IMPORTANCE of Hypothesis
IMPORTANCE of Hypothesis
IMPORTANCE of Hypothesis
IMPORTANCE of Hypothesis
Some of the factors responsible for the importance of hypothesis are discussed as
There are various types of social problems which are complex in nature. For this
research is very difficult. We cannot cover it with a single technique but it requires
many techniques. These techniques are due to hypothesis provided to a
A Researcher during study will take the observations and facts which are
accordance to the condition and situation. While drop out the irrelevant facts from
his study. This separation is due to hypothesis formulation which keeps away
relevant observation from irrelevant.
During study a researcher come across many factors but he confined himself to
the selection of required facts through formulation of hypothesis. Hypothesis helps
him in selection of relevant facts regarding to the problematic situation.
Direction of Research
Hypothesis acts as a guide master in research. It gives new knowledge and
direction to a researcher. It directs a scientist to know about the problematic
situation and its causes.
Acts as a Guide
Hypothesis gives new ways and direction to a researcher. It acts as a guide and a
leader in various organizations or society. It is like the investigator’s eye.
Hypothesis save time, money and energy of a researcher because it is a guide for
him and help him in saving these basic things.
Hypothesis provides the basis of proper Data Collection Relevant and correct
information collected by a researcher is the main function of a good formulated
Proper Conclusion
A proper formulated hypothesis may lead to a good reasonable, utilized and proper
conclusion. If the hypothesis is better than the conclusions drawn by a researcher
would be better for solution of a problem.