
We can explore our personal interests, beliefs and values
through arts.
Arts provide opportunities to explore our creative potential
and engage in a personal artistic journey.

We are receptive to the value of working individually and

collaboratively to create art.

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