Timing of Getting Property
Timing of Getting Property
Timing of Getting Property
Timing of Getting Property & Car :- All of you want to know about
timing of getting property & mostly CAR or when will you buy a
beautiful car but most of them don’t understand that they have condition to
get a car or property in their chart or not. So in this article I’ve written about
Timing of getting property & car with condition of dasha period.
4th house control your home,land,property, vehicle or any type of convenience
where you feel comfortable & happy. Now to find out particular time to get
property, vimsottari dasha is very helpful and after that you have to cross check
with jaimini chara dasha if both dasha system match ie show same year then
you’ve to final check with yearly transit chart to find out actual week or month
for getting property.
————————— BIRTH CHART Condition————————
1> If any raj yoga happen in 4th house that planetry dasha period u can get
property or vehicle.
2> If 4th lord creates any raj yoga in particular house with other planets that
planetary dasha period you can gain property or vehicle.
3> If there is no raj yoga happen in 4th house bt 4th lord exalt in particular
house or good position in particular house can show timing of getting property
or car vehicle of that planetary dasha period.
Once you find out favourable planetary dasha & antar dasha period you have to
check that planets condition in NAVAMSHA CHART(D9 chart) because D9
chart is the fruits of birth chart. If these planets are well placed & strong enough
or create any raj yoga in D9 chart that gives strong clue to getting property of
that particular planets dasha & antar dasha period but its manadetory to check
most important divisional chart D4 for property & D16 for vehicle chart .
[Note:- if u don’t get any clue through D1 & D9 chart then also u can get
information through D4 & D16 chart.]
3> Karka of D4 chart is MARS, so u’ve to see mars condition if mars is well
placed & any how connected with 4th or 1st lord in good sign of particular
house can show property at their dasha & antar dasha period.
4> If any conjunction happen in 4th house of D1 chart & if that planetary
conjunction also happen in 1st or 4th house D4 chart, ths planets gives u strong
indication of getting property at thr dasha & antar dasha period.
2> If there any raj yoga happen with 4th or 1st lord in D16 chart that planetary
dasha period u’ll get CAR or any vehicle .
3> Karka of D16 chart is VENUS, so u’ve to see VENUS condition if venus is
well placed & any how connected with 4th , 11th or 1st lord in good sign of
particular house can show property at their dasha & antar dasha period.
4> If any conjunction happen in 4th house of D1 chart & if that planetary
conjunction also happen in 1st or 4th house D16 chart, these planets gives u
strong indication of getting property at their dasha & antar dasha period.
2> If MK creates jaimini raj yoga in D1 & also in D4 chart will 100% give you
property at their chara dasha period.
3> Now if you find nothing then see which chara dasha you are going through
make that chara dasha rasi sign to 1st house & see 4th house of this new created
chart , are there any jaimini raj yoga happen in 4th house that ‘ll give you strong
indication of getting property at their chara dasha & antar dasha, You can apply
this technique same as for vimsottari dasha.
D16 CHART :-
You’ve to see Venus condition in D16 chart.
1> If venus/Jupiter of D1 is placed in 1st or 4th house can show or create
jaimini raj yoga can give you car or any vehicle at their chara dasha period.
2> If venus/jupiter creates jaimini raj yoga in D1 & also in D16 chart will 100%
give you car or any vehicle at their chara dasha period.
3> Now if you find nothing then see which chara dasha you are going through
make that chara dasha rasi sign to 1st house & see 4th house of this newly
created chart , are there any jaimini raj yoga happen in 4th house that ‘ll give
you strong indication of getting car at their chara dasha & antar dasha, You can
apply this technique same as for vimsottari dasha.
Now once you find out favourable vimsottari dasha & antar dasha which is also
match in yearly basis with jaimini chara dasha then you note down that year &
see your yearly transit chart.
Transit chart:- In this chart you’ve to see Jupiter , Saturn , Mars & Venus
condition to pinpoint the week & month of that particular year.Lets say double
transits of Jupiter Saturn aspect to your 4th house or placed in 4th house or
aspect to your 4th lord & mars/venus is passing through your 4th house or 11th
house or 2nd house at that week or month you’ll gain PROPERTY or CAR.
—————————————————————————–WHEN I
Buying any property of making a house is a major event in life of a
middle class person.Signified the role of the 4th house in the horoscope in
judging property-related matters.The native will enjoy the full happiness
of the house should the lord of the fourth house be in the 4th house and
the ascendant lord be also there and receives aspect by a benefic planet.If
the lord of the 4th house is placed in its own sign or own “Navamsha” and
in its own sign of exaltation, the native gets the comforts of having land,
conveyance, house and musical instruments.In the event of the lord of the
10th house together with the lord of the 4th house being placed in Kendra
(quadrant) or a “trikona” (trine), the native’s house should be adorned
with a boundary and the house will be worthy of a king.
“If Mercury is in the 4th house the house would be artistic, Moon gives a
new house. Jupiter gives a strong and durable house. Sun and “Ketu” give
flimsy houses, Saturn and “Rahu” give an old house, Venus gives a lovely
house and Mars gives a building prone to fire.”Moon and Venus in the 4th
house give a multistoried house.
Planets in exaltation in the 4th house also give a multistoried house.
“Ketu” and Mars give a brick house.
Jupiter gives a house of timber.
Sun gives a hut of grass.
Lord of the 9th house in the “Kendra”, the 4th lord in its own sign,
exaltation or friendly sign or exalted planet in the 4th house gives a
beautiful house.
If benefic planets are in the 3rd house and the 4th lord and lord of
“Navamsha” of 4th house are strong, it gives a multistoried house with a
compound wall.If the 4th lord and the 10th lord are with Moon and
Saturn, they give a most pleasing house.
If “lagna” lord and the 4th lord are in the 4th house they indicate gain of
house in most unexpected manner.
If the 4th lord is in the 10th house and the 10th lord is in 4th house with
strong Mars, it opens up the possibility of owning much property.
If the respective lords of the 4th house and the 10th house are strong and
friendly, they open the possibility of much landed property.
If the 4th lord is strong and is placed in its own house or is placed in the
3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th houses and is receiving the aspect of benefic
planets, there is a possibility of gaining much property.
The dasa of Jupiter, Venus and Mars are generally good for buying
If the 4rth sub lord is significator of 3 5 8 12 houses the native will not be
able to have a house .
If the 4th house sub lord is significator of 4 8 11 & 8th sub lord is
connected with 4 6 11 native will get paternal property.
If the 4th cuspal sub lord is related to 3 5 10 & 4th sub lord is a dual
planet or in dual sign native has to change his residence frequently ..
Loss of Property:- There are some astrological combinations which may
lead to loss of property. Some of these combinations may be as under:
If the 4th lord is placed in the 3rd house with favourable aspects of
planets, a person acquires very little immovable property. Such 4th lord is
capable of depriving a person of his meager possessions. Greater
afflictions cause greater loss.
The lord of 4th house if placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th house with affliction
to “lagna” lord, may be responsible for property loss through government
If the lord of the 4th house is in the 8th house and is afflicted or
debilitated, it can deprive a person of his land and house.
A person may lose landed property by royal or government decree if the
lord of the 4th house is debilitated and is with Sun.
How to Judge Planetary Time Period :-
How to Judge Planetary Time Period :- Every person in his life is
always going through planetary time period (mahadasha) &
subperiod(antar dasha) but question is how to judge your planetary dasha
& antar dasha period, Will you get good or bad or mixed result in your
planetary dasha & antar dasha period.
Step 1> look at the position of your dasha planet. Is that planet exalted or
debilitated or friendly or enemy sign based on that you’ll get good or bad
or mixed result.
Step 3> If your dasha lord functional benefic according to your ascendant
ie if that dasha planet lord controls your 1st or 5th or 9th house of birth
chart or any one of your kendra house then that planet dasha you’ll get
good result. If any planet is controlling your 1st house as well as dustana
house(6th or 8th) then this planet will not consider as malefic or bad.
Step 4>If your dasha lord free from any malefic aspect & malefic planets
conjunction, can only give his own house signficant & placement result.
Step 5> If your dasha lord is exalted in kendra or trikone house mostly
give good result.
Step 6> If that dasha lord is debilitated in Divisional chart like D9,D10 &
D3 chart can create problem later in his time period.
Step 7>If that dasha lord is exalted or in friendly rashi sign bt antar dasha
lord is in enemy sign & its 6th/8th/12th place from dasha lord can create
Step 8>If that dasha lord is exalted or frndly sign bt antar dasha lord is in
frndly sign or exalted & its kendra or trikone place from dasha lord, ‘ll
give good result.
Step 9>If that dasha lord is exalted or frndly sign bt antar dasha lord is
debilitated & its 3rd or 11th place from dasha lord ‘ll give mixed result
bcs antrar dasha lord is in upachaya house(batter with time).
Step 11> Dasha planet kp house significant -1,4,7,10 or 1,9,5 give good
Step 14> Malefic planets is exalted in trikone bt if controls your dustana
house not always give good result at their dasha or antar dasha period.
Step 15> If your dasha/antar dasha lord is exalted but if that planet
influence by malefic then the good result will decrease.
Step 16> If kendra house lord in kendra house not always give good result
see they are in dagdha rashi / controlling dagdha rasi or not.
Step 17> You’ve to see are they created any kind of planetary war or with
function malefic in kendra that can create problem in their dasha period.
Step 18> Functional malefic dasha lord if placed in upchaya house then
it’ll give good result better with time depends on his house placement rasi
Step 19> Something ‘ll definitely happen related with your health/destiny
good or bad when you’ll be going through of your lagna lord and Atma
karka dasha period. Good or bad depends on their house placment &
many more that I’ve already discussed in previous step.
Step 20> When you’ll be going through Amatya karka dasha period
something related with career will definitely happen. Good or bad
depends on their house placment & many more that I’ve already
discussed in previous step.
Step 21> How many points that your dasha lord planet got in
ASTAKVARGA chart & how many rupa & virupa based on that also u
can judge.
Step 22> See which house your dasha lord is placed & how many points
that house got in SARVASTAKAVARGA chart.
Step 23> See your 1st house rashi sign number, count that number of
house from 1st house. The house you’ll get that house condition you’ve to
fulfilled anyway any how with your will or without your will & their
planets degrees are more important in your birth chart.
—————————–***Kp chart secret***————————–
A planet gives result at their dasha period based on:-
24> That planet’s naksatra lord house placement condition first.
26> That planet’s naksatra lord own controlling house condition third.