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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of





Ishtiaq Ahmed (1AT14ME032)

M Syed Ismail Zeeshan (1AT14ME038)
Mohammed Shoaib Shariff (1AT14ME045)
Prashanth S (1AT14ME056)

Under the guidance of

Prof. Harsha N
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Atria IT

Department Of Mechanical Engineering


(Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University & Approved by AICTE, New Delhi)


Certified that the project work entitled
Is a bona fide work carried out by Ishtiaq Ahmed, M Syed Ismail Zeeshan,
Mohammed Shoaib Shariff, Prashanth S, in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of
Engineering Degree in Mechanical Engineering of Visvesvaraya Technological
University, Belagavi during the year 2017-2018. It is certified that all corrections or
suggestions indicated for internal assessment have been incorporated in the report
deposited in the department library. The project report has been approved, as it satisfies the
academic requirement in respect of the project work prescribed for the Bachelor of the
Engineering Degree.

Prof. Harsha.N Dr. Narasimha Murthy

Project Guide & Asst.Professor Professor & Head
Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. K V Narayanaswamy
Principal, Atria.I.T.

Name of the Students

Ishtiaq Ahmed (1AT14ME032)
M Syed Ismail Zeeshan (1AT14ME038)
Mohammed Shoaib Shariff (1AT14ME045)
Prashanth S (1AT14ME056)

Name of the Examiners Signature with date



3D printing is an additive manufacturing technique in which 3D objects are printed with

the help of CAD (computer-aided design) software. Different processes are available in 3D
printing technology such as (1) FDM (fused deposition method),(2) SLS(selective laser
sintering) (3) EBM (electron beam machining,(4) LOM(laminated object manufacturing),(5)
DLP (digital light processing),etc.

In this paper, we have focused on the design and fabrication of a portable 3D printer of bed
volume (150 x 180 x 200 mm3) which can be constructed economically. We are using 4 axis
mechanisms where 3 axes are x-y-z and the fourth axis is an extruder.

The process adopted by us is FDM technology, in which different the materials like
PLA (polylactic acid), ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene), HIPS (high impact polystyrene),
etc. By heating any of the filament material to its melting point and it is deposited layer by layer.
Combination of many layers of such type will give us a final 3D model


It gives us pleasure while submitting the report to the department to the department of
mechanical Engineering. Atria Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, as a part of our curriculum.

We give our senior gratitude to our management for providing support and encouragement.

We express our gratitude to Dr. K. V. Narayanaswamy, Principal, Atria Institute of Technology,

for providing the facilities.

We wish our grateful thanks to Dr. Narasimha Murthy, Professor & Head, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, for providing complete guidance, support and encouragement in all
aspects of our project.

We convey our regards to our project guide Prof. Harsha N, Assistant Professor, Department of
mechanical Engineering, for his never-ending support, valuable suggestions and guidance by
sharing his immense knowledge, which facilitated the successful completion of the project.

We are also grateful to Dr. Rajashekar Patil, Professor, Department of mechanical Engineering.
We are extremely thankful and indebted to him for sharing expertise sincere, valuable guidance
and encouragement extended to us.

We give our sincere thanks to prof. Bharath V G, Assistant Professor, Department of mechanical
Engineering, for providing guidance all through our project.

We owe our greatest debt of our lives to our parents for providing us good educations and for
teaching good values of life.

Finally, our sincere thanks to all teaching and non-teaching staffs of the department of
mechanical Engineering, Atria Institute of Technology for their support and co-operation.

Abstract i
Acknowledgement ii
Contents iii
List of Figures vii
List of Tables ix
Notations x

Particulars Page No.

1.1 Three-dimensional printing 1
1.2 History 1
1.3 Principle 1
1.3.1 Modelling 4
1.3.2 Printing 5
1.3.3 Finishing 6
1.4 Application 6
1.4.1 Education 6
1.4.1 Apparel 7
1.4.4 Construction 8
1.4.4 Dental 9
1.4.7 Domestic Use 10


2.1 Various techniques developed for additive manufacturing

2.1.1 Photopolymerization 11
2.1.2 Powder 13
2.1.3 Material Extrusion: Extruding a filament at appropriate temperature 14
2.1.4 Lamination 15
2.2 Motion Configuration in 3D Printers 15

2.2.1 Cartesian configuration 16
2.2.2 Delta configuration 17
2.2.3 SCARA configuration 18
2.2.4 Polar configuration 19
2.3 Materials used in FDM 3D Printing 20

3.1 Flow chart 24
3.2 Selection of process 24
3.3 Selection of Mechanism 25
3.4 Electronics 25
3.4.1 Controller 26
3.4.2 Stepper Motors 26
3.4.3 Endstops 27
3.4.4 Heated Bed 27
3.4.5 Stepper Drives 27
3.5 Software 27
3.5.1 CAD Tools 27
3.5.2 CAM Tools 28
3.5.3 Firmware 28
3.6 Objectives of our present work 28


4.1 Conceptual Design 29
4.2 Detail design 29
4.2.1 Selection of Motor for X and Y axis 30
4.2.2 X – axis Movement 30
4.2.3 Y – axis Movement 33
4.2.4 Z – axis Movement 35
4.3.1 Linear bearings 39

iv Linear ball bearing LM8UU 40 Linear ball bearing LM16UU 41
4.3.2 Ball bearings 41
4.3.3 Flanged bushing ball bearing 42
4.1 Belt Drive and its Types 43
4.1.1 Law Of Belting 43
4.5 Timing Belt 44
4.6 Pulley 45
4.7 Extruder 46
4.7.1 Introduction 47
4.7.2 Principle of Extruder 48
5.1 Introduction 50
5.2 Controller Board 50
5.2.1 Arduino Due 51
5.2.2 Beagle Bone Printer Board 51
5.2.3 Azteeg X5 51
5.2.4 Smoothieboard 52
5.3 Ramps 52
5.4 Stepper Motors 53
5.4.1 Selection Of Stepper Motor 54
5.4.2 Stepper Motor Applications 56
5.4.3 Types Of Stepper Motor 56 Nema 11 57 Nema 14 57 Nema 17 57 Nema 23 58

5.5 Stepper Drives 58
5.6 Lcd Controller 59
5.7 Thermistor 60
5.8 End Stops 61
5.9 Heated Bed 61
5.10 Power Supply 63


6.1 Introduction 64
6.2 List Of Firmware 64
6.2.1 Sprinter 64
6.2.2 Teacup 65
6.2.3 Sjfw 67
6.2.4 Marlin 67
6.2.5 Sailfish 68
6.3 Steps To Install Firmware 69
6.4 Software 70
6.5 Software Used For Designing The 3d Printer 70
6.5.1 Solidworks 71
6.5.2 Catia 72
6.6 Softwares Used For Printing The 3d Models 72
6.6.1 Cura 72
6.6.2 Repetier Host 74
6.6.3 G-Code Interpreter 75
6.6.4 G-Code Sender 75

Conclusion 76
References 79
Publications 81

Figure 1.1 CAD modelling 4
Figure 1.2 printing of models 6
Figure1.3 planetary gear 7
Figure 1.4 3D Printed Shoe and Spectacle 8
Figure 1.5 building prototype printed 8
Figure 1.6 human jaw prototype 9
Figure 1.7 Domestic items 10
Figure 2.1 Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA) 11
Figure 2.2 Material Jetting 12
Figure 2.3 Two photon Polymerization 12
Figure 2.4 Selective Laser Sintering 13
Figure 2.5 Binder Jetting 14
Figure 2.6 Fused Deposition Modelling 14
Figure 2.7 Direct Writing Assembly 15
Figure 2.8 Laminated Object Manufacturing 16
Figure 2.9 Selective Deposition Lamination 16
Figure 2.10 Cartesian configuration 17
Figure 2.11 Delta configuration 18
Figure 2.12 SCARA configuration 19
Figure 2.13 Polar configuration 19
Figure 3.1 Flowchart 24
Figure 3.2 Cartesian type mechanism 26
Figure 4.1 cad design 29
Figure 4.2 Detailing of NEMA 17 30
Figure 4.3 X-Axis cad design 31
Figure 4.4 X-Axis holder cad design 32
Figure 4.5 Y-Axis cad design 34
Figure 4.6 Z-Axis cad design 36

Figure 4.7 Mechanism for Z – axis movement (vertical direction) 37
Figure 4.8 Heat Bed 38
Figure 4.9 Linear Bearing 39
Figure 4.10 LM8UU linear bearing 40
Figure 4.11 LM16UU linear bearing 41
Figure 4.12 Ball Bearing 42
Figure 4.13 Flanged bushing ball bearing 42
Figure 4.14 Timing Belt 44
Figure 4.15 Pulley 46
Figure 4.16 E3D V6 Extruder used in our 3D Printer 48
Figure 4.17 Hot end of extruder 49
Figure 5.1 Ramps 1.4 53
Figure 5.2 A4988 Stepper drive[15] 58
Figure 5.3 LCD Controller 59
figure 5.4 Thermistor 60
Figure 5.5 Endstop 61
Figure 5.6 Heated Bed 62
Figure 5.7 Power Supply 63
Figure 6.1 valves of sprinter 65
Figure 6.2 shows configuration of teacup[16] 66
Figure 6.3(a) program of Arduino 69
Figure 6.3(b) marlin firmware 70
Figure 6.4 design in solid works 71
Figure 6.5 Cura 73
Figure 6.6 Repetier Host 74
Figure 7.1 Fabricated 3D Printer 77
Figure 7.2 3D printed parts 78

Table 2.1 Materials Used 20
Table 4.1 Flanged bushing ball bearing 42
Table 4.2 Pulley Specification 47
Table 7.1 Machine Specification 76


V = Velocity in ms-1
r = Radius in mm
C = Center distance between rods in mm
A = Area in mm2
W = Width in mm
H = Height in mm
I = Inertia in mm4
E = Young’s modulus in N/mm2
Y = Deflection in mm
T = Torque in Nmm
F = Load in N
D = Diameter in mm
Dstd = Standard Diameter in mm
Dm = Mean Diameter in mm
ω = Angular Velocity in rads-1
Mt = Moment in Nmm
N = Speed in RPM
P = Pitch in mm
µ = Co-efficient of friction
σ = Stress in N/mm2


Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

Chapter 1

A 3d printer is an additive manufacturing technique where 3D objects and parts are made
by the addition of multiple layers of material. It can also be called as rapid prototyping. It is a
mechanized method where 3D objects are quickly made as per the required size machine
connected to a computer containing blueprints of any object.

The additive method may differ with the subtractive process, where the material is
removed from a block by sculpting or drilling. The main reason to use 3d printer is for 90% of
material utilization, increase product life, lighter and stronger. 3D printing is efficiently utilized
in various fields such as aerospace, automobile, medical, construction and in manufacturing of
many household products.

The 3D printing innovation is not a new concept as many think. When FDM (fused
deposition modeling) licenses had expired in 2009, the 3D printing became a new innovation
topic. What's more, because of which it turned out to be more mainstream, individuals
envisioned that FDM was the just a single added substance producing system. Be that as it may,
the initial 3D printing procedure was SLA not FDM, and its first patent was recorded in 1980's.
Here is the historical backdrop of 3D printing innovation, from 1980 to today.

In 1980's there was the introduction of 3 primary 3D printing systems. Dr. Kodana was
the first person to present layer by layer approach for assembling and furthermore he was the
principal individual to create fast prototyping strategy. What's more, he made a progenitor for
SLA. He polymerized a photosensitive gum with the assistance of UV light, however, did not
succeed. Shockingly for Dr. Kodana, the full patent detail was not recorded by him before the
one-year due date after the application. the causes of 3d printing innovation can be followed
from 1983.

In 1983 Charles hull was the person to do a patent on stereolithography. Frame designed
the term stereolithography in august 8, 1984 patent application for "Contraption for creation of
3 dimensional questions by stereolithography". Furthermore, was the main individual to make
SLA-1 (stereolithography) machine in 1987.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Atria I T, Bengaluru 1

Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

Charles hull was the founder 3D system Corporation (one of the biggest and more propel
association working in 3d printer division today). Hull characterized stereolithography as the
unique technique which is used for making solid objects by printing successive layers of
ultraviolet curable material on top of other. In frame's patent, he clarifies, a concentrated light
emission light is centered around the surface loaded with a fluid photopolymer. The light ray
which is controlled by a computer draws each layer of the model on the surface of the liquid.
wherever the bright light strikes the surface, the photopolymer polymerizes and changes to solid.
Using the software CAD/CAM mathematically slices (converts into layers) the models. then the
process builds the models layer by layer.

During the year 1990’s the other 3D printing innovation and processes were emerged
during this year. And the introduction of new 3D printer manufacturers and cad tools. 3D
systems make their first commercial sale of stereolithography (SLA) system. And the other
emerging processes were ballistic particle manufacturing (BPM) patented by William masters,
solid ground curing (SGC) was been patented by Itzchak Pomerantz et al.
Furthermore, other developing organizations saw amid the nineties till today - Stratasys, EOS,
and 3D systems. The 1990's were the time of first use of the 3D printer in medical researchers,
who consolidated the way of pharmaceutical and 3D printing and opening the chances to
numerous clients. In 1992 the patent done on fused deposition modeling was issued to Stratasys,
who had developed may 3D printers both for professional and for individuals. The SLA
(Stereolithographic) apparatus was made in this year by 3D systems. The first SLA machine
uses a UV laser solidifying photopolymer, and a liquid with the viscosity and color of honey
that makes the object layer by layer. This was the first rapid prototyping form that had changed
the engineering world and design for ever.

From 1993-1999, the main actors of the 3D printing sector, which had emerged with
various techniques. Sanders prototype (later Solidscape) and Z Corporation were set up in 1996
in terms of commercial operation, Arcam was established in 1997.

During that time where these 3D printing sector had started to begin the demonstrate
distinct diversification with these two very specific regions emphasis that is clearly defined
today. They were very high end 3D printing and still they are very expensive which were geared
up towards the par production for high value and complex parts. This are growing rapidly and
ongoing but the results are now visible in production applications across the automotive,
aerospace, medical and in jewelry sectors. And at the other end, some of the 3D printing system

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

manufacturers were developing and advancing the “concept modelers”, they were called at that
time. These 3D printers kept on focusing on overall development and improvement of these
functioning prototyping that were being developed on specifically as these offices and user
friendly and the cost effective systems. However, these systems were very much useful in
industrial applications.

At the lower end of market, the 3D printers that today are been seen. During this term
there, price was a war between the 3D printing companies with the increase in improvement,
accuracy, speed and materials. In 2007 the market saw the first system under 10,000$ from 3D
systems but it never hit the market as supposed to be. This was due to the market influence of
other companies.

All through in 2000 3D printing technology kept on developing to make lower-priced

models with multiple features. In 2003 there was the new invention that 3D printer was used to
construct cells when Thomas Boland of Clemson university patented for the use of inkjet
printers for printing of cells. To modify these spotting systems for deposition of the cells into
the very much organized 3D matrices placed on a substrate this process were used. The printing
of biological structures is known as Bioprinting. The millennium saw the first 3D printed kidney
working. Additionally, more techniques for printing came into action, such as extrusion
bioprinting, have been researched and introduced as a means of production. Due to which the
organs may be printed using bioprinting and can be transplanted.

In 2004 the initiating of RepRap project which consists of a self-replicating 3D printer.

This open source of the RepRap project led to spreading of FDM 3D desktop 3D printers and
popularity of 3D printers begins from here.

In 2005, Z-Corp launched the spectrum Z510. The first color and high definition 3D
printer. The first SLS machine commercially accessible in 2000, which gave opportunities to
the manufacturer to build industrial parts. A 3D printing startup company Objet built a machine
that could print more than one material, which allowed a single part that can be manufactured
and fabricated with different material properties.
In 2009, was the year where the FDM patents fell into the public domain, giving an
expansive wave for the development in FDM printers and due to the drop of the price of desktop
3D printers, the technology was more accessible and increased visibility. A French company
named Sculpteo was started in this year which had offered 3D printing cloud and online printing
services using stereo lithography or laser sintering. which was another step towards 3D printing

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

technology. A host of similar deposition printers have emerged with marginal unique selling
point and they continued to do so. The ethos of RepRap is all about open source developments
of 3D printing and keep it commercialize.

As the various additive processes developed. It is said that soon metal removal will no
longer be the only metal removal process done through a moving head through a 3D work
envelope converting the mass of raw material into desired shape layer by layer. In 2010 there
was a first decade in which metal end use parts like engine brackets and large nuts would be
made by printing instead of machining.

1.3 Principle
1.3.1 Modelling
The object or the model which has to be printed first it has to designed or modeled using
a CAD (computer aided drawing) tool like solid works etc. By the 3D scanner or by the digital
camera and a very unique photogrammetry software. These 3D printed models were created
with help of the CAD results in the reduction of errors which were found and can be corrected
before printing. In manual modelling process of preparing geometric data for 3d computer
graphics is similar to plastic arts such as sculpting. Based on this data 3-dimentional models of
the scanned object can be produced.

Figure 1.1: CAD Modelling

After modelling in CAD tool the model often be (in .skp, .dae, .3ds or some other format) then
it needs to be converted to either a .STL or .OBJ format, to allow the printing software to be
able to read it.

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

1.3.2 Printing
After the model has been converted to STL, it must be first examined for “errors”, this
step is called the “fixup”. In most of the cad applications produce errors in output STL files
errors like sekf intersection, improper holes, face normal has to be corrected.

Once the file is converted to STL, the file has to be processed by a software called
“slicer” which will convert the model into series of layers and produces a G-code file containing
instructions to a specific type of 3D printer. This G-code file can be printed by using 3D client
software (which loads the G-code and uses it to instruct the 3D printer during printing. In
practice the client software and the slicer program exist, including Cura, Slic3r, repetier host,
pronterface and skeinforge as well as closed source programs like simplify 3D and KISSIicer3D.

3D printer follows the G-code instructions to lay down successive layers of liquid,
powder, paper or sheet material to build model from a series of cross sections. The such as
plastic, sand, metal etc can be \used through a print nozzle. These layers, which correspond to
the virtual cross sections from the CAD model, are joined or automatically fused to create the
final shape. Depending on what the printer is making, the process could take up to minutes or
hours. Printer resolution describes the layer thickness and X-Y resolution dots per inch (dpi) or
micrometers(μm).The layer thickness which can be found can be around the 100gm mark,
although some of these machines such as the object connex series and the 3D Systems ProJet
series can be very much printed as thin layers as 16µm. These resolution of X-Y is comparable
to that of laser printers. The particles (3D dots) are around 50 to 500µm (510 to 250 Dpi) in

The method of Construction of models can take away from several hours to several days,
depending how big the model is, method used, printing speed, and complexity of the model.
Typically, the time can be reduced to few hours depending on the type of machine used and
size. 3D printers give designers and concept models using a desktop size of 3D printer.

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

Figure 1.2: Printing Of Models

1.3.3 Finishing

The printer produced resolution is very much sufficient for many of the applications
but the printing will be a slightly oversized version of these desired object which can be the
standard resolution and then the process of removing material can give greater precision. Some
printable polymers allow the surface finish to be smoother and improved using chemical vapor

There are some of the additive manufacturing techniques which are very capable of using
multiple materials in these course of constructing parts. These techniques are very much able to
print in multiple colours and colour combinations simultaneously. Some printing techniques
require internal supports to be built for overhanging features during construction. These supports
must be mechanically removed or dissolved after completion of the printing. The
commercialized metal 3D printers which very much likely to involve in cutting the metal
component of the metal substrate after deposition. The very new process for the GMAW 3D
printing which will allow for substrate surface modifications to remove many aluminum
components manually with hammer.

1.4 Application
1.4.1 Education

New learning material: often you must want new teaching materials but may not be able
to afford to budget for them. Now their resources can be made using a 3D printer, saving money
on your department budget. When we will be Printing our own learning, materials is not only

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

cheaper but it will be almost always quicker too. Even though students are traditionally taught
through books and theory, kinesthetic learners prefer to learn through using aids and materials.
3D printing which also allows you to bring any of the subject matter to life as the physical aid
to engage all of your students for a very long period of time increasing that their learning and
improving their problem solving and critical thinking capabilities.

Figure 1.3: Planetary Gear

1.4.1 Apparel
3D printing has spread into the world of clothing with fashion designers experimenting
with 3D-printed bikinis, shoes, and dresses. When we talk about the commercial production,
Nike is using 3D printing to prototype and manufacture the very same football shoe for the
American football players and the company New Balance is 3D manufacturing custom fit shoes
for all the athletes.
3D printing has come to the point where companies are printing consumer grade eyewear with
on demand custom fit and styling (although they cannot print the lenses). On demand
customization of glasses is possible with rapid prototyping.

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

Figure 1.4: 3D Printed Shoe And Spectacle

1.4.4 Construction
With the help of 3D printers, we are able to build civil models like prototype of building
or plan structures. So that the customers can easily visualized the models.

Figure 1.5: Building Prototype Printed

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

1.4.4 Dental
With the help of 3D printers, we are able to print jaws it can be a prototype or it can be
a jaw bone which can be transplanted as per the needs. An 83-year-old British woman recently
underwent the first-ever custom transplant of a lower jaw made by a 3D printer.

Figure 1.6: Human Jaw Prototype

1.4.5 Medical
Medical applications for 3D printing are expanding rapidly and are expected to
revolutionize health care. Medical uses for 3D printing, both actual and potential, can be
organized into several broad categories, including: tissue and organ fabrication; creation of
customized prosthetics, implants, and anatomical models; and pharmaceutical research
regarding drug dosage forms, delivery, and discovery. The application of 3D printing in
medicine can provide many benefits, including: the customization and personalization of
medical products, drugs, and equipment; cost-effectiveness; increased productivity; the
democratization of design and manufacturing; and enhanced collaboration. However, it should
be cautioned that despite recent significant and exciting medical advances involving 3D
printing, notable scientific and regulatory challenges remain and the most transformative
applications for this technology will need time to evolve

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

Figure 1.6.1: Cranium Bone Prototype

1.4.7 Domestic Use

The domestic market of the 3D printing was mainly practiced by hobbyists and
enthusiasts and was very little used for many of the practical household applications which are
inapplicable. A working clock was made and gears were printed for home woodworking
machines among other purposes. 3D printing was also used for ornamental objects. Websites
associated with home 3Dprintins include coat hooks, doorknobs etc.

Figure 1.7: Domestic Items

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Atria I T, Bengaluru 10


Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18


2.1 Various techniques developed for additive manufacturing
2.1.1 Photopolymerization
Curing of photoreactive polymers/ resins with laser or UV light (Ex SLA, MATERIAL
JETTING, TPP) [1] Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA) method was invented in 1986 and
was typically used in the first-generation commercial 3D printers. Printers which are using
stereolithography to concentrate the beam of UV rays on the top of the surface of the object
which should be replicated. The object is filled with resin. When light hits the resin, you get a
high resolution 3 D model of the object you have used.[2]

Figure 2.1: Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA)

The Material jetting is one of a unique and the only additive manufacturing technology that
can be a combination of many different print materials within the same 3D printed model inside
the same print job. The multi material is obviously a printing process is very much capable of
constructing functional assemblies which reduces the need for multiple builds. With the
respective ASTM standard of material jetting is the only process in which where there are some
of the droplets that can build material can be selectively deposited onto a heated bed to develop
a 3D object.

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

Figure 2.2: Material Jetting

Two photon Polymerization (TPP) is a promising three-dimensional microfabrication method

that has recently attracted considerable attention is based on two photon polymerizations with
ultrashort laser pulses[2]. It is determined that when it is focused into the volume of a
photosensitive material the pulses initiate two photon polymerization two photon absorption and
subsequent polymerization[3].

Figure 2.3: Two photon Polymerization

2.1.2 Powder

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

High power laser to sinter small particles of material (Ex: SLS, BINDER JETTING)

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) is a rapid prototyping process that builds media in powder
form, which is fused together by using powerful carbon-dioxide laser to form final product. SLS
uses a high-powered C02 laser to fuse small particles of powdered material to create 3
dimensional parts. When a laser where it will selectively which will fuse the powdered materials
by scanning X&Y cross sections on the top of the surface of a powder bed. The model is built
one layer at a time from supplied 3D CAD data [4]. SLS is very much capable of producing
very highly durable parts for real world testing [12].

Figure 2.4: Selective Laser Sintering

Binder Jetting is a rapid prototyping where the material being jetted is a binder, and is
selectively sprayed into a powder bed of the part material to fuse it a layer at a time to print the
required part

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

Figure 2.5: Binder Jetting

2.1.3 Material Extrusion: Extruding a filament at appropriate temperature (Ex: FDM, DWA)
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM): This is a process by which a machine deposits a filament
(Thermoplastics or wax)[11]. On top or next to same material, in order to create a joint by heat
or adhesion[4].

Figure 2.6: Fused Deposition Modelling

Direct Writing Assembly where the term direct writing is to describe the fabrication methods
that will be employed on the computer control translation stage which will move a pattern

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

generating device which is an ink deposition nozzle to create a lot of materials with can be under
controlled architecture and composition.

Figure 2.7: Direct Writing Assembly

2.1.4 Lamination
Layering sheet materials which are cut and laminated together

Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM): In the LOM technology, the layered material is
rolled on the building platform . The material which is coated with an adhesive layer and when
the feeding roller starts heating to melt down the adhesive. After that the top layer will be glued
to the previous one[8]. A blade or a laser is will be used to draw the geometry of the object to
build and draw crosses on the rest of the surface to facilitate the extraction of the final objects.

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

Figure 2.8: Laminated Object Manufacturing

Selective Deposition Lamination: In this process it will involve the layers of adhesive which
are coated with paper that are very successively glued together with the heated roller and cut to
the required shape with a laser cutter layer by layer[9]. When the roller with these materials
moves each of the new sheet of material over the last and repeats the process until the object is

Figure 2.9: Selective Deposition Lamination

2.2 Motion Configuration in 3D Printers

2.2.1 Cartesian configuration
Cartesian 3D printers are pretty much named after the coordinate system the X Y and Z
axis which is used to determine where and how to move in three dimensions and the Cartesian
3D printers which have a heated bed which moves only in the Z axis. The extruder sits on the
X-axis and Y-axis, where it can move in four directions on a gantry. This is the principle which

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can be seen in action on the models from Ultimaker and MakerBot [14]. With the Printrbot
Simple instead of moving the print head purely in XY space, one of the axes are changed by
moving the print bed itself. This is a very easy and simple design, and therefore it will be easier
to maintain, but at the sacrifice of printing speed.

Figure 2.10: Cartesian Configuration

2.2.2 Delta configuration

Delta 3d printers feature a circular print bed. The extruder will be suspended above that
by three arms in a triangular configuration thus the name “Delta” (Figure 2.11). These nifty
robots were designed for speed and they also have the advantage of a print bed that does not
move which could be advantageous for certain prints. The benefits which are obtained from the
Delta configuration is that when the moving parts are lightweight it will be easier to travel. That
results in faster printing with greater accuracy. Most “traditional” printers have a moving build

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platform. This means that the object you are printing is always moving which can lead to prints
coming loose due to the constant jerks and to inaccurate prints especially when the prints get
higher. Delta configuration are much more better in building higher objects like a vase because
the platform is fixed. They tend to be higher anyway which creates a bigger build volume[13].
Because of the way they are build it is also fairly easy to make them bigger (not in width but
certainly in height). When the overall construction is much less complicated and uses very less
parts which will be reducing the maintenance and costs. Because of the arm construction it must
be a lot taller than your build volume.

Figure 2.11: Delta Configuration

2.2.3 SCARA configuration

Selective Compliance Assembly Robotic Arm abbreviated as SCARA type robotic

system has three degrees of freedom and it is actuated by three servo motors to do one vertical
and two horizontal motions. Feeding system for 3d printing is placed to back of robot and it is
extended at the end of the robotic arm.

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

Figure 2.12: SCARA Configuration

2.2.4 Polar configuration

This category uses a polar coordinate system. It is pretty much similar to that of
Cartesian configuration except that the coordinate sets describe points on a circular grid rather
than a square. All of which means that you can have a printer with a spinning bed, plus a print
head that can move up and down. The biggest advantage of a polar configuration 3D printer is
that the printer can easily function with only two stepper motors.

Figure 2.13: Polar Configuration

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2.3 Materials used in FDM 3D Printing

Table 2.1 Materials used in FDM 3D Printing

Printing Bed
Material Description
Temp Temp
PLA (Polylactic Acid) is one of the two
most commonly used desktop 3D printing
materials (with the other being ABS). It is
the ‘default’ recommended material for
many desktop 3D printers, and with good
reason - PLA is useful in a broad range of
printing applications, has the virtue of
PLA both odorless and low warp and it will not 180 - 220 20 - 55
require a heated bed. PLA plastic is also
one of the eco-friendlier 3D printer
materials available; it is made from
annually renewable resources (corn-
starch) and requires less energy to process
compared traditional (petroleum-based)
ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) is
another commonly used 3D printer
material. Best used for making durable
parts that need to withstand higher
ABS 220-235 °C 80-110 °C
temperatures. In differentiating to PLA,
ABS plastic is less brittle. It can also be
post-processed with acetone to provide a
glossy finish.

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Nylon is an incredibly strong, durable,

and versatile 3D printing material. It is
very Flexible when it is thin but it is high
inter layer adhesion and the nylon lends
itself well to things like the living hinges
and the different functional parts. Nylon
filament prints as a bright natural to white
with a translucent surface and can absorb 235-270 °C 60-80 °C
color added post process with most
common, acid-based clothing dyes. Nylon
filament is very sensitive towards the
presence of moisture so taking drying
measures during storage and immediately
prior to printing is highly recommended
for best results.
PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) is an
industrial strength filament with several
great features. Its strength is much higher
than PLA, it is FDA approved for food
PET (Polyethylen
containers and tools used for food 230-255 °C 55-70 °C
e Terephthalate)
consumption, it barely warps, and
produces no odors or fumes when printed.
PET filament is not biodegradable, but it
is 100% reclaimable

TPE filament is a flexible 3D printing

material that feels and acts much like
flexible rubber. TPE filament can be used
TPE 210-225 °C 20-55 °C
to make parts that can bend or must flex to
fit their environment - stoppers, belts,
springs, phone cases and more.

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TPU is an elastic grease resistant and

abrasion resistant material with a Shore
Hardness of 95A. TPU has various
applications that are used inside
TPU automotive instrument panels, caster
(Thermoplastic wheels, power tools, sporting goods, 240-260 °C 40-60 °C
Polyurethane) medical devices, drive belts, footwear,
inflatable rafts, and a variety of extruded
film, sheet and profile applications. It is
also commonly used in mobile phone
LAYBRICK is a 3D printing material that
gives parts the look and feel of grey stone
while retaining the resiliency of plastic,
making it ideal for landscape and
architectural designs. Which is made up of
LAYBRICK the LAYBRICK can be painted and 180-200 °C 20-55 °C
sanded. In the lower range of 165°C to
190°C, the print will come out mostly
smooth, whereas with higher temperatures
it will begin to have a more pitted,
sandstone-like texture.
LAYWOO-D3 is a wood-like 3D printer
material that gives 3D printed objects the
look and feel of fiberboard. It also imbues
parts with other wood-like attributes, such
as the ability be cut, painted, and sanded.
LAYWOO-D3 LAYWOO-D3 which will be created from 175-250 °C 30 °C
the combination of recycled wood
combined with polymer binders that are
allowing it to be melted and extruded
through your extruder on to the heated

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Gel-Lay is best characterized as a jelly-

like material that is very porous. This 3D
printing material is made from a rubber-
elastomeric polymer and a PVA-
component. Once you rinse this material
in water, the PVA component disappears
and the rubber polymer remains as your
micro-porous object. Gel-Lay is ideal for
Gel-Lay creating artificial limbs or body parts, 225-235 °C 20-55 °C
marine animals (like an octopus) or
floatables. There are several great
applications which will very much include
objects in water marine organism flow
simulation and bio mechanics. After
finishing the printed model you will
notice that the material is strong and only
slightly bendable.

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

3.1 Flow chart
The following flow chart shows the methodology used by us in construction of 3D
printer. The first step is to select one of the additive manufacturing process among many process
explained in chapter 2. Then an appropriate mechanism is selected for X, Y and Z axis
movements, considering various factors such as cost of fabrication, simplicity of design,
synchronization, accuracy etc. Once the mechanism is selected the next step is integration of
electronics and software then the machine is designed and fabricated. The last step is,
synchronization of mechanical, electrical and software elements of the machine.

Figure 3.1: Flowchart

3.2 Selection of process

The rundown of 3D printing innovations and procedures keeps on developing as 3D
printing is continually evolving. The 3D printing industry continues upgrading its hardware and
the materials and strategies to make protest or parts. Contingent upon numerous factors, for
example, spending plan, outline or capacity, picking the fitting 3D printing process and also the
correct material is imperative.

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The FDM technology is clean, simple to use and it is environmentally stable. Complex
shapes and intricate parts can be printed. FDM is at the very entry of the market as it mainly
used by individuals. FDM is an affordable 3D printing process compared to other 3D printing
FDM starts with a product procedure which forms an STL file (stereolithography file
format), scientifically cutting and situating the model for the building procedure. In the event
that required, support structures might be created. The machine may apportion numerous
materials to accomplish diverse objectives. The model or part is created by extruding little
amount of thermoplastic material to the desired shape layers as the material solidifies promptly
after expulsion from the nozzle. A plastic filament or metal wire is loosened up from a loop and
supplies material to an extrusion nozzle which can turn the flow on and off. There is commonly
a worm drive that pushes the filament into the nozzle at a controlled rate. The nozzle is warmed
to soften the material. The thermoplastics are warmed past their glass change temperature and
are then saved by an expulsion head.

The nozzle can be moved in both even and vertical bearings by a numerically controlled
component. The nozzle takes an instrument way controlled by a PC helped producing (CAM)
programming bundle, and the part is developed from the last, one layer at any given moment.
Stepper engines or servo engines are commonly utilized to move the expulsion head. The system
utilized is frequently an X-Y-Z rectilinear outline, albeit other mechanical plans have been
utilized. In spite of the fact that as a printing innovation FDM is exceptionally adaptable, and it
is fit for managing little shades by the help of bringing down layers.

3.3 Selection of Mechanism

Presently mechanisms such as, for example, SCARA, Cartesian, Polar, Delta and so on
are utilized as a part of development of FDM 3D Printers. We have chosen cartesian
arrangement of developments, where the bed moves in the vertical heading i.e., in Z pivot
bearing and the extruder spout moves horizontal way i.e., both in X and Y hub course. Z hub
development on such a 3D printer is extremely exact and requires low increasing speeds,
however the bed should be lightweight with a specific end goal to look after precision, which
makes it harder to include a completely programmed bed leveling framework. Controlling a
straight Cartesian framework like this is mechanically straightforward and furthermore
generally simple from a product point of view, which is the reason most 3D printers available

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today utilize this kind of plan. The Cartesian arrange frameworks has for quite some time been
utilized for instruments like plotters, CNC processing machines, and 2D printers.

Figure 3.2: Cartesian Type Mechanism

3.4 Electronics
3.4.1 Controller
The controller is the brains of our 3D Printer. Almost all 3D Printer controllers are based
on the of the Arduino microcontroller. While a lot of variations exist. they are exchangeable and
basically all do the same thing. Now and then the controller is a remain solitary circuit load up
with chips on it, in some cases the controller is an Arduino Mega with an extra board (called a

3.4.2 Stepper Motors

A stepper motor (or step motor) is a brushless DC electric motor that partitions a full
pivot into a numerical of equivalent advances. The motor's position would then be able to be
instructed to move and hold at one of these means with no criticism sensor, as long as the engine
as deliberately measured to the application. Stepper motor moves a known break for each beat
of vitality. This beat of vitality is given by a stepper driver and is suggested as a stage. As every
movement moves the motor a known partition it makes them helpful gadgets for repeatable
arranging. We will utilize stepper motor to move the bed carriage and different gatherings in
their individually X - Axis, Y - Axis, Z-Axis.

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3.4.3 Endstops
Mechanical switches are less complicated to implement and cheaper than optical end
stops because they do not require a circuit board and only use 2 wires for connecting the switch.
Resistors Pull up and down can put close to the main board. Contact-less magnetic switches are
called read switches. They are proximity switches that close (or switch over) if a magnet comes
close enough (usually 1 mm or less) and open if the magnet moves away. Reed switches are
utilized as sensors in home caution frameworks to identify open windows and doors.

3.4.4 Heated Bed

A heated build platform HBP improves in the printing quality of the 3d model by helping
prevent warping. As extruded plastic cools it shrinks slightly. When this shrinking process does
not occur throughout the printed part evenly, the result is the warped part. This warping is very
commonly seen as corners being lifted off of the build platform. Printing on a warmed bed
permits the printed part to remain warm amid the printing procedure and permit all the more
notwithstanding contracting of the plastic as it cools underneath softening point. The warmth
bed prompts higher complete quality that works with materials, for example, ABS and PLA. A
HBP can likewise enable clients to print without rafts.

3.4.5 Stepper Drives

A stepper driver is a motor that acts as the kind of intermediate person between a stepper
motor and the controller. It streamlines the signs that should be sent to the stepper motor keeping
in mind the end goal to motivate it to move. Here and there the stepper drivers are on
independent circuit sheets that are connected to the controller through links. Now and then the
stepper drivers are on little circuit sheets that connect straightforwardly to the controller itself.
For this situation, the controller Will have space for no less than 4 of these little circuit sheets
(one for every stepper motor). Finally, sometimes the stepper drivers are soldered right onto the
controller itself.

3.5 Software
3.5.1 CAD Tools
Computer Aided Design are used to design 3D parts for printing. Computer aided design
(CAD) is where we use the computer system to assist in the creation modification analysis or
optimization of a design. Computer aided design software is utilized to expand the efficiency of
the creator, enhance the nature of configuration, enhance interchanges through documentation,
and to make a database for manufacturing.

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Computer-aided design files in the most genuine sense are intended to enable you to effectively
change and control parts in view of parameters. Now and then CAD files are alluded to as
parametric records. The parts which are being represented as a tree of Boolean operations which
are performed on primitive shapes such as cubes, spheres, cylinders, pyramids.

3.5.2 CAM Tools

Computer Aided Manufacturing, or CAM, tools handle the intermediate step of
translating CAD files into a machine-friendly font used for our 3D printer electronics. Here we
will be using a software which will be an integration of object slicing, Generation of G codes
and M codes, Object Placement and other printer settings. Usually to turn a 3D part into a
machine format, CAM software needs a STL file. The machine friendly format that is used for
printing is called G-code.

3.5.3 Firmware
3D Printer electronics are controlled by an inexpensive CPU such as the Atmel AVR
processor. Atmel processors are what Arduino-based microcontrollers use. These processors are
exceptionally weak contrasted with even the normal 10 to 15-year-old PC you find in the landfill
these days. However, these are CPUs so they do run primitive software. This primitive software
they run is the firmware. The entire software chain that makes the 3D Printer work, the firmware
portion of it is the closest you get to actual programming. In fact, the term for what you are
doing with firmware is called cross compiling.

3.6 Objectives of our present work

The objectives of our present work are as follows:
• To print complex and intricate parts
• To build large printing volumes accurately
• To solve the problems of bed levelling

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4.1 Conceptual Design

The design of the model has to be done in software where the actual model with the required
dimensions is developed so that it can be used to print the model. To develop and fabricate
thmodel there are many process and parameters involved mainly design of the model. The
design process started by keeping the print volume as a basic design parameter. As the objective
of the project is the construction of economical and sizable 3D Printer, a print volume of 200 x
180 x 150 mm3 is selected. The 3 – Dimensional motion is achieved by synchronization of
movements in X, Y and Z directions. Hence mechanism of our 3D Printer is Z plus core XY.
This mechanism uses 4 stepper motors, two for Y-axis movement (to and fro movement), one
for Z-axis movement (Vertical movement) and one for Extruder filament. This mechanism uses
the single motor to control lead screws to which the print bed is connected to the movement in
Z – direction. The lead screws are driven by the motor which in turn moves the bed in the vertical
direction. Two motors have been used here because the print volume is large, there will be a
disruption in the movement if only a single motor is used. The conceptual design has been
initially visualized in Sketch-up software.

Figure 4.1: Cad Design

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4.2 Detail design

4.2.1 Selection of Motor for X and Y axis
Constant speed of the motor = 400rpm=6.667rps
ω = [2πN]/60
= 41.908rad/s
400 = r*41.908
r = 9.547mm
Torque = Force*Radius
Force = 41.87N (considering NEMA 17 stepper motor having torque = 0.4Nm)

Conclusion for motor design

4.2 kg can be pulled over a distance of 500mm in 1second using NEMA 17.

Figure 4.2: Detailing of NEMA 17

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4.2.2 X – axis Movement

Figure 4.3 shows the rendered CAD model of the mechanism of Lateral movement. It
consists of the pulleys, timing belt ,carriage, cylindrical rods, and extruder nozzle (used in FDM
process) arranged as shown.
The rotary motion from the motor in the y-axis is converted into linear sliding motion
and this linear motion is transfer by flange bearing by timing belt- pulley connection as shown.
The extruder nozzle is the main printing part of the machine. For its movement in a horizontal
direction, the carriage is provided. The extruder nozzle is mounted onto to the carriage on one
side, this may result in imbalance and failure of the machine. To avoid this, the carriage is
mounted on two rods and designed for balance.
The carriage slides in the horizontal direction over these two cylindrical rods using linear
bearings. These cylindrical rods are fixed rigidly into the holes present in the carriages that move
in the Y direction. The timing belt is mounted on the pulley which is driven by the motor on one
side and a support pulley on the other side.

Figure 4.3: X-Axis Cad Design

The carriage is fixed to the lower timing belt of the loop, such that the belt movement
results in the movement of the carriage. When the motor rotates in clockwise direction, since
the carriage is connected to the lower belt in the loop, it moves from right to left. When the
motor rotates in an anticlockwise direction, the carriage moves from left to right. To design this
mechanism for horizontal movement, the carriage is designed first for balance, so that the weight

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of the carriage and the extruder nozzle is distributed equally on both the rods Figure 6. The
weight of the extruder nozzle is found and accordingly, the carriage is designed. The carriage is
designed using the free body diagram of the carriage..
Figure 4.4 shows the free body diagram of the carriage. The thickness of the carriage is decided
based on the diameter of the rods. The width is decided based on the dimensions of the extruder

Figure 4.4: X-Axis holder cad design

Design of X Carriage
Weight of the extruder assembly = Kg
L1 = Distance between 2 SS rods in carriage.
L2 = Distance between 2nd rod and end of carriage.
Taking Σ FY = 0
R1 + R2 = 10
Taking Moments about point 1:
Σ Mt = 0
10 × (L1 + L2) – (R2 × L1) = 0

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L1 = -2L2

Conclusion for X axis carriage design

The distance between 2nd rod and end of carriage must be half of distance between 2
HSS rods in carriage Next is the design of the rods. Depending on the print volume the length
of the rods is determined. To determine the diameter of the rods, all the loads acting on the rods
along with carriage weight is considered. The diameter of the rods is determined by trial and
error method. Starting with a standard diameter, a moment of inertia I am found using the (1).
Then the maximum deflection is found by using (2). The maximum deflection should be less
than the layer thickness, for high-quality printing the maximum deflection should be less than
1% of the layer thickness.In the below equations, ‘I’ denotes the moment of inertia, ‘d’ denotes
the rod diameter, ‘Ymax’ denotes the maximum deflection, ‘W’ denotes the overall load acting
on each rod, ‘E’ denotes the modulus of elasticity and ‘L’ denotes the length of the rods.

I = [πd4] / 64 (1)

Y max= (1 *WL3) / (48 * EI) (2)

➢ Design of steel rods for X - axis movement

Bearing weight = 0.065kg
Extruder + Heating element + Nozzle = 0.2kg
Carriage weight = 0.05kg
Length of the rod = 320mm
Total Load = 0.315kg
Considering FOS = 2, The acting Load = .63kg
Material: High Speed Steel (HSS)
Young’s modulus, E = 210MPa
Using Center Load condition: -
I = [πd4]/64 = 201.06mm4
1 𝑊𝐿3
𝑌max = ( ) = 10.18 microns
48 𝐸𝐼

Conclusion for X axis rod design

In order to increase the accuracy of the print maximum deflection in rods must be less
than 120microns, by trial and error method the diameter of steel rods is found to be 7.65mm and
standardized to 8mm.

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4.2.3 Y – Axis Movement

Figure 4.5 shows the rendered CAD model of the mechanism for Y – axis movement. It
consists of Carriage, Cylindrical Rods, Pulleys and Timing Belt arranged as shown.

Figure 4.5: Y-Axis Cad Design

The rotary motion of motor is converted into linear sliding motion by timing belt – pulley
connection as shown. The X – axis rods are fixed to the carriages with the help of holes in side
face of the carriages. The carriages will slide along the Y – axis over the two cylindrical rods
using linear bearings.

These cylindrical rods are fixed rigidly to the frame. The timing belt is mounted onto
the pulley which is driven by the motor on one side and a support pulley on the other side. The
carriage is fixed to the lower timing belt of the loop, such that the belt movement results in the
movement of the carriage. When the motor rotates in one direction, the carriages are connected
to the lower belt in the loop moves from front to back or in opposite direction depending on the
motor orientation. The two motors should be in perfect synchronization for high quality printing.

To design this mechanism for Y – axis movement, first the carriages are designed. The
carriages are designed to mount the motor, pulley and to hold X – axis rods. Since these carriages
are symmetric there is no problem of imbalance and hence the carriage dimensions are
determined by the mounting area required by the motor, supporting pulley and the holes to hold
the X – axis rods rigidly.

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

➢ Design of Y - axis carriage

Standard Dimensions:
Linear Bearings Outer Diameter = 28mm
NEMA 17 Length*Width*Height = 42.3*42.3*40 mm3

Conclusion for Y axis carriage design

To mount the motor, pulley and to hold X axis carriage rod the dimensions of the carriage
should be as follow: -
Length*Width*Height = 170*120*50 mm3
Next for the design of the rods, depending on the print volume, the length of the rods is
determined. To determine the diameter of the rods, all the loads acting on the rods along with
carriage weight is considered. The diameter of the rods is determined by trial and error method.
Starting with a standard diameter, a moment of inertia I am found using (1). Then the maximum
deflection is found by using (2). The maximum deflection should be less than the layer
thickness, for high-quality printing the maximum deflection should be less than 1% of the layer
➢ Design of steel rods for Y - axis movement
Weight of X-axis carriage assembly = 4.6 Kg
Total Load on each carriage = 2.3Kg
Load on each rod = 2.3/2 = 1.15Kg
Considering FOS= 2
Length of the rod = 300 mm
Material: High Speed Steel (HSS)
Young’s modulus, E = 210MPa
Using Center Load condition: -
I = [πd4]/64 = 3216.99mm4

1 𝐹𝐿3
𝑌max = ( ) = 26.9 microns
48 𝐸𝐼

Conclusion for Y axis rod

In order to increase the accuracy of the print maximum deflection in rods must be less
than 100 microns, by trial and error method the diameter of steel rods is found to be 14mm and
standardized to16mm.

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4.2.4 Z – axis Movement

Figure 4.6 shows the rendered CAD model of the mechanism of vertical movement. It
consistsof lead screws, shaft coupler, flange nut and print bed arranged as shown in the image.

Figure 4.6: Z-Axis Cad Design

The rotary motion of the motor is transfer by rotating the leadscrews connected to the
bed by using flange nut and shaft coupler as shown. The torque produced by the motor is
transmitted to the lead screws by using shaft coupler and flange nut. When the motor rotates,
say in a clockwise direction, shaft coupler rotates lead screws in the same direction, say in a
clockwise direction. The bed is connected to the lead screws using threaded couplers, this makes
the bed move in a vertical direction when the lead screw rotates.

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

Figure 4.7: Mechanism for Z – axis movement (vertical direction)

To design this mechanism for vertical movement, we have to first decide the print volume of
the3D printer. Depending on the volume, the height of the lead screw and area of the bed are
calculated. Figure 4.7 shows the print bed, it consists of a PCB to heat the bed which is attached
to the aluminum sheet of area 500 X 500 mm2. To give bed structural stability fiberglass is
provided at the bottom with the help of a rubber pivot.
Components of bed

Thickness of PCB = 2.5mm

Dimensions of Bed

Length*Width*Height = 570* 812 *17

Figure 4.8: Heat Bed

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Next is to calculate the weight of the object the bed should withstand. Based on the weight the
diameter (Dm) of the lead screw is found using (3) where L is the lead and µ is coefficient of
𝐷𝑚 𝐿+µπ𝐷𝑚
𝑇=𝐹 × ( ) [π𝐷 ] (3)
2 𝑚 −µL

Design of Lead Screw for Z - axis movement

Total load acting on the bed = Volume of bed * Density of filament(ABS)
= 0.5×0.5×0.5×1050 = 131.25kg = 1290 N
Single start thread n = 1
Lead =n×p = 1×2 = 2mm
Pitch = 2mm
Coefficient of friction µ = 0.17
Torque = 3Nm
Considering Torque equation: -
𝐷𝑚 𝐿+µπ𝐷𝑚
𝑇=𝐹 × ( ) [π𝐷 ]
2 𝑚 −µL

Dm = 9.77mm
Dstd = 12mm

Conclusion for lead screw

The diameter of lead screws is found to be 9.77mm and standardized to12mm.

Bearings is a device used to support and guide a rotating Oscillating, or sliding shaft, pivot
or wheel. At whatever point a pole pivots, it needs a heading for smooth, powerful activity. A
heading is intended to:
• Reduce friction
• Support a load
• Guide moving part – wheel, shaft, pivots
Types of Bearings:
There are two major types of bearings we use in this project , they are:
➢ Linear Bearing
➢ Ball bearings

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4.3.1 Linear bearings

This linear bearing is sort of the opposite of the radial ball bearings you may be familiar
with. Its Intended to slide along a 16mm linear shaft, rather than to rotate around it. We chose
16mm bearings because based on the diameter of the rod design. Linear Bearings come in open
and close package. The closed ones have their own lubrication and no additional lubrication is
needed while open ones need additional lubrication.

Figure 4.9: Linear Bearing

High-viscosity PTFE filled oil (super-lube) for example shown best results here. Synthetic Gear
Oil also showed very good results. On the other hand, The Gremlin recommends low viscosity
lithium soap-based lube when using bushings. In a High viscosity greases, such as axle grease,
can clog up roller bearings and cause them to slide instead of rolling. This will wreak havoc on
your expensive precision round linear rods. He recommends a grease, NLGI Grade. Linear ball bearing LM8UU

Figure 4.10: LM8UU Linear Bearing

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Bearing number: LM08UU

Size (mm): 8x15x24
Brand: CX
Bore Diameter (mm): 8
Outer Diameter (mm): 15
Width (mm): 24
Bearing dimensions and specification in brand catalogue:
d - 8 mm
D - 15 mm
B - 24 mm
B1 - 17,5 mm
D1 - 14,3 mm
W - 1,1 mm
Weight - 0,011 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) - 0,365 kN
Basic static load rating (C0) - 0,24 kN Linear ball bearing LM16UU

Figure 4.11: LM16UU Linear Bearing

Bearing number: LM16UU

Size (mm): 16x28x37
Brand: CX
Bore Diameter (mm): 16
Outer Diameter (mm): 28

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Width (mm): 37
Bearing dimensions and specification in brand catalogue:
d - 16 mm
D - 28 mm
B - 37 mm
B1 - 26,5 mm
D1 - 27 mm
W - 1,6 mm
Weight - 0,05 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) - 0,71 kN
Basic static load rating (C0) - 0,53 kN

4.3.2 Ball bearings

A ball bearing is a sort of moving component bearing that can utilizes balls to keep up
the detachment between the bearing races.

Figure 4.12 Ball Bearing

The reason for a ball bearing is to reduce rotational friction and support radial and axial
loads. It can be achieved this by using at least two races to contain the balls and transmit the
loads through the balls. In most applications, one race is constant and the other is attached to
the turning/rotating assembly (e.g., a center point or shaft). As one of the bearing races pivots
it makes the balls turn too. Since the balls are rotating as they have a much lesser coefficient of
grating than if two level surfaces were sliding against each other
4.3.3 Flanged bushing ball bearing

Figure 4.13 Flanged bushing ball bearing

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Brand Machifit
Model F623ZZ
Material Bearing steel
Size 3x10x4mm
Outer Diameter 10mm
Inner Diameter 3mm
Thickness 4mm


It is in the form of a loop. It connects mechanically two shafts for transmitting power
smoothly from one shaft to another.
4.4.1 Belt Drive and its Types
Belt drive consists of two shafts and a belt. One of this shaft is a motor shaft on which
electric motor is mounted. On the other shaft, the machine is mounted to which power is
transmitted by the belt drive. Normally speed of the motor is high because high-speed motors
are more efficient. Therefore motor shaft is the driving shaft and the machine shaft is the driven
shaft. There are two types of belt drive, namely flat belt drive and V-belt drive.
In this drive, both drive and driven shafts keep running a similar way. For smooth power
transmission, belt on one side is tighter than the opposite side. In an even drive, the fixed side
is constantly kept in the lower side of two pulleys on the grounds that the hang of the upper side
marginally expands the edge of contact of the belt on the two pulleys. More edge of contact
implies more power transmission
A belt is a circle of adaptable material used to mechanically connect at least two turning
shafts. regularly parallel. Belts might be utilized as a wellspring of movement, to transmit
control effectively. or then again to track relative development. Belts are circled over pulleys
and may have a curve between the pulley. furthermore, the poles require not be parallel. In a
two-pulley framework. the belt can either drive the pulleys regularly one way (the same if on
parallel shafts). or on the other hand, the belt might be crossed. with the goal that the heading
of the determined shaft is (the other way to the driver if on parallel shafts). As a wellspring of
movement, a transport line is one application where the belt is adjusted to ceaselessly convey a
heap between two focuses.
Belts are the least expensive utility for control transmission between shafts that may not
be axially adjusted. Power transmission is accomplished by extraordinarily outlined belts and
pulleys. The requests on a belt drive transmission framework are extensive and this has
prompted numerous minor departure from the topic.They run smoothly with little noise,

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provides cushioning against load changes, albeit with less strength than gears or chains.
However, improvements in belt engineering allow the use of belts in systems that only formerly
allowed chains or gears.


The middle line of the belt as it approaches the pulley must agree with the central plane of that
pulley generally belt will take off from the pulley.


A Timing belt, timing chain or cambelt is a part of an internal combustion engine that
synchronizes the rotation of the crankshaft and the camshaft(s) so that the engine's valves open
and closes at the correct circumstances during each cylinder's intake and exhaust strokes
Design of timing belt for X and Y axis
D=d= Diameter of pulley = 2cm
C = Center distance between two pulleys = 700mm
L = Length of the timing belt
L = 2 (D + d) + √4c 2 + D2 + d2 (5)


Figure 4.14 Timing belt

The ultimate strength of polyurethane = 20.77MPa

Considering FOS = 4
Force = 40N (From Motor)

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𝜎= (6)
Area = 7.703 mm2
Standard width=6mm

Conclusion for timing belt selection

The width of the belt is found to be 5.925mm and standardized to 6mm. MXL pitch of 2.032mm
is selected for smooth movement.

➢ Design of timing belt for Z axis

D=d= Diameter of pulleys = 15mm
C = Center distance between two pulleys = 0.736
L = Length of the timing
T=Thickness of the belt = 1.3mm
L = (D + d) + √4c 2 + D2 + d2
L = 1.540 m

The ultimate strength of polyurethane = 20.77MPa

Considering FOS = 2
Force = 250/2=125 (From Torque of NEMA 23 – 150Ncm)
Area = 12.03mm2
Standard width=10mm

Conclusion for Z axis belt

The width of the belt is found to be 9.25mm and standardized to 10mm. XL pitch of 5.08mm is
selected for smooth movement.

A wheel with a furrowed edge around which a rope passes, which acts to alter the course of
a power connection to the rope and is utilized to raise overwhelming weights.
➢ Fixed pulley

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➢ Movable Pulley
➢ Compound Pulley
A pulley is a wheel on a pivot or shaft that is intended to help develop and alter of course of
a link or belt along its outline. Pulleys are utilized as a part of an assortment of approaches to
lifting loads. apply powers, and to transmit control. In nautical settings, the gathering of the
wheel, pivot, and supporting shell is alluded to as a "piece." A pulley may likewise be known
as a sheave or drum and may have a section between two ribs around its perimeter. The drive
component of a pulley framework can be a rope, link, belt, or chain that keeps running over the
pulley inside the section.

Figure 4.15 Pulley

By and large talking, for best execution, you need no less than 6 teeth in contact with
the pulley at any given time. That limits the possibility of the belt slipping, and decreases
kickback significantly further. By and by that implies you need at least a 12-tooth pulley. Past
that base, fewer teeth are for the most part superior to more teeth, since a little pulley gives both
more torque and more determination. You get more torque in light of the fact that the more
drawn out your "arm", the less torque you have (Imagine the heap is mounted on an arm the
length of the range of the pulley, the shorter that arm, the less demanding it is to lift the heap),
and you get higher determination, since you have a settled number of steps per unrest, and a
little pulley moves a shorter straight separation for every progression. A wheel with a notched
edge around which a string passes, which acts to alter the course of a power connection to the
string and is utilized to raise substantial weights.
For the most part talking, for best execution you need no less than 6 teeth in contact with
the pulley at any given time. That limits the shot of the belt slipping, and decreases kickback
significantly further. By and by that implies you need at least a 12-tooth pulley. Past that base,
fewer teeth are for the most part superior to more teeth, since a little pulley gives both more

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torque and more determination. You get more torque on the grounds that the more drawn out
your "arm", the less torque you have (Imagine the heap is mounted on an arm the length of the
range of the pulley, the shorter that arm, the less demanding it is to lift the heap), and you get
higher determination, since you have a settled number of steps per transformation, and a little
pulley moves a shorter straight separation for each progression.

Design of pulley for X and Y axis

From section 4.2.1 we have the radius of the pulley,
Radius = 9.55mm = 10mm
Diameter = 20mm
Pitch = 2mm
Circumference = 2πr
= 62.84mm
Number of teeth = [circumference/pitch]
≈32 teeth

Table 4.1 Pulley Specifications

Parameter X axis Y axis

Inner diameter 5mm 5mm

Outer diameter 20mm 20mm

Pitch 2.032mm 2.032mm

Width 6mm 6mm

Thickness 1.3mm 1.3mm

4.7 Extruder
4.7.1 Introduction
Extrusion is a procedure used to make objects of a settled cross-sectional profile. A
material is pushed or pulled through a die of the desired cross-sectional profile. The two main
advantages of this process over manufacturing processes are its ability to create very complex
cross-sections and to work with materials that are brittle. Because the material only encounters
compression and shear stresses. It also forms parts with an excellent surface finish.Commonly
extruded materials include metals Polymers, ceramics, concrete, play dough, and foodstuffs.

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The products of extrusion are generally called “extrudates". Drawing metal is themain way to
produce wire, sheet, bar, and tube.

Figure 4.16 E3D V6 Extruder Used In Our 3D Printer

4.7.2 Principle of Extruder

To extrude molten plastic filament, the "Cold End" forces the raw material (usually a
1.75mm or 3mm diameter filament) into the hot end. The feeding filament should then go
through the "Hot End" of the extruder with the heater and out of the nozzle at a reasonable speed.
The extruded material falls onto the fabricate stage (now and again warmed) and after that layer
by layer onto the part as it is constructed.
➢ Hot end
The "Hot End" is the active part of the 3D printer that melts the filament. It enables the liquid
plastic to exit from the small nozzle to shape a thin and cheap dab of plastic that will stick to the
material it is laid on. Researchers have also made hot ends from glass or aluminum. The hot end
consists of a melting zone or chamber with two holes. The cold end forces the filament into the
heating chamber of the hot end through one hole. The molten plastic exits the heating chamber
through the other hole at the tip. The hole in the tip (nozzle) has a diameter of between 0.01mm
and 1.0mm with a typical size of 0.4mm with present generation extruders. The heating is done
by a cartridge having induction coil just outside the tip of the barrel. The required heat is use to
generate in order of 20W with typical temperatures around 150 to 250 degrees centigrade. For
feedback control of the nozzle temperature, a thermistor is usually attached close to the nozzle,
through a thermocouple may serve as suitable control hardware. High-temperature materials are

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needed here. These include metals, cement, glues, glass, mineral fiber materials, PEEK, PTFE,
and Kapton tape.

Figure 4.17 Hot End Of Extruder

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The electronics board controls the printing process, as they are the most essential in the printing
process. Electronics purpose of the designed is easy to connect and used by Beginner, Developer or
Manufacturer. With the multiple quick connectors, these can put the power cables of parallel connection
The electronic board consists of :


Controller boards are the brains of your 3D printer, and their taking care of energy decides how
pleasant or how point by point your completed prints will be.Printer controller boards are rapidly
expanding to incorporate boards with more features that allow for more simplified resolution through
micro stepping. There are also more powerful processors for complex calculations and even boards that
run their own operating system. There are additionally more capable processors for complex counts and
even boards that run their own particular working framework. Here are some types of controller boards:
➢ Arduino Due
➢ Beagle Bone Printer Board
➢ Azteeg X5
➢ Smoothieboard

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The Arduino Due was the first Arduino board to run a Cortex processor. It has a Cortex-M3 32-
bit processor with enough processing power to run serious projects like automated drones to 3D printers.
Being Arduino, it requires a shield. For 3D printers, there are two shields available: the Ramps-Fd and the
RADDS shield. If you choose this option, completely skip the Ramps-FD as it is not well supported and
is only available from overseas makers so expect the build quality and the soldering to not be the best.


It is based on the Texas Instruments Raspberry Pi alternative Beaglebone. Unlike other boards,
this board is actually a little computer, and it runs a Linux operating system. It has a Cortex A-8 chip and
depending on the version, comes with either 5 steppers and 3 heaters (BBP 1) or 7 steppers and 3 extruders
with the upgraded BBP 1S board. Both boards run integrated drv8825 stepper drivers with 1/32 micro
stepping, and it claims to fame is being able to allow your printer to print faster through very smart
algorithms which modulate the frequencies of the stepper voltage so your printer can operate faster.

5.2.3 AZTEEG X5
The acting X5 GT is a 32-bit ARM-based movement controller for 3D printers, CNC machine,
and laser cutters. The X5 GT keeps running on Smoothieware firmware and is depends on Smoothieboard
by the great Arthur Wolf. The X5 GT utilizes the capable 32bit, 120Mhz NXP LPC1769 ARM chip able
to do speedier calculations for faster and Smoother movements.
Configuration is easier using a text-based configuration file loaded on SD card, no need to upload
firmware every time you make the change. Just edit the config file from your or then reboot the board
with the new config and you are done.
The X5 GT highlights the new Bigfoot stepper driver impression which is double the size of the normal
drivers. This impression enables higher current drivers to run on the X5 GT for demanding CNC
applications. It additionally permits utilization of further developed SPI controlled drivers. The X5GT will
acknowledge both Bigfoot and Pololu style drivers.

It runs a Cortex M-3 with integrated A4982 stepper drivers that support 1/16 micro stepping. There
are 3 types of boards available the 3x, 4x, and 5x… the number denotes the number of stepper motors that

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it supports. Communication between developers and the public leaves a lot to be desired. Being younger
than the Stallworth’s Marlin and Repetier, safety features lag behind. Features that prevent your printer
from catching fire are not as developed as some of the other firmware.

Arduino and its compatible boards utilize printed circuit extension boards called "shields", which
connects to the regularly provided Arduino pin headers. Shields can guide the motor controls, GPS,
Ethernet, LCD, or breadboarding (prototyping). Ramps are the best-opted shield for Arduino Mega
2560Ramps have turned into the most famous, most utilized 3D Printer hardware from 2012 up until the
present date. It shares hardware ideas (stepper driver, thermistor, radiator MOSFETs, and so forth.) with
numerous different gadgets. Likewise, take note of that the cost of both the RAMPS board and the Arduino
Mega 2560 and the Pololu drivers has been relatively sparing than different shields and controllers.

Figure 5.1: Ramps 1.4

Features of Ramps
➢ Built on stable Arduino Mega 2560 Base
➢ Modular - Easier to TroubleshootUp to 1/32 microstamping (using DRVSS2S based driver boards)
➢ It has provisions for the cartesian robot and extruder
➢ Expandable to control other accessories

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➢ 3 Mosfets for heater/fan outputs and 3 thermistor circuits

➢ Fused at 5A additional safety and component protection
➢ Additional 11A fuse can control heat bed
➢ Fits 5 Pololu stepper driver board
➢ Pololu boards are on pin header sockets so they can be replaced easily or removed for use in future
➢ 12 C and SPI pans left available for future expansion
➢ All the MOSFETs are hooked into PWM pins for versatility
➢ USB type B receptacle
➢ LEDs indicate when the heater output is on

We here use a RAMPS 1.4 version which is easily available and most effective for the performance and
stability of the Arduino board.


5.4.1 Selection of Stepper Motor
The selection of the stepper motor depends on properties like
➢ Step Angle
Stepper motor has a step angle. An entire 3600 circles separated by the progression edge gives number of
steps per revolution. For instance, 1.80 for every full advance is a typical advance size rating, proportional
to 200 steps for each revolution.
Most stepper motors utilized for a Mendel have a step angle of 1.8 degrees. It is once in a while
conceivable to utilize a motor with bigger advance points, however, to print to be precise, they should be
outfitted down to diminish the edge moved per step, which may prompt a slower most extreme speed.

➢ Micro-Stepping
A stepper motor dependably has a settled number of steps. Smaller scale venturing is a method for
expanding the number of ventures by sending a sine/cosine waveform to the curls inside the stepper motor
In many cases, miniaturized scale venturing permits stepper engines to run smoother and all the more
precisely. Smaller scale venturing between post positions is made with bringing down torque than with

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full-venturing, however, has a much lower propensity for mechanical swaying around the progression
positions and you can drive with significantly higher frequencies. On the off chance that your motor is
close to mechanical confinements and you have high erosion or flow, smaller scale steps don't give you
substantially more exactness over half-venturing. At the point when your motor is 'overwhelmed' and you
don't have much grating, at that point smaller scale venturing can give you substantially higher exactness
over half-venturing. You can exchange the higher situating exactness for moving precision as well.

➢ Bipolar
Bipolar can refers to the internals of the motor, and each type has a different stepper driver circuit board
to control them. Bipolar motors are the strongest type of stepper motor. You identify them by counting
the leads there should be four or eight. They consists of two coils inside and stepping the motor round is
achieved by energizing the coils and changing the direction of the current within those coils. This requires
more mind-boggling electronics than a unipolar motor, so we utilize an extraordinary driver chip to deal
with all that for us.

➢ Unipolar
Unipolar motors consists of two coils, but each one has a center tap. They are readily recognizable
because they have 5, 6 or even 8 leads. It is possible to drive 6 or 8 lead unipolar motors as bipolar motors
if you ignore the center tap wires. A 5-lead motor has both middle taps connected, so re-wiring them to a
4-lead version requires at least opening the motor if it can be done at all. The fundamental excellence of
unipolar engines is that you can stop them without reversing the direction of current in any coil, which
makes the gadgets less difficult. Since the inside tap is utilized to empower just 50% of each loop at once,
unipolar engines, for the most part, have less torque than bipolar engines.

➢ Holding Torque
Stepper engines don't offer as much torque or holding power as practically identical DC servo engines or
DC equip motors. Their leverage over these engines is one of positional control.

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➢ Size
The physical size of stepper motors is generally portrayed through a US-based NEMA standard, which
describes the dart up an example and shaft width notwithstanding the NEMA estimate rating, stepper
motors are additionally evaluated by the depth of the motors in mm. Regularly, the energy of a motor is
proportional to the physical size of the motors.

➢ Shaft
Any part that goes on a stepper motor shaft expects the shaft to be roughly 5 mm Dia. On the shaft there
is a different size, you will need to make allowances for this in the (plastic) parts you obtain. Based on all
the above factors we will be using a NEMA 17 and NEMA 23 Stepper Motor which is a permanent magnet
type stepper motor.
A stepper motor is one sort of electric motor utilized as a part of the apply autonomy industry. Stepper
motor moves a known interim for each pulse of power. These pulses of power are provided by a stepper
motor driver and are referred to as a step. As each progression moves the motor a known separation it
makes them convenient gadgets devices for repeatable positioning.

5.4.2 Stepper Motor Applications

Stepper motors are generally used in a variety of applications where precise position control is
desirable and the cost or complexity of a feedback control system is unwarranted. Here are a few
applications where stepper motors are often found:
• Printers
• CNC machines
• 3D printer/prototyping machines
• Laser cutters
• Pick and place machine
• Linear actuators
• Hard drives

5.4.3 Types of Stepper Motor

• NEMA 11
• NEMA 14

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• NEMA 17
• NEMA 23 NEMA 11 :
This hybrid bipolar stepping motor which consists of a 1.8-degree step angle which is 200
steps/revolution. Each phase draws a 670mA at 3.5V, allowing for a holding torque of 600 gcm. These
motor consist a four colored coded wires which will be terminated to the bear leads black and green
connected to one coil; red and blue connected to the other. It can also be controlled by a pair of suitable
H bridges. NEMA 14
This hybrid bipolar stepping motor has a 1.8-degree step angle which is 200 steps/revolutions.
Each of the phases draws a 500mA to 10V, allowing for a holding torque of 1 kg-cm. these motor consist
of four color-coded wires which will be terminated with bare leads which are black and green connected
to one coil; red and blue connected to other. It can be controlled by a pair of a suitable H bridge. NEMA 17
A NEMA 17 stepper motor is a typical motor with 1.7x1.7 inch faceplate. The NEMA 14 is bigger
and for the most part exceptionally heavier than the alternate motors, for example, NEMA 14, yet this
additionally implies it has more space to put a higher torque. Its size isn't an indication of the power. This
4 wire bipolar stepper has a 1.8 degree for each progression for smooth movement and the decent holding
torque. The engine was is determined to have a maximum current of 350mA so it could be driven
effectively with Adafruit engine shield for Arduino and the divider connector or lead corrosive
battery.obally accessible. NEMA 23
This high torque hybrid stepping motor has a 1.8-degree step angle. Each of the phases draws 1A
at 5.7V allowing for holding torque of 4 kg-cm. the motor has a six-colored coded wire terminated with
bare leads that will allow it to be controlled by the unipolar and the bipolar stepper motor drivers. When
it is used with a unipolar stepper motor all six leads are used. When it is used with a bipolar stepper motor
driver the center tap yellow and the white wires can be left disconnected.

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CONCLUSION For our 3D printer, we are using a NEMA 17 stepper motor which satisfies the demand
for our design and requirements of the 3d printer.

5.5 Stepper Drives

A stepper driver is a chip that goes about as a sort of mediator between a stepper motor and the
controller. It rearranges the signs that should be sent to the stepper motor, so as to inspire it to move. Once
in a while, the stepper drivers are on independent circuit sheets that are connected to the controller by
means of links. Here and there the stepper drivers are on little circuit sheets that are connected
straightforwardly to the controller itself. For this situation, the controller will have space for no less than
four of the little circuit sheets (one for every stepper engines). At last, some of the time the stepper drivers
are fastened directly to the controller itself. Here we will utilize a standard Pololu driver as said by the US

Figure 5.2: A4988 Stepper Drive[15]

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Figure 5.3: LCD Controller

This full graphic smart controller contains an SD Card peruser a turning encoder and the 128x64
dot matrix LCD display. IT can without much of a stretch be associated with the slopes of the 3d printer
utilizing the keen connector included.
After the connection with ramps, it doesn't require pc any longer as the smart controller supplies control
for your SD card. Facilitate all activities like Further all actions like the calibration, axes movements can
be done easily with this Smart controller.


Figure 5.4: Thermistor

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A thermistor is utilized to detect the temperature of the hot end. Frequently a Second thermistor
detects the temperature of the Heated Bed.
Thermistors are the resistors that difference in protection with the difference in temperature. Great
characteristics of the thermistor are an anticipated precisely known protection esteem at each temperature
in its working extent. The bringing down or rise relies upon the kind of the thermistor per degree Kelvin
this is called as its coefficient. Positive warm coefficient PTC will increment as in protection from the
expansion in temperature, negative ones NTC will diminish. The recipe by and by isn't straight so now
and then a precise table of estimations is superior to the direct equation. These estimations can be normally
found in the datasheet of that goes with the thermistors. NTC thermistor for the temperature sensor is one
where has the thermistor chip welded with leads by composite patching procedure and after that
incompletely treated by glass fixing. They are comprised of these semiconductors which will be for the
most part silicon and germanium and these offer a protection esteem can be differed by numerous request
of extents in their temperature run. A 100k NTC thermistor has a protection estimation of 100k ohms at
room temperature and drops as low as 100 ohms at 300 degrees Celsius.


Cartesian axes all that need a datum to reference their movements. At the start of their, each build
each axis needs to be backed up until the datum point has to be reached. The switches also help protect
the machine from moving the past of its intended range and damaging itself.

Figure 5.5: Endstop

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A heated build platform HBP improves in the printing quality of the 3d model by helping prevent
warping. As extruded plastic cools it shrinks slightly. In this process shrinking will not occur throughout
the printed part evenly, the result is the warped part. This warping is very commonly seen as corners being
lifted off of the build platform. Printing on the heated bed allows the printed parts to remain warm until
the printing process is going on and allow more even shrinking of the plastic as it cools below the melting
point. The heated bed which can be usually yield higher quality for the finished builds with the materials
such as ABS and PLA.

Figure 5.6: Heated Bed

An HBP can also allow users to print without rafts. These Flat and their respective heated parts on the
bed will be of many various materials each with different advantages and disadvantages.

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Figure 5.7: Power Supply

The motor plus single hot end takes up to 5A or so, The heated bed typically takes 5A-15A. For a
standard setup with the heated bed, look to a total 18-30A which are about a 220-360W at 12V. for some
setup might be able to use fewer power ones. Switch mode power supplies have relatively complex circuits
that are to convert mains AC electricity to DC voltages that required by the Steppers and the Electronics
circuit. The main advantage is that of a Switch mode power supply is highly efficient in converting energy.

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Firmware is the permanent software used in read-only memory(ROM) in the form of nonvolatile
memory in a computer program that provides to control the device in hardware. It can provide a standard
operating environment to the devices to more complex software that allows hardware to run on the
operating system (os), to perform various devices to complete all monitoring and other manipulation
functions. The firmware is used for different purposes like consumer appliances, computer peripherals
etc. 3D printer electronic devices are controlled by CPU such as Intel processor and Based on Arduino
microcontroller used in the 3D printer. These processors are used in the computer to run the primitive
software. The firmware of entire software makes the 3D printer work, the firmware portion of it is the
closest you get to actual programming. Therefore, the term what you are doing with firmware is called


• Sprinter
• Teacup
• Marlin
• Sailfish

Firmware in the sprinter use for adjustment of motor to move from each time from one place to
another and they are calibrated at by seeing the movement of motor

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matches your setup

// MEGA/RAMPS up to 1.2 = 3,
// RAMPS 1.3 = 33
// Gen6 = 5,
// Sanguinololu up to 1.1 = 6
// Sanguinololu 1.2 and above = 62
// Teensylu (at90usb) = 8
// Gen 3 Plus = 21
// gen 3 Monolithic Electronics = 22

Figure 6.1: valves of sprinter

6.2.2 TEACUP
Firmware in the Teacup is fast and runs steppers smoothly. It avoids C++ in favor of plain C, uses
100% integer math to the given works and very hard to minimize/eliminate long math operations in
interrupt context.
Installation Using Arduino IDE

While in Teacup Configuration tool should be needed some configuration, there might be some
situations where you want to give Arduino IDE a try. Here's the following steps:

• Especially on Windows 7 or 8, make sure you can see file extensions. Where as in Vista is known
to do funny things when they're hidden.
• In case you have an ATmega2570, or -1284P based electronics, also install Gen7 Arduino 2570
will get supported in any desktop.
• Before opening in the Arduino IDE, we must rename the unpacked folder into Teacup and
Firmware. E.g. from Traumflug-Teacup_Firmware-448df5d to Teacup Firmware.
• If you're using Arduino IDE 1.6.x to 1.6.9, delete these folders inside the top level
folder: attic, simulator, extruder, and research.
• Do basic setup like above.

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• Menu -> File -> Save board as.... If your Arduino IDE is v1.0.x or earlier, save not, as offered by
default, into configuration, but directly into the main Teacup folder.
• Same for the printer configuration.
• Menu -> File -> Save configuration.
Then you can open Teacup and Firmware. Predirectly in Arduino IDE. If it asks to rename this file to
*.ino, accept this. It should build and upload

Figure 6.2: shows configuration of teacup[16]

6.2.3 SJFW
SJFW Perl host is mainly based on test bed, but is perfectly useable for printing the 3 D model. if
you have Perl and the Device like Serial Port Perl library installed. This should be available for all
operating systems such as windows 7, 8 and 10 etc. In addition, the sjfw Perl host is the only host presently
to support advanced CRC calculations.

6.2.4 MARLIN
Marlin is an open source firmware in which any of RepRap family to replicate in Rapid
prototyping and it is popularly known as a 3D printer. It was obtained by Grbl and Sprinter and it
became open source for all 3D printer. Marlin is used for a respected 3D printers like ultimate, Prusa,

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and Printrbot for just a few of the vendors who ship a variant of marlin. Marlin runs in 8-bit micro-
controllers the chips are at the center of open source reference platform for marlin Arduino Mega2560
with RAMPS 1.4.
Marlin is firmware can be used in any of single-processor electronics, like supporting for
ultimaker, ramps, and several other Arduino2570-based on 3D printers. It supports printing over USB or
from SD cards with folders and uses look-ahead trajectory planning. Marlin is licensed under the GNU
GPL v3 or later. It is based on sprinter firmware, licensed under GPL v2 or later. Marlin Firmware runs
through a 3D printer’s main board, to manage all the real-time activities on the machine. It coordinates
the heaters, buttons, sensors, steppers, LCD display, lights and everything will be involved in the 3D
printing operation. Marlin implies on additive manufacturing process called as FUSED DEPOSITION
MODELING. In this process a motor pushes the thermoplastic filament into a hot nozzle which melts and
extrudes the material while the nozzle is moved under computer control. After several minutes it start
laying layer by layer to form a physical object. The control-language for Marlin is used to derivative of
G-code. G-code gives commands about machine to do simple things like to “set heater 1 to 210°,” or
“move to XY at speed F.” To print a model through Marlin, it must be converted to G-code using a
program called a “slicer.” Since every printer is different, but we won’t find G-code files from download
we should need to slice by yourself. As Marlin receives movement of all commands it allows themselves
into a movement queue to be executed in the order received. The stepper will interrupt the processes for
queue and they start converting linear movements into precisely-timed electronic pulses to the stepper
motors. Even at modest speeds Marlin needs to generate thousands of stepper pulses every second. Since
CPU speed limits how fast the machine can be moved, we’re always looking for new ways to optimize
the stepper interrupt! Heaters and sensors are managed in a second interrupt that executes at much slower
speed, while the main loop handles command processing, updating the display, and controller events. For
safety purpose in Marlin firmware it will actually reboot the CPU gets too overloaded to read the sensors.

Better print quality in the Sailfish and it is careful to run critically timed operations at the highest
priority in the microprocessor. Unfortunately, not so easy in the MBI firmware. When printing very fine
detail at high print speeds, this can make a difference. Also, while printing over USB, through connecting
to pc in the fact that the firmware returns error messages actually leads to improved print quality. It is used
for support for auto leveling requires printers with AT mega 2560 processors and a Z height probe. Sailfish

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can be enhanced to control software for any 3D printers, for incorporating new features intended for
advanced users. With its numerous features, Sailfish has evolved into the firmware users of MakerBot-
style printers based upon the Replicator 1 and 2 series of 3D printers. A 3D printer’s firmware is the
software used in any printer to controls the printer’s behavior in Desktop. If the software which can receive
printing instructions from Arduino, Replicator G, SD card files, and other desktop programs which can
execute themselves to create your 3D printed models. This documentation of firmware will be able
intended to help you or navigate according to the firmware on your 3D printer, from this basic setup and
navigation of the LCD screen, in advanced coming to adjustments or updates and the particulars of the
diagnosing Sailfish-specific issues.

6.3 Steps to install firmware

Step 1: The first step in firmware is to be download the Arduino IDE from the Arduino website and install
it following the usual procedure for your OS. Marlin can be compiled in Linux, Windows, and Unix.
Step 2: Download marlin firmware source code from website choose the proper version based on code
bases from the given website
Step 3: See Configuring Marlin for an explanation of the configuration file format and a synopsis of most
of options in these files to specify which hardware is in use.
Step 4: Verify/Compile the firmware using Arduino IDE
Step 5: connect the controller to PC via USB cable
Step 6: upload the firmware program to controller CPU

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Figure 6.3(A) Program Of Arduino

Figure 6.3(B) Marlin Firmware

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Computer software is an part of a computer system which can be consists of data or computer
instructions software is all information processed by computer systems program and data. In the 3D
printer, the software performs an important role for sending the information from one place to another
without software we cannot perform any virtual object which is to be sliced and printed is not obtained.
The programming platform is an embedded C and C++ program where C++ program acts an important
role in the 3D printer the specification required for movement and parameter are directly calibrated and
loaded on the controller. the software is the platform where it can create any 3D model by using any 3D

It was published by Dassault system. The solid works are used for solid modeling computer-aided
design (CAD). It runs on operating systems like windows7 or 8 etc. the 3D printed parts were designed
using solid works to develop an assembly of a 3D printer with complete design with solid works you can
print directly to 3D printer, similar to how you would print a document to your normal printer.it can also
give different types of output like STL, IGES, VRML and JPEG etc.

Figure 6.4: Design In Solid Works

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Most probably we are using STL file because it accepts the format of 3D printing and there are many
formats provide more information about the model being printed. It does not require any post-processing
to define data such as orientation, color, material etc. solid works support any slicing software to produce
any G-code for printing the 3D models, so we have preferred solid works 2015 for designing complete
model in this software.

6.5.2 CATIA
It was also published by DASSAULT SYSTEM. CATIA stands Computer Aided Three-
dimensional Interactive Application. it can be used to create 3D CAD models, but this cannot be used
directly for input in a 3D printer.The 3D printer is a layer-by-layer process, hence it does not support any
slicing software. This process cannot be done CATIA, whereas it does not have any STL file to convert
any G-code. this is problems faced while designing the 3D model in the catia


6.6.1 CURA:
The world’s most advanced 3D printer software. Cura is the Eco-friendly to face the slicing
software so that many users don’t know how to realize what it’s doing. Just load the cad model into the
software, select the quality should be printed by pressing the print option in the software. It’s as easy as
traditional 2D printing. Essentially that’s all Cura is print software can get a digital file from any computer
to the 3D printer in any format. so that the 3D printing can understand itself for printing. Cura can be
available free for you to download, but it is also open source. It is the standard software of 3D slicers
worldwide. If you compare Cura to other 3D slicing software, it seems very simple in cura there are many
features available for slicing when compare to other software with limited options and adjustments. But
Cura’s has more complex settings are there if you need them; it’s just been designed very neatly and user-
friendly. Cura is developed by 3D printer manufacturer Ultimaker and, as everyone is know from their
hardware, they’re perfectionists. In the Cura software are almost all those settings and options that can be
seen in the majority of other slicing software. We can change setting according to what we want to print
by changing a few quality and speed options, then in Cura, it’s all carefully laid out and ready to go. We’re
only going to assume that you’ve switched to the printer and loaded the filament. From that point, it can
help to guide operation in the ways of Cura 3D and getting started with 3D printing. Cura which can be
creates a seamless integration between hardware, software and materials for best 3D printing experience

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around it support different file formats such as STL, 3MF, AND OBJ. we are using in our 3D printer is
STL file format because the model is completely designed from solid works and the file format is in STL.
Every model we design for print it must be translated by cura into instructions your ultimaker will
understand. The first thing you will need is a 3D model just make sure export file is in STL file format so
that cura understand it. within moments, cura slices your models ready for print. You can do any changes
required for a 3D printer using printer setting.

Figure 6.5: Cura


The STL file from the solid works is imported such that one or more 3D models are sliced from
slicing software which can produce G-code. Once G-code is done then turn on the software connect via
USB to pc and do the printing setting such that can adjust the bed leveling from the repetier software. The
repetier can directly heat the heating bed and extruder up to given temperature. The software is very easy
and intuitive to use, were Repetier host is most popular for 3D FDM printer. The repetier server can run
on windows, mac and also on the small and cheap system. Add the file which as has been sliced and start
printing with accurately setting which required for printing.

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Figure 6.6: Repetier Host

6.6.3 G-code interpreter

It is commonly used language to control CNC machines. In 3D printer the designed to be able to
run on modest hardware the Arduino loaded with the firmware and is a file format that can be prepared in
advance from design file like CAD files. the G-code interpreter reads each line of the file that sends to
actual signals to the motor for moving the devices symmetrically. Firmware on a printer electronic
platform will be integrated into hardware interpreter
6.6.4 G-code sender
It creates communication between computer and 3D printer and sends the G-codes file to printer
we need to generate the G-code from any slicing software and after generating the G-code from slicing
software then load the file on a memory card if it can support or connect the USB connection via computer
to 3D printer with help of microcontroller it can understand the G-code language and can connect program
on your workstation like,
• Proterface
• Repetier-host
• simply 3D
• matter control

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The outcome of this project was to build a portable 3D Printer which has been successfully
completed. The design of the frame is made robust and compact using aluminum sections. The material
selection of the various elements is economical. Using a single motor for vertical movement along with
a proximity sensor makes bed leveling easy and the bed movement is monitored with resolution in
microns. The drawback in few of the 3D Printer which uses bed movement in Y axis has distortion of the
printed layer at high rates of printing. To overcome this drawback, a new mechanism has been developed
which uses bed movement in Z. The control of the mechanism becomes easy because of less number of
motors and good synchronization can be achieved using this new 3D printer technique.
Table 7.1: Machine Specifications

Build Volume 150L x 180W x 180H mm3

Method Fused Deposition Modeling

Layer Resolution Height 55 microns

Number of Extruders One

Machine Size 380mm(L) x 550mm(W) x 610mm(H)

Machine Weight 8Kg

Power Supply DC 12V, 5amp

Power Consumption 250v, 50-60Hz, 5amp, 600W

Connectivitiey USB, SD

Filament Diameter 1.75mm

Nozzle Diameter 0.3mm

Filament Material PLA, ABS, Thermoplastics

Print File Type Gcode, STL, Obj

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Figure 7.1: Fabricated 3D Printer

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Figure 7.2: 3D Printed Parts

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[1] A. Ramya and Sai leela Vanapalli, 3d Printing Technologies In Various Applications.
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No.4, , April 1981
[6] Beck, J.E.; Fritz, B.; Siewiorek, Daniel; Weiss, Lee (1992). "Manufacturing Mechatronics
Using Thermal Spray Shape Deposition" (PDF). Proceedings of the 1992 Solid Freeform
Fabrication Symposium.
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Manufacturing With Microcasting: Processing, Thermal and Mechanical Issues" (PDF).
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 120 (3).
[8] Freedman, David H. "Layer By Layer." Technology Review 115.1 (2012): 50—53.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 26 July 2013.
[9] Jason King Book Review: 3D Printing — The Next Industrial Revolution, 3D Printing Direct
Digital Manufacturing Pioneers, Headquarters, 27th April 2014.Replicator World, June 2013
[10] Gary Anderson Christopher Barnatt on "The Business of 3D Printing", 10th October 2013.

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[11] T. Prabhu. Modern Rapid 3D Printer - A Design Review. International Journal of Mechanical
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[12] Jabbar Qasim Al-Maliki, Alaa Jabbar Qasim Al-Maliki (2015), the Processes and Technologies of
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[15] https://www.pololu.com/product/1182
[16] http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?1,516185
[17] http://scholar.harvard.edu/files/lewisgroup/files/lewis_afm_2006.pdf
[18] https://www.sculpteo.com/en/glossary/selective-deposition-lamination-definition/
[19] http://marlinfw.org/

[1] Dr. Rajashekar Patil, Ishtiaq Ahmed, Mohammed Shoaib Shariff, Syed Ismail Zeeshan, Prashanth S,
Harsha N and Pradeep Kumar K, Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer, International Journal of
Mechanical Engineering and Technology 8(11), 2017, pp. 129–135.

[2] Ishtiaq Ahmed, Mohammed Shoaib Shariff, M Syed Ismail Zeeshan, Prashanth S, , , .
“Troubleshooting for FDM Technology”, Volume 6, Issue I, International Journal for Research in
Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) Page No: , ISSN : 2321-9633, www.ijraset.com

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Awards And Recognition

I. International Exhibition (IMTEX 2018)

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

II. Karnataka State Level Exhibition (2018)

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)

Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2017, pp. 129–135, Article ID: IJMET_08_11_015
Available online at http:// http://www.iaeme.com/ijmet/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=8&IType=11 ISSN
Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


Dr. Rajashekar Patil
Professor and Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Atria Institute of Technology,
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Ishtiaq Ahmed, Mohammed Shoaib Shariff, Syed Ismail Zeeshan, Prashanth S

UG Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Atria Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Harsha N, Pradeep Kumar K

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Atria Institute of Technology,
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

3D printing is an additive manufacturing technique in which 3D objects are printed with the help of CAD
(computer-aided design) software. Different processes are available in 3D printing technology such as (1) FDM (fused
deposition method),(2) SLS(selective laser sintering) (3) EBM (electron beam machining,(4) LOM(laminated object
manufacturing),(5) DLP (digital light processing),etc. In this paper, we have focused on the design and fabrication of
a portable 3D printer of bed volume (150 x 180 x 200 mm 3) which can be constructed economically. We are using 4
axis mechanisms where 3 axes are x-y-z and the fourth axis is an extruder. The process adopted by us is FDM
technology, in which different the materials like PLA (polylactic acid), ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene), HIPS
(high impact polystyrene), etc. By heating any of the filament material to its melting point and it is deposited layer by
Combination of many layers of such type will give us a final 3D model.
Key words: 3D Printing, Mechanism, FDM, Rapid Prototyping.

Cite this Article: Dr. Rajashekar Patil, Ishtiaq Ahmed, Mohammed Shoaib Shariff,
Syed Ismail Zeeshan, Prashanth S, Harsha N and Pradeep Kumar K, Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer,
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 8(11), 2017, pp. 129–135.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Atria I T, Bengaluru 79

Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

3D printing refers to as additive manufacturing method basically used for making threedimensional objects. The object may be
of any form. The method of making this object is known as additive manufacturing. In this additive method, an object is built
from its base by adding multiple layers of materials to it. The additive method is taken from the subtractive process, where the
material is removed from a block by using the methods such as drilling or sculpting. The material used in the development of
3D objects is mainly plastic, though in recent development there has been an additional development toward the alternative
materials like metals of various composition and organic matter like carbon and its derivatives. 3D printing technology is used
by manufacturers like automobiles, aerospace, dental, medical companies due to the accurate and efficient production of objects
[1]. The 3D printed objects will be lightweight and rapid prototyping of the objects can be done.


There are different processes available in 3D printing technology to create a 3D object. These processes may be selected based
on the use of material, the purpose of design, the complexity of the object and application of the object. The processes are as
2.1 Stereolithography - SLA uses the laser for printing it uses polymers as the printing material [2]. The high beam Ultra-
violet laser traces the first layer of an object on the liquid surface, which creates a very thin layer of photopolymer and then
hardens. The perforated platform will be very slightly lowered and then another layer will be traced and then it will be hardened
with the help of a laser. Multiple layers will be traced until the full object has been printed. The excess material may be removed
to get the desired object.
2.2 Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) – In this process the machine deposits multiple layers of the filament (thermoplastic)
material on top of another in order to create a joint by heating the filament to appropriate temperature [3]. Here the hot filament
is extruded basically thermoplastic from a controlled temperature head to obtain a robust object with high accuracy.
2.3 Selective laser sintering (SLS) – it is a type of 3D printing process which builds objects from a powder form (such as
ceramic, metal, nylon, etc), which is fused together with the help powerful laser. The powder gets melted and compacted to
join the grains together to obtain a final product. Once the model is cooled the excess powder must be simply brushed [4].
2.4 laminated object manufacturing (LOM)- in this technology, the layered material is rolled on a building platform. In this
process, the adhesive coated layers which are glued together by the heated rollers and cut to the desired shape with the help of
laser layer by layer. A roller with the material moves each new sheet of material over the previous sheet and repeats the process
until the model is completed [5]. Then with the help of laser or blade, the appropriate object is cut to obtain the final object.
2.5 Inkjet 3D printing – in this process the models are created by spreading a layer of powder (resins or plaster) one layer at
a time. When the entire layers are formed by jetting, to get uniform thickness a milling head is passed over the layer. The
process to be repeated to obtain a final object. After the process is completed, the support material may be melted or dissolved.
This technology is widely used to this day due to the following reasons; low cost, easy to use, it can be optimized for speed [6].

A. Conceptual Design
The design of the model has to be done in software where the actual model with the required dimensions is developed so that
it can be used to print the model. To develop and fabricate the model there are many process and parameters involved mainly
design of the model. The design process is started by keeping the print volume as a basic design parameter. As the objective of
the project is the construction of economical and sizable 3D Printer, the print volume of 150 x 180 x 200 mm 3 is selected. The
3 – Dimensional motion is achieved by synchronization of movements in X, Y and Z directions. Hence mechanism of our 3D
Printer is Z plus core XY. This mechanism uses 4 stepper motors, two for Y-axis movement (to and fro movement), one for Z-
axis movement (Vertical movement) and one for Extruder filament. This mechanism uses a single motor to control lead screws
to which the print bed is connected for the movement in Z – direction. The lead screws are driven by the motor which in turn
moves the bed in the vertical direction. Two motors have been used here because the print volume is large, there will be a
disruption in the movement if only a single motor is used. The conceptual design has been initially visualized in Sketch-up

B. X-axis Movement
Figure 1 shows the rendered CAD model of the mechanism of Lateral movement. It consists of the carriage, cylindrical rods,
pulleys, timing belt and extruder nozzle (used in FDM process) arranged as shown.

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The rotary motion from the motor in the y-axis is converted into linear sliding motion and this linear motion is transfer by
flange bearing by timing belt- pulley connection as shown. The extruder nozzle is the main printing part of the machine. For
its movement in a horizontal direction, the carriage is provided. The extruder nozzle is mounted onto to the carriage on one
side, this may result in imbalance and failure of the machine. To avoid this, the carriage is mounted on two rods and designed
for balance.
The carriage slides in the horizontal direction over these two cylindrical rods using linear bearings. These cylindrical rods
are fixed rigidly into the holes present in the carriages that move in the Y direction. The timing belt is mounted onto the pulley
which is driven by the motor on one side and a support pulley on the other side.

Figure 1 X-axis Movement

The carriage is fixed to the lower timing belt of the loop, such that the belt movement results in the movement of the
carriage. When the motor rotates in clockwise direction, since the carriage is connected to the lower belt in the loop, it moves
from right to left. When the motor rotates in an anticlockwise direction, the carriage moves from left to right. To design this
mechanism for horizontal movement, the carriage is designed first for balance, so that the weight of the carriage and the extruder
nozzle is distributed equally on both the rods Figure 2.The weight of the extruder nozzle is found and accordingly, the carriage
is designed. The carriage is designed using the free body diagram of the carriage.

C. Y–axis Movement
Figure 3 shows the rendered CAD model of the mechanism for Y-axis movement. It consists of Carriage, Cylindrical Rods,
Pulleys and Timing Belt arranged as shown.

Figure 2 Y – axis Movement

The rotary motion of the motor is converted into linear sliding motion by timing belt – pulley connection as shown. The
X-axis rods are fixed to the carriages with the help of holes in the side face of the carriages. The carriages slide along Y – axis
over the two cylindrical rods using linear bearings. These cylindrical rods are fixed rigidly to the frame. The timing belt is

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mounted onto the pulley which is driven by the motor on one side and a support pulley on the other side. The carriage is fixed
to the lower timing belt of the loop, such that the belt movement results in the movement of the carriage. When the motor
rotates in one direction, the carriages are connected to the lower belt in the loop moves from front to back or in opposite
direction depending on the motor orientation. The two motors should be in perfect synchronization for high-quality printing.
To design this mechanism for Y-axis movement, first, the carriages are designed. The carriages are designed to mount the
motor, pulley and to hold X-axis rods. Since these carriages are symmetric there is no problem of imbalance and hence the
carriage dimensions are determined by the mounting area required by the motor, supporting pulley and the holes to hold the X-
axis rods rigidly.

D. Z-axis Movement
Figure 4 shows the rendered CAD model of the mechanism of vertical movement. It consists of lead screws, shaft coupler,
flange nut and print bed arranged as shown in the image.

Figure 4 Z-axis Movement

The rotary motion of the motor is transfer by rotating the leadscrews connected to the bed by using flange nut and shaft
coupler as shown. The torque produced by the motor is transmitted to the lead screws by using shaft coupler and flange nut.
When the motor rotates, say in a clockwise direction, shaft coupler rotates lead screws in the same direction, say in a clockwise
direction. The bed is connected to the lead screws using threaded couplers, this makes the bed move in a vertical direction when
the lead screw rotates.

The outcome of this paper was to build a portable 3D Printer which has been successfully completed. The design of the
frame is made robust and compact using aluminum sections. The material selection of the various elements is economical.
Using a single motor for vertical movement along with a proximity sensor makes bed leveling easy and the bed movement
is monitored with resolution in microns. The drawback in few of the 3D Printer which uses bed movement in Y axis has
distortion of the printed layer at high rates of printing. To overcome this drawback, a new mechanism has been developed
which uses bed movement in Z. The control of the mechanism becomes easy because of less number of motors and good
synchronization can be achieved using this new 3D printer technique.

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Figure 5 CAD model of the machine

Table 4.1 Machine Specifications

Build Volume 150L x 180W x 200H

Method Fused Deposition Modeling

Layer Resolution Height 50 microns
Number of Extruders One
Machine Size 380mm(L) x 550mm(W) x 610mm(H)
Machine Weight 8Kg

Power Supply DC 12V, 5amp

Power Consumption 250v, 50-60Hz, 5amp, 600W
Connectivity USB, SD

Filament Diameter 1.75mm

Nozzle Diameter 0.3 mm
Filament Material PLA, ABS, Thermoplastics
Print File Type Gcode, STL, Obj

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Atria I T, Bengaluru 83

Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

The authors thank Mr. Deepak Dwarkanath and Mr. Mohammed Murtaza who helped us in the development of the machine.

[1] A. Ramya and Sai Leela Vanapalli, 3d Printing Technologies In Various Applications. International
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 7(3), 2016, pp. 396–409.
[2] Jacobs, P.F., Rapid Prototyping & Manufacturing, Fundamentals of Stereolithography, Society of
Manufacturing Engineers, 1992, Chapter 1: 11–18
[3] Dr. Rajashekar Patil, Deepak D, Dharshan Gowda S, Krishna Kashyap C S, Mohammed Murtaza,
Prashanth S N, Harsha N and Bharath V G, Economical 3d – Printer by Adopting FDM Technique,
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 8(4), 2017, pp. 442-447
[4] Helena N Chia, Benjamin M Wu (2015), Recent advances in 3D printing of biomaterials, Journal of
Biological Engineering, pp. 1–14
[5] Kaufui V. Wong and Aldo Hernandez (2012), A Review of Additive Manufacturing, International
Scholarly Research Network, pp 1–10
[6] T. Prabhu. Modern Rapid 3D Printer - A Design Review. International Journal of Mechanical
Engineering and Technology, 7(3), 2016, pp. 29–37
[7] Jabbar Qasim Al-Maliki, Alaa Jabbar Qasim Al-Maliki (2015), the Processes and Technologies of 3D
Printing, International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Technology, pp. 161–165.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Atria I T, Bengaluru 84

Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

International Journal for Research in Applied Science &

Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact
Factor :6.887
Volume 6 Issue I, January 2018- Available at www.ijraset.com

Troubleshooting for FDM Technology

Ishtiaq Ahmed1, Mohammed Shoaib Shariff2, M Syed Ismail Zeeshan3, Prashanth S 4
1, 2, 3, 4

A. UG Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Atria Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka,


Abstract: 3D printing is a technology where the objects are by the addition of multiple layers one top of another to form a
solid object. Different processes involved in 3D printing technology are as follows (1) FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling),
(2) SLS (Selective Laser Sintering), (3) EBM (Electron Beam Machining), (4) LOM (Laminated Object Manufacturing),
etc. In this paper, we are focusing on the problems faced while 3D printing and solutions to those problems. The most
common problems faced during printing may be Clogged Extruder, layer shifting, grinding filament, Weak Infill,
overheating, etc.The technology adopted by us is FDM for which the problems and solutions are discussed in this paper.
Without resolving all these problems, it is not possible to get a good print. By resolving all these problems, we can improve
the quality of the 3D printed parts that are being printed.
Keywords -3D printing, filament, extruder or nozzle, FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling)


1) A. Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)

This is a process by which a machine deposits a material (Thermoplastics or wax). One-layer top of other layer of the same
material, in order to create a solid joint by adhesion or heat. fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) was produced by Stratasys in
Eden Prairie, Minnesota. In this procedure, a plastic or wax material is expelled through a nozzle that follows the part's cross-
sectional geometry layer by layer [1]. The fabricate material is generally provided in fiber shape, however a few setups use
plastic pellets nourished from a container. The nozzle contains resistive warmers that keep the plastic at a temperature simply
over its liquefying point with the goal that it streams effortlessly through the nozzle and structures the layer. The plastic
solidifies instantly subsequent to spilling out of the nozzle and bonds to the layer underneath. Once a layer is fabricated, the
stage brings down, and the expulsion nozzle stores another layer. This will dramatically decrease the bond strength between
the layers and overall build quality. For example, if a 3D printer is using a 0.6mm nozzle, then the maximum layer height
should not exceed 0.5mm[2]. In the X-Y plane, 0.001inch determination is achievable. A scope of materials are accessible 25
counting ABS, polyamide, polycarbonate, polyethylene, polypropylene, and venture throwing wax (16, 17). Today in FDM
process there are many problems facing by us such as extruder is clogged, extra filament etc. So to over this we have come up
with various problem and their solution by FDM process:
1) A. Clogged Extruder
The 3D printer must soften and expel numerous kilograms of plastic over its lifetime. To make things more convoluted, the
greater part of this plastic must leave the extruder through a little gap that is just as large as a solitary grain of sand. Definitely,
there may come a period where something turns out badly with this procedure and the extruder is never again ready to push
plastic through the nozzle[3]. These jams or obstructs are more often than not because of something inside the nozzle that is
hindering the plastic from uninhibitedly expelling. While this might plague the first occasion when it happens, yet we will
stroll through a few simple investigating steps that can be utilized to settle a stuck nozzle. This problem is due to the following
1) Manually pushing the filament into the extruder

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Atria I T, Bengaluru 85

Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

2) Reload the filament Clean out the nozzle

C. B. Layer Shifting
Many of the 3d printers nowadays use an open loop control system that they have no feedback to the actual location of the
nozzle. The printer attempts to move the nozzle to a location but it doesn’t happen due to powerful stepper motors that will
drive the printer. if something goes wrong the printer would never detect it .and this causes misaligned layers in the print. The
layer shifting problem can be avoided as what problem we may occur and how to fix it given below:-
1) Nozzle moves too fast
2) Mechanical or Electrical issue

D. C. Weak Infill
The infill inside your 3D printed part assumes a critical part in the general quality of your model. The infill is in charge of
associating the external shells of your 3D print, and should likewise support and upper surfaces that will be imprinted over the
infill. On the off chance that your infill gives off an impression of being powerless or stringy, you might need to change a
couple of settings inside the product to add extra quality to this segment of your print.
1) Trying different infill pattern
2) Reducing the print speed
3) Increasing the infill extrusion width

E. D. Grinding Filament
The 3D printers use small drive which grab the filament and sandwich it against another bearing .The sharp teeth that allows
the filament to push it forward or backward .If the filament is unable to move then the drive gear will keep spinning and will
grind away plastic from the filament as this situation is termed as stripped .To overcome this problem there are some fix to the
problem given below
1) Increase the extruder temperature
2) Print too fas
3) Check for nozzle clog

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F. E. Blobs and Zits

In 3D print, the extruder should always stop and begin expelling as it moves to various bits of the fabricate stage. Most
extruders are great at delivering a uniform expulsion while they are running, be that as it may, each time the extruder is killed
and on once more, it can make additional variety. For instance, in the event that you take a gander at the external shell of
your 3D print, you may see a little stamp at first glance that speaks to the area where the extruder began printing that segment
of plastic. The extruder needed to begin printing the external shell of your 3D show at that particular area, and after that it in
the end came back to that area when the whole shell had been printed. These imprints are normally alluded to as blobs or zits.
As you can envision, it is hard to join two bits of plastic together without leaving any check at all, yet there are a few devices
in 3D printer that can be utilized to limit the presence of these surface imperfections.
1) Movement Behavior
2) Choose start point that is closest to specific location

G. I. Extruder Not Extruding Enough Plastic

The software used for 3D printing have some settings to determine how much plastic to be extruded. However, the 3D printer
does not give any feedback that how much material must be extruded from the nozzle[4]. There may be some chance that less
plastic exiting the nozzle than what software expects (else it would be a under extrusion process). In this case we may notice
gaps between extrusion of each adjacent layer. There are some typical ways to solve this problem
1) diameter of the filament is not correct
2) high extrusion speed

H. J. Inconsistent Extrusion
For 3d printer to have the capacity to make exact parts, it should be fit for expelling an exceptionally steady measure of plastic.
On the off chance that this expulsion fluctuates crosswise over various parts of your print, it will influence the last print quality.
Conflicting expulsion can for the most part be distinguished by viewing your printer intently as it prints. For instance, if the
printer is printing a straight line that is 20mm long, however you see that the expulsion appears to be fairly rough or appears
to fluctuate in estimate, at that point you are likely encountering this issue. We have outline the most widely recognized
foundations for conflicting expulsion, and clarified how everyone can be tended to.
1) Filament becomes tangled
2) Low layer height
3) Low quality filament
4) Mechanical issues with extruder

I. K. Extruder Not Extruding At The Beginning Of Print

This is the very common problem faced by the 3D printer owners, but this problem can be easily resolved. But If this issue is
not resolved then it may affect the print quality. There are some possible causes if the extruder is not extruding at the
beginning of the print. The possible solutions for this problem may be due to
1) extruder not loaded before the printing

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

2) gap between the bed and nozzle is too close

3) blockage of extruder
4) grinding filament against the drive gear

J. L. Print Not Adhering To The Bed

The first layer of the print must be strongly adhered to build platform because it will the foundation for any print model. If
the first layer is not adhering to the bed it will create a problem at the end of the print. There are some typical ways to solve
this problem 1) bed not levelled
2) extruder extrudes far away from the bed
3) first layer being printed too fast
4) temperature settings
5) extra materials to use for the adhesion(tape, glues, etc)

K. M. Extruder Not Extruding Enough Plastic

The software used for 3D printing have some settings to determine how much plastic to be extruded. However, the 3D printer
does not give any feedback that how much material must be extruded from the nozzle. There may be some chance that less
plastic exiting the nozzle than what software expects (else it would be a under extrusion process). In this case we may notice
gaps between extrusion of each adjacent layer. There are some typical ways to solve this problem
1) diameter of the filament is not
2) high extrusion speed

L. N. Too Much Extrusion Of Filament Material

To obtain a good print quality the extrusion must be precise. The software constantly keeps tracking the nozzle to extrude the
correct amount of filament material. But however the printers have no way to monitor that how much plastic is in flow. If the
extrusion flow settings are not properly configured then the printer may extrude excess plastic as expected by the software.
This excess extrusion may affect the dimension of the model. In order to solve this problem, the extrusion speed must be
reduced in the printer settings to obtain the filament material as required.

M. O. Gaps And Holes Present In The Top Layer

In the 3D printed parts there are solid shells created to cover the partially hollow interior in order to save the material. For
example, the interior part of an object may use 20% of the interior area which is filled with a solid plastic material and rest of
the portion is air. This technique can help in saving the material and time for printing, while can still give a strong part. The
interior part may be anything but the exterior must be a solid. To do this we must make settings in the software like top-bottom
layers and the infill required as per requirement. However what ever settings we use, we may notice that the layers on the top
of the print are not completely solid. We may notice some gaps and holes between the extrusion of solid layers. There are some
typical ways to fix this problem
1) insufficient top solid layers
2) low infill percentage 3) under extrusion

N. P. Layer Sepration And Splitting

3D printer works by building object one layer at a time so after a successive layer sis printed on the top of previous layer and
at the end we will get the desired shape. The final layers must be strong and reliable to bond the layers below it. if it doesn’t it
will split or separate. The layer separation causes and to resolve the causes are given below:
1) Layer height is too large
2) Print temperature is too low

In this paper we have focused on the problems faced while 3D printing. The problems focused in this paper are Clogged
Extruder, layer shifting, grinding filament, Weak Infill, overheating, etc. The outcome of this paper was to list out the all the

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Atria I T, Bengaluru 88

Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

problems faced during 3D printing and solution to those problems. By solving all these problems, the 3D print quality can be
improved and strong parts can be obtained.

[1] Dr. Rajashekar Patil, Ishtiaq Ahmed, Mohammed Shoaib Shariff, Syed Ismail Zeeshan, Prashanth S, Harsha N and Pradeep Kumar K, Design and
Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 8(11), 2017, pp. 129–135.
[2] Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) Mechanism by Fawaz Alabdullah, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 5,
2016 41 ISSN 2229-5518
[3] file:///C:/Users/HP/Downloads/D-R-516-Banding-and-Clogged-Nozzles.pdf
[4] http://www.egr.msu.edu/classes/ece480/capstone/spring14/group08/MartezAN.pdf

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18


Ishtiaq Ahmed, 2Mohammed Shoaib Shariff, 3Bharath V G and 4Harsha N
UG Students, Dept of Mech Engg, Atria Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Dept of Mech Engg, Atria Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

ABSTRACT: 3D printing is an additive manufacturing technique where the 3D parts are made with the
addition of multiple layers one top of other with the help of CAD software. The printing can be done with
the help of different procedures like SLS (Selective Laser Sintering), LOM (Laminated Object
Manufacturing), SLA (Stereolithography), etc. 3D printing machine have 4 axis in which 3 axis are x,y,z
and the fourth one is extruder. The process adopted by us is FDM technology in which different materials
such as ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene), HIPS (high impact polystyrene), PLA (polylactic acid), etc
can be used. By heating any filament material upto its melting point and laying it layer by layer.
Combination of multiple layers one top of other will give required 3D object.
Key words: 3D Printing, Rapid Prototyping, FDM, SLA, SLS, LOM.

1. INTRODUCTION producing system in which advanced 3D show is

Rapid Prototyping is a procedure of taking changed over document into a physical protest.
a computerized 3D model and transforming that Frame's creation focused exclusively on a
advanced document into a physical object. manufacture procedure called Stereolithography
manufacturing across the globe are utilizing 3D (SLA). Since that time various other 3D printing
printing as an approach to decrease costs, spare advancements have been produced, for example,
time, and deliver better items. Stereo lithography (SLA), fused deposition
By never again expected to outsource the modelling (FDM), selective Laser Sintering
prototyping of parts, organizations can rapidly (SLS), PolyJetting and others, all of which
repeat upon plans on the fly, as a rule sparing a depend on layer-by-layer manufacture and
long time of sitting tight for outsiders to return depend on a G-code encouraged to the printer.
molds or models. From car makers to hardware While there are various advancements which can
organizations and anybody in the middle of, 3D be utilized to 3D print a question, the larger part
printing is an important innovation. Effective and of 3D printers one will discover inside a home or
precise generation of models or low-volume an office setting depend on the FDM or SLA
items can lessen an opportunity to market and forms, as these advancements are presently less
increment item flexibility. This 3D printing expensive and less demanding to actualize inside
technique is used by the manufacturers like a machine.
aerospace, automotive, medical, dental, etc, due 3. METHODOLOGY
to accurate and efficient production of models[1]. The following flow chart shows the
2. LITERATURE SURVEY methodology used by us in construction of 3D
3D Printing was concocted by Charles W. printer. The first step is to select one of the
Hull in 1986 [2], it is an added substance additive manufacturing process among many

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

process. Then an appropriate mechanism is mechanism is selected the next step is integration
selected for X, Y and Z axis movements, of electronics and software then the machine is
considering various factors such as cost of designed and fabricated. The last step is,
fabrication, simplicity of design, synchronization of mechanical, electrical and
synchronization, accuracy etc. Once the software elements of the machine.
outline, and the measure of the plan. They are as
per the following:
➢ Stereo lithography –
Stereo lithographic 3D printers (known as
SLAs) position a punctured stage just beneath the
surface of a vat of fluid photograph treatable
polymer [3]. An UV laser shaft at that point
follows the in the first place cut of a question on
the surface of this fluid, making a thin layer of
photopolymer solidify. The punctured stage is
then brought down somewhat and another cut is
Figure 1.1 Flowchart
followed out and solidified by the laser. Another
Once a 3D demonstrate is composed, the
cut is at that point made, and after that another,
document (these generally have augmentations,
until the point when a total model has been
for example, 3MF, STL, OBJ, and so forth.) must
printed and can be expelled from the vat of
be changed over into G-code. G-code is a
photopolymer, depleted of overabundance fluid,
numerical control script utilized basically for PC
and cured.
supported assembling (both subtractive and
added substance fabricating). It is a dialect which ➢ Fused Deposition modeling(FDM) –
advises a machine how to move. Software such
It is a procedure by which a machine stores a
as, Slic3r are required so as to change over 3D
fiber (Thermoplastics or wax), to finish
show records into G-code. Once the G-code is
everything or alongside same material, keeping
made it can be sent to the 3D printer, giving a
in mind the end goal to make a joint by warmth
diagram regarding what its next a few thousand
or attachment [4]. Here a hot thermoplastic is
moves will comprise of. These means all indicate
expelled from a temperature-controlled print
the total creation of a physical protest. There are
head to obtain high accuracy object at the end.
other scripts out there and maybe many will in
the long run pick up fame, yet until further notice ➢ Selective laser sintering (SLS) –
G-code is by a wide margin the most critical. The process builds the object with the help of
Laser in order to fuse the successive layers of
4.Various Methods in 3D printing wax, ceramic, nylon, metal powdered. The
Different strategies are there to make model. powder gets liquefied and compacted to
These strategies are utilized in view of the many- consolidate the grains to acquire a last item. Once
sided quality of the plan, the material utilized as the model is cooled the abundance powder must
a part of the plan, the motivation behind the be essentially brushed [5].

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

➢ Laminated object part. when the whole layers are framed by flying,
manufacturing(LOM)- to get uniform thickness a processing head is
disregarded the layer.
In this method, the layered material is moved
on a building platform. In this procedure, the The procedure to be rehashed to get a last
adhesive covered layers which are stuck question. After the procedure is finished, the
together by the warmed rollers and slice to the material might be liquefied or broken down[7].
coveted shape with the assistance of laser layer This innovation is the special case that Takes into
by layer[6]. A roller with the material moves account the printing of full shading models. Not
over each previous sheet and repeats same at all like stereo lithography, inkjet 3D printing is
procedure until the model is finished. advanced for speed, minimal effort, and
convenience. No harmful chemicals like those
➢ Inkjet 3D printing –
utilized as a part of stereo lithography are
It makes the model one layer at once by required. Insignificant post printing complete
spreading a layer of powder (mortar, or gums) work is required
and inkjet printing cover in the cross-area of the
5.Applications of 3D Printing extremely conceivable that we will be 3D
While at first 3D printing was printing whole human organs for
principally an innovation for prototyping, transplantation. Due to the special geometries
this is rapidly evolving. Presently various offered by added substance producing,
makers are delivering end-utilize parts and militaries around the globe, and additionally
whole items by means of added substance offices for example, NASA and the ESA,
fabricating. From the aviation industry, to alongside various air ship producers are
medicinal displaying and implantation, to swinging to 3D imprinting keeping in mind
prototyping of different sorts, 3D printing is the end goal to decrease the general weight of
being utilized by for all intents and purposes their airplane. Complex geometries and new
each real industry on the planet somehow. materials offer predominant quality with less
Rather than depending on 2D and 3D pictures mass, conceivably sparing associations like
on a PC screen or a printout, specialists can NASA boatloads of fuel, and in this way
really touch and feel physical copies of the cash, amid the starting of shuttle or rockets
patient's organs, bone structures, or whatever out of our air [9]. In the meantime,
else they are going to take a shot at . 3D organizations like Boeing and Airbus are
printed models of human organs have been a utilizing 3D printing to diminish the
regular instrument for specialists in the heaviness of their flying machine, enabling
course of the last a few years, as they give a them to cut fuel costs for each.
more multifaceted perspective of the current
issues. Furthermore, there is inquire about in 6.FDM
progress by many organizations to 3D print Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM)
fractional human organs, for example, the is an additive manufacturing process, in this
liver and kidney of human beings [8]. process, thermoplastics in the form of
Throughout the following decade, it's filament is passed through a heating element

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

which melts the filament and thrusts time to print. Contrasted with other 3D
thorough a small nozzle [6]. The nozzle printing techniques, for example,
moves in three dimensions laying down the stereolithography (SLA) or specific laser
melted plastic layer by layer in the required sintering (SLS), FDM is a genuinely
shape resulting in realization of final physical moderate process. Once a question falls off
object. Articles made with a FDM printer the FDM printer, its help materials are
begin as PC helped outline (CAD) expelled either by absorbing the protest a
documents. Prior to a protest can be printed, water and cleanser arrangement or, on
its CAD record must be changed over to an account of thermoplastic backings, snapping
arrangement that a 3D printer can see, for the the help material off by hand. Items may
most part .STL organize. FDM printers likewise be sanded, processed, painted or
utilize two sorts of materials, a displaying plated to enhance their capacity and
material, which constitutes the completed appearance.
question, and a help material, which goes
about as a platform to help the protest as it's 7. Design of 3D Printing
being printed. Amid printing, these materials The figure 1.2 demonstrates the
appear as plastic strings, or fibers, which are rendered perspective of CAD model of the
loosened up from a loop and nourished instrument for development every which way
through an expulsion spout. The spout [3]. The 3 – Dimensional movement is
dissolves the fibers and expels them onto a accomplished by synchronization of
base, in some cases called an assemble stage developments in X, Y and Z direction. The
or table. Both the spout and the base are Extruder nozzle is the main part of the printer
controlled by a PC that deciphers the in which the plastic which is in the form of
measurements of a protest into X, Y and Z filament melts and prints on a heated bed.
facilitates for the spout and base to take after The objective of the instrument is to ensure
amid printing. In a run of the mill FDM that this extruder nozzel will have the
framework, the expulsion spout moves over capacity to print anyplace inside the
the assemble stage on a level plane and foreordained print volume. This component
vertically, "drawing" a cross area of a utilizes 4 stepper motors, one for X – axis
question onto the stage. This thin layer of development (Lateral development or Left –
plastic cools and solidifies, quickly official to Right development), two for Y – axis
the layer underneath it. Once a layer is development (back and forth development)
finished, the base is brought down — as a rule and one for Z – axis development (Vertical
by around one-sixteenth of an inch — to development). This component utilizes single
prepare for the following layer of plastic. engine to control 4 lead screws to which the
Printing time relies upon the extent of the print bed is associated for the development in
protest being made. Little protests — only a Z – axis direction. The lead screws are driven
couple of cubic inches — and tall, thin by the engine which thus moves the bed
questions print rapidly, while bigger, all the vertical way. For the development in Y – axis
more geometrically complex items take more direction, two separate motors are utilized to

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

move two separate carriages[8]. Two motors calculated in the mechanical theory. FEA can
have been utilized here on the grounds that be used for variety of analysis, from static to
the print volume is huge, there will be dynamic analysis, from modal to heat
disturbance in development if just a single transfer, etc.
motor is utilized. For littler print volumes, The Analysis of the x axis rod is as given in
single motor might be adequate. For the the table 1.
development is X – axis direction of a single Name Minimum Maximum
motor is utilized which is mounted onto the
Volume 1.85982e-
carriage that moves in Y – axis bearing. The
005 m^3
point by point working and outline of the
Mass density 7800
system in particular ways are clarified in
additionally areas. This system is intended
for exactness, the stepper motors utilized is Von Mises 9.00429e- 1.14285MP
having determination of 0.36o, i.e., 1000 Stress 5Mpa a
steps per revolution which provides high Displacemen 0 mm 0.0046861
precision, the mechanism used for movement t mm
in Z – axis provides precision, ease of control Safety 8 ul 8 ul
and easy synchronization Factor
X Reaction 0.00061859
Force 9
Y Reaction 20.2494
Z Reaction -2.5155e-
Force 005
Equivalent 2.26962e- 3.56398e-
Strain 009 006
➢ Stress:
The figure 1.3 demonstrates the reaction
force and the stress acting in the bars, the
response powers are acting close to the
limitations given where the most extreme
Figure 1.2: CAD model of the Printer pressure is created close to the settled district
and close to where the heap is acting from the
8. FEA ANALYSIS OF 3D PRINTER carriage. The most extreme stress and the
FEA analysis forms a very important base stress created is given in the table 1.1.
procedure in developing a new machine. FEA
software can easy to use and has a
tremendous amount of power to calculate
stress and displacement for the complex
shapes and sizes which is difficult to be

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

strain value allows us to select a suitable

diameter for the rod and to select the material
for the rod. Since the displacement and the
stress is minimum for the selected material
which can be used for the development of the

Figure 1.3: Von-Mises Stress for x-axis

➢ Displacement:
For a successful design, the displacement
has to be minimum, the rod has been selected
in such a way that the displacement has to be
Figure 1.5: Strain for x-axis rods
minimum. Thus the rod is selected as per the
Theoretical calculation and then Analyzed. In
figure 1.4, the maximum displacement is near
This machine is intended for accuracy.
the carriage where the load of 30N is acting
Utilizing a solitary motor for vertical
on it. The rods selected for the x axis is able
development makes Bed leveling simple and
to withstand the load and thus the material
the bed development can be observed with
and diameter can be selected as per analysis
determination in microns. In some machines,
the extruder nozzle is made to move in Z –
axis direction and bed is made to move in Y
– axis direction, these mechanisms face
problem of mutilation of printed parts while
printing at high rates because of fast
development of bed in Y – hub bearing. The
outcome of this paper was to build a portable
3D Printer which has been successfully
completed. The design of the frame is made
robust and compact using aluminum sections.
The material selection of the various
Figure 1.4: Displacement pattern for x- elements is economical. Using a single
axis rods motor for vertical movement along with a
➢ Strain: proximity sensor makes bed leveling easy
and the bed movement is monitored with
The Hooke’s law stated that stress is directly
resolution in microns. The drawback in few
proportional to strain, in the figure 5, the
of the 3D Printer which uses bed movement
Strain is as low as 3.56398e-006. This low

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Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

in Y axis has distortion of the printed layer at Manufacturing, International Scholarly

high rates of printing. To overcome this Research Network, pp 1–10
drawback, a new mechanism has been [7] T. Prabhu. Modern Rapid 3D Printer - A
developed which uses bed movement in Z. Design Review. International Journal of
The control of the mechanism becomes easy Mechanical Engineering and Technology,
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Department of Mechanical Engineering, Atria I T, Bengaluru 96

Design and Fabrication of Portable 3D Printer 2017-18

Mr. Ishtiaq Ahmed, UG Students, Dept of Mr. Mohammed Shoaib Shariff, UG

Mech, Atria Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Students, Dept of Mech, Atria Institute of Technology,
Karnataka, INDIA Bengaluru, Karnataka, INDIA

Mr. Harsha N, Associate Professor. Dept of

Mr. Bharath V G, Associate Professor. Dept Mechanical, Atria Institute of Technology, Bengaluru,
of Mechanical, Atria Institute of Technology, KARNATAKA, INDIA.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Atria I T, Bengaluru 97

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