Estimation of The Viscosity

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4: Estimation of the Viscosity - Engineering LibreTexts


The absolute viscosity of many fluids relatively doesn't change with the pressure but very sensitive to temperature. For isothermal
flow, the viscosity can be considered constant in many cases. The variations of air and water as a function of the temperature at
atmospheric pressure are plotted in Figures 1.8 and 1.9.
Some common materials (pure and mixture) have expressions that provide an estimate. For many gases, Sutherland's equation is used
and according to the literature, provides reasonable of −40°C to 1600°C .
0.555T i0 + S uth T 3

μ = μ0 ( )2 (
0.555T in + S uth T0

μ viscosity at input temperature, T
μ0 reference viscosity at reference temperature, \(T_{i0})
T in input temperature in degrees Kelvin
T i0 reference temperature in degrees Kelvin
S uth Sutherland's constant (presented in Table 1.1)

Example 1.3
Calculate the viscosity of air at 800K based on Sutherland's equation. Use the data provide in Table 1.1.

Solution 1.3
Applying the constants from Suthelnd's table provides

0.555 × 524.07 + 120 800 2 N sec

μ = 0.00001827 × ×( )   ∼ 2.51 10 [ ] (
0.555 × 800 + 120 524.07 m

N sec
The observed viscosity is about ∼ 3.710
[ ] .

Table 1.2 Viscosity of selected gases.

Substance Chemical formula Temperature, T ∘

[ C] N sec
Viscosity, [ ]

i − C4 H10 23 0.0000076

C H4 20 0.0000109

Oxygen O2 20 0.0000203

Mercury Vapor Hg 380 0.0000654

Table 1.3 Viscosity of selected liquids.… 1/8
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Substance Chemical formula Temperature, T ∘

[ C] N sec
Viscosity, [ ]

(C2 H5 )O 20 0.000245

C6 H6 20 0.000647

Br2 26 0.000946

C2 H5 OH 20 0.001194

Hg 25 0.001547

H2 S O4 25 0.01915

Olive Oil 25 0.084

Castor Oil 25 0.986

Clucuse 25 5-20

Corn Oil 20 0.072

SAE 30 - 0.15-0.200

SAE 50 ∼ 25 C


SAE 70 ∼ 25 C


Ketchup ∼ 20 C


Ketchup ∼ 25 C


Benzene ∼ 20 C


Firm glass - ∼ 1 × 10

Glycerol 20 1.069

Fig. 1.10. Liquid metals' viscosity as a function of the temperature.

Liquid metal can be considered as a Newtonian fluid for many applications. Furthermore, many aluminum alloys are behaving as a
Newtonian liquid until the first solidification appears (assuming steady state thermodynamics properties). Even when there is a
solidification (mushy zone), the metal behavior can be estimated as a Newtonian material (further reading can be done in this author's… 2/8
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book ``Fundamentals of Die Casting Design''). Figure 1.10 exhibits several liquid metals (from The Reactor Handbook, Vol. Atomic
Energy Commission AECD-3646 U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. May 1995 p. 258.)
In case ``ordinary'' fluids where information is limit, Hougen et al suggested to use graph similar to compressibility chart. In this
graph, if one point is well documented, other points can be estimated. Furthermore, this graph also shows the trends. In Figure 1.11 the
relative viscosity μr = μ/μc is plotted as a function of relative temperature, Tr . μc is the viscosity at critical condition and μ is the
viscosity at any given condition. The lines of constant relative pressure Pr = P /Pc are drawn. The lower pressure is, for practical
purpose, ∼ 1[bar].
Table 1.3 Viscosity of selected liquids.

Chemical component Molecular Weight Tc [K] Pc [Bar] N sec

μc [ ]

H2 2.016 33.3 12.9696 3.47

He 4.003 5.26 2.289945 2.54

Ne 20.183 44.5 27.256425 15.6

Ar 39.944 151 48.636 26.4

Xe 131.3 289.8 58.7685 49.

Air "mixed'' 28.97 132 36.8823 19.3

C O2 44.01 304.2 73.865925 19.0

O2 32.00 154.4 50.358525 18.0

C2 H6 30.07 305.4 48.83865 21.0

C H4 16.04 190.7 46.40685 15.9

Water 18.01528 647.096 K 22.064 [MPa] 11.

The critical pressure can be evaluated in the following three ways. The simplest way is by obtaining the data from Table 1.4 or similar
information. The second way, if the information is available and is close enough to the critical point, then the critical viscosity is
obtained as
μc = (21)

The third way, when none is available, is by utilizing the following approximation
−−−− 2/3
μc = √M T c v c (22)

Where ___vc with sim hat___ is the critical molecular volume and M is molecular weight. Or
−− 2/3 −1/6
μc = √ M Pc Tc (23)

Calculate the reduced pressure and the reduced temperature and from the Figure 1.11 obtain the reduced viscosity.

Example 1.4
Estimate the viscosity of oxygen, O2 at 100∘ C and 20[Bar].

Solution 1.4
N sec
Pc = 50.35[Bar] T c = 154.4 and therefore μc = 18 [ ] The value of the reduced temperature is

N sec
[ ] (24)
m… 3/8
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The value of the reduced pressure is

Pr ∼ ∼ 0.4 (25)

From Figure 1.11 it can be obtained μr ∼ 1.2 and the predicted viscosity is
T able

μ = μc ( ) = 18 × 1.2 = 21.6[N sec/m ] (26)

Fig. 1.11. Reduced viscosity as a function of the reduced temperature.… 4/8
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Fig. 1.12. Reduced viscosity as a function of the reduced temperature.

In general the viscosity of liquid mixture has to be evaluated experimentally. Even for homogeneous mixture, there isn't silver bullet to
estimate the viscosity. In this book, only the mixture of low density gases is discussed for analytical expression. For most cases, the
following Wilke's correlation for gas at low density provides a result in a reasonable range.
xi μi
μmix = ∑ (27)
∑ xi ϕij
i=1 j=1

where ϕij is defined as \[\phi_{ij} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{8}}\sqrt{1+\frac{M_i}{M_j}}(1+\sqrt{\frac{mu_i}{mu_j}}{\frac{M_j}{M_i})^2\)

n the number of the chemical components in the mixture
xi is the mole fraction of component i
\mu_{i} the viscosity of component i
The subscript i should be used for the j index.
The dimensionless parameter ϕij
is equal to one when i = j . The mixture viscosity is highly nonlinear function of the fractions of the components.

Example 1.5
Calculate the viscosity of a mixture (air) made of 20% oxygen, O2 and 80% nitrogen N2 for the temperature of 20∘ C.

Solution 1.5
The following table summarizes the known details
Table summary 1.

Component Molecular Weight, M Fraction, x Viscosity, μ

O2 32. 0.2 0.0000203

N2 28. 0.8 0.00001754

Table summary 2.… 5/8
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i j M i /M j μi /μj Φij

1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0

1 2 1.143 1.157 1.0024

2 1 0.875 .86 0.996

2 2 1.0 1.0 1.

0.2 × 0.0000203
μmix ∼ + (
0.2 × 1.0 + 0.8 × 1.0024

0.8 × 0.00001754 N sec

∼ 0.0000181 [ ]
0.2 × 0.996 + 0.8 × 1.0 m

N sec
The observed value is ∼ 0.0000182 [ ] .

In very low pressure, in theory, the viscosity is only a function of the temperature with a ``simple'' molecular structure. For gases with
very long molecular structure or complexity structure these formulas cannot be applied. For some mixtures of two liquids it was
observed that at a low shear stress, the viscosity is dominated by a liquid with high viscosity and at high shear stress to be dominated
by a liquid with the low viscosity liquid. The higher viscosity is more dominate at low shear stress. Reiner and Phillippoff suggested
the following formula:

⎛ ⎞
dU x 1
= ⎜

⎟ xy (29)
μ 0 −μ ∞
μ∞ +
⎝ τxy
2 ⎠
1+( )

Where the term μ∞ is the experimental value at high shear stress. The term μ0 is the experimental viscosity at shear stress approaching
zero. The term τs is the characteristic shear stress of the mixture. An example for values for this formula, for Molten Sulfur at
temperature 120∘ C are μ∞ = 0.0215 (N sec/m2 ) , μ0 = 0.00105 (N sec/m2 ) , and τs = 0.0000073 (kN /m2 ) . This equation (29)
provides reasonable value only up to τ = 0.001 (kN /m2 ).
Figure 1.12 can be used for a crude estimate of dense gases mixture. To estimate the viscosity of the mixture with n component Hougen
and Watson's method for pseudocritial properties is adapted. In this method the following are defined as mixed critical pressure as

Pc mix = ∑ xi Pc i (30)


the mixed critical temperature is


T c mix = ∑ xi T c i (31)


and the mixed critical viscosity is


μc mix = ∑ xi μc i (32)


Example 1.6… 6/8
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Fig. 1.13 Concentrating cylinders with the rotating inner cylinder.

of 0.101 [m] radius and the cylinders length is 0.2 [m]. It is given that a moment of 1 [N × m ] is required to maintain an angular
velocity of 31.4 revolution per second (these number represent only academic question not real value of actual liquid). Estimate the
liquid viscosity used between the cylinders.}

Solution 1.6
The moment or the torque is transmitted through the liquid to the outer cylinder. Control volume around the inner cylinder shows
that moment is a function of the area and shear stress. The shear stress calculations can be estimated as a linear between the two
concentric cylinders. The velocity at the inner cylinders surface is

U i = r ω = 0.1 × 31.4[rad/second] = 3.14[m/s] (

The velocity at the outer cylinder surface is zero. The velocity gradient may be assumed to be linear, hence,
dU 0.1 − 0
≅ = 100sec (
dr 0.101 − 0.1

The used moment is

A 
dU 
M = 2 π ri h μ ri (

or the viscosity is
M 1
μ = = = (
dU 2 × π × 0.1 × 0.2 × 100
2 π ri h

Example 1.7
A square block weighing 1.0 [kN] with a side surfaces area of 0.1 [m2 ] slides down an incline surface with an angle of 20\0C. The
surface is covered with oil film. The oil creates a distance between the block and the inclined surface of 1 × 10−6 [m] . What is the
speed of the block at steady state? Assuming a linear velocity profile in the oil and that the whole oil is under steady state. The
viscosity of the oil is 3 × 10−5 [m2 /sec] .

Solution 1.7
The shear stress at the surface is estimated for steady state by
dU U
τ = μ = 3 × 10 × = 30 U (
dx 1 × 10

The total fiction force is then

f = τ A = 0.1 × 30 U = 3 U (

The gravity force that acting against the friction is equal to the friction hence

m g sin 20
Fg = f = 3 U ⟹ U = (

Or the solution is

1 × 9.8 × sin 20
U = (
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Example 1.8

Fig. 1.14 Rotating disc in a steady state.

The edge effects can be neglected. The gap is given and equal to δ and the rotation speed is ω. The shear stress can be assumed to be

Solution 1.8
In this cases the shear stress is a function of the radius, r and an expression has to be developed. Additionally, the differential area
also increases and is a function of r . The shear stress can be estimated as
U ωr
τ ≅μ = μ (
δ δ

This torque can be integrated for the entire area as

 dA
 
T = ∫ r τ dA = ∫ r μ 2 π r dr (
0 0 δ

The results of the integration is

T = (

Dr. Genick Bar-Meir. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free
Documentation License, Version 1.2 or later or Potto license.… 8/8

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